FROM RALEIGH'S POLICE FILES: the crime beat BY CHARLES R. JONES FIRE, WHEEL STOLEN FROM CAR George WUder, of 400 New Band Road. Garner, told Officer J. C. Putman at 10:48 p. m. Wedneaday, that one Safety 800 U. S. Royal Tire. 870- by IS and a red wheel were stolen from his 1964 3-4 ton truck. He valued the tire and rim at S6O. Wilder declared the truck was parked in a lighted lot of the In ternational Paper Co., Highway 401 South, where he is employed in the evenings from 4:30 p. m. —MI l:a. m. He offered no further formation. MAN ‘RELIEVED’ OP SILVER DOLLARS Lotus Lagan, 72-year-old ree- Meat es 11*3 E. Davie Street, raperted tea cep at 7:11 p. m. Wedneaday, he left home a bent 7: p. m. and returned at Ds4B p. m. te discover someone had removed a screen from hta front window, raised the wind ow te gate entry and 'relieved’ him of 8* diver dollars Item a Mr. Logw: could find nothing else missing. Hi* next door neigh bore stated they were et home all es foie time, but saw no one and beard nothing. RES CROOK STEAL TBS COVERS? James Bunch e, 30, of 130 If. Swain ■treat, Informed Officer T. T. Street, Jr, at 8:32 p. m. Wednesday, that a Negro man, wearing a tan Shirt, removed 2 wire wheel covers from the left side of his 1862 Chev rolet and headed South on Alston Bti eel. The incident oecured at the OoOdBMMt, Asthma & Hay Fever Sufferers Report Relief in Minutes Jtamtof dtoeeany hr a ansinsaw •rOoawoaadaaMeifooatpnaedp- Cedattat. fttUevcs astern attacks and Uoo at drug oosatsrs sragahm*. ■i,nlm das to bay bur so yiUSto Ciwitatoa as tobacco. Ad tor *wuin« fosMtaS* umi sea amazed. Opcoa can. Dr. OuUdXOteea Moustola dfeiettee ■HSed DroacMal tuber to radon free ur Compound. Get <ut raUcf tarn fnir*~s "about awaUowiac pill* *» attacks es atthma aad hay torer. Par ■quids. Contains ao asdaltos, hyp- Fax* aM sosfeaes at AUtateto nsjaiMHamd sma aad aOWees ta I Natural Gas LGOOKS BEST v .* fea»paowiycNigwrßOO V * arigetiongafdggrgggof htat • ‘pHtUwpolgaii.diaiMwdggrggof . ImrE you want and forgatMOag , idaft on tha Job cooking aN a J toodato “Juat right" pwfaetten. v , -’CoNia la today and aalact a modem ■ - k PUBLIC SERVICE Itik COMPANY Os N.C. m m aaoßo ar. Neeia Wha. $ H 3 1 1 ha| j YOU’LL HAVE UP TO THREE YEARS TO PAY ON EASY MONTHLY TERMS Financing that new car is no problem with our low cost, low premium auto loan rates! LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU ... « SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU . . . Come In Today And Discuss Your flHi Loan Needs With Us! MECHANICS & FARMERS BARK Bffl RALEIGH - DURHAM - CHARLOTTE comer of & Haywood and S. Boun dary Streets. Bunch* stated the covers had wire spokes in hem and were valued at $Bl FAMILY AWAY. SO THIEVES •PLAT Harvey Jethroe Smith, es MS Gamer Rood, reported to taro local cope Thursday, that someone enter ed his home Wednesday and Thurs day morning, while the family wee away on vacation. Tpan their raters, stated the eenuahmot he feud a tern the heme. The thieves ap parently ransacked the kitchen and all foe ether niisi then made exit thraagh the front door, leaving R epeo. lan. 14 hi small change, a gold wedding bond, o Prlmisss Hog, voteed at |7» and a 6 ramteter radio, coating ffR lOnSD BY TWO W MEN Johnnie Jonas, 26, of 702 E. Har gett Street, told Officer J. L Denton et 4:30 p. m. Friday, be hod $333 in fives, tens and twenties in on enve lope in his shirt pocket, when two Negro men approached him fat foe parking lot of the A A P Food Store, corner Blount end Hargett Streets. He stated they asked him where “we can have e good time," adding they were foam out of town. Jones mid foe ‘biggeeP man es the two "slapped ara an my shirt pocket," taking foe eave lepa containing foe soaney. He wee short, bat Mg. weighted about 366 poeadi, war* black pants and was ah sat 38 years of age; and foe otter waa tall, big, ware blech pants a striped shirt, bad a mastaete and a goatee and stated Ms asms waa Rayas— and te waa tram MtedarippL Ho ssnetedad by can identify bate BATTERS HEAD WITH OAK STICK 144 Campbell, 38. es Enigbidele. at 2: p. a. Saturday, they war* T Ctertto Bugrov*. W.