atatea. w. u. im 13 Hoppiog About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch '#»■. BAXON. CKBCI- Mill leader interred ~, at asheVille ABBEVILLE—TuneraI rltea war* «Hil August 4 from Bethel Seventh ©By Adventist Church her* far William ft Saxon. ag* 86, an out ttandjnghutinas*. civic and relig ious laadar in this the Mountain MribrapoUs • haH-nantry. Th* prin cipal eulogy was hy Elder a ft. Whits of the Adventist Church with the Bar. J. M. Vickers aaristing. An outstanding tribute to Mr. Beaton'S prowess as a businessman ana suSesssful insurance agency di rector was ovMsnaed by a special trip to the funeral fay Mr. P. Webb Casey, president of the National Aesfdral and Health tasuraaoe Company of Philadelphia, Ptnna. Beam has direetad an agency force e< up cf forty agants tn North Caro line far atora then SB years. Fre quently the Boson agency has led Stumor roll for the company. fc— has also dealt extensively In seal estate enterprises and wa a school teacher in hie dative Laurens, ft C. community whan be quit to take up inaurance work because ho loons ho had e “gift" at selling which few people possessed. Basso's first wife. Miss Hattie Dandy. died several year* ago. He later married Mrs. Queenis Stew art of to* Angelas, Calif., who sur vive*, as does an adopt# daughter, Mr*. Opal Brodkans, Atlanta. Ga. Other survivors include two sis ters: Mrs. Maggie ft Anderson, TpsOeati, Midi.; Miss Jamie Saxon, Laurens, ft C.; two brother*, Rev. j. T. Saxon, Macon, Ga.. and George Saxon, Laurens, S. C. T. H. Leonard spoke of Saxon's elvtc work on behalf of the N. C. NACP Conference, of which Saxon wee a former vice president Mrs. Joyce Crawford sang a solo and Mrs. C. R- Morman read the reaolu tioiu. Mrs. B. M. Williams has serv ed as secretary to Saxon for many years. Weddia Gabriel, Statesville; Rev. Vickers, Asheville: and J. B. Barren. Rocky Mount, N. C.; were sfnofig the Saxon agents present at the funeral. Mrs. Lucy S. Hairing, for the pest 15 years, an elementary education supervisor in Buncombe County, has resigned to accept a position as director of a three-year reading project to improve th* reading standards of freshman at Living stone College. Salisbury, N. C. Th# Asheville Board of Educa tion reportedly “accepted with great regret” Mrs. Herring's resig nation. Considered a specialist tn the instruction of reading. Mrs. Herring sat up the reading clinic at North Carolina College, Durham, and conducted it for 15 years. Cary-Asbury News Bt MIM MAE N. HOPSON CHURCH ACnVITIZB CART—Sunday afternoon a pro gram wa* rendered at Union Bdthal AMS Church. The guest speaker wee Rev. J. T. Car penter of Lincoln Memorial Baptist Church. Durham. His text was taken from St John, 14th chapter. Theme: "Let Not Tour heart be Troubled". These appearing on pro gram war*: Th* Christian Home Choir of Apex; The Silver Trump ets of Morrisvllle. and Th# Har monizing Six of Morrifvilla. Visiter* ware; Mrs. Pauline Mor gan. Mr. Allen Crawford, end Mrs. Luveaia Riley, all of Durham. Mr. Phtiup C Beckwith. Mr. Bbert Harris, Mr. Gahey. Mr. Doana and Mira. Mildred Heater for the build teg funds A nice aum waa actaowl md**L jgf nog baptist * The guast speaker Sunday after noon st ML Zion Baptist Church was Bev. ©tho Kearney from Rhgmkatte. Bev. Kearney delivered on miV—**"g sermon with music by th* St John AME Church Junior Choir. Other visitors