Ka la Temple Wins Little League Championship, ? BIG FOOTBALL MAN—Thomas Alston, Siler City, a 277- pmmd tackle, who last week checked in tor his first year with the AhT Collet* Aggies, is on* of the biggest men to join the squad this season. He is examined by Dr. P. Earle Davis, college phy sician. ptSft by Chute J. Livingston —. BATING IS BIG SPOBT TO GORMANDIZERS, FAN* Eveiy student of journalism knows that it is the unusual, rather C.iu (Is usual that tuskt-c top news. If a dig bites a man. H is hardly news, but if the man bites the dog. then that is news in the mast un usual way. This rule applies especially to the |pert of Eating, which becomes a pastime when K is carried to ex tremes fay those who indulge in it tor the entertainment of. others. Mast normal humnaa da not regard eating as a apart, bet a necessity, but te tha gorman dise** who indulge in tt pre feaa tonally, and tha fans whe MeUse thaes beliypadden, H is as much a apart as baseball, football or fhhtag. Tbit column was inspired by the memory of an sating oontest which toOk place in Kingston, Jamaica, some tme ago. It was “a contest to end aU contests” and matched per haps the two greatest grubbers in the world. The Kingston tale is re lated chiefly for ita unusual as pects. because eating contests are by no means restricted to the West Indies. Grub fasts, as a matter of fact, art bald annually in the Football 2-BI6BAMES-2 A&T Aggies FORT EUSTIS Wheels SATURDAY Sept. 19 I:MF. M. Tennessee State Univ. Tigers SATURDAY Sept. 26 t:M P. K BOTH GAMES AT Greensboro Memorial Stadium United States in such places M San Francisco, Cleveland and Au rora, lU. I have personally attended rhree of these “Eat ’Em Ups” here at>4 abroad- To gain tha right perspective for this gourmet tele, let’s go back to the comle strips. All comic fans are acquainted with tha feats of “Ham burger Wimpy," Popeye’s glutton ous pal; how he downs dozens of •burgers st tingle sittings. But Wim py it a piker compared to tha men who participate in today's real life grub fasts. In the United State* there are man who wfauld eat Wim py under the table in any kind of grub eoatest, and the two man fea tured in the Kingston contest I am about to relate, would make him look like a fasting monk during Lent The stars of the Kingston con tact were a professional glutton called “Eatng Joe,” who received that name tag after he was paid to devour two turkeys at a country fair, and his opponent. “John the Grubber,” chief challenger to the city's acting title held by Jo*. Their eating contest which was well advertised In advance, was te take place on a knell just outage the Kingston city limits, and a large crowd res •r grilling that this waa to be tha «r tisnlaets waa an hand. Now grubbers, like boxers, like to warm up before a contest So an route to the eating ait*, “Eating Joe” downed a large bowl of soup to get the wrinkles out of his tum my. while John primed o some crackers snd cheese. Joe arrived on the scene* first, supremely confident of retaining his title. John, however, decided to play powum. Ha parked at tha foot of the knoll. Just out of sight and ■eat hi* mi** to chock on Joe. Soon one returned with a report that Joe waa Impatient and bad de cided to aharpen his appetite by de vouring every comparative small iteht in right . Je . John’s strategy waiting and perhaps force him te overeat himttT* bdfto# the contest Started. But tha rapdrta ha waa getting gave no Indication that JO# waa any way n**r mturatten in W* tunsup. In fact they war* die- h, mean a. terT have wiri* T*fnptm.- "Wha* clear -A backet es **■§•*■• “Anythin* elaer "Tea," arid ike Infarmer, "he ate a ftve gaßen pet es Has and Peoaand red Fkh and said ha •» ho aan sMB pot away the whele aide *f bate and tray a# vage taMaa that ta an Bm easiest mam far betb as yam" -What?” yelled Joe. as he turn ed aroud and beaded for borne. He figured there was absolutely no point in trying te cot against a glutton like Jo*, who remained the champ of the Kingston Ombbery. Bears, Green Bay Battle Is Set For Oct. CHICAGO <NPT> The world ebamptaos Chicago Bears win play thair first ISttNuttaMl FeotbaU Gnm Bay*an*Sep4amber U. and their first bom* same afiata* tea Las Angelas Bams at Wrigtay Wald here on October ll ptamhip by'dteaattog N. f. at Wrigtoy Field late fiteljhar tt Fleytag far tt* Basra la Mat Olympic Mentor: Morgan’s CoachTo Tokyo KM ANGELES (NPD - Eddie P. Hurt Morgan State coach recent ly namad to tbo Matt of tba U. S. Olympic man’t track and field team, arrived Sara lor the final Olympic triala, September X pre paratory to leaving tor toe game* is Tokyo, Japan, October H. The Olympic dimmer same* wtU run through October I—tjneOtympto winner, * headod by Sab Olegaagaek si Tale Criverilty, Otter V. S. track eeaehaa are M Waiter. a« Win—hi, and Peyton Jar den. es Standtord Wwdtjr. Hurt’s Olympic winner we* George tthoden. who aet a record tor dm meter in the gam** several year* ago. Eddie aim coached Josh Oulbceatk. 