THE CABOUKU* RALEIGH. N. &, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. IH4 10 r The Raleigh SCENE • ' ' PERSONALS gcfrm return from vacation Mr. ul Mrs. Abe ImU sad daughters. Peggy, Chyrie sad Veronica, base rstaraed to the cllr after vacationing ia several point* nsrtb and ia Canada. Thar vMtad la Bnftele. Roches ter add Albany, N. Y., nai Canada. Bnalan, Maas, 'and aba Fall River, Maes, where, they vtotted Mr. Beott's ditar And bar family. They aba vtatied la Hartfard. Conn u aaa Mrs. IciMi broth •r-ta-itw. They eblted Mr. sad Mrs. Wlllb Swift la Stamford. Caan.3lra. Swift b the daugh tor 'af Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Tabf.WlMor of this etty. Ibid vbMad the N. Y. World ! Fair, -where ibey »aw many i Hidfifnl and exciting sight*, which they enjoyed The Scott* aba SbMed the brother and -Tim ts Mrs Scott In Washing ton, ft. C. They all had a won darfnl vacation and retnraed ta tha elfy safely Monday nlfbt as bat weak. ATTEND FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mr*. William R Moore •ad family of 3 Chavis Way recent ly attended a (a y family reunion ta Bailey. Among the out-of-town guest* were. Mr. end Mrs John C. Moors as Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr*. Wreaths Moors, Mr. and Mre. Na thaniel Moore of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. and Mr*. Oerland Moore, Mr. James Moor*. all of Richmond. Ve; Mr- end MM. Perey Perry. Mr. end Mrs Robert Moore end family and Mr. and Mr*. Alls* Rieka of Ra leigh everyone had a grand tlma at the home of Mr. and Mre. Luther Parry of Bailey. FRIT IN WASHINGTON, D. O. Mr. end Mre. Willie Blount end family reported having enjoyed a jnrely vereHon in Washington O. C. They wera the house gue*u of Wm atetee* Me* Sinclair tarter, and Mr*. Jack Maul*. HAPPY KRTWDAY MISS BIRDS ALL Many happy return* ta Miss Fran eas Birdaall who celebrated her birthday os Sept. s. BPBND WEEKEND Os D C. Mr. and Mrs Norman Adam* of 111 E Ed an ton St. apant the week end ta Waahlngton, D. C. ENJOY FIS HI NO TRIP Mr. end Mre. Dalmar Hell. Mr. Plummer flail end their aunt. Mre. Nancy Days motored to Morehead Oty end TopmU Beech where they went flehtag on Sept I. COMPLETES BARIC TRAINING Pvt Queen tether Graham of SET E Edenton St completed eight weeks of bade military training at tha Wofoan* Army Corpe Canter tt Ft MdClellan. Ala. Auguet U ■he to a ISM graduate of J. W. Ltgon High School. RRTUKK FROM HAMPTON. VA. pin Ethel Johnson of Fowl* St has retimed from Hampton, Va. where eSS visited her aider and brother Mr. and Mm. W. Morgan. SS ■ALRIOH VISITORS lira, lfuy B- Brown of Salem. Va. and Mrs Sudlo E. Byarm of Oraanebore, wera Is llalalgh tor a saw home lad weak aftor aecom ganytag Bp Eula & Young ta as itfClMOlff ITaat itela oo Mo earn# b the WON bob*. No*, set the ame>MW oalde sad my tha aaam mm • fa* (tarn at rearm*. It weal be bag bebre W! WILL brew If yao Imva pawed the NS Hgm Rearing Aids ißldaewyal [ OfcrtClAMt/laa. | j •. am to^djggjb Sw*£ * Pepei-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh *** hiluroro mar. raleioh. north Carolina .»• tel. t* s-irn ! aume her duties at Shaw Univer ! elty All three are deter* of Mr*. 1 Pred D. Washington. THE BRITT FAMILY HOST RELATIVES Mre. McCoy Britt and ton. Wil liam. of Poremouth. Va. and Miaa Burma Britt, of Norfolk. Va.. wera the recent house guect of Mr. and Mr* W. M. Britt, of 133 Star St. A ! cook-out we* given and a few of their meny friend* were there to greet them. Mr* W. M. Britt end children. Wiihelmin* and Nelson. motored | beck home with their gueete where they epent a week with friend* end i dative*. Mr. Britt motored ta Portsmouth. Va. on the 2Srd of Auguet and picked up hi* family and they all went to New York and attended the World * Fair. They else visited their relatives in the Bronx. Flush ing L 1., Jamacta. L. I , E Elm hurst. L. 