-V SITTING PRETTY —Mhi Queen Hines, a Junior at ART College,.tits atop a fence at the AhT College Farm on a re cent outing. She m a native of Maxton. LONDON OIL Bum* To Serve You ;\fh\illJC Call fE 2-2004—George London MMMI and always wake up warm. FOR RENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses ALL WITH HOT AND COLD MATES AND BATHS live m either a fint-elaat apartment er boaee Mo can of fer yon a| reasonable rental either 1 er « room apartments or I and S room homes. All these dwelling* ere located In nine neighborhoods and In Hret-olam repair. See Us Today For Better Living:! ACME REALTY CO. 129 C. HARGETT 8T OIAL fl > Nil "•NUW'UI "Mar' wih«M<uh «m «mo aaMipr «nv <m mmm« •> nt ew< mu m»um. r- •*'^rr*r' . ~ ■ ' -,j" « t■« ■• dO • « v,:\ - M m ■ psjmm m 4k .; r*:T , MoiH ' .' ? c y , <*f Wi Ml • ■ m ■ Mw: f&Mgk' ' rs% ifiyas % . ..• waK.vlT"* / r i|! V 11 flp' I^HHBBMhh^^H^^v Br ‘ it^. [ •. ,:*k. ' Starts with "C”... ends with'T... refreshing beverage. Coke! Coca-Cola—coW, crisp, bright lively lift (never too sweet) ... refreshes best things gO betteri Cot® THE CAPITAL COCA-CCLA SOTTUIfO CO. Keeping Your Plants Hsatthy Since cummer ia the period of moat active plant growth, iron deficiency in plants - suffering from iron euorosia or plant “anemia,” aa it ia commonly called ia more noticeable. Iron chlorosis can be cauaed either by a lack of iron in the coil or tan inability of the plant to break down the aoil’c iron. Iron is necessary for the forma tion of chlorophyll which pro duces the healthy green color in plants. Thus, plants without suf ficient iron lose this color, be coming pale green or yellow. As the condition progresses, growth is retarded, and the plants wither and frequently die. Iron chlorosis is widespread, occurring in any type of soil. Rosea, asaleas, rhododendrons, holly, as well as your indoor, potted plants are extremely sus ceptible. It's a problem that plagues home gardeners as well aa professionals. An easy-to-use and effective product for the correction of this plant "anemia” is Geigy Chem ical Corporation’s Sequestrene 830 Fe Iron Chelate. Sequestrene contains iron in a water soluble form, readily assimilated by plants. It may he used as a sou treatment or as a foliage spray. For best results in applying Sequestrene directly to the soil, dissolve it in the recommended rate of water. Then, simply water the soil around the plants. When using Sequestrene for spraying foliage, thoroughly cover the leaf area with the re sulting spray. Sequestrene, un like many other powdered iron products, will not clog your spray equipment. No matter which way you apply it, Sequestrene helps pro duce healthy green plants and more and larger blossoms in your garden. On The Home Front (Items Oils week from Cleve land. Rdffeemnhe and Wake Counties.) STORAGE SPACE LACKING Inadequate clothing storage space is s problem 6f many people In Cleveland County. Miss Thelma McVaa. home economics agent, says U women were traiqed recently to plan closets to fit their needs. They were given ideas on ways of using closet accessories such as shoe racks and multi-hangers for skirts and blouses. Mias McVea says they are especially trying to get Information to prospective home builders. HAT MAKING “We want to learn to make a hat to Wear, back to Kenya.” said Miss Clementine Butie. The womeh from l fPI * IR £ Hff *•' v " * *' *'• "v^. pU .. v ' **s* : V r . • • & ,v ' \.V ; ... I I ■ x I 1; lH n » SPEECH TEACHERS Teachers enrolled in the Institute for Teaehata Os Speech Correc tion held at North Carolina College, pose at a display of materials and equipment usad in articu lation tharapy and other phases oi speech work during an exhibition in the college's EduoatioO Building. Twenty-three in-service teachers ware enrolled tor the inatitute which ended Saturday, Mrs. M. B. Lucas of the NCC faculty was instructor. BT M E GARDNER N. C. State What's new? Valmeine is the aims of e new veriety of remain* which has high resistance to downy mildew, a fungus disease. This new variety was developed by the Ag ricultural Research Service. US DA. In cooperation with the Texes Experiment