I SITUATIONS ■ * HELP WANTED I ■■■— ■ |Classified Rates tlSplW * talk .**?... ....10e lOe rite Tfcc rord abbreviation, initial ox ■ lormbol count ai ana word. >■ Puncutatioa mark* ara NOT countad ■ m words. ■ Tha mtnlmum number at word* in ■ any want ad is 13 words. You will sava ■ money by ordering your ad to run t 9 or 13 issues. II Weekly Want Ads may be tdephon ■ ed through Wednesday up to 10 AJi. | ' CARD OF THANES I The family o1 the late Willie "Pat" m White wishes to thank its many rela ■ uvea and friends for die kind expraas- I ions of sympathy during the illness B and death of its beloved one. m MRS. ADA WHITE AND FAMILY El AND MRS. DOROTHY ALUSM ■ FEMALE HELP WANT**) Houa e-1 maids: Live-in jobs. Mass., Conn. ■ 830-555. Bus tickets. References. Bar || ton imp. Bur. Greet Barrington. Mass. I "EDUCATIONAL" I MEN & WOMEN 18 to Ml You can qua lify for many job opportunities in CIVIL SERVICE. Prepare at home for bomlag examinations Send name, address, phone.' directions if rural to NATIONAL TRAINING SERVICE. P. a Box 408, Bslsigh, N. C. LAUNDRY TEAGUE'S DRY CLEANING. UM Glen wood Ave. has merged ana it now known as HAYES BARTON AND DRY CLEANERS NO. 3. Paul Rasterlteg. Mgr. Nm L Dial TX 3-8513: No t. Dial FOOD SFECIALB Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAK-B-Q not Chicken (Our Specialty) Ply and Chicken 108 a davie err. SERVICE STATIONS , OUNUPS ESSO STATION—SS2 S. Blood worth St Phone T* 8-4M96. © BRIAN PAlNT—lnterior tU Extt rlor. Reg. $6 89 gel., Now $3.18. Howell and Sharp, Inc. 113 Glen wood Avenue, 833-0073. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA I WAKE COUNTY HAVING QUALIFID as Administra trix of the Estate of Lynwood J. Young, deceased, late of wake Coun ty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims agaipst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 1018 S. Person Street Raleigh. N. C. on or before tha 32nd day of January. 1965. or this notice will be pleaded in her of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to the estate will please make im mediate payment. This 27th day of July. 1964. MRS. EFFIE F. YOUNG. Admx. F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney August 1.8, 18. 22. 1964. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE AH persons having claims against Ruth B. Beckwith. late of Wake Coun ty. North Carolina, ara notified to exhibit the same to *i* undersigned on or before February 4, 1968, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. This August 4, 1964. HENRY BLACKMAN, JR.. Administrator 1502 Poole Road Harrell Seawell and Churohlll, A ttys. August 8. 18. 22. 29. 1964. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE The undersigned, having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of WUlie H. Snow, late, of Wake County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before February 22, 1965, or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of theft recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate Syment to the undersigned, at the v office of Morris and Grandy, iwyara Building. Raleigh, North Car olina. This the 11th day of August, 1964. KITTIE M SNOW 1310 East Jones Street Raleigh. North Carolina MORRIS AND GRANDY, Attye-at-lew Lawyers Building, Raleigh, N. C. lugust 18. 32. 29; Sept. 8. 1964 •For Children's CloUitf* Fed like Mother Hubbard with aD those clothee in the cupboard— so be kept epic and span for Four young ones? Teaching children how to ear* for their own dothaa T"«wpa lest work lor you in the long run. Begin with a roward gjrxtem. You can use a merit-demerit ehart with columns for neatness cleanliness and tidy bureaus. Be rn ember, rumpled clothes ara h&rder to dean; so make "hang ing up" skirt* and jackets pari, of the project. Tack the chart* up in each child’s closet and at the and of tha week total the scores. This will keep everyone on thdr toes and la sure to teach rasped tor personal belonging*. It maans more to a child to work out his own system with your help. If yon giv» him s drawer of his own to decorate, be can pick out his favorite color