• ■*- my Kington Mon Kilted As F atal Blast Rips Into Jugular Vein i From Raleigh s Police Files THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES D. C. CON SEEK LOCAL MAN IN KATE The Raleigh Police Department received the following message from the State Highway Patrol, via teletype from Washington, D. C. cops at 4:13 p. m. Monds^^^ rape against Everett Jenier Einhards an. X, believed te be going te bene of Meads or relatives la Raleigh, N. C. Tbia subject made a long dis tance call Cram D. C. te Ba- Mgk awhsage TE MW altar Tha local police were asked to cheek and adviat the person to wham the telephone la listed. Washtagton’s message concluded, *Tf Richardson is apprehended, we wffl extradite him.” V ■Bk m f- : * STUDY IN PAIN Jenty City, N. J .: Sergeant James Simpkins carries an obiviously pained and badly wounded Louis Mitchell from the riot-torn Lafayett Garden Houses here early August 4th. The 18-year-old Negro was among many wounded during second night ol racial violence here. (UPI PHOTO). . CALM RETURNS /oner City. N. Pour-yemr-old Josh Carter h sitting pretty aa he rides on the handle bars el Laura PolYe hike late. Aug. Sth Normal relatione and quiet returned to this city, Aug Sth, attar three nights of violence. At the Booker T. WeaNngton housing project that had been the battleground hr hstmrtad pokes and rioters on previous nights, pokcesnen ftrttd fame ftaarfnrf Chatting amiably with civil rights workers. (U- Pl PHOTO). DIDN’T STEAL POME. WOMAN SATE Mrs. Margie Davis, 33, of Ml 1-1 E. Hargett Street, stated she •didn’t even have te take the wttnees stand” In test Thursday afternoon s hearing of a larceny charge against her. She had been charged wttb larceny by Mrs. Nancy Seats McLeod, a t Beats 9. Raleigh, la an tnalimit which allegedly teak place la the 3M Mask as W. Sooth Shoot loot Salarday night. Mrs. Pools said Wat tha eeas a tew warn rats after aha report ed It aliasing. (CONTINUED ON PADS 3) MEDIC FACES MURDER RAP - I ■■"■"">i. I i iJM.■'■■■■■■»■»'■ n" ■■—■■■■■ '*"" Wilmington's Dr. H. Eaton Is Indicted WHACOTOTON —a Now Han over County Grand Jury ah SGI Tuesday morning delivered an in dictment to Superior Court Judge William J. Bundy charging Dr. Hubert A. Eaton prominent in medical, civic, and other circlet of the Eastern Seaboard and pio neer Civil Rights worker, with the | murder of Mias Alma J, Frederick on July 30. 1063. A capias was baud for tha physician - surgeon, who has pioneered la hospital and school suits, and he wae im mediately released on 910,d00 bend. Distriet Solicitor James C. Bowman stated an autoepy determined Wa fr ad wist [ Uon.. [ The death certificate signed on July 30th, 1003 by Dr. Eaton, list ed the cause of Miss Frederick’s I death as Anaphxlactlc Shock from I Penicillin. Death took place at Dr. Eaton’s North Seventh Street Clinic which la one of the finest in the South. Was Frederick was school li brarian at Charity Public School, Charity, N. C. Her home was In Kennansvllle, Duplin County. (CCMMmWMW *) DB. HUBHST A. EATON ■ Bn— ■ ■ Jury Frees Man In Death i On Highway It took a six-man all-Negro Cor- I oner’s Jury, impaneled by Wake County Coroner Marshall W. Ben nett leas than 30 minutes last Frl , dsy afternoon to find ao probable J I cause against Zl-year-old George I Rufus Hinton, of 816 S. Boundary [ Street whose automobile struck so I 80-year-old man and killed him at I 13:95 a. m. Sunday, August 3. I Three wHsiais to the sad not have peaalbty avoided Mt- I ting Oscar Evans, whs lived at Ms W. death Street and was walking la the highway after being treated at Wake Mamerial Hespttel far a bead weaad. Be had bean waned aaly momenta before by two policemen against walbtag la the street One of the officers, testifying I stated Mr. Evans’ Mood showed a I content of 14 per cent alcohol. I when only 14 per cent is used to I adjudge a parson under the influ- The driver of s ear Baton amiKnii%»>MS. a white (coemumn'oM paox ay CAROLINIAN , ADVERTISERS Sin FROM THEM ' PAOg • Xseten’s Cam Store m-Cent-m* PACK 3 asedutca Faraisma. lac. Hu ism’istViniw FAOg 1 ?* n ** tU Acme SeaHy Ce. lam on ca Mu W. winters and Ce. The CagNad Cess-Ceta Realms ce Baieteh BeeSeeC M«l _ tsnsrztaZrc. StajoLrastoto ce. •mrksnmn of kaletch. toe. hdnJSSUiilwapr a stele* aevmss and tom Ae* e FAOE I wm% THE CA R 0 LIN I A \ . ■ - - ---■ - ---- ---- ---- --- . . North Carolina V Leading Weekly VOL. n, NO. 41 RALEIGH, N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11,1964 PRICE ISc Charlotte’s ' ' MB—nss— mmsmm —M— —m Mail Is Unfit,” Claims Attorney J. R. Walker Sum City To Rapair Own Home BY CHARM* »- JOHN "Thai building it unlit tor human habitation" said the Rov.