400 mater hurdle star, to thrid place Olympic honors. Both Rhoden and Culbreath developed under Hurt at Morgan State. John Bethea, a Morgan thine lad. competed in the Olympic trial* IMIHPg* Hurt expects to return to toe Mor gan State campus from Tokyo about November L Over 40 Gridders AtVSC tnY?*+' r ? r Virgin'* ***** Colitae coach William Lgwaaa has htrdM more than fatty girt n»Pi* rants into tht Trejani’ pra-saason training camp in preparation for a heavyweight eight-game schedule which spent with Delaware State, September tt. Co-eaptatna Teny Tyaan. AII - guard, and Lea Hart, farmer faackfleM aea whe now adverts at split oni ta tha new pre insptred VSe aftena*. band a field as twaaty-*w# retarntag play Ora. Ed Goldar, an honor student and all-CIAA selectee at quarterback last season, return* for his Junior year frimly entrenched aa the War riors' field general. Mel Swann and A1 Banks, both lettermen, will also call signals. Fullback Si Musfcrove and Dennis Jones, and halfbacks Earl Rainey and Harman Graham give balance to back coach Jo* Oolphin't plans. Other lettermen include guard Prtnk Foster and teekla Alex Pughee, neither of whoop played lest year, center Hal Buford, end Randy Perry, and tackle Bob White. Veteran gridders to training are Umar Faarsaa. and; Jim Carry and Laray Biggs, basks; Eugene Smith and Willie Bitter, guards; Ito Chaney, center; and Charles bn. tackles. Line coach William Bennett is giving a long look toward Jim A very. Atlantic City, N. J. and Joe Pinkney. Miami, Fla., both 250- pound plus freshmen tackles. End Harry Shaper. Columbia, S. C.. end halfbacks Bobby Wlngo, Salem, Va add Larry Madden. Princeton, N. J, ate fresh who have looked Impres sive during tha first week’s drills. Now H. R. King CHICAGO OCPD-Chicago Cubs slugger Ernie Bank* hit Ua Ittb bom* run *f the seat in against tha Now Work Mata'at Wrigtoy Field hare Saturday, but that atoo# wasn’t big nows tor Ernie. bull’s Mast area particularly noteworthy beesuac tt was his STlat boater es hie 11-year major league career and made him the sixth greatest hem* run hitter in Nation al League history. Banks now la tapped atty by Mat Get, Wlßta Maya, Sean Ms test and finke Ernie’s No. lg also equalled bis output for the an Ur* INI season, whan ho was hampered by an as sortmdn of ailments. Banks’ homer in the taming enabled the Cubs te coma from ba hind to tie the Mate and than «a an to dadsat tha Now Yorkers, 44 Fwjde^AjMr bmv IbA* inwil Theorem of toe Boon ISM schod- Batttaierr. Pet"! at jail Fra* ita ra; Oct 1A Detroit in Chic—a; Get SR at Watering**: Nav. L Daltoa. to | Chicago: Nov. R BaiUmarc. ta CU ■ rago: Nov IS. at Los Angelas; Nov. 1 2t San Fnnctaeo. ta CMca**; Nov. jtt. at Oatratt; Dan R and Dae. lR B! WINS CITY CHAMPIONSHIP Pictured above are members of the Kaoaia temple Shriners Little League team, who won the city championship recently. Is! row, left to right: Don ald Sanders, Donald Evans, and Jimmy Ssberry jco-captains; Ronald Burrell, end Ray Caldwell. 2nd row, left to right: Joseph Moore, Stephen Baldwin, Burns Bryant, and Charles Williams. 3rd row, hit - right: Larry Holt, assistant coach; Reginald Watkins, Robert Jackson, Jamas Hinton and Daniel Adams. Five players ore not included in this photo. (See story). 25 Vets Report To Coach Clements At St Augustine's The Saint Augu*tin* , a Baleon * | will hold thair first day of football I Mayor Richard J. Daley: One White Sox Booster Sees Pale Hose Taking AL Pennant BT CHARLES I. UVUfOTON CHICAO (NPI) - Thar* is one staunch tan of tha Chicago White Sox baseball team who believes this Is the year that the Pal# Hose will bring the American League pennant horn* te roost in Chicago this year. Ha la Mayor Richard J. Daley who. in his first City Hall news conferences rinoa returning from tha Ddmacratic National convention in Atlantic City, predicting that the White Sox will taka the pennant and perhaps the World’s Series. The mayor believes the Whle Sox Whip Greensboro Squad, 6-0: Stephens-Lee Wins Ist ASHEVILLE—Ifea Stephens-Lee High School Bean opened their sea son Thursday night whan they de feated the Greensboro Dudley High School Panthers, g-0, before a crowd of RSOO fans. The Dudley High School team dominated play in the first period, but the Bears OWENS STARTS 3155-WUS RELAY New York : Pemed sprinter Jesse