Station. Good yeild and quaility teata have been re ported. It Is also recommended for ether areas where romalnc is grown. Readers In New Hanover end other eastern counties, may with to try thia new veriety. Keep these two varieties of let tuce in mind tor a spring or fall crop in IMS. The varieties are Sum mer Bibb and Buttercrunch. Both varieties are adapted to all sections of flit sidle and are especially dwlraMe for homo gardens and local markets where a high quality product Is desired. They ere more resis tant to hoi dry weather than other lettuce types. Mechanical harvesting of blue berries Is proving to be a practical method of reducing labor during the harvest season. . The device consists of two rotat ing spindles mounted on a frame. Each spindle has 180 vibrating fing ers which shake the mature berries from the plants. Experienced hand picker* har vest less then one-half acre of ber- Kenya have epent a lot of time on housing tours and nutrition meet ings, but they wented to make something to show when they got home- Mrs. Haxei Parker, home econom lea agent in Edgecombe County, ■ays the women visited a shop and purchased materials to make a hat They spent on* day in a workshop learning hat making techniques and completed one before the day was over. LEADER TRAINING Adult 4-H leaders sre now help-, lng 4-H members with their 4-H canning projects. To make sure they ere gtviai out the correct information on canning, five food conservation leader* In the Fuquay-Varina community of Wake County were trained on how to operate the pressure canner In panning low add foods. They are now encouraging 4-H'ers and othgr adults to follow the recommended procedures when canning end treating food*. The Catholic Digest states thet one Catholic signed the Declaration of Independence: Charles CirrolL Tourists in Connecticut. Massa chusetts, and Michigan must git in volved in an awful lot of accidents, the Catholic Digest obterve* Tha left erm signal for slow or stop is not down ss In the other 47 state*, hut horizontal. Things You Should Know Rosenwalp^^ BoAN IN BPftfN6fl£LP, lu.- IN l«IT HC gOTESUSHtO THE ROSCNWALD POUND ATION EON THC*WEIL-BEING or MANKIND* ASStTS AMOUNT INO TO $ 40^000/0001 TMC« MWT JOS WAS TO SU»OftT CONSTRUCTION Os SCHOOL SOtLDINSS IN THC WKMSEBKs south-at a cost or# et, 40e,5*0! hc sotvto as Jv ATfwsrtwofTosrtsif AStmsnmosAvt RHtYM£A, SUIVOMfi 90S WSHfIfS H|TWprTY-ONt fiRBl ' * *‘."\- ’ *%i**%* trnntMMALtrtiMaimNtormtmußmmmtMUßemiteol ■ ' ■ l— —^sEBQ^i GARDEN TIME rice in an 8-hour parted. In con trast. the machine, operated by three people, can harvest over one half acre of berries in one hour. Bruiting of apples during grad ing and packaging operations has been reduced to a minimum. This has been made possible by refine ments in mechanical handling ei fruit during harvest. Many growers are now using 10- bushel bulk boxes for transport ing fruit from the orchard to the pack shed. This eliminate* the use of a large number of smeller bush* el field crates formerly used for dlls purpose. The larger boxes are loaded on trucks by either fork lifts, or a crane device, which works WASHINGTON Ah O "SMALL BUSINESS’’ B > : Wll O N II A KOI W there are aom* who say Chief Justice Karl Warren should be impeached. Others aay he should be hanged. But it la difficult to find a sound legal base for either one of these proposals; neither do such suggestioni reflect a good American Image. ■ Severs IV *. • tele* have®- dßm J already ap-H SB r j&- proved move t oB V t * amend IheK ronotltutlonß > to set up new type ofm,®. - && supreme In-® terpreter efORMRARNRI national tew C. w. Harder compoaed of the ehtef JnsUeea as the M states. It can b* air pec ted this movement will gain momentum. • • • Viewed objectively, and real istically, there is Only one con clusion to bis reached in re viewing the recent Supremo Court decision on the election of state legislature*. The War ren Court hat sewn the seeds of anarchy In the United States. The nation wee never eel ay as a timon pare demeeraoy, whereby the wfll *f lift Os the people cenM demand and enforce anything. Bather, ts protect the rights as