- ■ bma . mm Jmm mm ■mi Mm-'iii ■■ bbmbmb mm- mi. a *aLbmm mbi bbh bmhbbi *bbb mm mbm mm ■■■■■ mi jbm mmbi bbbb mbb «* MiMrV2BM?!fe« 888 I jAB BA MA IB Robs ’Root Doctor 9 of 17 G 9 s SB ~ ’• ' Wa mmf-- RT | •' A GRIM REMINDER Demonstrators from the Congress Os ftaetaf Equality, lktm.io a Speech ftjr the Rer. Dr. Martin Luthm King, Jr., in front of Contention Hall Imt week. The three placards carry the Kkeneeeee of Michael Schwamer, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman, three ofvtf righte workere who were murdered in Mhaieaippi during the eummer. (UPI PHOTO). ‘Faith Heafer’ Plays Trick On A Concord ‘Root Doctor' mounting pat deuced bf pap* a! dine ivßn Buff end A. Shnw un* til^swwkend, lift. MeNUI. also a Hmf. MM Apprtfcendad In ColqmMa a Jew days later and report edly had HM on bar powo at this time. However, she de nted the larceny ehargo and claimed the had acquired the money- throngh the oate at Captain J. K. Moore of the local L P. Logan Joining Wife After 50 Years In City A man who has oomo to be known to many Raleigh and area resident* as a "landmark” of aorta after working here for 50 contlnu oua yean, retired Saturday and left Wednesday of this week to loin his wife and "start a new life" n Norwalk. Conn. LesttwftireeU Logan, 73. of 1103 K. Davie Street, retired from the •econd Job he has held In the half* tentury since be came to Raleigh, for twenty yean, be bad served is a drug clerk and photographer U Hamlin’s Drug Btore, 100 block sf B. Hargett Sheet, first under the late pharmacist. V. C. Hamlin, Sr., then his widow, Mrs. Amelia w*inHTi and her son, V. C. Hamlin, Jr. At Ms esHrsnsnt last Satur day. Mr. Logan was deesrfood fey one es Ms eurernt employ ers. J. M. JSM*a.jSyn«y. mmTwMUm! high est ealtbn. who wffl aet fee earn to replace." Johnson la associated with Clarence C Coleman la the greieat apora tion es the drag store. Mr. Logan came to this dtp In 1915 with Intentions of entering From Raleigh's Police Files THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES holds victim as MATE BEATS HER Mlm LueUa Dona, 47. of HO Bpencr Street, told Offlecr James K. < Bobby > Deye at 0:12 am. Sun day. that Mrs. Lou Hinton. M. and her husband. Horace (Bud) Bln* ton, both of the above address. ae eaul rtat*d she and^MmJtt«touhad^bemar» MBs Dunn was treated at Wata Memorial Hospital lor her wounds and informed Officer Days Mm would come to police hsadquar iSgirebSji 84 Hr&PASrZeZ gSJugst&iAgfJ? eam. tjttr NSfe. wife at the “root deeter." stated the wo man had eome to On Mere kotoste eolleet *IM owed her. Shd aetd Mre. MeHlal. a aetf ■tyfed faith healer. MraUftod tatlve, eeUinr articles*t^rellir- The mffoTSSo said, “I took the money owed the South Oaro llna woman from a boa. kept in a hiding Place in the wall and a sport item later both the McNlal North Carolina College at Dur ham. from his native home In Lex ington, Va. However, he Instead (cmsniftmo* om pass *> * fIP •' ■ urns P. LOGAN •FUSS* OVER WIFE ENDS IN GUNPLAY Street ps* mma “tmT jebeat eMB. Darts and FaHoeoaa U- woman and the root es our money W^3hs| o Nere eoocluded by saying she .saw Mrs. Medial leave her 'Freedom ” Dems Score Point In NJ ATLANTIC CITT, N. J. Rev. Bdwln King, a white Mls sisslppl minister, and Dr. Akron Henry. Claxksdala (Mlss.T drug gist and chairman of the Mtools *lppl Freedom Democratic Party, were given "delegate at large sta tus at the Democratic National Convention, but rejected it. The credentials committee and Its five - member aub-oommlttet. pleasured and backed by the White House, reached a settlement In the IMlsstaslppi hassle which kept Mississippi delegate and al ternate seats tn Convention Hall