IBSAMUnUIR raleigh. n. c, Saturday, iotimme i». ini 2 Football Schedule For Hii Schools This Week EDITOR S NOTE: Fnltewlng to a list of Hit football fame* , belflf played tbit weekend and on the rltht la the aite of each lame. The CABOINIAN will make thla a weekly featnre throurhont (he 1994 football aeaaon: September 10th Spmdale vs Canton at Canton September Utb Carver. W.-S., va AahevUle at W -S Atkin. W -S, va Gastonia at W -S York tU ~ Greensboro. v» W. Char lotte at Greensboro York Rd. Charlotte t High Point at Charlotte Newton vs Morganton, Morganton Shelby vs Lenoir. Lenoir WilkMboro v* Htcltory. Hickory Lincolnton vs Cherryville. Cherryv e Goldsboro vs Rocky Mt., R ky Mi New Bern vs Wilmington. Wilm'gt'n Raleigh vs Greenville. Greenville Aho«k-e v« Winfall. Winfall Rosnoke Rapids vs Edenlon. Edvnln Wmton vs Scotland Nk. Scotl n N'k Oxford vs Chapel Hill, Chspel Hill Apex News BT MBS. LOUSE COLVIN APEX first BaptUt Senior Choir wga in charge of the devo tion *t the 11 o'clock worship ser vice. A guest minister. Rev N N. Trice, read the scripture from the 3rd chapter of Rev.. beginning with the 9th verse Rev. W M. Phillips the associate minister, delivered the aermon It waa very fitting for these tunes. Subject: "White-washed tombs" Our pastor. Rev. W. T. BUelOw, la attending the j National Baptist ! Convention, and < is scheduled to be beck at Ptrst W Baptut Sunday, Sunday night / at 7 30. Mrs rrancU u sponsoring program at Fir.im,; Baptist You are*. 'T'-sV. 1 cordially lnvttedßHWWß to attend MRS. COLVIN PERSONALS Rev Leo A Joeey haa returned home to Anohortge. Alaska, after •bout tiro weeks of vtiiting rale tlvea hero. In Raleigh and Fuquav fff fflßiV ♦Vie Ptf-V ♦ *«i« *P Raletgh-Durbam Airport Sunday morning and expected to worship with his members at Oreater Frlandah p Baptist Church Sun day night at 7 30. where he u pastor. Mr. and Mrs Devld Pate. Mrs Louisa Colvin and daughter. Te nia and Rav. Leo A. Joeey. vialted their aider brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Burdls Joeey of Ports- CLINTON NEWS BT H. M. JOHNSON CLINTON—Mr. James E. Cue 11. Sr.. Mrs James A. Moore and Mrs. Addle: Johnson motored to Phila delphia, Pa. laat Thursday to at tend (he funeral of Mrs Lula Bal lard. The funeral was held Fri day night at Perry'*' funeral Par lor. The body waa taken to South Carolina for burial Sunday White then. Mr Buell wu the house guest of hU brother-in-law. Mr. Murphy. Mrs. Moore was the house guest of Mn. Virginia Jones and Mrs. Johnson, the guest of Mr and Mrs. Amet Bowden. The Reverend Baxter Rich, pas tor of Antioch Baptist Church of GoMatoro. Is conducting revival at Lisbon Street Baptist Church this week. The Reverend H. R. Cog dell la the paator The Reverend H Hudson Bob bitt of Batlimon, Md„ will be the guest evangelist at first Baptist Church next week Rev J L. White, pastor. Invites the public. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown mo tored to Roanoke Rapids last Fri day to attend the funeral of their cousin. Mrs. KteaUle Brown Clark. Newt was received last week of the death of Mrs Helen Boykin mother. Mrs Kteallte Brown Clark in Roanoke Rapids Mrs Boykin It a former resident of Clinton. And the wife of Mr Thomas E. Boykin Mr. Lenward fowler of Detroit. Mich motored two test week-end to bring hit nephew, Willie Stacy Allen, who bed been in Michigan all the summer working. Yhaaght fee the week "There la a difference between gOod sound reasons end reasons that eound good " Princeton News BT KM. GOLDIE RARDT ROfCrrON— Sunday wu pas toral day at Little River Primi tive Baptist Church The speaker for the aervtee wu Bldrr Fletcher Coley of Fremont. His subject