12 ;/.r.g About AARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch x,*SH MAN TO BRIDE 39. WED ' ROCKY MOUNT Licenses; taker, out las? week for a r ,»y ar.d December" couple in N’r'ih County when 70-year-old *>«h»rt Carpenter and Miss Robenia < r ;harn*on. 35. were granted papers carry Eor Carpenter, this was his third , ♦ H to the alter The previous two r'-.e-d. one in death and one in di ce It was Miss Richardson's f: -=- attm.ept to matrimony. C-se behind the Robert Carpen-i , but more closely from the age f.-.dpoint were Bennie Perry, fth, a- Betty R.chardson Wiggins. 64. fit. 1. Nashville, who also got their licenses. All of which proved that ■J ove will find away . regardless c- ■ hat the children say. Everywhere in Dixie the white p-r-s apd individuals are hollering their heads off charging that color- i *<J American* are row ge-ttng pre ferer.tiel treatment by the courts srd the Civil Rights laws he:, g put into effect—even ore old law of Jfeeor.irtnirtion Days said '.o be r'arin* double jeopardy upon the whites who press for segregat.on *.-d ettempt to defy integration They seem to not be broad enough to 'et Negroes have ' a break and g chanre to "carry the ball for a wjjlle since they have kept it away from us for hundred* of years most especially s.nce Abe Lincoln said. "Let my people go free in eighteen Sixty-three Likewise, thousands of southern whites have rejoiced that racial trouble has broken out in northern communities, thus relieving Dixie land of much pressure—for the present. rugene Gilbert, president of Gil bert Youth Research. Inc . says * at the more he hear* about the mis conduct and criminnlity of youths, th* more he is convinced that this rfo«s not apply to childrep tn gen. r < V . . * • li, OUt Imilt / »•* ■ • v-hoee Atiilw.k has been wnrp.-q m one way or another." thus causing them to become anti-social A recent survey. Gilbert dcrlar. s. shows that around eighty per cent of these children interviewed did not consider 'good looks' as an im portant necessity for warm f> • i ship*. They rather strcs.-ed a go d personality, sense of humor. ; 1 hygiene, good manner* »•■;! i*‘ - worthy of confidence along wit.- cheerfulness. good grooming a d intelligence. This chimes tn with N A ACT'S fifty-year contention ’hat given a wholesome environin' r in which to breed; and be reared with .11 other prerequisites for g-x>d citizen ship—including education and ; >l* —NegToes can land do frequently' equal exceed the production rrr of their whjtr bretheren and sister Rocky Mount's energetic Alex ander H Bryant Sr who In re cent years has added real estate dealings to his motel operations and civic activities, attended the 17th Annual Convention of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers Inc. at the Sheraton Hotel. Phila delphia. Pa. August 2-fi Georgia's Senator Leroy Johnson will speak Sunday. Bryant is developer of Hillsdslr •Td Lancaster I’nrk residential projects, which provide upgraded housing for low-income families in Rocky Mount. BISHOP WILLIAM SMITH The Rt. Rev. William Milton Smith, presiding bishop of- ’>*«• fifth Episcopal District of the AMF Zion Church, covering the states ot Alabama. Florida. Louisiana and New Jersev remained over Sunday from the Bishops' Connection*! Conference of AME Ziomtes tc preach for the Rev Durocher I. Blakey. his old friend Bishop Smith asked "Why Do People Remain In The Church He deplored the fact that ' too many of us are against everything; too many are on the negati\« of ,tf* "Watch the re. • uho i» J have no monr\ for •*• < “h have to educate my child-.u ’ build and furnish > h me speaker said. 'lf vou watch tt people they usually nod up o' being able to live > crj.