*af an after Bagrova right swiVo Hargrove wag treated at Wake Memorial Hospital for bruioas of foe heed. The incident took place in Chavis Park. HOT COT AT CHAVIS PARK -Ronald Carr, 16*yeer-old resident of 733 Fitsgerald Road, informed Officer O. C. Pratt from Wake Me morial Hospital at 1:16 p. m. Satur day. he waa walking through Chavis Park when David Frayar cut him wtfo e knife. Young Carr stated he did not know why Fryer cut him. However, foe cop Jailed foe assailant for assault with a deadly weapon. ARGUES WITH WOT. FIGHTS OTHER WOMAN Mrs. Mary Qmlller, of Ht R. Martin Street, reported te Off leer J. L. Denton at 4:11 Satur day afternoon, that Willie Bridges 38, earns to ter heme and started an argument wtfo hta wife and when Mrs. QalUsr triad to stop foe argaamte, Bridges aemaltod ter with hie tends and fists. Mrs .QuiHer rigned a warrant for assault and battery aad tte woman-beater waa healed est to Wake County jalL STABS MAN WITH APITOHPOEK Charles Bank*. 38. of KM Bluff Avenue, reported to Officer James ■jr rflnNhyl Dave, at 8:30 a. m. Sunday, that Charlie Hinton of 15 Walnut Street, came to hta house and caused a disturbance. When Banks asked Hinton to leave, foe latter allegedly get a pitchfork and slabbed Mr. Banks to hta toft lag wtfo it The complainant was treated at Wake Memorial Hospital and in formed Officer Days he would come to foe station and sign a warrant for assault with a deadly weapon against Hinton. SAYS WHITE THUGS BROKE WINDOW John Dabnam Haywood, of 806 Tower Street (Obarlin) Informed a LET ME HELP YOU! IP YOU HAVE PROBLEMS OP ANY KINDI! Psrhaps tt ta finanrial, love, or family trouble*. I feel sure that X eon help you with your par ticular problem. If you will have faith and trust in me. Write me today, strictly con fidential. ANNETTE’S PERSONAL SRRVICE P. O. Box 1-P Wtttobome, C. P„ South Africa cop at AH p. m. Saturday, ha wad | driving east in tba MM Mock of ] New Bern Avenue, whin a black Volkswagen, containing three white persons threw a beer bottle against foe right rear' window of foe BS9 Ppntiac which be waa driving, but which is the property Os hta brother. Damage to the Pontiac waa etti mated at 315. MAN WORSHIPS AS VANDALS BREAK WINDOW Otto Oecar Jama*. 27. es MM Walnut Street, informed Officer ! John Baker, gr, at IB Bm. j Saaday be went te church a bout 4:13 p. as. and returned at S 8:25 p. as. tested the rear wia dew es his 1865 Ctevralel ted teen knocked out. «* ear waa parked, according to Mr. James la the rear at kta heme Damage was eallsmtt 6 at 886. The ehjeet need by foe unknown vandal could net te WOMAN'S RADIO TAKEN Min Lucy Soriano, 37, of 813 S. East Street, told a cap at 1:25 a m. Sunday, ihe left her bourn at 6: p. m. Saturday and returned home at ' 12:50 a. m. Sunday. Mta* Soriano stated while foe was gone, some one cut the screen of her beck door, unlocked the door end ransacked her bedroom, sealing a gray G. K radio, valued et 31.95. SERVICE STATION ENTERED Earl M. Dunston, 47, proprietor of Dunston’* Texaco Service Sta tion, 328 S. East Street, told Officer James E. (Bobby) Daya at 12:35 p. m. Sunday, that between Uk a. m. and noon, someone entered hta sta tion end stole eight carton* of soft drink* and |7O in cash from hta cash register. The soft drinks were later dis covered in an old truck, along with $37.15 n a beg. The money found was in $1 bills and change. Dunston reported hta other cur rency was in denominations of fives and tens. The opening in the window was very small, indicating a child might have been the thief. OFFICERS SEE •STRONG’ MAN IN ACTION Officer* Norman Artis and James E. Daye stated at 1:03 P- m. Friday, they witnessed Otis Miata. 