we* "Oreater love hath no man then this That a man lay down hu hfe for his friends " The massage wu well enjoyed Mr all present The church wu Tjl CAROLINIAN "sKrmJT*awTawJmst* rwugeeifttU CMshetaa Ain iTw jrirf _tr Metier April ittiUcwmoji mu eegere payable te TWM ajufiematu PubMhare to W P&. trd th?umtedTSmUaSh 'vnsi Photo Service The Pubum*. ts eot resoeosMe Set >nt return if unsolicited eawa. pie mree Or gjputnag taps omb tie «■_ _ iTTrv. »3tpr*ww wy commnww u* awwasaper Oe me* aeeaasefOy re Mt Olive vs Henderson. Henderson Laurinburg 'Johnson' vs Louliburg at Louisburg Roxboro vs Merrick Moore. Dur ham. at Durham Beaufort vs Windsor. Windsor Nashville vs Jones. Wash., Wash SmitWield vs Snow Hill, Snow Hill Trenton v* Farmville. Farmville Selma vs Morehesd City. Moreh'd Wake Forest vs Tarbore. Tarboro Wadesboro vs Hamlet, Wades boro Morrison Tr Sch'l vs Dunn. Hoffmn Ciinion vs Rowland, Clinton Altemarle vt Csrthage. Albemarle Pittsboro vs Badin. Badin Siler City vs Ttoy, Siler City Thomasyille vs Statesville. Th'v'e, Ashcboro vs Kannaooltr, Asheboro Mt. Airv vs Belmont. Mt. Airy K»'t Spencer vs Monroe, East Bp'n’r Salisbury vs Burlington. Salisbury Lexington vs Raidsvllle. ReidaviU’. Anderson. W-S. vs Cbncord. W.-S. King* Mountain vs Tryon, Kings Mountain Pslsley. W -3. vs Graham. Graham .mouth. Va Saturday. It wu a very happy reunion. Mrs. Julia Lassiter is visiting her sister, MU* Louise Barnes, In Brooklyn. N Y. who U very 111. On Labor Day September 7. Mr. William Ooldston. MUs Ida Hay#*. Mr A. B. Horton. Miss Clara Al len and Mre. Louis* Colvin visited John Kerr Dam, In Virginia. At FSC: First-Class College Aim Os Dr. Jones I PAYRTTEVTLLE - President Ru | dolph Jones old faculty and staff i nwnlan. in opening faculty con ferences tor tth* umi-W school year test week, that "It is no longer Important whether Fayetteville State College will be s flrgt-clas Negro college as it U whether »t ere going to be ■ first-class college.'' While noting teereased eld from oiiUldo educational and philanthropic agencies. Dr J4n declared "1 still hold very strewgley to Ike Idea that we the in be helped meet by ewn •flerta." Challenging the faculty “to put on your thinking cap ad working clothes," President Jonea urged every teacher to be a “communica tion* teacher who will "read wide ly yourarif The merles of faculty conferences began Tuesday night with the in troduction of new persona and re marks by President-Emeritus J. W Seabronk Other sessions, through out the week, were devoted to dis cussion of a self-study report re cently submitted to the National Council for Accreditation of Teach ; or Education ad departmental meet ings. In NYC: l **oooo—o*——*** McKissick, CORE Chmn. Wins Awards NEW YORK <NPH—FIOyd Btxler McKissick. nation) chairman of the Congroaa of Racial Equality (CORK' was awarded the IM* Alpha Award of Honor at the SAth anniversary convention of Alpha Phi Alpha ; fraternity, held Aug. 14-30. in the Hotel Commodore MeKtaaleh. e member of the fraternity, wu ewe of the •peahen el the Marsh aw Wash ington la August. ME. The e ward. presented annually is e member of the fraternity, wu given to MrKleelek far hie work In civil righto Recipient of the outstanding un dergraduate award was Doyd Shepherd, student at the Universi ty of Akron. The fraternity haa aaere than Mt chapters, inrlading chapters in Menrolls. Liberia: Hamilton. Bermuda. and Frankfort. Germany Each year, a grad uate chapter and an uudergrad aate chapter ere cited ter eel tlanding activities during the year. The most outstanding graduate chapter wu Alpha Zeta Lambda of I Biuefleld. W. Va Selected as top very happy to have Stater Everett of Jacksonville present. Mack RawUn. Alvin Hardy. Bari Rawltn accompanied Deacon Wal ter Bryant of MV Eton to Piney Orove to worship with them. Rev. Burgee* of Raleigh wu the apaak- Nancy HowalL Goldie Har dy and Alvin wan the dinner geest* of Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Bee vane and family Sunday Mrs. Lassie B. Spell* of Clayton vtaitod Mrs. Nancy Howell Satur day evening Mn Spell* te the mother of Mr* Caeate Atkinson of Princeton. A Thoaght •Hie thing* I command you that ye love one another." Bv John 11:17. § " >v a J ! Y. \ . 