THE CABOLDMUI RALEIGH. N. Cm SATURDAY. SEFTMBER S. IM4 2 r d ,iffl¥ dw^Ti-' *£&£tmSZa . P& ' &*f%g£i t'^K^T* 1 ' *yr\*. .72 mHuft* **■ Si f *?'% :'■%"/' &f%2™k . ■ : jf I ' i^^> j i ajß2i i - # '' M ' ; jfe P Mg I I RETIREMENT GIFT— John C. McLaughlin. left, recently -, retired at professor of economic* a( A&T Collate, lent week tave the collet • M< library, a collection ol hooka he had procured dur mt the paet twenty-ysars. Dr. Lewie C. Dowdy, president ol the collate, accept a the tilt' BROADWAY BEAT BT DALE BOQEETS NEGRO PRESS INTERNATIONAL BEAL SWAY The sensational Duke Ellington, rurrently making tha scene at Baa- In Street East, get* better a* the years go by—like rare wine What an exciting aound—that luah as* section, and the soaring hras*. and, Duke himself at the piano Crisp, crackling, and cool, a combination of today's forward look and Duke's regal tones of yesteryears, locking to BUly Streyhorn's updated mas terful arrangements In the fifths'* rmt«lra| group are—Cootie Wiliam*, ‘king o< the grnwt trumpet" a whl* on these stratospheric trills; John ny Bedgee, the superb coot One on alto eex with the pure melo dle Hne; Ruaaelt Procope on r tart net. Laurence Brown and William "Cat" Anderson on trombone, drummer Sam Wood yard, who makes music/ not noise, and all the ret}/<6f the Jteya. 4am with CoetfTon 'The Opener." ride with Hedges on Tee Get It Bad," swing with the group on "Ellington. *5." "Creole Lore Song." "Skilly poop," (with greet sola drum work by W'oodvsrdi. and all thoae great Ellington tune., "Sophisticated Lady.” "Mood Indigo." "Solitude." "Caravan" and so on. Into Clsaalrsvlllo. . . Just rerently we went to the Metropnle to cstrh the greet Lionel Hampton play the vioes Somebody at the bar was asked to describe rjHampton in one word I'll give it t 6 v6u in one line," the guy said "Lionel Hampton is a commotion " And then, as though on rue. Hamp ton grabbed a cymbal hopped off the bandstand and swung through th4 crowded club. The festive turned • devoted, happy assem blage into a Jumping, clapping, slapping revival meeting Lionel Hampton has been doing ♦hat kind of thing to audiences for more than 30 years. At e once, now end future king, he is unstinted by time. How long has It been since paying customers In a New York saloom chanted the answer to "Hey Bob a Rgbop?” There were moments v nan th* men at the bar were kids again, id khaki again, but before you could pinch yourself it was to day and In a flash it was tomorrow Which i* to say that Lionel Hamp ton. at 90. and 'hit tor in the hip*. , ta atlll too slippery to stick in * convenient Jan slot . . lan drummer Max Roach aad Ms wMe. linger Abbey ♦Jwstij have restored the Vil lage Vanguard to a Jaw music rssn This wilt mark the first tggse that they have appeared hgihp hi a New York night alub aa well aa their first ep penance hi New Yerk In over iwn years, having Just recently re Sum ad from a tong tour of BurupC aad Japan. Their an amtahrt the brings beck the Thaguirfi wsU-eelobllahed Marian Matinees from «:M tp T • * • • - .v, Bdglitsa tha loader on drums, the j Mas ltehch Quartet consists of Clifford |ordan on tenor sex. Eddie j srfcTn h boas, and Lonnie Smith, •t the piann While in Japtn. Roach aohwateq the soundtrack for the .:' " i THE CAJtOUNIAN 111 ■ Mkrtti Itw** \ Pajq Cjreßls under tMe Act of MnMt* m Advenes Address an, i» umueugnnns and make «U checks! end atone" orders payable to TM C ABU&MmaUd PuOltsnsrs, Inc »» tlaSßeSn Avenue New York IT N ¥ (CtUoat! Representsuv* endmemaer of the Aomdated Nearo P em an* the United Press Interns- Iks PutfiMAsi w oot responsible tor turns or Mvtrtspnf copy unless nsc er-ery poiltgt ecenmeemas tits copy Opinions- ekpr'ssod hv columnists to qpM newnAioor do not nscesssritv re i Japane** film "The Black Sun." Mu« Lincoln will wm be »ecn as S the female lead in the independent ! movie "Duff Anderson.” Their Joint appearanre at the recent Newport ’Jazz Featlval whrre 'hey performed Mr Roach's Freedom Now Suite" won critical accolades . , Enrollment Os 9.000 Is Seen At H. U. WASHINGTON. DC- The first of *ome 9,000 students, the largrM number in the institution'* history will begin enrolling at Howard Uni versity next week aa the Univer sity embaikJ upon It* 97th year cf instruction Registration- for th# School of law is scheduled