fUg CAROURIAR tuaxwn, m intOTanr, iMfMHMk ins 4 Editorial Viewpoint WORDS OF WORSHIP 4X Aftjn »Aju4 i| «A|iA| r*inffFHvTi ffib * 1® .. rtMLhjk mau jyykgffi •« f&tkjkl ffl* MUfeAiUkAA ITKWW U MeAWfitatottito AAia -4K oBHP*WW Wow Ml WUJTrrinfj WIWT Hiln miff* ‘WmM am dared to i*ii#v«. Not « penitent CrMttf j *)tt had imti Mhtrtr of htt er#*tteh Slid. JR WTOtll, WM Mferfftlndd to drettty »t Alt Not A ~As Raleigh approaches the Fall season, un- Btartttdly « void will need filling in the leu of three personalities (among others) in par tjcular, AU three personalities art to be re membered during the anxious moments of the sttrtirt and demonstrations. Especially notably us two, was the very short time they had been ia Rftteiqh. and the outstanding contributions tMy made. AU three were selected to sit on the Mayor's bi-raeisl committee. telddm in a city of Raleigh s site da indi mduati me to the heights of respcmsibility as 4d Rev. J. Oscar McCloud and Dr, Charles A. Lyons.- Working closely with Negro organifi ttoftS and thl Student* who championed the aauSS at freedom for Negroes in Raleigh these two young men earned the respect of their el dart as well at the admiration of the Students. Their courage was undaunted, they were ob jective, highly mature and determined in their approach.to the problems facing Raleigh hOt too many months past. They acquitted them selves admirably. Atlanta, Georgia has removed Rev. Mc- Cloud from our midst; Howard University •#- •Let Ue Continue" was eery apropos ftl A >l6gan for the 19A4 Democratic ConverttHtll which met in New Jersey leet week The fhftl* lenge was set before President L. B. Johnson end his running mate—the “resilient” and lib eral Mr. Humphrey. President Johnson pledged himself td efth tinue the program of the late John F. Kenne dy whoa* ttdminisli sLion connoted "tlif Nw Frontier," a strong America, and she humani tarian approach to the problems of civil poverty and disease, and education. Wi bftngVC J B J. “outdid" himself in these endftftVdrt. His statesmanship regarding the iflW-POVefty program led his opponent to label him the fflftn With the “poor man’s syndrom#:" hut Whftt they said shout Mr Johnson didn’t hflthet him in the least. The waters of the nation af# indeed v#fy troubled. It has been evident id the ftetion* M Alabama and Mississippi leader! both ftt and away from the 1964 Democrat)! Convention. It hat been visible in the racial ftofe Hi Mar lym. Rochester, New York. Philadelphia, ag well as in other placet far and wld#. It hai been noticeable because of (he constant need to • tfßmonstrate and Conduct "matfh#l M to puh licixe the Negro’! resentment which hai not 11- way* been disciplined. It is high time that the American public, white and black, tank time out fee ft tittle "soul searching” in regards to plftClM the *h)#me, or responsibility, for the deplorable ac tions of the last few weeks. Neither faction la solely to blame; the re- Not For Intellectually Gifted Alone When one mentions going into engineering, phvsi ett chemistry, or mathematics as career!, he thinxs immediately that these persons are required to have "keen brains." Statistic* report that this country will need 11.000 new physicist* by the end of 1970. The question then is: "From where are we going tn get these persons?" Professor William J. Thaler, chairman of Ocftfgetown University’s department of phys ics, Km suggested an answer for “filling in the •hoftfege gap ” "You don’t have to he ft genius to bft a professionally and competent phytic -Ist," Thaler declares. He believes that if this Simple truth it drummed into students by high srhkftl principals, guidance counselors, maybe enough youths will be* encouraged to take phytks to overcome the lag. ' Thaler, at 38. heads the physics department ct an important university. He preferred this tab helping SB tnfthe physicist* at H9.MO ft year to • 140.000 Job ta industry, which he Abraham Bolden - We Regret ... Abraham Boklcn. flret Negro