SCtcfPicks Gavin, NAACP Moor! Frinks Asks 200,000 To Backttfi y eusamth cm GoMw^ik srJ£SH§3£3 ed voters torn tot hashing given mwiWlito Bn*. Metre tar «* to wgirt M»m Robert L. Osvto fm Iba port. The State NAACP iimM to hern HMtolmdwiKwitoin that abate 88 war saw* aCGttm da aided to vwto tor straight Dn*c» toMtobetJFrWte todSadtolttoto orid* to toot tost Garin «U CIvB Rights Laws tod tom passed by to* United States Congress and if Seated to would mutant toe law. While Meat* re* peatedly insisted that to would tot it to tha anuria that toes weald vet* far Gaeto dm to Me tael teat they fall | Si Nagre had Lean lea U be- Bm that Hears tod net want toetr retss to ttotoe^Ktoer^ There ware alee tooaa who said this was a good tone tor the Macro - * Leaflets Aanintl Barry AHjANTA CNPI) Pamphlets praising Sea. Barry Qofc!water*» civil rights record—prepared by the District at ft* l ** l * Republi can rnmmlttsi are being used by too apposition to Georgia. The sight - page fsUar. "What Abate OM Bights aad Oetdwats a," was liatoesd to HMw I^m^Mtototottw hjgggyg cUta^thaT I fcte P QOF'prettientlal nominee has barn a long-ttme supporter at etvO righto while President Johnson Is g Johnny "Sl&HilktoKM. HR9|'f ~. •• -- *$ -z%Z ; : ■ Uii '— fc OB*y» mkmwrnimhU *<***tl arO) __l • 'WIFE’ HELD AS MATE SLAIN OVER ‘LAST DRINK’ The Carolinian , mu I r riirinniffiiimiiiiiiiimtmi North Carolina ’< Leading Weekly VOL. SI NO. SO RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1964 PRICE 15c MBM^BWsnßwsMwmnnsßwmsnMnanMMntonnßnßswmwmawswßwnnßMOßSßßwwwaßanßwwanssßsnßwwmwnßßßwwaweanaaswsaaßSßnßinnnPPMSMmnnanßsnnßsnMßnsßowsssMMßMWßanßnMnnßmi Facing Local Liquor Violations: Campbell’s Trial Re-Set Whiskey Argument Is Fatal TAMM, 91a (HMD A squabble wear to* ttwhktiignto >S touM to* det£tve for ZSSZS2SL wmtm. «, wm* t* GrMMtoS 8 teteta tog to haw* toe Mas drtafc ant as a bottle es whiskey. Mrs. McGriff grabbed toe bottle, end Glover slapped her. Bbe ran in to the kitchen of to* house, got a butcher knife and Stabbed Glover la tha cheat The wounded man wee rattled to toe Tampa General Hos pital, where be was pronounced dead minutes after arrival. When arretted. Mrs. McOrtff was in a drunken stuper, according to detectives. W 1 AT H K K ... . swa .. Msllw'sM {'JVsiSlfMw aewatt, —sept mh toe nhW awji! aMUaW JSmmmOmi ha tokuh. .*■ to « St* U* Atii irb _ jtf mwr\ it ' - mHHHHBHPPHHDHHHHHIIHHIBBI BiHHHHHnSkwHPHHRiIPHRHPagINw BE V T . ArrOMNEY GENERAL SEEKS RE-ELECTION—Shown in Rattan tost Friday era, loft to right, Meaaeahuaatta Republican Atty. Oaril Edward Brooke, and Now York Sort, /aaab Jaritt (R., N. Y.) m they attend a press conference, ffw Senator came to Boeton to help Brooke’t bid tor re-election. Brooke, the highest elected Negro in the nation, refused recently to introduce Republi can San. Barry ilf. Ooldwater, who it • candidate tor the preei dancy ■ (UPI PHOTO). Ml 1 *! 2-Party System Grows (An Editorial) Interest is developing daily throughout North Carolina in a two-party system. November 3rd may produce a definite trend towards the Republican Party in the State, especially by Negroes, inasmuch as many times apparently tite so-called Negro vote is not regarded by personalities who represent the Democratic Par ty m their approach carries no incentives. Instead of many Negroes voting a straight Democratic ticket, there is every indication that information ia bring sought •» to how to split the National and State ticket A predicted overflow turnout is anticipated with North Carolina in general, and Wake County to particular, having their best registration ever—7B,ooo plus. This undoubtedly it a healthy trend. People thrive more and government is more progressive as is business when the vote is not apparently “to the bag” or the customer is not taken for (CONWNCTP OM FAGf 1) Three Sentenced To Life Terms In State WXUaNOTOK Ufa senten m «m mM eut to Maw K»- Mta m! g^ajraw