FROM RALEIGH'S POLICE FILES: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES (CONTINUED FROM PACT I) HUBBY, wm FIGHT, IAUD OtOtxr Joseph Winters reported ■* ii. 4 ® » ja - Thursday, he arrived at 627 E. Hargett Street and «mnui J - Hedgepeth and his wile, Mrs. Low Hedgepeth, having a family tight The officer Jailed both and charged them with engaging in an affray. Trial Is scheduled this week hi the Wake County Domestic Be- Itioos Court. •ATS MATE UAT HKB VP MTs. Kails Wilson, of MM *• Latah Street, lafsemed Of ficer L A. O’Neal at Ml pm Wednesday, that her husband. Bart D. Wilson, -beat Was with Ms hands and Hals at ear ||M|S w 2 taatodeOtoWtee County MKMBliwi TW SR, WOMAN rmrw a— Mrs. J. E. Cooper, of 609 K Bast •hast, told Officer John Baker, Sr, at kttt pm Wednesday, Siat an satlnewn paraon rooming at her home went into another room of Plagued Day And Night with Bladder Discomfort? gSggagggte SShSUJgSSta- Aad ts rwUoa rtrtg. ■dfi-Tke how * ooeOhlas gifcr tartStta.o. S-A foot Soft-^fT lußE&ggisi Sfvm Mgr m mn. For soorislnds Hf So Em stooG* Doon’o HHo mdart FOR FLOWERS gEB Community Florist 6RSAGBB—FUNERAL DESTfWP-POTTFP PLANTS FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS. ETC. 325 N. Tarboro St Day TE 2-830S~-Niffht TE 2-2936 Welcome To Raleigh Teachers, Alumni And Students Os Shaw University, SL Augustine’s And Raleigh Business Colleges Woods Welcomes You ★ ★ WOODS 5-10-25* STORE 117 E. Martin St TE 2-5926 Raleigh, N.C. f Welcome To Raleigh Faculties, Alumni, Students Os Shaw University, St. Augustine’s And Raleigh Business Colleges Peebles* Charcoal Flame 309 g.Wflminston St TeL 832-0727 Peebles* drill Peebles* Hotel 200 E. Martin St 305 8. Blount St TE 4-9751 VA 8-0210 the house, broke a lock and task a large table model televiaiau set The complainant stated tbs man left on a Rainbow Cab. The cab driver told the officer ho took his passenger to toe fjMH Pawn Shop, 8l Wilmington Street. He identified one of the men riding in the cab m Quotes Bdhsaida, ad drees unknown. No one would Iden tify tee thief'who took the expen sive television set YOUNGSTER BOM COTS CAB Marvin Lae Mooueyhsm. 16-yeer old white youth of 611 R. Marfan Street, at 10:90 pm Thursday was arrested for larceny of an auto and carelees and reckless driving in tee 200 block of & McDowell Street During further investigation, tee officer, O. I Lassiter, found the boy had In his poaewslcn a wallet •ad staplegun, belonging to Joseph W. Winters, of 101 S. Petti grew Street Mooneyham declared he did not know how tee hOMoM or staple gun got Into Sm stolon aw ha was’ driving. The wallet and gun, how ever. were taken from the Cadillac, .owned by Winters, and pwkad next to tee auto stolen by the BOCK THROWN THROUGH WINDOW Mrs. Mary Matthews, of 116 HUI Street Informed H. B. Pennington at 8:15 pm Thursday, someone throw a rock through a front win dow pane at bar boms. She further •toted that whan aha want to in vestigate, Mia did not aae anyone now her house or find anyone who would admit seeing who throw the rock. Damage wu set at fL BOmi THROWN, DAOAMES CAB Jachte Harris, 27-yaw-old white resident of Route 2. Newton Grove, reported to Officers T. T. Street Jr, and B. E. Marshburn at 12:11 am Monday, that he was passing through Raleigh in tee 200 Mock of W. South Street .whan e bottle was hurled hitting his car end caus- ing m worth of damage. Be further netted tee battle wjkiw by eueef a group ▼trinity of Edna'S AU Night Oafs. 212 W. Sente Street Harris said he stopped the car immediately, got out to call the police and the men "disappeared." He stated he aouU not identify ■TEALS BATTERY FROM CAB Mrs. Nlta Quick Hunt of 90S Fay etteville street told Lt R. C Duke of tee Raleigh Police Department at 7:20 am Friday, that sometime during Thursday night someone stole a 12 volt All-State battery from under tee hood of her 1697 Ford Station Wagon, parked in front of her homo. The battery ww valued at 62265. BEATEN UP FOB 1166 TAKE* Lway Friwaod. 