THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER It. IM4 4 Editorial Viewpoint WORDS OF WORSHIP And Jesus Mid unto the woman who touched the hem of his garment," Daughter, be of good com fort: thy faith has made thee whole; go In peace.” If the words of Jesus are to be accepted for what they My, then not only Is belief a requisite for healing, but any lnfluenoe that attacks a man's Let’s Abide By Rights Law After the passage of the 1964 civil rights law, certain groups of Negroes have seen fit to dem onstrate at both the Republican and Demo cratic National Conventions—with various purposes snd goals. Now that the law has been passed, it would seem that we would abide by it and use the channels for seeking redress—especially when some merchant discriminates against us at public facilities simply because our skm is black. The aims of demonstration as staged by CORE and other groups have been aborted by the laws, and there is no longer any special need for them. A Tampa, Florida, attorney. Francisco Rod rigues, stated about two wecics ago an opinion we have held all along. "To demonstrate, where law permits us redress,” he said, "shows disrespect for tre law.” Since we, as a group, want other citizens to obey the law, we should be willing to do like wise. When Martin Luther King talks about our moral responsibility, we should remember that we have a moral incumbency to abide by this law like everybody else. Attorney Rod rigues urged us to do so. because—now that we havr the laws—we should be the last to ignore them. Let us. therefore, practice what we preach! Do We Have Religious Deadbeats? Each year United States citizens are earn ing more money than ever before. But the more money they eam, the more they tend to become religious “deadbeats" In the support of their churches. This conclusion was made after Dr. Gilbert Stout of Evanston, 111., conducted a study on religious stewardship among Protestants and Roman Catholics. The first part of the survey indicate* an lnrre<i*e In mrf !f!!T r T' r brT.JJS a decrease in the percentage of giving of the Those members earning $5,000 or less were found to contribute 3.4 per cent of that in come, after taxes, to the church. Persons mak ing $5,000 to SIO,OOO gave 1.9 per cent. The study revealed that when an individual reach ed a six-figure Income his percentage of giving to die church suddenly increases because of certaiit tax advantages. Another part of th# study la that "basically, the fenerous giver to the church is the pace setter in his community. When a person says he can’t give to his church because he is com mitted to give elsewhere, he lied, because he We Should Be Trained For Retirement Through the discoveries in science and me dicine. man has lengthened his life span con siderably. By care and sane living, he can ex pect to reach eighty years of age easily. The requirement to retire at sixty-five is much too early for some who will have diffi culty In making # the necessary social adjust ments for contented and happy living Mnvhe they need to receive training to help them bridge the gap from their working life to one of retirement England is experimenting with this idea nt the present time. Nine retirees have arrived at Holly Royde Residential College, University of Manchester. In a sense, they were a differrnt kind of freshman recruit—all over 55 years of age. These men and women had come to enroll In a course for persons about to retire Lecturers include a psychiatrist, a dietitian, a social worker, a doctor and a physiothera pist. The students also receive instruction in university school subjects that Interest them, Including languages, literature. History, philos ophy. and science. “Retirement and Preparation for It” is a pilot course shortly to be adopted by the uni versities throughout Great Britian. Said Don aid Gerride. warden of the college: “In think ing or retirement nowadays we have to make provision for using our minds as well as our Dentistry Moves Up With Transplant When WC think of the many advancements in medicine and adence. we are fortunate to be Hving in a day of miracles. All these miracles will make life worthwhile, longer, and more productive. A Philadelphia dentist was treating two youngsters—cate eras losing teeth, and the oth er one hadfepo many teeth. The dentist decid ed to plant the left-over teeth from one patient in the mouth of the other patient who needed K. Believe it or not the transplant worked, and the Dr. Ralph R. Mesrow, 43. became a medi cal hero. The first experiment was done