FROM RALEIGH'S POLICE FILES: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES It JONES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) BOP CAUGHT HMHO Os WINDOW Detective Sgts. Larry M. Smith and I* T. Williams, of the Raleigh Police Department** Detective Di vision, made the following report at m. Wednesday: we ihearvid a eelered male toaktag toto aa epsu wtodew at Ml New Bam Avene.- The . ningfcl • -»J U9IWHIU WHi§ni a ii year-ora bey, who Uvea at SMI E. Janes fate the boaaa at Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stewart. The hoy waa carried home to his grandmother, after being charg ed with tmpoasing —d peeping tom Be will be triad in Domestic Itelatlone Court soon. gßAUunonog pabebd GAB James Jones, M, at 12 Boss St, tnfomisd Officer Nonnan Artis at 10rt6 p. m. Thursday, dud some one stale a Weetinghouse gray and white radio and a Waatchm packet watch from his car, which eras parked in hie beck yard. Entry waa gained fay breaking the door glaaa at hi car. Jooaa sat the value of dm radio at 9* and of the watch, at 0505. CASE or WIN* STOLEN •saw wtnsa In the vicinity of Boat Bad Market (known to aaaw aa George Greek’s) ap parently had a ’good daW lari Edward Lea Band, at CM Caanen Street reported to Offi cer B. S. Lea at 1:1* p. as. Tharaday, that while he was in the stars, (seated at 622 E. Davie Street, seamans stale a WIGLET HAIR STYLES 9mm of Seves Letest Noe shows jg Mtdite Hair Stylt Charts! Srivm ttm -THIN TOP PROSKM" Daatad tor tha voman who into* hair at the fl t* aaar the crown on her head. Look* so ■ i ’•ataral. m one would tear (uau. tout* aad wi» into the top crown e( row haad. Mr ASM f *7T TT? «7T. IAHACH RSIYIB 1r — iv d^uaSEEL. thkxw smea mH "MISTY”—SB-50 02 r-trrr ■ tlJOAihickar Wi(lat~.si2.M. Wft fll brui twmr 8124A iMasa.TRICUI •mb anoAl mu* raoouers, ra*. 8T,7»“— — -• m \ li UtottrJßtt.wsto phi mmr uhM-tme BIG! NORGE <fl CU. ! REFRIGERATOR ■*O FT S FREEZER for FINEST FOOD-KEEPING II ;* "j lllnl X I 'ill FROZEN FOODS^^^F I I i I L IsSSISIIB iI^EARWMBWT^V V ■ J u^-i I oo J V' K Tp“ Ktt'lwJc *» 1-j :_ Itafrlwrdlinn * -« - Owowu'in itßTngervuon oyiiwn • « • built Fof wtni yoom cf dtptn^tMu cm** 4 ® SATISFACTION 9 per week GUARANTEED . ._ .. OH REPLACEMENT WITH A NEW NORGE • COfIMMNt *■• Wl »•*•■■" wnm KEFfUGERATOR Os COMPARABLE VALUE • Dmr HaadMor SM*w o* MB tfoots • CHOKE Os 4 DBOORATOR COLORS • IM»RmMWaCHw«*KM*SFWb. at no extra cost TIM SALES &SERVICE Ml HOUmto St TK 3-2571 Two naall boys interned Mr. Band dud they saw -Butch- Hocks day, age and address unknown, take the wine off the truck and. run down B. Daria Street at 21V. and containing 24 pteto. fmn Ms track, parked edt- The eop checked several blodt around the area taut was un able 4a Ana either the email boys or Hockaday. BEATEN TOE NO SEASON* AT LINCOLN THEATRE William Thomas. H, at Ba- Mgh. Bt A reported to Offi cer John Baker, Sr. at fcN p. as. Tharaday, he waa at dw Briley, else taf Bento A Be with Me heads and kb ter aa Thomas signed a warrant against Bailey for aseault and battery. Bailor, who was placed in Wake County Jail, told Officer Baker, “Wo wan Just playing." WOMAN WAYLAID. BOBBED Mrs. Cora Rivers, 45, of 1488 Saw yer's Lane, told Officer J. A. Perry at 0:40 p. m. Friday, she waa on her way heme in the 1400 Mode of dm Lane when a boy matched her puree and ran. The eeMgishwnt declared she first amt a 15-yoar-eM bay, a bost 5 feat ton, who, when he saw her, ran book up a path to another bay, about 18, five feel, five inches tall, and as abe pro ceeded to walk past the yenths, the elder one grabbed bar poe ketbook and both ran. Mrs. Bivers divulged the con tents of her pocketbook sk SO cents in change, a pair of 03 eyeglasses. and said the piwbvttwok waa worth * ■ATS KAN STOLE KOOMEBW RADIO Mrs. Mable Taylor, 60, of 408 E. Martin Street, informed a cop at 8:58 p. m. Saturday, that Clinton Smith, tt. of 828 Coleman Street, broke into her houae and atole a radio belonging to James Howard, one of hg baudert theft Mrs. Taylor atotod rim atom saw Smith running out of the heuae with dm radio. The screen on her front door was damaged with a knife in the amount at 02.80. afae a war rant against Smith for breaking and entering and larceny and receiv ing. CROOK THWARTED Os BREAK IN TRY Mrs. Alice Baglay, of 740 Quarry Street, reported to two cope at &20 a. m. Sunday, that sometime dur ing the previous night someone pulled the screens frotn tour of her windows and damaged them be yond future use. The complainast also (rid the window in her bathroom was push ed up, but she said the could not determined if entry had been gain ad. Nothing was stolen, she report ed. EOT WITH PIECE OF WIRE James SriMUiiga. 