scheme for it. Let him arrange the partitions to suit his particu lar knack for finding' things. Sweaters, of course, should go separately in individual plastic hags. Keeping a clothes brush handy for woolen garments is also good. And don’t forget the first rule of neatness-catching those rips and botes before they get*worse. For epte-ehaeking tears in, titge. give boys in your family a good merit point. Intro duee'the girls to a pretty sewing kit with extra point* for mending brother's things. This will help you in your' house work; as lot them know it. They’ll hke the re gponsibtLry better. And remem ber, repairs should be done tefsra putting clothes away to save teem longer wear SOMETHING TO BUY, RE*T, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CARE PERSONAL CLEANINO to HAUL!NO ii jTM ~k? w Cost Adver tisin s rmsm —Low Cost Adver thing —1 FOR WHAT HAVE YOU. .. DIAL T&npb 4-8558 / HgB KES3/ FOR WHAT HAVE YOU,., DIALTEepIeTdSB ANNOUNCMENTS CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM LEGAL NOTICES HEAL ICXAfI J9OOMB 'AFAWBOOBM T 030 FOR RENT BURL ALLEN’S H for HEAVEN’S SAKE Iterates, we had batter be wise! Here's the path ever upward, nar row and straight- Satan's marts are bewitching, and With torturing trials tbtid thay whs shun Safely leading to New Jerusalem’s Ara a far-scattered, precious tew! gate There are many who ask that God's All souls who so faithfully tread; will be done; Don’t be tempted to travel the by- Yet, His will they refuse to do! way broad. Heaven suffers no wants —It Is we In the happy-go-lucky throng: In needs— Even weaklings can walk on tha it la we, and our Muter would downward road— That we w**i>t each other with But aomebody bee to stay strong! Christian deads; Down hare's where we ought to do Far tee wines of tee world have good. I distracted men x Until what men should love thay H a good reputation I build to be loathe! My ill character’s alibi Yea, a tree may be known by Hi Though I might deceive many— fruit, but. when , Thera are wolvee who eo tooeptsh God knows teat Tm living a lial ly clothe, If His laws I interpret to ways to We should watch self and other* team and often pray. Tha dHgrarsa of my delight. Because God doesn’t compromise; What ate X whan Tm not what I For their vain violations the fools really ate? ! mutt pay, For Heaven's aaha, let me be right! YOU ARE THE DETECTIVE A young man of 18 hu been brutally murdered! During the eve ning, at about 10 o’clock, someone had slipped into tha little work shop attested to tte garage to the rear yerdof hit home and etoU Bradley Haines a fatal blew on the back of his bead with a Mount instrument. You are now to the little workroom whan tha trapedy occurred, and you have succeeded to finding no evidence other than aoma mat ters of dried blood on the brand new stamp alfanm and anxyg the scattered stamp# on the table where tee young man had evidently been working that evening. His parents have already told you that their son had enthusiastically embarked teat vary evening on the new hobby of stamp collecting, Subsequent questioning of tee victim’s father and a couple of neighbors turns up what could have been a motive for tee crime. About a week previously, young Haines had reported to the police regardtog some nefarious activities of a £32 ££ had been founded up by the polloe and an liter out on bond pending trial. Their two leaden had been heard mouthing threats to "get” Bradley Haines. After having these two leaden hcwghf late headqaarlera. you an now questioning one of teem. Tern Barlow. Big and bulky and early, he exhibits considerable surprise when Informed of tee murder and the reason far his having lean brought to. "I bad no part in this,” he Marts out. "Maybe I ted say something cheat getting even with Haines ... but that was Just talk. I was in my room all evening . . . listening to same of am records. I*m in enough trouble without adding mardw to It Hataaa was a loose lipped guy .. . but I wouldn’t oven hum teaamid of hilling him for putting tea finger gn us!” You iHmHmad Bartow and call in tee other suspect, Danny Dale. HP betray* little or no emotion when told of tee crime. "8o It goes.’’ ho shrugs. "Bat If you’re thinking ct pinning a murder rap on me in addition to all this other mass Tm to, touts barking up tea wrong tT66.