empty for the first two days of (cwnpune m *t a* s> Open Quarter* In Town Where 3 ‘Ambushed’ raJLADBLPHXA. Ulss-InaPte sated two-story structure which waa formerly a Negro Wdnin; ed after Charles Even, COPO last Thursday opened headquarters for the first time in this town wham three civil righto workers warn murdered on June 31. It la man ned by a staff jof It including OCRS Task Point workers James Collier and George Smith. The first week es sat rattan whs libel anl w toed keel so By fey a staff msmbsr aa a "eamsdy of tames." Bash sight after dark, oars filled wttfe tasuß ****** night OnTfoght snd shot around* the* t£»o*ls rennhig ant: the end Is tonight" When staff Osadstato g| i rf r in s*s THE CAROLINIAN VOL. n, NO. 44 Hold Four For Murder As ‘Trooper' Slain ELKS PICK REYNOLDS Nob Four InQoick Succession four Ne»ro men ftnda» srsaujia^lsag night, one of the man admitted holding the Patrolman’* revolver when it fired. Pareiman W. T. Her Mn. M. of Baeferd, wae tM victim. He had reportedly been beaten and shot when he tried to ar reat one or mere of the man on V. S. Ml. between Fay etteville and Baeferd. Monday evening. Officer Harbin’s bo dy. chat three times In the head, waa discovered tea cornfield imt ett the high- WA Je Willie Junior Smith, one of the men, admitted scuffling with the officer and holding his .38 calibre revolver when it discharged, a spokesman for the Highway Pa trol started. Hie body. In addition to the bul let holes in the heed, had been severly beaten, the Patrol added. Hie nameplate had been allegedly . Kiiarpian on cam <• W. T. HEUIN ... » fennels hi head y ‘Missing’ Choir Is Now Sale m Jordan" spiritual singers eon tinned their concert tour last week after A lew anxious hours. Concern for the safety of the SSdJpJtewTen efotysent fed Brunswick Sunday night. The Bev. Gtana T. Settles, manger of the greup. saM In Las Aagatos tkadttmdliagon toaveHng to Geergto^after^pe te afeent "yaw fentt- The Wings Over Jordan radio etiasr won nationwide aaclala In the 1940 s when they were beard North Carolina ’* Leading Weekly RALEIQH, N. C. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1964 Is DEATH - Shown ara'twwai the four men held in the Monday altamoon murder of A North Carolina Highway Patrolman, W. T. Harbin, who wae found with three bullet holee in Me head Monday night. Lalt h Albert Read, and on the right It Will Alien, who allegedly " fingered' the other three. (UP/ PHOTO). Omega Grand Basilcus Blasts Riots, Leaders GREENSBORO George E. Means, Grand Basileus, Omega Pel Phi Fraternity, lashsd at those per sons and their leaders who have been responsible for the unreason able wave es violence hat has hit many sections of the nation. The fraternity head was highly arMtoal te these sowar as detrimental le the Negro's Has wMh the Amarlmn way es Ufa. He waa eertees to aa edlet to the ItoM msmfesi argent reUea and tataphsned Herbert E. Tucker, Assistant Attorney General far the State es Maas aehesetta, la Beaton, and heed sf the Seetel Aettan Cemmlt toe. Maares said, "This fraternity con demns these acts of violence as contrary te toe principles of the American way of Ufa and have no piece in the Negro’s struggle for CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS in i- . Bin FROM THEM PAOE I PAGE I Tire Seles A terries Mecheelcs sad Farmers teak F«Mle Sendee Ce. es M. C. tee. FAQg I Ms W. nrmtevs and Ce. See there Sen Fine Federal testate * Leae Assa. Leaden OU Ce. Seems Sendws Tte Ce. CeeneeeMF Ftorlst PAGE S Acme teeMy Csl teletsh SselseS toer*sef Beley ce. PAM f MTIt Waders ASM Sales newts Meter ce. MOSS neat Ssmftmto teas Me meM FAGS t A. and P. Ltoeeie tfesetoi equality.” He