10 KALEIGH. N. C-. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER It. lt#4 The Raleigh What's Doing Around Town! SCENE PERSONALS nMKVtiruw meet rurtml Twenty will meet llllTi f | iiplimhar 2*. at 7 T — TV mi Hint will be held In At *-rrlT~ Hauler School aedriertam. AH rfMnil vot era Twenty «« urg od trim jrmmrt Ha Bev. Dr. Peal H. Jehnean to Chairman es RETURNS HOME TO •' PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Merger it Soelling. ormerly at Ralolgh. baa returned to her home to Philadelphia. Pa, after apandtoM toe Labor Day weekend here with her cousin*, Mr. and Mrs. George McTaddao on 14 Park St MOTHto hbeeVbom Brooklyn was their are and Us family. Mr. an! Mrs. Brass* B. Lee. Mr Lao hrregMhacft wtoMtoa^toa whe spent her re satire to Now Tarh. WMto to MemWu Oaa aad An toai a eery alee time. Also stoMtoW hare with Mr. Lee were Mi paeato Mr. and Mrs. Jaa Lew OUT-OTTOWN 'IOVRE GUESTS Mr. snS Mrs. W. r Myers of 30# S. Swale Meant tow a* their house guest, Mm. Gaargln HaU of Phils dalphi* Pa. BBMTAWS —S. MARSHALL. Mis. hraSaUlCaasaa as SSI A Ban tonMLStMlifimD. a re Labor Dy.ataag wHh oth- BECMfT HOUSE SMST tot Addle M. William* at Brook lyn. ?». V. was |L* Uhw guui. U Mr. an# MM Charlea Buffings ra cer. Cj. Laa Mi birikdaygp Monday. Baptamar 1A nmmH nWM AT COOK- Mr. aa7 MmfSf M. Britt. o 128 •tar Street, aatortalnod their •lead# at a aook-out on Labor Day. There present to enjoy the event was* Mr. an# Mr* W. H Motown es Barham; Mr. an# Mm. Jamea Nettle* Mr. and Mm. W. U Mon tague and daughter, Paula, all of Raleigh. Everyone had a grand *** ia n&ok! nm * Mr. sad Mss. Leonard Ahmet, and Mr. Hao#> Mtoaa wen to fee sMy last aatownd viaiung Mr. streets tiMar, Mr*. Jamie Batowa NM» Mtojhßt^TMr^ alee rtritod SsSs^JsfStJr. aook-csS «• Wm town. “iMSßrosr- Madlaon, jL J„ am the weekend ggLtWLgfctf-*- Mr. aantoMMlkto Hr. arid family and MM. MM Bihar, after a long vacation In WariHngtoo. D. C, Baltimor* Maryland, and Hew York C*r. They aha vtottad Memory Tell thTaMMaMi^Ne^, aad my toe noma s*ar a **w tonm a* yoomelf. to week fee has Was* 1 Wl W«i kaaw V yea * Lava waaad toa am*. B Lam itoartM AM# B |Rldaawaya| [ omciim, tea. I 181 I vast mIEPStIfM PepM-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh M HILLSBORO ST REST, RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA •»- TEL. TS >-1071 the World * Pair and many other points of interest m the North. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy birthday* were mid to Mm. Melvina Ferrell. Mrs. Florin* B. Jones, Misses Earlen* and Shsrlene Fuller. Gloria Mitchell, Ann Walk er. Susie Faye Liptcn, and Jackie j Plummer recently. VISIT Os CHAPEL ROLL j Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Street. Mr and Mm. Curtis Raines. Mr. Hines and Nelson MUtoa vtoited ' Mr. and Mm. Willie Street of Chapel Hill over the weekend, j MRS. WALKER IS BACK Mrs. Lydia Walker of E. Edonton Street has returned home after visiting her sister* and brotbem in Greenville. South Carolina. She also visited aoany other point* South. Miss Lydell Flynn of E. Edonton Street baa returned borne after spending her vacation in New York City and many other northern point* GET WELL SOON, MBS. BMW Mm. Marie Rouse was reported not doing so well, taut we tow* she will soon be out again. MBA* NOVELLA WILLIAMS HOME Mm Novella C. Williams of Granville