Strrotm u, uu Jeffrey's 6rov# School News n fmu -rw m *UMb fmdg oi foerto* School orpnlnd on (ha An* ter of acbool with tha following offl ccm pnaUtant Daloraa Walton gwWwfitima Baileyi toor*- tary. Alloa Cwringtonj aolstant Whetary. Wanda J. Hunt**! MM Tressurer, Doris Nlchota* An plana were mad* for the jmt. IB ordar to help oa ny out our prglaet, w» art railing Tba Caro linian. METHOD NEWS mr mm doea a mon» CHURCHES Si Janus AMI METHOD A vary powerful mewage was brought fay Bar. J. N. SHttref to his audience Sunday morning. His text was takaa from Revelation* and Phillpian*. "I was in tba spirit on the Lord* day" from the Book of Revelations, and from Phlltptan* “Bar me to live is Christ and to dla la gain." U was a beau tiful sermon and the presence of Chid was felt throughout the build "U visitors ware present at the Service. The senior choir aang beau tifully, accompanied by Mrs. W. R. Oaynor at the organ end piano. The official board and regular church conference was held monday night. Oak Ctty Baptist Sunday, September 27th, Rev. Le otha Debnam will hold his service at Oak City Baptlet Church. All who are not on duty In their own churches should hear this worthy servant of God epeak. He is a grand minister and a fine orator. Frayar Service On Monday And Wednesday nights prayer service la held In , the homee and at Oak City Bap tlat Church. All are urged to at tend theee meetings Far The Minton Circle On Friday and Saturday of this week. The Missionary Circle of St. James AWK Church will serve cake at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smith on John Place. Put In ' your orders early for Mrs. Smith's j delirious pineapple cake. Mrs. j Mary Frasier Is president of the | - I Our sick ere doing very well at j this time. They enjoy your visits i Benson-Four ft MRS. FLORENCE 2. WTNN Church BENSON—Worship service wee held at Kyles Chapel, with the Presiding Eider delivering the mes sage. A wonderful service wee enjoy ed with Mrs. John Walter Graham Joining as a member. At White Oak Church. Home Mis sion service was held In the eve ning. The devotional was by Miss Catherine Wilson and Mrs. Lesste DftOghton. Rev. Robert Wt)Uam* delivered the message, taken from St Luke 13:24. He gave a sincere talk on how we should live every day. Offering wee $6.23. The forty-fourth annual session of the Sunday School Convention of the Western Disciple* of Christ w«s held at Thaddeus Chapel Dia ciMe Church. PayetteviUe. Sept. 18, Cary Elementary School BT MUM MAC N. HOPSON -CARY—The first PTA meeting of ojo school year «u held Tuesday evening. September 15th at 8 p in IA the school gymnasium with the president. Mr. Walter J. Moore, presiding. PTA theme song intro duced. the meeting with Mrs Ewyna Holt at the piano. Mrs. Adah K Royster read scripture and prayer TV^t; president, Mr. Moore, with dig nHjr and well chosen words gave hit address. Then he Introduced and presented the guest speaker, Mrs. Leona B Daniel, supervisor. Wake County Schools With eloquence with Mrs. Daniel spoke on the sub ject. Objectives of the PTA The PTA storied with a group of moth ers, Mrs Darnel gave five objective points: I The welfare of children and youth in hon e, school, church •nd community. 2, To raise the •tabard of home life: 8. To secure adequate lsws for the care and pro tection of children and youth; 4. To bring closer relation with par ents and the teachers; 5. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, so cial and spiritual education Tomor row's citizen is everybody's busi ness. We enjoyed listening to Mrs. Daniel which was very helpful Af tar Reports and other business, the facwßy was presented by the prin cipal Mr. E. P. Rayford Out nsw teacher has been added to the fac ulty. She Is Miss Delphine E. Dav id, Bth grade; and also Mr. William X Man gum. an art Instructor After adjournment, social hour refresh manta were served with Mrs Othe lia Boyd as hostess. The committee Cor the year was announced. Let uaet parents, attend our meetings and make this a banner year tor BUS achool and PTA. 1964-1 #45 achool year opened FORD SALES and SERVICE ALLAN MIMS, iiuoiroi *TB TMspheae S-SIM Itt TAMOEO ST -»' : Bee Tiling Oh hard work we have before tu, we Started this year right by beginning to study bard. Our motto is “It Is better to keep up Run It to to catch up”. Our appearance on J. D. Lewie’ TV program Saturday, September 12th was enjoyed by all Jeffreys School FTA met Mon dap night September 31. 