were present •file offering was wonderful. PERSONALS in* Lucy Statten. of MB East Jehnson Street has returned to her home after spending some time with her m-te Mr. Walter Marrte, in Grenville County. BAHT SHOWBB A Baby Shower wee given at the heme” Mix Mary FdrreU on Farrell Street Saturday earning for Mrs. Helton F. WUnbush. Many nios pXIS wfTf nCtlvHu. MUSICAL PROGRAM A nautical program waa held to the Stomantery School gym Sun day evening, sponsored by Mr. jegiy McKinley of Durham. Thoae appearing were: The Ooa pal Royal Light*, of Anger; RUver Star Gospel Singers at Willow gfrtpgK Kings of Hill*- bdfo; Sunset Travelers, Durham. The 8. rad Tb* Silver Trumtets. aU of Morrisvfll#. . A WMB BATING teks care as tteaU". nrtnuia FORD SALES and SERVICE ALLAN MIMS, IIBOBPBB ATBH Trr ir — t-sin SBB TiBBOBO Bt. L. H. McCord, chairman as a com mittee eoUcittag jobs far colored youths, reported to th* board "that out at twelve Stsphraa-La* High Scheol graduates tested recently by one employer, only two met em ployment qualifications.” The ocoooi ooara promised to continue to hr to improve the educational standarda of students tor employ- CHURCH UFR LESSENS CHIMB Bay Cromley writing in asking: "Dose Leniency Reform*", say* th* FBI haa .found that there is grave doubt as to real value of so much leniency being extend*# to first offenders or youthful criminals. A recant study cf soma 86,186 cases showed that while “a. fourth at them had only one arrest, 78 par cent had bean arrested an average of 41 times each." And B 8 par oent at the repentant had raoeivad leni ency from the courts. Various figures ware cited to as tablish to* idea that leniency fre quently begets more crime—even more vicious ertm*. 11 of 14 special FBI agents slain have been slain by repeaters who had received leni ency of one form or another, Crom ley stated. He concluded with th* report of Judge Sam Tatum cf Tan neasee. who said of juvenile*: ". . . I have triad nearly sight thousand boys and girls under 17 yeert of age for violating the law. Os that num ber only forty-two war* regular in attendance at Sunday School or Church." For tela, th# parent# have themselves to blame. Mrs. Viola French of Cherokee was honored recently for “outstand ing service” during e Volunteer Recognition Ceremony st Oteen VA Hospital just north of Asheville. Reportedly Mrs. French, th* 54- year-old mother of eleven children, travels 120 miles each of three days in tee week from her Big Cove home on th* Cherokee Indian and walks a half-mile to meet a neigh bor who drives her to the Cherokee bus station. From there she rides lo Asheville and transfers to moth er bus which delivers her to her Oteen job by 10 A. M. for work. The return trip begins at S P. M. This is a volunteer service on the part of Mrs. French which she has done for more than a year. Patriotism mams to run In the French family. Five of her sons have served in the Armed Force*. Two are still in service. Her tot* husband served in World War One. Th* writer and Mrs. Barren have been very pleasantly received and entertained by Mr. end Mrs. Frank (Bessie Dausuel) Bailey of #SO West Chapel Road. Asheville (Just off U. S. Hwy 25 in Biltmore) where tee Baileys enjoy their retirement and cultivate their garden and fill their pantry by canning. Early childhood friends, tea Bar rens last week visited Mrs. Ballsy’s brother end wife