five yean and tinea that time another five teeth have been planted in the mouth of that first patient. Dr. Mesrow and hit aaaodatea have planted some 9S teeth in a total of about 70 patients. Only a few of the transplants has failed. It eras found that file wont thing that can happen to the patient is that the teeth just come loose. But this does not discourage the patient who had the transplant, for they al ways arant to try again. fHS NEGRO PRESS—beherea that America can hast had tha world •way from racial and national antagonism* whan it accords ro every mar regardleaa ol race, color or craarf. Ms human and legal right* Hatmg no man fearing no man—the Negro Preee atrivaa to help every men on the trim be hel thas all man are hart as kmg as anyone h held back. confidence Injuries snd undermines his health. There can be no concern in all life more Impor tant than this. Is It not possible that we have created the woes that have coma upon us. dis membering our spirits by our lack of positive a wareness? Professor Allison Davis of the University of Chicago upon one occasion said that he boubt ed the wisdom of all the demonstrations. "If there is no chance of winning, then Negroes should not demonstrate,” he said. We hope that our argument will not provoke unjust criticism, because we cannot claim that demonstrations have not done some good they have, when applied at the right time. But we" must remember that the Negro has other problems that do not call for demonstrations. Demonstrations will not solve these pressing problems: 1. Preparation of Negroes for the new job opportunities and problems they will face in an integrated world. 2. Informing Negroes that they now have channels of redress when they are discriminat ed against. 3. Teacring Negroes that they must learn to be courteous and respect themselves and members of other races. 4. Teaching Negroes to refrain from fighting on Saturday nights, getting put in jail, and paying large court fines. 5. Keeping Negro youth in school until grad uation. There lies one of our greatest tasks. „ When the need arises, let's utilize the chan nels we have for redress and move forward through the medium of social strategy. really isn’t giving anywhere.” In a Methodist survey. Dr. Stout said that it indicated that 25 per cent of the membership of a church gives 75 per cent of the budget. The remaining 25 per cent of the budget comes from token, or collection plate contributions. We have always been interested in increas ing the financial stewardship of our churches. For several weeks, five years ago. wc published ? -r-irr n? C ft}>|e s for the purpose of encourag ing Negro church members to give more gen uwuvi) »w ii»» ii»«i tiit-y wtnild ciisnrnsc with rallies and church suppers, and the like. Many will perhaps recall that we called for (1) tithing, (2) self-denial offering. (3) church investment, and (4) the elimination of all paid services in the church through the rrfembership assuming certain responsiblities. In the fourth item, we didn’t mean to say that we advocated nbt paying the pastor a salary, for this would he imperative. The more one gets into the activitiees of the church, and mak s personal commitments for service, the more he sees the need for inerrayd financial church support. f bodies." In this pifbt group, there was a secretary, a personnel officer, a civil servant, a nurse, a dis patch clerk and two married couples. All were a hit apprehensive at the thought of growing old. but all were sensible, practical people who wanted to do something positive about it. The course at Manchester lasts five duvs and costs about $lB. including food and ac commodations. But it is amazing to learn that within trese five days attitudes toward retire ment and old age can be radically changed. With all the children grown-up. these courses teach husbands and wives to adjust to each other all over again, and learn to he compan ions just as they were when they first married The retiree course teaches the enrolees how to read and use reference libraries, how to Ho historical research, how to study drama. The students attend class** on photography, paint ing and pottery, and carry onward after they complete their five-day course. When retirees can learn how the body me chanism slows down with age. and how best to remain physically fit while growing old. A study of suitable food diets is a prominent part of the course. Since each person if he lives long enough, will grow old. a course designed to helo retirees make the proper adjustment will go a