1964 with Mm Leona Harris, president, pre siding. Our principal. Mr. M. G. Batop g»vu some highlights of our alms this year. ■ad cheer of all kinds. We are so glad to have Mrs. Bettis McFadden beck home after being a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital. She has recuperated enough to be about her work again. Rev. J. N. Sheeres will hold hie service for Piney Grove AME Sun day at St. James AME Church. Off Te School We have many girls and boys attending college this year and how glad we are. Keep it up young folke. Study to show yourselves ap proved by the best people and most of ell by our heavenly Father who would have each of you to grow in knowledge and favor with God and man. Remember your parents and roal friends are praying for you. May God bless each of you on your Journey to higher education and keep living Christ-like which is best of all. Our BOR FTA AND OTHERS Listen for announcement of our first PTA at Berry O'Kelly High School, Oberlin and any other school attended by our children. It Is very, very necessary that par ents attend each PTA meeting. How can we know what ii going on unless we attend the FTA meet ings? Be sure to be present at each of them. Let us do some kind deed for others As we wend our weary way. For who knows but tomorrow May be the Judgment Day. Life can be sweet to some one. If we lend a helping hand. It will help to lighten burdens More than we can understand. Just s little something Although it may be email win surely help that someone feel i It's a grand world after all. i —Author Unknown Oaks News 19, 90th. Tba closing sermon was delivered by the Rev. p. McKoy, text taken from Ist Samuel, 2:1; subject, "Lord called man to work". Music was by White Oak choir, Newton Grove. Offering was 96.39. Obituary Mrs. Lula Fisher was funerallzed Sunday from Mattock Memorial A. M. E. Zion Church, Fayetteville. She waa a leader of Southern Frida Tent No. 431 for 36 year*. She was the wife of the late Mr. R. Fiaher. Survivors include two sons. Rpv. R. C. Fiaher, of Fayetteville and Mr. Sherwood B. Fisher of Wash ington, D. C.; one brother, Mr. Neel McNair, Cumberland County; three grandchildren; nine great grand children. She was a devoted wife and mother. To know her waa to love her. Officiating was the Rev. J. B. Roeeborough. Interment was at Northalde Cemetery. on September 4. 1984 when the primcpal, Mr. E. F. Rayford, greet- , ed students. { The faculty and students wel comed one new tescher, Miss D«l --phine F David. Grade 8A; the re turn of Mtsa Alvese DeVane. full time librarian: an additional part time art instructor; and Mrs. Ruth R Hinton, who again will serve as part-time soeech therapist The t achec* hpd ir t---sting edu cational experiences during the summer month*: Mrs T, M. Bstlen tine visited Silver Flay on L*ke Oeorre with •*’e CFO Group She ‘cured the Wor'd's Fair In New Vork and made •ie > '*see>ne *H-s <n Washington. D C Mrs A ▼ W*hh "Mended the De—ocrytir Nvtf«*ri Convention In Atlantic CMr Mr* Fherhmdt I l»on traveled |n fo“e --♦-en of the United State*' M— W M Rnaehoro receded a rraduete deeree from New York University. New York Mr A C Davis has oresnired h*« ohvsieal education class-« Hors »"d •iris will nartlrinate The nroerntn for the vear wilt be do w'*h gen era! exerrtse* and cal'sthenks The fifth grade niinlts have en loved dlseusstnc the Democratic National Convention Mrs. A. T Webb, their teacher, having attend ed the convent on offers a rich backeround for the talk* the pu plls have centered a bulletin board on the presidential campaigns It Is attractive as well as instructive Discussions on this Wsue will con tinue through November 8. A library chib has been organiz ed under the supervision of Miss DeVsne. the librarian. The club to made up of students from the Bth and 7th grade clams*. Officers chos en are as follows: president Dtann