Terrace Is bona after belryf a patient at the Wake Mama rial Hospital. DAUGHTER ELKS ILL Chfdtal City Tempi* SM wishes a Epudy recovery for all as their members: Dt M. Mitchell and Dt Margaret Alston and Dt Marie Nous* Dt Effle Jackson. Dt. Lettie William*. Dt Mary Williams, and Dt Vtola Williams. Mlwi. SHARPER VISITS SISTER Mr* S. B. Sharper spent a few Vj < VmutlOl* UH)b Mill, lit, iJ. t*r, Mrs. M. E. Sewart of Jamaica. New York. She wti Joined by her daughter and family Mr. and Mr*. B. P. Merritt and little Benlta. They visited relatives In New Jersey, Brooklyn. N. Y, and took In a few house at the World's Ihlr. They all ■pant an enjoyable stay, and enjoy ed the Fair Immenaely before their return to Raleigh. CLUBS TOR METBONA CLUB The Matrons Club mat at the home cd Mm. Vivian Chalmu* September U. a* 8:30 p. m. The dub welcomed Mm. Ethel Jones hack from bar summer vs ratios In New York City. Present at the meeting wore: Mrs. Josephine Barrie. Mrs Demtoe Morgan, Mr* Francos Hayes and Mrs. Carolyn Steward > ?!!i > !!aanM > met Friday night at the home of Ouest speaker for to* evening was Mr. JtoMßto Chamber*. Direc tor as RaereaMoa for the Ctty of Eslaigh He was introduced hr tot Valley Hsademen as the Ba» letgk Confederated Garden CXuha. Mr. Chambers related the Sarah opment of organised recreation for the people of Raleigh during tha past fourteen yearn. Ha Informed amidiaie of many ways In which they can foster the raereottenal pro gram to our aaanmwattr- The chairman es the Community Recreation Snroiy Commlttoo, Mb* Harriet Webstar and Mm Alice M oman gave a report as their find logs at Roberto Community Caator Fiona war# adopted to start ae tortty tmmsdtotaly to acquire to* ■May needed items and baasriftiea- Baa of the intertar es the hugMtog The following officers wore rtect af to serve during the anaulre pear. President, IB* Ana* Mirer; recording secretary. Mr* Mtaagnsl Baum; corresponding aausatory. IB* Alto* Sola**on; treasurer. Km Mildred Mrttowaßi report are IB* B. Rivers and Mrs. L Lea* TOR ROY ALETTES CLUB HT SESSION lha Royalattas Chib mat after Ha summer vacation on Sunday- September IS. at the honas as Mb* ChrrteMergan. MS# Bedford Am. la lb* Otaarlin section of IB* «By. Because of inetoment wuafhar. present lUfre«tananta war* served to toa following; Meedamae Turner, Fields, tomart m o —■—■—————————m—■*aww—W f jIQJ W SjH M-p 6' J •War Father. Thee art always near as. Bat a* aften we fall I* draw Bear to Ike*. Forgive as far ear atoMtog against Thee. Help ns to tons to The* In thanksgiving, far all Thy bless ings to ask Thy guidance and strength to learn Thy wUL” ST. MATTHEW AME - Church School began at 9:30 a. m. with the superintendent Mr. Robert Lesane, in charge. Morning worship serv ice began at 11 a. m. with the juni or choir to charge of the music, under the direction of Mr. D. R leach, and organist. Mias Annette Peterson. A powerful sermon was delivered by the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Bps WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST —Sunday School began at 9:30 a. m. with the superintendent Miss Nan nie Morgan, to Charge. Morning worship sarvto* began at 11 o'clock am., wtto toa tot* awl junior choirs' ia Charge of to* music, un der the direction as Mi* M. M. Kelly. A vary Inspiring sermon was delivered by toe peeler, the Rev. Samuel