Secret Service ; «u« »—tgwed to guard the president “let hie race deem** recently DIM he vm ten teased te etx jftet to tell t teem iU Mcerftfre SreO" tfht fa Slink el them eefvet at pllleie fee upholding the UdMt idee It ot the Negrt rtca AU flntt mutt etrive to he individuate el feteptty, honeety. good menk end *li iff repreteh. M .Judge Jeeeph Sen Ferry el U. S. Dietrtct ssStacis think he canid get rtenney titer being teo vieted on three otteda—tttempted eele el de ject Service doceneh. eheMetien of jaetke athd conspiracy? By attempting te tell MM Bolden «ea offering to expose the -i rntßotpr*****™** -vV-yf** fivfv M§l fiOiir illi INiwnsr ■nwionisifn wrwn if n |nwf ■ | " p fXnrdMie dl rata, entar or creed. Mthume* end M|tt rights fteemi na man Mhed no men—ffle Negro frees terfrat n non ea the hr* he- Bdft Wishes Gdntlemtn Let Us Continue! Let Us Search Our Souls SSSMS 3m ßlAt a ,gwBRWB» WBw • ylin htn* igjkA Must tkA Hinma JkAM y«a ▼•III Mills WflO mff ™ flßWiCfl IM onWH HIW R§kA dAb ml ItygA AAfßlfia UUlNjQHlulll 91 OTTVyi IWI BTy OT URK ■ ■HUlriinf mm tfiiss-dwt a ptu eaapanian, a wanderful fHend. a unity Mdtdftent. m-tmini Patnar. lected Dr. Lyons far an adflMfHiirative post The third personality referred to. whojoes to Fayetteville State College this Fill, is or Nel son H. Hams. Dr. Harris needs no introduction in North Csmttns after a JO-year tenure hi edues«on His contributions to edueahon at thaw Uni versity, the Teachers Association and many affiliates hi the field of education are wen known end speak for thcmselvea. However, we salute him, along with Dr. Lyons and Rev McCloud for their contributions beyond the can of duty in civic, religious, pelßaal. frater nal and the social worlds. That Raleigh has been made richer because of their contributions has not been without recognition as there have been occas ions Where the high esteem in which they are held was demonstrated. The CAROLINIAN believes it speaks for die general public when It here extends a hearty thanks to these gentle men who have wrought well in our midst. We Wish them God speed in their new respon sibilities and of course, expect them "back hOdle" when the occasion permits. Hftw with some of the fences (battersd at the Convention) repaired and patched, Johnson ftfld Humphrey are ready "to continue’’ the democratic program for making America pro gressive. But in the words of the late Mr. Ken nedy, every U. S. cititen must help the 1964 Democratic candidates “to continue” by not WftltHif for our country to do something for tit. bttf father what can we do for our country If every citizen supports the anti-poverty pfifiiili sis L.8.J., our economy will br di fNted toward “preventing” our children from WlAdtftl Up ftfl a human slag heap. If we seek peaceful troys to abide honestly by the new ClVIt rigfte laws, our citisenry will be assured at human dignity. Yes, Sftci ftne of us ‘"must work hard to continue.'’ ftponsitHHty must be shared by both sides No longer m the long sought-after rights of thr Negro A question of legality. AgnallMl. Whether inspired by the radical left AT Mtfemr right, whether "black” inspir ed M "while" inspired, is a poisonous cancer that threatens to destroy the very soul of our nstifttl ftlkd People. Each side black and Whltl ■■ltlttit help calm the "troubled waters at OUT emotions’’ and restore reason to its fightfilt Mam in the scheme of things. The wht II Man must learn to accept changes ei i fundamental law of life and growth—and he ebfttttd da this gracefully. Let the Negro— alttaugh patient he has been press for his rifMa When victory can be assured Nothing can he gained by ‘Most causes." turned down. When he was with the Dffice of Naval ReaCifeh. hs figured out a why to detect nuclear ekpfeetone and ballistic missiles 5.000 miles from wherever he happens tn be. His ideas are basked by solid qualifications. This physics point— and youths would do well to listen—is that physicists are indispensable to our