21. at 1666 Cnn Street nigirlnll to Offl ew Jims E. (Bobby) Day* ri 16:61 p. m Friday, that while ha waa in tee 266 Meek of S. Bast Street he was aawußad by teres w sow hays. He add ed. “I dropped my billfold on the sidewalk and It had ovw $166 In it" The money waa teen afiagediy stolen by tee Falwood partially identified one of tee boys aa “Robert L. Jr,” addreas unknown, hot ho did net know anything a bent tee ethers. The eons ttnthe wenSdeMM tothTita tion and sign warrants as soon as he found out tee namee and addresses of his attackers. Officer Days checked the neigh borhood. but was unable to get any information on the boys. "SUFPRD UP BEHIND MR,” MAN SAYS John Soott, 30. of 106, N. Fisher Street, told Officers O. R. Cox and J. V. Haley at 12:07 un. Sat urday, “Someone slipped up be hind me and cut me.” at Barbara’s Soda Shop. Soott stated he did not know his assailant and was unable to five a description of him The asps’ report stated, "This assault and battery could have pooriMy happened at tee Dollar BUI, 666 Monk of E. Davie Street” Scott was taken to Wake Memorial Hospital, where he was treated iiti a deep cut ou tee book es his head. AUTO THEFT?—NOT REALLY Hiss Anna Holloway, of 507 Bragg Street, Informed a cop at 7:02 p. m. Thursday, that her tu dor 1654 Made Chevrolet, parked In front of her home was stolen sometime between 6:20 and 6:45 p. m. Further InvcoHgaHen re vealed teat Mae Holloway's ew was not stolen but a boy friend, Jerry Archible, 16, of the same sddrew, had driven tee ante to his Job. SHOT OVER A FAIR OF SOCKS Jesse Mangum, 26, of 407 S. Blood worth Street, reported to Officer H. M. Dupree at 6:08 p.m. Sunday, that he and Daniel John son of the same addreas, were hav ing an argument over a pair of socks that Mangum had loaned Johnson. The complainant stated, -Johnson got mad and left the house, but soon same back and pulled a pistol on me.” Johnson, who allegedly “whip ped the pistol out of a pocket, test Mangum to the upper left WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS t bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath. Stove, refrigerator, heater, water furnished 654.00 Apply hi person Tel: 6-1102 INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE —Consult— YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS Fire & Casualty Insurance Company Durham. N. C. MISS STROUD ENTERTAINS LADIES WILLING WORKERS COMMUNITY CLUB —Mi* Dora D. Stroud, wall-known Mothod reaidant, played boat to iho Ladiad Witting Workers Community Club of Method on Saptambar 11 at at Eta Taa OU Club, Reek Quarry Road. Tha oc casion waa in honor of Mm Stroud’s birthday. Shown on photo, ssafod at labia atai Mrs. Allia W. Smalla, left, preaidant; Mhe Dorm D. Stroud, honoraa, who repaired tha atony gttta arown in photo; and Mrs. Edward Holloway. Standing are children, Utth Mho Bererty Shaaraa, Shiela Stokes, and Jimmy Shaaraa. Adulta, atanding on sooond row, hit to right, wet Mrs. Sough Smith, Mrs. Vardella