THE CAKOLDfIAM RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, BEPTMBER S, IH4 6 Also Observes First Anniversary: Temporary Minister Os Providence Unanimously Chosen As Its Pastor The Reverend George M. Wil- i liains, who recently moved to Ha- , teigh after long residence In Nor- 1 Church Chuckles by CARTWRIGHT MH« Sm --- - ilklakL I ! Jk I——■ I- uAaaatMAM m Uli m yoii niton i b kwh yvunfvr witti •ant act lenut?" WEEKLY MEDITATION BE COLIN DOUGLAS A SermonetU “Thou wilt guide me with thy aounael."—Paalma 73:24. Have you ever felt dlasatlsfac tlon with your work, or with your lot or progress in life? In times such aa these it U vitally neces sary for us to decide hist where we want to go, and how beat to get there For even thomrh we are 1 confronted with challenging cU eumstanoei or seemingly difficult personalities, our progress la pri marily dependent on the direc tion we take and on our own ef forts to move in that direction. No amount of blaming others or rationalising our lack of satis faction ever relieves us of the re eponstblllty we have for our own progreae. It la only by accepting this responsibility, by queatlonlng ourselves honestly, and by pro ceeding In accordance with the answers we get that we are able to go forward. TWO 1 MINUTES CI vrm m mble m mnhiw a. evAM nn. / ■man imu team yl|w f A oeueo u, mumm / rvN'4 WONDERFUL NEWS The newspapers are filled with axel Ung new* these duyi, but the divine extendon of this present Mft of trade Is the most sensa tional nlw« of all. We art prone to take the bless ings of our Umos too much for ■ranted. We fortet too easily that for more than 1800 years the world has been ripe for Clod's Judgment—ever since His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, was cruci fied and sent from this world as a royal Exile. All through the Old Testament realms ana prophets It Is clear that the world's rejection of Christ was to be visited with aw ful Judgment. The Second Psalm, describing the worlds' rejection of “the Lord and His anointed," goes on to say: “Then shall He lOodi speak unto them In His wrath and vex them tn His sore displea&ur' " In PMla 110:1. too. we haw the Father saying to His rejected Son: "•It Thou at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy foot stool.” Tat, when all seemed ready for the dittos Judgment to fall, God INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE —Consult— YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS Fire & Casualty Insurance Company Durham. N. C. RALEIGH SEAFOOD Fresh Seafi** A Daily no a pavis st wal te i FOR RENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses a*j- jrm iot and cold water and bath* Um Rg dMßar a IhW slam apartment •» aeuee a- eaa of- M fg iwmMMMe If tel either 3 m 4 ra»m itertsuau at * aaif rwaae hawaa AB titter dwelling* *r* located to me# . agfchßurfcaeda and la first -«tam repair. Set Us Today For Better Living! ACME REALTY CO. m S. HAJKMTT «T WAI « •»* I fork, Virginia, has been unanimous ly elected as pastor of the Provi- I dence Holy Church. When we queetton ourselves In an attitude of prayer we are able to rccognlac whether our lack oi progress la due to a fundamental uncongenality with the work we, are doing, or whether we are not putting ouraelve# Into that work so fully aa we should. Whatever | answers we get. there IS a dlrec-1 tlon" to take that leads us toward; succeas and fulfillment and aatia fnetlnn and hnrmlnea*. Neither *tiinr nor place nor cir cumstance nor environment nor personalitlea can stand between us and Ood. Through regular and faithful prayer, we can feel Hla preocnce and His love and .Hla power—and armed with this ware nesa of the Father. we can meet and cope with every situation and problem that may arise. Dear Father, teach ua to meet every challenge of life * filled with I faith in Your power, in Your good i neas. in Your love I I "Fear thou not. for lam with thee."—lsa. 41:10. Interrupted the prophetic program and saved Saul of Tarsus, the "chief of sinners," and the leader of the worlds' rebellion against Christ. More: He appointed this Saul as tire Apostle Paul to pro claim "the gospel of the grace of Ood"