way of life today, and there are toa few as them tor the Jab the nation needs to be done. A lot of students can qualify without the eartnarh pt genius. They can make the grade. A possible salary as from $13,000 ta gis.ooo per yCar as a college teacher of physif!, and a salary of up to 140,000 a year in same Industry should motivate many as our Negro youths to expand their horizons and goals. But remember that the physlefft is ft well trained man in his profession. Youth, if you would aspire to became a competent physicist, then stop in school and profit* yourself. nation to enqtoy pgrtl. Whitt BaMtn't defense rested an htt own kg gklgitaJ kg sgggg AfeiMAj k|s Sk* TFtatiyiKJClJr t HI HI iißiiifl BF ™ Rmmt Wrum Ki tilinnid IA feMHfv he* ton a MwrMMt eaminlMlnn that Bearot Ber vtee agants guarding the tats Froatdant Ken nedy am ta* ta their duty ■ Who aan say Balden wm not selling the truth! Yet sroMANW Wm tor allowing himself to ha put ta a giHtfea as tuaplaton. Evident ly. Bm arogfetaM sears carnet tor Baldsn was canvtatai hy • Jury after three and a half hours as deliberation It may he a tang tune now before a second is engaged by the Secret tender assigned to guard tbt Ptotidant. Boldin'S sanvtcttan "let the Negro race dawn"! Utter To Tho Editor THE TRtrtrf To The Editor: God, who at sundry tunes m divers manners spake m tune peat unto the fathers By the prophets, hath to these last daps st^n^afttt^ta world, and those Who listened Mian to move. It seette s trance tft the, world that aft manylittte people will band themaehre# together to fight far What we knftf la truth because all through hltMfy It hta been what tre call the Mg people, the^ In studying the herlptursis We find that God always ages the £sstu£ri«.^ tie people that Odd li now us ing. A sound was sent out through the world, and mty- A, IW ..CuT. Lml s3uftf be gin to mdv*. This la PM of the reasona we mould f*el sor- KsFrtfwm didn’t get Hie ealii and their cry it '"Wait. You’re going toe fast." but the sound says ‘TOW. Arise and take whatOed has given you." Satan la wlae too Re knows whs received this ertl ao hs plants hatted and aimer m the hearts of thSff men both white and Man, and It la their deter mination to stop this fight which to us tan’t a fight at all but rather a command at Christ, we find an inner peace In doing what we know is right, not becatM we hate anyone, not becsifll W# Went 16 Outwit anyone. bQt because we Believe that "the earth te me Lord’s and the fullnesi thereof’ and everyone that dwells therein and we too are his people. This is why we are as bold as thn nan and harmless as the dove W# know that with God there is no reepeet of persons. Not like our ancestor*, we am not afraid of a robe and a name like the Ku Klu* Klin, we re not ashamed of wnat we do, so ws don’t mask our non or wear ro*e« w# don’t try to frighten anyone teeause we’re really trying to teseh them to love Love le our buslneee, sftd this makes Ood our Business beeauss Ood is love. Hatred is like a eeneer. It eats away at a man until ns becomes nothing, with no ability to live among friends or fees. THIS Is why we’re willing to present our Bodies a living sa crifice—to teson s miked up. confused world the first and ind commandments of Christ, to love Ood first with every thing that you have and then thy neighbor as thyself And this severe the whole Ten Com msndmenta Because if I love you X will not kill you. nor win t steal from you or lie about you or any other thing mat is in the Commandments Many times we live in a com munity and don’t realise what is happening Because we don’t have the love of Ood Love op ens up the eyee of blinded men and women and wilt teach them to believe the impossible —things such ss have happen ed in me Bouth. Love gtvee one courage to stand In the faee es night sucks, fir# hoses, and the hatred es mobs with a prayer a*Jrth* "Wither forgive them for they know not what they da." Love gtvee one hope that in the Bright light of tomorrow the stony heart win Be mov ed and a heart of km win re- To 'love anyone no matter what eotar. what rasa, or what sraM. But to look at a man and say This U on* that Ood has made and everythin* made bar Ood la «vs rote of ms Mgr»— not only ta gam equal rights but mat ths light of Ood wtn shins so Bright that must I da to he wired?" Awake and follow Ate course mat Ood has set Jesus said, "Ye are th* light of the world.’