THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11. 1904 6 WEEKLY MEDITATION BT COLIN DOUGLAS “In quletnc** »nd la ctnll gtnce *hall be vonr itrcngth." —lst M:ls. We all make a real effort to re lax when we lie down at night 'or ilrep And most of u* try to relax when we }it down. But how many of us seek relaxation in the midst of activity? That is really the time to relax, for we do our best work, even as we do our best resting, when we relax. / Whenever you find yourself plung:ng into some task with every nerve and every muscle tense and taut., try to remember to pause and relax If you are rushing down the street, try to slow down. Whatever you may be doing—mowing grass, weeding the garden, washing dish* at. playing baseball or golf, hold ing a business conference you’ll perform It much easier and much more efficiently If you leem end prsctice the art of relaxation. TWO MINUTEST HUH THE BIBLE A m S3TU •cam****' raHh, / 1 CMCiM 1L AIMOM # \ nUT s^'4l DONT TELL HIM A THING Many years ago tha writer’s fath tr, then a city miseionary, received l telephone call from a prominent ilrrgyman. "Peter." said the clergyman, “I’va got ■ young man out In the outer sfflce who teems to be in great distress. He says he feels he’s so grest • sinner that he’s overstepped Ute line and God won’t forgive him. Now you’ve had a lot of experience with such people. What toall I tall him? "Don’t tell him a thing; I’ll be light over,” and dad, and ha left immediately to deal with tha young min himself. Dad knew very well whet was the matter. with this young lad The Holy Spirit had convicted him of hli iln (John 18:8). The lad had coma to aaa himself as ha 1 tally was—as God aaw him, and seas any unsaved person, no matter how re ligious. No person ever cornea to sea his need of a Savior until ha haa first Cape Fear “A” Sunday School Convention Closes In Wade BY MM. R. M MfNTERS The 71»t Seuion of the Cap* f**r "A" Sunday School Conven tlon of tha Uhitad Freewill Baptist Church was hold at tha Mount Oliva Freewill Baptist Church re oantly with delegates. visitors and members from many sections Tha Rev. M. N. McLean is pastor of the hoat church. The motto of tha convention was "And yet there is room.” Conven tion Cowers, gladiolas and lilies. The Rev. Mrs. Margaret Williams of Fayetteville, preached the intro ductory sermon She was assisted by Rev. Mrs. Rosetta RUiott of the Rinay Grove section. Sermons were delivered by the Rev. Wlttl Hicks, president of the Sunday School Convention of the Cape Rear *B” Conference; Annual Church Chuckles by Cartwright 3 h'Jtx : 9^l "Could you spare two-bits for t pot of too? I'm «Mn# up coffoo for lout!" *gj FAITH... Faith i\ to believe. on the word of God. what we do not aee. and ita g f«ward to to aee and enjoy IKS Auguttirm XH(|gj| M i D Eg DAT AND NIGHT Ambulance Service OTUGKN IQIOTU Raleigh Funeral Home t «2 E. CABARRUS ST. DIAL TE 2-2&3S Kara*;**. ' i- .: .• '.A? ■ A tight, tense, worry-filled mind is not an efficent mind. There real ly is plenty of time for everything. There is nohing to be excited or worked up about. Just remember that God is in charge of His uni verse and everything in it The easiest way to operate or to cope with any little problem or situation in life is to lift your vision inward and upward toward God, and to keep it there in complete trust and in unwavering faith. The secret of perfect poise lies in the possession of a mind and heart filled with faith In God’s presence and power. When we trust God completely, we are never out of control emotionally. A relaxed, peaceful mind is a happy mind. Let us keep faith In prayer. Let us say to our mind, our nerves, our body "Peace, be still." “God la my salvation; I win trust, and will net be afraid.” —lsa. ltd come to sea himself at a condemn ed sinner before God. And it is on ly when we come to see ourselves as we are In to* sight of a holy God that there is hope of salvation. The self-righteous do not see their need of a Savior. What would He save them from; What have they done that is so wrong? This Is tha way their reasoning goes. It is only when we began to ap preciate the holiness and righteous ness of God that It dawns upon us that our condition is hopeless with out a Savior. Strange, Is It not. so many peopla have pictures of our Lord crown ed with thorns or hanging on a croas, yat do not really know Him aa a SAVIOR THEIR OWN Savior. But when we have been convict ed of cur sin and oui hopeless con dition before God, we are reedy to take in the words spoken by Paul to tha trembling Jailor at Philippi; "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt ba saved" (Acts 10:31). Conference, and the Rev. W. L. Jones, Ist vice moderator of the General Conference of Greenville. The welcome program was held on Thursday evening. Deacon Hen vention Choir, the Mount Olive Church; Mrs. Marie McKethan. tha buainesa enterprise*; Mrs. Carrie McLean, other churches; and Mrs. E. P. McMillan, tha school. Mrs. Eva M. Mlntar at Dunn, made the re sponse to the welcome program. A special question and answer period "What Youth Wants To Know" was conducted by Mr. Cur tis C. Ray, Mrs. Mary Brinson, and the Rev. J. T. King. Mr. Ray, super intendent of toe .Dunn Chapel Church Sunday School, received tha convenion banner tor reporting tthe highest amount of money in tha model Sunday School which was Burial Group Plans 100 G Site For Aged MIAMI (MFD - Tha Grand Uni tad Order of Pallbaarars of Ameri ca, Inc., an organisation founded in 1937 to bury the Negro dead, an- 1 nounced during its 37th annual con- ! vention here last week that its chief purpose now is to construct a 1100,000 home for the