toe J. Andrew Deusuels erf Dee Cee. ___ ‘Motes Singleton, 10 Phiffer St, is the accommodating stranger who permitted th* writer to change clothes in hi* home as we * rr tot* for the W. B. Saxon funeral. Singleton asked • b Si ant ß Mount's A. H. (Tuffy) Bryant, lira. L. ft Michael is *IU .abtoJ°J>a moving around, according to Mr* L. Reid and hubby. ARRINGTON-BULLOCK ■BUNION rocky NOUNT— Several friend* joined with many daacandanta of the tote Robert and Minnie Arring ton of Warren County £ to* ob serving of tea annual family re union, bald this ytar. at the well appointed horns of Mr. and Mrs. Jane H. (Beatrice Antogtan) EJH luck, 907 Leggett Road, Rocky Mount. Aqgust 2. Th# following daughter* efthe Arringtons ware pTOtent: Mr*. Pari* A. Jackson. Portsmouth, **.;»*. Salli* A. Boone. Washington. D. C., Mr*. Rosa A. Dunston. Macon; Mrs. Beatrice A. Bullock. Rocky Mount; and Mr*. Nellie A. Steven*. Newark. Nnw JcrtNy* __ . A nephew. Jamea O. Hunt, Ban way. New Jeraey. wa# at* xrmaaX with hi# family, along with otoar relatives from Warrantee; Balti more and th* Virginia Peetateila ■re* and Austin Texas. On a tunny Sunday afternoon, the crowd gathered around tea by becue pit and under tfaoumbrelte of the backyard where Hto sw beautiful flower*. Touching spirit ual music waa playadwhile tom group partook of mt and refreshment# after devo tions tod by BBamnn Hast The group voted to *et aside th* first Sunday In August aa a P®™** nent day ter future minions of tee dan. _ _ _ Significantly, an member* cf to* immediate family had arranged to wear tea same patten of brownish lavender shfrto. .or much to the Clannish appaareaao- Returning from Asbevflto teat week, wo traversed the mile-high (in some pieces) Blue Bidge Ptok way by Mt Mitchell andJSfind- Jfdhnbed down to Htekay and Newton. At Newton w# vtattod our Uneteßruc# Burton, Sr. dbmtetor. Mia. Ton Feed end fami ly. ire Boute Hted?!? ««> an. Juenita Bood Den, widowed daughter of toe late John Hood who w«burtodr#- fteikf at^the mTnadto during 1290-21. Thar* we chatted briefly with Mia _EH*a beth Dobbin* Mean* and ha_MW «»d nephew Also the kev.^atte Las AngatSs, Calif and his drier Mia Willett* Kuril (?) atoos wtth PLANNING DIRECTOR AND PRESIDENT Dr. Cftertoa W. On, hit, pntoooor ei odu omtion mt North Carolina Collage, contort with Praaidant Samuel P. Mmssis Jr. following Ms mp~ paintmeni mm director ei tha eolkg/e two-yomr planning afmfy. FOR FUTURE PROGRESS—A chil<f a broken awing (ion ground) on what was « town of a faculty cottage mt North Caro lina Collage provides a mute reminder that progreae it eomatime a accompanied by poignancy and heartbreak. Tha debrit in tha background of tha photograph h all that ramainu of one of three brick faculty reeidencee being demolished to provide a eite tor a now women’s dormitory mi tha oolhga. The institution hoe a $4 million construction and axpaneion program underway. Clinton News FRIENDLY GARUN CLUB MET CLINTON—Mrs. Sahara Moors was hostess to th* Friendly Garden Club Friday nl#>t, August 7. at her home on Barden Street Mrs. Iran* Hill presided ova th* burial** session. Fisas vara mada tor n “Cookout” an th* lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Dudly Mstthis on Saturday evening, August 81 At this than they will entertain their husbante. HEBE FROM NEW JERSEY Mr. and Mrs. G serge Oates as Englewood, N. /. are th# boom