12 L _ THE CJUKMJMUIII “T-l;:"'!?, n. c„ Saturday. CCTorn is, I*S4 Hbpping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch £ JACK-HART VOW* SPOKEN * ROCK? MONT, N. C—Th# horn* jj of Mr. and Mr*. Jama* Hart of Ui« * Kmgsboro community, Rt* 2, Hoc* «ky Mount, waa the scene Sept IS *of the quiet, but lovely, weddtnf t ef their daughter, Esther Elolae to 9 iWbert Jack of 421 South 48th St., Philadelphia, Ponna, * The d<wble-rin| short form oara -1 inony wit performed by the Rev. 2 Staton, minister, Hearts-Ease Bap- J list Chureh. Mr*. Yvonne H. Vines, J sister of the bride, was matron of m honor. Larry Jack, brother of the J bridegroom, served as best man. 1 > 1 CABWR HIGH SCHOOL Birth | day CaaamfMcat Mis. B. K By ) mu. Mra. J. F. Barnette, Mrs. • *. W. Hart* NnUB. MUler and Mb* CetaartM Barren aarvad toe delightful BMulhty btrtkday re part to th* atotobura *f to* Car ver faealty a* Ptaitoga toM weak. Store to* tool birthday party wa* to May. tore* where aatol day real* daring to# vareMan ye- Benton-Four Oaks News BY MBS. FLORENCE J. WYNN BENSON—Homecoming waa ob served at Plrzt Baptist Church re cently. The pastor, th* Rav. A. A. Anderson, rendered the morning mamage. and dinner was served Before the afternoon service*. Bentonrille's Homecoming A homecoming service was also held recently at Bentonvill* Chureh. Th* Rev. E- V. Georg* rendered the aermon. His text waa taken from Hebrews, 10:31. sub ject. "Sinner* in the hand* of an Angry Ood.” Th* students' of fering was 8337. A quilt rally was held at the White Oak Church, New ion Orove. recently, sponsored by Mrs Lassie Draughorn The Rev. Gerald de llvrred the message, taken from the book of Bt Matthew. 13 27 The oflertn* taken waa 8203 50 The qulto, was won by Bro. John Bennett! daughter -^PERSONALS Mr. Jarria Johnson of New York attended homecoming service with his mother, Mra. Jaanna Johnson end famtfy. Mr. June Will lam* of Virginia visited *m» son. Mr. Christopher Willi* me end hi* family tost week end. Mrs. Lreal* Draughorn and fath er, Mr. Preston Alien attended homecoming services in Benton viUe. Mr. Allen ala* accompanied his daughter to Newton Orove and gave a nice talk at the quilt rally SCHOOL NEWS Poilo vaccine was siven at the Hillside Elementary School Sun day of last week. The Forest Hill High School . drill team was one of the out standing groups to take pm in toe Benton Mule Day panda. En thusiastic remarks were made by anerehante and sponsor* of the pa rade tor this well-trained group or young men. Forest Rill, we salute you and other boys and their lead ers. Everyone felt very proud of toe group and to* ntae remarks MHz Maria Faaeook gave a very food report on the Sunday School j FORD SALES am^ ojcaJtv v iv C MSI MR. AND MRS. ROBERT JACK Following the vows and the re* calving of gueets on the shaded lawn, the guests assembled in the dining room where they partook of the delicacies as the happy couple cut their wedding cake. The bride was attired in e street length white brocade drees, a shoulder-length veil topped with s smell rhimatone tiara. Other ac* ceaaories included half-elbow* length white glove* and white sat in slipper*. Th* bridegroom wore formal clothe*. Th* newlyweds will maka their home la Philadelphia for the pres ent. Hod were tswleded to this to* ftrrt party of the year. Other aberna taeladad Mr#. L. R Bel lash. Mra. E. D. Jamream Mrs. R J Reward and F. R. Dsbnam PriMtpal oama#l A OlUtam aaya tbs aebeal will re#n ba «■- Jaytag thatr aew cafeteria which la batag aredaraty aqalypad. I Convention, which she and Mias • Elisabeth A. Barfield attended at ■ Thaddeus Church In FayettevUle . recently aa delegate* of St. Jamas [ Disciple* Church's Sunday School I Department. The Helping Hand Club will aponaor a window rally on Tues > day. October 13, at night. i ; Rhamkatte Nows BY MRS LUCILLE CHAVM RHAMKATTE - Church School , opened at t:4i a. m. at St John i AMR Church. Our presiding Elder, • Dr. Stroud wa# th# 11 a. m. speak i er, end h# spoke from the 3rd chapter of Exodus, th# 20th verse. He used a* his subject. "Duttoa #nd 1 Services of the Lord." Th# senior : choir sung for R«v. Worthy at th# Baptist Church in Clayton, at th#ir 3 p m. service Dr Stroud had a re -1 cording of th# 2nd Quarterly Con ference with Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., as guast speaker, which ! he played et the 7:30 p. m service. W# close our 3rd quarterly confer ence Sunday before our pester, Rev. . E. E Worthy, will be off to th* con- I ference. Wa are preying he will re . turn to us for another year. | Our sick for this week. Sister I Marian Gteen and Sitter Hem by. Let's all prey ter them a speedy recovery. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Thou shalt be saved and Thou house." Goldsboro O’ BERRY UNIT OF NORTH CAROLINA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION GOLDSBORO—Harrta O Thomp son. principal of O'Berry School ha* been elected president of the O’Berry Unit N. C. T. A. Thomp son succeeds Milas D. Kelly who served a* president for the port two yeere. Other officers alerted ware aa follows: Secretary, Mra. noertte Lea; chairman membership oemtHtea. Mr*. Helen Daria; program chair mam Clarence William*. N. C. T. A. credit Union. Milas KaUy: lagta- Tbaaderi Bynum; Mailt* Stokes, social. Clifton Grady; reaaareh oommitee. Mm Grace At. kinzan; project. Hugh Cowan: bod* 9Mro ttnOHrt toartuM, HnacN Mtkljg METHOD •nMMAbinunD METHOD^-dlov.^M^Starris held a wonderful sendee Sunday morn ing at the Christian Church. Al though tbs weather was dreary those who really levs the services of God battled with th* elsments and cams out. The reward was of hearing a Bn* sermon. Good music was furnished by th* senior choir. Those persons who war# able to hear Rev. Shears* Sunday morn ing at Boy lan Chapel AMS Church report havng had a lovely sermon and goodniugte. was tha guest spsakar for Wcmon’* Day at Bethlehem Baptist Chureh Sunday morning. Mm Sboaras brought to th* audience a wonderful address on “The kind of woman I want to be lt wae a dynamic spaaqh and th* wbola congregation caw the true moaning at being a true woman in tha bom* church community and all walks at Ufa. Every on# want hams feeling highly benefit* tod over homing auch a lovely ad drees. Mm Louisa Curtis, Mr. Wil liam Bryant and Mias Dora D. Stroud accompanied Mrs. Shear** over to th* Bethlehem Church. Th* enttrt program far Woman’s Day was grand. Oak QMy Baptb* «y H. Jamas Both tha above church## win hold eervieec Sunday morning at 11 o'clack. Attend one of the serv ice*. Prayer ietviee Monday end Wednesday nights arc regular prayer servieo nights All are invited to bt present at these eervieec. VTA** The attendance at Berry O'Kelly High School and Oberlin Elemen tary School has bom good tor a beginning, but even bettor results will be (md if are show a depser interest in our children and teach ers by mm* visit* to th* classrooms and PTA meetings. The whole fac ulty of our schools, along with th* principals, am happy to welcome on* and aU to visit their children* classroom* and la not* their prog ram or non-progress. Sisk Our indisposed ones are doing nicely at this time. Mrs. M*ry I. Harris and Mr*. Margaret B. Mar shall are muck Improved. Mrs. Her ria is at her daughter's home Mrs. • James Wilder on Wilder huert. I Mrs Marshall is still * oatient In I Wake Memorial Hospital. We cx tend to aU o( our tick our physical and spiritual help Visiters from Washington Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rlsby from Washington. D. C. have been ! her* for the past weak visiting | Mm Risby's sick mother. Mrs. Msr -1 garni Marshall. Prsas Hew York Mr. and Mrs. Amon Harris. Jr. and Mr. and Mm Barnard Harris of Hew York City spent the week end with their sick mother. Mrs. Mary J. Harris They returned hem* Sunday. Ladies, Clab sad Birthday Th# Ladies Willing Workers Com munlty Club will meet *t th# home of Mrs. Ennis Omni on Atwater Street Thursday night. October 11. et 8 o'clock. After the business ses sion. Mrs. Grant'# birthday will be celebrated. Pitas* ell members be present end on time Week-end Vtoiter Little Miss Fren Bate# of Ml S Tarboro Road spent the week-end with her classmate end friend. Miss Roe* Elaine Curtis. While her# th# girls were given a trip to Fayette ville, N. C. by Mr. end Mm Curtis. Fran Is a