K«r, Mt art Ba>M> r,ll,,llTr ’ _rri<tof JWtoa totor Accuse Boy Os Killing Benefactress WASHINGTON OfFI) - Donal 1 Wyi White, IS-year-oM Negro a Mwrt|w nry County grand jury bora hM «nk on rtisrgss at ihjr* Nto an M<* B» air to Chart, WOUasB J. Bandy, dl- Kay wtth CAROLINIAN ADVERTISERS I Bin FROM THEM MMt |lj) Mon* Wk * lr *" ,TT " o«? Mck seep *MMntNjr«r»« iw gf|[i| Mm «. Wtoters sal c*. PA OS • O’Neal Sun. toe. Capital Pad Oh Ca. Capital CeaJ Ca. pjjjjja oST *sSSto ** irry'i W Balatfk AJBtora PmUk, toe. cnm many ca host at Silito Brack Bi skims ad Trad Ca OrlS tf BaMck Hatotak Sartoca aai Laaa Ate u*l n MMt trass’*Jtoto, Mto MMI PACT*I* **■ *« towi SBnKSSS’ 4th Trial Date New October 26 The trial of Ralph Campbell, Mr., of 804 K. Edenton Strut, 48- year-old president of the Raleigh NAACP branch, hag again men continued—this time to Monday, October 86, at U a. m. qmijtoE whs was gabbed vgnwewjraef to ajalett tax and Magal poaanatea far sale! wm artgtaauy scheduled to be tried en Friday. September 18. at 8 pm. This trial wm re-ecbedaled for Friday. October t again for Taaaday. October IS, and finally k new sot far Monday, October 88. He is bring represented by At torney Samuel 8. Mitchell. His family was allegedly the target of threatening telephone calls two weeks ago. It could not be ascertained lust what the na ture of these calk was about His 1863 Oldsmobile was con fiscated, but released a lew days later on 83,000 bond. According to official* In tha clerk as the City Csart’e at flea, the trial was continued because “We were amble to get Det. Bgt. A A Mann In to eaart, yesterday,” The CAROLINIAN wm h/farmed early Wednesday. Sana was mm mm of the amettag of* fcowTfMPgn on ream *> World Series As The CAROLINIAN Went to press Wednesday, the sixth game of the World Series was just getting underway at Busch Stadium la St Louis, Missouri. The number as gnoses woa by the Cardinals are three, with ealy an to ga to win toe fleet series St Letts has enjoyed ■tost 18ta. New Task has wm two games so far. M Olbam. a Negre. was (COMTOtPEP OM SMI l> m itoil MUm Carp. Paod-cala Batumi Ca. a* Belelsh BMcawar’l OpUetaa. to. JtoSdtoM aad rat nr i T~‘- UiMar Paaaral B«aa Terrace laeareare * BeaMy Ce. aaat General Tee Ce Traader * Oreecrr BatoSTsaalaaS _ , , „ Tartar Seda ad Bdetrteal Ca Central Drac Stare PAOI U Matter ad Suitor Stare Wrean-Pkarr Baletsfe office Sapptp K. g. Stetoe Ceacrete Centracmr Saves, tip Berates Ca Capital Bar Ida Stare TktoaPs Beeertl Shop thee Mart ffaa Baeee'i Batten * Cteaaei* Br PappJ? Betuto* Ca BOaalaa Street CTteeneri Basil iter* taper Market PAGE w Mrlad. Wattea * Laaler PAGE M Sana’a Ban Eentca Brnke Apptlian Ce. BkeOee ParnMare Ce. Mtor'l EeeleeS Stare Aarojtoaltv Ca. At 116, SHE'LL VOTE FOR LBJ President Lyndon B. Johnson praeente pint to Mrs. Hannah Bennett at Beat Chicago, Indiana, who ia 116 years old. TNt sc ana wm captured loot Thurs day as Mrs. Bennett says ths will vote, lor the first rime, this year —tor Johnson, of course. {UPI PHOTO), From Raleigh’s Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES PISTOL SHOTS HIT MAN TWICE ■meSvatt Pulley, M, es li st Oak wood Avenue, told Of ficer M. F. Perry, at Sslß a. m. Sstarday. that araaad ti ts sjb., his brother, Odell Pulley. 81, seam address, was arguing with another yaang man at 118 N. Carver Street, when Johnny Byrd, If. es 14- 88 New Ban Aroyan, suddenly potted eat a pistol sad shot at the ridm Patter three tfame. Two of the bullets struck Roo sevelt Pulley, one in the stomach, and another in hie right flank (fleetly tide of waist). Pulley was admitted to Wsks Memorial Hos pital, while young Byrd was haul ad off to jail, charged wtth assault with a deadly weapon nth latent to kill. Dr. Somerville To Lead “African Safari” Soon WASHINGTON, D. C. Ae oordlng to an announcement from the Headquarters of the Lott Carer Baptist Foreign Mission Convention. Washington. D. C., Dr. Wendell