guests as Mrs. Flare toigh an - -- WSA. A »» f|- s■ , Mm absm lUTuUHOn 91TBCX. Mitt* UQWre V HW stater of Mr*. Pugh. VMR IN MEW JERSEY Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wariay and son roturnad to thatr hare* to Clin ton after spending a tow day* to Atlantic City, N. J. They site alert ed friends to New York and Phila delphia. Va. They report a pleasant trip. ATTEND FUNERAL IN CUNTON an— with* Vateon rad Mtas Lil lian Faison as Now Tosh City spent saharel days hare last weak. They ware called to CStatea to attend the Amaral at Peak naira Mrs. Dorothy Lanier. VISITS NIECE nr FULABEftFRIA Mrs. Betti* Thtam retnmad to her heme hi CRntoa after spending a week to SWladalphia, To. visiting bar aeiee and bar husband. Hr. and Mr*. Amst Bawdra Mrs Mary Oats* cf fcgtewood, N. J. ta tita hones guast of Mrs plans to visit all sf tor i stotiwes to awe a—a -tt BsNlMtt ftMIRIE Clinton dlmißf gam* nno Stakrad teSSra ofNmnrtg^Lft N.*? mt^^tSuSThawmai Cbohm 2mMniUik oodL fomfly* Mre Snsto Mr LaMar sf New HareaTcMn, fraattV sf hwpGte.||toSr > njrisfjn» IhsJlraTu toaMori' day fotos Brad BB atom Jiigirttai BtamVri «ketaam her mo tha. Mre. Hester Butter, Clinton; on* brother, Mr. Jsmae Edmon Butler, Clinton; one stator, Mre. Olora Crenshaw, Watarbury. OsnswStiautt , Among those attending the fune ral from out of town were Mr. rad Mre Jam Lanier, Burlington, Mre Ma* Baton, Mr. and Mrs. Thom** Latter, Sr. *nd frailly. Mr. Len wsra Butter. Mr. and Mrs. David Crenshaw rad family. Mis* Geneva Crenshaw, and Mr*. Mildred Lana, all of New Haven. Conn.; Mr*. Hattte Melvin. Raleigh; Means. Murrell and Edward Fataon of New York City; Mre. Id* ft Simmon* and daughter, Fayetteville, Mr. Jamas L> Sampson, Box! ore. Princeton Newt BY MSB. GOLDIE HABDT PERSONALS PRINCETON— Th* Junior choir as Mt Zion Holla*** Church ae ewnpratod tb* pastor. Rav. C W. jw+ Oh Mftfr+tt Mlntl ~ umaO^avsft^^for^arsmall fa*. Ytm’maT ever knew semens xj-si APEX BT MRS. LOUIU COLVIN APEX—Th* Gospel Chorus was in charge of tha devotion at the 11 o’clock worship aarvtoa at First Baptist Th* Bar. W. M. Phillip*, associate minister, conducted tea devotion and read scripture from tho uath raalma The pastor, tha lav. W. T. Bige- Blow, brought to us a very Inter esting massage. His text wa* tak en from tee Book verse, subject “The caU far all out religion.” It waa goed toed for Brought Visitors arershipping with us were: Mr. end MBS, COLVIN Mrs. Douglass Hughas, parents of Mrs. W. T. Bige low and. Mrs. Louim Benton, aU of Greensboro. ' Ravtval Revival sarviea for one weak will begin at Pint Baptist Monday, Au gust 17, and start each night gt 7:80. The Rev. I,inwood T. Dave, pas tor of Shiloh Baptist Church. Han derion, will be the speaker tor the weak. Ten other ministers and their choirs or chorus** and offi cer* have bean invited to conduct th* prayer aervtca, two each night Th* church#* Invited are: White Oak Baptist, New Hope Baptist, Providence Baptist, New BUI Bap tist Batsel Creek Baptist Watts Chapel, Christian Chapel, Cedar Rock, Shiloh Baptist MorriavUto and Hatchet Grove Baptist The public is invited to attend. * Mr. and Mrs. Lester Whitfield at Brooklyn. N. T. are spending, a week with their sister-in-law and family, Mrs. Louisa Colvin. Mrs. Whitfield to th* former Mias Thel ma Colvin of this community. Mr. Cadd Colvin of Newark. N. J. la vacationing at homt with