wwb. i», i**4 '■ Z-i~± -- - < 10 PERSONALS CATTAOT WILSON, WiH VISIT Her cousin, Mies OlUe Hickman of Capteta Bernard WMean end New York City, accompanied her wife apent We week and with home. We hope Mias Hickman will his parents, Mr. and Mr*. Fer- enjoy her stay in Raleigh, ful wiUan 4Hi Pull • 1 * "*—* They left Sudsy te rttt Mr. RETURNS TO CHICAGO. ILL. add MMI Jeehna Basso— k Mrs. Peggy O. Edwards of PowellayUle. Fr«W there, they Chicago. 111., has returned - ill v u) wav Twk wi she home after spending the sum- Warid's Watr mer here. She was attending a t The tmu mm hi Summer Workshop at St. Ang el Mrs. wam."* nstlne’s College. Mra Edwards or ms. - waa also (ha house guest of - Mr. and Mra. Jaaae L. IV-oad- KALEIOH NATTVE PETS nas at D-4 Washington Ter- FnOsSOTION lrt-Lt Bernard WOaan. Raleigh native, was promoted to Captain on AIRMAN. MRS WHITTAKER July 31st, at Maxwell Air Faroe visit parents Base. Alabama. Ha and hie wife Airman Ut Class Isaiah Whitaker, will return te California after their son of Mr. and Mra. James whit v» cat ion. taker. 1001 Pool* Road, spent aever . ■■ m» ■' el day* visiting his psnents last FIRST PRIZE WINNER week Isaiah hsd a special surprise tfr. f r - for his mother and father. Ho was E. MX* BSj»|«g||daS gpu married on Saturday. August 1. to *?”* **ty» *» jy the formsr Miss Barbara Daniels W.‘ .■ * lading ladnstrtal Ed- 0 f Albany. Georgia, end arrived in ton Ihlkl this city with her the next day X! 1 .fiyr* 7 ' the only CAROLINIAN news . ""il_ w —. * hey ever to win a trip to the "■■■ sißMßiw —• WerM >setae. He aeeempllshcd tab feat by canstotentiy selling esnsimw auw 111 papers per week fer several NEW YOBH esenths. A IMS graduate es him TlsVi Iferissid Oran vllle Ugea High School, blah snter- TwreeajC* lutaraed home after «*M -ndw «ke ius year voting Tell til— th New York ead Is BOW sUtloned at Turner Clty. ifi vtattad many Biaaee es Air yeree Base, near Albany, lntorastjTtflo % itoWCttF“. Q*nd* lOEATHS iimTT hTmmiib ll* •"flima-’ iiMMimM——MM Funeral sarvtoa Sir Mr. Laray •rowa. who dted Sunday at hto bean. 3509 Fltagarald Read, were hrid Thumday at I p. a. at tbs First Baptist Church. The Bev. C. W. Ward aOtetetad sad burial fallowed te Mount Hope C Bundv«to Inc hide his wifs, Mrs. Jessie J. Brown, of tea home; his anther, Mrs. Cteorgta E. Brown, of Raleigh; and eoa son. Mr. Laray K Mown of the U. S, Artty (IVonce) Fuatra?—ri— B. tJrscp at 40T S- INwmi st dted Thursday at Wake MsmorUl Hospital, ware held Sunday at 3£o p. as. at Tuppar Memorial Baptist Church. The Rev. a N. Howard officiated. Burial followed to Mount •uvtvors an ana daughter. Mr*. Hassle Murphy. «f Retelgb: 4 Hrolham Mean*. Jamas Bridges at Washington. D. C; Lonnie Bridges as Oroenshoro. Olay and Ihriua Bridges, both of Halatglu d Grandchildren and II Grant Grand children. MR. JAMBB FRIERSON Funeral services for Mr. Jan— Frierson. 101 who died Wednesday at his home. 1119 S. Blood worth Si. war* MM Suaday at 140 pm. at Mount Hebe Church. The lev. Harman Mitchell officiated. Burial fallowed. In Mount Hop* Cemetery. Burvtftes Include hto wife. Mrs. Buste Pfteroon. of the home; on* •an. MR Qeerge Frtaroan, as Ba A JfICQUIN'S |llngjU]\ London Tower Gin pjfl] SJ9O \ Ch«rl» •< Ga. Ik*. Hi*-. A*-* Fmj^ JEPSl'ffiiQ Pepei-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh | *»W MLLSBOHO STREET. RAMRIQH. MOUTH CAROLINA «> TEL. TK *-1071 teigh, and one brother, Mr. George Frierson, of Naw York City. . sane. LORSNA COFIELD Funeral services for Mrs. Loren* CafleM. who died Thursday In Lumherton. were held Sunday at 3: p. m. at the Black River Orove Baptist Church In Angler Burial followed In Sanford. Survivors Include bar husband. Mr. Laray Cofield of Fuqua y