SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT. SELL OR EXCHANGE USE ThE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION , * . . KTUATTOm BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CAKE | SW WANTED PERSONAL CLEANING k NAUUNO <g. gffljjy —Low Cost Advertising — —Low Cost Advertising — wllr® FOB WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmpk 4-5558 /g FOB WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmpl. 445*8 ANNOUNCMENTS CARDS OP THANKS IN MEMORIAL LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS - APARTMENTS HOUSES ROM RENT Classified Rates E&e'" 1118 mM crart e* _gno wo 2j__ . . Fonmiueß marks an HOT counted SogMfir eeiHWg n»* •«» to nw 8 MT M Ulephon gd Blinn|k Wednesday up to 10 AH CAM)" OF BUKM 1 J Va tbs family of the late Mr. WU- Uarn Barnwell, are grateful to Its my tyw of Its sorrow, THE FAMILY CAEP or TB/UfHI The family of the late Mrs. Martha Worth wishes to express its sincere appreciation for the many kind ex pressions of sympathy shown during their recent bereevemeat. THE rAWILY HOUSEMAIDS- Live-in jobs. Mass - Conn . *3O-$«0. Bus tickets. Refer ences Rerten Imp Bur, Gt Barring m. Mam. Waitresses Wanted! For First-Class Restaurant. Daytime hours, good' salary, plus tips. Send complete per m WASWNGflEDNsnap shot to P. O. BOX 628, RA LEIGH, N. C. T “EDUCATIONAL" ION & .WOMEN 18 to 801 You can qua lify lot many Job opportunities in clva. sisrfcx r.<.,-u i • for oomlng examinauont. otiiui n»ma. address, phone, direetlena If , Saal to NATONAI. TRAINING KEEVICE, P. o. Box 406, Raleigh. M . LAUNDRY HDRY CLEANING, MM Rtrsas.wss? o£l IX MS* £TKS : ~ FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q WmIUMm 108 a OAVtt NT. SERVICE, STATIONS DCNVI Esao STATION—9OI A Blaod’ worth at Phone TE M#t businebs opportunities UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY, Mortgage Brokerage, House with sources over MO Million. No INVESTMENT RE QUIRED, FULL or PART TIME. BIG RETURNS TOR YOUR TIMJt, AIA, SUPPLIED. Send RESUME TO GUAR ANTY ACCEPTANCE CORP.. P. O. Box 788. CHARLESTON. SOUTH CAR OLINA. ■ LEGAL NOTICES EXECimUX’B NOTICE ' NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY _ . . _ Having qualified as Executrix of the estata of Matilda Alexander, deceased, lata of Wake County, North Carolina. thU is to notify aS persons having claims against the estata of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under persons indebted to the estate will pjeaae make ImmadUte pajTnsnt. This 11th day of September, 1864. HELEN STARKS. Executrix r. J. CARNAGE Attorney ■apt. 18, 88: Oct. A 10. I*B4. ADMINUTBATOE-S notice WORTH CAROUNA W as Adminlsttator of r Sh^Tr-"**** North Carolina, this is to noUfy all persons having cUims tote of said deceased to «**** to the undersigned at 801 liUawild * Avenue. Raleigh. N. C, ■_«^store SIS%of“JS?“-3^22—“ SaSSrSb&SSS&AS *rA“w‘jyfocSn^? 01 ”* JH THE SUPERIOR COURT TO DORM ° TURNER. Defen dint. U&TtoSrty on the day of Bep- of toe relief being sought ‘"AtoSeTtoeto a divore. sr^Lrs«gßs preceding the InslltutloTi as OU* »*h« £*£ %* v, %rJS*2 firth* rdM sm«hh _ . £ o»tn—. Itt S V THERE S NOtHWO nicar tty business with a customer who piys his hill with a *mfln A LITTLE GUO. » likely to *mH« at a passerby whereas a tittle boy “ma*y JTv SeU men eecm BURLALLEN’S 1 , 1 11 BETONGUE We bet on injrtbini ex* cept an aatekllshad fact and aaldaai predict anything but the- PART; however, by the time you receive your next edition of US — all things going smoothly, the SAINT LOUIS CARDINALS shall have become the WORLD’S BASEBALL CHAMP IONS. The outcome of this year's world seariea shall be significantly psy chological. The victor may or may NOT be the better of the two top teams, but shall SURELY be the more DETERMINED of the two. The CARDINALS, like all other teams - ESPECIALLY of the Na tional League, are DESPERATE to prove—as many have, that the AR ROGANT YANKEES CAN BE HAD! Tbs general resentment a* gainst YANKEE haughtiness i» LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE or SERVICE Os PBOCMt BY PUBLICATION STATE or NORTH CAROUNA COUNTY OF WAKE - IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ALGUt