-y things which they set their hear** upon at the expense of th church "People remain in the church Smith said, 'because -oth : can bring greater inner peace to Christlan soul than to engac* :' the ministry of the church a - going to Slav with the church because of the Supreme Fr. -cere of God?- Student assistant ir>tn-*tor R-i'se.. Richer again, filled the p pit at Mt Piscah United F- csbvtenar Church while pastor J-mtrv Cost. r is attending ‘with three youths- a summer camp near Denver Colo rado. The J B Harreo* trwr'ed to Dee Cee last week and -pent three daw with the James V Bw-ve Jones' Dausuel family r- IV- F 'tn Street. North West D.v s- e! and Hamer. spent a hum ed few hour* to New York City Wednesday on Mrs. Dausuel was improv ing from a recent illness Charles Harrison and family lira. Sallie R Baker and Mrs ' H Barren visited their hospttaiaed FORD SALES and SERVICE ALLAN MIMS, tRCOirOI ATEB Taint ms t-tltl EM TABBORO ST. . aocmv -OUNT. n a T.'Z C.-’-fCLINIAH C., SATURDAY, AUGUST I, IH4 ister. Mrs. Lilian < Jesse - Jones in ! forfolk. Vs. Sunday. * The J. B. Ha mens were scheduled o journey to Asheville Tuesday to ittend the funeral of Mr W R Sax in. veteran independent insurance i nan, in bis eighties, who passed ast week. In Dee Cee last week we found j ind visited with Mrs. El.za Dickens rurner, 750 19th Street N East, a -.ative of the Whitakers community if Edgecombe County; and her niece. Mr*. Ruth Dickens Walker. IMS Fifth Street V. West Also Mrs. Sallie D. Leak of 5331 Fourth St . N. West daught t of Peter Dickens. Whitakers, N. C. APEX BT MRS. LOUIS! COLVIN APEX—Sunday morning was a beautiful, sunny day, for which we all were thankful. Only God knows what we actually need He sends the ram tn refresh our crops, gar den* and the bcau’.fu. flower* It ii also very refresh: yg to individ uals I wonder if we , thank "God" real- f or > tike ' power for grant ed and all of the E** V : Icssinrs tha* are A y tn stored upon us f by God only’ The lock service Thi ■BBHHHim '-riior choir wn« MRS. COLVIN in charge of the devotion Mt. W N Beaaly i* director and Mrs F. H Williams is pianist The pa.,-or. Rt . W T Bigelow, hi ought to u* a very interesting cr.i on. H i text i.ii taken from i>< f e> , l' 1 '" * M"iny '• , /»rx 'ddaH • »k> r v • V • .re Mr. mid Mm I.u- as. Mr and Mrs Hubert Sm.th Jr. and sen of Longhorn, f’a . grand .v; and daugh ter of Mrs Carc.lla Hu.ton. ar.d many others Visitors are always welcome at I‘u ,t Hap tst. Durmg Rev. Bigi low * prelirmnar •*. he read a Jet'er from H-v J 'lames, jaistor of Piney Grove Bap st Church of Crnedinoor. appeal ng to all of the churches tn the New Hope Baptist Association and "hers that are interested. 1o con tribute toward th. rebuilding of a church to u orshio tr. As most of mi recall for reason* tink i?wn. ti.eir church was burned, leaving them with,; it a place to wor-hip. F ust B-ip.s- tor k an offering of *IIW for that cause Rev Bigelow » > read a letter from the New Hi tx- Baptist Union stating that on lie- Sth Saturday and Sunday in \iig ist the uniiii meting will be he'd at Shaw University The let ter urged that each church p ease tie t■ res* nt< d in large numbers. Sunday night at 7 ;U>. Rev Bige low and family sponsored, a pro tum, priyreds of which wdl go ti ward their homecoming fund. Rev. Aveiy Hort pastor of Oak Gnu-e Baptist Church, was the | cm st speaker He dci.vcred a very ’ timely me' .i e The subj**et was Be still and kno •• that I am Gini It was \i \ ; .on food for thought. I.caeon, Clem Mi Cutlers and Ben j Hoed, officers of Oak Grove, led ihe devotion F-m! Baptist Male and Gospel Ct-.onise* rendered the music. Sick and Shot Ins Mr« Julia Bu’.'ock. *lr Lucius Tarker Mr t.'iiius Herndon Mr, Gerls • a Guy Mr Rnmest Jones. Mr H.