?■ r *'\ ;'> v; -v A ";/ ’ ,;/V'' r v* v"' I * , ‘ : / •-' - F II B I ■ ■ PRETTY SECRETARY VIES FOR BEAUTY CROWN— World's Fair, N. Y.: Miss Anita Screen, 21, a New York secre tary, decorates the setting of the Florida Favillion at the World's Fair here August 29th. She is one of the ten contestants in the Miss Photogenic Beauty Pageant who ware guests at the Fair for the day. The finals of the pageant, sponsored by the New York Photographer’s Guild, will be held November lit at a hotel here. Thejvinner will receive a Caribbean trip and a movie screen test. More than 150 girls from the metropolitan area ere entered frt the pageant. (UPI PHOTO). Rape Victim Says Adults Heard Pleas Bf CBABIftS B. JONES A sad atroy of declining morality in thia city waa related Saturday night by a woman who bad been brutally raped while several teen age boys allegedly looked on and even adult people living in the neighborhood, hearing her despe rate screams for help, refused to intervene. The raptot escaped, but was located ever two mile* away a short time later. Ex-Raleigh Attorney On Legal Staff Attorney Eugene A. Solomon, Jr., a 1037 graduate of Saint Au gustine*' College, Raleigh, who practiced law here for 13 years, has joined the legal staff of the Prudential LUe Insurance Com pany’s Newark, New Jersey corpo rate headquarters. The lawyer, who msdntnlned of fices In the 100 block of E. Har gett Street until thh summer of 1003, and later moved his prac tice Into his & Bast Street hone, received his law degree at Wash ington’s Howard University in 1041. During (he first few years es hte practice. Solomon sup- BLOODY AMD PARTIALLY BOWED— AM m riot, continu'd intommoondnod in tim PtßnUpUn rr*r timUm away wish m bloody Quaker City Imt week. ( UPJ PROTO). Mrs. Auto Eet Curley. N, es 103 1-3 N. State Street, reported * to Officer B. G. Parker, Jr., st t:l7 p. m„ she was walking south en S. State Street when a nun, later Identified as SC-year old Hartford Tun*tali, jumped from behind seme hushes. keeking es alcohol. TunetaH, reportedly dragged his Intended victim sense M feet west Into a vacant lot, toe*ted on 8. State Street and Cotton Place, tore off her pantiei, hit and choked her, then placed his hand over her mouth and proceeded to rape her as die continued to scream and vainly fought htan. The bruised and beaten woman wae taken to Wake Memorial Hospital, for treatment es facial Mrs Curley described her attack er as being about 9 feet, ten inches tall, weighing between 190 to 155 pounds and wearing a checked shirt, khaki panto and a brown cap with a rain cover over It A short while later, while an swering a call to pick up a drunk in the 1000 block of S. Saunders St officers found Hartford Tunatall. of 1104 Alston Street His shirt was torn around the right front pocket and three but tons were missing from it Tunstet! told the eepa Be was front Alabama, but had heats hi kaleigh for fear weald, work ing at the Cary Beefing Cam (esnxxoD on r«u •> PROCTOR QUITS CORPS 4f4444 4 4 4 4 4 w ~wm ww y n xa am . . / Local w oman Raped As Youths Stand Idly By THE CAROLINIAN VOL. 22, NO. 45 NEIGHBOR HELP AS MAN StabbedToDeath Takes Nat’l Council Os Church's Job NEW YORK. N. Y.—Dr. Samuel D. Proctor, associate director of the Peuoe Corps, has bom named general director of lntgroretatton of the National Council bf Church es. It vfi announced this week by the Council’s general Secretary. Dr. R. H. Edwin Espy. IDs appoint ment becomes effocMve ftspt 14. Dr. Fl*#or oaanhe tuthe Na years. In hit nesTpaatlle Sue reads Dr. Murray S. Stednsan. Jr., who has resigned to jdn the faculty of Trinity Ceßsge In Hartford, Conn., aa hand of “The National Council to happy to announce the appointment of so distinguished an American and churchman as Dr. Proctor," Dr. Espy said. “His experience as