ROOSEVELT JOHNSON, Plaintiff vs. MARY ELIZABETH JOHNSON. Defendant To Mary Bttabeth Johnson: Take notice that A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in tha above en titled action. Atsto M«UU« l*t Vfttr Dtifift tuuffil is as fellows: To seeure an absolute fiiroror r>vs ****•♦ pf 4t -f- y*7g bared upon the grounds or two years continuous separation between the plaintiff and the defendant. You are required to make defense to such pleedings net later than Nov. 80, 1984, and upon your failura to do so, the party see tuns relief against you will apply to tha Court for the re lief sought. This Ist day of Oet., 1404. ESTA S. CALLAHAN. Aast. Clerk of Superior Court F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney Oct. M. IT. 34, 31. 1884. NOTICE or PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION TO CLOBE A POETION OP OLB LOU IS BUBO ROAD m STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA M COUNTY OF WAKE V TO WHOM JT MAY COCERN: ■ You will hereby take notice that there Wilt 1m a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Wake County. North Caroßna. In toe Commissipnarm’ Room. Wake Coun ty Courthouse, Raleigh, North Caro* lTna, on the 2nd day at November. 1984 at UM am o'clock, or as soon thereafter at this matter may be heard, upon a petition by William R. Rand and others to close for street or road purpose* and all other purposes the following described portion of an old abandoned road: Being all that portion of tha old abandoned Louisburg Rood, run ning in an eaalariy direction from New Hope Church Hoed or County Road No. 8034. along the southern line of Lot IT, Oekvlew Subdivis ion. according to map recorded in Book of Maps 1988. Page IM. Wakm, County Registry, to the westerdM right of way line of the Milne railroad, a map chewing the location of aaid old abandoned road may be seen at the office of ti|e undersigned. This the Ist day as October. MM. JOHNSON. GAMBLE, HOLLOWBLL By: Richard Gambia. Att’y for Petitioners 408 First Federal Building .Raleigh, North Carolina Oet. 10. 17. 84. 31. 1804 RESALE OF LAND UN DEB DEED OR TRUST NOTICE * NORTH CAROUNA WAKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the undarsigaad. aettof as Administratrix of too Estate <8 Willie Snow, Mortgages, to a certain Mortgage executed by Wiltons M Oils* and wife, Maria I Giles to Wit lie Snow, recorded to Book UTS. Rage lot in the office of tha Register as Deads of Wake County, North Caro lina. the Administratrix. Kittle Beow, did on September 88. 1884 under the terms of said Mortgage offer far tele the lands described to said Mortgage, and that James L. Giles Became the last and highest bidder to the sum of 81480. and whereas said bid eras reported on September M, 1984 to to'.' office of Clerk at toe Superior Court at Wake County, North Carolina, and whereas within the time allowed by law an advanced but of George D. Myatt was received and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court at Wake County. North Carolina, and an ardor issued directing a resale at aaid iaads. NOW. THEREFORE, undm and tor virtue of the aaid order of toe Clerk of Wake County Superior Court and the power of sale coartatood to MM Mortgage, tot nnilsrstgwed Kittle Snow. Administratrix of Willie gnaw. Mortgagee, will offer far resale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the front doer of Wake County Court Kouee in Raleigh. North Carolina at 1880 o’clock noon on toe 38th day at October, 1884. prop erty located to Wake County. North Carolina, and daaertoad to that Mort gage Deed to Book 1178. at P«e 184, in the office of the Regiatar at Deeds of Wake County. North Carolina, which reads as follows: beginning at a stake to toe can. ter of the road and runs thence alont Poy Alien Hodge’s line North «7-< West 1737 feet to the center of a smal branch at Whitefield and Brown s car nor. thence along WhttafMd am Brown s ltoe South 18-88 Wast M fast to an Iron pipe and pointers a Rotlo Fowler - * corner, thence along Bono Fowler’* Use Bento 87-St Best 10*83 a to too center of too rend, thence along the road North Sl-TT West IM feet North to-08 Bate 888 feet North *4-88 East 148 ft North East m fact to toe BEGINNING. ae< cording to survey made February E 1818. by R G Ball. Civil Engineer By Court Decree heretofore Issued, toe Mortgager Is selling only a 14 Internet to the aboea fcewfhed tend purchaser of eyd^tend^wtn ; yZxEzsuvrg: s doe good faith This to* *to dev of October. 