two sons, Mr. Leroy CeflsUL Jr. of Fu quay; and Mr. Melvin L. Cofield of Oxford; one stator. Mrs. UUte M. Star of Washington, D. C: two brothers. Messrs. Oeors* Morris of Fayetteville, and Emeat Morris of Duncan. to K WMBN MDU BUV Ut. SAVINGS BONOS >OU MHLP BOTH VOOPtHLP ANO Clayton- Watson: Pair Weds In Wendell Church Rites WENDELL - The Lees' Cross Road Baptist Church here was the setting Saturday afternoon. July 11. as Mias Janie E. Watson and Mr. William Henderson Clayton pledg ed their marriage vows Is t I o'- if* spjk .. - Y s’"''- ' 4 f ; f • *'! l! V/. j MRS. WILLIAM H CLAYTON click doublering ceremony. Officiating was the Rev. Nilous M Avery of AshsvlUe. 1 The bride la the daughter of Mr. end Mrs. L. Barney Wateon es Wen dell. Palms and carnations warn the floral decorations of the chancel, liter sparaad with candelalabre. holding lighted tapers. A prayer iKir wit und. Wedding music waa provided by Mr. J. W. McLean, and Mrs N. M. Jonas, vocalists, and Mm. J. W. Mc- Laan. organist. Given In marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal gown of white silk organic and vanaaa lacs scoop neckline, long d eaves, tap ered to point over hand and prln earn skirt Her three-tiered veD of import ed silk illusion was attached to a coronet of baby aaed pearls. She carried a white satin Bible with hybrid orchids dtowered with staphanotis. satin ribbon, and tulle. Mrs Ernest O. lemberth attend ad her alster as matron of honor. She wore a lima bellarana gown with a scoop neckline, cap sleeves, lace bodice and full chiffon skirt £ar hat was a cluster of small lime lilies with a circular veil. She car ried a crescent bouquet of white BY MRS. MAY L. HROADIB "O God. .far auk hew es dronolr for each dark night of the Soul, there Is the radiance of Thy watchful love. So establish us In the Faith that In every experience of life we may shew forth thy praise. Help us. deer Father, this day to live more nearly as ws pray.” TUPPTR MEMORIAL —Church School began at 9:30 a. m with the acting aupt., In charge Morning worship began at 11 am. with the senior choir in charge of the music, under the di rection of Mias Val Jean Myers. Responsive reading was read by the Rev. Qeorgs Robinson. Due to the pastor being on vacation the serman was delivered by the Rev. Robinson, who spoke from the 33nd Div. of Fsalms and it wee enjoyed by all present. The pastor, officers, members and friends of the church are in deep sympathy with the family of the late Mra Ella B. Oreene. who was funerallied Sunday. The pas tor, Rev. D. N. Howard, officiated. ST. ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST Sunday School began at 10 aih. with the aupt.. Mr. W. H. Lyons, Sr., In charge. Worship service every first and third Sun day. You are always welcome to worship with us at this time. ST. MATTHEW AME—Church School began st 9:80 a m. with Uu. Sri»L’. LL. L.'u r .fc in charge. Morning worship sendee began at 11 am. with the senior choir In charge of the music, un der the direction of Mr. D. R. Leach, and organist. Miss Marga ret Holt Morning prayer by the Rev. George Perry. A wonderful sermon was delivered by the pas tor. th# Rev. J. F. Epps. FIRST CONORBOATIONAL CHRISTIAN—Sunday School be gan at the usual hour with the Supt., Mr. Sherman Lewis. In charge. Morning worship service began at 11 am. with the junior choir la charge of the music, un der the direction of Mrs. Pearl W. Smith. A wonderful sermon was delivered by the assistant pastor, the Rev. Miss Ruth Brandon. Eve ryone was pleased at the message delivered by herg WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST Chureh School began at 9:30 am with the *upt.. Mias Nante Morgan, in charge. Morn ing worship service