* ang if you aie a Christian and Bib# vorid In tart worry about what say to you or what • to you. It It Ood you AumM B»«ftn- Ml this sharps in and fhs oarnmnitd not ntm that can MU MM Body. But rather fear MM MM can k u the Body and OlMrwufdS oast the sftal fete A Aunt For Fmm •f hmmmA * MRNiil limit aimmtm m, mrntmmmSrtMimmm waaifi PERFECT MtflGfi RAN© rttre yeuger wanted tbs "perfect ariose hand?" fit Richmond, England, recently a bridge deal produced perfect hands for Oil roar playert. One sere Mooing arid me band wee net played The expert taid odds against r on* 'Great day In the mom mgit OISLY IN AMERICA BY HARRY GOLDEN fllftwd BW ABB ab invePtsr. n. mwmm» Bda Sk awßrnS wfWBIBHI« IM BHVMB B ••its Mmetmaut man can park m Hose to ypunmiftPM Csti 4 yow oFn eof tn€ ifivwuor said- HOLT MACKE UAL! Ih Lima, Peru, a mswjjaftis The priest was about to ft* tho bride-to-be if ahft Wmdd U*s IM husband. AldfeSS fed aom fhfS walked Saldana’s wm Mi CRB children yeillftg "Daddy. Dad and ths groom fled, pursued By Lgg ,1* <- ItcT UI OWiti S, "He left the hOUw Sdrty this Ears Wife, gold. rack to school 1$ hai been ffint long occupation. D ie sISO fes first society not wdf tog> «- juufjrirtuany evgryoili HI*S» •SM to sghooL But virtually everyone has ShlMTgn wftft gft to school. Everyone gymferig *l4 ftatumi Aiimi amius —— -* 4 tmftAa wic ecnooi syiMMii ana • wp PU WnVnRP Ol pwpif YOIUiIWPF their serriees to aid the mstSm, either a* pta members, sr ag lMdping mothers, or ag oar pool directors. Certainly * gftftft prgpftrtion of the central ISeues In our so cloty revolve around . ths dSSws^tafSSSS tt tho folks didn't buy gMUft* Parti to eftimnl clothes, th# in . dUstry would bft millions of dol lam power every year. JnrSfy otte who sits before a Juihaftp television program, ShSiflft* hh professional football taaffl knows that eOfth Os thbfte Asst teamed their trade in ooUes*- ln an age whfth a sfean ptr s*ntaf* or the OOMhtry went to sdhort, baseball Wa* the sole national SportTThese days Whin more and more are expected at least to Me rudiment* of first year composition, professional football keeps gaining In popu larity. Teaching has Become 0M Os the largest of American profes sion*. School construction must figure largely in what th* poU tidans lute to *aU our grew na tional prodiMt. Hot IS there any end in eight. Sf the giant red wood! were felled tomorrow they wouldn't provide all the hfthbsr we need for rtaokßom Boys and (Iris besom# Re pubUaans, or Oemoerata or In dependents. or Single Takers at hofll* but etttftenShip. such a* it 14 IS taught in the selMole. With the exeeptton of un skilled labor, mast of which is HOW Mng automated out of In dustry, an training is entrusted to tbit schools No one gets a job arty more and learn* Its routine by asking the man be sMg Mm how it’s done; no one goto a job unless he has had speeffle training. During th* next week or two school again resumes. Hun dreds of thousands of teafy mothers win put lltue cissy on tho sehool bus fer ths first time and hundreds of thous ands of young men and women win be facing classes for the first thus. And the Question tsi is tt ail worth l»f After all this expense and effort, we are still * nation that By and large has trouble spelling; and millions upon mil lions of us Mad lees then one Book a year, while millions more simply read the non books, the sub*literature about hew to pull off party gam. how te get something for nothing from Ood. or how to make yourself glamorous. Though school affect* every nerve and fiber of our national