lor next Tuesday iSept R) Slbdents who plsn te enroll In the University s nine oth er schools and college* will regucer a) various times during the Septem ; ber 11-18 period Fermal Opening exercises. I during which Howard Fresl dent lame* M. Nabrit, Jr, will speak * the atudeni body, are set for 10:18 a. m Monday. Rep (ember .21, at Cramton Audi torium, Sixth and Fairmont Street*, northwest. The pro grstt Is open to the public Among the curriculum' changes at Howard tor the coming year is a new program leading to a Certifi cate of A vanced Graduate Study The program is being offered at tha graduate level by the Department of Education, and will provld# 30 semester hour* of credit beyond the mastery degree THE VETERANS CORNER EDITOR'S NOTE: Below are authoritative answer* by th* Veteran* Administration to some of the many current questions from former ser.vce men and their families. Fur ther information on veterans benefits may be obtained at any VA office. ! Q —l have a service-oonnected I disability which requires continu ous treatment I plan to travel j abroad this summer What ar rangement* shall I make regard ing medication and treatment? A—You should contact th* VA CUnle new treating yon te obtain appropriate supplies or prescribed medication to carry with you. and for »ng gesliena about obtaining medi cal aupplles service* abroad. In caae es a medical emergen cy, rots should contact th# American Embassy or Consul ar Office. Q —My huaband died recently and the VA paid hit insurance to his former wife even though they had been divorced IS years ago Why waa thla done? A—The VA la required by taw lo pay the Insurance to the person last designated as benaffeiary by th* inanfod vet eran. Your husband either ne glected te change hie benefic iary after the dttreree. or It waa hit with that the Insur ance be paid te the former wife. Q—ls lt necessary to report compensation or pension from the VA u income If I am receiving VA pension? A—The person receiving the compensation or pension di rectly from VA need net re port it aa income on his pen sion claim Hewever. If Um money wa* paid by the VA te •oroeont else and received by the pensioner by inheritance or gift from that person, then It should be reported aa In com far pension purpose* In th* same manner a* ether property received by gtft or Inheritance. HHP ’ tyqKSjjm * -c. jfP^^jj . 1 MARKETEERS MEET tharles W Armstead, left, recently appointed retail representa tive of Humble Oil ts Refinint Company in Houston, Texas, presents battery-teeter door prize to Albert Deckard at a luncheon lor Humble service-station dealers in Mr. Armstead's sales territory. Also present to discuss merchandisint and customer-service programs were J. Roland Phillipe, right, city sales manager for the company in Houston, and fourteen other Humble dealers besides Mr. Deckard. ! BEHIND THE HEADLINES BY CATWOOD HALL (Far Negro Prm International) LIED ABOUT LEGISLATION new Federal Civil Right! Act has been one of the most Ued about piece* of legislation in the history of this country Here are some of the nonsensical untruth* bandied around by hatemonger* *- bout the new law: It'a unconstitutional It will forre people to associate with people they don't want to as sociate with It will take away private pro perty. It will foster and create condi tion* for intermarriage between I white and colored j You cannot legislate prejudiee j away Let u* take a perceptive look at | these malevolent allegations of the I hatemonger* j Constitutionality The definitive answer was given to hi* allegation by Minnesota * Sen Hubert Hum- DEAR SALLY BT SALLY SHAW DEAR .SALLY 1 have a very good girl friend, a very intelligent and high type of girl, who broke, her engagement recently when *he! discovered that her fiance was running around with other worn-1 en But instead of returning this guy's ring to him. she has kept it and la now wearing it on her light hand. I think that, when a girl’s engagement Is ended, she shou.d hand tire run: back to the man . . but this girl friend of, mine aay* she has no intention of I giving the ring up. that it is "at least same compensation" for all I the time ahe "wasted on a no-good dog" What do you think about this’ JILL. DEAR JILL: I rant think ol an engagement ring as a "compensation" for a fruitless eourtahlp. and