forther Instructed Tucker to send e directive to the 250-chapters, composing the fra ternity, to work eleeely with the recognised established agencies, especially In the large cities, that are working te stomp out these acts of violence before they start, which ha termed as "plain and simple, wanton and useless crime." He deplored the fact that the un due ambition of ruthless self-ap pointed leaders would become so vicious at such a time when re sponsible persons, of both races, were so hard to make the recently enacted Civil Right# Lew Work. W K AT II K H Tamers teres far the five Say parted, Thersdey threesh Meedey, iemperaSeres twe te seer degrees stave eereisl sad MMs, U my, rate fen. Estates a sliders ce. teleltn Bestaem CeGefs Gsm Watch Shep Tayier tedte and toseSWcsl Ce PAOE IS Betty Oay car alias Bandars Cera, aidtewsy't OpOctea. tee. rspst-CeU Bstales Ce. es teleish PAOB It Ushtswr Peasrel Beam PAGE IS CarsMfh Penmate Ce. rareHae Fewer * Lfeß Ce. #■,—s r -| ■ ES^ea MfHsll Wfll Ww&Ww tie stead Otecery * Transfer Washteftee Terrace Apts., ter PAOE f« capttei asrgsto Mpre ! J. C. PtMIfS Thlew’s aecerd Shep Theewe’ Peed Market (intoMtehnS Ostari* < se set! deled Credit Carp. Weed’s S-M-SS Cent Stars Kirby Msuthettes Ce. teffale sM Cmpsf tenders, tec. Larry’s Cat4lms Grecery A ate Disc seal Ce. ley’s Amsrts— OrPS O’Neal Meters. Mr. Capital Vscram State PAGP U— §trrUf j [tot* to' 111,,,r Cmmmr ' *“*" PRICE ISc Elide Hold 65th Meet In Miami *• .w MkiM ißOhnl AH MMy Aftftti AI Dm "amla! ffTAlitlon N mb taking place throughout^thc day parade*.. . a program of progress, aad a challenge to «J*youth These wore the moral issues whim swept convention delegates and thousands of visitors to their feet in wave after wave of ap plause. From the moment when Grand Exalted Bator Beyaslds set the tone of the convention bye premise that Eikdom would “reward enr Meads’* la the straggle for civil rights and “pmnish enr enamtoe,’’ > convention speakers rede the crest of one werd—“wave” at lat iniHhtr. Publisher-author Harry Oolden, recipient of the order’s Lovejoy Award, told a packed house In the sir-conditioned Miami Bayfront Auditorium: “The law put the Negro in a segregated society, and the law must take -him out. .." Business tycoon Rodman C. Rockefeller . . . toll, serloue-mlnd (cownmuEP on rams » M/S DAY Os TRIUMPH MM «/ M. Marti* European tom where ho troe method irhsrorar As seat, 4Mmf Genera/ Robert F. Kennedy, brother el the sUn.JMMfiH far, <e unrounded by admiring crowd ■ as he dedremdStSgfmKr,, tv eddreee on an Atlantic City etreet laet Thuredaf. aft teas gfodo a 13-imnufe etanding oration later in the craning at Cdteemdtm HaU. (UPI PHOTO). tUMlTMllUirttltt * * *****” ■ Purple Heart ■ t Medalist Is Murdered BY CRABIM B. JONBS "Thta to am of the Wrangwt murctor ouei 1 ha verm SW UP Wln*t,“ Mated „ Wnhe s*»rtJ Coroner Maruhall ■«*»•”♦ when interviewed by thip newsman Wednesday morning fat Joeto in the mysterious tkullMJi Mg}’ .11- rar-futhrr of*pne wWw’ wne was stabbed in front of kk hotue. r cry In the Amy. 4ted d * ee- the^rrota^end^ wee not cnl with t UwPij The riotlw was PronOunM tofe* nt 2 30 am. Sunday at Witt Us (UUMWMU m WMMI. il Small Ineiihmt Again Trigger* Riota-ln Phil*. PHILADELPHIA <NFl>—Police men triad to help a Nan cotuto move a suited oar in North ftma (telphla, and ttmotood off Moody Before Mm moloo mwa Friday night,paltoo Md.tMf ■oeroe of stone tooted. Aa tote ae •unday, Bo tentomgoad pu ttee hersssaivat aawMamCdo^ g~m mm Negnoo torn. _ , . „ N Congre—ten toobort V. 0. Ms. of Philadelphia and Mtontoy Brtncbe. Cheeter (Fa.) «M rtototo CCaWHUB W PA— o

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