4 j J U ’ 2/ b .. vv;.:,/ w&mm' AMERICAN LEAGUE “BIG BATS’ Pictured in Metropolitan Stadium, Minneaota, are the American League * “big bat Harmon Killebrew, left, and Tony Oliva, hefting their bats pri or to the Minnesota Twins-Washington Senators gapie last Monday. Both men hold top honors in tha League (UPI PHOTO). Coach “Happy As Kid At Christmas;” 70 Grid Hopefuls Report At A. And T. GREENSBORO—-An even seven ty football hopeful*, including twen ty lettermen. one of tha largest squad* in the history of A&T Col lege, began training onarationa at the Aggie camp Hera last Tuesday. September 1. Youthful Bert Ptggett, Aggie heed coach, appeared as happy •a a youngster at Christmas time, •• ha looked aver the crop which would eompoaa his 19*4 aggregation. Impreooed by ♦heir apporent eondMimt Fir I*4 said. ‘They lack mean, loon ond huner* " Mitt#ionary Day A t St, Matthew The St. Matthew AME Church >:O9 E. Devi* St. will celebrate itr unnusl MiMionary Day Sunday. < At the 7 p. m. lervlce, Mn. Ver de lie K Juhr.lton of Durham, will * r - * **■ , of I WhW-ikimm Itoj. V*K..*l.U K JOHNSTON the vanoua Miationary Societies of th« city are invited a* apeciel guest* at thi* service Mra. Jehnaon la a native es South Carolina, the wife as tha late Rev. D A. Jehntien. sad the mother es In daughters. She is a member es St Joseph * AME Cherrb nf Durham, a member es the Careline Barn undergraduate chapter 'waa Beta Kappe. Langston University, Leng •ton. Okla. STERLING NEEDS TO BE USED 1 here are toaae fairly prevalent misconceptions on the "can and faoding" of tteriing silver flat were—specifically that it ahoald ba carafUlly wrapped and atored away until company comoa. This deprive* the family of tho ptoas are of using etoebag. certainly eat es tite meat pritcticel and durable es all home furntohinfa. «he* it te aolid silver all tha way through, it cant wear oat, i tharak nothing to nib off and it , I With the opening clash set for Saturday. September 19. heie at the , Greensboro Memorial Stadium and that against the Fort Euatla Wheels, tha Aggies have Ju*t 13-working days to get In shape. The time tec tor ia compunded by the fact that on the following weekend the Ag gles will meet Tennessee State U niveraity, also at Memorial Stadium. Leading the list es letter men Is Cernall Gordon, the ex citing 195-pound quarterback from Nnrfoltr Vi mho mn« wall aa tha fastest halfbacks. 1 *mvf flV»* ♦e* bv# #• oWo » woof as Missionary Society es the church, chairman of tho Wesi era North Carolina C onfercncc Missionary Education Promo tion Committee, and tho cha'r man of Uio Missionary Educa tion Promotion Committee es tilt Second Episcopal District of tho A. M. E. Church. She ia employed as a special edu cation teacher in the Durham Ci’y x-hool System. She r-ceived a B A degree from South Carolina State College. Orangeburg. S C . attend ed Aliynla Univeisity. and receiv ed her Master of Arts degree at North Carolina College. Durham, NC ATTORNEY LOCKED (IP iroNTiNt’En srom pun n had been appealed from Craven Re coider* Court by Banks sfier he waa handed an 18-month jail term John Beamon of New Bern, at torney and