Nwenith. Yveryeoe was well pleased and enjoyed the aaessage. OBERUN BAPTIST Church School began as 9:10 a. m. with th# superintendent Mr. Walter Curti* In charge Maring arnrhlp service began at 11 a. m. wlto the senior Choir In charge of the music, under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Hays#, and organist Mrs. Lucille Camp kail. A wonderful sermon was de livered by the pastor, the Rev. J. P. Dempeey Hi* subject was. "Anv | Word From Tire Lad." Everyone ; present enjoyed the sermon MORNING STAR BAPTIST Church Sc heal began at 11 a. m. with he subject. “A Spokesman For God.” fkacuawd. Morning service was opened with the choir singing. "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross ” Scripture was taken from the book of St John, 33rd chapter. Our pas tor. the Rev. S. R. Spencer deliver ed a wonderful earasaa. His subject was, -I Stove Loot Hone, But One." Bar. Hay lad us to a weed as pray er after the aarnum. B. T. U. wee opened at fcIO p. m. by lha president Mr. John A. Marks. Hu Ms mm was read and dtscumed. Church iRMta la Mr*. Jessie Deloach. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST Sunday Echaal began at 10 a. m with tha .esparto# andent Mr. Mbart Sander* to rhorga. At U * at. Bav. Bay mad* the call to warship with to* abacus to charge -of to* muair. under to* dtoectlon of M**dm*» Smith and Bolder. Scripture lesson was taken from th* lato dbapear as Pmlma. Mam tog prayer by Mr. Moose. Bav. Bay delivered a uimilarfal asrama from Psalm. 13. B* used aa his subject Th# toner Life of An Ideal Mao." THE OnSToFoOD Sun day School Bogan at fc#o with to* aapartataad#*# to dbar** Worship aarvice hagaa at 11 * a* with to* pastor Use. Mi* N A. Hard deliver ing th* sanaas. Her aaSgsot was. “Powerlee* Folk." Her toot waa •eand In toe book efflt. John, fcl-4. hrought^uj tosPeigtoaf subject. taken from Hebrew. 4:18. Both aermona ware highly appreci ated and enjoyed by ell preaent You arc Invited to attend our re vival service being conducted at tote church tha weak as Bto**wh*r m through Beptnahar ST. Church reporter ts Mr* B. Price tom ter. UNION BAPTIST Sunday School began at 10 * m. with th* ■upertntaadent Mr. Walter Price. In charge. Morning worship service began at 11:30 * nv with th* senior choir to chars* of tha music, under of^ft*^l^ttla^Har tha Rev. E. Mason. BY. ANNAN FBWtoHI BAP- TtoT - Church Sehaol bagea at 10 * an. with th* aupwtotandant. Mr. W. N Lyons. Br. to dot*- W«r- Btount. John Btoua* Powell Paeblse. Shepard, tones and Flag* MaeeTe Ceaa* Rev* J*T.'Ford. *** LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST Sunday School began at 10 a. m with the superin tendent, -Mr Mack Arthur, in charge. Morning worship service began at 11 to a. in. with die peater, the Rev. tester Rivers, ia charge, and Bev. Mr. McArthur delivering the sermon. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST - Church Sehaol began at 9to with the aaperntendant Mr. FtolUp Als ton. to charge. Morning wertoip service began with the junior choir in charge of the muilc, under the di rection of Mias Jacqueline Mitchell A very inspiring sermon was deliv ered by the Rev. W. Y. Davis. TOUNOg MISSION AJtY TEM PLE CME —Church School began a 9:30 a. m„ with the superinten dent. Mi* D. R. Ford, in charge. ttd/wnlttsr wa * n - - * . • wn * , to wurpnip ktticc dcfan ax ,11 * m. wHh