fine, sweet gtrt and all th* family enjoyed having her es a visitor. Being Well In School Miss Ann Carter is a freshman at Suite College, rayettevtlle. N C. She made excellent mark* in her entrance exams. We are proud of such reports. At AAT Rueben Copeland, son and grand son of on* of our former families here, the Tort family entered AAT College with a high score Rueben has been an "A" student through St. Monica'* and the Catholic High School. W# are so proud of *ll of our young people. At N. C. Stale Mini Virginia Lee Small* and Clement Harrie are in N. C State at Durham. They or* doing fin# and w* live to go to their gradua tion soon Mia* Brenda Bethea l* doing grandly in her junor year at Hamp ton Institute. V*. She is an ex cellent student, too. Others who returned to college this year are: Miss Shirley Kear ney. daughter of Mr. end Mr* James Kaarney, a junior at Shaw University here; Jama# tßuddy) Wilder. Jr., eon of Mr. and Mrs Jam** Wilder. Sr. a junior at AAT College. Greensboro; and Clarence J. Smalls. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Small*. Sr., a senior at Voor b*es Junior College. Denmark. S C W# have other* of whom 1 can ! not name lust now. W# love and pray for all of our doer children U we older people, parents and friends show more interest and love in the efforts our children make, better and bet Ur result* wtU be ob tained. Do not look tor perfection In reports of learning or deport ment but just gradually work to that end with love and kind disci pline. Little Mis* Beverly Shear*# wee nursery queen for Raleigh Day Nursery in the parade tor Ligon High School Homecoming game last Friday night TOC WORK HARD but not hard enough, nor do you accumulate enough u satisfy every body'* de mands erhan yen ongfra. mCCMCTUL politicians have a snetA that as the content TV vtnarar. l riMn V^ku <> iiii t ii >^ 1 d£ r pl 1 print- BT MM. LOUISE COLVIN . APEX Sunday morning wag] another dreary day as for weath- j rr condition*. but to our hearts, we, bad every reason to be happy and thankful to Ood, for enabling us to brae* the weather and oaring that we wart able physically and mentally to assemble oumlvde together as 00-laborers for Christ JtmZO* « was good, con clderlng the M temptation of a Hg _ Vl l good excuse to ** JF > ctoy home as Vi. f days, such as J last Sunday, is real test of faith and loyalty, to Christ. *'?'! we have other* motive* tOM. COLVIN The Senior Choir was in charge of the devotions i»t the 11 o'clock worship service, with Mr*. E. H. Williams aa pianist. The pastor. Rev. W. T. Bigelow, dsltrorsd a very powerful message. His text was taken from tha Book of Revelation* a: 10. His thorns was: “The Crown” and' immedi ately following our morning aera tes, ws enjoyed quite soma time of fallowshlplng in the lunchroom, refreshing ourselves, a* another aerrioa was scheduled for J:00 p. m. at which time Bishop Leon launders and hi* people from the Jaaus House of Prayer were sched uled to appear. Due to a funeral at his ehureh they were lata getting bore. W« were grateful to our members and friends for patiently waiting until we decided to have a program of our own. The first Baptist Male Oospel Chorouses continued to render the music, and when Bishop Saunders got there, Rev. Bigelow was speaking to us from the 51st Psalm, 8 verse. Gastonia’s St Paul Baptist Elects Rev. Mitchell Pastor BY MAUDE M. JEFFERS GASTONIA - Rev, C. R. Mitch ell. former pastor of First Baptist Church, of Hamlet, resigned to ac cept th* pastors t* of 81. Paul Church, here His services began last Sunday when he preached dur ing the M a. m. service to a capaci ty audience. Music wa* rendered by th* senior choir directed by P. w n.. u t,• ■<- »»*■*•• faculty and W L Rhyne. Choir RLV. t. R- Mi>Uu.i.