prosecutor for the state in thi* case, had otdertrd to sever al questions asked by Attorney Frazier during the trial of the girt on grounds they had no beating in the case The objection* were sus tained by Judge Morris. According to a warrant. Banks allegedly looked Into the window of a bathroom occupied by the girl. Incited fnur feel from the ground. Evidence presented at the Re corder's Court trißl showed that Banks was Observed hv Lemmie Berwick, a farmer from the dark ened window of » bedroom ne\t to the bathroom. Ttarwick sounded and outcry allegedly, and is Banks turned toward the bedroom, he wos recognised bv Lemmie. who claim ed he had known the defendant for doaan't break or mod repairs. Sterling left to languish in a bottom drawer is being don* a diaaamce. When m co4st.-r.t uoo. it gains what exports call "patina* —a network of tiny lints that lend the silver * m#U lew glow. This patina is largely why antique silver i# so valued. Every day uaaga of atei.ing -as another ad* antes* Oth-r than an occasional beauty it needs little or no cleaning. r, passer and excellent kicker. 5 He is supported in the beckfield 1 1 by halfbacks: Clifton Matthews. - Melvin Phillips and Nathaniel Joims, I Willie Beasley, a 208-pounder, test ■ enough last year to alternate at a i halfback post, will play tha full ; back role. Five rangy ends are among the carry-overs teem las sea son. These include: Braeel Buggs. 8-4 1-3. 205-poands; Renal* Francis. 84, 209-pounda; i Liu,., Siwtih. 6-2, IM-poundsi Conrad Lattimore and William i--U».U .. , bw.w .1 6 ~ iuu ,U,UU— The list contains three-centers Thomas Alston and Joseph Flood, both of whom shared varsity roles last year. Carl Miller and William Sinclair are the lone tackle* who lettered last season. The guard position is loaded with fivq-lettermen. including: Howard Fenguzon, 244-pound*: Robert Ed wards, 242-pounds; Andrew Wea \ey, 218-pounds: Herman Simmons, 207-pounds, and Robert Jeffreys, 213-pounds. | 17 years and had employed him on hu farm at varying times. WHISKEY WAS FOR party; SAYS CAMPBELL (CONTINUED ntOM PAGE 1) Campbell's auto, which was con fiscated at the time of hi* arrest Saturday night, was retrieved Tuesday morning when a 92,000 oond was posted for It. Mr Campbell is well-known throughout the city as a member of the Maaons, Bhrtnere. Raleigh Citizens Association and other or caniaztions LOCAL WOMAN RAPED AS TEEN BOYS STAND BY (CONTINt'KO rKOM PAGE ONE) Curley, who vsi brought to toe police station, then Ttonotoll was Jailed under a 119. M bond, charged with rap* and public drunkenness. He t* expected to receive a preli minary hearing in City Court next week. WHITES CHEER AS 3 GEORGIA KLANSMEN FREED (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) , deliberately shot at a car carrying | Penn and hi* companion* to ware "out-so-town niggers" from (heir neck of the woods. An FBI agent from Atlanta insisted, under crooa eiaiuhia lion that this information waa included to a atoleaaent given freely by James S. Lackey. 39. who said ho drove (he Mans i men’s ear. I According to Lackey’* state ment. which he later repudiated, they first spotted Penn‘a car In downtown Athens. The FBI quoted Lackey a* say ' inr that Sims noticed the District ; of Columbia plates on the car and I rnmarked "That must be some of President Johnson*’ boys.” Lackey. In hla repudiated con | fesMon. told the FBI that Sima 1 announced that "I'm going to kill me a nigger." and Myera Indicat ed he would help. The original reason for our fol low rut the colored men waa be cause we heard that Martin Lu ther King might make Georgia a testing ground for the civil righto bin." Lackey told the FBt "We