I can't under stand why a girl should want to keep something that sym bolises such an unhappy event In her life. But there ARE tome girl* who do. DEAR SALLY I'm a bachelor of 39. and have been dating for j quite aome time a very lovely girl of 38 We both are aware that. If i our relationship continues as won derfully as it is now . that we shall j be heading for the altar one of j these days. Yet. despite this and despite the fact '.hat I have never treated her with anything but the : utmost rrspret and consideration. ! she still stubbornly refuses me every time I Invite her to my apartment for cocktails and dln nei. and to listen to my collection of records of w hich I am very i proud. The one time ;,hr did visit 1 my apartment she brought her older sister along, and although it was nice entertaining them with a few records and serving them aome of my "homecookcd" dishes, still it wasn't as nice aa it could have been wtth her alone Hon estly. my Intentions are of the purest and I'm sure she knows! that I’m a man of honor--so why must ahe show this distrust of me and be ao puritanical about visit ing my place unchaperoned? TM DEAR TM—The girl re fuse* because she ha* high principles and because ahe doesn't want to risk any mar* on her reputation. Instead es fretting and fuming about THIS WEEK IN NEGRO HISTORY AN "NPr FEATURE September 1. 1322—Hiram Revels of Mississippi, first Negro elected to the U S. Senate, was born a free . roan in Favehevtllfc. N C Served 41st and 42nd V S Congress 1370- 71 September 1. 1898—George Wash in*on Carver began his remark i able career as an agricutural chem j Ist at Tuskegee Institute. Aiabams : From the peanut h* made more ’ | than 300 products He mad* more j | than 100 products from «h# sweet potato He made synthetic marble j from wood shaving*, dye* from | clay, and starch from cotton staika j September 1 1396 Charles H. Houston, onetime dean of law ! school at Howard University, was | born in Washington. D. C He.gain-1 ed Nationwide prominence aa gen-1 ♦ml counsel for- th* NAACP He was a member of th* Phi Beta Kap- \ pa and the American Academy of Political and Social Science September 4. 1913 Association j for th* Study of Negro Life and : History was organized by Dr Car-1 ter O. Woodson tn Washington. D C ' phrey when he said recently that ts Congress ha* passed the law. it must on that account be accepted a* constitutional. Association Every person is tree to asaoclate or not with other per sons Nobody can be forced into personal aaaocletlcna by lew. People cm live In the same hotel or motel, can visit the tame theater, ean alt at their own table tn restaurant* or dining rooms, cap play golf or swim In the same water with out having to establlah person si associations with other peo ple present In the same place. In all areas of private and public life, people can be In the same lime with no personal association bring involved Go in, avail your self of the facilities, mind your own business, pay you bill, if arty, and Pave Its as simple as that. Private property There is no law ir this country that anybody knows about that can take away I (hit. yon should admire, ap preciate. and love her all the more aa a girl es fine judg ment and taste. DEAR SALLY: A widower of 41. a fine man, htu asked me to mar ry him and I've accepted happily, i I've known him for many year*. . and I knew his late wife. too. She was a lovely person and a very good friend of mine. Now, how rver. he has approached me on the Idea of wearing her engage ; ment ring It is one of the most 1 beautiful diamond rings I've ever seen, snd I always admired It ' when ahe wore It But somehow I can t. steel myself to wearing an other woman's ring, and I'm aure , too that many of our friends i would recognize it . and all in all. I m sure I would be very un com forts bl* about the whole thing DY B DEAR D Y B.: Why not sug geet to your fiance that he have the diamond* set in an entirely nrw and different mounting? Then I'm sure the ring will seem more like your very own. and no one else will recognise It either. j DEAR SALLY: The fellow I'm engaged to ha* some good traits, but one thing that bothers me : about him is thßt h* Is rather | moody and very unpredictable. For example, some very good ; friends of mine invited me to ‘ bring him to their home