-t nian W illiams and Mr Glenn Gotdston, brother of Mr Wil liam Goldsto-i We were very happy to see Mr Jessie Bullock out at he worship service though he is s-ill v ery weak The community extends to the Kersey family their sympathy upon -he death of the W ife and mother, Mrs. Lived Kersev Funeral serv ices were held for her on August V at 200 pm at the First Baptist Church Fnquav Springs Official ig was the Hev T R Cole. pas*or of Mt Zion Baptist Church. Apex Princeton News BY MRS GOLDIE HARDT PRINCETON—Sunday was pasto •a. day at Princeton 1 rimitiv* Pap t «: Church The speaker was Elder r tcher Coley of Fremont. The scripture came frurr. the Book of l-aiah %3-l-10. subject Who ha* ■ehrved mir report’ sod to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed * The mes-age was an inspiring one. enjoyed by all preeent. Persona la Mi'S Roberta Best was the »e«k --c d guest of Mr*. Nancy Howell arc family Mrs Carre J ones accompanied Mrs Nancy Howell and Mrs Hardy to visit Mr and Mr* Alton Faiaon. Sr of Route I. Princeton, along with Mr and Mr* Jam.** Faiaor and Mr and Mrs Alton Ibiaon Jr * The junior choir of Mt Zion Holl nss Church accompanied B*shop Clinton Hodces *r>d other, to Lil- Imgtor to Jordan Temple Sunday ev cr.ing. Misses Lird* Parker and Carolyn Atkinson, delegate* of St Stever. Disciple Church of Princeton at j tended the Sunday School Conven tion. held ir Wilson. Friday. Satur ; day. Sunday They were the fuest* of Mr*. Olivia Jooe* of Vrtlaon Their trip was most enjoyabla. Sandra. Ins ard Bryan Massey ■pent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs Lfla William* .of Princeton S -Sgt and Mr* Alton Massey and daughter visited Mr aid Mrs i Leon Massey also Rev and Mr*. Richardson visited them Sunday *f | Larry kWilhams will ceVebrate his PRESBYTERIANS WHO PAINTED ELM CITY CHURCH—An integrated froup of Pennsylvanians, New York ers, Tarheelians and Virginians are shown as they planned to re sume the painting and Bible school of the First United Presby terian Church of Elm City, a small 800-popu/afion commumr\ m Wilson County, near Rocky Mount. A previous group oi youths, with adult leaders, had been driven from the summer camp protect by the Ku Klux Klan. The above group consisted of two married couples, ministers, college students and church members They completed the protect under heavy Highway Pa- METHOD j BY MISS DORA D STROUTK CHURCHES Christian Tahrnarlr METHOD—R< v Harris ar.d his congregation enjoyed a wonderful; tune Sunday morning The Rev j Mr Hams always has messages of j inspiration to tiring his hearers, and all members and friends are j .eager to hear him The choir ren- l riered lovely «r isir as they always do \mm rr«jry nervire at hit Janies The first week of jervs •* for P.. - -iii J S’ Sdeart-s at ot James A?,IE Church - nded Friday rush:. It was quite a .-uccess Each : ght a fine minister and choir or a musical j group was heard which was a great - m-lj> to all The Little Sunbeam Choir of St James Church is giv ing sweet services in song at any time needed anl people large and small are spiritually uplifted by ttieir sw, et young voices Their leader and pianist. Mrs Ferguson, is awiy on vacation but they sing ngh* on. without the mu sic The anniversary service will continue through this week with a rood speaker each n.ght, Bovlan Chapel and Pir.ey Grove AME Chunhes will ipmsor one night each for the anniversary. All are most cordially invited to come to the services 2nd Sunday Ser-vlees Oak City Bap utt ar.d St James \ME will have services Sunday in !l o clock Rev Sha- *. his