f situations BELT WANTED Classified Rates KgV' »i t “ .T* , ........1*t Ik nit T%l rtW *b>*rn«ttae. tattiai « nmeutatioa m hoi counted a*'wieea _ j^rssuj^Ajpv; ° **« ™» M talephou •4 ttranf* wSkMIQk" SaSl ItiluLl HXX> WANTED - Houaa taOtonp- 8“*- Grkt Barrington. Mi -EDUCATIONAL 80H * TOMDi U to 111 Bn eaa qua lify jtr many )o> apportunlttaa ta Cim SEBVJat Pnttn at boma ffHf Kuntaf fflll nirtf, iddriss. Phony, directions if SSt towX-ftaEa. SERVICE. ». o. Boot 4H. Balaigh. H. LAUNDRY fBAfIOrS OBT CLSANWO. MM flianwood Ava. baa merged ana k now (mown «t BATH BARTON AMD DRV Dttl l 4 *S»: Mo’l'ttfi FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q lAB-H-4B a— (Our efMtl Pit and Chicken me a oavib ax SERVICE STATIONS DtSfoVs ESSO STATION -«0t A Blood worth Rt Phono R IW* ' TILE —Vhwal Abee*o TUO 14 eanta Value. NowTl 1-1 cant. RraEh Sharp* Inc. US Glen wood Ava. LEGAL NOTICES PORBCtOSCRE NOTICE Under and by virtue at the power a»# authority vetted ta that mortgage dtii ti-eculed by nwiA ii. (*«— who wUa. Mario S. Oilaa, at Waka (Sunty, North Carolina, to WlWa Show at Waka County. North Caro lina. which mortgage dead la recorded la Boot 111*. Pago 104 oi the Waka County Registry, and default having bada made in the paymnt of said ta dehtedness. I. Kittle Snow. Admini asssAsyyyffilMS secured by said mortgage dead, will an September n, 1964 as the hour of llDOo'cldok. Noon, attar for sale end anqrtgage deed; to-wtt; Beginning at a stake in Urn center at tberted and runs thence alongFoy Allen Bodge's line North tt-e Wett 1787 feet To the oanter at e mail branch at Whitefleld and Brown s corner, thence along WhitaCeld and Brown's Una South 10-88 West 886 foot to an Iron pipe and polntan at Hollo Fowler’s comer, thence along HoUo FAwlor's lino South 87-88 Boat 10IM ft. to the canter of the road, thence a long the road North 11-87 Wist 188 feet North 88-00 East 848 foot. North 64-00 Bast 140 ft North 48-08 hat m feet to the BEGINNING, awarding to survey made February 88, 1818. by N&ISSfWS » M.I.P- cut. «. M PflM - Saw good faith. Thia the 84th day of August 1804. Willie Snow Estate WILLIE SNOW ESTATE BY KITTY SNOW. Administratrix mobJus a grandt Attorneys at Law 411-«1 Lawyers Building wstetgh, North Carolina hpSKbtr AlB, 18. 88, 1084. At Morgan: * d Faculty Institute Planned ■AVrnran Md. Tortsaa ■Reytwg ft* Undergraduate Col lage Today” will be the theme of the flared day faculty institute. September U. O. and 14. at Morgen Stgte College. Or. Albert Whiting. Dedn of the College, announced 388 faculty and staff mem bers including M new teachers and II part-time instructors art expect ed to attend «hc All College Meet tag. 8 a. m. Friday, fat Calloway Has. J* Keith Spalding, rrmfrlanf, Franklin and Marshall Collage, will ■peak on Tortaa Shaping Tomor row'* Undergraduate Colleger Cuidepeets and Prospects" at the Lift p m PHday meeting PANEL DISCUSSION A panel discussion will be held 149 p. ta.. Friday, on "Impact of the Expansion of Junior Colleges an the pattern of American Higher Education” Participants will be Dr. Horry Bird, president o f Baltimore Junior College; Comer Coppie. Executive Director of Board of Trustees of the State Colleges: Also Dr. Elizabeth Geen. academ ic Dean of Goueber College: and Dr. Oliver L*me.pre*Ment of Ca teasville Junior Collage- Dr. Rich ard I. McKinney, heed of the De portment at Phtloeophy of Mor gan Slate College, win be the moderator lliathly earnings in Ceylon average the equivalent of 87. with 8 Aw of 84Ui month Mr wekUtod Mh«. Contribution* to CART* SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE THE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION BUSINESS OBBOBfUNI TIES CHILD CAKE 'mi, —» PERSONAL CLEANING * MAULING Low Cost Advertising nMESssS\ —Low Cost Advertising —'pfr® FOR WHAT HAVE YOU... DIAL TEmple 4-8558 / FOR WHAT HAVK YOU... DIAL TEmple 4-8558 emammn cakbs orrmuna m msmohiam uuinncss <uia»n jtoows atamtushts houses fok rknt~ BURL ALLEN? Ink TONGUE A* if we didn't already