1., end E. Orange, N. Y. They reported having s wonder ful vacation VISIT N. T. WORLD’S FAIR MUae* Debra. Edna Earl and Lit. tie Yvette Willi* of Biltmor* Hill* vieltad the World's Fair in New York City and Jamaica. N. Y. RETURN HOME AFTER A WEEKEND OF ENJOYMENT Mr. and Mr*. Henry Walden and family of 814 Haywood Lane tut returned home after spending the Labor Day weekend In Philadel phia and Washington. D. C They v tried Mr*. Weldon'* lister and brother*, Mr. S. R. Spencer, Jr. end Calvin Spencer of Washington. D. C and Mrs. Ernestine Scott and Mr*. Margaret Bradley of Phila delphia. Pa. SPENDS WEEKEND HERE Mre. Edna E. Golson of Long island. N. ¥.. epent the weekend In tha city visiting her grandmother. i-ii* c>«vt>im*h Wiiiam* ot tit a. Haywood St. PATIENT AT LOCAL HOSPITAL Mia* Margaret Alston of 436 S. Haywood Street u a patient at tha Wake Memorial Hospital. IN WAKE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mr. Jam#* "Puny" Williams la •lao a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital. We hop* that he will have a epeedy revocory. MRS. NELLIE BELL VACATIONS Mr* Nellie O. Bell ta apending her vacation In Long Taltnd. New York with her brother. Mr. Quincy McCullert. MR.. MM. ANDREWS PLAT HOST Mr and Mra. Fred D. Andrrwe of 78 St. Nlcholaa Place, New York City, ere the house guest* of Mr and Mre. David W Andrews, of ISIS Oberlin Road. Raleigh. The Andrew* men are brothers. MR AND MRS. STARRS RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Edward Starks, of SIS W. ltlst Street. New Yark CHy. left by plane Tues day morning far their home af tor spending the Labor Day weekend Hare and In Florida. Mra. Starka. Uie former Mlaa Donato Mao Williamson, to the daughter of Mr. and Mm Delon Freemen. M E. Bragg Street, with whom the spent the week end. while Mr. Starke* Jour noyad to Florida to visit hla brother, stolen and oljier rela tive*. Nation’s Top Public School Hoads In Mast WASHINGTON—Tha value* of Integrated education end the ur gency of solving da facto school segregation problame were stressed by o group of the nation's leading public school educators ta a joint statement tasuad last Thursday. Ibey called for the help of churches and dtitens in the over all problem, "especially in those instance* where cleavages of color, creed and economic flatus artifi cially craate divisions” ta education. Tha aebaalmen exprseaad "deepest concern” for "the manner In which sea shall cap* S|nritom ImHMR^ W g Sws was® ■HI I^—™-w -E^^WO* OR ahOdren by segTogattan." and wM that “It to daatrahb BHw 1 1 11 - « • °»- . \\ m a » JRMIg WSM' - jErnBPS \ CELEBRATES 1 3TH BIRTHDAY Miss Gwendolyn Alston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Alston of S. Swain St., recently celebrated her 13th birthday. The affair was held at Chavis Perk Center. The following persons wers present: Judy Smith, Kathy Smith, Vivian Smith, Jackie Smith Tori Jones, Doris Peppers, Kirby Robinson, Jennifer Jeffries, Georgette Med tin, Phyllis Hunter, Jacqueline Jones. Maxine Floyd, Vicky md Chris Jeffreys, Georgette Med oung, Ricky Jonee, Steven Smith. Willie Gartrell,Clarence Janes, Wayne Peppers, Reuben Pepppe rs, Edward Dorsey, Bernard Floyd, Tommy Floyd, Craig Robinson, Gregory Robinson, Mrs. Juanita Robinson, Yutha Mae Harrison, Jean Harrison, Mrs. Rebecca Tabron, Mre. Arnutean Morris, Mrs. Minnie Bell Floyd, Afias Docia Hammonds. "0 Lard deepen In ■» tha longing far eommoalon and fel lowship with Thee. Help u* by meditation, devotoon. worship, and acts es Christian Love to keep open the chi—el Than hast promUed. even m Christ laved tha chnreh. and gave Btawalf ier it, bo may wc renew our* Hives In faith alto courage to AtoUit ti lit; MMlgUum Ml M>« dmm of Jctot. wo pro? ” WILSON TEMPI* METHODIST -Church School began at 9:30 «.m. with tha superintendent. MU* Nanla Morgan. In charge. Morning wor ship began at 