being, we aN still In the ex perimental stage, still brides and bridegroom*, not yet wive* Despite all this, despite even ttie severe enttMwn of our sys tems. tbO American public school proses* is one of the hjjdgm aaftShahalA* —— - ■ TwOHRI |9f tnapiea tin tnUnCl atod By a people No matter where there are marginal peo ple ta AfttariM, the unemploy ed and Unemployable in Wast Virginia teal towns, the Negro shame repp we ta ths Souttt. the first guMntton American* ta our Big rtttso. all of them know the one true route to the cen ter of Ammicaa life h through the eohoeh the eebool mttem atay be a rtiaky and unbslanevd arch. But tt h ettfl a gateway wide enough fer moat, and per haps one day it ann Be wide enough for Ml. Other Editors Say ’nasßr-su?^ The country M COtae M the A, CBS TfcSBBP I** 1 ** The Party Os Burden Oooe qHM4UCU. nwearsar rfe/wsy ...I i - in —a*jaa*««i —awwiM*iww*eaaMiftMßßßMaw tCUGIOtIA gAOHLAIH sftaiv'aWtaS threotenincly dAnttrdtU BMMfteh ft fifiiiottl 3j t SSSBtt minaea FYimNwi, prwcnfrg ana racoo puijn teen nr* trytt* to detteTO tarif listeners ItttoM- the Mfregatlon at ta* rices tt th* These “disciples of deesU," W they are called By Gfetifl iritofOH, a waawnfkm, d. c , religi ous neks CorKSfitocefit. lire also atttjftlrjr church leaders SM UM MattOh*) Council of ftUr ches far giving leaderstup to sue cause of facial understanding and Mtagratten. Although milt of these proponents or aisSofjed religion find the seffSgftttidnttt-dttndM Scuta ft fertile field for their venom, their braadeaets capture the ear and allegtanae if many Northern listeners, as Mil as many ta foreign lands. TWe or these "evasiMtattfer ffl will" sM Dr. Carl Mclntyre, a deposed aUAister at the United Presbyterian church, whose daily SO-minute "20th ffwwwJhSi Dr. James Hargis sm6M Brondeoats are Mi ao widely tarried and who Is not quits to vtruMbt as -Mclntyfi. Th* two eftn beat ha tlaanrlhad a* extreme tght wint fundsmentaUtta. taartaglcafer. Mclntyre te described bytvemtt u ana SMI Uieate la "that taetoadar* es all major mtiaiant denominations are, baaauee as tne tsaiiiiaMs toachings which they absorbed ta eSMinariee, engaged in a Clan destine 06nspir**y to tbril Amertta toward Com ttuniam ana otaeum." ia tiro, you hear tae fa miliar hue and art at qoutaero setregaitahtets who attribute the racial revolt to communist leaderstup and atreauan. Iks fuasroi Gommuiueastona aommteaMn re NEWS AND VIEWS MI.R lAMDf ROCKY MOUNT The Meutahte MSI Actml tar last week ‘beat us to the draxr a* It SMtSTalteed on "The Black Backlash" While SO MAdf 6t our people have been reveling in thi MM "whit# backlash” when applied to the afcttt Segregation tets and their kind. certainly we hAvs a* vtttou* a group *mang us as the ’Whites’ fanning an Ugly Backlash wfctth is tearing down many of our gain*, to muta M WS regret it What DECENT Negro Will tell you tail he rejoices In the recent rioting, bfattn Starting, damaging personal property Os tboas WEB hftVi befriended our Race: and the fenflNi laatlng at stores and the aasautling of WQaMb and MS In New York Stale and Philadelphia. N. rfltt Writer and wife just ‘escaped’ ta* Qttthsr Oltg noting by leaving leu that II hettn earlier). When 120 authorised Colored Democrat* SM legally-assigned delegate! or alternates li ta* Atlantic City tonrimtloft, that’s someAMlg to be mighty PROUD about. Mst when th* "Mack-tort)" ss sushEl tnen wt Eri Milne Mup <H in4 MPNp rut. That’s Meauta these PttOOt afßatartoMMve not been Trained in tae trueprinoxFum op amervjaSmaii oh. ye*, ws know th* Nsgreas ao thrtr ganags for the ‘maatar taw An ana taa white* snasgs Negroes ta start trosb other whites ta toaag ways. And since the life of the average febtoimad' Ne gro is one of scheming tvit wax through tub rath er than working hi* way thruMfe. (to MMMHtSS to try to live by his wits, whtehqeurtly lead Mta to crime and disgrace and a LORA OR A Ataflh OF DECENT VALUES. That's why we need to DISMXSB HAIP at our so-called PREACHERS and RETRAIN the other HALF with, not only a shouting gospel, but a LIVING. EVERYDAY LIFE GOSPEL u well. ed T more"ltagto of conduettna thrtr tMirro and iiana»aitr lead ership than any man 'or wseton) In this century. King has taught UNStaJftt everyday Chris tianity anTtOgde tt a part sTaur religious Ufl to against the unmfpnned proadtor Who said: "Pol ities and) Civil flights htfrt no ptoee ta the ijixirms 1 ?