THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1864 6 WEEKLY MEDITATION BY COLIN DOUGLAS “This ts the day which Je hovah hath made; We will rejoice and be clad in it.”—Paalme 118:24. Have you ever felt at some time In your life that If some particu lar situation worked out for you, that you could then be truly hap py .. . and that if some special thins came into your possession, you could then be truly Joyous? There are many thousands of per sons who deny themselves happi ness and Joy and satisfaction be cause of their wishful kind of thinking. They live constantly for the future, on a sort of contingent basis. In reality, there la something in every day, in every hour, in ev ery minute which can bring you happiness NOW, which can inspire Joy and contentment. But you must keep your eyes open to the presence of happiness NOW. look for It NOW, and accept It NOW. Just these fragments of happiness and Joy, gathered day by day, will make for a full and satisfying life. TWO MINUTES fL vm THE BIBLE A m couaaui s. it am mis. / soam § \ EVERLASTING LITE Homans 8:2, when correctly read, is a most blessed passage of Scrip ture. To get the sense we should plane a dash between the words “Spirit” and “of." Thus it would read: *Tor the law of the Spirit— of lift in Christ Jesus, hath made ms free from the law of sin and death." When ■ (inner places his trust in Christ as Savior he is Justified be fore the bar of God. because Christ's death and righteousness are Imputed to him. This is a JUDICIAL matter. But at the same moment some thing else happens: the Spirit re generates and gives NEW LIKE (Tit. 1:8). Now this is a LAW. and In exorable. unchangeable T AW The sinner who sincerely places his trust tn f*hi-(«« 81 I* lilt by the Holy Spirit, it » al ways so; it Is never otherwise. I John 8:12 says: "He that hath the Son hath LIFE. . . ." John 3:38 says that "He that bellevcth on the Son halth Everlastig Life" and Col. 3 4 On The Home Front (Items tots week from Wxke, . New Hanover, and Halllax Cauntlea.) ' COMMUNITY GARDEN TOUR Your vegetable garden* were olrlted on the garden tour in the rjquay-Varfna area. “Rpeelal emphaala waa place t •n planting an adequate site garden tat relationship to the family, planting at least is dif ferent vegetables using reeom m and ad varieties, and pluntlng at different dates In order to provide vegetables for a longer ported of time,” say* Mrs. Mary Graham, associate home econo mies agent. Gardena wore observed at the home of ltu Burton. Mra. Lillie Pretty, Mr. and Mr* Carte* Harris and Mr. and Mr*. Alex Steven*. HIGHER EDUCATION SOUGHT Mr*. Rom Brown of the Mjson boro Junction Home Demonstra tion Club In New Hanover County found she would have to get more education In order to secure a bet tor job. Mr*. Rebecca Hall, home econo mic* agent, say* Mr*. Brown de cided Immediately to go back to Church Chuckles by Cartwright jdKE'j/ r . V 5? £*y- / \ f *At Hit risk pf ruining my Nielsen rating, \'4 flit* to ask 'how's coma you're not in church'?'* FOR RENT Apartments and 4 and 5 Room Houses all with hot and cold water and bath* Uto to either a first cUm Mtitawnl « house We aao af ter roe at weiwito rental either T w I rmn apartments or • ana I rooa homes. All three dwellings are located to alee neigh berboods and to first-class repair. See U§ Today For Better Uving! ACME REALTY CO. IM R. UAROETT ST. DIAL fl t OWS In you persist in waiting unttl your life is “set” in some particu lar way before you permit yourself to be happy and to feel Joy, you are denying yourself the everyday blessings that life contains for you. the blessings that God de sires for you and is constantly ex tending to you. Every day can be an adventure, every day can be a day of re joicing. Every day can be a day which adds to the development of your innate spiritual qualities. Ev ery day can Increase your under standing. If you have some God inspired goal that you long to reach In life, know that all things are possible to you with God's help. But know also that it Is not i Just looking ahead to a goal’that : brings success and accomplish i ment. It Is the using of your God : given powers and abilities effec : tlvely day by day that prepares . the way for fulfillment of youi i dreams. I “Stir up the gift of God, I which is in thee.”—H Tim. 1:6. | declares that the believer’s life Is j "hid with Chriit in God.” Thus the apostle could say: ’The Law of the Spiri, (that of) Life in Christ, hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” Adam for feited hi* life by sin, but the be i liever's new life can never be for i felted, for this life Is nothing less than the life of Christ, in whom the sinner has already died and paid for his sins—and in whom he now stands perfect and complete ' before God, j It Is a Law, a fixed unchangeable law, that sin brings forth death I (Horn. 3:12; 8:23; et al). This la , called "the law of sin and death,” but the believer has already died for sin in Christ and has been given a ness- Jtfe hv *h<- Spiri* Thus “The law of the Spirit, that of "life in r’hrlerf M >vte mnHo the* simnleef Ke. liever free from ' the law of ain and death.” Thank God for '"the law of the | Spirit, "everlasting life through the | Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins. I school and complete her education, j Nowvihe 1* trying to get others to educational level. FOR WISE BUYING. PLAN AHEAD “A successful menu depends , oat only on wise planning but on careful buying,” declares Ruth Whitworth, home econo mics agent. She has been as sisting elab member* in Hali fax County with their, buying habits. She hn» encouraged them to plan their menus a week In to make a shopping list, to compare i brand* of food, and to watch for j "rpcnaUi.'' Mlsa Whitworth advised tne ladle* to set up a food budget and plan around it. "This will pre vent impluse buying.'' ahe added. IN LIFE, as In fiction, we all look forward to a happy ending, and are resentful if it turns out