mteeTtttee and *f property, e repahitean form as government was **- tabtlshed. The United States Senate waa set ny to represent property rights, bat wtthont ths power of taxation. The House of Representatives net ap to represent ell people, was given the power to teHtete tax and spending measures, s s * Whan the Constitution was drafted, this concept did net com* easily. The Jeffersonian group argued for a timon pur* * " ,lUI Swgßft. better In itodp orchard sites. You are perhaps wopdortag hew g 30-bushel hex of spp\as ten he dumped, without hruißni the Bruit, when j| ronehoo the grtddr. Instead of dumping the fruit fa| n wooden hopper, it ia dumped Into a Urge tank containing water. The apples float out end are picked up by ■ carrier belt or rollers, which moves them to the grading equip- The Brushy Mountain Apple Grower's Coop, is installing modern equipment In a new building at Moravian Falls. If you art In this ntlfhbortiMd. you ntv wish to drop by this fell and me the equip ment fat operation. tea opposed this idea, once de claiming heatedly, “Tha pan. pie, sir. are a great heaat" * * * Hamilton's feettags were hern# out bnt a few year* la*, er daring the French Bevehn Item see It 1* also largely forgotten that Hitler proceeded on * perfectly legal baste under the Weimar Constitution which provided no chocks or balan. cos. As a forceful demagogue he acted with majority of Ger mans voting for him. see Many states, when easting ay the U. A. Constitution, er fcenee la elected on repre sentation by namhara with rep fbmnlMlm Is (8t bssss acoerdteg to dtetrlcte. In those many states, this system has kept ths farm Inter seta from psiftsf dtortmtauLtorv IsUen agstnat the citte*, and has ate* kept oMtos from pise flß|f Ifflililli It tlx dwirfmesi mde ®* n|riQBIIBrC • * # * But now thdU.fi. Supreme Court, In a decision that te mere in the field of writing a new constitution, rather tedn interpreting A his declared this system Illegal. And this te dona at a tins whan law is being disregarded by mob dam tet Os pooplo at dxpreisnt thd wfll Os tho majority. see . Yhna, thd V. fi, finprahtd ConH now onsdrgda da «id greet enigma of modern mdA. id te ntehala auSS? * w*nt-.ai !• BnW udvlfisn ths United Stain* Senate flttgal UK eABOUJfUW uukih, ifTgiSSSnhAiJtt * im Man, 32, Burnt In Attenpt To i Sava Aged Friend Who WnOut j lame hath no man...so say* the He, in tarn, had to bo rutcoad $T ; SKT tel toba treated for bums m%ks. tdj burning building to rescue an back and anna. RALEIGH SEAFOOD j Fresh Seafood Daily WO a DAVIE |T. DIAL TE >TTdO I JOHN W. WINTERS & CO. FOR SALE i j 1930 R6AZ DRIVE 111.359.00 DAVIS STREET (each) ll,»O.d0 , .HU dr, VAf indodns (Full basement) -. —T* WufeKKfi? 'u&OO INDUSTRIAL BIT* - Mdywood a o«fesl ?L’hSS? T~~ BANDIELAND VILLAOE Lot lOOxISO 10,000.00 ★ ; HOMES NOW UNDER CONSTkUttIONi ail COS STRUT - per. and Mr*. W. A. BAtohow 781 DtLANKY DRIVS ~ Mr.. Uratn* Jenee . JOHNSON «T., CARY. N. C. Mr*. Blla William* LET Vi BUILD FOR YOVI ' FOR rntTHFR PfiTT.f Henry Brown or Ronald Carter VA 8-5786 LIT VS NANDLS YOUR RSNTAL ACCOUNTS! 507 E. Martin Street basement stare back-ta-schoot j sale l I !SS K!pT 3“ 1” pIAMU. »tf>P<R, •&*• jr > b*«ty lie* and NWwtodory WjW,. *«l*cttsn oT towrlto trimmed Hip# .. . wit* «htr- Sitwi i*A.trtM *d •l“ u « »wek, odJOotehte PS! tSV «tr*p*. wmu only. f-U. RASEMENT STORE OIKU MSBIONT STOSS SOM ■■* ~ „ ' 111 "ii ”.'.!!! BbYS’ slacks 16” 3” SJjLp 4 * ro ll i f*2 < rtfi Vef «•*"* ** l * fct *•« «*. *** E^^ a; '“ r cjzztjz.^ Sn’t men- ortj l-» din*, ho.- BASEMENT STOtt 80YS* IAHWKT STOAEROYS , MEN’S MEN’S CASUAL SPORT SHIRTS PANTS : NMI ' ' I*|. I.H T 3” 5“ down STEfuW’ He*ry r*Ute. Unc handKXM to yellow. »« «D*en>n pojrw n*ry, or emnbarry aoflda or JJT. '‘ ijjjjj* s~™- «ggf~ -* ’““* sa. BASEMENT STORE KEN EASEMENT STOSS MSN ZIPPER BAGS LAUNDRY BAGS 2 ,# I°° R**vr-duty Nylon b*s NR* au eoMon wtth d«*lo Smm opon from toy to bokwn*^.. eord. Otnorsuo HiE atn IF Ns* is EMst Mr ksMtoar | „,i r , | oWithfli books, mrti oauip- * motUI Btuo or fcrtnm. waonowo. •hop Friday night ’til 9! Hudson-Belk 5

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