May Mete Out Jail Terms N. C. Judge Warns Medic, Attorney MalconX Backs Goldwater MALCOLM X Predicts End Os Muslims CHTOAOO <IfPT> Metertvn X, former No. 8 mu behind the Black Muslims’ leader KUab Mu hammad. bee been fliß as eurprle ee ainoehaving the Meek nation alist movement, and mtogltac with tbe orthodox anrtertppsn at ffijtofttrMto , 'aji» Negro magastaae—*beny. ant the Satarday Toialng M. In his autoMofraphy. Maleohn •nnfwim the imHtlvn candideoes of President Lyndon B. Johneon and ArUone Sen. Barry It Oold water. and adrteae Negroes that “with Sen. Ooidwater. the black people at leaet know what they are dealing with." In suggesting that Negroes would fare better with Ooidwater as President, Maleolm observed that the OOP Presidential hope ful was "like a wolf," while his Democratic opponent was dubbed "a fox” (cmwntutit on pact t> RCA Meets The Belrifh Aseo eiatieß will boM Ha first eeeet « Tharsday. gsptsmbm 17. at t p. m.. hi the Charts Heights This h an important stra tegy planning meeting. Special attention win be given te the pellllrial. eeosiasiile, and edm aie arged to attend. The Bev. win iTiraft osar normal sksspt tws to tfcrss iagrass above aor llra assists among a b»H-tecb aa« Wtn occat mainly aa rrtesy ■as atato aOsat Mangey. CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS PAC« I !». C. State VWr SI taat-ar Tartar liSi Ml BwlM Sa hart- aa cart Star* ruinaa'a taStn Stef Mfii i ssLirtiiy Thirm i Smr« Star ream m Paehter CtarcMt rbw Baataaraat L, orttaa lag. g**M**'- £2. ParrtCata ■■Utaaa Ca. rt Batata* rrciin oowi rmflßs ■anjMß (Wta Marta I, ta. Uc Stara lutircii ~ Waafctagtm Tm«i Aparunrau, lac. _VT_ Canncntty narta* f* 8 . 1 “ BuliVwi ap,. PtaSto SantoaCaavMT a* » C, tea. Baaa Ja«atari tart pacSTs y*»? **L ArtM Baattr Ca. Batalpfc lata Offtoa Sanaa Sartara T*a Ca. PASS IS Crattal Drag State Paaaay Purtaara Stafnr McLaarta Parkrtg Ca I«Em* p—iral Berta Magna-Davta PASS IS SS.Va-. LASS? “• ~ w Aa f. & THE CAROLINIAN North Carolina *s Leading Weekly VOL. 33. HO. 46 RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER It. life* PRICE 15c WOMAN SENTENCED IN WIERD MURDER CASE ♦ + ♦'♦♦♦ + + Slate’s Shriners Plan School DROP-OUT WAR Mammoth Plan Told S^Shrim DOBHAM—The Shrinere as toe i Desert of North Carolina me plan i atog an all-out attack on school 1 drop-outs. - according to aa an : e —to base this week ; by Imperial Deputy-at-Lerpa, Frank ; G. Burnette. The fraternal brother* wBl bring . every drop-out powdblo to too ! Shrine Youth Bowl Gem*, which i will be played to County Stadium, December 5. A gwhl committee I SaadtotOSSMrW Potentate Themes F. Poeg. Grand Master Clark S. Brown and IN. Charles 8. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Instruction, aro honorary chairmen. Burnett* Is general chair man of the committee oa arrssigo meats. being asoghi to feme drop oats keek to saheeL The plans call tor a mammoutb parade to precede the game. Floats are to depict the evil at drop-outs. Tbs purpose of to* floats b to show the drop-outs tost they art not only crippling lliiimsilves but tony aro bolding bock toe economy at the state and impairing our aoaiety. The committee is sltampHns to get toe names and edtoimm as or my drop-out possible and plana to bring torn to to* gams as goesis of toe Bhriaars. Shrine temples. tCUSINOM A PASS to r. >4 - I mm| I Pi ARCHITECTS DRAWING OF “ NEW" SHAW Th» abova photo mas drawn by tha Ra high aiMtaetmtd Ran at Edwatda, McGee and Scoril, thawing tha propoaad improvement, as Sham Univanity tn the vary near future. Included in tha drawing an: Gymnatium, auditorium, women’s and sisdi dormitories, 3 buildingt for tha Fina Arta Cantor, addunittrationu building, student union building, ehapol, science hall and many other features. Shaw University Reveals Plans For All New Facilities In City Ths anbUetfe drtn for atm bulldlnas