18, es 1« Seawall Avenue, told Officer O. C. Pratt at 11:44 p. m. Friday, he waa in Ska street, chatting with a friend in front at hie heme, when a 1061 OldamebUe with several white beys In tt drove by and one of them lean ed out of the window and struck Sneßings with a piece of wire. The complainant reported the car was green and white. The assailant wore glasses, Snellings stated. KNIFE BLADE ALMOST FINDS MAKE Miss Annie Bell Jones, 20, of 1443 Sawyer’s Lane, reported to Officer J. V. Haley at 8:17 a. m. Saturday, *>«♦ T„v„ TTrv,M„ T.. Qn 220 Bledsoe Avenue, came to her home tt 7:3P a. m, Satw&j "ant! started e fuse,” with her. He had been drinking heavily, she said. White reportedly picked ap a butcher knife and tried to eat Mim Janas. Her drem waa cut fas two places as s result of Ms repeated swings at her. She signed s warrant, charging as sault with a deadly weapon and NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCT. 4-10 FRESHMEN MEET ST. AUGUSTINE'S PRESIDENT Four fracJunsn race lra worth of encouragement from Dr. Jmum A. Boyar, proaidant of Saint Augustine's CoOege, aa thay arrhod on campus recently to begin than four-year sojourn at tha college. Pictured, from hit to right oral Reginald Stevens, Boston, Musa.; Miss Linda Beihy, Virginia Beach, Virginia; Dr. Boyar, MUa Janice Maultsby, Lumberton, and Bobby Heard, Boston, Maas. 2COKS, DC OKS, LOCKS - Dr. John O. Crsrrlsr* (r rnfrr) eftoftw.-*? dMsfor ff humanities, discusses new books on display in Bennett College library with, hit to righti Dr. Marlow F. Shute, director of self-study evaluation services; Mrs. i'irjim'a Tucker, and Dr. Frank Rand, English and director at developmental servicer. White was carried to Wake County Jell. rUNCHED IN MOUTH AT EDNA’S Willie Cleo Arrington, 36, of 510 Cannon Street, Informed Officer L. Godwin at 6:43 pjn. Saturday, be waa punched in the mouth by Geo. Krauter, also of Cannon Street, at Edna’* All-Night Case, 213 W. South Street Arrington, who suffered a cut upper lip, tol dthe cop he was coming to the police station and sign a warrant against his assail ant SATS HOBBY BEAT HEB tP Mrs. Iredell Staten, 24. of 4U Patterson Alley, told Officer James E. (Bobby) Daye at 1:46 a.m. Sunday, that her huaband, Emmanuel Staten, 36, assault ed her with his hands and Mata. She said the fight grew out of a “fan over another woman.” Mrs. Staten was X-rayed at Wake Memorial Hospital, where It was shown she suffered no Internal injuries. She declared aha would not sign a warrant against Staten for aasault and battery. WHACKED ACROSS FACE WITH STICK Lee Edward Hail, 18, of 113 N. Fisher Street, reported to Officer B. C. Nipper at 2:07 ajn. Sunday, that he and Willie Jones, 18, of 110 N. Fisher Street, were walk ing toward home when a 1051 black Plymouth drove by and one of the several colored persons inside lean ed out end swung a stick, hitting Hall across his face. Hall, who was not seriously in jured, said the only description he could give was that it was “a car full of colored people.” THTJG BREAKS WOMAN’S WINDOW Mrs. Alice Griffin, 34. of 314 Beauty Avenue, informed Officer T. T. Street, Jr., at 6:45 a.m. Sun day, that about 3 a.m , someone broke a window in her bedroom by standing on a block of wood and hitting her window with a cement block. The person ran when she turned on the light, Mrs. Griffin declared. She estimated damage to her win dow at S2O. MAN’S CAB RIFLED BY FOUR James Nathaniel Cooper. 