38, of 922 E. Jones Street, pull up a parking meter from foe ground with hta bare hands in the 100 block of £ Cabarrus Street They promptly took Mtals off to Jail end charged blip with damage to city property, estimated at $5. LUXURY-MINDED THIEF WITS’ CLEANERS William Holden, 36, of 368 Newcembe Bo— reported to Officer D Brinson early Mon day. that someone had broken the glam In foe front door at hta establishment Holden’s Cleaners, 788 E. Martin Street, unlocked foe door and twa itema were missing: a tuxedo ket, valued at *45. and a white Nshirt, coating $9. Value of the broken glam waa set at 315. This cleaning plant was also dam aged last week, but nothing was reported missing at that tima. SEEKS MAN HE’S GONG TO KILL Elbert Cotton, 51, of 101 £ South Street told Officer J. C. Putman at 10:52 p. m. Friday, he was asleep in a chair, and hta daughter, Miss Lorattia Cotton, 20, was asleep in a bedroom off from the living room when they were suddenly awaken ed by a men they knew only by sight, who told Mr. Cotton, “Don't move and you won’t get hurt.” The man then wanted to knew where Fted Wsrth, Jr., es 619 8. State Street, was, add ing te waa "going to kill him aver some trouble we had last Sunday at foe Lincoln Theatre," where foe unidentified man is alleged to be employed. It could not be ascertained Just how Miss Cotton and her father were able to get rid of their un wanted ‘guest.’ ANOTHER FIGHT AT HOOTENANNY CLUB Another fight took place at the Hoo ten any Club over the weekend as at least one knife flashed and. cut a man Friday night. Located in the 800 block of Fay etteville Street, officers reported an altercation at the club st 11 p. m. as William Raeford York, 82, 832 Campanella Drive; Donald G. Wilson, 28, of Fuquay Springs; Her bert Smith, 34, of 7 Dodd Street, and William McNeil, of 221 Smith field were all reported to have engaged In an affray with s deadly weapon, to wit-a knife. Yerfc waa ant an the tower left Jaw. After he was treated at Wake Memorial Hospitol. where six ettehes were repaired ta elaaa hta wound. all tour were taken to Wake Ceunty Jail and held for engaging to an affray with a deadly weapon. ■HOT IN CHAVIS PARK Lawrence Mitchell, 18, of 1812 Oakwood Avenu. stated al 11 P m. Friday, he was walking through Chavis Park when he heard a noise and immediately felt a sting in hta little toe. Young Mitchell, who was latter treated et Wake Memorial Hospital for a gun wound, mid he sew some one from a distance, but was unable to describe who he saw. MONEY STOLEN AS WOMAN WORKS Miss Bobbie V. Morgan, 23. of E-40 Washington Terrace, told Of fieer E. Randolph at 11 a m Friday, that foe toft her billfold, containing $22 in cash and her identification papers in her wallet and put the mnr«M in a pocketbook in the stock room at 109 E Hargett St., where foe works. Whan she returned to work et B-. 46 to get some money, the pocket book end everything in it were gone. She also noticed the heck door was open. . MAN SAYS TEENAGER BEAT HIM UP Ratari TVtaaaa. 31, sf MV B. Darts Street, admitted to Of ftotr T. T. Street Jr- at MS jimtor OriffoaVyrar-eM reri dsnt at 988 E. Hargett tercet Apt B. -teat me ap wtfo his SiSMb heh§ ffcrti ** .. f . - . •» i\.%. ;.;> >*;7gt^Tw?gF-^.-igß • f ’ JH| Wm NEW ADDITION AT WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL—Rahatad hem tha otfiea el tha principal, J. W. Ea ton, tor tha school yarn, 1964-ISMS, are the following now faculty members: (I to r) Afro. Al too T. Solomon, Counselor; Mrs. Mar Faculty-Staff Pre-Session Institute Set At A&T Soon GREENSBORO—Services to stu- I dents and faculty, available to im plement foe instructional program l “I Had Been Plumb Wrong:" Billie Sol Estes Plans Job Opportunities For Negroes ABILENE, Tom (NFD—Billta Sol Eatea. aelf-confident daaptto the handicap of bankruptcy and the possibility of serving a lons prison term for fraudulent prac tices, has begun a grandiose new International business operation that he claims will open up ave nues of employment for Negroes throughout the nation. The fallen financier, whose past operations inclaiad aM to Negro churches and schools la Arkansas, Texas and Ten neaeee, ta In the pronsm at establishing a nationwide chain of hotels and motels, which he says Negroes will bo trained to manage. He wfll al so have a chain at facsimile "Wild Weot" towns for tour tata and franchise* shops soil ing curies from abroad. Estee’ multi-million dollar tot ton, fertiliser and grain storage empire ooUapoed two years ago when he was Indicted on charges of swindling and conspiracy to defraud. He said hta change of heart now motivates his reentry into busi ness. Every business he associates himself from now on, Estee told the press, “must have the poten tial for aiding the disadvantaged." "I never saw the real values till after my