10 TO ffHHHHWH —tAtEIGI. W. e.. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19. ISM 15 The Raleigh SCENE CLUBS ' warn AMD nvt CLUB Mrs Bessie M Wesley wm tb# heStMs to the Nine and Five Club recently After the regular busmen* meet ing.'{he members played two games i riiHII Alma Harrison received , the high score prim and Addle Harris received the low score prise j Addle alee won the door prise, for > being the ftret member to arrive at , the meeting. The Heetsee surprised all of the rneiagr just before leaving, by givJHEfecb one a beuatlful gift Whtqf wa# appreciated by all. Ttm iaeteases' living room waa beaoßffilly decorated with tall flowers, srhich made all feel the air es tall and get tn the spirit of the dth Mantoees present ware: Ruth Be* Brown. Cornelia CofUtrta Ellis. Addle Barrie. Al- Emma Jones. Mary Msraß*. Helen Mitchell. Nan Rob* tnsaCaith Sharper. Ann Webb, Beate wadey and Bertha Wilcox. The Mkua served a delicious re »•* m* ** fourth warp floral am The Foarth Ward Floral Club celebrated Its 36th Anniversary Tuesday night at • •'dock to toe Bullock Bunding of the Flint Rap tola Church. The fusel saber was Mm Nora Evan* Loohtaart, principal of the CrMby-Gartteld School. Her ad* dress smarenjayad by sU. The teals wore decorated to ptak and white. The gueeta wars aoatad at tha takii to banquet style. The maw eonslated of Turkey, pro* irhtti gKrlitcm. tons* «mm. mHvvm. ideklM. crenherte sauce, bog rolls, ice tea, ice cream s*d r»W ' A musiol pcogtam was raudetad. The mJstrem of oaramonlas was Mm El a ache Davor. MhrrV JnSHMsmiTlta. Mil deed towMory of Club. Mm A. Ruth Taylor; Solo. Mias Brnes torn Laws, accompanied by Mias Carolyn Taylor; address -Dally Work.” Mm Her* Lockhart. The Rev. Chillis Ward dtwntec ed toe toe chib sx Mm Annie Webb. Mm Carrie £ Imported, MacNAUGHTON F CANADIAN WHIBKY to ■HI ~ *O9O HI <485 £■«» £ VIOT. 1 IMPORTED 1 ■ C s<madianTid\ I MacNAUGHTON I I GNJMJMAH WHISKT I H A nun mo I Mnnnunw d} 4 VHtdL ■ eawtot—Lima-tuns ai-ns wm-stow mwtt tut Ht ' '" '.Jmi ,ijfi- 4; '. ®» ',7* x f?^. v " Fepn-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh OmMßJumma stsust. ralsjoh. north Carolina .*. m ts a-ian -' ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ - - - - - - Lews Mrs. lather Michael Mrs Mery Bryant. Mm XQe Burch, Mm Mildred Jamas Mrs Catharine Cooke. Mr. and Mm Alex Watkins Mrs Eva Debnam. Mr. Howard Tol son. Mrs. Edna Haywood. Mrs Bes- Isle Dudley. Mm Pearl McDonald. ! Mrs OLs James. Mrs Nellie Wilder. 1 Mrs. Grace Woods Mrs W. R. Jones Mias Ernestine Lews and Mias Car* | oiyn Taylor. Club members present were: Mesdamcs Mary P. Lane. Blanche Dover. Ella Cbaatham. Elizabeth Pugh, Anna J. Pugh. Vena Walton. May Belle Davis Mary Johnson, Alease Richburg. Emma Clarkson, LtUie Tinch, Eugenia Jonas Laura Croesling. Ruth Taylor. Elizabeth Wilson, Berta Hunter. Bertha Au try. Misses Loretta Portia Myers and Bettie McNeil, who served the guests TBS MINISTERS’ WIVES CLUB TO MEET The first meeting of the Minis ters' Wives Chih for the fan sea son will be held October 33. at 7:10 pm. at the TWCA. B. Davis Street. We are asking all members to please be present. I would Uke , also to make an appeal to the , Ministers Wives who have not Joined with us to think It over and come and Join this organisation and help ua put the program over. Mm J. H. Bryant, reporter. - - District 3 Os The PT A Sets Confab The fall coalerenee of District Three of the N. C. Congress of Colored Parents and Ttashera. will be bald at KittreU Graded School, KittreU. Saturday. Octo ber 31. This la a week earlier than The masting will begin with registration at 3:00 aA and am elooa at 1:00 p. m. A special program has been planned which will be Interacting. Informative and timely, according to