his family, Mks. Louisa Colvin, and Teresa. Miss Sheila Balnea has returned home to Brooklyn, N. Y. after « Sevan-week visit with bar aunt Mrs. Louise Colvin and daughter, Term, and other relatives. Miss Patricia Bldgtlow at Dur ham Is (pending a weak with Ta ras* Colvin. Mr. Cl*react Mitchell of New York City is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cary Mlteball. Winston, of Rad Springs, and ether members to Bt Roe* Disciples of Christ Church to Wilson to appoar on a program Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Nancy Howell. Mrs. fUrdy and son. Alvin, attendad service at Shady Grow* Primitive Church in Plkevtlle on Sunday morning. The pastor, Rev. Robert Revis of Wil son. delivered the sermon. Shady Grovs Primitive Church observed its quarterly meeting on Sunday and many elders took part to the service The messages wer* well enjoyed by gU present. This waa a meeting that will not be MfUf for fatten. Mias Christine Rowell and her grandlon. Kevin. Me returned to New York after visiting bar mother and other relatives and friends. Her son, Eddie Howell of Princeton, ac companied her back to New York. Lott-Cftrey To Pittsburgh WASHINGTON, ft C-Aeeard tog to tha executive secretary. Dr. Wendell C. Somerville, tea Sixty- Seventh Annual Baaaton of tha Lott C*r*y Baptist Foreign Mission Con vention will be held at th* Rodman Street Baptist Church. Pittsburgh. Fa, August SI-September 4. Beitog th* forthsimtof saa riau. several foreign students and dignitaries wtn ha pre sented. Assang th* foreign vio- Hma w« lot MBs foam Krjjlk arend* JaranUah Walker, Libe ria. fnas fhapadi. Saute Af ' riaa, Vtoaant dhaghata. Nige ria. mm Basra Lyan. Liberia. Fredertak Ouha. Kenya. , His Basillwuu. Altx-Quaiaon- Sackay. Pmnanant Bepraaantativ# as Ghana to .The United Nations, will dalivur the Mature address on International Night. Sept 4, 1044. Fmmdte aw IWwTHW linPr oßlrel yaan fee tea history as the vretisni and. tore tbaasani dal agriaa will attend this Aanaal The music for tha convention will consist of a ISO-voice choir under the ter action of Mr*. Maudallna Jahaaoe. renowned music toaehßr ofWttoburgh. There will ba savaral missionary panala and symposiums presented. Various leaders from sixteen states apd tha District of Columbia will participate on th* program. , , Tha following officer* will jtei slda during tha convention: The Rev. E. A. PBrham. prati dant, Columbus, Ohio; Mrs., Mary M. Rinsoma. prasldant Woman’s Auxiliary, Biciimmid. Va.; R. W. Dalton.' prasldant. Layman's La*- gua, Durham; Mia* Mary Lou)** Walker, Youth Department, Char lotte. Th* Rodman Street Baptist Church. Tha Rev. Georgs L. Bo wick, minister, will ba .tea host church. They will bo assisted by th* numerous Baptist churches and other denominational group* of Pittsburgh and vicinity. * •mmwmmaaimmmmmammmammm Instructions To Aid Ligon’s 1964-65 Pupils UOOtoTS 1884-88 BTUDBNTB Th# following inatntetions art listed to Bid ligon students In to* eating tbeaaalvas quickly; (1) Report promptly between 6:48 a.m.