Bennington; rice-president. Penny Chavis: secretary. Linda Jonas: as sistant secretary. Mary Battle: trea surer. Verna Kenner; acting re porter. Brenda D. Moore. The Bookmobile will be a* Be achool Monday. Sept 98. The fourth grade In Mrs. P. B Taylor's room to running over with enthusiasm They are beginning a unit on Insects. They hare brought many kinds of Insects Plans are to ogtat to* type*, ebarestarto ttes. habit* growth and Importance as toa inaacto hare to our anriron- Jk SMALL CMMMwtwiwgwhto ' CLINTON NEWS RT H. M. JOHNSON Si*rmy | tejsfu ( MRS. FLORA D. GRANTHAM LADY OF TEAR CLINTON—Mrs. Flora D. Grant ham wee chosen "Lady of the Year” for her outstanding work in fraternal organizations at the Shrtn- i I ere Convention and International Conference. Gran dChapter Order of Eastern Star held in St. Louis, : Mo. August 13-31. On August 21-26 ah# ettended the World-wide Elks ! Convention tIBPOE of W) In Mi ami. Fla. Mrs. Grantham is also chairmen of the building commit tee for the proposed Clinton Negro Recreation Center. 4-H Club Cantor Winner* The winners of the County En rich Cornmeal Bake-Off are Pris cilla Worthy, first place; Mergnret Bunting, second place; and Arlene Jones, third place. Others partici pating were: Linda Lee and Grocila one*. Birth Mr. and Mar. Ulyses Davis are , proud parents of a bnby girl. Her j name is Evctte Ulonda. born Sept, j ( 17 in Sampson Memorial Hospital. I ■ She weighed in at 6 pound" ts 1-*> 1 _ ounces, Mrs. Davis is the former .' Saralt William#*** ‘ burprised Birthday Supper Mrs. Etta Robinson and Mr. snd I Mrs. Louis Curtis of 110 Lee Street ! honored Mrs. Rena Williams last 1 Friday night. Sept 18. 1964. The menu constated of baked j chicken with stuffing, string beans. !j rice, gravy, hot rolls. Ice tea, cake ' 1 and ice cream. Those present were: Mr. M. C. Williams, husband of the honoree. ; Rev. F. D. Ashford, Mr. end Mrs Willard Swlnson end Sons, Willard Jr. and Reginald O'Bryand. They 1 report a delightful evening. 1 Mr. George Boone of New York was in the city over the week-end i and was the house gueet of Mr. 1 1 and Mrs. S. B. Freeman of Byrd SI. Little Denice Goodman has re turned to her home in Newark. N J. after spending the summer here j with her grandmother, Mrs. Doro thy Fryer. She wee accompanied ( by her mother, Mrs. Gene Good man and little brother. Mr. Kirmit Rich of New York spent a week-end here recently vis iting his mother. Mrs. Mery Rich. Mias Connie Philips of New Hav en. Conn, is spending the winter here with her sister and brother- ; In-law. Mr. and Mrs. William Spru ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Alston of Chicago, 111 spent a few days here with their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Wayman Alston Mr. D. M Mstthis of William St died at his home Sunday night. Fu neral ariangrroent* are incomplete 'at prew Ume j Mrs. Josie B. Moore. Mrs. Donia i Butler and Mrs. Ester Summerville ; motored to Durham lest Saturday | to visit their daughters. Joeilyn and > Brenda who are students at North Cun !Ini College. Rev. J. K. Cutler and Mr* But ler of Wilmington, N. C. were in Chi ion last Sunday night to visit their mother. Mr*. Mery Butler who is a patient at Sampson Memorial Hospital 4-H Chib New* The Weeks Street 4-H Club held ; I its meeting fnr the month of Sep- | | i ember at the home of Mr. end Mr*. Calvin King, with the president presiding. The meeting wee celled to order and opened by the staging of the 4-H Chib Hymn, followed by Ihe pledgee to the American end 4-H flag* The business session of the club constated of project re ports end the planning to a trip to the USS North Carolina tor elub members. The educational program era* given by Mrs Register to the Fe lice Department. She talked oa Bi cycle Safety, end pointed out the following safety rules ’ . I. That bike riders should observe all traffic regulations 2. Should not ride in the high way. but on the side—toeing traf fic. 2. Always use proper hand atg- Bill A Don't weave In end out of traf fic 3. Never carry another person on hike. She also pointed out many other safety rule* for bike rider*. The chib members and las dare enjoyed th* talk