r\ THE CABOUftIAN V IAWOK N. C, SATOBPAT, OCTOBER I, I—4^ 2 - .- » V. . Ul( i (/ill 4 t.H for CPftL customers. On ft* anaemia, oat customers use * little more than 100 kilowatt-hours per month. ta most after pieces ocroes the country, folks iay men for electricity. The average price which ear reeidentiel customers pay per killo watt-heur la St per aent lea* than the national Earn bee CMtL bean able to make electricity Typical RNft| rotiden* : il electric billt for 500 kwh. Source: Federal Power Commission ■saris* $16.64 family a mile away. In netifter instance were there any Injuries. la the ease of the mayor’s home, damages consisted of shatter ed windows and a cracked front waU. The mayor and Ms wife were watching television hades at the time of the ex- Though the mayor could offer no explanation for the bombing. It was recalled * that earlier last month “stink bombs” were hurled through the windows of super markets operated by the mayor’s son and son-in-law. Shortly after the explosion, police picked up an unidentifi ed Negro who had a pistol tat his ear. The man was said to have been seen near the may or’s house before the explosion. The other bombing hit the home of Willie Washington, in the Negro section of town. No Information on the damage sustained was tmmedi- 1 ately available. TVMvq#vr»Hf» Comrtery fimt (w m lag dispute with the aU-white Mis- j slsslppl delegation which has eon-1 (latently refused to allow Negroes to participate. Henry is a board member of SC LC end state president et the NA ACP. Miami $11.71 GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY JBaHkAiPpfff ending October X. ISM Lncettfn jt A. Total He. copies printed Otet frees •. Paid .Circulation 1. To Term Subecribere Bv Mail, Carrier Delivery or by Other mean*. I*** Thr *HP» utiiCit or mHOrwiSB. C Free Distribution (including samA Mell. Carrier Delivery, or D. Total Me. ei Copie* Distributed (Sum of line* 11.81 and C) Assorted Jellies 18 <*. it 4 lor 99c Sliced Pork Steak lb. 49c Fresh Ground Beef 2 lbs. 75c PorkSaus> lb. 35c ©r 3 lb*. 99c Good Weiners lb. 38c or 3 lb*. 99c Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lbs. 99c No* 1 White Potatoes 10 lb*. 49c Rib Beef Stew lb. 29c Center Cut Pork Chops lb. 69c Fresh Pbrk Roast . lb. 39c Luzianne RT Coffee lb. 67c Crown Peartut Butter 2 lb. j&r 69c orrx stondAt an£ fridat rm s t. m. HORTON’S CASH STORE I4IS-1T SO. SAVNMBS ST. RALEIGH such a bargain? W* b«v* Installed large more efficient generating plant*. W* have im proved our methods of transmitting and dis tributing electricity. W* have worked herd to introduce every reasonable economy. While then an a few please where yeur electric bill would be leas, C&hL is proud to supply dependable electric service at prices so much lower than moot people pay. CAROLINA Pl, W £ R H. i iOHT COMPANY Am iaaemee owned, utility company So* Francises $9.9$ n. AWt *. One, la the fifth Presidential air plane. the Catholic Digest Matte. BPsnntea oweorroMroEg unusual orvonTyinix iget|»e* BUNA. _ The name end Odium M VubKtlicr. MW and editor n P. R Jwvay. ma Btet Davie Street Ra leigh. North Carolina. Owndr as the gts^avdawas or otttr oeeunuci • sem preSSmU MtaSS to nStlii* SAM 1.01 ASM ute aim ejit . 1 tertuy Utet me Sted. * •U& , ?.T5b82 f 9 ** PuStimtr -Owner Chicago 1J0.09