hOve tee many complaints, I raiaa another grievance:—Wa need a prudent, stand! organisation dedicated sole ly to aaeuring bettor business for Negreag! This might, often mean better business opportunities, but MORE often it should be a matter of batter business DEALS—from both Negro and Caucasian con cerns. Many white firms take unfair ad vantage of Negrooa because of our lack of legal prestige. Many_eolored businesses exploit us because of a mutual legal insignificance in which authorities don’t really care except fin* as far a* the money goee. Our target for now is the laundry-and dry-cleaning racket! We owe it to same companies—Negro and white —to state that, in many instances there are no difficulties: however, numerous colored firms art less patronised because of their lack of efficiency—their slovenliness! Numerous white firms are okay until your gods are misplaced— THEN you can tell Just how CHEAP they are. More Rian a winter ago, a local. Caucasian-owned storage company gorpon , ; ! y» ,- --■- - YOU ARE VWt DETECTIVE You have found the custodian of the apartment building. Jim Andrews, down in the basement replacing a fuse in the building's fuse box. “Five o'clock and thia main fuse Mew out at 3:30 this af ternoon!” he mutters. “I just couldn't get down here to put in a new 1 fuse until now . . . and it's a good thing no one complained shout the power being off . . . most of the tenants are out of the building during the day anyway . . . except for a few of the women. I spent moot of the afternoon in Mrs. Trent’s apartment on the fifth floor, repairing a leak in the water pipe under her bathroom washbowl." "I'd like to ask you seme questions about the burglary In Mrs. Canfields' apartment on the third floor, Ifo. 301.” " YOU X heard about that. -reflßes Andrews, a he turns on the main switch and the basement fmNU with light. “I wee always afraid something like that would happen. Everyone knew Mn. Canfield kept a load of jewels and other expensive stuff lying around in her place, and she’s always flitting around town, too . . . practically in vited some smart burglar to ootne In and help himself.” “That he did.” you agree. “According to Mm. Canfield’s steer, she was out from about two to tour p. m., and when she returned her place hod been ransacked ... better then 13,000 worth of Jewelry gone!” “Well, Mrs. Trent and X can vouch for each other,” says An drews. "I was busy on that waterplpe of hem, and she woe in the apartment all the time I wee there.” "Who are those other women you mentioned were in this after noon?” “Then’s Mrs. Bailey in 910. Mm. HarrisOn In 300. Mm. Coker In 311, and Miss Hoyle in 103.” Jim Andrews pauses, then snaps his finger* “Bay. how about that Harrison woman in 308, the same floor as Mr*. Canfield . . . and she would know as wen as anybody about Mrs. Canfield’s comings and goings.” You nod, thank Andrews for aU his Information, then proceed to question the various women tenants who were in during the after noon. All Mm. Bailey can tell you is that she saw one stranger In the building “early In the afternoon.” but “can’t remember enough about him to describe him.” Mm. Coker tells you she Spent the greater part of the afternoon sunbathing on the roof of the building, and knew nothing of the crime until about 4:30. Mm Harrison teas you she woe watching television the entire afternoon and that, eince she is rather hard-of-hearing and was foroed to keep the volume of sound turned high, she didn’t bear anything unusual going on around her floor of the building. Mies Bailey, a middle-aged spinster, tells you she hod been reeding tor the greater part of the afternoon and had Interrupted this only to go to the oomer grocery stone at about 3:30. and that when she returned at a little after four she had learned then of the crime. .