by Mrs Register and it was found that many of the club members who ride bike* were not obeying meal to the rules painted out. The following members were pre sent at the meeting: Wanda Fay. Shirley. Willi# Ray and Thomas Mows. Jarvis and Joseph Hall. Cal vin s :id Barbara King. Delois Bry ant and Evelyn Moore. Laortart present were Mrs King, Mrs K H. Moore and Mrs A J. Hall TOU TRY EVERYTHING to make yourself beautiful but when the snapshot to developed yeu totak you look as ugly as ever. Princeton News BY MRS. GOLDIE HARDY PRINCETON - The Princeton Graded School held its first PTA meeting Wednesday night. Sept. 16, 1964 at 7:30 In the school audito rium. The PTA discussed plans for the school term. Principal is Mr. T. B. Nixon to Smithfield; presi dent Rev John Grandy of Prince ton. The parents and teachers were served refreshment* by the social committee. Every one enjoyed the evening. Mrs Nancy HoweD snd Mrs. Gol die Hardy of Princeton visited Mr. Lillington News NINETEEN OF McIVEB’S 1964 GRADS ENROLLED IN COLLEGE LITTLETON Nineteen of Mc- Iver High School* fifty (50) 1984 graduate* have already enrolled in colleges or trade schools through out the atate and in other states. Principal J. A. Freeman stated that this is the largest percent of gradu ate* attending college in the his tory of the school. Fourteen of these students are attending college on scholarship*. Three student* are enrolled in Fayetteville Sta;e College, Fayette - lie They are Leo’s Williams, '’aughtr of Mr. and Mrs Amos Wil ! amt; Catherine Price, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Price; and Fred '•owell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Powell. Three students are attend ing North Carolina College, Dur ham. They are Doretha Boyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Sr.; Dora Jamieson, daugh ter of Mrs. Isabelle Jamieson; and Linda Snow, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Swept Snow. Student# attend ing A&T College of Oreen'boro. are Nelvlmes Gamer, daughter of YWCA’s World Fellewship Body Meets With J. A. Boyers The World Fellowship Group of the Sojourner Truth Branch of the Y. W. C. A. met at the home of Dr. ,na ivire. James A Hover on St. Augustine * College’s Campus. Mon uey nixi't, beptemoer 21, at H o'- clock. Dr. Boyer welcomed the members and guests to his home. The chair man. Mrs. Mary Sapp, then took charge. The meeting was opened by singing the theme song. "O Master. Let Me Walk With Thee,” led by Miss Marjorie Williams. The 23rd Psalm was repeated in unison followed by the Lord's Prayer and "In Christ There is No Fast or West." Mrs. Gay gave welcome re marks. Miss Marjorie Williams sang a solo, ‘Tn The Garden.” Mrs. Boyer gav# a summary of ail of the “Y" activities and related some of the interesting features of the convention which she recent ly attended. Before the group wss served, the hostess. Mrs. Boyer, passed out numbers to the members and guest. Gifts were given to the persons St. Paul AME Slates Big Revival Services Revival Services will be conduct ed at Saint Paul AME Church. E- ! denton and Harrington Streets, j Sunday, September 27 through Thursday. October 1. by Dr G H J. Thibodeaux of Shreveport, Lou tggk... iMfjtg- <, | * 74’?. ’jp.-- A r ML THIBODEAUX i . Goldsboro News BT MM. PEARL MALLETTE SEVENTH ANNUAL CONVOCATION MEETING GOLDSBORO The Seventh Annual Convocation of the United Holy Church of America. Inc, (Southern District* is in session at Branch Memorial Tabernacle. 500 Culley Street Host minister is the Rev. N. N. Midgette. host church is the Pentecostal Holy Church. Tbs session opened with messages on Sunday by tfca first rice-pr«*i -1 dent. Bishop X A Forbes and the second vice-president Bishop H W. ! Fields, at I p. m Official welcome came on Mon day evening with the acceptance address by the Rev J. a. Forties, !Jr. Other tortures and mssaagm are : expected from the following per -1 sons: Bishop S. G McKoy, Tuesday ja. m ; Rev Mrs Mary Shivers; Wed nesday a. m : Bishop A. W Lawyer on Thursday a. m.; Bishop W. N Strodhar, General president of IU. It. C, Friday am, with dos i lag message on Sunday being de liTvrad by Bishop J. W