Hogan, Mra. Harvahigh R. White, Mrs. Louisa Curtis. Mm Mary I. Harris, Mm Georgia Me Cul len, Mrs. Mary Frasier, and Mm Laura Manly. Back tow, hit to right: Mm S. Thacker, Mr. J. Thacker, Mm Fkmia Grant, Mm Sarah L. Bandera, Mm Dorothy Madbn, Urn Raw. J. N. Shaaraa, Mm Shirley Shaaraa, Mm Lucy Scarborough, and Mm Ida LkpooaA. Not' shown ora, Mm Lucy O. Toole, Mr. and Mm Edward CurHa, Mt. Barth Grant, Mka O. B. Stroud, Toddy Stroud, Mr. W. M. Bryant, Rose Elaine CurHa, Leroy Baabtooka, Marion Ramona White, Anthony Thacker, Prentice and Paul Jenray, and Mr. P. R. Jarvay. p EARNS DEGREE Mrs. Be, rcnc Knit lit JlcEai, & fii*<Su*U. of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, received her Meet tin Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Indiana, Bloomington, August 11. Mrs. McKay, a native of Monroe, Is the daughter of Mrs. GorUeve K. Graham and the late W. E. Knight She Is the granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. WaylaadE. Jones of. Raleigh. Mrs. McMy Is a teacher In the Baltimore City, School System. arm, then left the scene In his 1959 tan Ford. Mr. Mangum came to head quarters and signed a warrant against Johnson for assault with a deadly weapon, after being treated at Wake Me morial Hospital. Mr. Johnson was Jailed under a 9200 bod. SUGAR IN GAS TANK HALTS CAR Lewis Hartsfleld, 29. of 1725 Poole Road. Apartment 2, told Of ficer D. Brinson, Monday morning that when his car stopped run ning less than one block from his home, he investigated and found grains of sugar around the gas cap. The cop went with the com plainant back to where he had parked his 1958 Bulck overnight In his driveway. Traces of sugar was found In the yard. _The report concluded. "His fuel system was clogged by sugar being poured Into the gas tank." The culprit or culprits had not been found at CAROLINIAN press time. CRUEL THIEF TAKES 2 RABBITS Mrs. Orilta Bass Terry. 65. of 412 Dakar Street, Informed Offi cer J. C. Putman at 11:25 a. m. Monday, that sometime during the previous night, someone had cut the screen wire on her rabbit cage and made off with her two tame rabbits. The value of the rabbits was unknown. WOMAN’S WALLET TAKEN AT STATION Mrs. Laura Bonner Harris, 21, of 615 Venter Street, Ayden, re ported to Officer W. A. Thomas at 4:36 pm. Monday, she went to the ladles’ rest room in the Union Bus Terminal and while there, some one stole her billfold. Mrs. Harris stated there were • or seven women in the facility at the time, but she didn't see any one take the wallet. She was en route from Raleigh to Ayden when the theft occurred. The Mack and fed billfold contained 52 In cash and her brother’s registration and In surance cards In H bearing the name of James Bay Bonner. JAIL WOMAN. THREE MEN IN FIGHT Miss Ruby O’Neal and three men were caught by "the law" fighting In the 400 block of Pat terson Alley Monday Officers C. C. Heath and C. W. Janes, while cheeking through Patterson Alley on u “tip” noticed four people en gaging la u disturbance. When the squad ear approached, afl four fighters ran, but the caps caught two of them, who “fin gered" the other two. Arrested were. Miss O’Neal. 24, of 209 8. Swain Street; Daniel B. fcnqwm 22. of 420 Patterson; Douglas* Taylor. 