began at 11 a. m. with the tots and Junior cho.ri In charge of the music directed by Mrs. Geraldine Morgan.A very Inspiring sermon was delivered by the pastor, the Rev N. E. Smith. It was enjoyed by all present. YOUNOS MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME - Church School be gan st 9:30 am. with the supt., Mrs. Della R Ford, in charge. Morning worship service began at the usual hour with the senior choir In charge of the music, un der the direction of Miss Myrtle A. Rhodes. The pastor. Elder Ltghtsey. brought to the congrega tion a very spiritual sermon. He took his text from Luke. 21:1. His subject was. "Look Up To Jesus’’ Everyone was well-pleased with the message WILLIAMS QROVE BAPTIST —Church School began st 9:30 a. m with Mr Phillip Alston, supt, and pmk carnations The bridesmaids werv Mrs Ro«,v had Call inland Miss Clara Wat son Os Clayton. Mra Joyce Middle tan and M .aa Ann* Barn** of Snuth ftold. Mrs Eva Clayton at Warran tor and Mis* Mary Coffey of Wen dell They wore shell pink dresses end halt fashioned like that of the hon or attendant ead carried cascade bouquets of white end pink earns- Dons. Kryste Avery, niece of the bride, wee flower girl. Christy Clayton, niece of the groom, was Junior bridesmaid. Curtiaa Cofield. Jr . nephew es toe bride, waa ring bearer. Attorney T. T. Clayton of War ronton. brother of the bridegroom, waa heat man- tfshere were Ernest Lambert end m Joyner of Smith field. Mkrion Hinton and Matthew Hesrtley, Jr. es Clayton. Avant Coleman of Wilson and Herbert Hicks of The Triitrttni woe followed by s reception In the Carver Elementary School auditorium. Wendell. Mr end Mrs Harold Crews served at the guest beak table. A graduate of WUUam Mason fiwpar High School in Clayton, the bride received the A3, degree from Shaw University, Raleigh. She to new employed in the John ston County Public School system. Out-of-town guests st the wed ding wwot . Mr. end Mrs. w. D Bryant end Dr. ead Mrs. D. M. Clayton end children of Roxborv; litas Jeannette Crewe and Mrs. Nettle ibrreD of Bound Brook. N. J, Attorney end Mrs. T. T. Clay ton and children of Warren ton; Rev. ami Mrs. C M Cofield and children of Lexington. V* Rev. end Mrs K. M Avery and children of Asheville. Mr L B Watoon. Jr. of Brooklyn. N Y. Mr end Mrs. James A. Watson end children of Fredertrkburg. Vs . and Pvt Frank lin E Watson of Fort Devons. Mesa. bn charge. Morning worship eerv ioes began at ll o’clock with the junior choir In lharge of the mus ic. under the direction of Mtaa Jacqueline Mitchell. A very enjoy able sermon was delivered by the guest minister, the Rev. Mr. Dur ham. Everyone enjoyed the man •age. UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School began at 10 aA. with the supt.. Mr. Walter Price, In charge. Morning worship began at 11 a. m. with the senior, choir in charge of the music, under the direction of Mra Nettle Harring ton, and organist, Mr. Willi* Hen derson. The sermon waa delivered by the pastor, the Rev. E. u “*~ OBERLTN BAPTIST Church School began at 9:00 aJB. with the aupt.. Mr. Walter Curtk n charge. Morning worship began at 11 am. with the senior choir te charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. Lucille Camp bell. A very wonderful sermon wee delivered by the guest minister, Rev. Mr. Walton. The Rev. J. P. Dempsey to the pastor. LILY OP THE VAIUY BAP TIST Sunday School began at 10 am. with the aupt. lfr. Mask Arthur In charge. Morning wor ship began at 11:30 a. m. with Mm congregation singing due to the absence of the minister and the choir. A wonderful prayer and song sendee wtu* enjoyed bj a!!. The Rev. Letter Rivers to the pae tor. SMITH TEMPLE BAPTIST Church school began at 10 am. with the supt., Mr. Elbert Ban dera, In charge. Morning worship began at 11 am with the Rev. Ray conducting the. eerriee. and the chorus In charge of the music, under the direction of Meads mee Smith and Holder. Scripture les son was taken from SC John, 11:- 35-30. Rev Ray brought a wander ful message from St Matthew. 