11 a m with tha sen ior choir in charge ot the music, under the direction of Mias Nanla Morgan, and organist Mrs M. M. Kelly Call to worihip by the pas tor, the Rev. Samuel E. Nasmith, who also delivered a vary power ful sermon, followed by commun ion. • OBERUN BAPTIST Church School began at 6:30 a m the •uparintandant Mr. Walter Curtl*. In charge. Morning worship service began at 11 am with the nnlor choir In charge of the mu*ic, under the dir-vstlon of Mr* Elat* Hayae. and organist. Mr* Lucilla Camp bell Tha pastor, Rev. J. P. Demp aey. delivered a wonderful sermon, followed by holy communion. YOUNG' MISSIONARY TEMPLE CME—Sunday School began at 9:60 am. with tha superintendent. Mra. Delia R- Ford, in charge. Morning service began at 11 am. with tha senior choir ta charge of the mualc, under tha direction of Mias Myrtle A Rhode*. Call to worship by the pastor, the Rev. Sister Baldwin. She also delivered the morning meaaage from the book of First Corinthians. that all as a* . . . eeme te knew and understand and ap preciate people et all eultarea and at all acenamic level* ta •ur soelety.” The statement grew out of a con ference sponsored by the Office of Church and Soclaty and the Com mitalon on Religion and Race, both •genets* of the United Presbyterian Church USA. All tha school offi cials who attended ar* Prea bytenan*. Nothing that schools f*ca prob lems of inadequate financing and unequal taeUitlaa, tha educator* emphasised their swsreneaa that answers to prablaans of education "do not oome easily ” -Moat educators." they said, "know that an Integrated school ex parlance promote* positive val ue* indispensable to a free society, just as they know that da facto segregation handicaps proper youth development They seek to enlarge opportunities for all chil dren. and to offset the limitations imposed by poverty and discrimi nation. ATTEND THE CHUBCR OF TOUR CtiOICR BOMBAY Come to Church 11 ehaptsr. "It is good to bo remem bered," wss tht Rev. Baldwin's sub ject Communion was ssrved at the cloaa of tha sermon. LILY or THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST Church School her»o at m n rr 'Pith the superin tendent, Mr Mack Arthur, in > -• •- * 11:30 with the congregation singing. A very inspiring sermon was de livered by the Rev. McArthur. Tha Rev. Lester Rivers is pastor. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD—Sun day School began at 9:4S a m. with the superintendent. Mr. Luther E. Perry, presiding. Subject of the les son, "Leaders for troubled times." Morning worship service began at 11 am., with the choir leading tha music, under the direction of Mr. John Massenburg. The pastor. Rev. Mrs N. A. Ford, delivered the scr- I mon. She used as her topic. “Expen dable for the cauae of Christ." Her text was found In the book of Si Mark. 10:30; Phil 3:4-11. At 7 p. m. Rev. Ford's message was the concern for. The gospel Harveet.” taken from St John 4:3.'. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful day of aervice. R. Price Hunter is j church reportar. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST—Church School began at 10:00 a m. with the superintendent, j Mr. Elbert Sanders, in charge At 11 a m.. Rev. Ray made the call to worship with the aenmr choir in charge of the music, under he di rection of Mesdames Mint* and Hol der. Rev. Ray brought a wonderful message from Ephesians, 1:2.' H used as his subject, “Dressing fer a Christian." The aermon was high ly appreciated and enjoyed by all. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS - Sunday School began at the usual hour with tha superintendent in charge Morning worship service began at 11 a.m The pastor. Rev. Eli Ratcliff, conducted the service. Music was rendered by the senior ehoir, under the direction of Mrs Ann'Wilson The pastor delivered a most inspiring sermon, enjoyed by Sill. Baptising was held In the early morning with vary Impressive sue- ! cess Several candidates were bsp tised. WILLIAMS QROVX BAPTIST— Church School began at 8 30 am. with the euperlntendent, Mr. Phil lip Aleton. in charge Morning wor ship service begin, at 11 a m. with | the senior chotr in charge of the music, under the direction of Miss | Jacqueline Mitchell Call to wor- I ship by the Rev. Wtllism Devts. who also delivered the morning ser mon The service wes enjoyed by everyone. FIRST CONGREGATION Alt CHRISTIAN—Church School began at 9:30 am. with the superinten dent Mr Sherman Lewis, in charge Morning worship service began st 11 a m with the senior ehoir in charge of the music, under the di rection of Mlw Brends Kee. It was communion Sunday end meditation wes given hy the pastor, the Rev H. Cunningham UNION BAPTIST—Church School began at 10 am with the superin tendent Mr. Welter Price, in charge. Morning worship began at II am. with the senior choir tr. charge of music, under the direc tion of Mrs Nettie Harrington, and organist. Mr Willie Henderson A very good sermon was delivered by tha pastor, the Rev. E. Mason, fol lowed by holy communion. ST. PAUL A ME—Sunday School liTjia at the usual hour, with Mr. | Terry Hough, newly-elected super intendent In charge Mrs Geneva Brown we* at the piano After the Study period was over, the classes reassembled and listered to a re view of tha laiaon by the pastor. Rpv. L S Penn The morning wor- . ■hip aervice began at 11 am. with 1 BY MRS. MAY L. BROAD IS the senior choir in charge of the music Prayer by the Rev. George Perry. The sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Penn. He used as his subject, “Our spiritual bleat ing." The sermon was enjoyed by aIL ST. ANNAH FREEWILL BAP- StoYdSto" I V * * 4 • ♦.* w ww.*Wtw* 44 am. with the superintendent Mr. W. H. Lyons, Sr, in charge. Morn ing service began at 11:30 with the Junior choir in charge of. the mu sic, under the direction of Mrs. Elisabeth Partin, and organist Mrs Tbpsy McCullers. Maiming lemon was by the Rev. Theodore McLas sitar, Jr. Morning prayer by the Rev. Willie Walker. A great aermon was delivered by the Rev. Odell Young. He chose his text from the book of Nehemiah, 1:10. His subject was, "God dealing with man.” TOPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIST —Sunday School began nt 9:10 a.m. with Mrs. Dorothy Allen, superin tendent. in charge. Morning wor ship began at 11 a m. with tab sen ior choir in, charge of tha music, under the direction of Mias Vsljaan Myers. Morning lesson end prayer were by the Rev. Mr. Blount A very enjoyable sermon was dailvar j ed by the Rev. D. N. Howard. Sr, pastor. Ha took his text from the book of Isaiah 66:6 and used "Tha voices w hear” as his subject Com munion waa served at the close of the aervice. At 3 pm, the South Park Vocal Choir Union was in charga of the service. Everyone enjoyed both ser vices. " ST. MATTHEW AME Church School began at 9:30 a. m. with the supt, Mr. Robert Lesana, in charge, i Morning worship service began at ll t a with the senior choir in charge of the music, under the di rection of Mrs. Marie Riddick; and vrganist, Mrs. Rosa Mae B. Walton. Morning lesson and prayer by the pastor, the Rev. J. P, Epps. who also brought a vary Inspiring aar mon. followed by holy communion. FIRST BAPTIST—Church School began at 9:30 a. at with tha sup*, , Mr. W. M. Taylor. In ofaargo. Morn ing worship Samoa at 11 a. m with the senior ehoir in charge of imual* under the direction of Mrs. M T. James, organist and minister | of musio. Mix. EMM. Kelly. Solo [ ist Mrs L H. Shaw. The call to wor ; .'hip, responsive reading and morn ing lasaan were given by the guaet In nlstar, the Rev. Dr. Frank B {Weaver. • supervisor of the N. C. I State Dept of Public Instruction. 