■ After your interviews with tfaaaa four women, you atop tn one of tho corridors of the building for a few minutes' thought, then you bead back to the apartment of the one whom you suspect of the burglary. Whom do you suspect, and why? SOLUTION IAy man aooamuo n* JJO useq poq wood ftp pus OM »n°d» 1* tno anon P«l ••to «r«a etp ntu pim eaeipav ans seneoeq 'ejtn eoop SAvq toa ptnoo sqg uojeweite Bum»m* uooumj/o eqt wMe poq eqr nod pjot eqe ttqi laej eqt jo aanooaq ♦goeuma «JFI taadans nox ffan Hbpics/ut 4 MY, THIS TOWN IS NICELY U<D OUT HOW LONS HU IT BEEN PCAO f* I rcr'WAmrrw,, ******* * misplaced whiter coats and suits belonging ta a Negro and his wife. Well, it’s almost winter AGAIN, and still no settlement! I can list teps of-like malpractices. Yes, them people live highly on our lowly incomes, and Ignore our gross loss es resulting from THEIR careless ness! They furnish us evasive lias, shifing from the route man to the offloe man and vice varan until— if we're green enough—we give up! I testify PERSONALLY against H. BROTHERS! Os course. THEY already know that I know and em ploy the beet corrective remedy, and I want all who don’t know how to stop thieves from Jewing and Jipptng us to know that there IS such a solution! The solution is not LAWYERS—yes. they esn help when they will, but they're usually on the most-money side, in which cases they buy you and sell you at flic tame time! I propose a le* risky remedy.—Call mo—Bß 4-8888. THE NICEST THING about being dull is that you are unawrd Os the fact end hence an pleasantly blissful. TOUGHENING UP A group of the 70-man mjumd which reported last week for ANT Col lege Aggies training operations, toughen up on the blocking s/ad. Haad Coach Bert Piggptt said his man looked “mean, lean and hungry.” RALEIGH BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENING DATES ANNOUNCED The Raleigh Bustoses Collage wtll begin the 188448 academic year with registration getting underway On Monday, September 14, at 8:80 a. m. The Pre-Sehool Conference is scheduled for Thursday and Fri day, September 10 end 1L • St W Him jh D. H. RECK ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR The prasident-Dlrector, Mr*. D. A. Barnes, he* announced the ap pointment of D. H. Keck as As sociate Director of the institution Mr. Keck received the Bachelor of Science degree from flhew Unlver- At A&T College: Set In-Service Institute For Many Teachers GREENSBORO An Aeademir Year In-Serve* Institute in Social Studies, supported by the Special In-Service Teacher Education Pro gram of tbs North Caroline Depart* met at Public Instructon. will be conducted at ART College this year. The hwtttate. destged to ag grade sod opiate Ow eohjeel matter anewwug* or nimvm teachers aad to hraaiaa oolter ol baahgreaada. Is spaa to ale- OMsflary at sassodary pobM# me 1884- 48 erhttl year aad wtew^rt- Tuttion'fee* tor the pertietpent* are to be paid by the Special In* •arvlae Teacher Education Pro gram. aad the participant U re quired to pay only e mall book natal fee. The full year program consist* of three courses: Socialization and Culture, ta the fell quarter; State and Local Government, tn the win ter quarter, end Contemporary His tory of the United States, in the spring quarter. Dr. Oeerge C, Royal, daaa es me Graduate School, «nder wheat direr tteq toe program It are*te be heM eeeh Setwdey ■l re km, MS to (B*BB, aad each eoeree wtll effar three-qearter hears es grades te credit Deadline date* tor filing applies w««« were listed as follow*: Sep tember 18. tor the fall quar ter. November 30. for toe winter quarter,'sad February 38, tor tb* spring quarter. Slate Contest On Needlework October 16-17 With tall to too air. thoughts tun te the N C State Fair which will be heid tn Kaleigh. October slty and tha Mister es Arts degree tram tha Uhivarslty of Michigan. He has held position* es administra tive reepontibllity at Shew Unlver tity, as Administrative Assistant tc the president. University Secre tary. Dean of Men and Director of Student Activities. For a number of years he wee associated with the Mechanics and Firman Bank of this city, and holds professional and administrative teachers certificates issued