senior cheur and members wire at Boylan Chapel AMF Church Sunday morning A gieat work is bins carried on at said church They are in the pio rt-ss of renovating the church now Prayer Servire Each Monday and Wcdresd i\ >• prayer service nights for all « ho ran attend them Homecoming D»y at Cars- United Church -n Christ was at tended Sunday by Mrs. Louise Cur tis. Mrs Lucy Hicks Toole Miss Geneva Stroud and her boss Teddy and Butch. Mrs Fiance's Mut'en burg. Mis Annie Thomas. Mrs Jettie Matthews Mr and Mrs Ed ward Curtis and daughter R --c Elaine, with many other \-..s:tors from \pex Church. Manly e-t Christian and Durham chinches .and lots of others « are unable to re'call their names vve-rc present. The writer greatly appreciates the surprise give--- to her by her home church although tec! eg un worthy of any k d f c."a'- -- It is lovely to k-ovv -ha- thus with whom one was • . d and worked w ith for • us have not been forgotten when the yca;-.s crow shorter The pretty flcwct* atiei gifts of morev touch- .1 r.e -o the heart Gent K;f'< vo.i for v-r loving kindess The receipts for the h.-meeoming day were grand Sick Our sick are doing n.cc'.y »» ent Let them know th.at we arc Returns to Home In Trim Through an error iust wees we failed to give all of M s N>- ir Snipe* Jones name She -ev.: nod to her home in Men ph-.s Te-n recently after having * « • -h her two sister* here A FRIEND You call me a friend But do you realire How much the name implies It mea-s that down the year* Through sunshine and through tear* There's always someone s'anding by your heart And tha* your life and mine Crow richer m design And I would have you know Wherever you may ‘ go. There * always aomeor.e standing by your heart —By HILDA BUTLER FARR ninth birthday August S at ’he home of hvs parent*. Mr and M-s Leroy W.UiaTis Mr ar.d Mrs Leon C Massey M-* Annie Mildred Atkinson and ao attended the funeral of Mr Richard Howell Miss Linda Faye Atkinson spent the week-end with her mother Mrs Joyce Richardson and sons ; have returned to Washington D C.. after spending a week with her parent* here THOUGHT "Surely He hath borne our grief, and carried our sorrow. ye*, we did esteem. Him stricken smitten of God. and af flict Isaiah M i ft t ~ t* l • -TBiigiciiHNi'" Mp? .-M I ' j, IESEmI 2 r k HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS. SENIORS VISIT SHAW These high school juniors and sent or* who were attending an institute of the Ford Foundation at Palmer Memorial Institute, paid i visit to Shaw University on Thursday, July 30 Left is Thomas E Kee dean of students, who tool the pupils on a trait of the campus. Three instructors accompanied the students. Facing Kee Warren Geissmger and at extreme right are Miss Carolyn Willis. Edwin. White who are music dance and English instructore, respectively. Cary-Asbury News BY MISS >LAE N HOPSON CARY—United Chut n of Cr.rist —Sunday was regular service day ot the United Churc of Christ. Baptism began at 10 c lock Wor ship services began a 11 o'clock. Thu scnoi chmr was charge of 1 with J " Evan, at tbe ptano The past Rev. SM. Il.irrcli. ' k h.« te\‘ on Duet. Uth chapter 2 'h v* subject' 'Tithine f your earn He said ill that seems to ; v do - rot bi-!ong t(> us We only i .’ as a 11 ust Th 5 nu ssare « ■ food for thought Holy -■oomiun: foil .ved. The annua! hon-ecorr a-d tri bute to M -s Dora D S id of St James \MB Church. M<' vt. form* r: !y of thus community, a i a form er me— : f 'his churc- '.Vel ome address bv Mr L. G. G; -*oit re ;■ se be Mrs L. Oliv a Toole of C’.avto- reading by M-s E A. j Arr .v. -nd oreaen-i" ” of • he,i :t.