aged. The organisation, which holds its sessions in St John’s Baptist Church, beasts a membership at 8.000 to the state, with about 3,000 in toe Miami area. It operates sole ly in Florida. Speaking of tot order’s plan to shift from burials to providing liv ing accommodations for the elder ly, Mrs. Myrtle Brown, secretary of the order, said, "We have two acres at Fort Flares and we hope to begin building next year.” The order is new a charitable or ganisation, Mrs. Brawn noted. "We take ears of tha sick, assist in burying the dead and give fhm cial assistance where needed.” The traamrar, Joseph Paries at Port Plate pointed out that tha order's name came from its origin al purpose—burying the dead. Ha said that ykars ago tenant farmers were just put Into tha ground and covered up with dirt -whan they died. "People banded together and started paying due* of 40 cents a month so they could ha sura of a decent burial." As toe years passed, the lot of tha Negro improved, and tha ordar shifted its attention to other proj ects. Rev. Bollinger Accepts Post At Bennett College OXONSBORO The Rev. Charles Bollinger, of Liverpool, N. Y h»» beer* named director of de velopment at Bennett College and will assume the post on Septem ber 1. Recently retired from tha active ministery after serving since 1997 as administrative assistant for Christian Higher Education of tha Syracuse Area of the Methodist Church, the minister is a graduate of Williamsport Dickinson Semin ary (now Lycoming College), Syra cuse University and has studied further at Garrett Biblical Semin ary, Evanston. 111. In his Christian Higher Education post, he led Methodlets of Cantral. Northern and Western New York In railing 1300,000 to endow tha Bishop W. Earl Ladden professor ship of religious education at Syra cuse University. He Is ■ trustee of both Syracuse and Bennett FSC Ready For 500 Students FAYETTEVILLE Fayetteville State College is new preparing to receive 900 new students who will begin their classroom matriculation on September 19. Dormitories will be open to freshmen and transfer students on September • at which time formal orientation procedures will begin. Upperclassmen will re turn on September IS. Feethall player* win begin le return on August 39. All player* will he required te be preeent ea August 31. Official practice begins aa September 1, Faculty members will report on •n September 1. The orientation period tor new students will extend tram Monday September 7 to Friday September 11 Registration tor new students will be held on Saturday. Septem ber 12. Registration tor former sudents will be held on Monday. September 14 and Tuesday, Sep tember IS Classes will begin Wed nesday. September 10 at 8:00 A. M. 943 00 He also presented a film. "Yesterday. Today and Forever.” The film portrayed the evils of strong drinks Music was furnished by tha Con vention Choir, tthe Mount Olive Junior and Senior Choirs and the Lillington Star Junior Choir Teachers who served in the mod el Modern Sunday School were: Mrs Christine Black. Mrs Florins Smith. Mrs Roberta Dewar. Miss McLean. Mrs Spicy Brewington and Mr. Curtis C Ray Each teach er received a reward tor his or her untiring efforts Reports from delegates schools and members of the convention were heard Friday. Thu field work art also made their reports The convention went on record j aa humbly and prayerfully accept- I lag the passage of the Civil Sights BUI and asked that we Implement the seme by trying to meamre up to aU areas Efforts at freedom fighters eat the local, state and national levels were extolled by the convention. The next convention will be bald at Smith Temple Freewill Bepti* Church. Raleigh In 1903- Otticers for 1904-00 are as fol low*: Rev. J. C Smith. Raleigh. President; Rev G D McNeill. Dima, vice president; Mrs Victoria Daniels Raleigh, secretory. Mrs secretary Mrs Lana BeUL Fayette ville Treasurer: Rev M. N MeLeaa and Rev R T Fowler, trurteee, vxßiTvnuon n*SQ wuihiv vncot ware: Mrs Margaret Wats Ws Lula McNeill. Mrs Mary J. Baker. Mrs Annie Couacfl. Mrs N A. Bar- With Faith... You Are Never Alone Attend Church Regularly r l he oil well is truly a symbol of financial RN j . liiat lie would grant you according to the \, ; f> uifth might by his Spirit in the inner mani that that ye, being rooted and grounded in looe, may WBjk i 'l f\B I If- ' § in : ;:v ~ ; ~ ' I what is the breadth, and length, and heightt f J iKjg^M which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled / flflfUHj Thi Church is God’s appointed ogency In this world for spreading the knowtodgt of Hlsloyo for mon and of His demand for man to respond to that lovt by loving hh neighbor. Without this grounding in the low of God, no govwnmwl or society or way of IHb «■ font porsmro and the frndoms which wo hold so door will loewWably parish, Iboroforo, aw* from 0 selfish point of vf«w, om should support the Church for the sake of tho wotfon l HggH : of himself and his family. Iryond that, howivor, ovary ptrson should optoMad par tkipate in the Churth bacauso H tells tha truth about mao’s lifr H d*giny ; tha troth which along will sat him frea to Bva ai a child of fiat t THIN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A 4HIRCII-MINDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR 4 DNS I DERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC SPIRITED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. ..yrT* / SSL 00 - 1 JfESL r S‘? l ££s., » i?y5L MARCH MinaNO 4 TOST CO. mn iones uouai ***** Fee A Spoatoljtratkfut With Pen sad Ttwt Composy* jmmJN-PAVtt HDDSOOLMUt—CUD'S or IALBGH OUTWORE RILLS ■AIBGHI SAVINGS & LOAM JOHN W. worms oco AMPOATION _