* "No one is pinning anything on you," you tell him. "AB we’re af ter now is a few facta. Now, supposing you tell mo bow well you knew Bradley Hainea.” • "Hardly at an .. . Just a sort of nodding aequatotanoa." "You’re sure of that?” "Dale hesitates, moistens Us Ups. than blurt* out, "Okay, go I did talk with him once to a while. The last time was about a week ago ~ . I told him then he ahould keep his nose out of ether people's business and mend more time licking bis stamps, instead of running around to the police.” You lean book to your chair and meditate tor a tow minutes, teen you say. "Tm afraid your own ‘squealing* baa pointed tea finger of guilt at you!” Why do you suspect Danny Dale of tee crime? SOLUTION 'japjnm eqt jo nnq sradm> not spurn raq sdniwje aqs jo aopaam M(*a Jana YRtt tnoq* amour »A«q ptnoo Papera i«m moanpom pen** oqm i*nn «t$ Jp» pa* 'pempnun mm tq Samara aq» Sana* •po dm** jo Jqqoq aq> no poqwqtn* fp» PH *mn*H JflgWffgr yljrK&BNttSp* MU | j ill w, rr ,n f fwW stoirwcy. I ]ml I* f v »[■ j AiarT-fl Sylvonia incondetxenf DR. R. FREDERICK WEST Dr. West Appointed At Shaw U. Dr. James E. Cheek, president of Shaw University, has announced the appointment of Dr. R. Freder ick West of Raleigh, to the position of profsmor of Humanities and Chairman of tea Division of Hu manities at Shaw. Dr. *West received tea BA. de gree from Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, V*.; tea B.D. degree, cum lsude, from Yale University Divinity School, end the Ph D. de gree In American Church HlJl'vy, Yale University Graduate School. As a teacher. Dr. West has ■erred aa Chairman of the De partment at Religion at Texaa and Ftsfeaser of Christian Doc trine in Brito College es the Bible (ECU’s seminary); Chair man. Department of Religion at Wabash CoDege. Crawfordovttl*, Indiana; Dean es Religions Life and Chairman of the Depart ment es Religion, Atlantic Chris tian College, Wilson; and Pro fessor es Christian Theology) and New Testament at Shaw University Divinity lebaeL since 1960-61. An ordained minister, be has held full-time pastorates in SaTeigh at Hlllyer Memorial Christian Church, and St. Paul's Christian Church. He is the author of several ar ticles, “brochures, booklets and books. Hn most recent book. God’s Gambler received numerous favor able press comments. In addition. Dr. West is active In Room For One More A cat is a delightful pet—affec tionate, clean, and well-man nered. If you already own a cat or a kitten, you might well want another. The first few day» when the eats are getting acquainted might taka a bit of patience on your part, but soon the two ahould ha ratting along happily together. The two cats will ob serve each other and be influ enced by each other's person ality. Aa a result, each becomes • man interesting pet. Tbs Purine Pet Cere Center SKperte offer s few hints on in troducing your cats. It’s beet to introduce s kitten to en older eat. It tha newcomer is a kitten* tha older eat will assume a pa rental ml* and "take charge." Whether tea newcomer is a kit ten or a mature eat, be sure all daw* an dipped before you introduce tea eats. If some spit ting and fasting starts, don’t leave tea eat* alone together. . Above aU* ha impartial so then will be no cause for jealousy. Most eats in the same house hold ultimately become friends. In voy, vary ram eases, the cats prove incompatible. U this hap pant you mast rive up the idea St owning two cate Contrary to popular fapras dan, cats and dean get along vary well togateraT Again, b 5 prepared for an initial period of adjustment, and always feed MW MDSTitclTe A. A. Heelings The Capital City Group of Alcoholics Anonym uo*. founded in October of 1903. meets each Wednesday and Friday nights at $ o'clock at tee Bteodworte St YMCA. «» 8. Bloodworth St AU persons having problems with alcoholic beverages are In vited to become