troubles” he said. “I had been plumb wrong in emphasising ; money-making for personal ad vantage rather than to help oth ers to equal opportunity.” u GOP Names Negro Aide To Chairman WASHINGTON (NPX) The Republican National Committee announced last week the appoint ment of Clay J. Claiborne of At lantic City as assistant to Wayne J. Hood, director of the OOP campaign organisation. Clatboarao’i selection comes in the wake at widespread eriUcdam bp Necrose of the civil righto stand es Sen. Bar ry Geld water, Republican can didate far President. Tho 54-year-old campaign aide hae been active for the paet 34 years In national and state OOP activities, having recently served . tea special assistant to Republi can Vice Presidential candidate William E. Miller while Miller waa chairman of the Republican Na tional Committee. Dean Burch, present chair man es the Republican No tional Committee, said Clai borne’* appointment “empha sises that tho GaMwatar-MUl er campaign la Interested In all the people of this country. Wo will undertake an effective permanent program to dem onstrate that Ropublknin are not writing off any group of The defeat of Richard M. Nix on, the Republican Presidential candidate In 1960, hae been attri buted by some sources to the virt ual “write-off” of tha Mg city Ne gro vote. The incident occurred at th* corner of 8. East and £ Davie Sts. Young Griffin was picked up and Jailed on an assault and battery rap. SEAT IN AUTOMOBILE CUT Samuel Lee Taylor, 27, of 1305 Walnut Street, told a cop at 10:35 p. m. Monday, hta car was parked in the 1300 Mock of Walnut Street and someone "cut up the front seat." Damage to the 1961 Pontiac was estimated to be. about $35. WOMAN SAYS SHE DIDN'T DO IT Mias Pearl Pulley, of 101* >. Per son Street, culled tho officers of The CAROLINIAN loot Saturday morning to Inform The Crime Beat editor that she was not foe person Involved in a story carried on tba front page last weak entitled, "Wife Beaten By ‘Other Woman’." This IneManl tovolved Mrs. Mary Byrd sf 316 •. Rtood worth »tract, who teM pottos aricsra she was srissksd wtfo a Oaks battle and a flat, wtold was V torn Pearl Paltoy. However, this columnist advised Miss Pulley, of the S Person Street siifosm, that than era pessibly many persona wttb te same name as ten In this etty. However, e check of foe files of the Ralegh Police Department revealed no one by foe nemo as "Pearl Pulley " I at ART College, will get dose scru tiny at tha anual Faculty-Staff Pro* 'Session Institute. ■pp ■* - | \ I Broisr ' "lilrwilir" 1 | J All * ■ feurhon to l».f Duidlnj «* ■ If U BM’KiUI ■ (STUCK* • C'NCIKKMi. 9 ■fwgt ft, nwftuiu nteamtm *950 £r rtm TW BOURBON DC LUXE OBTIUKY COMPANY, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. M PROOF-CONTAINS 49% BRAIN NEUTRAL mi CCMfWSO*:. I MOTOROLA I ■WIDE SPECTRUM STEREO HI-FI I x y ■ V gtorao Id a Wlatlaw Chaotl CraW- [ BhO^% r !\ ad at genuine mahogany or walnut •»- ■ —■ - aad mal urt h erdiciAnrl aoJlda Vandafß pfiO pd-py* norOwOOtJ BQiiOßi 19 spoofcors. 39* Mob. s 69* wide, ■ ITVira*. m - TIRE SALES & SERVICE 401 Hflbboro St jjg S-2571 flB cABOLDVUUf garat H. Lockamy, 3rd grada; William Wafers, 6th grada Sk Mta, Mary H. Rtiea, 2nd grada. Thom new amabam JtStorfwMME faculty members an Saptambar 2nd, The Institution, sat to to# foams, “A Contemporary Design For Col legiate Goals" and which has for its main objective to draft * blue print for vital college service*, will be conducted for three-days, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday, Septem ber 10-13. AAT College pesaenaal will parttolpata ta am at eight-in terest groups durtagfo* ma ted* d* such uraun as: Faculty staff and student oammantoa ttosH, phflassphy t foe mßugfo and ta gutdanee. physical. amn>. tltary. social guidance and afost: Tha event will be featured dp two main addressee. Dr. f. A. Wil li am a, director of Extended Serv ices, Will deliver foe keynote ad dress at the opening general sisslim. which ta set for L3O p. m. on Thursday, and Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy# president of collage, will deliver th* main address at foe banquet on Friday evening. 3

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