THE CABOLOnJU* r e.. Saturday, wromn tt im 12 ' dilk nor.rr i j Falling teror>f-r*tnr<'a and rising rr>!rit* of 'irhermen are ia I (tore na»ior. wjrto a* fall tippi na'-h'-s. Angl<>r* »..l fee happy *• see I wafer skiers *r,<l swimmer* head indoor*. W*bing holes ai* point to b» a lot quieter and probably more produ< iivo than to mid lunuofr. A« lake surface water eoo!«, fish will start moving from their tnmmer rleep water home* to feed in the shallow*. Top water fishermen using flie* popl'M* and spinner* will Ret more frequent explosive f'tikes h> largejjiogth and small mouth haaa, for instance, i Jn addition, fith Imokert in shallow water may be larger than those : eaught there during the summer, j Boatiees lis iter men are doe '•or a bei'er shake than they received in mid-summer. They Will be able to f ast to fb h formerly too distant to reach from shore. The aretirate raster will have e«p»j-lally good for tune. Renewed a lion j« also in the offing for dry fly fisher met} In trout streams around the nation. Despite the ten denoy of fish ♦o more to shallow areas as water temperatures diop. au tumn flihermen who le a i* a their deeper running lure* at. " " -home cooldbe making a mistake. Nippy morning* may *tlll be followed'by warm afternoon*, temporarily sending fish to deeper water. A few lead head jus* with perk rind, for instance, coaid Steen more fish taken in mid day. As brilliant fall (ornery add* to the,pleaimrr* of fishing tripe, ft’* abetter time than ever 10 take the family along. If you haven't already introdu-ed them in fishing, why not now? Teach the wife end youngsters to cast before leaving for Tiftbiog and double jomt fim. Tearhlnr a Winner to cast 1* made easy by simple to operato tackle am h a* Cards Ahu .Matin 12* elosed face *pin casting 'Teel, ft mmo with monofilament line already spooled. A couple of hours with me real make* even a "greenls" surprisingly proficient. Matched with a nmd'um action rod such aa the Cards No. 2*24. the spinning Teel 1* aa good for trolling aa casting. And If you plan s '•day on th* water with the family, make sure that everyone has s life Jacket or floating cushion. Giving th* family a sample of fall fishing ought to create enough Interest to keep them practice casting during th* winter month*. By spring, you may be hard pressed to beat their accuracy yoorsetf. Ni-TIfNS CRAVI . .. SWEET-TOOTH SWEATERS i 49p vvif k.v "V s ■ Ilf •pn-tiiir aaftnaaa and mouth-w.t.rini color, Im4 a d.lirlom •aw look to awaatar cUaair* for tho Md. «*t. TkU frotl of Craalan acrylic fiber and mohair ha* hwn whipped ap lat< traditional boay cardigan* and V-aark*d pullover* to top all th, okirU and panU in a young wardrobo. And they'll keep their fluff) Mwaaaa. aeon through r.poatad waahingi. Welcome > 3 Mr. Tobacco Grower* Os 1964 MU 7-2236 P. 0. Box 116 hVARINA FARMERS EXCHANGE Seeds, Feeds, Fertilizers, General Farm Supplies Angier and Lillington * FCX DEALER— AGENTS FUQUA Y-VARINA, N. C. toil OPEN Family Discount Center 108 E. Vance St FUQUA Y-VARINA, N. C EVERYTHING AT A DISCOUNT Ladies And Children’s Ready-To-Wear .•. Man’s and Boys’ Clothing. Shoes For The Entire Family, Household Goods. Blankets, Spreads, etc. You Must Shop Here And You Will Pocket file Savings. M|| I : "i rr. : t i -- ~^k atm w- or v 111 %££ . * | ;: • • ; v-" NEW OH ANA AID CHIEF Frank E. Pindar, a veteran agricultural expert, has been promoted Item Deputy Director to Director of the Agency for International Development in Ghana. A native of Key West, Fla., Pinder hat served the United States ms agriculturist tor 20 years and has spent more than hall of them providing assistance to farmers in Wsst Africa. Pindar's appoint ment places him in charge of one of the largest U. S. AID missions in Africa (ASSOCITED NEGRO PRESS PHOTO). "THf!T" "THBt Jfr* **■ ACT 03 5 I • Qu»r> 4 - Opportunely 10 - United 11 • Male siclrteme U - Adolescent II • Line 14 - To nit 17 - Indisposed II - Aloft If • Otetmcttvr ) Sued horse tO • C* netted II Shn ratted Ipeiß 73 ■ Inrumhnts 15 • (order It • Reoonselter 17 - Preposition II - Vitu nOted