affiliated with flti* body. They wiU be wel- GOTO SUNDAY : DR. R. iPjnaj^heraßackOnTC^^ ■ Dinah Shore returns to totovtoloit starring |« seven Funk Speeials ever ASO-TV network. Her Bret shew aim an Saturday. October 17, and aentlnue an vartew days thriughaut tha so aeon. . After* a 17-monthe, vacation bum totetMon. Dtank than vriß ha hack on video this season, starring la seven Four SpeaUle over ABC-TV. The premiere program la televised aa jjjqfng evening October IT, preempting "Hollywood Palace." This show will be followed on Pettier M, hr tea Bret of tens daytime Forme - Specials for Woman which x ... . Dinah wiU boat, This trio of iramatte plays, titled "The onoe a mourn. Menace, of Age,” ' Child in Mow she enjoy* ’ a »ofc6<hrte Danger” and ”Juet a House, white pres ante her at various rife," will cart TOneh ae fen*, times end on irregular dates, ■entator and star well-known Her nighttime apecisle of muate actors. danse, guest entertainers and In returning to TT, Ilia* interviews wtih famous parson. Bhors gets completely away alatles to Amarine and abroad from the rigid schedule aha am scheduled to October, No. knew for twelve seasons during vemhar, February and Matte, which tee starred in 444 fifteen. The afternoon Pure* Special* minute programs and 111 wash.. tor women toR on different "ly. hour spectaculars. In the dag* to Othhaq December and •eason Just before eh* requested February, BIL. uhr vi ItlDWfwwe vlll“*l e 4BK Amy/ I • King’s raniom ot- L fhewgh they odd a wealth Jr nSJt A es Saver to food. Mere Jte than 90 varieties or# /C. T\f t readily available at very « /STA u _Yv ?-V low costs. And toey ere ceveaTtownd *on McCer- "I ■■■. •tick spice eon*. 11 1 r-i!r fVmrtP 2 many etvie attain, especially in ro- daughter*. Mary Margaret and Re gard to human relations and mental been Lynn; and ana son. George health project*. Kcanate His wife is Mr* Mary Lewie West Thay are the parent* of two PIITI SAFELY! WESTINOHOUBE A# Lew A# 179“ UPRIGHT w-id.«- w Capitol Furniture & Appliance US S. MARTIN ST. TE 3-MIT SPECIAL ON SHIRTS REG. U.M SHORT MJCETE SPORT SHIRTS Now 3 For *o#oo GLOBE CLOTHING STORE Mi S. WILMINGTON ST TE S-SFM RAIXKHLN.C. »HW W ft, |HtmW, UHM U. HM Jt asL*v.gs D 4-- ukiw OwMMIm li aat mMm ttn law mF 114 V VIVB MI Mf* ' _ hufteftii wui Almh fcii SIM 9 ioMUli iBA AhMN ¥* I|HF gKGIN KHSI LAIRD’S 15P925 I $050 ; V 4/1 QUANT ii UilO ANO OOMMNV tCOaCYVNILN,]. TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1968 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN . ALLOWANCE—NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. IM lifIHITBII MK UN VaONB n f7Qff dO Miift. T-| aoEtito. v»W LOfOOLJf 8-doar hardtop. ’» Sff ’56 5 e 5 d M ~' -gft , s9ssr..rr. m »57»08D I-door hardtop, M?' 2255 L *8695 f SO Plymouth, awiig w. *57 umaut. Fallow to Mate. engto, MSI m ANKM SBLBOTTOWOff FfCK-UFTttCCKII - -* MO DOWN PAYMENT ON AFFPROYCD CREDIT fit • NO PAYMENT OVER ftMl FEB'MONTH OTEB 71 CABS TO CHOOSE FROM! \p Wade’s* Auto Sales ” Ml S. CABARRUS ST. SM44lf The Finest New Car NATURALLY T Gets Tha Finntt Trade-Ins ’AA DODGE Polar* 4 - dr. 'AA OKEIMA 4-dr. dtoo, w power brake*, radio and w auteomtie and heater, whtta time. power steering, power aedaa, power timing. *• hrakaa. radio sad haator, conn nTiwii out otznr* w nut to* ’ZA OUmtOBOM Convert!- XX3DOM an- Ms ,‘M”, power steering <W power brakes, automatic nowwr LJSTmmI transmission. Nice and CT V ” * priced to ran. ' ’A9 HOICK Special t - dr. .. 7j. zs-stesr-ji tion. one owner. Baton dr. hardtop, power stem mo*. d* •otomtto toMmmhhs tri CHBTRCURI Btoeayne t- tote, hatesr. 4BC 01 dr. radio and heater, S - m conn Zimin* wnica nrifle . . *iTA BC7ICK Bton % * (K *EA FORD toMera MO t - W poww hmhte OV dr- stralgh* drive. Baal poww tieering. mdto’and ttiM. heater. On* owum. tor “ J, " r . ySrvgwffSm ’o SEE ONE OP THESE COURTEOUS SALESMEN Wesley Smith Al Jones T. 1 SWtom. Jr. E. T. Barctott*. Jr. Q. A. .Venhook BUICK • OPEL • JAGUAR SALES • SERVICE AL SMITH BUICK, 4SI Fayetteville St Raltigh OtdW f ||«W --'--Li. 7

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