officials of the district. AH member* are urged to to pre sent at this meeting. Mrs. Mary W. Oant of 314 Linden Avenue. Oxford, la president. What is Doing Around Town! PRINCIPALS AT SHAW'S CONVOCATION Seated, left to right: Dr. J. Jet per Free man, Norfolk, Virginia, member of the Shaw trustee board; Lenior H. Cook, acting dean of the col lege; Dr. Paul H. Johnson, chairman of the Executive committee of the trustee board. Standing: Dr. James E. Cheek, president, Shaw University, ( speaker ). Seated, William ~H. Jones . principal, pesquotank County School, Elisabeth City, also a trustee; the Reverend James 1. Alexander, uni versity minister; end Dr. Frederick West, chairman, Division c 4 Humanities. The occasion was the Annua/ Convocation formally opening the 1964-65 Academic year, held Friday, October 3 in Seulding Gymnasium. -Oar Father, we thank Thee torn to Fellewskly wttt fellow an es Ckrbt wa find closer eemmualea with Thee. Help us to avail eanelvm of ttb priv at gt , »iHi in liiiti aiie it* us non msantagfal. May no pjMeing cui *SI nut x'u. tee et thee. Keep as stead fsst to faith aatfl to* day breela and toe «kadaw« fly •way and we behvld Thy glery to toe taee es Je*a* Christ In Hb name, wa pray." ST. MATTHEW~AME - Church School opened at M 0 a m. with the superintendent. Mr. Robert Lesane. to eharge. Morning worship began at It o'clock with tbe senior choir to charge of music, under the di rection of Mrs. Marie Riddick: and organist. Mrs. Mary R. M. Walton. Call to worship was by the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Epp*. Morning le»*on was by the minister, who also led th* prayer A beautiful sermon was delivered by th# pastor. Commun ion followed the morning service. Monday evening at 7:30 p.m., the SOU) anniversary of the church be gan with the guest minister, the Rev. C. W. Ward, pastor of the First Baptist Church, along with the *en ior usher ladle#, the senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. M T. James and Minister of Muilc Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly. Rev Ward deliv ered a very inapirlng sermon, from tbe 3rd chapter of the Book of Job. Hl* aubjejet was, "The mark of our day." ST. ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST—Sunday School opened at 10 o'clock wth toe superintendent. Mr. W. H. Lyon*. Sr, to charge. Mom tog worship began at 11 o'clock with the Junior choir to charge of music, under the direction of Mrs. Elisabeth ParUn; and organist. Mrs. Tepee McCullem Morning lesson was by th# Rev. W. Walker, and rooming prayer wm led by the Rev. Odell Young. A great sermon wm brought by toe Rev. Theodore McAllister, from the Bonk of St Luke. 36:34-36. Hb subject was. -Think of seme one aba. except yourself." the Rev. L T. Ford is pastor. , UNION BAPTTirr Church School opened at M o'clock with gte superintendent. Mr. Walter Pries, to charge. Moratog worship hlgaa at 11:36 am. with toe senior their to charge es musk, under the direction es Mrs Nettie Harrington: and organist. Mr. Willie Henderson. delisend bp tbe pastor, toe Rev. E Maaon. rnamnnnlnn followed the MnrtetCe PIRST CO NO RELATIONAL CHRISTIAN—Sunday School open ed at *3O am with the superinten dent Mr. Sherman Lewis, to charge. Morning sronhip began at 11 o'clock with toe senior chair to eharge at made, wader tbe direc tion of Mr. Harry T. OU-Smyth*. It was cenununtoa day and the In vocation waa in unison Morning lesson and prayer wme bp the pas tor. tka Rev. JL Cunningham. Madt BY MRS. MAY L BpOADIB | tat ion and communion followed toa service. Flowers on the altar ware given in memory of Deacon Roy L. Hicks, by the family. WILbON IfcMPLE METHODIST —Church School opened at *3ft e. m. with the superintendent, Ml» Nanie Morgan, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'eleek with the senior choir tn charge of mu sie. under the direction of Mias Nanie Morgan: and organist. Mr*. M H Kelly. Call to worship was by the pastor, the Rev. Samuel B. No- Smith. who also brought a wonder ful sermon, followed by commun ion. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST— Sunday School opened at 9JO a. m. with the superintendent, Mr. ' Phillip Alston, to charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir to charge of music, under the direction of Mis* Jacque line Mitchell. Morning taoon and prayer were by the Rev. W. Y. Davis, who abo delivered a won derful sermon, followed by com munion. YOUNGS MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME—Church School opened at 9:30 a.m. with the superinten dent. Mr* Della R. Ford, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'- clock with the senior choir to charge of music, under the direc tion of Mist Myrtle Ann Rhode*. A very sweet sermon wa* delivered by the pastor, the Rev. Sister Bald win. from the Book of St. John, 3:16. Her subj«'jct was. "Divine Love.” The service was followed by communion. OBERLIN BAPTIST - Sunday School opened at *3O a m with the superintendent Mr. Walter Curtis, to charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of music, under the di rection of Mr*. Elsie and organist. Mr*. Lucille Campbell. A very good sermon waa delivered by the peator. the Rev J P. Demp sey. which was followed by com munion. TOPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIST: —Church School opened et 9 30 a. I m. with the superintendent. Mr* ! Dorothy Allen, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o clock with th* senior choir tn charge of mu sic. under the direction of Miss Val- JeJaJn Myers. A powerful sermon waa delivered by the pastor, toe Rev. D. N. Howard, Sr. which was followed by communion. The pastor, officers, member*, and friends are to deep sympathy with the family of the leu Mr. Oney Lumford. who died last week. ULT OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST - Sunday School opened at 10 o'clock with the sup BEGINNERS' TYRING AT ST. AVOVSTINBTS Rietwtd: Jtfa Mabfe fi. Wngto. fiu»- rwM Imtntctor, » (Mchn|« dm <V r*a (Fpwrri<w|. Thn ptate m mad* at Said Augua* fin*'* Co/fega ImU rat. (Sea srforjr)- erintendent Mr. Mack Artour, tn charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with toa senior choir in charge of music, under the dirae- Haw a# Mw WaKdl Art j Inspiring sermon was delivered by . Lie |p«i„wi. .... r.C. l.Cl' .C, .L. . FIRST BAPTIST—Church School opened at *3O sa with the sup erintendent Mr. W. H. Taylor, to charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir to charge of music, under the direc tion of Mrs M. T. James, and min ister of musk. Sirs. E M. M. Kelly. Tbe call to worship was given by the pastor, th* Rev. C. W. Ward. Pastoral prayer was by th# pas tor, followed by Threefold Amen by the choir and congregation. Morning leaaon was read by the pastor from tb* Book of St John. Morning prayer waa led by the Rev. Avery Horton. A very inspir ing term on was brought to tbe con gregation by Rev. Ward. His sub ject waa. "Choosing Our Candi date.'' MORNING STAR BAPTIST Sunday School was opened at 11 o’clock with the lesson for to* day being diacuaaed. Topic of toe lea son waa, “Tb* Pastoral Epiatl#*." 3(orntag service was opened by tinging, "Leaning On Jesus". Scrip ture eras taken from tb* Book of St John. 10th chapter. Mlsetoosry ottering waa 'taken up and an nouncement* war* made. Tbs ser mon was rendered by our assistant pastor, tb* Bav. Ray. HU text was taken from th* Book of St. Mat thew. 38:4. Subject “Fill your tanks and gh" W* cloeed by singing, “Bias sßs Th* Tide." BTU was opened at 6:30 with the president Mr. John A. Marks, pre siding. The lesson was explained and dkCUSMd. Rev. Samuel Spencer, peator. rendered services at toa Friendship Baptist Church. Hamlet on Sunday. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST—Church School opened at 10 o'eleek with the auportoten dent Mr. Elbert Bandera, to charge At 11 o'clock. Rev. Ray made the call to warship with th* senior choir in charge es music, under tha direction es Mrs. William# and Mrs. Holder. Rev. Ray brought a aout stirring mssasgs to to* congregation which was highly enjoyed. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS - Sunday School began at 16 o'clock with toa superintendent Mr. Ar thur WlWkniA in eharge. Morning worship service wa* followed Im mediately with toa assistant pastor conducting service. Th* pastor, the Rev. EU BnWtt delivered on* of his tap sanaona from toa subject "What have yon doner* He took his tort tram toa Book of Bt Mat- . COUNSELLING STUDENTS Talmadge Anderson, Act ing Head of tha Bxminese Department, counsels students. Pictured from left to right are s Eugene Thomas and Mm Ccnatance Clark, all of St. Auguedna’s College. GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE If whan ws pray w* rssUgad tost God cannot forgive, Th* wrongs that w* da to other thews, 39:11 Musk was rendered by tbs senior choir of the church. Communion sms given at toa even ing service. CHUBCH Os 'xJOD Church School opened at *46 ajn. with the assistant superintendent, Mr. E A. Tordk officiating Morning wor ship began at 11 am. with the Rev. Mr*. Nancy A. Ford bringing the message to th* congregation. Her aubjejet was, “Witnessing for Christ”, which was taken from th* Book of Acts, 1:6-1 At 4 p.m, w* had our baptizing service. At the evening worship ser vice, the Rev. Mrs. R. Powell brought a wonderful message, us ing as her theme, “The wasted har vest", which was taken from the Books of St Luke. 31:11 and Rev. 1:1-1 R. Pries Hunter k reporter. RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ZION Church School began at 9:45 am, with the supt, Mr. Leslie Campbell, to charge. Th* Junior Church services were dispensed with because of the Bishop’s ad dress to th* Church School W. A. Stewart of Washington. D. C k the newly appointed bishop of tbe 3th Episcopal Area. The 11 o'clock worship services were conducted by th* pastor, toe Rev. T. H. Harris. After the regular worship period. Rev. Harris intro duced Bishop Stewart who brought us a nice message, full es thought Bishop Stewart chose his text from St Matthew, toe 33rd chapter and to* 36th verse. Thame: "Tha Jesus of Gethsemsne.” At 5:30 p. m, toe VCS held its regular meeting. 17>* speaker for th* afternoon waa Mr. Trodtrtcb- Flagg. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Flagg, of Ellington St Ha gave an astounding history of tha Vsrick Christian Endeavor Society. At 7:30 p. m, to* Mkrimaiy Ladies of the church under tha di rection of 3frv» J. EL Goto present ed * Playlet Tha characters repre aented the "Spirit of Yesterday. To day and Tomorrow." A toort mas sage was brought by Rev. John D. Lock ley on th* subject “Christ Shine* in Darknam" Mrs. Annie H. Thorpe is church reporter. My Lady** Doing* * * * a And Oat Os Town Unless in love w* live. Forgiving nil who mag ui own. Os real of fended wrong; For only thoao who can forgiva, Mag happinaaa belong. BtOTOB TO WTVSnX Mr*. Oiadya Jones, lira. Dorothy Hinton, Miaa Louise Baker and Mr. Charlie Haywood, at & Haywood St motored to Kittrell, recently where they visited relatives, who are on the sick list HOMX FOB GAME Mias Anita Banks, of 9M E. Ba barrus St, Mr. Frederick Johnson, of 940 E. Cafcamis St. and Mr. Thomas Harris, of 4M Watson St, all students at N. C. Collage at Dur ham, were home for J. W. Ligons* iwnf«'<w»iiH