toe eongregetion sing to* accompanied by Mia* Myrtle A. Rhode*. A very encouraging ser mon was give by the pastor, the Rev. Blrter Baldwin. Her text was taken from the book of Romans. Bto. Her sobjert was. "The Love of God* Everyone enjoyed the ser mon. FIRST BAPTIST— Sunday School began at 9to a. m. wttb the associ ate superintendent. Mr. M. C. Hill, In charge. Morning worship serv ice began at 11 #.m. with tha junior choir in ehar*e of th* must*, under the direction of Mr. W. W. Hurdle; and orseniet. Mr* R P. rtreene Call to worship and mpotive read ing we* given by Sic Rev. J. H. Clanton. Morning lesson was taken from th* book of St Matthew, 18 chapter. Morning prayer was given by Deacon D. R. Ingram. Th* ser mon was delivered by the Rev. Clanton, whose text was taken from th* Book of St. Mott . 39:3-8-9. His subject we*. -Whet Tim* ts It?" BTU began at 8 p. m. with the fj£TA B«ta Sororkf Lest be., RaMgh BY ALMEDA B. GLABCOE Omtcron Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phy Beta Sorority Inc. met at the home of Soror Catherine Winters on Saturday evening. September 11. Serving as hostesses, along with Soror Winter* ware Sorors N. E Lockhart aad Pauline Young. Other member* preaent were Borers Vivian T. Brawn, Mil dred Chart* Mae JL Delaney, Lenka Flagg, AJamde B. Ola*- re* EM* HewriL MRlnd T. June* Dorothy S. Lana, Raby K MsEßmsr. WBh l. Feel* MNto B. Vaaaar, aad Me K Th* Zetas are very antinstaslk nrrm ok on birthday _ ttw Ro#«. «bev». hr#n cMMrwt at Mr. and Mm Rom Renter, SU H«dß*r Read, obaarrod Omit lift birthday •** • tew »arry an Thunday, Saptambar 10. r% wafted vrW wtetei W gtffc Awn Iteir parMte Smnf d (hair jrwnatf triandt ear* prarant to ahare (hair he fhijr inchadad: Motto Mowo, Manl Morgan. Kalyarnr Ponon. Harold McKam, fiktfi Patriot. Pamala Pardon and Caaaar Paadan. Tha twim raoairad many nice and uaahd difta. toadar. Mr. Frank Hhrtpa. to r.liirgr Bvcntug warship began at d.<# wlto the Rev. Clanton again delivering the message. His text was taken from toe book of Job 32:21. and Ms subject was, T Want You ts Meet My Friend." These amsmas wore enjoyed very much. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS— Sunday School began at the usual hour with the superintendent, Mr. Arthur Williams, in charge. The morning worship followed with the pastor, the Rev. Eli Ratcliff, con ducting the service. Rev. Mrs. Mary Cotton delivered the sermon. She took her text from th* book of St. John, 16. The sermon was enjoyed by aIL Music was furnished by the junior choir, under tha direction of Mrs. Fannie Washington, with the Master William Ratcliff at the piano. RUSH METROPOLITAN AMS SlON—Church School began at 141 a. m. The superintendent* Kean. Leslie Campbell and Jessie Degraf fenreldt were In charge. Tbs II o’- clock services were opened by Bav. J. D. Lockley. who in turn present ed the pester. Rev. T. H. Harris, who gave us a very Inspiring message. Rev. Harris cbos* his text from 2nd Timothy, the 2nd Chapter, and a portion of tha Ist and 3rd verses. His then* was, "A cost of Christianity and t Us Reward." At 4:30 p. hl, th* Scouts and Cube had a Round Table program at which time the purposes of Scout ing and Ms familiarity relative to parents were given by Rev. Shellev Taylor, who H the Neighborhood Commissioner; end the Scout Master, Mis. Pedoe McCoy. Refresh ments