*-8:00 un. on Thursday. September I, 1884. Orientation Is •OMdulad from 8:00 am. to11:00 noons (f) Aak information oonoarnlng homo room location from itudant guide. (I) All student* listed to gr*dn« 9-12 will report directly to home room teachers (4) All studanta In grade* • - if not Hated will report to auditori um for homeroom assignment. (8) All 7th grad* student* who attended Hunter and Phillips Schools during Bth trade, will re port tm Hunter School. (A* Hat ed). (8) All 7th and Bth grades Hat ed for Ligon School will report aa indicated to homerooms. (t) All students not Uatel who normally will attend Ligon School wll report to auditorium at 8:0# a. m. for assignment and sohOdul lßfc*n to: (1) Pay aU book fa**. (7th-8.80 par yr.; Bth-4.00 por yr.; Bth-l2th —4AO par yr.) (f) Joih lnsuranoa If daalrad. (f) Racelvs books, and (4) receive let Mason assignment. Benson-Four by mi Mulcfi. inm fei wor ship was Biu at th* St Jama* pis elpl* Church Th* call to worstnp wa* given by to* choir. Alter pray er ter tha lick and tout to* was also included. Th* pastor. Rev A. Williams, dslivarCd tp* sermon, taken from Bt. Matthew. 2j;12 It was a vary tnapiring masaagt and anjayOd by aft Tb# Bav. I. McLamb waa gutet of th* pulpit. Out-of town guests attending th* service ware: Mr. and Mis. Quinn, of tt. Louie; Mrs. Mary Bishop, of Coon, and Miss Evador Rosa, of Wash ington, D. C Evening worship was aponaarad by to* Joint Mission, with Bis qoeeder Alford prßaidtog, Th# Bible reading and discussion was from the 9th chapter as Mark with Rev. ft Wllljema answering th* questions and explaining to* varies Mrs. Mary Blsltep. Conn if visiting her mother. Mrs. Leasts Drangfeon. Mr. and Mrs Quton, of gt Louis, and family are vtatttof Mrs. Quinn's family. Ml. and Mrt joe l Johnson. Miss Evador Roe*, of Washington. D. C, is visiting bar brother, Mr. Mr. Elbert Boa*, family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Williams bav* netting them their children, Mias Annie WUUama, Mia* Martha Grace Williams, Os Richmond. Va. Messrs. Thurston, rad RoasvaK Williams of New York. Mr end Mrs. Jams' Carl Wil liams. are the proud parents of a • 8-4 to. aan. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Bandars tr 4 t ho proud of a mb y-” EJ: I S 4 Th2,bV Li rera Hr*. Bom wumbn no mb. Curtis. Bra visittng Mr Mughter tt Raw Yark. - OijHMMeiStai •erm.vm Dr. MoMurray Proves All White Alabamans Not Are Bigots Mtofuarey. who recently resigned sisj[)oo.*Ha gaveßhaYmli t CA LBBO of th# berZLats •Kw ununw 19 ukv uvii Mouier Sloe Church. New Yak City, prov- atomy. ad recently that aU whit* paOpl* Lomax-Hannon Junfor Coßafa, of this stats are not bigot* and dam- located at GraanviO*. rsaifoad Oft* agoguas. H* .returned to to# city 000. Milas Colly was th* ftofßHhfti and contributed large sum* of mon- at fIJMMi Dr. MaMnrray s*y« mil*, ay to soma local institutions and to is stiß soma atom to ba given apt otteirt. Ho to roßMPttbo? fejlt AIM WhUa paatortog has* Dr. McMur- Mater. Uvtopttan* CaUagk IIP lay built a number of friends, a- bury. N. C Na inatruated BWIB goog^tbacn^wM^a^ A. name publtthad. who g*v* th* AMS Sa Zion dS* I 'that dtt Elan mtohter a huge sda of mdnay going to make a dedatHß to m to ha gtom to wtethy Nagre or- work, to th* hep* It waiQd POT ganiaations. Knowing the ntoda of tit* hang* of to* danontinritoft M MptropoUttß Church Dr. McUurrty that African country* ■■■■■. Qp i■■ ■■■■■■■ ■ —■■ ■ ■ ■■! . ■ I | lj| pH* METHOD NEWS > s4l i ■ bt Mill doqa ft initoup , CHUBCHEg SSSat Oak cs*SdDr. Btroud. presiding akter of tha A. M. ft eSrdßunsft rShS had grand aenrioea. Tha Junta choirs furnished nuato tor each church. Regular aartio* at Si Jaotta Sunday at 11 a. m. Anniversary At Bt