> The Rev. Mitchell was presented to the church by the pulpit com mittee and the deacon board with Charles Costner, Jr., secretary of the deacon board as spokesman His sermon was followed by a greeting on behalf of the church by Mrs. Jean Gregory, president of the Missionary Society A reception honoring the minister end hit wife follou»d in the lewer auditorium of the eharch. Mrs. Willie Mae Ander sen. chureh clerk, was chair man of th* reception commit tee. A sals tins with the affair were Mrs. Princs W. Ramsrur. Mrs. Cathrse Rhyne.' receiving line; Mesdmmea M. J. Cahinem. Vela Jingles. Peggy Ferguson and Mlsa Margaret Russell, dec oral Ions; refreshments. Mrs damee Hattie C. Hardin. Thrl- ITS A PACT! PARTY FUN J In tha 18th century th# horptl- I (herd wot vnurctmed in popu- '! lority in bolh turop# ond colen al luK *’ • Amsrico. Iven.ng ,ooal» wcr» 'rr elmoit always dimajed by ■ Av i kSi.T' T rorifol from th# talented youna ,J*.f¥ll ladies of the hou|*. > { a y th A ,n toe gay nineties, young iSI 9 8 p«eole gewersd around th* SSLJI \fa i u " derelepedupright p**n# .Ay - f V? far a reend of sentimental bl W’b.f lb.. Modem youngsters today fo-'lew th* seel* trend, hawsvsr the . tnuait and th# modem Pionsla pteyoopion# h«v» a hoppier bact. XvV^^rt^SakaXv,y •he papular Pianaia is o tpinet far tpintad manual pla'. »un es Jm . ' WHfii't;WAll a far any eg* ens, /I ivl hrothtng* d *^ w ** t# '*' *’"! 0 ' , |j I jf j IU Apex News IU was an interesting msasag* but ' he had to cut it abort, but promis ed to do it again soon. We were so happy to aae Bishop ••under*, and he brought what looked like Ml of Durham with Mm—his choir. chorousM and a largo number of his congregation. It was amazing to. see that many as rainy as it was. The choirs mg from the bottom of their heart*: Her. Saunders preached out of the bottom of his hoaat, and lire contributed freely in the of fering Bishop Saunders text was j token from St Matthew, 8:38-2*. Theme: "Do You Know Him?" I The service was great. Offering j taken was 881.68. The sponsor was Mrs. Louise Colvin. Proceeds will go to the building fund of our 'chureh. We are very thankful to , God for the success of the aerrioa and to these who helped morally and financially. NOW READ THIS! On October 25. at 9:00 p. to. first Baptist will observe its an nua] Homecoming Day. Three prises are available to the win ners: Ist prize, a 1997 automobile, in flrat-clsas condition, with radio and heater, will be given to the one bringing in th* highest a mount above 1150 00. 2nd prim, a free trip to the Fiesta Hotel to Jacksonville. Fla. for five days, to tha one bringing In the highest a mount over 8100.00, the husband or wife goes free. 3rd prim, a tree round-trip to the New York World's Pair, for th# one bring ing In the highest amount above 860.00. The public is invited to participate, if you would like to enjoy one of the prizes. Join us to this challenge Mrs. Charlotte Toomer will sponsor a program at First Bap tist. Sunday night, at 7:30. We don’t have the groups invited but are sure it is a well-planned. The public la Invited to attend. nta Moore, Peggy Prldey, Aw* Rhyne and Mist Mary Byrd. Mrs. Hur»t Neely rendered music. A delicious repast was served. 1 The young pastor it a graduate i of Shaw University with the A. B. degree in the class of '39. He is completing requirements for the B. D degree in the Shaw Univer sity Divinity School. As a student , iic wc.s .-b live in rungiou* actjvl ! tics of Raleigh and served as »*- ot Osk Orove Bap i list Church, of Method. Later h* served as pastor of Locust Orove Church, of Wise. After graduation, he was elected pastor of Shiloh Baptist Church of Morrtsvill*. Hav complctcd requirements for a High School Teacher’s Certificate is So cial Studies, he was elected teach er in the Brlhaven School system I While p»storing at Wise. I in College he was a member of 1 the v MCA snd the choral society and was president of the Theologi cal f eternity. He always hsd a wide c.re’t of frlmds both in school snd on the job, according to his fellow school mates snd co-work ers. In Hamlet where he pastor ed the First Baptist Church he was terreLt!y of tha Interde nominational Ministrlsl Al li ana# and was active in various phases of community work In cluding serving as a substitute teacher. lie has been recom mended to 8L Paul snd the rltlsen* of Gastonia as a “Man of Gad—s scholar snd a gentle man, wha will serve tha church and community wall." Son of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Mitchell, of Colcrein, N C . he is a member of a