Otherwise. Sunday School Is held on every Sunday morning at 10:30 a. m. Bring your children to Sunday School, Rev. Smith, Pastor SIGN on a Hollovwood car wash " Collector of External Residue." Catholic Digest August. CORE Groups Act On U. S. Schools JC With the new school year alert ing, many CORE group* across the country are pursuing action against de facto segregation. In Indianapolis, Indiana on Au gust 27 six CORE members started a marathon sit-in in the school ad ministration building. The action came Just a month after a sit-in In the office of the superintendent of schools which ended with the arrest of the three participants including John Torian, chairman of Indiana polis CORE. During the month, de facte segregation school buildings In the Negro neighborhood have been picketed. CORE Is seeking to halt construction work on these schools and, ae CORE Vice Chairman Donald Bandies ex pressed H to the school board: “to aae new construction for promoting integration rather than segregation.*’ * In Columbus, Ohio, Monroe junior high, a newly constructed school in a Negro area, was select ed as the site for a recent protest rally sponsored by CORE and other groups. Negro students from the area previously had been at tending the integrated Llnmoor junior high school As one speaker at the rally expressed It "We Just want to make sure that there are no more Monroes built.” In Cleveland, where CORE Vice I Chairman Bruce Klunder was crushed to death by a bulldozer last April during a school demonstra tion, a city-wide biracial committee has been appointed and, under a new school superintendent head way I* being made against dcfacto segregation In Dallaa. Texas, where s grade-a-year desegregation plan Is In effect. CORE pickets have been marching in front of the school administration building. “The atmosphere of Dallaa has changed and It I* time for com plete desegregation," Rev. Earl Allrn, chairman of CORE said in testimony before ibe school board. In Seatle, Washington, CORE is seeking free transportation for Negro students who elect to trans fer from segregat-d to integrated schools. The group also has request i'ci tii«* *diuol L„... J to dC-C M2..P. elementary school, which Is largely ee Ts ♦ T* »*-♦ elementary school with two other schools which are nearby. CORE Action Changes Hiring Policy In Mo. ST. LOUIS— Two members of St. I.ouls CORE, Richard Daly and Percy Green, recently climbed 100 fret up the partially completed Gateway Arch, which is destined to l>e the nation’s tallest monumsnt and a symbol of its westward ex panaion They remained aloft tor four hour*. Upon descending, they were arrested far ”trespassing" tost their actlsn was the focol point of a St. Louts CORE picketing campaign which lasted through the spring and summer. The campaign recently ended when Johannes Jensen, a top offlrtal of the National Park Service, guaranteed that U. 8. nondis crimination requirement* would be enforced In awarding future contracts. The contrect for the Initial phase of construction, the concrete pour ing. had been given to the Mac- Donald Construction Company, whose hiring policies prompted the CORF, protest action. Following an investigation, a spokesman for the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity admitted in early August that his committee was "not completely satisfied” with the MacDonald Construction Com pany's employment practices. To avert a repeat perform ance. Jenaen said, future con tracts will be awarded on a small-eontract basts whleh will permit an increased number of hidden and will give the government more leeway to bypass a low bidder whoa# employment policy la dubious. The Gateway Arch, designed by the late Eero Saarinen, will be 830 feet high when it is completed within the forthcoming year. The arch will be part of the St Louis Riverfront massive renovation program. MR. WILLIAM J. RCRWELL. SR. Funeral services for Mr William J Burwell. Sr. of SOI Idtewild Ave. were conducted from the Raleigh Funeral Home chapel Monday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The Rev J. A Avery officiated. Burial followed In Mount Hope cemetery. Mr. Burwell. who died early Saturday morning et Wake Memo rial Hospital is survived by three sons. Messrs. Roland S Burwell Lovelace H. Burwell and William J. Burwell Jr., all of Raleigh; one daughter. Mrs. Elisabeth Venable. Clarksville. Vs.; and five grand children. "W IDA L. ALLEN Mrs. Ida U Allen of 1008 E Jones Street died Friday at her residence. Funeral service will be conducted from St Paul AME Church Thurs day afternoon at S o'clock with the Rev L. 5. Penn, pastor, officiating. Burial will follow in Mount Hope cemetery. She i» survived by three brothers. Messrs. Henry of Raleigh. Calvin of Chicago. Illinois, and Joseph Parrish of Detroit. Michigan. With Faith... Yon Are Never Alone < Attend Church Regularly jj ; /jj 'jj The Chufth * Cods "j hr man md of His demand for mm to respond to thatlovo by loving his neighbor. Without % vJj? -* | hit grounding in Hie love of Cod, no government or society or way of life wiN long IJ 5 Hit freodomt which we hold » door wiN intdtoMy parish. Therefor* oven pi 4 from fl ,e,fish pohH •* vi * w ' 0M * OI,W w t > P ort ,he for Nm 9ak« off Ifw welfare |j| If * M*"* hil b yo"d Aobow, wiry ponon *ootd uphold and pa* H B 2 Hcipoli in Nw Church because if tofls (Ho troth about man's lift, dooth and destiny; tho || THIS INSPIRATION AL MESSAGE APPEARS EACH WEEK TO HELP MAKE THIS INCREASINGLY A nit lM H-MLVDED AREA. IT IS OFFERED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION RY THE GENEROSITY OF PUBLIC** SPIRITED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS FIRMS. , » pon-coui Bommo eo. Raleigh. Narth Carolina mss (ONES SAUSAOB Far A Bpeelal Breakfast with Fan Cakes and N. C. Eggs ULTMOKE WTIJJI JOHN W. WINTERS A CO. • McLAnm rxne compart NKKRtMTB rvrri or raleigh AMMON PONTIAC. IRC NR MMm St. - TE UMWI MUiNCN lANPNQ A INPIT CO. ■AUBGH SAVINGS SLOAN _ AiioaAnoß