Id • Oof dole. 10 - One or the other (abb.) SI - 7eal 11 - Specie I time 33 • Circe refinsot 34 • Abbrovieted room SI • Seal charm 34 - Top of hsad WOMEN'S TALK RT MATTIK AM ITU COUN (For Negro Praaa IntomattonaU FAEHION NOTTS Generally apeaking, the faahion designer* of Paria have, moot of the time, been fairly levelheaded in dictating what we women muat wear to be in the height of faahion. But they have gone a bit too tar when they decree that milady muat *have ail her lock* to be in con* formity with the leteet in faahion. Thle Idea eame from o ama nita rally. Jaegaaa Eataril la Ma naaaa. and ha haa the gall to tn *tot that weman add a far hah to aeeeatamte the nowoot Farto tan hair (laaa) atyle. I. tar ou. win have to bow oat whoa It enaaoo to ahavtag my hair oft. which remind* mo of eomething else I rood recently. It eootna that the malm originally wore the thlfu. skim mere, -A' lineo. full rtrirt*. natural wototltnaa and drop wart ime* that are curronUy the style 31 - Opponrd » 34 • Coe of the girls (colkxj.) 41 - Maxim 42 - In reference to 41 * kail up Ota fief 44 - Thet la (Carta abb ) 44 - Wheel part 4A ■ infinite 47 - Go astrty . notia 2 - lid lace 1 - cogaisaaca 4 • Fined 5 . pp« part 4 - Thoroughfare (sbb.) 7 • Pimlahmtnt I - tort* dair 9 • Repirdta* uaafulnen. 12 - Doubtfully 14 - Aerial tram 1A - Tha* 1* - To a.cort 1* - Rural Da livery 21 • frtntet e unit 22 - B ringer of legal action 24 - A atandeTd it ■ Picture* 15 - Plundered 14 - Journey* M - Flemenur l.attn (abb S 3 ■ Debater 35 - Germanium (chair. ) 34 - Mleerv 17 - Tellurium (chem ) 40 • Argon (cbeir 43 - Thin*. in tow 43 - Adverwarv 43 • lror tchem.) mode fbr la femme. But thet was centuries ago. Seems to me I re member seeing motion pictures, and art works, depicting the male ani mal In such a garb. Wonder how they would look today? Howard University students are making the advertising page* of the Washington. D C. papers look 100 per cent brighter As members of the College School boards nf the* various department stores, they are showing off the new fall "beck to school" fashions, for such stores at Montgomery Ward, Hechfs. Sesrs, end Woodard and Lothrop. How they tell aa: Mies Bar bom Cartload, a British novel tat, and president of the Hatton aj Amec tattoo of Health, ha* esmo ap with the idee that ton mach lipstick en a woman's lip* way be a cones of cancer. The HAH ti investigating Use color, mod hi rootsmetlc to deter mine which may cantata harm fat chess kola. Bays Mkm Cart lan ot MpaHeh daring their Mfr —bat they da net know how wemea are altergtr to ItpeHck and they break oat In a raah ■ Itpattah haa that effect an tho skim, what data H do to » woman's hwMe. partksUrty It aha appUea tot* mechr" Guam well have to toko the. “as lip attek" pledge- Attractive Garyite. MARY At - LICE MOXLJEY. and Now York, i GEORGE SANDS repeated morris *e vows in Bowling Green Ky. Both are grad* of Western Michigan U ! she with a degree ut occupational thorapy and ha. aociology. The i myriad Job of dispensing courteous j treatment to 90000 delegates attend-; lng tho National Baptist Coaver.- i tied. USA, Inc. meeting in Dotrci*. was guided by Mrs. MARSKTTA WELLS, Tho dynamic church leader is proatdaat of tho Woman's auxil iary of the Baptist Missionary and Educational convention of Michigan InternaUonally-known Oft ZEL MA WATSON GEORGE of Clove land. Ohio, will addross the first anniversary program of tho "Gold- ■ on Hour." is Chicago. Sundav Sept IT. Dr Ooorge. bated ta the Sind edition of "Who s Who," as an ! authority on Negro muete, eetwad os e member of the V. 4. dettgefli* to the 15th assembly at the United Notions, under appointment by President Eisenhower. The -premier performer of "An tonio and Lae Bollete de Madrid.” win benefit the International Hoe* t>it*Uty center of Chicago. FoonW in M 2, the organization gives serv ice and assistance to same UW In* tcmatronal guests annually. Among its officers. director* and advisory council member* are Mia Jewel Rogers Lefontant. and Earl R. Dick erson. president. Supreme Life to suranee company. MM" Is