a leader in the chcrch, the Negro community and the Federal Gov ernment, together with hto yeans of service in the field of educa tion, eminently qualifies him for (COUTH* CUD on ra os s> '' ’ VII /a mCLjJt DR. SAMUEL B PROCTOR North Carolina ’« Leading Weekly ( RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1964 LOOTERS CAUGHT IN THE ACT—Wholesale footing in Philadelphia is taking place in full view aa mobs of Negroes plun der stores in riot area. UPI staff photographer Frank Johnson was injutad by a flying water hydrant cover while making the above photo last weak. More than 145 persons had been Injured, and the list was continuing to mount, until a curfew was put into ef fect by the mayor. (UPI PHOTO). ‘Back To Africa * On Rise Again taw YORK (NPD A “Back to Africa" proposal, similar to that espoused by the lets Marcus Moriah Garvey beck in the 1030 s and TOs, was made here last week by a local African nationalist organization, known as the African Nationalist Pioneer movement. The argaatmariaa. wHb head quarters te Harlem, dispatched a latter to fruilint Johnson asking the establishment es a federal rsssttlsmsnt bureau to saad to Afttaa all Aasartoaa Negroes who nlshsf to go. The letter explained that Ne groes da not enjoy all the righto es citizens in the United Bute* and “will never be able to as long as whites are in control.” The Into Garvey, founder of the ailgtesl “Bach to Africa" asovcment, died te 10M te Lou den. Though he never realised (CONTINUED - ON PAGE S) From Raleigh s Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES Man Admits Three Unsolved Break-Ins floyd Peacock, of >l3 S. Beat St., informed Officer* E. L Barham and E. L. Randolph at 11 p. m. Monday, that after talking to James Linneli Copeland, he admitted breaking in to his store. Peacock's Grocery. • Walnut Street several weeks ago aad stealing $34 worth es cigarettes and dgars. oops revealed that Copeland waa alee the thief who brake late Larry's Cat-Rate Grocery. mu * a- es* . -a M WO If e 9N “saw, SeW ■ay's Reeaty Parlar, 3» W. He wgs arrested Cor the Pee rock lahbery and petitions were drawn Wdnal Mas Cor the other two. SCLC’s Bth Annual Meet Planned Sept. 29-Oct. 3 ATLANTA. Os, The Eighth Annuel Convention of The South ern Cchrtotian Leadership Confer ence to scheduled to be held in Savannah, Georgia on September 20-October I. it was disclosed re cently by Martin Luther King, Jr, president of the civil righto organi zation. Theme for this year’s annual moating will be “New Directions In The Quset For Freedom.” The topic will be developed in workshop* and Whites Cheer As Two Ga. Klansmen Freed DANIKLSVIUJE. Oft (NPD “Humftn Ilfs baa toss value Hum s box of snuff . . .” prosecutor Jeff Wayne warned an, all-white male jury. If the wanton slaying of Lemuel A. Penn, an Army reserve lieutenant colonel, was condoned. The Jury deliberated slightly more than three hours Friday night then acquitted Joseph Accuses, Then Cuts Woman In $2 Theft Mias Oretha Jedd. M. of IM4 Mark Street, called the ’cepe at Ustt am. Mso day, aad report ed Jamas A. YeaagMeed. 4d, aoeaaod her of stealing tt frees Ua An organs sot enseed. she staled, they begaa te fight and ah* orao eat with a packet The woman said she was wound ed on the left hand. However, both parties were hauled off to Wake County Jail, charged with engag ed in an affray with a deadly waatinn and booked under S3OO PRICE 15c Motive Still Mystery in Knife Death NEW BERN - Local polio* au thorities are bolding a 39-year-old Craven County man following the butcher-knife slaying of one of his neighbor*. Daniel RIB was accompanied te psUee station by hto tetter ■0 he suit sat den ( to efftotate , Jam ft trite, It d led in a local ' Brum Phillips, a aharriffa depu ty. declared Kill admited Bubbling Battle In the chest and