54, as 123 Lincoln Court, told Of fleer Ralph Clayborne at 0:30 Mt Friday, be parked hl« au tomobile in the 200 block of E. Martin Street, and when he re turned about 9M p.m.. he dis covered that someone had rifled his dash pocket, stealing a pair as men’s eyeglasses, worth S2S. and a book from First Federal gtvtafi tstf Loan. Floyd Smith, M-year-old white resident of 206 K Martin, stated he aw four Negro men, about 21 years old in Mr. Cooper’s car, but he thought it waa their automobile. CATCHES YOUTH STEALING RADIO Mn. Mary Fowler, white em ployee of Hudson Bolh Com pany. Merased Officer *. V. Pearce at UM7 am M—day. Mm saw Curtis Lee Conyers, It, Os |o| rreesaan Street eoneeal span Ids person a Channel Mas ter transistor radio, valued at fl LOO and start oat es the store. The woman signed a warrant and young Conyers was haulied off to Ike Wake County Jail to await Mai . * At Jeffreys Schooli Wake 4-H Achievement Prograu Set oct 10 Wake County Community 4>R Clubs will observe their Annual County*«ida Achievement Dey Program at tthe Jeffreys School on Saturday, October 10, from 10:30 a. m. to 12:00 soon. The program will be presided ever by Barbara Fewler, presi dent es the 4-H County Council. The main address will bo deliv ered by Gwendolyn Matthews, smlstont secretory of toe 4-H CeaneiL She will be Introduced by Jaams Leach, secretary of too 4-H Council. Demonstrations to bo given by 4-Hers will also bo s feature of the program. Certificates and awards will be presented to 4-H members who have dona outstanding club work during toe past year. The following organised Com munity 4-H Clubs, along with tho r > ! CARNATION jjJßjjto | COOKING HINTS i *• j®L I MOMS SIRVICI DIRCCTON AND HIM STAff I * COTT Be fancy and thrifty at the game time! Make perfect for-fall Waldorf Whip—it’s a salad and dessert in one! Carnation Evaporated Milk, the milk that whips, to the secret ingredient for this tasty, light recipe. Be sure and keep the familiar red and white cans handy—and use them often! WALDORF WHIP (Mains « to R serrirtgs) —A- -- - /ffc ■ jus (w WRWSwmWy • wWrw^Jr Issue Havana feiode % cap tapped wuinuH Imp he* water l%a*pi chapped apple* % wp moyrwlu CARNATION tVARORATW MRX DlmNi giiktia la hot water; oaoL 444 1 tablespoon i«<w Jules, mayonnaiae, calory, nuta and apples. Mix wall. Chill until mixture la the consistency of unbeaten of g whites. Chill Carna tion la refrigerator tray until soft Ice crystals form around edges of tray (10-16 minutes). Whip until stiff (1 minute). Add the rmoaiaing lemon juice; whip eery stiff (1 to 2 minutes longer). fUd whipped Carnation into gelatin mixture. Spoon Into 5-cup meld. Choi until act (about 2 hours). Unmold on salad grime and gamid with walnuts and raw apple slices, •area as dessert or sslsd. | adult loaders era making plans for this event: New Bethel, Si Annah, Fletchers Grove, Opportu nity, Springflrld No. 1 and Na % Pina View, Si Matthew*. Ivey Lea gue, Roleevilla, Fuquay Sou tha Ida. Also, Panther Branch, Jeffreys Grove, Friendship, Garner No. 1 and No. 2. Eagle Bock, Riley Hll. Juniper Level, Miotwall, Need more end Fuquay. Tha public is invited to attend. SFEED IN IFACB At tha highest velocity we can now manage, a rocket probe to Proximo Centaur! (nearest star be yond too sun, 4.3 light years sway) would take well over 100,000 year* to arrive, the Catholic Digest esti mates. I COMPLIMENT Tims for pub lishing a magazine that never gets too thick. - *■ ■•Plais mb fflwmwf RALEIGH, N. CU EATGIPAT, OOTOBEB W, IMi Out To‘Get Her Mon/ r Woman Steals A Licence: fAUNTON, VA. (NPD Mrs. Delores Goforth baa barn true to bar name, you might say. She -wunttorth- and get hermit a hus band—and not through tha usual titlfctr. t The 47-yaar-oM woman’s lake marriage aaaa to light whan rain. Uvea of a dead blind man complain ed to pottos that toa woman was pairing herself off as the man’s Made for People Who lAy- Make Lots and Lots of Phone Calls _ fJO : ... to a Lot of the Same Numbers:. .. . wait ♦ • H church, dvic, or dub aettvitfoe keep you on tho phone, than tha CARD DIALER to for yen. . Calling Usta of numbers baoomm fggt gad dmpto. Just drop a card in tha slot, push it down tnir’ ‘ pram tha bar. > •<; V* »* *»*»-. Cards do all yam dialing, wm Ana Codas. ’ H ‘ Yes, tha Card Dialer offer* txmventoncs, speed. ".. and oomoa in a variety of colors. * So why not call our Budn— Offlot today IwP-v mom information on tha Card Dtotor? "**?’ **" I* ' T*V, V Southern Bell NJ/ 1 M-tervlag Yeo BELLOWS CLUB BOURBON Kentucky Straight BourtiMi ■HH ’ * * ’V".v iltK<KiTC9lii r| ■M3M W'*<' '.laMwi •- • jau | pp——BE— MUWW I (bourbon) Kentucky""^ | STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY ji V fy „||/ , ( f l ( l |/yV|, | f|| , (| f „ '%■ m/Ad/e/AtoH Xmhutp R RRLIsOfTS » COMPAMY Am HoMotue Mum Surer >O3O A BeiKmaCo.. Mra’cMotto pleaded guilty to* 3

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