recently for dinner wtth a group of their i frienda. My fiance showed up for | this date wearing a sport shirt I and wrinkl'd slacks, and no tie ior jacket This embarrassed me 1 very much sines all the oth*r men were nicely and neatly dressed with ties, white shirts, and jac ks’ .i Thu wasn’t the first in stance tn wh'eh he has done some thing like this and eml*arrassed me in front of others What do you think about this’’ F A DEAR F.A.: I don’t know just wha* those “good trait*'' you mention are. hut I do know that your fiance la In considerate. rude, and unman nerly. and that If he makes a habit es embarranslne and hn mtllatlng yon In front of oth er* ia* yen say), then you’d better do some powerful thinking before yen enter marriage with him. v September 4, 1908 Richard Utiitw, rm.Tist, wa* born in Nat chez. Mis* He was author es Na tive Son " Black Bov Black Vcii'f s. among other work* On The- Home Front (Item* this week from Wake. Gates and Pttt CountieaJ COMPLETING NEW HOME Mr and Mrs. Acquit)* Moore Raleigh. Rt 8. are finishing their new home Four years ago the . Moore* completed the basement /if th* home and have Heed th»re r *tn«*. “Now we want to get it fin ished " says Moore ! Mr*. Natalie Wtroberiey. heme economic* agent tart Meere is doing meat es >h* ; carpentry work h'.m*e'f which will help in keeping th* coat TOI’RN POWER COMTANY anybody* private property out right. It would be illegal. Restaurant owner Maddox, down in Atlanta, wa* in no danger of having hit property taken away from him. He himself closed his place, then yelled that "Commun iats" had robbed him of his pro perty. Had he obeyed the law. he could (till have his bualnesa in ope ration. Intermarriage: Except for shot -1 gun marriages, no two persons can | enter into wedlock unless both I parties say "I do." * Prejudice: Admittedly no law can 1 eradicate prejudice and hate. No I civil rights legislation makes any such presumption The civil rights law seeks to pre ; vent people from using their preju dice to deprive other American citi -1 zen* of their legal and constitution -1 al rights. It i* one of the great anarchron :sm* of our time that in thi* Great > Republic, in the midst of the 20th ! century, after two bloody and da 'siructive war* have been fought to :’ make the world safe for demo j cracy.” that there should still be in m-Afrrrrc *» nrn pr»rl /-<-< *-» g«pur<ir!a In I i ' a- * ***• ** **• «-g*®»C 1.4 our country for equal etvll rights for all American citizens. It is certainly a sad commentary on our times, and reflecting an un due amount of immaturity, that there are atill far too many hate mongers loose in the land. And. un deniably. all the hatemongen are not white. * I' w * 1 it rj •T M „ * w fL’.'-vat/- x?'.* I v Sy*.* “■ • '} i. ■ > * ’ ‘ ■ I ,r i ANNOUNCES OBSERVANCE —Mr*. 8. T. Henley, of Fayette ville. founder and first presi dent. announce* the second Founder’s Dug celebration of the Southeastern District Federation of Women’s CHw. which win be held Satrday. September IS, at Second Baptist Church on the Gld Wilmington Hoad. Fayette ville. N. C. Registration begins at l:H ajn.: business session begins at l:N a-m. Delegates from many ouuntl— are expect ed. Junior ehste wfll present their reogmm at 12:19; speaker Mias Yvonne Ferguson, slate oratories] rsutsot winner. At .I:3* pm. Founder's Day speak er, Dr. Rudolph Jones. President, Fayetteville State Coßege. Fay etteville. Awards will be given to nutetaadtng mamber*. A Eocop Hon wfll be held at 4:28 pro. ■ FACILITIES What services doe* your local electric power company offer you? Foods and nutrition leaden In Gates County reoently found out. They toured the plant and the home economist gave a demon stration on the use of small elec trical equipment. According to Mr*. Pennie Bat tle. the main purpose of the meet ing was to acquaint the leader* with the various eervtoM offered by the power company. FREEZING SCHOOL HELD Why is It ueeeamry to blanch (aealdl year vegetables befere frees!ng? Homemaker* la PIU Csaaty attended a ' training sehsol ea treating and learned haw to blanch vege •ables. pack. Intel, store and keep records of their supply. Miss Addle Qore, home eco nomics agent, say*. "II you are going to freeae foods, you should use methods that will give you high quality products' Space wasters in the