Owem. left, sc ospts o flommi torch from Now York City Meyor Rotmt F. Wsiner September las. «he set* out os the tint ot 3.500 funner* in « S.IS9-ml* crooo-eountry roloy oimed ot winning nstionwido support to rows SI million lor the United Sister Olympic teem. The ceremony took piece ot City Hell hero. {UPI PHOTO). ] practice en Thursday, September 1 10, acordlng to Head Coach Jeea* will eventually forge ahead and aap turu tha IBM American League pen nant race. H* said ha had no ap prehensions about tha Baltimore Orioles, who war* leading tha Sox by a half game at tha time of his prvdieUon. The Sox tost won the AL flag in IBM. fulfilling tha then-owner Bill Veeck's pledge to “bring a pennant to Chicago.” Soma baseball observers termed that victory tha “Miracle of 18th Btraet’’ by the "Hitlaaa Wondara.” The Sex ar* home-based in Comis key park at Mth street and Shields avenue. soon became adjusted and held them at bay the remainder of the game. Early in the third period. Trank Mosely circled left end behind good blocking and ran 45 yard* to score. The defense play of ends Charles Moor* and Russell Davis wsi out- Clement#. CIMMSii g||A#4 6u4 hi lisp tt lettermen returning to hi* sqaad which should give him enough veterans te Improve late see eon’s r rated es 4-S-L The Falcons' kicking gam* ia ex pected to present a problem this season as they have not boon able to develop anyone to replace Jimmy Williams who will not b* returning «*£ --mgr* Wlßleir.f fYC!T2 f * 40 yards per punt last season, but failed to maintain the scholastic average required by the Collage to continue playing on the team this yur. The squad will be lacking to the excellent peering es Quar terback Sinclair King to keep them mcvtng. King led IB* con ference several times last *#*• aan in passing. Edward Cluster and Matthew Flatter erarq out standing past catching Ends. Promising fraahman to Join tho Falcons this season include; Quar terback Chester Bennett from Ltgon High. Raleigh; Larry W. Ellis, full back from Cleveland High School Shelby and Dwight Mcßeynolde, end. Chicago. Illinois. standing while Robert Jeffcoat led the Bears hard charging Una. The Greensboro line outweighed the Bears almost ten pounds to the men and held the Bears twice with in the five yard line. ABOVE ALL ELSE, I hop* that my raaders do not considar my thought for today as my last word on the subject. SOME OF US expect the impos sible snd when we get It. grumble about the taxes. TH CHtOLDfUUf RALEIGH. N. Q» SATUBOAT, SWHBP A tW Defeats Freezer FresP Team, 3-0, Far Honors The little league teem, sponsored by Kabala Temple Shrlnere would not be denied the City Little Lea gue championship which eluded them by technically laat season defeating Preeaar Fresh el the Mas senburg League in the city’s finals Saturday night at Roberta Center by a score of, 3-0. It was Kabala Tample all the way with James Hinton and Regi nald Watkins pitching a one hitter by Sanders on the first pitch of the game. Watkins who came in the third ending cloeed the door in allowing only three men to reach base, ene on a fielder's choice fol lowing a walk and another one on an error in the final ending. The victory was net easy as in* Shrine team did net get to Freeser Freeh's see, Martin, un til the fourth ending. After going down l-I and 3 in the second and third ending. Witt one away. Jimmy Beberry sin gled an error on a fielder's choice followed by a single by Albert Banks put tta Shriner 1 * team in trant 14. The final ran waa made by Beberry In the sixth ending who left off with a single and came home on an In winning the City title, Kabala Temple defeated the Chavis Height iKENTUCKY i STRAIGHT BOURBON iWHISKEYt mm /1;«i *4.80 Ifll *3.05 4/1 QUART PINT ' if tuvuia I Ktiar. I iSr l II straight bourbon A H fc I iissksmt. ST wattatuttt. G*B*»iDt/TtO 91 noi'Q**Oi. ©tWTtU-fBB RBODtACT* M .Kl OLD TAYLOR 80 PROOF M TH! (HE T ATI OR WSmiERV CO.. fRANKfORT 110UISV1UE. KY. , oisti' 7 o'trufts teoouert cowtany ; Cardinals *l-7 on Wed neoday night with James Hinton and Donald Samuels giving up three hitt~|K the semi-final game on Mday nJOBt they defeated Community OrSLI-O on Watkins three hitter. XJZ Kabala Temple, the only team which has held eontinoua member ship to the Raleigh Little L#|ue. since, the organisation has CRRRtr ed two champtonshipe in the lest three years and has consistently been in the upper bracket During the regular season. Rebe ls Temple lost only two games while winning fourteen. Those two to Hall Beauty Salon who lost to CosmMK nity Grill in the first game 4.10 play-off. 5 2Z 00K * _ m •Wm moqtni inmsl 15

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