by the | TIPS PftLiMfiTEi* j BY MRS. BLANCHE A. RIVERS THE COMPANY YOU KEEP Whet kind of company do you keep? Do you like the kind of people you normally associate with? There is an old proverb which «ayt that a person U Judged by the com pany be keep*. If you find that you would like .to make some changes in the com pany you keep, there 1* not much use in tb* long run to make some new aelotions. You will tint have to make a change in the kind of company you keep In mind. When w* continue to harbor thoughts of anger, tear, resentment, Jealousy, srttkism. and so forth, we eventually bring thing* into manisfastation in one form or 13-17. Knitters end crochetars should be especially aware of the time If they are planning to enter the National Wool Needlework Contest Mj— Marjorie Mieerin. Extension creative crafts specialist at N. C. State, aays some of the rule# ere different from last year. The main difference Is that there will be only throe etames in the knitted and crocheted groups instead of five is |g The throe different classes in clude ■fghewe sweaters, and the the throe piece baby sets (Jacket, cqp and bootees). You can have en tries ta the crocheted and knitted m ,u cnMae aunt be cMher knitted *r muh stag using Mi par cant weal ar mefeair yen tn any ply. The label team the yarn mad must be attached to the entry and will net be Jedged unices toe label b attached Synthe tic yarns eat Mends are net Pretmtonal needlework design era tastrnstTsaws or teacher* ar* net eligible to participate ta to* conuffi. Judging will be baaed «n w.rhMuto beauty es design, and general mpaerenee The “Beet es Fair” entry wtll be ehaaen Bum find piece bine ribbon 4itonne to ell elaett *. .« m U- aM*s4ai nUIMRI MW Will N IWMOfu an engraved trophy. Following the state (air. the top blue ribbon winners ta each cleat of tb* crocheted end knitted groups will be eligible to send their win ning entries to be judged national- iimin ii mo MELLOW COON’ e KENTUCKY ■ STRAIGHT Mi COIN WMto WHISKEY PHI SOSO CW I» Com I ■ r H 100 wHP ■EDLEY DISTILLING COMPANY, OVENttORO, KENTUCKY North Carolina State Department es Public Instruction. Recent graduate* were employed a* follow*: Mary Smith, Riley Hill School Wendell; Conn! Marie Beat D. F. Walker High School. Edenton; Janice Leech. Mechanics and Farm ers Bank, Raleigh; Marion Bryant O’Berry School, Goldsboro; Ethel B. Lofton. Hoover * Funeral Home, Wadtaboro; Ida M*e Perry. Gamer Consolidated School. Garner; Gloria Walker, SchietfsUn and Co, Apex. another. That mean* that you will hav* surrounded yourielf with people who reflect your state of mind. If you want to improve the kind of company you keep, see to it that you are keeping mental company with lova, Joy. peace, and harmony, and above all, that you are con stantly seeing the Christ in thd other fellow. You may be surprised to find that the people you meet will be living up to the new standard* you have set in yourself. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reup." (Galatians, 8:7) Used Farm and Industrial Tractors and Equipment NAA Pwd (rebuilt) .... 8J260 840 Ford (rebuilt) 81585 641 Ford (very good) 11895 860 Ford (food) 5J595 Dexta Diesel (very good) $1896 871 Ford (rebuilt) $1796 B6ID Ford (rebuilt) 51886 Farmell H (good) *385 Farmall M (very good) 51195 Farmell Super A (very good) 8896 Ferguson 35D (very good) *ISOO NAA Ford. 64C Sheiemnn back hoe with front Blade (rebuilt) 62250 631 Ford. 64C Sherman back hoe with front blade (rebuilt) 82760 631 Ford. 84C Sherman beck hoe with loader (rebuilt) *3IOO 820 Ford with 12” Sherman back hoe and loader (reoullt) *3500 480 International with 12’ Wain Hoy backhoe (very good) 3750 350 International with Henry backhoe end loader SIB6O 881 D Ford with 3 row com harveeter 63786 Senter - Sanders TRACTOR CORPORATION 3888 S. Sander* St., Raleigh 134-9288 RAURGH. W. (LMTCTmSwmillii It IN* Yes, We All Talk \ : : BY MARCUB E BOCLWARE i OOLUMBUB DAY SPEECH On October 14th, the nation will he celebrating Columbus Day