FROM RALEIGH'S POLICE. FILES THE CHIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES (CONTINUED ntOM PAGE ONE) WHITE WOMAN CHANGES ASSAULT Mrs. Annie Shaw. 80, white resi dent of 417 N. Blount Street in formed Officers G. E. Cox and D. C. Williams at 0:08 a. m. Wednes day, riie was walking back to her room at the above address, when she noticed a Negro man loking backward occasionally at her. The complainant eon tinned. “When I entered the yard, he was right behind me.” She stat ed she tried te get into the house, but he caught her at the treat deer steps and she scream ed- According to Mrs. Shaw, the man then grabbed her and threw her to the ground as she to beet him off. She Battered e •etched tight ankle and her urrkt was swollen. No further Mtitaswainoted eathe police BEATEN OUTSIDE THE HOOTENNANT CLUB Abram Bervance, 39, of 813 E Jones Street, reported to Officers J. B. Adame and R. P. Perry at 1:59 p. m. Wednesday, that on Monday about 8:01 p. m., Walter Adame, >l, Why “Good-Time Charlie” Suffers Uneasy Bladder Unwise estise or drtnktw smr be s •oorea of mild, but annoying bladder irri tation*-making yon fe*J nates, tense, and uncomfortable. And if rati*** night*. mrM* nnpdtip htTVt****, hendetiha or HE* eulMaeSsendpUMdoetoomr-mjjtloa, ■trsin or emotional nsMAam addins to year ntenr-don't writ-toy Done** fllh. Doin'* pm* set S wnye Jar UwO *► bufdder~!rriutfcn>*? l-A taSmlMte wonderfully mild diaretie action thru the kidney*, tending to tnemaso th* output of te IS mte of kidnor tub**. So. get the ■am* happy nliri million* bar* enjoyed tor over SO yoars. Poe oonemioaoo. boy te kmo ate. Gat Doan'. Pffla today! memeem jaa*^Be*HßßHH*u**a*H^Mi^aH DIAMOND RINO A*h*el<U«i«rtle« fMs«E.t59? GEM WATCH SHOP 86* FAYETTEVILLE ET. TE C-CdSt GO FIRST CLASS... Go Southern Furniture YOUGET... • WIDER Selection • BETTER Quality • GREATER Enjoyment • LARGEST Savings Prove It To Yourself. •. Shop Southern Furniture INC. IIS 8. Wilmington St. Raleigji PHONE TE 2-3252 . Final Week SALE! All Spring and Summer Shoes Up To lXy PD All Prices Prom $2.99 to $5.99 IgSP «l»|[ssriw *is “Rmleigh'i Bunaat Shoa Store" rg] THE SHOEMART gK • RESERVED Dial VA 8-3721. Rulogh J| Opm Friday mtm L— —— * beat him up with hie hands and fi*t* outride the Hootenanny Onb. 1100 Walnut Street, near Fayette ville Crossing. Sentence signed a warrant charg ing Adams with assault end battery, but the address of toe latter wee not readily known. BUND MAN BOBBED Wilbur Clinton, of 801 S. Person Street, who ie blind, told Officer* T. T. Street, Jr, end Joseph Win ters at 1:13 p. m. Thursday, that he went with Miss Sally Shroud, at Carroll’s Alley, to Watkins' Grocery Store, Smithfield and Persian Sts, and bought * bottle of wine. Mias Btread allegedly trim ad the store's manager that s m bill given him by Clinton was Clin tank awn money and Clinton ale# made this state ment. Watkins is reported to have glean toe change, how ever, to flu whmaa and she ie mid to hare left with Mr. Clin ton's money. Officer Winter* talked with J. W. Watkins whs informed hfaa he gave Mha Strand flu money heeanee Watkins hmghl flu wine. Na farther oxplena tton or action wee cited an the officers’ offense report “JONES TWINS” DENT TOOL Calvin Kadmey, 33, of 1111 Wal nut Street reported to Officer Joseph Winters at 13:37 p. m. Sun day that a number of auto tools were stolen from his car’s unlock ed trunk, perked near his home. The complainant added, two young boys may knew eeme thtng about the thefts, and ns; have “sold them to the Jones Twins behind toe Testae Freese,” near Fayetteville baying nay tools, nor eeald toe officer find any attar given permission to search. The 13 automobile tools were valued at 135. WHITE GEORGIAN CUT MANY Ralph Kelly Yancey, 50-year-old white awn. of 315 Albert Avenue, Columbus, Georgia, told Officers Bobby B. Coats add B. G. Lassiter at 4:36 p. m. Saturday, be had been uitang with e colored man when