1884 WILLS SNOW ESTATE ' Ry Kittle S<viw. Admhintretrtx MORRIS AND GHANDY r Attorney*- 811-dll Lawrw* BaUdtote S . S 1884 why—whan the Yanks are not vte torimia thev'va not mantF beaten, Mtoally whipped! - like last yttr Wo doubt that the Cards will t*toe the Yanks in tour consecutive gam#* as tha DODGIRS did last year, but they wont ho muah more toi erant—they can’t! Tha Cards wUI begin thair taka with a brilliant start, and. while tha aowfoundad Yanks art trying to tigura out tha braaan “undarling*." tha Cards will finish them. Tell you what!; Don't rick your WHOLE dollar an tha YANKEES; loan me HALT to put on the Card*. Changing tha (ufafegt a bit Be not deceived! Thor* shall not bo ONE easy step tor either candidate in this currant White Hows root. Ooldwatcr u * ahrowd quack with a cur* gor every weakling 1 * politi cal dissatisfaction. Consequently ho appeals to southern maddogi, north am rots, and western humbugs! But not ALL of Gold water's campaign material is political garbage! Ho really has SOME GOOD points. And so—after all mud bM bags slung, all rook* thrown, and all throats out. w# truot that when President Johnson to—by that scar ed margin—elected to the Presi dency. he will immediately expedite certain very urgent changt*. with out which, no nation so concerned and ao obligated can long sndurt! h seem* that, uuc to sli toe sup plies that other nations gat through CARk snq other ch*tiiab)« Ameri can organizations, American* may soon bo building storages to bouse tha foreign am' unnaadsd. FOR EIGN AID billions! We repeat: No nation SO eon* earned and So obligated can long endure! "The Jobs open to me are gradu ally being eliminated.” NOW FOR A NEW ■ *** 1963 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE-NOW RAWLS MOTOR TO. Ml FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONY TE S-4MI Denier No. am ittIs RECONDmONED USED TRACTORS NAAFORD 1295.00 840 FORD 1595.00 641 FORD 1696.00 671-D FORD 1795.00 850 FORD 1595.00 DEXTA DIESEL 1895.00 FERGUSON 35 DIESEL 1495.00 FARMALL SUPER A 895.00 FARMAU. H 395.00 FARMALL M 1195.00 350 INTERNATIONAL with Loader A Badchoe 1895.00 NAA FORD wih Blade and Baddwe 2350.00 USED EQUIPMENT 2 BOTTOM PLOWS 100.00 up 2 WAY PLOW 350.00 GANG HARROW 75.00 up BUSH A BOG HARROW 65.00 2 ROW CORN HARVESTER 895.00 REAR MOWER 15030 post Hole digger 100.00 FORAGE HARVESTER 75030 TRACTOR J®®®. v ZETA ZEST mUDOMMMDVS op AcnrrrT La Mis of the inclement WMKh or BtuSsy. Boron Paulino Toung, micron Zoto ChapMr of Beta PM »■ *1- S.-1 a aa. - MMdkMh*. DOrOntyi LitelGfl BMW wlWw zfjngßjaaui their first “Oat-Aoqußintad fel lowship Hour," Sorar Addia Logan, mistress of ceremony. IrtllPdUDEd. the Zetat* Lites. Who porfPrißOd ntrious num bers and Boror Rasal B. BorreU, Jam* Uttetetr crowned IMS’* hOw Blue »nd_ Whltc Rome grmcioußly reigned. Boror Toung'i ocmmlttae the gr«to with MMwc punch End gsk*. Psrontg conttou gwte JSr<the FWtouSp - ?**? vu ovm. Zetadom’B varied aettvittos real ly began after Boror Borreil'a trip bo Karalnti Room wtth the glria. ■OMBE EMIy Ffjiy usd MlldfOd James entertained them wtth a auooeerion of eeok-oota, owim par tier and "roeord hope.” Borer Wanda Poole held the flml "Charm Clinic” at Tuttle Center and Borer* Elsie Howell and Dor* othy Hotieen wUI follow. Borer Howell oJao monned the toft “Slumber Party* it Camp Whto* poring Pine* at Baody Creek with Boren Mary M. Barbar and Bas el L. SerreD nhMorsnlnf. Boron Mildred Jamso. Ruby MoKlnnay. Kathleen ntomaTMinie Vwaejr and Mm W. L. Oraham worked splendidly with the transporta tion. ■2MUU 30th. the gau night pertormanaa oi Karamu Aiuum “04“ at the newly-renovated Raleigh Memo iis! Auditorium au friend* of Karamu House, of Zeta Phi Beta, and the entire State of North Carolina are cor dially invited to attend this fes tive evening. WHEN EVERYBODY put* his best foot forward, as dseh