- t-aske- of dahlias rd gift to M s- St: and She is :ch- school in - - home here for sometime before her fam ily rn ■. ed to Method Many of the \our-.c adie* whom she taught gave j rrirark, T-.s was a surprise to Mis* <t:rr ,d The guest speaker u as the Bov v C Steed, pastor of K ~che« Chanel Christian Church. Frauk n Guest usher, were from Mar v R'roet Christian Church. M--* Arietta Brown president. Ra . . V v'ors: Mrs. Furada Green and eh-ldren of Creed moor Mr* Sa \ »h William* and son. James of y'ar’e Temple Christian Cb Th of Fu. gh Mr and Mr* James Jor.eo; yr-« Frances Masserburs and daughter. Mrs, Annie Thomas Mtsa Geneva Stroud and other* -f R»- . R v Mrs L. Olivia Toole of ciay •on Mr and Mrk Jame* T Haw k -* and daughter; Mrs M trhell and others of Durham Ft — Aoex co me Mr P C Beckwith M'S Ev e-lyrt Bullock. Mtd Cwsxdav Mat thew* a-d other,. Music "as by the Christian Home Church choir ar.d the United Choir of Cam A nice sum was ack-'« edged Mr and Mrs Preston R‘ *o' Aberdeen visited Mr* L Ha* Reaves on Runday aftemocn A THOUGHT Trouble may drive you to prayer but r syer will drive away trouble.' MANY OFFICES are dispavin* thia sum by tthe water eo'.ler Dto cussicn of Smoking Proh b ed-" Catholic Digest August The largest Catholic church ia the U S. is the Shrine of the Imma culate Conception in nor-.east Washington. D C. the Catholic Di gest reports. trol guard after two or three attempts to burn the 60 year-old frame edifice were thwarted. At far right (in white shirt ) is Dr. Flo Henderson, Catawba Synod official, as he conducts the stra tegy meeting m the Mt. Pisgah United Presbyterian Church nine mties away in Rocky Mount. Standing is Elder Gaston, oldest member of the eight-member congregation of the church built m 1904. Lett of Gaston is the Rev. James Hutten Costen, station minister at Mt. Pisgah. who conducts services once a month at ' Elm City. Others remain anonymous. On wall is photo of Elder L P Armstrong of Mt. Pisgah. ( J. B. HARREN FOTO). INSPECTING LANGUAGE PROGRAM—Miss A Wawr gynaiak. assistant specialist tn the office of the chief of language development, U. S. Office ot Education, left, and Dt. Irene D Jackson, chairman of the North Carolina College Department of Foreign Languages, examine console of the college's new language laboratory. On an inspection tour of the college's NDEA French Language Institute headed by Dr. Jackson. Misa Wawrxyniak s pent two days on the Durham campus. On The Home Front Items this week from Wake. Forsyth and Halifax j Counties. > i CLOTHING CARE Since there are many com ptoir.u aout family trotting. Mrs. Natalie Wimberly, home econom ics agent, is enoouraging home makers tn Wak? County to buy e*sy-to-ctire for fabrics ‘■Fabrics mt as man-made fiber* and «eetel treated eet tens win save yea time at the turning board.” explained Mrs. Wimberly “Kalla aad seer- . sack er* are akta good ta aae.” FREEZE RIGHT Tlease follow the rceonsmend ed steps in freezing.' -s the ad vice of Mrs Lottie Hairston, home economics agent "Believe it or not, we still have homemakers who are not blanching *emk!tng> t bear vegetables before freezing she added. She says several of the home makers m Forsyth County have already had to throw away some of their froaen vegetable, because they toot short steps and did not blaixh their vegetable*. 