long way in helping senior citirens grow old gracefully. Since hearing about the successful work of Dr. Merrow, three type? of people write him asking for transplants: (1) Persons who were bom without teeth, (2) persons who lost teeth in auto accidents, and (3) persons who can't tolerate dentures. Along with his transplants. Mezrow has per formed a few "autografts”, moving a tooth to a new location in the same mouth. This elimi nates any immune reaction. Donor teeth are stored in a cool saline solu tion, for up to a month, until needed. After an esthetic, the dentist opens the gum and then fits the teeth into the empty socket, shaping the socket with a drill until the tooth fits snug ly. Next the tooth is inserted and the gum is sewn together. Sometimes a plastic splint is added, which braces the new tooth for several weeks. In the future years, we will have more mi racles of this type with teeth and other parts of the body. Let us be trankful that we are liv ing in this day and age the good old day’s, notwithstanding. Just For Fan BV MARCUS a BOULWARE BT MARCUS E BOCLWARE HURRICANE CUEO Tat, sir, Hurricane Cteo had tht TillihiTßTif frightened tor a while Thursday (September 10, 1904) hut she pemed by Tal lahassee—eome 00-odd miles a way. However, the TV kept us on the alert with ariouO bullet ins. We mostly had rain and wind. (This reminded me of the Tor nado we had in Raleigh some time between 1952 and 1955. It snowed, blasted wind, pulled down trees and electric wires, forced the closing of schools, and the students thought they had a hall) YOUNG BABY One writer and mother offers this appropriate description of a young baby. "He is ridiculous ly small, very red and often blotchy aa to color, curled up absurdly, armadillowise, with short bow legs drawn up over a large bulging abdomen; his head ONLY IN AMERICA BY HARRY GOLDEN THE LITERARY WARS ON WALL STREET The Wall Street Journal has once again plunged Into the lit erary wars. The editorials are Veil worth reading these days. Certainly they are as clear and Informative as anythi.ig you would want to find In the Ken yon Review, or the Publication of the Modem Language Asso ciation. The exegete/t at the Journal are analyzing the phrase “Ex tremism In defease of liberty is no vice . . . moderation In the pursuit of Justice is no virtue.” The Fall Street Journal feels it is positively Churchilllan and the way to keep any phrase a llve really is to devote the whole of one's critical attention to its explication. I well remember the last time the Wall Street Journal came to the service of literature. One of their critics, estimable fel low that he was, undertook to evaluate the career of Nero, the Roman tyrant, who had been the subject of a recent histori cal biography. The Wall Street Journal recommended the biog raphy to everyone for It reveal ed what a bad tyrant Nero was: he had Instituted Inflationary practices into the Roman mon tUty ttjrat(CUl. Most of us were under the ttiiot-tsfs* n »»»»!'* r-yr't**' I «'*?'»♦> was evil bccruae he murdered his mother, married his sister, threw Chrtstirna to the lions, and fiddled while Rome burn ed. Had the Wall Street Jour nal not come to our rescue we would never have known how really bad Nero was. Now Vermont Royaler hag come to our rckmie in elucidate inn Barry Ooldwaters senti ments as those sentiments were expressed in his acceptance speech. All that really can be charg ed against Senator Ooldwater Is that he “yielded to the temp tations of trying to turn a nice phrase." Hp never meant to succor the John Birch Society or give the extremist any rein. All he wanted to do was give schoolboys something rise to memorize. lii This Our Day BY C A. CHICK, SB. POSSIBLY MOFF IIARM THAN COOP Voting in political elections is a duty as well as a right that all people capable of such should endeavor to perform More and more this writer has reached the conclusion that candidates for political offices should be ex pected and permitted to sell their political philisoptvcs to ns many of their constituents ns their time will possibly permit Letter To The Editor THANK YOI To The Editor: If I were to write and w ;te. I would never be able to ex press our thanks to you for the kindness you have extended to us. Your deeds of love and truth to us. have wrought a feeling of gratitude that is be yond the ability of any human mind to transpose to paper or to reveal by word of mou.h The truth of your action, the depth of your sincerity, and the profoundness of your con victions have written an md-'.i ble