1 H« reed from the book of St John. U Dr. Weaver used as his subject "P-epartng for a Home on a Solid Platform." followed by holy eom i miinion. Evening warship service began at «n m. with Mr. C A. Langston. | presiding. Evanlng lemon reed by Mr F, 4. Hinton, director of BTU. A wry enjoyable service wee wit r*«*ed by tboea present The Ban rii.-'ion waa given by Deacen P. G. Mr.cheU. RUSH METROPOLITAN AMS ZlON— Church School began at 9:43. n th the aupt. Mr. Laelir Campbell, in charge. The Junior Church aerv . ices were conducted by Rev. Bro. J D. LockJey. who talked with the v.v ngstere at length on foe 39rd P**lm. The regular morning worship aar- Rev. T. H. Harris. The music was finished by foe aanior chotr. Rev. Harris cboee his text from the tel* ! I John's geapaL the M chapter and | the 19 vegan Thernm "Chris* en i couraged Piter's tow toward Him bw follower*” At p. m_ the Rev Had Sen der* brought so inspiring msmagt ■ w# invite you to come and war ship with ea at your ooeveeienc* Mr< Annie H. Thorpe la ahureh reporter. j GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE "A many heart pea aB tha map. A ead ana tore In a mOa. The ason who fret* at worldly tdrtfa, grew* mDaw, seer and thin; Ohs ns thy lad whaas happy Ufa te ana porpotaal Wto.* RECENT QUESTS Mr. and Mr*. J. W King of Ml R. Cabarru* Street had as their re cent house guests Mr. and Mrs. WU-' He McCain of Charlotte. Mia. .Mc- Cain to the daughter of tha late Rev. and Mre. Georg* A. Alexan der. She is also the District Secre tary of the Young Women’s Mis sionary Society at the Charlotte District of tha Western North Caro lina Conference. RECENT VISITOR IN THE CITY Mr*. Lonora Gem Harris of Phila delphia, Pa. recently visited bar sis ter*. Mr*. Julia Navels of C Bruns wick Terrace and Mr*. Marjorie Dunston of 628 B. Lenoir St Ur* Harris stopped hare after attending the Elks Convention ta Miami. Fla. where aba received Past Grand Daughter Ruler's honors from the Elks unit where she worked as a purple cross nurse. VISIT MOTHER Mrs. Dorothy Dungton of New York City and her daughter-in law, Mrs. Patricia Hayes and daugh ter, Wanda Hayea recently vial tad their mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Mrs. Marjorie Dunston of 528 E Lenoir gt While hare Mrs. Dunston picked up her son to taka him back to New York to enter school there. visits mother and Rutters h { I —LL ■ > h* —iMp. i'• K 1 B r - F ms ■ ■» e. agms Hji. ***<*% t .jw wR. gmMUg 9j AB LI iVICMI HK ' '*l ~i» jj*L DOLL CORONATION AT ST. PAUL AME CHURCH—In the picture from left to right, front row, are Patricia Merritt end Shirley Staton. Back row, Elisabeth Constant, Weldon Eger ton, Jacqueline Utley and Dennis Blue. Not shown in picture: Kaye Been, Julia Walton, Stephine Shelton, Caroline Snow, Valencia Pridgeon, Melba Pridgeon, Denis Spaugh Alvar a Taylor, Niki Williams, Jacqueline Montague, Elaine Evans, Janet Evans, Claude Raines, Rickey Clarke, Syhria Spivey and Patricia Spivey. (See story). Doll Coronation Held At St. Paul AME Here The annual Doll Cornation, spons ored by tha Allan Christ Endeavar Fellowship of Saint Paul AME Church, wm held recently at the church. A program of solos, read ing*, instrumental*, and muaioal group* wm rendered prior to the crowing ot tha winner*. Prise* wan awarded far the hlgbeet aneut at money raised and for toe da Us. A prtee et tSJSS wm gtvea te Jaeqaelte* Utley who raised MO M The aeeend prise as 63.99 wm gives to Shirley Staton whe raised 816.99. Tha tbrid prise as 93-99 each wm given te Elisabeth PRINTING • Commercial • Social Consult Ut for Re—oooblt Estimates Prompt if Scmce Phone TB 4-5551 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. Sit 1 lfortin Street Rak*fa. R C My Lady** Doing* ’ a ♦ ♦ In And Out Os Town Mr. Henry Madlin, Jr. of New York City spent the week-end holi days with hte mother, Mrs. Rena Madlin of stt R. Cabarrus SL Ha also visited his lister*. VISITS FATHER AND M INITIATED Mrs. Dezola Hinton