freeaer were listed as excostive paper, bones, core cobs and air SUCCESSFUL poMticiar* have a tolerance for boredom that even exceeds that of the constant TV j viewer OPEN QUARTERS IN TOWN WHERE 3 ‘AMBUSHED’ (coktwcis non rang onto Meanwhile, in the daytime, they carry on their week eanvatitag Hagrom on voter regtetration and informing them of Urn forthcom ing madam School sessions to te held soon both at the newly ac quired building and tn open air classrooms throughout Neshoba county. Books and literature are being attributed In the Macro community In an old panel trusk which serves as a bookmobile. ELKS HOLD 65TH MEET IN MIAMI tcowißiucß pbom pace n ed eon of Hew York Oovernar Nelson Rockefeller . . . suggested another avenue for full equality when be said “It seems to me that it is time to push equality through business as hard as we are pnehlng equality through law and educa tion.” U. George W. Lee. Elks' Com missioner of Education Ten nessee political power, cited some interesting statistics. He revealed that in 21 yean, his Department has raised more than 13,000,000 In scholarship aids to more than 1,000 students . . . white and NSgro alike! Among those who received Uk aid and support were Dr. Martin Luther King, James Farmer of CORK and Dorothy Height, sue oeeeor to Mrs. Mary MCLsOd Be thune as President of the national Council of Negro Women. But in "SAk*"# an aesesmsent. Lt. Lee said of the IM4 decision of the U. 8- Supreme Court In In tegrating the public schools “with all deliberate speed”: “In many Instances there Is plenty of accent on the ‘delib erate' and very little on the ‘speed’ the convention Itself, which ter W «tf SmMN Elks* Mel rates and roar* than MOO Daughter Elks, epensd last Saturday and Immediately suspended buslnas*. after th* report es the Grand Exalted Ruler, to re-eleet him far two more yean, wHh opposition. Reynolds, who was elected to succeed Robert H. Johnson In Chicago during the 1000 conven tion. has revived the order through four meteoric years of leadership. L. P. LOGAN RETIRES HERE; TO JOIN WIFE (CONTINUED FROM PAOE ONE) ' chore to work for the American Painless Dentistry Co., located nt that time river the flow demol ished Grand Theatre, where the Ambassador Theatre now stands. When this company went out of business, he started working at the Raleigh Den tal Laboratory, formerly locat ed in the Professional Build ing. corner of W. Hargett and 8. McDowell Streets. He was an assistant dental technician there for 3b years. This busi ness Is now in Cameron Vil lage, run by Mr. and Mr*. Truman Garvey Williams. Mr. Logan met his wife, the former Miss Amelia Hopkins, ol Norwalk. Conn., while she was teaching at the Washington High School here. She went backt o her native home to resume her teach ing about 12 years ago. When asked about his plans for the future. Mr. Logan stated, “I iont' plan to take It too easy. 11l nave plenty of work because we are building a new home tn Nor walk." He hired a moving van and transported all of his personal be longings to that New England city Vedneoday. Mr. Logan is a member of this ?.ty's First Baptist Church. His new address, will be: 118 )ry Hill Road, Norwalk. Conn. FREEDOM* OEMS SCORE POINT IN NJ (CONTINUED FROM PAOt ij the convention. Most of the Mississippi ■eats, however, were empty— officially—ter ths entire con vention. since the regular Mis sissippi white delegation nev er elgned p loyalty oath, and the Freedom Democrats re jected any “fraternal seatlnc” or “dual seating” with the reg ular Democrats. Since approximately only throe regular [white Democrats signed the required "loyalty” oat* (to prevent Mississippi Party Demo crats from supporting Ooldwater) and the Freedom Democrats ware never seated officially, the Mis sissippi seats went begging, offic ially. for the entire convention. Rev. King, a National Com mitteeman of the Freedom Party, and Henry. Ha chair man. Insisted that “the only proposition that we ea» z-'-wt la that the Mississippi Free dom Democratic Party be seat ed and that traditional grew bo ■moated.” On Tuesday. Wednesday and I Thursday nights of the conven tion. however. Mississippi Free dom Democrats managed to r ad up tickets for the floor and take their sente in the Mlstissidpi del egation section. On Wednesday night, the convention