tbaS its soon jortssop MWtaLlllMßttkMl * Dtlhm B. Check. Brart •am aa ana Bag fcoMBR tto® yhio Arts Cm^Mi bonding program Is ggttmsSsd it firs mfllton dollars ($0,000,000) Two Whit* Boys Bound Over Or Arson Charges hare Ttrtarto"thaT>ctofa«r'sS tana aopgrter^Cortt KIDNAPS NEGRO BABY Miss Anna KHen, 28-year old Gannan babysitter, it thoam in Guetaeeburg, Germany laat weak in a police elation, holding little Jenruter Sender*, 20- month-oU daughter ot Spec. 5 and Mre. Jama s Sandora, Rationed then. Her lather arrived a abort time later to reclaim hie kxdnop ed c MM. Saying the woman had a “mieguided mother metinet," police charged her with adbuction at JoanUer, who wee returned —' iVPI PHOTO). Jurist Blasts Actions » . mrw BBRW - Dr. John to LtW tman, Negro physician of Mew Bern, was warned in Craven Coun ty Superior Court hare Tueeday by Judge Chester Morris that be is oonsktarlng finding both a color ed attorney and the doctor, who Is tteUwyartdltent, in indirect oon a M hear eutm>t as eaart qjrtiLSrsiA'Zi the haste at Dr. LHtamn's art tag that the lawyer be admit tad ta a tegUil ehartty after he rad begun inlet the tana. The Coinjook purist further stated, “I have not owda up my atod. unlem I change It, X intend to send both them men to jail for SO days.” He aatd ha based thie statement on finding of facts indicating the oourt was misinformed as to the true condition of Frailer. The pthffwf w«to no comment and left the courtroom hastily, while Dr. littman la free on a 130.000 band In a civil action in whioh ha la charged with aliena tion of affection. Edward Canaan as Raleigh, meretary as the North Caro-, Mae Bar. who was premat, said ho was "“looking Into the Dr. Littman was allegedly re sponsible for having the lawyer (OONTPttiIO on PASS I) Wempwn Thin As ieeJPtyk MUTE V ILLS - Mm JMk An drew. Baldwin. St, «t WSSartH* war eantenoed to a long prison term herw JSmday after pleading guilty to wntoiaßMihlmy In a June 27 butch er krftfO slaythg hem Her victim C 47-year-old Samuel David Col elm of this town. Mrs. Baldwin probably think* new maybe she should have adhered te the wanting at tha maa ah* arardarad. after aha was handed a 15-17-yaar prison term In Colnmbm County to parlar Court by Judge W. A. Jahaaon as UUlngten. Tha woman was first charged with firet-dagra* murder. Invaatigatora testified Mr*. Baldwin cams to the home la which Mr. Collins lived, located about ona block from her own hotna. When the victim answered his (cowrnmip on pads #> Jackie Sets t Parallel In Two Crimes ET JACKIE BOBINEON Eaelmtve Te VITAL WFOEMATtON PBBSS NEW YORK ClTY—There Is an insidious parallel between recant events which have taken place— one down South in Daaletavllle, Oa.. the other up South in New York City. The aegutttal by an afi-whSe with the mnrdar at a Negro. Washington. D. C, (7. S. Aney tha eeqelttal by a New Yerfc City Orand Jury, amatty while, bat graced by the praam ra of Oaarga Sehayler, have the aaam kind of stench. How the world can wonder at riots in Harlem and Bedford- Stuyvaaant when American Justice, (CONTDTOSD ON PAOS t) Faculty-Staff Sessions Open SL Aug. Year “As Saint Augustine’s College launches into her ninety-eighth achool year aa an integral part of tha educational program for this region. I greet you. one end all." stated President James A. Boyer at the outset of the 4-day Paculty-Staff Orientation and Planning Conference September S-13. Tbe ardent scholar, educator, and college president applauded the college and its alumni for high achievement to his remarks to the assembly: “The excellent work of this institution to being reflected prismstically, aa it were through out the world tty brilliant and out standing alumni who are making aa enviable record to their varl- M&HMADIE m READY TO FOflfiiflMt * * v *’ * 1 *' ll E . T i.m HI ■■■■lll »m Religion, Race Meet This Month NEW