thought some out-of-town niggers might stir up mm trou ble in Athens." be added. Lackey, the Jury was told, i said that Myer*. who was seat ed la the fraat east as (tee ear. fired awe blast team hta shot gun sai Stem lot teas* with oTwiiher teem the hack seat ae "1 didnt think Atom and My- j era had eetwsKy Wed the man." Locker’s mtemiod ml*. When he did tend out. Lackey stated. "1 *wd to myself: Thom aers of bitches killed that man.’" Immediately after the (hooting. Lackey MU the PBS. tody return ed to (he Athene garage df Bar tort Guest. BT. A murder charge against Guest mu dropped after he agreed to testify in the caa#. SCLC PLANNING BTH ANNUAL CONVENTION fCOWTOTOUP PBOM PAGE ONE) Host to Bite year’s convention will be SCUTE affiliate, the Chatham County Crusade for Voters, whom president is Hose* Williams. The organization te creanea wkb ftavtng (ton of public H'ltw to toe Deep Souii City, with Williams himself serving 3t days in jail at the height of the city** freedom movement Coordinators tor the. coaventten are 10m Lurcenia Cohen, who is heading up toe local committee, and Rev. C. T. Vivian. SCLCs Di rector of Affiliates, who Is super vising all details of the meeting. Rev. Vivian ha* indicated that this year's convention is expected to break all records in attendance with upwards of 900 delegates and an other 1,000 representatives drawn from among some 310 SCLC affili ate* to 31 states and (he District of Columbia. This figure reprmanta an almost tripled increase to the number of SCLC affiliates tine* test year's convention in Richmond, Virginia, Vivian pointed out, noting that there were only 70 such associ ated organizations at that time. •BACK TO AFRICA’ IS AGAIN THEME (COJfTWUBD ISOM PASS OKI) Me pet dream, tbs drive Is stOl being pursued an a relatively small scale by the Basteferlen sect to independent Jenuilc* Some Rastas ware members es an official Jamaican delegation which toured vartenu todaysn dent African nations seeking official sanction of the migra tion te Africa. However, white some of the Afri can countries noted they would welcome black settlers, they in dicated that the indolent, deitit ! tute, and potential troublemakers would not be welcomed. EX-RALEIGH ATTORNEY JOINS LEGAL STAFF working part-time as a bell . hop at the Sir Walter Hotel. This feat rarn«d him a place In the h»or‘i of many person* .v*W*" 'MUp ■■■ai&srWV*?--- ■». < j;., W&- k \mM ATTORNEY E A SOLOMON of both races to this eity which till! exists. A World War n veteran. At torney Solomon haa seen action with the U. S. Army in Europe. Married to a Raleigh native, the Solemona reride at 33 Wat son Street, Eaet Orange, N. J. Their two daughters. Misses La- Feme and Joy Solomon, are stu lento at St. Augustine's College it the present. DR. PROCTOR QUITS POST IN THE PEACE CORPS (CONTINUED moil PAG! U significant contribution* In the ! cooperatve church movement." As general director of lnterpre- I tatlon. Dr. Proctor will amtet and ; advise the general secretary and other National Council staff "In matter* of public relations, repre sentation and Interpretation." He will assume loednmTitp to formu lating "oernmon poet tion atate raento far an to Interpreting pate or continuing activities of the Council," Df. Espy said. An erdatwed mtntetor es t* Dr. Procter was president es C*Oq|Mf > MrtetenStori f Grt embers, until IM3. when he left te beeeme Pease Corps representative to Nigeria at as the Pease Carps, with re sponriMHty Her administering its volunteer program. Before aaeumlng the pr—litanry of the AAT College, Dr. neteor served ter 11 yean to aoadwnlc and admtotetrattee poets at Vir ginia Union University, Richmond. Va He became