chapter In our hearts. The memory of your stand, your in domitable spirit, your ur.v !1- ingncsa to compromise the truth nor to barv&in away the rights of men. are sources cf Joy. and attributes of pride Yes. wo hav» been hit a hard blow, we are divided, we have been used, and the loyalty to truth can no longer be assured, but we shall not falter, and we shall not bow to the golden im age of the king We are "bloody. but unbowed ” Let us hold to our Integrity In Qod and march forth to vic tory that Is honorable to Him. and worthy of respect of our fellowmen. Let me thank the people of Statesville and Ire dell County who have stood courageously for the truth as it has been revealed by God. and conceived and adopted by the Federal Government of the United Stat< i of America, and let me thank the people of this State and nation who have heard of our plight, and hav. come to our a»d in the defen of rttht with honor Moat cordially yours. WILSON W LEE Statesville, N. C. is likely to be flattened or peek ed or otherwise misshappen from the cruel stricture of birth: his eyes, when they are not tightly closed, roll meenlnglees ly without relation to each other, now crossed, now divergent, to their blank unseeing gaze . , . an unfinished end amorphous creature.” But a better and shorter defin nition of baby has been sum marized in these words: “A newborn baby is an ali mentary canal, with a loud noise at the end, and no sense of re sponsibility at the other!" (Boy. oh boy, that was cute, wasn’t It?) LOSS OF WEIGHT In Kankakee, Illinios. he sher iff* office pondered hie report ' recently from a lady. Somebody stole her fat pig and 15 fat hens and ‘left a skinny pig and 15 skinny hens In heir place. My, what nerve some people have! Asks the Journal, could Pat rick Henry have said “Give me some relief from this English Parliament or let me die”? Os course not. And neither, My* the Journal, could Senator Goldwater have said, “Whole heartedness in the pursuit of Justice Is not always a virtue." Those of us who worried about Senator Ooldwaters’ meaning can rest easy. It’s all a question of saying what you mean which on this occasion the Senator did not. The Sena tor was only trying to get a hand from the crowd and get himself Into the anthologies. Up one can bold it against him for that. THE STRAIN OF AN AMERI CAN ELECTION Once in our history an un diplomatic word from a Brit ish Ambassador Influenced a Presidential election. Thus a tradition was established, a fa vorable comment ■from a for eign source becomes at Mice the kiss of death for any candidate. But can the outsiders stand the strain thi3 time? It was fair enough to say “Hands off” when America could separate “foreign affairs” from “domes tic affairs." But this Is Impos sible todav, We ourselves look with concern to elections In Latin America and everywhere ...... ... ...„ v.-mrrn world. Indeed, the whole of the western world must now hold its br* ’th at an American Pres idential election. The American President Is unique In that he is simultaneously not only the head of state but/the head of government, not only the lead er of his party nut the supreme Tommander in chief of all the free world s armies. The election of Lyndon John son or Barry Goldwater means as much to a citizen Os Liver pool, England, as it does to a citizen of Charlotte, N. C. Yet those overseas must hold their heath and their fingers crow ed. doing nothing to disturb this Interminable process of the American political campaign which makes Alice in Wonder land seem like an exercise In somber realism. them to do In other words, each person voting should make up his own mind as to whom he wishes to vote. The voter's mind should be made up from hearing tha candidates speak on political issues, or from reading auch speeches. This practise of this and that little group getting be hind closed doors and getting out a “slate" and calling all of us (Negroes) "Uncle Toms." “Dum Skulls.” etc., etc. who do not vote for the slate, should be immediately abandoned now henceforth and for evermore. As a result of the foregoing practise. It often happens that a candidate (white) gets branded as a special favorite of ours (Ne groes). This writer is convinced Uiat wg need to be careful how we let a candidate for political office become labeled as a speci al pick of ours. It may well hap pen that such a label could do the candidate more harm than good. There are many people, who otherwise, would vote for an Individual, if he were not branded a special favorite of ours. This writer is