4-H PROJECT TOUR The 4-H ers tn Halifax County have recently been visited by the home economics agent. Miss Ruth Whitworth. She reports that 4- H’ers are really working on thetr projects. Daring a visit to the home of Preston Janes. Mt» Whitworth observed the two sons working with thetr peanuts and cotton projects aad the 4-H girl with her poultry project. This rear, the en tire family raised cucumbers which they Jones thinks the profit from the cucumber crop will help meet th* expense of tha other crops Clinton News BT tt M. JOHNSON CLINTON—Mr,. Flora Bell and children, Dwight and Kevin. Mrs. Dons Monk and Ehildren. Evelyn and CamelL of Newark. N. J, are the house guests of their parents and grandparents. Rev. and Mrs James A. Moore of 912 Barder St Week-End At Atlantic Beach Mr. and Mr,. John D. Summer- j ville spent the week-end at the beach. Make Bnsine** Trip Mr. Henry M. Johnson and son Wardaren Corbett, motored to Hartsville. S. C. last Thursday on business. They reported a safe trip. Mr. A1 W. Butler of Los Angeles. Calif, is spending two weeks here j with hi* mother and father. Mr and Mrs. Louis Curtis of Lee St Also visiting the Curtis family is Mr. Joseph P. Hayes of Brooklyn, N. Y» uncle of Mrs. Curtis. Mr*. Etta Robinson. Mrs. Della Jacobs. Mr. A1 Butler and Mrs. Ada Curtis motcred to Goldsboro last Sunday and visited relatives and friends. Visit* in Gastonia Mrs Kennella Faison spent a week in Gastonia v,siting Mrs. M. M. E. Charlotte While there, she attended the wedding of Miss Ern estine Robinson and Mr. Alexander Robinson. The wedding was per formed in the Friendship Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Boykin of Gary. Ind- are visiting relatives and friends in Clinton. Wilmington and Goldsboro Mr. Edward Butler was ealld to Waterburg. Conn, to be a; the bed side of his sister. Mrs Dorothy La- The Veteran’s Corner Here are authoritative answers by the Veterans Administration to questions from former servicemen and their families. Q Under the term* of the GI loan benefit, can a veteran mortgage his present home to obtain money for other ex penses? A—Only for home improvement GI loans are not available to pay doctor bills, buy furniture, etc. Q —l hold a permanent olvn GI lile insurance policy. 1 need money tc pay bills. Should I eaah in my policy? A—You should consider borrow ing on your policy. You may bor row as much as 94 percent of the cash surrender value without los ing your insurance protection. Once a policy is surrender?^ Jjjr cash it cannot be restored. Q —l was discharged from, the service less than a year ago. I* it possible to receive dental outpatient care from Durham To Host AME Convocation DURHAM —An annour.ceTTien* from the office of the Program Co ordinator and Host Minister. Rev Melvin Chester Swann indicates that final arrangements for the Annual Retreat ‘ and Convocation of the Second Episcopal District of the AME Church are now in the final stages and all will be ready when the delegates arrive August : 11. This is the first time that the Retreat and Convocation has been he - in Durham and it appears j that all roads within the bour.da j ries of the Second Episcopal Dis trict. ‘Maryland. District of Colum bia. Virginia, and North Carolina lead to Durham. A record atten dance is expected to greet Bishop George W. Baber ard Mrs Baber a former teacher in the Durham City Schools Concurrently with the classroom work of the Youth and Laity, the Clergy of the Second Episco pal District will participate in a w e 11-planned and informative course of lecture* to be given by some of th* best minds of the nation. 