Jnatoa AMB Charoh Tha two-watk anxilvaraary iatv * was a Una one ina the tnsmbars and friends hare andTtte vlatting «Y> Inlets ito niiaiaa Mo #'isa*> m alow oumaroi, onoira « congrcgauorui inni rebVttd tram the meet ing gnd th* pastor waa delighted with the acta of klndnssa shown him. Rav. Mrs. Mary Frasier and the other sponsors sad due much credit tor to* Jo* wail-dona. BIRTHDAY PRESENT ThsTYtefo* Baoplas. WllUng Workers Club presented Rav. oaks tor wish for him many, many more birthdays. MISSIONARY CIRCLE MEETS Rav. and Mto. Shear** enter tained tha Missionary Circle Sun day. Mrs. AlUc w. small* will take tits next meeting in Septerti- A speaking contest sponsored by Gretgte No. 1 and f oh the Uat for Wotasn’s Day. was held Sun day night. All th* children war# gogd and those present enjoyed REVIVAL Rav Shear** will apeak for Rav. Dobnam *aeh night wank a* Clayton Baptist Churte) wharf re vival l|,iß progress. All whp oSli Th* oOngregatira of the Chris brats tiirir pastor'slßdv. Harris’, anniversary, th* week follow ins th* fourth Sunday. Oood speakers hare been secured tor odeh night. Fleas* help in this worthy teus* Rev. Ram is a fins miMSter. Let's show him our lovo and ap preciation by helping tn this as- SICK Our slek are dolnf nicely at tots writing. Vlatta and cheer win tiv* them a determination to gat wall. LADIES’ CLUB . A business meeting without any birthday celebration will be held at the home of Mr*. Edward Hol loway's Thursday night of this weak. AH members are requested to ba present and on time. Th* Ladles' Willing Workers com munity Chip. VISITING IN LYNCHBURG. VA. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curtis. Mrs. Louise Curtis and Miss Ross Elaine Curtis, with other relatives, motored to Lynchburg Sunday to spend th# day with Mr. add Mrs. Foculer and family. Other rets- Gilbeys Gin Im w g gray aim - - Mother* rad Oread ;Mottrig bs*t>* C U turn U hare and from ClrttiuL QUB She Is a trend parson sad is wor thy of any rad all honors con ferred on her. May ah* ha wtth npr children and friends a long Wm,: to oom*. Ficnlc at Chavis Kalglrfs Fart XSVifiSXS&ILSft o’elook or 10:48 am. <- FROM ST. PAUL AME CHUftCR Mr. and Mrt. Bryant Bsthaa an- AME Church, Sunday aftantton,. The group rraUy enjoyed th* spacious lawn, beautiful hqtßg, kind hospitality and retreah manta. , . . Mrs. Alma whit# of Oreanabaro. wSs the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. White rad family, Sunday, the was gnroute to Philadelphia. , Remember to begin the db with friradUnegg and only fritnia youTl find. , . v Tog greet tho dawn wtth happi- Keap happy thoughts la mtad, thoughts 1 * (Uy '^ th P** o **® And paaoa will fill your heart. Bogin tho day with joyful soul and joy wW fill rnnf Raafß frUhAUnaa*. Keep friendly all day long. Keep in yaut soul a iriatMUy thought, , ' .. .. sour5 our heart a friendly eons., Are in your mind a word Os cheer tar 8U who Some your Nay. , . And they will bless you too. . In turn and wish you happy <Uy begun each day wtth friendly thoughts and aa the day goal on. Keep friendly, loving good and kind lust aa you ware at tha dawn Th* dav will baa friendly one, you’ll find. That you ware happy all day long through friendly thoughts In mind. —AUTHOR UNKNOWN —ii i i P WW*N VOU SUV > u»- SAVINGS BONOS >OU MILP BOTH VOOtoSSLft AND - -

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