-Agtorney Jamee R. Walker, Jr, 90, laefeThura day as Charlotto* dtp JaU. Ha also claimed the fadfflty should be In tegrated. ptamr mi fresh out of tha JHMfcor&taji held far alleged ly defying tbe ettp* building codes. He,' was In th# offices es no A native as Ahoakla, IWaMgr OtototaidK topßancas iajJklddM -oMetata 'cratiiriag^tbe* stltatlenal «aarilea as, "The gear property ewaer being able to keep sad haprase toe pre party when white real estate . dealers want to feme Me pear Negro ewaer to MR eat te Mam (cawnNofiTgii PAGE I) J Imm. /f -A I y^'dH ATTOENET WALKER W K A I M K Ml III llll—fc II H PmMt, INil VHTtin MHfi smalhm! a"flH toad Svm en ebem tee weebnsd, FACE • a. E. RaEm PUrUxm ram (terries Ce. es If. C, in*. FACE • A. sad P. VndnlVßnnte Cs. aad emor PAM* * SMwnririSwnjL. Pvpst-Cete geMUaa Ce. es UaUl.h ri> G m ll n Stetonniee and rnam amk Torm 'SamraaM* rad Sattr Ce. MOt ■ series Ce. es l». C, las. P OE paos n PWwt wamssli Ce. tee. PAOE M Dean’s Ease Oarvlc* If stem's Wsystds Kins Crie Stetsi^ tteTteM gspate terrteT*** v&szz asrs* ~ CLUB 54 CLOSED On* of seven pieces padlocked by po lice officers Monday morning was Club 54, E. Davie end S. Blood worth Streets, operated by John Stewart. (See story). Dr. Lyons Quits As Head OfNCTA Tha Mertb Carolina Teachers rector es Admissions, he will aloo Aosoelatlon has announced the serve id Administrative Secretary 2£ri£Jv A who 01 Unlversltar Scholarship /rn^T^innni^^y 7 .’. ra Committee, and wfll have general bLSS sssra < oS l s* "*■ University. Washington. D. C Dr. Anooaadad Dr Lyons arm aasume his duties at mmi— t M ' Howard September 1. 1964. wuuam •'r ll * l In addition to his duties u Dl- (cotmmvm am paw g» Will History Repeat Itself? Aeocrdtag to EUan M. Owaltney es 113 N. Mason Street to tonlth fleld, N. C., both Prsetdents Lin coln and Kennedy were concerned with Me issue of civil rights Lin coln wad elected President in 1880, and Kennedy in 1860. Both were slain aa a Friday and in thi pres ence as their wives. Both wars shot from behind end In the hest^ named fsbnstn sod both were Sstamea wae bora hi I6M and John Wilke* Booth, who amsssl natdd Lincoln, was born In 1838 and Lee Harvey Oewald, who shot Kennedy, was born in 1999. Both BooM end Oewald were southern ers. favoring unpopular ideas. Both ware themselves assassinated before going to trial. Both aSßMßinated President'* wiv es lost children in the White House Lincoln’* secretary, named Kenne dy, advised him not to go to the theatre Me night he wa* shot and Kennedy'* secretary, named Lin coin, advised him not to go to Dal- Mm MOkm Death toot Lt>- eeln to n Mantra and ran to a wareisnee. Lee Harvey Oswald toe* Kennedy fram * were beam aad ran to a theatre. Tha names Lteeela end Ken nedy contain seven letter* each. StmtahpmcstokU (COPMdBw P/M# 111 APPOINTEE —Durham bean app stated by Fredliat lgn af the Nnttonal Cfttosns Caas- Nams. M Mn aarved aa tbs Ceasadths et Equal tmplarmmt OppsrtanNy. Appointed by tl»e | Lnte^Prssidsnt j^MßrnratorT Latter K. Hod ges ao be addnaaad a fear state conference as Me AME Chunk In Parham Taoeday adekt Nab 7 In Crackdown On Bonze Seven house and business pla^i la Raleigh war* padlocked Monday morning off affidavits charging Mr gal whiskey traffic. However, before the day was ever, toe order was relaxed In two places where children bad bean lacked sat as their hemae. Judgs Albert W. Cowper signed the padlock erdsrs Pri day in Waka County Superior Court after Robert Hedrick, City Court Solicitor tiled aemplatntn asking that thf place# be closed.accompanied by affldaw * These niter In Me padlock tier erst John Stewart and r OMb 94. earner of S. .Blood worth sad B. Davie Streets; O. EL (Berry) Bagwell and Safety Tsai Company, tit W. Morgaa Street; Braes Evaaa’ piece at 111 E. Davis Street; Lawrence (CONTDreSD ON PAOI I) NC Teachers Stage Meet At Hammocks "Education for World Responsi bility” la the 1964 theme for the Eleventh Annual NCTA-NEA Joint Leadership Conference being held this wsek at Hammocks Beach in Swansboro. The foiir-day Confer ence will open Thursday, August 11, and last through Sunday. Aug ust IS. Pre-regtstratian Indicates a strong attendance of educational