flu unidentified nun pulled out a sharp box .opaner (containing a raaor) and cut Yancey severe] times. The incident occurred at the corner of Blount and Bragg Streets. Although he did not know his as sailant. Yancey told the cops that he could identify him if he saw the man again. He claimed he was also robbed of $86.. < Yancey was admitted to Wake MemcrißH Hospital for treatment of lacerations on his back, arms and face. 1 WAS BOBBED:’ PABMEB Abram Dunn, IS, tafermed Officer to P. Rheartn at 1<53 p. m. Saturday, that ha stopped Mb produce ear to front of 41* Montages Lana and waa selling produce to Willie Thorpe of that address, until he discover ed that Tharps didn't have any money, as he took Me produce sad pat tt hash brio hie auto mobile reached the earner at Montague Leas sad E. Lenoir Street, he feaad a 48-pound bag of pota toes miming, bat sadly eon etoded. *T didn’t aae anyone ■teal them.” SNEAK THIEF FLEES FROM LIGHT Mrs. Juanita Anderson, 37. of 8 Roger's Alley, reported to Police Officers T. T. Street, Jr, end Jo seph Winters at 4:03 a. m. Saturday, that a man she knowe only as Ro bert end who lives at 534 E- Davie Street cut the front screen on her door about 3:40 a. m. The cemplatnsnt farther stat ed the eaen left when she turn ed ea a light Mrs, Anderson told the effleera she would find out Robert's last name and let them know. Damage to the door wa* estimat ed at $7. COP CATCHES “BAD MAN" IN ACTION Alfred Leo Hogan. 33. at Hogan Lena, Method, told Officer D. C. Williams at 11:44 a. m. Saturday, that Harold Allen, 43, of Method's Ligon Street threw a rock through a bedroom window at the Hogan home. As the eop wee talking to Bo gan, Allen was la the mart's book yard with a AS calibre rifle and proceeded to sheet It ones. HO was immediately or rested for dflnhergtog firearms In the city, and Hogan later eeau to the station and charged Alloa with damage to property. MAN’S THROAT OUT BY ASSAILANT Richard Hinton, 47, at 706 Ja maica Drive, informed Officers B. C. Nipper and O. C. Pratt Satur day night ha and three girls were te Evelyn's Grill, corner at South Bloodworm and last Davie Streets, when an unidentified man in his Wa started “eusring.” Hinton said he get up aad toe man ent Me threat with a raaor. One at the girls. Mha Betty Began at TO Jems lee Drive, r r and “heavy bulK." Na ana in tee Hinton party briMmr MONEY, WATCH STOLEN AS WOMAN SLEEPS Mrs. Katie Lae Montague, of 712 McDowell Street, reported to Of ficer D. A. McLeod at 1:37 p. m. Saturday, that rise went to bad a round 3 a. m. and at 1:10 p. m, whan aha awoke, aha discovered someone had broken into another room at the house and stole $3 in cash and a wrist watch, brand name unknown. No damage was done to the win dow a* it waa open and the thief Just lifted tea screen out to fain entry, Officer McLeod theorised Jr f* ■ ■|| cv' I NPI PRESIDENT—Lee Black dhaatorefNEGßO*PßESS IN TERNATIONAL, Mwty famed new* and feature aerriee with headquarter! at 570$ S. Mate Street In Chlbage. THE CARO LINIAN {la now rabeeribtef to tide service. * DRINKING KAN PALLS ASLEEP, SOBBED Jamee Yarborough. R, of Bt Bragg Street told Officer 8. B. Cobb at 5:90 a. m. Saturday, he waa drinking on the night of August 7, -had a little too much and tall off to sleep at my kitchen table." When Yarberengh awoke Sat urday morning, he dlaoevared that aomeeoe had atolen hie wallet containing about St When the officer arrived, he found the following panama had apent the night at the house: Mias Carrie Upchurch, lanes Upchurch, Ray Loo Meektna and Miaa Mary Lee Yarborough. No further action waa described on the report “CUPPED” AT EDNA'S CAPE Sandy Judd, 37. of UOt Marti St. reported to Officers O. E. Cox and P. A. Dean at 1:53 p. m. Saturday, he went to aleep in Edna's All Nigh Cats, 313 W. South Street and “when I woke up someone had taken by billfold and money.” Misses Patricia Bryant 904 E. Jones Street and Lenora Plaids, K4O New