Jackson, president of the Southern District and toa Rev. Mrs Margaret Bennett of Philadelphia. Pay gvner-t presi i dent ad the Missionary Department and Mr*. Thomas Best of Selma Sunday and accompanied than to Sims Primitive Baptist Church In Selma Sunday morning. Pa#tor El der Culler Sauls of Black Creek tnd ether Elders participated in this wonderful service. The mes sages were well enjoyed by all who attended. Mr. John Reid of Princeton has returned home after being a patient in Johnstoo Memorial Hospital in Smithfield. Mr. Reid is improving nicely and desires your prayers. A Thought Comfort ye, comfort ye my peo ple. saith your God. Isaiah 40:1. j Mr. and Mr*. Hervy Tabron; Mau : ryce Johnson, daughter of Mr. and j Douglas Jonnson; Oilye Johnson. | daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward i Johnson; and Virginia Lee. daugh- I ler to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cyrus Lee. Sr. Ardean Alston, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Alston and Betty Ruth Faulcon. daughter of Mrs. Elvira ; Faulcon are enrolled In Southeast ern Business College of Durham. I Roy Rogers, son of Mrs Rogers has enrolled in Morgan State Col ! lege of Baltimore, Md. Celestine Ashe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ashe and Evelyn Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Roger ; Taylor have enrolled in Elizabeth City State College, Elizabeth Ctty. • Diane Johnson, daughter of Mr. and ; Mrs. James Johnson; Joyeelyn Rai ney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jas. Rainey; and Evelyn Williams, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Williams have enrolled in Winston- Salem State College. Winston-Sa lem. Raymond Tabron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Tabron is now at ! tending Bull City Barber College 1 in Durham. who held number 7 and 13. and to the f rst person who arrived and the last p i son who arrived. Members who received gifts were. Mrs. Kiltie Cuinbo. Mr« Fln«te • ».:-ant. Mrs. Lovic Ellis, Mrs. Mary G. Carter and Miss T. Lorraine i Gumbo M-s. Mary Carter received a beautiful silver cake server, Mrs. j Grant and Mrs. Cum bo received 1 lovely rain scarfs, Mrs. Ellis re • reived a beautiful purs? and Miss 1 Cumbo received a jar of Grandma molasses. After the presentation of gifts, the group was served de lic'ous nople pie and ice cream, ! coffee, tea and sanka. The eroun had a very enjoyable time. Members present: Mrs. J. A. Boyer. Mrs. Mary Sapp. Mrs. Lovie j F!) ?. Mrs. Alyce C. .lores. Mrs W. 1 D Gay. Mrs. Flossie Grant. Mrs. Ellis Williams, Mrs. Kittie Cumbo. Mrs Grno'? ; a Du ns ton. Mrs. Mary G, C •ter. Miss Marjorie Williams, M - T. Lorraine Cumbo, and Mrs. Lucille Griswold Paige Vistors present: Mrs. Esther Pear son. Mrs. Helena S. Jenkins and Miss Janette Paige. 'siannk. director of Evangelism of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Services will begin at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday and 7:30 p. m. Mon day through Thursday. Ministers and choirs of the churches of the city and vicinity have consented to assist with the services. Dr. Thibodeau* conducted the city-wido revival for the Durham Ministerial Association last Spring WHAT I REMEMBER most vivid ly and regretfully are my misdeeds. RADICALISM is often just an empty stomach shouting for a place at the food trough. RALEIGH SEAFOOD 1 Fresh Seafood Daily ♦lO E. DAVIE ST DIAL TE 1-774® Natural Gas HEATS WATER 3 TIMES FASTER! than an electric water heater of the same size Your natural gas water heater is on the job 24 hours a day giving you the oceans of hot water you need. Don't settle for anything lass than the fastest, most economical way to heatyWatan— with natural gas! A PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Os N. 6. Louis Jordan, Major Lance , Many Others: 'Moms' Mabley Coming To Auditorium October 3; Fetes Top Performers Jackie (Mona) Mabley has gat to b* the last of tba somethings, hot Just what is difficult to pin down. She is a comedienne, an avenge list, a diplomat a philosopher, • social worker and pram agent tor brotherhood. She has performed more times at the famed