profeaeor of phi losophy there to IMS. Dean of tha School of Rafigtan to 1960, Vtoe- PreeMent to 1060. and Prate itent in 1960. A native of Norfolk. Va.. and e graduate of Virginia Union Uni versity. he took hie BJJ. degree In 1648 at Croeer Theolocioal Ban inary to Chester. Pa. to 1960 he received a ThJD. from Boston Uni versity. He haa atao done graduate work to aortniody at the Uhlver *ity of Penneyhranla and to so cial ethics at Yale Uhivertity Di vinity BehooL GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY ! Fuquay Cleric Authors Bock Aeverena v>. r• oruty ( uiuvi o* Botortonyillt. is tosMr sf Bates) | Crash Baptist atetk, i Springs. Pteatont Grtvu BtiMWi Church. Bdhavan, Ml Ztee Bo*- ttet Ctetieh. MhcOn. fiutoier of Christ Ttinpte Baptist CtettgA Bdh snonvilte. and author df flte now book entitled; "Tbs D*tcon v T *• * | Xs,,_' % REV. C. P. BBILEY And His Wife." The book has ffvo fhapters deal ing with spiritual and ethical living of deacon*, their wive* sod all those who disirs to live acceptable uto* God. The chapters art as fellows: 71m Office of a Deacon, Tho Ap pointment and Dispatch sf TTnamne Why The Need es Appointment, The Qualifications of a Deacon, and Tbs Deaeon and His Wife's Life. This book is designed to prsnam deacons sod their wives far ordina tion. It also reveals to to'aafa to this lift, and saved to tho sterna) life one must live by faith end trust in grace. It can be found to essay of our leading universities and li braries of North Carolina. A Email to# will be asked for the cost sf publication. Rev. C. P. Briley attended Shaw University, Raleigh, with advanced course* at Duke Ttoivortity. Dur ham and Union Theological Semi nary. N. Y. Ha la alaa farmer Bneeatfaa Secretary es the Middle Ground Bfoiiokf AfltostettoOe oil •eter end founder es "The Hoar es Truth," which is a bi-week ly program that haa ham heard to mast parte as tha Stale far aver 13 years. He ia married te (he former Mtae Sarah Streeter, es para lUle utl lLi> have four cLU- ‘ And His Wifa." Pork Sausage lb. 35c or 31W. Me Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lb*. Mt Good Weiners lb. 39e or 3 lb*. 33c Fresh Ground Beef lb. 35c or 2 It*. 75c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 55c Fresh Pork Roast lb. 33c Rib Beef Steak lb. 65c Streak t) Lean Meat lb. 23c Rib Beef Stew lb. 23e Sliced Pork Steak lb. 55c Fresh Pig Feet lb. 12c Crescent Bacon lb. 35e or 2 lb*. 75c OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL • PM. HORTON’S CASH STORE 1411-17 RO. SAUNDERS ST. ««*«*■ CHAT |fTTPI BARSTOW AMUSEMENTS ON THE MIDWAY 12-RIDES-12 *’ ■ mi ■ iMflfw imaway cw CHATHAM COUNTY FAIR —Pittsboro, N. C toMa. - THURS. - PBL • SAT. Sept. 9-12 RIDES * SHOWS * CONCESSIONS SEC THE GIRLS DISPLAY THt LATELY IN DANCING. THEY ARE CRAZY* . TT*., h^.At 1 /TE!i! teSSw. lAtjariteil YOU can hear dkti WI ; AM-Wllliiinrtte at T3l A. iL Ha twffl rStiteM Mt jMitite te B»- j ldlgh October 4, Hti WhjteLover Killed In A Triage Tiff I DCTtGrr (NPl)) - Mite Aten i Ha WOlttme, 36-ydar*old ttegve i woman, haa barn charged wtte firte 1 digged murder to ttt fatal staMMng i of bar 76-year-old white BdyGteAd. The victim of stab wound* as the chest and sbdoman ie Guy Bat- I «- -a A Ida haelanidee mill a I SKOV| ■lk •lliNliiu DVtfnQirt wild wa* found dead to hie bOtta. Patto* | my t Mtes Wllliama admitted tee vtef* te*lte!Ssste*aiariment! they became tevWved tea baa*- ad arg«nent aear a ps«g aten wllb wham tea Urtmdir aa aasad bar as earryig an • va staying but waa arrested ate*teal days later. Buoanro. lMve a Mmibn te bifiiwßi rnrtr«- tost es tea imatadt TV I *3)g£iiu*+«

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