YORK—Thirty-on* minis ters and laymen of to* United Pres byterian Church. USA. along with several leaders in the national sec ular civil rights organisations, aro te participate in a two-day confer ence on religion and race in Cleve land, September 17-18. Purpose of the meeting is to sssk ways the denomination’s Commis sion on Religion and Race can offer additional help in the civil rights struggle, Dr. Gsyraud S. Wllmors, Jr., executive director of the com mission. said. Plans call for tha first day to be spent in discussion with tha secu lar leaders, on tha church’s role tn civil rights sctlon. Including prob lams and opportunities that are in volved. Righto leaders scheduled to take part Inelsds Oteeter Car rant at the National Association for too Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); s wprasrnts tlve of too Blndent Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (EN OCH and David Cohen of Cleve land. A posalbte but not dtfIn (COMTDfUBD ON VAOg t) From Raleigh’s Police Files THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES Waitress Beaten By Man, Woman Mrs. Sadie Page Turner, 22. of 1108 S. Blount Street, a waitress at the Sir Walter Coffee Shop, told Officer R. V. Pearce at 9:82 a. m. Friday, that she and James Bee. a cook at the same establish ment hsd an argument over a cus tomer’s order and Bee slapped and choked her. The manager of the shop then had some of the other employees pull Bee off Mrs. Tur ner. Ae she started ap to the dressing room, the complain ant stated. Miss Luey Slade, another employee, Mopped her and started cursing her be came of “the faas” she had with James 800. Mr*. Pag# said she thou passed by tha glade weman and was pro when Miss Wad# sad den ty picked ap a bottle sal “Brack ed” Mrs. Tamar acres* the head with It. After receiving treatment at Wake Memorial Hospital. Mrs Turner want to police has don ar OHjfcaort* ll* pgtpldoßl of tho North Carolina Oonforoaoo of NAACP Branches, KoQy MUtar Alexander, hr., predieted boro tfato week that tho majority of Netrooo will vote for Prooldont London Balnea Johnson on NoreatiNT t Tho militant root leaden al ee aaitf that in Mo opiaioa. tho raetal ritaatlea la the North eooid spread to tho Seath. Bo termed it possible to hero fa cial diaorden la the Seath be cause the auae eoadltleaa pea rail In bath ooatloaa. “I think the Necro rote haa in creased a pood 138.000 in the State of North Carolina. Thio vote la certainly a rota that Mr. Oold water haa loot." Alexander stated Ms feehaes about Ooldwater la that holt net the typo of candidate that can attract tho Nepre rote. The Ooldwater philosophy, he •aid. Is not raproaaadaldW of anythlnp that Noprooo are concerned with. Tho Nsprees In this election year sfleeer the eoantry wfll rata: over* whefanlnplr for Lyndon K Johnson. stated Mr. Alow 4§r. Alexander aoknowlodpod that Ooldwater win pot some white support in the South, and said ho may carry the states of Ajphowio and Mississippi. Ho concluded, "Wo (M else where in the South there on enough people ■ Interested in tho social issues.” he stated ppodfotiac that President Johnson would Win throughout the major part of tho South. ters and signed two warrants, ona charged Miss Slade with assault with a deadly weapon. And tha other charged Bee with assault and battery. Both were placed to Wake County Jail. Attacks His Wife t Then Flees In Car. Mr*. Nina Tarter Kearney, 28. of 1111 Walnut Street, re ported tea cop at lEsdl ua Monday, trat her oetranged husband. Calvin Kanrnay. H earns to the beam where ten I* living and whan she epen ed the door, he hit her with Ms hands and flats, featshtot Mr down, tom kicked, bar anjha tog? IMS ndaadfetoeS ML when haJML ntU^TtHtm She signed a warrant. atauglua assault and battery. btst EtefeWai she does not know wmMK'-In to

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