war* served following "this At 0 pm- tho VCZ hour was held. The speaker tor th* occasion was Mi* Helen Lockley, who ex pounded on to* subject "Who's Who in tho Christian Endeavor Society.” Mr* Lockley was at her beat and this report was good. Mr*. Aanto H. Thorpe la church reporter. over toa pregram that k to ha presented on October 30, BM at the newly renovated Ralalgh Me morial Aadftorium. Final plana gram. The Ksramu Player* 198* Horn Karama Rous* and Theatre of CtevaluriL Ohio wIU bring to Ra leigh soon one of its very tine pro ductions called “Karmmu Album." Ta htphllghl tha pregtaab ap proxlmatoty M young ladle* vying for tha crew* introducing tha mato feature "Karamu Album 1984.” A ••hap Or propuni offi planned sa w tha youni ladlas tala* lag past. Th* first to be held on Saturday, September it. under tot leadership of Borer W. Fool* GABBING ■■ About Town HIS BY MRS A. H. THORPE “As we grew elder, w* be wTftod tort toare arejmasry tHITWO DAUGHTER IN N. Y. Mr*. LtlHe Howell, of Ml Manly Street is visiting her daughter, Mr* Ethel Mae Carter, in New York City. RETURNS TO CITY Mrs. Ella Cheatham of Battle St.. has returned to the city after bev- i ing spent a delightful vacation to; New York City. Os CITY ATTENDING FUNERAL Mi* Mary dark Ferguson, for merly of tote eMy. but now living in Norfolk, Va- eras to th* city last ■week attending the funeral of her aunt Mrs, Ida P. Allen of E. Jones Street ENTERS KFITBELL COLLEGE Mr. Wilbart Spence, of 749 Bunche Drive, le* the rity Mon day for Klttrell, whore he will en ter college to further his education. ENTERS no. a AT DURHAM MRe Anita Banks, of 538 X. Ca barrus Street daughter of Mrs. Er ma Banks of tha above address, left the ctty last week for NCC at Durham. There she will further her education. LEAVE FOR SCHOOL Mr. lVedaie Johnson, oi &40 i. Cabarrus St, son of Mr. and Mr* Gregg Johnson, left for college Tuesday. He Is a sophomer* at NCC at Durham. Alas going was Mr. Thomas H. Harris, Jr. of #24 Wat son St, son of Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Harris. He is a Junior at N. C. State. VISIT IN-LAWS IN FAYETTEVILLE Mi* Louise Johnson and son, Warren, Jr- of 591 E. Lenoir St motored to Fayetteville, last week. ENTERTAIN QUESTS FROM BALTIMORE Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Fallal* of •12 Newcombs Rd„ entertained guests from Baltimore, Maryland, at their horn* last Sunday. Th* guests were cousins of Mr. Feller* They reported a very pleasant stay. VISITS RELATIVE IN DURHAM Mi* Geneva Yarborough of 411 Wataon Street visttd her rela tive* in Durham, an last Sunday. She reports an enjoyeMs trip PATIENTS AT WAKE MEMORIAL Bahai's Here Plan World Peace Day The vital Importance of America's role in the present struggle for world peace will be emphasized aad discussed at 2402 Van Dyke Avenue an Sunday, September M. bar mem bers of the Baha’i Faith of Raleigh. Th* session win be the *b servanee es Werti Feaae tow. created by toe BahaiJU to—a the Bahai WaeM Faith la toa United Stele* an Heplwnhar U. tot The dbtoelton as World Peace Day k la emphasis* to* apfrtaaljtesttiiyc# Amwltaks This* year's tom. "America* Bole In World Peace." was am nounced here yesterday by Mr* Margaret Quanta Ska said: "Increasingly, during the past tom year* people of to* tow world have looked toward am wuntiy to find aohitlana for marld ptßhlama W# must mimmi up ta tost re sponsibility aad ta ao doing, we must seek aad fkd to* spiritual guidance tost k amanita# to wch a Mr* Qua nee petiaSad out that anrrant world proMsms and their related spiritual velum would be toeely dlsctiwad 01 tot meeting which Is open to toa poMUc. PRINTING • Commercial • Soda) Consult U# for Reasonable Prompt Service Phone TS 4-5558 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. 