Bern Avenue, de clared Henry Brown and John Tyson were seated beside Judd and they saw Brown with a wallet The amount oi mnmj taken wa* not disclosed. SAYS CUPTON “DANCED AWAY” WITH 3*75 Mias Rosa Judd. 34, of Box 439 Apex, reported to Officers B. E. Marshbum and R. F. Parry at 3:38 p. m. Saturday, that she was danc ing with a short man. known only as Clifton, at the Latin Casino, comer of Haywood and Boundary Streets while Clifton held her beige wallet with $378 In U. S. Currency. However, Miss Judd added, as she was dancing with someone else, ah* waa Clifton walking off with her money and the wallet Miss Judd told the officers she was in Raleigh visiting Mrs. Lula Dunston. of 833 Coleman Street. No other action was Included on die report NEW CONVERTIBLE RUINED Lawrence Lloyd Johnson, of 1118 E. Eden ten Street, told two cope at 648 a m. Sunday, ha parked hie 1964 convertible Dodge in the driveway beetde his heme at lip. m. Saturday. When ha retamed W the am chine early Sunday, ha found hla convertible had beau alaah ad an the tap and au the (Tent buket scale. Both the tap **—* the teat* wart eat at least 96 to 36 dif erent Umea. The amount of damage waa eat at eeveral hundred dollars. SAYS MAN LETT HAT. TOOK BSB Mia* Elizabeth Williams, Os 1030 Cannister Street informed Officer* Lindsey Godwin and Joe Jordan at 7:44 p. m. Saturday, that Walter Bailey. 33. came to her house early Saturday morning and left hi* hat About 7:18 p. m. Saturday, aha elated she was vtttting next dear, and spotted Bailey eeos tag out of her boom and run ning up the atreet Mlm Williams said tt»e thou ran inta the house and found that $36 in currency had been atolen from a wallet under her bed She gat to the ear with tba two cape and rode around took tog far Bailey, bat be eaoM not Im» ltcitfd A warrant charging lawny will be signed by the victim against Bailey, who lives “somewhars an Lea Street" OPPICER SEE* TWO nOHTINO Mrs. Wills Norma Green. 38, of 3 Bladen Street and Vance Lee, 38. of Route A Zebu lon were aeen by Officer W E. Kidd at 8:19 p. m. Sunday, fighting "in the middU c * Powell’s Allay.” Both ware Jelled for engaging in an affray with their hands and fists. another con VEIIBL* damaged Herald Leslie, sf 136*E. Jeees Street reported to Officer E. D. Whitley at S:M a. to. Mon day. that betweea toe bams sf 11:11 p. m. Saaday.jndJJl^a. tap of Ms' IBM convertible Bfirk- The damage was estimated to be about BUM! TWO SEE CUTTING Officer R E Lee atated at 3:10 p. m . Monday, that he talked to Richard Chavis. 8. of Route 7, Pulyigh, and was told bp Chavis that be had aeon a man. whose first name it Charles chase and cut Lurma Haywood with a knife. Chavis also told Lae he didn’t know Charles' last name, but said ha lived in Raleigh s Lincoln Puk Wilbert Msessnburg. also of Rt. 7. hf, too. irttowd the cutting and both man said they could iden tify Charles if they saw him again CAR BAKAGED AS MAN Bay and Barnett, 41, of it* Shirlee May Radio, TV, Stage Star: Miss Barbara Ellis, Local School Tutor, Spends Month With Sister Miss Barbara Elite, a teacher te the Uaieigfc Public System, departed from the city on July Tth. After spending several days in New York City, the and her sister, known proesatonally as Shirlee May flew to Toronto Ontario, Cana da, where Mias Map reside* end works in TV and radio as a musical eemedy ringer. After an enjvyable atay te computed her rietar. Shfrtea. te Atlantic city. Near Jersey aad was delighted te ooe the Larry Maria Revue, where Mte* May appeared wtte date Cooke end Happy White. Altogether, Barbara aad Shirtee wore happy to apaaA a month to *Mko Hte’vtemted hTthe atty Both young ladtea arc flu daugkt kTute ri'l'oatarMte reported te Offlears R N. Perron wed R B. Raster at 13:16 shaved Ohartaa SayteaT^B- year rid Peri Bragg as Idler tele ltinutVfr WU MVMk* .1 m A. aenpnan or me man, nor eeuau teekVaee te the 888 Meek at 3. Bloedwertk Sweat and $» worth at