Gulaeven Puuseu, » High *«eheri, Detroit, who Met year placed third In dm eesaps titien. She wen ike crown re cently at Jackson park. Winker, Ontario, ever S ether eenseet snts drawn from Michigan and Wlndser. I fprs sfnttag dm PitHne Horn Charm aaboat, Detroit, she bopaa to IndM Sister Detroiters, the Misses Lynn Smite. td. and Mery Hightower, M, took second and third place respectively .. .The "Arsenic and OM Law’ predue tton presented by the Versts Park players at the Theatre an the Lake, Chieaft*. Sept I to A bad a Negro wroth w In the east, Chicagoan Hoses Martin -. OBSERVATION OF TH* WEEK: “Politics is tbs way to get thing* done.” say* Vet Phillip*, 40-year old lawyer, first Negro and Brat w oman to be elected to the Milwau kee (Wls.) City council. Th* termor Wiscosin Democratic committee woman and mother of two. said her husband tells her sometime*, "the next time, bell marry a woman who can't read or write." *1 liljUm •Make mine medium rare— while I go clean up for dJE ner." VgMSM e * come Mr. Tobacco Grower Os 196* \ Jta A v JfL- ■Stop Mpto.' Atow' iryiIaBHHBfIHBBHHBBBBBraiSiij! Pc .£■*. Home Owned By E. Nash Shaw Fuquay Springs, Phone No. 436 Welcome Mr. Tobacco Grower Os 1964 KITCHEN TERRY TOWELS Boys’ ‘lron Horse’ Jeans Assorted Prints VAt Dyed Denim 6to 16 39c each 3 for *I.OO *l.67 each BOYS’ COTTON SLACKS MEN’S SUMMER SUITS e FIRST QUALITY R e Reg. 2.99 & 3.99 Keßr ' 29 " 2 - *5.00 *IB.OO v LADIES’ SUMMER SLEEPWEAR MYS SPORT SMIRTS Shift Gowns and Shortie Pajamas Long Sleeves Reg. 2.99 to 5.99 , - *I.BB t. *3.88 *1.99* *2.99 MEN’S COnON SUCKS MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS Long Sleeves *4.99 *2.99 a *3.99 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRESSES *2.99 * *3.99 Hiidsonßelk. FIUCAYSHUM&N.C Mayor Sees ‘Victory For L&J;’ Eyes Chicago For *6B Confab CHICAGO (KPP —qy«r Richard J. Daley woe tuß of paWifflims at hia find Cfijyßaß nan^aanference AMteOh, !TX -1- * 1-1 ta ft Mmaan. far Me etea Pied 6m. rittekanwr aeer mTgdp rival Choriw C. Tatar. Mr tee The Johnson - HnvnaSirw teem were nominated by acekunation by the eavewtiow. Th* msvor sloe mdd Oie»«o will ee all out pi w» bote Hi» rt-me eroH* and Fewblbm nhHonal e<m venttena In IM*. tmlshbr that “bv 1 oration and design, dip rit» I* the eit- for the ooHtteel eonf.h. " Mayor Delay waa oufek to Indl ——a - iL.i As g m Mwinlovoa den ease mt* ™oni ni* *•» the resort msecs of hmtf crueett* fAtlantic CHv. “Chicago tea ter mere aeumnriate star* far serious minded poHtteiaa to bold te*»r *c tfberatten. In teet Chtemm is the beet convention city in tea nation” Me printed ant teak as tee notfawh liiiwairteßia hob. Chicago Is tdeolty (seated, sad who. an head of tea Oeak Con ty Dwneerolle Ceafrol earn wHtee. led tee Mlnli deteva- Hm fa Iks eewvewMam was hmeted at tea Ttevnwe betel la AttMdte CNy. white many riher mimhe— eg he greep stayed efcewhwa. Another teeter wkldl Daley said la in Chicago's favor la time. He said that because of tea . time dis GIVE GOD A CHANCE NOW! Attend Church Every Sunday! fercnttal tat Ban Francisco, where. the GOP convened in July, mid At-1 Untie CRy. convention business | SWISS ENTERTAIN ORPHANS—Forty children from a Staten >«uwd M.Y. orphanage war* gu«sts of the Swiss Watch Pivfltan {sot week at 5» New York World’s Fair. The youngsters, aged ftto 14, wer* treated to Swiss chocolates and tee cream, and a f«M tear of many of the Fair’s exciting Pavilion* .. ... Th* Swig* ora fomoua for iterir wmk with orphans from on over the world. The Peetaloni Village in Eaatern Swtteer loud is on entire “city” devoted to housing and educating orphans from every earner of th* globe. In this tradition, the Swiss Watch [ Pavilion played host to th* children shown above. Welcome Mr. Tobacco Grower of 1964 JOHNSON TIRE SERVICE Corner ft. Main sad Vance Street* Next to Regers Esso Station NEW AND USED CARS Factory Method Recapping-1 Day Service Main St MU 7-5255 Fuquay, N. C. was conducted hours shea' and one hour behind flhinago time in the two dttek respectively.

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