11:26-37. FIRST BAPTIST Sunday School began at 0:90 with the sput., Mr. W. H. Taylor. Sr.. In charge. Morning worship service began at 11 a. m. with the senior choir in charge of the music un der the direction of Mra EMM. Kelly, minister of music. Call to worship was given by the pastor, Rev. c. W. Ward, responsive read ing was also given tor the pastor. Morning lesson and prayer by the Rev George Welters. He read from the Book of St. Matthew, 7:- m > '■’hfi'i. ffr' k- » ~ * / >- \1 My 5 ' .*!»-• $■ ■’ f. Y W MR. AND MRS. CALLIS N. BROWN ... wad in horn* ctrmnatty hen. Brown-Watts Vows Are Solemnized Here Ida Grace Deborah With of Raleigh, tad Mr. Callla Napolk Brown, of Durham, were united ia the eecrament of holy matrimony on Sunday. July IX all g. a. a a the home of the bride at «« Quar ry gueet Raleigh, with Father David & mckanoa frteeNn charge of Saint Tltae fcteopel Church, of Durham, a* celebrant The bride k the SaaghUr of Mr. and Mu dark taw es lekigh. Ik* gneae k Me eea es Mr. wad Mru Ayteh AJkn 1-30. A very tnepirlng sermon was dettvsrod by the Rev. Wallen, ae ro—at oaator of Paris St Pres byterian Church. He used as his stobjeot “The Church As A Be ginning.l* BTU was held at i pm. with the leader. Mr. Prank Hinton. In in charge. Evening worship began at 6:43 pm. with Rev. W. A. Min tar. a arista nt paster, delivering LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS - Church School began at 10 o’clock with the oust. Mr. Arthur WU- Hams, te charge- The morning worship ggrrice bagsiL Immediate ly after thg *iri*T Meson waa over. The Rev. Mrs. Mary Cotton delivered the me—ga. She spoke from “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled". Muels was rend—d tar the Rmlor choir, under the dt raetton of Mrs. Fannie Weehlng tooTwtth WUUam Ratcliff at the yi*iw Rev. Jan— Robertson waa fuaat speaker te the evening am ice. The pogtor is the Rev. SU Rgkiltff RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ZOOM Sunday began at 0:40 amt. Mr. I—He Osmphel. aupt, te charge. The tenter v loos were Jjy Rev. Bh*oy Taylor. The regular morning worship service waa con ducted bp Mm pastor, Rev. T. K Harris. Marie was furnished by the junior choir, with Mrs. Ethel Jeffreys at the eoneete. Rev. Har ris delivered a fine mwsgre Hi* text was taken from 8L Matthew, the 35th chapter, and the Mb At 4:30 pm., Group NO. I. of which Mra. Marie Moore to presi dent. entertained at a "Rainbow Tea** In the Educational Depart ment of the chureh. The affair turned out to be a marvelous suc cess. At 7:30 pm. evening serv ices bsgan. Mia. Annie Thorpe to church reporter. MORNING STAR BAPTIST Church School began at 11 o'clock with the assistant supt. Mr. L. J. Weldon, in charge. Morning wor shte followed Immediately with the senior choir In charge of the music. The pastor, the Rev. 8. R Spenoer, delivered a very wonder fid sermon, from the Book of Ro mans. 9th chapter. His subject waa “f- a v e d by the Blood." After the sermon. Rev. Ray served the oonanunlon. The chureh was happy to have many visitors. B. T. U. was held at 6:30. The Morning Star Quartet rendered music. A wonderful BTU lessor, was discussed. The bride, gtven in marriage W her father, chayel-iength wUt^^araT I ■kfTa'hhSt draped bodice with three tell Mirk o^eflh gabbingHl About Town ■ BY MRS A. H. THORPE THE BEST FOB MB I know not what the future holds for ms. But what is mine I know that