of us does, somebody's heal or tee araet be stepped on. TIPS UNLIMITED IT BLANCHE A. RIVSM YOUTH AMD ACHIEVEMENT The youthfulnesa of the 1000 praa idsntial candidates one of tha campaign issues. But a cheek ! as our nation's history reveals that . several of our great atatosman par- | formed tome of their greatest works at an early age. For inetance: Thomas Jefferson was only 01 when he wrote tha Declaration of Henry Clay was appointed to tha United States Sonata at 3h~e year baler* he we* constitutional age for «uch services Alexander Hamilton was s mem ber of Congrees st IS and a mam bar of George Washington's Cabi net st 11. Denial Webstar was in Congrees %t 80. And In other fields, Thomas A. Edison had invented incandescent light when he wes only B yearn Haary Ford got busy on his first automobile while in his early thirties MATTES OF EDUCATION The applicant was turned down when he applied for a job as Janitor of a-school bouse. He couldn't road or write and this was necessary tines he had to read Instructions left by echool officials. He brought g truck on credit and went into the teuehtaf business. A few year* later he had aapandad hi* business* to Marty half a million dollar*- ghd wanted to take over another trucking line. Ha applied to the bank for • SIOO4OO loan. His collateral wee ■uffteient. The banker Bwved a set* across the desk for him to sign. He asked for witnesses to hi* mark fine* he couiont write hie W, Os 10 Bt K I9f.’.] >, M T W I IS 1 2 t 5 ft 7 K •» ' toil 121311 r. h ; 17 1 « 1'» 2 0 / 1 2 2 2 i ? 1 2 S 2C> 2 7 H .’ ‘l ! 0 A. A. Meetings The Capitol City Group of Alcoholics Anonymuos, founded ia October of IMS, meets each Wednesday and Friday nights at I o’clock at the Bloodworth St YMCA, 600 B. Bloodworth St All persons hevtng problems with alcoholic beverages ere in vited to become affiliated with this body. They will he wel comed. This is the 1965 Comet: livelier, more beautiful sequel to the World’s Durability Champion RAWLS MOTOR CO., INC N. C. DenUr 22ff 405 F * v-t,T * tt# **• "Qood heavens, man.” exclaimed the banker. "A man worth half a million dollar* and cant read or write! Where on earth would you have barn If you could read or writer "Janitor at e echool houae.* Sat., Oct. 10: Ebony Fathinn Fair Coming To Groontboro GREENSBORO - With ell the myetary of a master detective plot, the Ebony Fashion Flair With A Spanish Flair, to be preeented by Greensboro Alumni Chapter of Kappa Fli on October 10, 8:30 p. m. at the Oroensbero Coliseum Audi torium, trill unfold with a story that tha romatic and thrill-seeker will appreciate, according to Dr. A. V. Blount chairman of tha Faahlon Fair Committee. > » | £S CiuT A KENTUCKY [EDDffI STRAIGHT BOURBON ■JQQ J 3.65 »2'M UOte 4/5 Qt. Pint n.tionai mrm.iiwweimjcT.eoMWKr.mwYO**.** WOOf .. ' _A RAUDOH. N. CL. SATVBDAY. OCTOBER BUN'" This year's Ebony Fashion Fair Is a completely new and different kind of faebioa Rww, replete wtth a romantic hero, a glamorous Lady in Red. and a mystery to be solved OyiEisred by Orssnskere A taaml Chapter-el Kappa Alpha M fm tha benefit as Tha U •Med Fad e# Greater Greene ben. the annul treveiing teeh ten ehew, preeented by Ebnq hen whn kept frees senator to eeuatry ip parsail as tha LINCOLN CONTINENTAL JO faUg*”' condition. .*»*ne*..»...»»« W ® 4-dr., hardtop n’ouenu UK u 30 Blue * White. Big angina £ *CA CHEVROLET DOC w® 4-dr„ hardtop. Blue *CO FORD MS WDDOWNRATMEVT ON AFFFHOYID CREDIT NO PAYMENT OVEB UMI FEB MONTH 't'X OVEB 71 CARE TO CHOOEE FROM! Wade's Auto Sale« ; 221 E. CABARRUS BT. WMife We couldn’t make Comet much tougherTa' we made it more beautiful. Made Dm outekU •locker, eporticr—from every safe. Hid* th* interiors more luxurious. Made every engine bigger, from the 200 cu.-ln. “0” through the hefty new 2M ccu-ia. Cyclone toper V 4 (221. hp). UtAs the ride even gmoother, more eolidj and eOenL The one thing not new to thie racyj ’6S eeHOriii the etamtoa that medeCoentthej World’# Durability Champion. You wouldn’h want that to dungs, would you? It didn’t] jfl Comet, j toewerMa lUOOOO ml dereMßy ehopton^ Ebony bl ntotw ß^*to*°lU-t^ 7

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