21. of 409* Fhfc terson. and Thomas N. Port, 24, of Bloodworth Street YWCA. Fart, whe suffered a Moddy cheek, was the only person In jured In the melee. Miss O’Neal called the law, ac cording to the police files. Few Weeks left To Apply For FiArigiit-Hays Grants NSW TORY, H. Y. - Only a taw weeks remain In white Americans may apply for Fußiright-Hays fel lowships for tea 1668-66 academia year. These awards art for over seas graduate study in a wide va riety of fields, and lor study and professional training In tea crea tive and performing aria. Opportu nities arc also avalUMe to college and unlvereity graduates interested in combining study abroad with the teaching of English. Mere than 666 grates to 12 conn tries are available through this program, which Is o port of the edaeettoaal and cultural exchange program of tha U. A Department of Bute and to authorised by tee Fulbright- Hays Act. The Institute el In Welcome To Raleigh Faculties, Alumni, Students Os Shaw University, Saint Augustine’s And Raleigh Business Colleges L ARSE US i Dollar Days mmmnm| vVs _U WQDR wsus tapsrid rsu fashions*] AStfmf COTTON CORDUROY . .qJHHRI JhP CAPRI SLACKS jjMYLOmI -f ith m 2-‘3 00 'jaB 1 * p-jft IJk Tim Reg. 1.99 Value i lf/i od W/ rKfli /jUv 1 111 WINMOIkME «l /MM Ladles’ Cashmere Soft Maset WJ IADII9 NIW 1.49 nasimamumik R All New, Dark MaHTAIIOMD MW SWEATERS V T: Cottsu Skirt* Mm tTm «m tR jsar...*l. *-*■ F ” , at - - k TjSJF MENSFALL BETTER l iW. 7.7JTea Sw WASH ■’ WEAR « J « PANTIES jtfßßgPoiiT fhirta bS&k - 4 2100 vaiuisto * Pr- M €% 2,99 FIRST OUAiITT r g ______ For n~ \ SAW. COTTON ... snucoTTOH tio Padded Brat ► =t MHP " I [2~T-j I ' ™ ll j a-TTR... *ov«. P'fnuiT „»s LOOM- * MB «"■ Vi’toi 1 IS' 100 ICtI foam HD rmoww* 2... I-mM [I feet wctwi I rJ. wZ.v • 1 QQj«S| V s nunpioi I.V Rl^Sjl theoo awards. an requests tor applications from candidates who are not affiliated with an educational institution must be sent to IIX (800 United Nations Plasm. Now York, N. Y. 10017) post marked no later teen October 16, 1661 Closing date for submission of completed applications to Novem ber 1,1664. Students now enrolled at a col lage or university should obtain information and applications from the Campus Fulbright Adviser and submit completed applications to the Fulbright Adviser by tee clos ing data determined by each col lege. RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1664 Bill BamweU Jazz Combo Won Awards The Nation's number 1 oollogUte low group visiting Raleigh under tee sponsorship of the Hampton Alumni Association October 5, also won Individual awards during the Jest festival at VUlanovn Univer sity when it won the coveted crown. The leader at the combo. Bill Bern well. won honors for tee beat Toed* performance and Prooton Williams for tee best "brass' performance, the Bill BamweU Jam Cam he frees the Hempten Institute World's Fair hi Jana, the New port Jam Fsettle! In July, ant Is scheduled for the Ed SoUtvaa tsWvtUan show daring the oom- Same of the colleges end untver- Welcome To Raleigh Teachers, Alumni And * • • toot* Students Os Shaw U. Saint Augustine’s & Raleigh Business Colleges | FOR TOP 5 HITS | Visit THEM'S RECORD SHOP 26 W. Hargett St TE 2-7281 Raleigh, N. C. si ties which participated tag MMP? Festival worn Pottedam mm W6*» burgh, Michigan Btato mfcOMl Hay few? Get fast relief with Dr. Goßd*s Green Mounlgfci OGABETTB os COMPOUND a——osgM LET ME HELP YOUI IF YOU j HAVE PROBLEMS OF «t BIND!! ‘ ftrhaps K to ttnanctsl, levfoir l*oon T hehMTOU with 155? ■£» titular problem. If y<* “wffl have faith and trust M taa. Write mo today, stricthf oon- Rtotel ANNETTE’S PKBSONAL SRRYIOR F. O. Boxl-F | 3

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