518 a Martin Street Ralrigk, R C. Mrs AIM* Clay, as 3M K. Davie St, and Mis Margaret Alston, as 426 S. Haywood St- are patients at Wake Memorial Hospital. Their any friends »A tor them speedy recoverie* RETUBMB TO CITY Mr* Rom Parker Massey, of 413 1-3 Watson St, has returned to the city after attending the funeral of her husband. Major Henry Mas sey who was buried in Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, Va. ENTERTAINS CUB SCOUTS Mrs. Alda McCullers. of Boun dary Btiuet entertained toe Cub Scouts of Pack 193, troop 41. of Rush Metropolitan AME Zion Church on Saturday afternoon. After a brief burin ms session, they enjoyed a delightful repast. Mr* is Den Mother of the Ctih* SPEAKER FOB SUNDAY Bav. Jofan D. Lockley will preach at Rush Metropolitan AME Zion Church Sunday night at 7:3# p. m. Tho putaßc to invited to come oat and wttaam this service. Rev. T. H. Harris Is the pastor. NOTE Tkenka ones agate for th* calk and latter* DKIVE safeltT WIGLET HAIR STYLES Jk HHk IS;a- : v .:v-,* fc. Hii» st,it ciufUi Wlvm Mi* "THIN TO# NOtUM” CrttM for Hm nw who oood* kotr ot tfeo wo »oor #*• crown on her hoof. Looks so Otlonl, no ono ao«M ovtr fosse. Coato sn< fills Ms tto too croon of (tar M iasv to *rr. »£*•> ; W* P 3 **" ATTACH, RESTYtft COMES IN REGULAR AND THICKER STYLES! A j«» Block off Block &mmmm r z: W *730 “MISTY*—SB.SO S 3 oxtro ■M|S *TMfT»Mar «KM-4«2J8. Stylo #734 BnS[ "ADOMNI" WIMM IKDUI tmir If .N : 'P i W f •Tiff LOUGEI, THICEEI (ISLET *ll. J* ygjg||lg||p<Q •«D WML NAM MO DUCTS, tat. Mx'im**"'*’ - *■*■ ,r ~ Mr "' m y SMN. M onus. mm IMoOsr KfItMIUI Betty Gay ISO FAYETTEVILLE ST. Welcomes Students And Faculties Os Shaw University & St. Augustine’s College WE INVITE YOU TO SHOP WITH US FOR YOUR BACK TO SCHOOL NEEDS. Visit Our Many Departments and Courteous Personnel • £**SIES • SPORTSWEAR • SUITS • tJ—wyMßy. • COATS • BAS URDUS • HOSIERY • ACCKMOEUIS For Your Shopping Convenience Open Every Monday And Friday Nke Till fcOO l«* Ow CooTtaicnt hmjmwmy Hut Clubs THE BUSY BEE CLUB OFSMXTO TEMPLE CHURCH Th* Bmp Bee Club met Sip tom her S. at the home of Mr* Curia Johnson on Manly Street. A devotion was held afterwhlch tha president declared th* house open for busines* which was dis cussed- Everyone was glad to get beck to work after having a vaca tion. Each one gave same of th* highlights of how they spent their summer. The hostess served a delightful repast. Members present were: Mesdames Florine Smith, Mary L. Jackson. Curie Johnson, Cornelia Moore, Mr. and Mr* Julius Young and Mr. and Mn. Samuel Osborn* Guests were: Mias Yarborough, Mr. Yarborough and Muter Chris Osborn* Everything For .. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • LUMBER • MILL WORK • #THEY’R PAINT* • AUILDIING MATERIAL* • BUS*WIN HARDWARE Wat TE T-7568 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N. Dawson 8t RALEIGH, N. C.

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