sergeant-nt-arms, realising he weald kb enable to prevent the Freedom Dem ocrats from getting floor pom es from “sympathtmes.” and - thro setter th* haR. had mam bee* from hi* staff occupy aB the mu nism eoald tit in thorn. Thus when they did arrive on the floor, they found all o< the ; seats token. Not to he outdone however, appradaqately eight or nine—who managed to got onto the floor—moved right tn front of the sergeant-at-arms staff people and stood holding banner* proclaiming “Wa want to rote." and “on# man. ona rote.” Daring th* three night* of th* Mhtisotppt hall and onto th* Goar, thro 4M so primarily through the eflorte of Robert Meow. COM field di rector and 00-ordteMor of too FN|lol»* (Ml J^pflg Sting'rommhSoT^^) l^"*lll The fact that tha UlmlmßHd aged to got convention floor pom es each night indicia tod that dm many friends anti sympahto are ——f tha regular delegations on the floor. PURPLE HEART - MEDALIST IS MURDERED (CONTIWUKO MOM MM OKI) mortal Hospital. He was appar ently stabbed at his home, looatod near too Norfolk-Southern Rail read troths, about one mile off V. 8. Highway 04. The coroner said. “Ho waa stab bed about 2:00 am. and must hate sat around th* hOuee for sometime before being taken to the hospital." Ho Stated a trail si Mood waa left ta three bedroom* of toe home, hat none was found ta the ear la whieh Pulley was taken to tk* hospital. There ware about four or five perrons tn the house and deputies nave questioned each one without gaining information, a spokesman for the Wake County Sheriff's De partment reported Tuesday. Whatever the weapon was went right in and out again, said Dep uty Weatherspoon. There was no evidence of a large-scale scuffle. Funeral eerrlero for too ex arortoatuea will be eetidaeled at 12 neon Friday at Ught ner’s funeral Home Chapel with a military sKgrote trees Fort Bragg daHrortag toe rites and full mnttary honor* ac corded Mr. Falter. Hartal wfll taka place a* 1:M pro. ta too National Cemetery. He Is survived by hie wife, Mrs. Carrie Pulley; one daughter, Miss Judith Pulley: hie Brother, Mrs. Orajorte F. Hlghamlth; father. Mr. Allen Hlghsmlth; and two sis ter*, Mesdamea Rut tT I. Tayter and Dorothy Harvey, aD of the bone. MINOR INCIDENT AGAIN STARTS RIOT-IN PHILA. (CONTOrCKO PBOM PAM D leader were among aeroral Ne groes who rushed to the scene to help restore order. It has been seemingly miner In cidents which have touched off the worst racial incidents. Lem than three weeks age, a Negro woman wad arrested in the Chicago suburb es Dix moor and accused of “attempt ing” to steal a half-pint bottle es gin. This Incident touched off three days of rioting. In which ts least 400 Negroei were Involved. In the jocal outbreak, poles of ficios said the riot started when patrolmen were summoned to an Intersection to help move a stall ed car. According to reports, the driver of the auto would not let police move the vehicle, and the driver’s wife started .pununeling the po lioemcn. Passers by reportedly joined in. kicking and boating the policemen to the ground. The driver’s wife. Mrs. Odes sa Bradford. M, es Phiadel phla, later was charged with ■smalt and battery- Her has baad. Rusk, waa not arrested. The incident which sparked the rioting is said to have involved Ne gro policemen and Negro partici pants. Rioting centered around Broad street and Columbia, near the rampus of Temple University. Police mid leatore of stereo, moot es them owned by whites, blatantly ignored orders to step. One woman was teen wheeling aa entire reek es elothlng out es a store. Branche, who led many demon strations in Cheater. Pa., and Cambridge. Md., said he was pass ing through the area when “all hell broke loose.” He said he walked up and down the streets for about three hours attempting to calm the people. The militant civil rights leader said bricks and bottles were hurl ed at him. Injuring his left leg, but not seriously. Cedi Moore, another mili tant civil rights lender who heads the Philadelphia NAA CP chapter, pleaded to vain ever a microphone to mem ben es th* crowd to step loot log stares. Philip H. Savage, tri-state sec retary (Maryland. Delaware, and Pennsylvania) for the NAACP. said: “X think Its* a shame. I think Its’ self-defeating. This was the find major Negro rioting this summer tn Philadel phia. MOST OF Iff can be don. but it takes an effort, m we think. Factory Packed Sugar 5 lb. bag 49c Rib Beef Stew u>. 