Johnson of Washington. D. C. recently, visited her father, Mr. Perry Hinton of S. Wilmington St While hers, she was initiated into the Household of Ruth Lodge. Also inducted was Mr*. Lula Rand. ENTERTAINS AT COOKOUT Mr*. Jennie Johnson of 540 E. Cabarrus St entertained the Neigh borhood children at a cook-out on Labor Day. They played games and enjoyed hot dogs, potato chips, soft drinks, peanuts and candy. Each child had a delightful time. VISITING IN SOUTH CAROLINA Mr. and Mr*. John Jones and daughter, Vanessa, are visiting rel atives and friends in South Caro lina VISITS RELATIVES IN LINCOLNTON Miss Josephine Cobb of 1201 E. Lane St recently visited her rela tives and friends ta Li neointon. VISITING IN CITY Mr. Charles La Si*tar of New York Oty was seen about town during tha holiday weak-and. VACATIONING IN VHMHNIA Mrs. F. S. Loach of 612 E. Ca barrus St is vacationing in Porta mouth, Va.; from there, tola plans ta visit her daughter. Mr*. Jean Leach Bridgers. in Newark. N. J. Caatmt add Patriate Merritt mho Rad wtti HtN each. The Drat prtee of sl-60 for tha most attractive deU wm given to Dante* Bpmigh. The second prtee as glfM was thraa ta Elizabeth Con stant far tha meat unusual. Ruth Pens whe te "Mias ACE. Lea- WKM.IT HAW STYIP WSm Cent* **j f»t» «to \tm to# cw y w M taw 10 srr. -3 attach, mrai COMB IN 11 < •Kuui and AuHmm wh on »t«ck aaaw 2*.V£; BflH *» -wsrr-iui m •«*• <Tini— -am !■■ «r«* #m "ADO&HT* HjyngtMMi atrrmn jys CLUBS TH* MINISTERS WIYET BLUR Tha Mate Executive Beard, df tha Ministers Wive*' Chib will oiibta* September 26. instead of Calabar > as previously innouncOd tha meeting will b* hdld at Martin Street Baptist Church it 10 am. Tha Rev. Dr. P. H. Johisoh to toe tor if tha church. Dtanadr will ha served. Mrs. J H. Bryant to club rifatier. WOMAN'S CLUB NO. I MBRTS The woman * Club Md. 2 hi* its regular meeting Ot the residence et Mrs. Faarle S. McDonald, 119 S. Tarboro Rd, recently. Mr*. Mamie Holt president pee* sided. Everyone was delighted te have her back after On aboehca et thraa months. The meeting was attended by Ilia majority ot the member*. A dolightful repost wag *erv*d bp tha hostess. Tha next meeting will bd h*id with Mrs. Beulah Hinton at Ml Cam pan alia Drive. POET’S CORNER MT RELENT PRATE* I thank tha# Father for giving me a chance To change my Ufa from wrong to right; I>* had to fight me dgvil with all ay might: He waa always putting avU tai my eight. I thank thee for enterlM/lnto my heart; You watched over me although I turned away; I’m coming back bento this tyma to stay; - Z dont’ intend to let ndttfckg toani la my way. I Thank you far the pattto I’ve had to bear: For by them, my reptttafteu to t godly sorrow: Ton hav# suffered wneW ww* more than Z; Tm glid that you c*USed my apM today tot them may bans to morrow. MRS. ABBDE AVIg MAHdtofX *>D. 1. Box 224 ■ gua for 1664" crowned Jecftoehne Utley "Mi** Doll Caraaattoa ter 1664." Jndgw warn: Mra. Mmy Rtea beak. Mra. Hattla M. Itoiwi mb and Sirs. L M. OMtoSto. LOIS Badge sad Hte WlDa Mclvar warn la charge et *- mm* Mrs. MaUma C«rlte,Mtoa Lima Birdaall sad Mrs. Cgrrla HdHte which Biaa tote 6 et tta Mto m Lokl«r*OU»ar helpers: Mrs. David Bapaagh and Ml* Ceonie Yaung. Elizabeth Constant had oh dia play a most unique collection et dolls. Dolls which have bean hi fta family for a* long a* eighty years were included in her collection. Appearing on program baalda caste were: Verna Lisa Heater, Bath Penn, Dianne Walton, Gradary Pridgeon, Wayne Hinton, Mdlvin Jackson and Lary Kay. Tha A. C. RL Fellowship to udder the guidance and direction et Mr* Addis G. Logan. Everything For. •. BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LUMBER • MILL WORK • ATHET’B PAINT* • BIBMRO MAYBtUU • RUftSWZN BARDWABS Dial TB $-7563 CAROUNA builders corf. 217-219 N. Drum* El RALEIGH. N. C.

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