to 1 honor the man who discovered then shores in his starch for a shorter route to But ladle. Often various organisations, schools, and churches celebrated the occasion with speaking and patrio tic songs Columbus is a symbol of tho Renaissance, the spirit of ad venture, the spirit of courage and initiative and enterprise. In boner of this great navlgaor. many of the towns and cities in the nation are named Columbus— for example, note the states Georgia and Ohio. The speaker might center his at tention on how the folk theories of the world were undermined by the discoveries of Columbus and man like him. Certainly, his trip across the ocean in three skip proved to TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1963 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE-NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. m nnmrau •*. non n mm Dealer No. 3388 S-P-E-C-I-A-L-! , * Brt. >sg roio "" $495 ’sß“f“ 0, “.; SMS’SBS“ Mr * “’••S »e£ CHXVROLIT 4-tr. hurd* finUh ~ - nS.““ $695 3 "*» $895 ♦CA FORD. 4-dr, «7Q5 '« BUICK. MOJ white and ten. OO m, new NO DOWN PAYMENT ON AFFFROVED CREDIT NO PAYMENT OVER 536 81 PER MONTH „ rsM , OVER 71 CARS TO CHOOSE FBOMI Wade’s Auto Sales 228 E. CABARRUS ST. *344417 PRICES DOWN QUALITY HIGH On These New Car Trade-Ins 7*l PONTIAC Grand Prlx. »AA PONTIAC Catalina 4-dr. '"power steering, power w hardtop, power steering, brakes, air condition, ra- power brakes, automatic dlo arid heater, ons own- transmtaslon, 2-tons fin er, low mileage. ETftQC lsh. one owner, EITQC Perfect. BOOTO tow m n ew . ... */: V BUICK Special deluxe, *(L A BUICK Invtcta 4 - dr, automatic tiranamleeton. w power ate*ring, power radio and heater, 3 • tone brakes, automatic trans finish, one mlwlon, radio airs heaC owner «r. white tires OLD6MOBILE “88” 4-dr. one owner hardtop, automatic trana- f ZQ PLYMOUTH liv a » mission, raido and heater. “ 7 4-dr, straight drive, owe one owner. owner, low mile- J7CA Nice age. Extra clean. CHEVROLET eitatlon *AT FALCON 4-dr, radio and wagon 4-dr. 6 passenger. heater, one owner. Jpß radio and heater. V - 8 mileage. Extra «1 IQC straight drive, one owner, clean. low eo/voi: »AA DODOE Polara 4-to', se mlleage. oiAJyo W rt an. power steering, pow- COMET 2-dr. radio end er brakes, radio and heat heater, automatic er, white tlree 2-tone ftn transmls- $1095 llsh ' $995 elon. Nice one owner *PQ BUICK LrSabre 4 - dr. »ffQ PONTIAC Star Chtof 4- automatic transmission. dr. hardtop, autometto power steering, power transmission, power ftoto brakes, radio and heater, tng. power brakes, radio tinted gloss, sir condition. and heater, two toes. r *WSO S $993 »AA CHEVROLET Bel-Air 4- ,/« PORD Oalaxio 4-to. eo w dr, radio and heater, 01 dto krrl heater, white straight drive, 2 - tone llret . straight CIM“ while tire* drive. Nice. .... s***> buTcK Skylark radio *6O CHRYSLER 4-dr. sedan. an d heater, white tires. 4 aut//rnatic tranamlnlttlL In the floor, white with ssr h " *1895 -*• smi •60 -59 automatic transmission. toma 11 c tranMwijM sir condition, radio and power steering. JRr 1 heater, on. $149 5 brakro- one fgft ■ ■ All Approved Credit Cards Honored. Repairs or Down Payment SEE ONE OF THESE COURTEOUS SALESMEN , Wesley Smith W. F. Blackwell T. I. Button. Jr. E. T. Bujchctte. Jr. Q. A. Vanhexto; BUICK - OPEL - JAGUAR SALES - SERVICE • AL SMITH BUICK 431 Fayetteville St Raleigh 828-310 ' I to* scientist of tha world that tbs I aarto was round. Later adenfltt* demonstrated that the earth ip volved around Am sun averyto hours. On* might use ter a suhject’-"*Cb lumfcua and the Vanishing Buper stltuttaos of the world.** .;**—• A. A. Meeting* The Capital City Group '«C Alcoholics Anonymuos, founded in October of 1883. meets e*eh Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o’clock at tho Bloodworth St YMCA. 800 & Bloodworth -ft All persons having p dams with alcoholic beverages am In vited to becomo affiliated with this body. They will b* wel coined. 7

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