29c Crescent Bacon lb. 39c or 2 lbs. 75c Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lbc. 99c Sliced Pork Steak lb. 49c Fresh Pork Roast lb. 39c Rib Beef Steak lb. 65c Pork Sausage lb. 35c or 3 lbc. 99c Good Weiners lb. 39c or 3 U*. 99c Fresh Pork Neck Bones lb. 15c Thick While Fat Back lb. 19c » - • ■ ■ * Sliced Pork Liver ib. 29c ORN NOmUI THROUGH FRIDAY UNTIL • PJB. HORTONS CASH STORE ARMEBTS POUR JNQTUCK SUCCESSION (coNTnon prom fade own Jerked from his start and his pgr mi effects were missing. According to ths Patrol the re volver has not been recovered, but it is behoved to he to ths cornfield where the body was The few men bqtas held and facing murder rap* roe: wmit Altos. M. unempteyed; Albert Messes, IS. and Willie Junior Bmtth, ntea 25. both yard wethers; and Bndy den Bruton. 22. n bartender. State Officers nabbed ttej four Monday night after tiro 1287 Usd Chevrolet in which they wert nd tng wa* found just inside tAd Mrt Bragg Military Reservation. Oily Allen remained in the ear. stalled by a flat tire. He was quoted as tetany of ficer* that the Trooper stop ped the car and that twe si the younger men fled tate aa adjacent cornfield with Har bin ta pursuit. Allen forthsr stated that he then heard leva officer firing into th* air to halt tha fleeing men. When they didn't return from tha field, ADen allayadly itatfd. the other young man that re mained in the car with him took the wheel and drove away, but a bandoned both Allen and the ear when lt had the flat tiro Inside the Reservation. Authorities found Alton ta the ear after wHnieeei report ed seeing a black 1887 Chev rolet at the scene es the mur der earlier ta the afternoon. After qaeettanta; him, the of ficer* wrested the ether three iron at their bean** to Taytor tewn, a Negro retidontiol sec tion. just outside the winter foeert town es Ftneharti. AB four wen charged with first-degree murder. It was assumed that Herbin was killed with his own gun. al though neither it nor his £tnon al papers and effects were located at CAROLINIAN press time. Officers said the men had bean drinking and that the slain troop er suspected the driver of being drunk. The State eap had been a member es the Highway Pe trel fro 14 y*nn sad was bas- . ed- at Aberdeen. A search for him was begun when author ities could not locate him through Us ear radio. Heibin't body was discovered shortly after his tear had bfon sighted alongside the highway late Monday. Garden Time BT M. K. GARDNER Borne timely reminder*. Get th* sweet potato storage house reedy for curing and storey*. Usad bas kets and crates should be thor oughly cleaned and disinfected w should also the *torage house Contact your County Extension office and request (Revised) Ex tension Circular NO. 882. “GrOw Quality Sweet Potatoes.” Da not remove toe tope from your asparagus bed until they have been killed by freet. The laager the tops remain green, the mere food will be stored in the crowns for next yew’s 6fQP* If you ere growing gourds for house decoration this winter, re move them from the vines as they mature and before the plants are killed by frost. - In ths vegetable garden remove the old plants of such crops w beans, psppers. and tomato** as they finish bearing. It is a good idaa to burn them ss one mean* of reducing the disease problem. If you have late tomato pfohte which are likely to be caught by frost, try this. Pull tha plants up by the roots. Enclose the roots In a cellophane bag and fill the fog with moist paat moss or Old saw dust. Tie the top of the bag with a heavy string long enough to sus pend th* plant, root* up. Hang ths plant tn a shed for protec tion against wind and oold and, preferably, near a window. Scan* es the tomatoes should ripen bat this will depend upto the tinge es maturity when re moved from the garden. In any event, you will have green tomatoes for relish mad other nsee. Watch than so that they wm net become tee dehydnt fQf proof bblhj Something to think about. Six or seven years ago I wrote in this column about th* importance of county and regional planning, simitar to city planning. Now this word eemas from It J. Ackley, soil rtestification agent in California.

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