Apollo Theatre in Harlem then any other entertainer during a 40-year period, she has been virtually unknown to White America for 29 of thme years, and she Is to the o—s-fc-M- con- LOUIS JORDAN "MOMS” MAMWV viction that Lyndon B. Johnson, not to memtion Khrushchov and Mas would do wisely to head her coun sel. Perhaps mopt Important, she is a very funny woman Md will present her All-Star Show at the Raleigh Memorial Aadltorl am an Saturday night, October 3rd. Other tap-flight entertain ers to appear In person Inclndt that "Rhythm” fellow Major FOR REPAIRS TO ANY TV PHONOGRAPH TAPE RECORDER TRANS. RADIO anyUmall APPLIANCE cut. TE 2-3950 VA “2343 TAYLOR RADIO & Electrical Co. "The House That Barrio Built" 224 E- MARTIN ST. Lance, The Impression*. to Tm Se Frond” and "Yen Mat Bo- Here Ms” fame; The inimitable Leals Jordan; Glsyda Knight, and The pips, girt and hay* Waging grasp to “Lavers Al ways Forgive," Gene Barks, stags# with "I Can’t Stand yonr Foolin' Aroand”; Jordan and feta groat entertain ing orchestra; Johnny “Guitar” Taylor; The Upsettora and Ihoir great orchestra; and Carl Fish er will serve as M C. There will be a spotlight special act featuring Moms Mabley and Louis Jordan on stag* together. This you should not miss. CONVENTION “Now lisaen. dariin," she said the other day, "I been wstchin’ that convention at Atlantic City and you know I got a new record* Call ed “Moms the Word"?—those boys wouldn’t be flghttn' If they only heard it ... . that's all it’d take, hooey.” Moms’ philosophy la simple love and understanding. Or may ha understanding and lova, It does n’t matter. “Derlin”, she rasped, “my motto is thin There’s two words In the dictionary will change the world if they're erased—black and white. Cheng* ’am to stater and brother, Riley Hill News WENDELL—We era off to a good •tart Tba first assembly was held at the Riley Hill School, September 18. Mr. Richard L. Barfield, princi pal. welcomed all new students, new teachers and old timers this year. New teachers art: Mr* Barbara H. White from Florida, and Miss Gloria F. Stroud, Raleigh. Old timers: Mrs. E. Barfield, Mrs. L. Good son. Mrs. C. Locke, Mk* B. Mason, Mr* D. Jeffers, Mr* L. Sewell, Mr. S. Perry, and Mr. G. Pulley. Miss Mary Smith a graduate of ZlaltieL BusiitcM College is tne school’s secretary. Many plans have Ltu, in—lit. u> make tins a. successful year. KINO I OLE MOTEL 2418 Murchison Rd. Fayetteville, N. C 19 Rooms - Private and Adjoining Baths Individual Heat - Air Conditioned Conveniently Locked Between Fayetteville State Teacher* . College and Fort Bragg REASONABLE RATES! Seagrams Groom iiuwvSni ■4v«ay/w I mr > •***»»* I FT. WWMWW. I v s^os 4/S QT. RMIto MTUHIBRMK KV M 011 *OBO MOB. M NHf.M% MUi WTto. MM* . > saturdayT Ljfl ii]l|fiLSH?Wa*T.ngi iiw oms BURK ★ JOHNNY TAYLOR + THE UPSET TERB AND THEIR ORCHESTRA. » you’ll so* I don’t see no tolars, they’s all my ehtldrm". Moms has sever bean formally active in religion (“You don’t hive to turn your collar-around to sptak the truth") but no preacher could be more fervent “God gave Heea her humor, hooey,” she says in her deep South ern accent "end tf* all from the heart Other comedians steal ma terial and meat at 'em stasll from Moms, but dariin*, it didn’t cost Moms nothing—they am steal all they want" Due to the limited number to amts at the Raleigh Memorial Auditori um. Moms will give two shew! on Saturday ni*t October fort. am at 8 p- m. and the other at lttls. (main floor downstairs) »UJ hi to served seats with all ether sections at general admission paps- 1 • r H, ' - Mad# of 100% virgin wool, Pto dleton’s timeless Topster jacket is a combination of dm fabfie and distinctiva styling) Available in a wida selection of colors fito patterns, the versatile Topjrttr sports three pockets, leather but tons and buttoned cuts. Wear it indoors or outdoors in relagra comfort Match this famous jack et with Pendleton’s squally fa mous and coordinated 100% vir gin wool shirts and slaeks for any casual occasion. Remember, r nlv o"# Ishe) gn»r*wt#e« au thentic Pendleton sportswear— available at yone favorite rie partment or men’s (tore.

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