500 Beauticians Attend Pre-Meet Institute In NY NEW YORK CITY Five-hun dred beauticians from over the na tion were students at the Pre-con vention Institute of Cosmetology conducted by the National Beauty Culturists' League m the Sheraton- Atlantsc Hotel. Th* Institute start ed July 26 and continued through August L One hundred twenty -»*Ten were graduated from the three- , t —ventiew ceurs* and the ad dress to the ehn waa Bade by Mrx Mildred Clarke. Dallas. Texaa. President es the Texas State Beauticians association Dr. Katie E. Whickam say, tbe course* keep toe beauticians up with the latest to beauty cul ture. The Theta Nu Sigma beautician* Sorority convened also last wec> with the beauticians and elected Mr*. Marvin Calloway. Buffalo. N Y a, their Chief Officer. Other elected officer* included. Mr* Dorothy W. Trosa. Phila delphia. Mr* Grace E Hill. Wash ington. D C. and Mr* Amanda White. Anti-basileuses. Mr* Ophe lia Blair. New York, and Mrs. Ma i bel Lee. St Louis. Secreanes: Mrs ; Cecilia Hale. Norfolk. Chaplain. Mr* Sammie Jones. Cleveland. Parhamer.tartan. Mrs Rita Jones Philadelphia. Sgt -a: -arms: Mrs Flora D Coatee. Los Angeles, His torian aad Mr* Margaret Fletcher Philadelphia. Dean of Pledgees. Mr* netcher. Basileus for the past eight year* refused re-election The Convention proper started cm August 1 aad extends through Au gust i. r.ier. who was critically ill. Mr* Lar.ier paced early Friday morn ing. Funeral arrangements are in complete at this time. Obituary Funeral services for Mr. Clyde Davis Smith. 523 Robinson Lane, who died Friday. July 24. were con ducted Wednesday at 3 p.m. a'. F.. :• Baptist Church with the Reverent J. M. Grimes, of Mount, Olive of ficiating. Burial followed at Sen! Hill Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, ZZ:* Rosie Mae Smith; one son. Jo'”- Calvin Smith of Baltimore, lid: two daughters. Misses Oletha An and Maie Lyr.dol Smith of tne home; a father-in-law. Mr. Cel houn Faison, also of the home; three brothers. Messrs Perry Smi-n of Clinton and Hallie Smith of Jacksonville; one sister. Mrs. Tish_a Wilson of Warsaw. Attending the funeral from out cf-town were: Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lamb and daughter, and Mr Ed wards of New York. N. Y.; Rev. and Mrs William McAllister of Fayetteville: Miss Ruth McAllister. Raeford; and Mr and Mrs. Law lence De Shields and children 4 of Greensboro Mr ar.d Mrs. Albert Butler and children motored to Columbus. Ga. last Saturday to visit their daugh ter and son-in-law. Pfc Herman Corbett and Mrs Corbett Mrs. Cor bett plans to accompany her par ents back to Clinton. Mr and Mrs. Martin Smith and family of New York City are visit ing Mr. Smith’s mother. Mr* Mae Smith, of Robinson St., and their i aunt. Mrs. B U. Jones. the VA? A—lt will be necessary that you file a claLn for dental treatment within a year from the date of your active duty. The VA will make a determination as to the outpatient care you may receive, RAMBLING IN CHATHAM BY DORSET! W. HEADEN SILER CITY—The annual revival of the Evans' Chapel AME Zion -Church. Route 3. Siler City, will begin on Sunday. August 9th. ar.d • continue through Priday. August 14th The guest e-'d.’.gehst •.» >U ! • the Reverend Lo.s M RicLardso minister of the Oi-i Gc-ar M-vnorDl AME Church. W.r " • ?. u T. - . er service will be hr : ; . - t 7:30 o'clock and pi - ' at 8 30 p m Cn S ;nc ;• =!•=.■ the Tr : D: ' ; chc.r ar.d m ?rr. :c - .. »:.:e Z r Cr. .r. -. ha-, e rr::r ■- c? 'he ?u v. The m c: m? rr . Revcrs -:i Percy W S' k. liver th, moriir.s se: rr.oa a: u.. il hi am service. Mrs M Z Singletary, presirrnt cf the Deep River Baptist Mission ary Women', Convention and a member of the Fayetteville S.a'e College staff has returned to her residence after a. brief trip attend ing the State Grand Chapter of Eastern Star Lodge in Columbia. S C .See photo elsewhere in this paper, i She is a subscriber to The CAROLINIAN. Mrs. Jewel Thompson of Gold ston has return-d to her nome from Lee M v •j H •• i! as * potient IMPORTED PAPE SCOTCH “I I . JfOLSi m I jfouse 1 SSUiI JIAID * _ RARE i ) SCOTCH WISH I U 25 QT

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