Prov idence will give: And I will judge it fins I cannot always have tbs things tbet I may think 1 should. But whether more or 1— success. I it will be good.” VtaMtag to City Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Faueett, formerly of flits city, now living In New York City, were bare tost week visiting relatives end Blends. Also seen about town was Mr. Sam uel Faueett else of N. Y. Onsets at Parents Mrs. Mery Leu Brooks and son. Vernon, of Washington, D. C were la the city lrot week-end visiting jfs - ' RECEIVES HUMBLE AWARD ro tlon-eyvtem award*—*u'Slro which lessens the ehaaees es as ddental float osauWtosie hi ana section es the company's Baton Range (LentaUna) refinery, where Mr. Seett is eanpleyed In teal Pegnrtesent. Mr. Scott te Springs Boat, near Baton Bonge. He Joined Base Stand ard OH Company, new part es Humble. In 1943 at the Baton Rouge phmt. the nation’* larg est oil refinery. wax flower girt They both wort similar formal gowne es lilac and aoyal purple. Allen O. Brown, Jr., at Durham, and brother of the groom, was beet men. Ushers were Ranald Raid, of Raleigh, and J. C Scarborough, HL of Durham. MTs. Ann Hunt Jones, soloist, who provided music for tea cere mony. sang, "Through the Years.” “Ave Maria." and Th* Lord’s Prayer." She was accompanied by Mies Brenda Kee. organist, who also provided music for the wed ding marches. The background tor the altar was romp need of an arrangement of two seven branched candelabra sets, mounted floral sprays of Chrys anthemums, stephenotas, gladtoM. palms sad terns. A reception immediately follow ed the ceremony. Quest were tntre ; duced by Mra Joseph Walters, as j they proceeded through the rsaatv | in# line. The bride choro lilac with as cents of royal purple as hm color scheme. The bride, a t— Rslrite Debutante, attended Norik Cer togv to > teirte ■!**todsfu iriv tree he Btetegy a— Cl— totoy gree. reageettvely. He te egp rentty efteer es Yke Car—ro Ttroea, a bates weekly. He to a — mbsr es toe PHnee Order end Omega N Phi Ft—rut ty The bride ans ween an asaro bars at the Sstet Titus Bptoespal Church, hi Pgtori Evcirthiiif For •«• BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING CAROLBU BUILDERS COBP. itf-miiD— t RALEIGH, ic. c. I I at bar parents, Mr. end Mrs. Oscar Goode, es 541 E Cabarrus St Mr. Lanay Partin, Jr. of Chavis Heights to e patient st Wake Me morial Hospital His many friend* say “Cheer up Cel everything will work out all right" Faff— at Vaterans HespHal Mr. Wilbert Laws, of I Deri* 81 to a patient at the Veteran* Hos pital in Durham. His many friends also wish ter him a speedy recov ery. Visiting Grandmother Mrs. Esther Parker Jonas end baby. Jianette Carolyn, of New Yrok City, ere visiting her grand mother, Mrs. Della Parker es slk E. Cabarrus 81 ’ Haas* far Fonaral, Mr. and Mrs James Bridges es Washington. D C and Mr. Lonnie Bridget es Greensboro ware te tea city tost week to attend the fun eral of their sister. Mrs Ells Groan at 8. Psreoe 81 NOTE: You didn't do toe much calling tost week. Wa will be look ing ter you. Call this weak. Thadk mmflm ■ * * LEAVES FOR GREAT LAKES —Arthur Isknwa son of Mr. and Mrs. WUUam T. Johnson. 8r„ es 999 Sooth East Street, lum jiind He wO be leaving Monday far Great Lakes. | IMnels fer a six- WE OFTEN wonder how the hus band* of secretaries get along with their *ocr< tries. „ GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Printing • Commercial • Socul Consult Us flog Reasonable —. .... toarvroa PhOM TE 44SSS carcJlenian PUBLISHING CO. SIS S. Martin ttroaf RaWEteN. C Wicwsopff Teat a few Ba— at ynri>. h wm> ha hag hetero Wl WIU ha— V yen • Hswtef I | |B»pwp| [OWtUM* tsa. I

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