positive, that he baa known such to happen. Thus, in the future this writer strongly urges that we (Negroes) do all we can to avoid a candi date for political office becoming branded as a special favorite of ours, for in so doing we may help to defeat the very candidate we would like to see in office. If our votes will not exceed those who refuse to support the candi date because he is our pick. then, of course, we have done the candidate more harm than good. Other Editors Say “GOLD W ATERISM” Tha list of “ism*” In our bo dy-politic U growing. We've got Communism. Extremism, socialism, racism. NaxLxm. and what have you. And we have with us another ’lam" and this is an "ism” we've got to watch. All those other "tans" we can watch and Biht against be cause we know where they are and what they stand for AH of these other “isms” are vigorous, pressing forward, bearing la bels we know are inimical to the Democratic way of life as Making A Mockery Os Her-“ Murders, No Convictions" MAswrievikiZn2g^Smr? , t ALTAR CALL •*?> BY EMORY Ck DAVIS, D.D. (Foe Negra hsa MmillllD “GOODBYE. MB NIGGER” “THE MILITANT NEGRO AMERICAN HAS PROJECTED BEFORE HIM THE GREAT DREAM OF AN AMERICAN SOCIETY IN WHICH THE WOOER’ IS NO MORE “ m states ocne Marshall, faculty member of Chicago's E cumentcal institute, in a prophetic and terse ar ticle In an institute Newsletter of -recent issue. AMEN! and may the Lord be praised for auch a direct hit upon this outdated, outmoded, dis gustingly vile word. We were not content to be called “nigger” by white eupremidsts. plantation owners and slaveholders. We had to, and still do, call each other “nigger.” Apologetically, we’re of ten added a title and said, “Mr. Nigger." This made it no better. Just as the white man is guilty of "demonlo” prejudice, so is the Negro guilty of “Negro sick ness.” to the end that all too many of us have smiled Uncle-Tomlshly when either wo are called “nigger” or when we stand by and hear the vile word flagrantly used, or ws draw our fists or knives to start the Civil war all over again. As Marshall further explains in his article, “the most militant Negro leader carries within himself the scan of ‘nigger* brain washing.” Our use of the word is further evidence of the effect of the Negro sickness. Tragically, we hold a “nigger” image of ourselves in our mind and set out to be the Justification for the title. We clown: we act the fool: we use rile language wherever and whenever we feel like it: verily, we act the role. We? Maybe not you. dear reader, but when even a few of us act so. we aU of us are branded as "Niggers.” This problem, like the problem of Integration is more than a social, economic, or moral problem You may say it is a religious problem. It is deeper than religion, for it Is a problem of LIFE itself. NEWS AND VIEWS BY 1. B. BARREN N.C. NAACP, GREENSBORO. OCT. t-lli 8. C. NAACF. ORANGEBURG. OCT. IS-1S ROCKY MOUNT The annual convention of the North Carolina Conference for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple will convene October 8-11, at Greensboro. Kelly M. Alexander is president: Chas. A Mo- Lean Is field secretary. The Palmeto State NAACP Conference. J. Ar thur Brown, president, will meet October 18-18 at Orangeburg. The Rev. L DeQuincy Newman is state field secretary. Both State groups are Join ing with Mrs. Ruby Hurley’s Southeastern Re gional NAACP office in a plea for Intensified re cruitment of membership and the solicitation of funds for freedom. In that connection, NAACP has announced the formation on an NAACP SPECIAL CONTRIBU TION FUND with Arthur B. Spingara as chair man (he’s NAACP president) and Bishop Stephen O. Spottswood, NAACP board chairman, as rice chairmen of the new fund: donations to which are tax-deductible. Contact your local or nearest N AACP branch for details. GET-OUT—AND TOTE NAACP secretary Roy Wilkins warned last week that if Colored people failed to busy themselves about registering and voting in large numbers, they would find that their lethargy could cause Senator Barry Ooldwater to win the presidency with a resultant slowing down of Civil Rights pro gress thus gained: with a probability of retrench w« understand it to America. But not “OoMwatertam." like hind the scene*, vitiating tha democratic Aire of tha nation. It paradaa behind the mask of the mnettmonious, affects a pharisacal grief about corrup tion in government, look* upon all other leadership beyond It self as enemies ot tha Republic. Under cover, it moves among the gram roots of little people to little towns, where