damage was dene te CLAIMS WOMAN STOLE 888 Jerry Maxton Crete, at 1884 S. Lenoir Street, same te headquarters at 13:18 p. m. Sunday, and slgnad a warrant against Mtm Lucy Wlggino, at Boundary Street, for larceny, adding “aha took my wallet eon tain ing $40.” The oomplainant eeid the woman had coma to hie house salting facial products aad after aha left, ha found hk money and wallet had dona, also. EeeleSneielij r I—ln1 —In- '-* — 4 • N*m Aeurwee g-toSlZkr I*4 tie 1- Aoclart ggspdm g . owl’s aMtaem- * * Wanry «***• tarn u-totatken) 7-Kaiatplee 8 - Larisa 86-Itae ttarel) J-Jppumt a- Umwuefteg a*. hepMmm * * . 13 • Feaad tonrtom 84-OmaM 10-Tu teteai.) Mar H-DWWIW4 U • gwbaunm H-teeklaamnr 17 - Frame B-teMtenflmal _ .T. U-DayMeeca -FarnTtowlm w To*ies«afi* g-hneSS mlm* 33 - Wrttna eom -33 -Bteattwal mwm naialeenea* CawUta*) I.AkJ2»JLw* 1 * ‘ StT W * k * T 3-2217 i s:jj issF"'* Xt • hn**a aarit *> • AertraUaaMri 3* • ..jxmtt igineiii— innerm »i**i»* g• a w| *4 * Ftcnrta'e 2 • TMeerte Mj g *7 - Smell ***** (*bb.) lIHWg-fl » ' »«*•-• ‘-fW'y 31 -imam «0 lußh JWuWrlWjfimPl 40 - Luw. a jjjuWdplnl|j ijgljffivjil u £«?£«*■•* M h th* rtmntoa m ’oSSm lhm * HnSralfllomMi ’ 2 * tau '% “ * Hm'wiu i-Mkri IHWWInriW 11111113(111 u-iumkaa) iPo*s And Don'ts Put it 1* uit Tnt Co. Hot Oat <*• Wlodow. ere of Mte Nina KWa. who resides te tiie 900 block at New Bern Avo. In Australia: Dean Dixon New Resident Ork Conductor SYDNEY, Australia <NPl>—Dean Dixon. American-born Negro earn poeor-dtreetor. eurarntfeMdeoiag out been namriMteuidant conductor of the oNboaku, beginning next Dixon's eggekUmeni as aau faOewa other itetavauMnk ter kite te Bur apt. Known and bar aided ter hie eaudieting of eye* - major countries of Europe, he was director te the Getheu eenduetar at te* Itl-member Heme Oympheny Orihiehra at Preakterta, te Germany, ter Unquestionably one of the world's Bated conductors Dixon, ben in New York in 1911 at Wert Indian parenta newer wa* able to match hla European attainments In Amer ica. Ha blame* this on hla being a Negro. Thoroughly disillusioned, he wont to live and seek hk feme abroad. A graduate at th* Julllard School at Mink, he earned an IRA. in mu sic from Columbia university. Lari weak Dixea Tiir-rrrf tee Sydney ertttee wtte kb di rection of a rare Haydn sym phony and tmpreeeed them with hk eonduettag of Muhtar dur- a* • io«**gw 3* -Maetov 30 • Metrelleakrt *i - Alee M - vicaMne'e 37-Smell MM S 3 • Wuhee UgWy 40- Uses «f peasef* N-LMigM* 44 • Ootlegs Octree 44 • Tint m to*.) 44 * Die tt - ..-efaran U-KCMMM as -Brtaui tome) V w—fHfT RALEIGH, N. O, BATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 18d« He wa**impr#**lv# dogptto the tact teat hk right arm waa te u •ting to support a shoulder mueele ten during a rehearsal. FOR SOME REASON I aeeoekte thinking wtte smoking and so, whan I try to think es a paragraph to write, I light a coffin nail (ea cigarettes were celled In my boy hood). EXCEPT THAT I smoke, Mink and worry, I have taken good ear* es my heelth and it ten paid off nobly. UNLESS THE OTHER woman k twice as beautiful as your wit* and half your wife’* ago don't tell your wtte that aha (your wtte) look* tike her (the other woman). FOB FLOWERS Community Florist CORSAGES—FUNERAL DESIGNS—POTTED PLANTS FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS, ETC. *] 325 N. Tarboro St Day TE 2-8305-Night TE 2-2936 • 1 ■ MOTH'S HIGH & DDT PH so** *■ MsiMßkhiSmaiuHiM£Hij£Ri Distilled lendoii Dry 61s • SO Prssf 100% Nsutral Spirits Distltlstf From Braia W. A.TAYLOR A COMPANY • NEW YORK.N.Y. Lajsrl ■■ ■ r E W i <Rf lM£, m k M ~; —94 lb. SEPARATE FREEZER AND AUTOMATIC DEFROST m imMuroa aaenow Packsd with . » :ZTI Smfi 0 ** 1 X KVCKMOCI Unhid * MMKTBMMS WHiU* nu-mn * PORCELAIN MOW ONLY * Sra ran 1 : * rSiSr"* "“if WT TIRE SALES & SERVICE 101 HflbboraSt TE 3-2571 DRIVE SAFELY 1 ■ ' "T «n Fisbiiu styii: ThJn Evti r h«r OHLV.t 3

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