leaders from across tha state. Dr. Lois V. Edlnger, newly-in stalled president of the Notions! Education Association, will address the assembly at the Second General Session on Friday afternoon Mlae Edlnger. assistant professor at toe University of North Carolina, at Greensboro. Is a recognised educa tor In toe state and nation. She baa beee vtes pteetdext as toe NEA’e Department es end etee president of Ns Btvto teo es CJaasreem Taatosm and eel. state, end snM—l edxes Hen ii—Nliii Having earned her bachelor'e de gree In history from Meredith Col lege. she bepn teaching to too piedmont towns of North Carolina and moved on to become a pioneer In television teaching In the state In 1960 Mias Edlnger became praei dent of the North Carolina Educa tion Association, and began work on her doctoral degree, et the same time working aa a part-time in structor In the School of Education at the University es North Caroline in Chanel Hill. Speaking to toe topic of her se lected theme for toe National Edu cation Association. "Education for World Responsibility." Dr. Lois Ed- Inger Is certain to present a wealth of Information to her fellow lead en In too field of Education. NBA Consultants on the Confer ence program are Mrs. Elizabeth D. Koentz, president-elect, NEA De partment of Classroom Teachers, and Dr. John H. Starle. consultant for local associations, NEA. Mrs. K cents, toe first Negro to be selected to bead toe NEA DepartmeM as Claeereese Teachers. Is she s Nerto Cara llntan sod member es toe Nerto Caret tea Teachers Aaseetatteo. She attended toe poMIe kbeets as Salisbury, where she new teeehm special sdxrestex She received bar mtort degree Cops Find “Joint” Deserted GOLDSBORO - The Now Hops section of Wayne County ws( the •can* of a roadhouse shotgun kill" ing Sunday night. Lonnie Clifton Hicks, 36, Ot BeuM 3. La Grange, has beam eharggf with murder in the death of » year-old Woodrow KlrktaaA • M . Kinston The Mooting took ptoea at • "Juke Joint", end according to Sher* iff BUI Adams, toe place was dd serted whan ha and two deputiee arrived. Tha sheriff sUted Mat Kirk land's body was tying to Ms yard and said ha had been kill ed Instantly whan a shatgna blast ripped tote Ms togntof Hicks fled immediately into Le noir County, where be surrendered to authorities. He la being held'to the Wayne County JaU here under a $3,900 bend and wiU receive • preliminary hearing Thursday be fore Goldsboro JusUce of Me Peace Troy Pate. • •• * v "Kirkland was knocking seme women around" In Me «•«*- hense, Adams Is nested as toy ing when saked Me msttvs far gunning the dead nun, *1 told blm to leave them alone,” state! tha toiler. He said Kirkland then came a! him with a knife and ha ipn to h t ear and loaded hi* gun. Whan Kirkland fallowed him out. Hicks it alleged to have shot, hw: . deid ' s3|§g! ■■ a,'.Wig I L.ti Jmf f . f&r m wi -V. A L if ANOTHER FIRST . Mrs. Pauline H Woods, of Dnrbem. was recently appointed n com munity consultant with the State Deportment of Mental Health and became the first Negro ever to serve in tfete ca pacity. WIM headquarters at list Hillsboro Strati. Mrs. Woods’ duties win taka h r throughout North Oaraftna A graduate es North Cnrpllnn Col lege, Durham, when she earned (ha B. S. degree. Mr*. Weed* al ee received the M.S. PH. degree at NCC with a motor to pubKe health education. Mrs. Woods was a visitor In the offices of The CAROLINIAN Mat Wad- America’s Poor Mostly White; Look MEW TOPlC—Contrary to popu lar ballot tha vast majority of A* mtotato’ pear are neither black nor living la dspruced areas like Her lam ar Appalachia. These “forgot ten" poor are tha five million In visibl# white families who live bid den In city sluma Writing In the current tsana as Leek Magulne, Michael Har rington, anther es the best-sell ing beak. "The Other America.’' says that as the 94 mlllien fam ilies died by President John sen m peer, 79 per cent are whit* A family with an annual Income below 13,000 Is csugorized by the President as poor. Also debunked were other popular myths conetrn ing the nation's poor. Herrington finds that: Iflr The peer generally are net poor heaeme they are lasy; May (COWTINOXD ON CAGE |» For Students On Page M to (Ms week* CAROLINIAN, the aaatee es to.jatom.mdmtomsmlte CAROLDnAN*h > eeepe«C tag wtto efftetale es M» eeheel la expadHlng the Ntoi H weaM aermaUy tahe PW a student to find Me close. Next wM^jrajrifijmhiil 1 1 SS"". 1111 * -