ignor ance is abundant and racial ha tred is rampant It seals these Ares for the eventual and in evitable bunting into rioianoa and reaction It takas on the role of the patriot and appaara to lament the dvath of Ameri cana to foreign wan and at tha Sooner or later the whits man |g potaE to have to accept the faetthat the blade man was also “created in the image of God." Sooner- and not too much later, let us hops-fhs Negro is going to have to believe that be too was “treated in the image of God.” and act like it The Negroes' true image is of God and it Is this image that has been superimposed with the white nun’s “nigger” image oonoept. Herein is the altar to wfaiob we oaU the people of the church, both clergy and tatty—to the Altar of HUMAN DIGNITY. With aU our churches and with an our preaching, we have not been able to break the veneer of the twmoesrt image of the white man to the end that the Negro would lee his true Image, straighten Ms ttwuiders. raise his bead and walk and act with dignity. What kind of “gospel” hare wa been preaching? The preacher too hag ben guilty of the “nigger" sickness and has not mm htowsif aa “God’s serv ant in God’s image.” Again referring to Mardull who says, “the ‘nigger* Image must be acknowledged as false and Inhuman, embraced as terrifying real, and im mediately purged from the thinking and emo tional depths of WHITES and BLACKS alike.” I say AMEN! Tha most qualified gram to begin this purge within the ranks of Negro society is the Minister of God. May be search the scriptures and find UFE for bis Negro constituency, for it is there In abundance. An English minister went to the home of a young bay who was sick unto death. He placed bis hand on the youngster’s head and said, “God. Loves you.” and walked out of the bedroom. A few momenta later the boy began to stir, got out of bed and came into the front room, smiling and fairly shouting, “God loves me! God loves me!” God loves you, "Mr. Nigger” so goodbye and good night. meet with ultra-conservatives m peaaer, state add nationally. GET OUT THE VOTE! TARHEELS. WHICH WATT Wa are Inclined to agree with GOP guberna torial candidate Robert Garin when ha says: "It will be hard to tell who Is running Tarheells if Judge Dan Moore is elected, because be has taken advice from so many groups.” Moore said to Beaufort County Monday: "We are standing on the threshold of a great prosperity.” This wonders if we won't be on the back-door thres hold stepping out, rather than stepping to tha front. Judge Moore seams to follow our old mountain custom of spitting in the hand and bitting it with a Anger to determine the direction to go to Add a lost article. It worked many timet. Moore is not saying so much untA he decides what his followers want to hear. If Negroes figure to have it easy by NOT voting they an anally lost Their ONLY HOPE is to Trust God and VOTE. Listen at a few horror* from Ola *Bippt. tha state of hate. Barry Ooldwater seems to endorse the actions of the so-called “states' rights” of that murderous group who won't let 900.0 M Colored citizens reg ister and vote. Look for an NAACP release on this soon. Mean while, ladies, get on the phone like Lady-Bird Johnson told you. and CALL and VISIT 18 c> more of OUR people and help get them to th noil* after they're REGISTERED. battle fields of Mlsslntppt and Alabama and Georgia. It poses as champion of the American wAy of Ufa and sounds off In stentorian tones against Communism because this really doesn't require a good deal of oourage since the cries source of Communism is beyond our borders. But It de fends Btrrhttm and invite* its collaboration and endorses its policy of white supremacy and Negro subjugation. B practice* infiltration into established groups. R sets up a who (jbscrtbe to “Uly-whit km” into position* of leader ship and then proceeds to yead t amsng the lobs of whits man are threatened; fear to states that their political system will be taken over. This is “Ooldwsterism." a movement to turn the dock back to the days of Reconstruc tion. a vicious deadly plot to nullify the gains since the his toric Supreme Court decision of IM4, and to annul the most comprehensive act on Civil Rights paved in IM4. V Communism la a threat, then "Ookhraterlaar is more so. far oommunttm bears the known mark of an enemy. But this thine oomm to os a wolf in sheep's clothing, dressed in the garb of peace and gentle ness waiting aedy far the mo ment when oar guard is down to destroy ut —not rmjkurmk uou

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