game loot Friday. guest or ns "wrf Bishop Williams A. Stewart of Wam in glop. D. C„ was the week end guest of Rev. and Mrs. T. H Harris. CALLED TO NEW YORK Mrs. Connie Young, of E. Lenoir St, left the city on Monday night for New York. She waa notified at die sudden death at her son-in law. Mr. Mark Thompson. He was the husband at the former Mias Christine Young, formerly of Ba- FBOUD PARENTS Mr. aid Mrs. Roosevelt Watte. of-Altua. Otcla, are the proud par rati or twin doji, wfir ohdci in Roooevelt and OOorgs Keily Watts. Mrs. Watts la, the daughter of Mr. Sad Mrs. Georg# Kelly l*Uh el my to them. WOMANS DAY CSKK-W MEET Last Thursday. Bishop W. A. Stewart held his Wooten's Day Cheek-up meeting at Bah Me tropolitan AMR Church. Ms was assisted by the five p rest ding EMan e< the Districts which com priced the Central N. C. Osnfsr enea. Bov. T. H. Harris k the paw ter. Mbrs Ann »UOO was reported. NOTE; We didn't hoar tan yen the weak, but wo wfll be batoning non! wash. DON'T POROMTI Thompson School P.li TD MEET JT regukH^OMritag^on Thursday. October L at Ml p. m. Everything For. • • BUILDING REMODELING Repa]HK%aß| • lODLLWORK > mm MWW Dial IB S-7SCS CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. *l7-119 N. Dawaon it KALUGA A C Clubs ■U-A-WBU SOCIAL CLUB The Idle-A-While Social Out Usd its first ten meeting at to borne of Mm Dorothy Powell bee tom for toe occasslon was Mm Ca therine Burt The meeting was opened with Bible verses, followed by toe Lords’ Prayer. After a brief business ses sion, members ware served a de licious repast Mrs. Louisa Welker, and Mm Mary Grsbam ware win ners in puebole. Birthday wishes and gifts want to Maadames Phyl lis HSywood, Esther Haywood. Jen nie Charles and Dorothy King. MBS. BURGESS HOSTS WCC CLUB The W. C. C. Club met recently at the home of Mrs. C. L. Burgees. 406 E. South St The president Mm meeting. This was the first meet ing of the dub since vacation. Than was a brief business session, after which the members related ac counts of their vacation travels. A delightful repast was served by toe host am The next meeting of the W. C. C. Club win be bald at the home of Mm Bell Williams. 708 South Par son Street on October IS. at 4 p. m. Personals HAPPT BIRTHDAYS Happy* birthdays wart said this weak to the following: Little Mis* Donna Starling of Hyde Terrace; Mbs Altos B. Jones, of South Street; ' Mrs. Futtte L. Higgs, of Tarbore Street; Mr. W. A. Walker, of East Edanton Street; and Master Rufus Dudley. Jr, of South Street who celebrated hi* Bth. A few of hie friends Joined him on this very h»ppy owWion and he useful and beautiful present!. Crosby-Garfield PTA Meets Mon. The CreebywGerfMd Schpol PTA will moat an Monday night Octo ber 13. at S p. m. ta the school au ditorium All parents and friends of ton school are Invited and urgdd to attend. This b toe dm to a aartes es very tetsresttog and informa tive msattogs to bo held tola sebaal year. At this masting the of toe School Safety Patrol will be presented. nod. Thoee persona participating will be, Marshall Butler, (parent) pre senting n reading, and Mm Jadte Anderson. Mrs. Louisa Flagg. Mh. La telle Vaughan. Mbs Juanita Walker and Mm Mary Pulley (teachers) rendering a musical se lection. ' All parents and adult trienda are urged to be present and bring your P. T. A. dues. Wa art hoping to make 1964 the biggest and beat year to Thompson School’s P. T. A. his tory. Grade Meftwre will meet to room 3 at 7:30 p. m. AO tntarestod moth ms era urged to ittisl PRINTING • Commercial • Social Cmmntt U* tar tnibiHi Prfcbpt* amnio. Phone TS 4-Slit * PUBLISHING CXX SIB B. Martha Bbaaf Raleigh. N. C kSeuseeg Text E5 WE WRA basv B yea ■ Bom Bmrtag Mh ■ I OPTICIAMB, lee. |

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