family of ten chil dren. Hi* wife, the former Bena Nunn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nunn, of Durham, was edu cated at Hillside High School and i Durham Business College. In Ham let she waa treasurer of th# Rich ! mond Co. Mlaslonary Unton and .Vice-president of the Ministers' Wive* AUianc*. Th# Mitchell's have a little daughter. Cynthia Maria. The pastor and family reside at 50< North Oakland Street. Gastonia, j the parsonage, I They war* honored with gifts and social courtesies by members and friends prior to their departure from Hamlat. Ml HURST ,*• • - A.M.E.Bishop, BORN q&iMBKm GRADUATE OF DICKINSON COLLEGE AND A *'** STUDENT AT HAULE,GERMANY HE TAUGHT THEOLOGICAL HISTORY AT DREW THEOUOQICAI BCMKARY, MADISON, N.J. /lN *73 HE BECAME thew president/in ego—a bishop./ WRITER OP MANY TEXTfcHIS OUTSTANDING SCHOLARSHIP WON GREAT 4WARO6 FOR THfCOt-* LEGE/ LI ** i‘OF THE CHURCH HE FOUGHT BR/NCLY FOR NWRORMMTI/ So You Think You Know Politico! Raleigh Rescue Mission Needs Discarded Items The Raleigh Rescue Miasion needs your old clothing, furniture, bed ding. blankets, stoves, heaters, and . other appliances. In fact, most any discarded Kami i which they can repair and sell at a I very low price to those able to buy, : as w ell as distribute FREE and j WITHOUT CHARGE to thee* fami lies where the need beyond their ability exists. These items are repaired and- Os refinished by thoe* people who come to the Mission ter food, (bel ter and spiritual nourishment. The money raised through th* sale of your discarded items, out grown clothing and so forth help* immeasurably in the -support of the Raleigh Rescue Mission, both the Men's Division located at 814 E. Hargett Street and tha Woman'* Division at 125 S. Bloodsrorth Si We will be most grateful tor your help. Small appliance items, cloth ing. blankets and so forth, may be dropped in either of th* seven Help ing Hand collection boxes through out the city, or taken to 314 E. Hargett St Or if this I* not prac tical or it is inconvenent to cany, please call the Mssinn at Vane* 8-8014. OLD NEWSPAPERS AND MAG AZINES—we gladly take all your old papers and magazines of any type, sort it and bale H. and it h sold at a profit to help *upport to* Mission, so don't forget to s*v* all paper products. If further information Is needed, call: K E. Carter, riel prertdwit. TE 3-2834. Rea. VA 8-4574, Raleigh Rescue Miaason. Inc. DRIVE SAFELY Hungs Ton Staid Know Pleasant Grove School By Atvte (warn and Ten* Grave* BURLINGTON - Regular PTA masting will be held in the Pleasnt Grove .Union School auditorium on Tuesday night, October 13, at 7:30 p. th. All parents are urged to ba pres ent and on time. Th* following parents will swve as officers for the 1884-83 school year—Mr. Evan* Russell, president; llr. Paul McCauley, vice-presl PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS' Seaomm’s I mm 1 f" JLChram' ■ a., -1 _ I lUlh % | Frank McGro, noted NBA News commentator ofnrtjv in* both convention* ‘ and election* for Gulf Oil Cob* poration, gives pictoritl quiz based on matufel culled from famed “Ameri ca Goes To Ike Polli” col lection exhibit in Connecticut. L Who made the lawn derby famous? 2. What wag this device, made in likeness of ballot box, used for in latter-half of 19th reirinrv? 3, In what period of American political hie* tary wag thig paper lantern need? A» Who are two outetand* ing past prealdenta pictured behind Me 5. Who will win 45th Election for Presiden cy of United States? -NSWERS •ereq jejuuv eq; Ms Aiore prownod F96i 31st JO eXgJOAQQ ojpu pus u f.ogx * 9 P nt 916 T - 2181) v -ou»ci Mojpoo^ (2161-8081) PWaoh uwrnTAi f oj nojun„ *P»*x }! put poped up»un n I *8 . -Awu iwnnod * JOj Hxcon Xupianmi» na *8 . t '8261 nr ei«pipn«o aftfuao -uiea P»;«»jep ‘tiwuig rv *t dent; Mr*. Vernall Wood*. (»exo» Ury; Mr*. Carolyn Evfns. ataiMfckt; •ecretarjr, lbt Vart* Day*, treatur* er. and Rev. Debnaa Brown. Chap lain. The annual PTA memberflUp Drive la wall Underway. Pupil* ara trying to make tha project ana hundred per cant woceeafoL tkch cl*** la trying to aoUdt tha largest number of PTA parent*.

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