back. The incident la alleged to have taken place la front of a small neighborhood sweat shop-store. Both men were neighbors of long standing and, at CAROLINIAN press time, no reason for the fatal knifing was available. Pending a coroner's inquest, young Hill to being held as ha was booked-on an open charge-by order of Craven Coroner R- Clyde Smith. maaa rails* In yhlch soma half dozen nationally!, known speakers will appear during the four-day convention- Among them will be such noted civil rights leaders as A. Phillip Randolph, AFL-CIO vice-president; James Farmer, national director of the Congress of Racial Equality; and former Brooklyn'jDpdgtr base ball star Jackie ftoblnSoßT"'^ (CONTINUED ON PAGE t) Howard Shad, 41, and Cecil Wil liam Myers, ss. both admitted members of the Klu Klux Klan. in the nlghtrider Maying of Penn, a prominent Washington, D. C. educator. Cheers brake osst la the courtroom when the verdict was announced. The prosecu tor had sought the death pen alty. "When Ood to ok pour aide, man cant’ harm you.” the sister of one of the accused men declared. Both still face federal char ges of reuepliing to injure op press, threaten and intimidate Penn aad two companions. However, they mast first be Indicted hr a federal grand Jary, which dees not normally meet aatfl early strut year. Beth are uuder IMAM heads. The masfassam penalty an the federal charge, fas addition to a If AM flat, la alt-year pris on term The national soptUiht fell on thle tiny Oeorgif. town when the trial opened here last week Chief prosecutor Clcte Johnson had told the Jury early In the trial that "the honor of the state of Oeorgia is on trial." After the verdict waa delivered, he reportedly shook hands with Sims and Myers, declaring: "Th*re Is nothing personal In this ” The klansmen were escorted to a near by law of floe tor an impromptu celebration. A key witness for the state had contended that the two klansmen ‘Whiskey Was For A Party/ Says Campbell "When the officers stopped my ear last Saturday night. I was not the only person In It," claimed Ralph Campbell, 40-yoar-old mili tant president of the Raleigh Branch of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People. "They merely asked »*•*- - «.. . v.ti —<« end told . v l . kU>a CAMPBELL Halifax Tensions Quieter ENFIELD John R. Salter, Jr, official of the Southern Confer ence Education Fund, who was In Raleigh at hi* home Tuesday, stated racial tensions to the first Inte gration of Halifax County Schools, which opened Tuesday, are now somewhat eased. This replaced a tense situs a ilea which prevailed ana weeh age when Mr. Salter called ter Stale and Federal aid In pro toetlen es Negress In this area. Claiming things are still very tense, the militant white Integra ttonist, added, “Things have only nutted somewhat*." Last week, several crosses were burned and carloads of white per sons rode through the predominant ly Negro neighborhood*. More than nine children became the first of their race to attend pre viously ell-white schools In this rsclst county this week. “We are net tee apprehensive ever the children enrolling Tuesday si Walden and Wad needs y In Enfield, hut wc ere werrled a beet the night-time hoodlum stuff," stated Balter. The quiet-spoken Mr. Salter has been working in this Halifax Coun ty area for over five months. He formerly taught at an all- Negro college In Mississippi. W EAT H K II Temperature, far the five day period. Thursday threush Monday, wilt average »*« normal or seat*- what ekeve normal, with UtUe day I* day chans*. Sams normal hifk and low lompernturos sre. Outlet.* and Rsletsh area, *1 and «. Ealn PAGE S Ceteelal Stores Heal General Tire Co Haielth Bestaess ftfltii PAGE * A, as* P, r M. C. State Pair 555= leases OH c*. Betates BeUgsts CM * aaHr ■***■"» is Kins CM* UsM .