^??^ * mU9 Regrettable as tt te. the reason taj behind the thinking of the young Negroes t* SM tt fttegust revenge and hate, engendered in them by the now generally-known facts at Use that hte sere-beam SSirt JUSSi-"23 umiigmttvs Rsfeihllnsns, at n?Jfmnf *** *** *** iSTThaIM fthM- HrlT IHi WBPIb* "We are baPNtaad with the reasarfcahto natnrttoiww as aft ALTAR CALL BY RMkf G. DAVIS. DA (Far Negro Pram tatarttattaMi) many rtverakta •TO a*h soft ba aiSt tarm slow down ia Mto start tempo of ssxrgv’gs (Mfttif ASM A dMUfIMM M MN iM IMt redid r*dk> and television Mrwnp ftSfma mmmuX and ftmifen group*. fart « the id—mpix’a di rective orders station* Id Allow AftlAi -ft* to thoM VhO Weftt to mis to tiMM Mtifffl*tts at ta—a at the reiigidu* mn*—eta. These backlash evangelist* pfHflt to MOtiOns Os 4kn old Tn—t-nmnl vhpM Oml’a nt—hit| ruWt m* wxv vw t—n—nv niiviv wov i vim h gainst Inter-marriage between Jews and "lieath en*.” They don’t explain to their hearer* that this sl ss «U£ra the Jew* corrupted or dissipated by thee* "heath* en” idol worshipper* who did not believ* in the one Ood. JiWeh. TTlejr flared inter*«Arriaf • would tMMI to gtfui* the dootrlne and befi«Vers cf • ood’i Chfiteft people." TWiafr we regard the Jrv a* e religious seal and not ft rase The fee ha* aster titan *u*h e bold etand «- satnM rtligious anispoMAl* brior* and il't doing it now a# the rtiult, AA dotf* Os thMMnds cf complaint* coming to it* attention about the ao i s strxfssomg, Srjs; chunk Ji gtaHAW* BOW • MM to register our HiUpport the riiie of re- Id flenomi- Vtfion time fitherhoDd radio and ad to offer " Agitators rildkm that is Increasingly realising that the ohurw MUST imd —veTnia were ROBBED of their Mom through —a MA years off slavery and inwotantaiy servitude, ptoA another oentury of aeml-slavery or peonage. Rightly or wrongly, modern-day Blacks have been made tA feel that they are now In position to ‘ad? beak* or in a degree-mteheto upon—A ieutSecn* JhttaF** * aadurad ThAAA *ood>*en-*nindll itlllAA Ilka the soothe m Negroes have migrated to aS AOrnMA of—• Nation, earn —reading MA ri——f> brand of NAACPaftey Wilkin* rightfully M*e*d re cently that we moat AA every Advenes of tM Civil ——Me front* we an* reel sasagEsS--"* We most remember thet we aw pAAMng from Sli ®. j££?tS gtw at* a —ana* to in-raw my —ths and a FOR Wwo DIONITV. «SS£ human aaTra^tol/JLXrT'fi'* M the AUantie City Democratic convention last week. We were orivUepad to —a— hAnds with both of them and others, aa th*w fought to bring degree, that mecaedid mem —an before* TTuur effort# inspired our PMla. t* Aftffttte 01% drive to see them in tenon. And don’t for pat —a group got plenty at help from white* fwm mow states then you heard about including the white female dele gate from Oregon who gave Mb*. Hamer a seat 3s£hant£& , uaftK.*3 types of demonstrations for the dhretion of th* ilemion wh— w# wort to pm an our people reg mutt NaAI COWTT Cltiaen* UDBT STWST HARD to QOALXyy for the AUL-NEW registration whjeh. Wn WDST PAM October 3rd to October Mih. Ut nothing beep you away during the e*r> days because you *ll can't get registered on th* %at Baturdaf. And you just doitt count if TOUTtE NOT REGISTERED and If you DON'T VOTE every election day. * and Company, and tfeie u the answer yOuH eet - “More loot, tone «ua and salaries, the step-up in take nane pay due to the reduction in withholding tax. the etar *- ▼allaWlity of eat wflUngnsss to nee inetenoent credit, itt men continued ttgegaMß^tn^rehui ifi2L* m -

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