C. Bomervllle, Ns- Bricklaying Contest Fair Highlight Last October. Stephen Thomas Alston, a negro of Warrtnton. fit I, walked swap with the Tar Heel State Championship at the annual Apprentice Bricklaying Contest at the State fair in Baleigb. He raeelved a IMS bend, a geM trowel, aa engraved trophy Irani toe Aerate ted General Centraetors, a Certificate es Merit front toe Aracira toati fted at a Mg isadnrtarh Meet tog to Cfc arietta Now thtrrb a whole paaael more brick laying Alstons around here CUT BY FRIEND? WON’T PROSECUTE Mlee Mary Ruth Lewie, 88. of 3317 Roberta Street in the Ober* Un section of Raleign. Informed Officers Norman Aril* and James I. (Bobby) Daye at 7 a.n. Satur day, that Edward (Nob)*) Flagg. 36. who lives next door to Oberun Baptist Church, on Oberlia Road, out her on the bate of bar bead with a pocket knife, The victim, who claimed Flagg “seed to be my boy friend,” said they had hem drinking earlier that msndm. She was treated at Wake Me- Mortal Hospital for a bead wound, and refused to sign A warrant a galnot Flagg for assault with a deadly weapon. (CONTINUED ON FAOE 8) ■ ecutlve Secretary, will head s dtfl i egation of eighteen officials on b t "Spiritual Safalr" to Afriee, No* i vember S. Dr. Somerville states that the . main purpose of this Pilgrimage Is to dedicate a new modem Claes rootn Building which has recently been completed at Lott Carey Mission. Brewerrllle, Liberia. While visiting the beautiful oampus st Brewerrllle. the offici als win formally designate five Mtodon buildings with Bronae laquee. These buildings are nam ed in memory of the mialotuury leaden. In addition to the atgidflemt e vente at the Mission Button, the 1 delegation will bo the guests of the Administrations of the fol lowing countries Liberia resident. William V. «■ : Tubman, President; President Kwame Nkrumah. Ghana and President Nnamdl Axlklwe of Ni geria. The Whs rales of Omm leading Africans nations have estondsd full and complete cooperation In providing entertainment for the members es this delegation m these respective countries. The following persons an mem bers of this "Spiritual Safari : The Rev. J. C. Hairston, Fitts- Is Scene Os Decision tT 11. MARKS* , , GREENSBORO The naMfe-ad s poll taken aecretly atooMClWe* galas to the Slat annual Worto jpr that IQO par aaat wars to tarifr of soma ninety par cent were tok'Sup porting the Democratic ticket all the way on the Mato level, fas spite of toaUonjw e^Danocratie esndl- Rlghlg kras. Ai,uwai Thk poU followed trend el srt*- el talks by delegatee and paosttli who edvocatod going gown tha MM with the Democrats in an effort to head off a possible Goldwetor vic tory. ‘ *1 M was tha toe Mag as theM* vsteton that Oetored Tarheella eaaM beet tight eat toe tr grtor aneee wtto toe Deweeref. If . they eaa help toeae win. toon risk e Oetdwetw^vtstory^evaa Gaeto la 1 the BepahMesn have tpsbt fee Ctvtt Rtghto, i early to toe aatepdMb '* ! Closely watched tag alert radio televieon end newapepor reporton each dag. tot State and KatUto wes anxiously swelling tha verdkg of NAAOMteheaUa when the rw suite cd the poll showed M passant for tha Deu Moore ticket:. "Wit per sent tor Rah art Gavin and .our par sent MSDtointtlwt al the time, that Mggreet *3mld OtHmg|M* , MV* gggg^^^ Larson - ForLBJi Dr. Arthur Larson «t Mm .Auks University World Mule of Jaw Center will apeak to MaMgh|| * pja. on Wednesday, dot. t£*to the Highway Department Rol* tortum on Capttol Square. Jpr. laraon win Mtomao the dttMRP* of a modem Republic! r. to Jhlo Residential election. Si sSSSSSg mA^A — htifmillim |*rr|Mb GPteWwWw www ’-agf as to^LabMt His many publloattotw Inebrie: A Mepabllean Leeks at Be WBr. and WtoTwe Are Far. which have provided gttiganoe lor mm elements of the Republican Party. Recently, Dr. Uraon has 3to chairman at tha Natlgnai Council at Civic R/wponsihtltty* on organisation daslgnod to oqtDt teraet tha positions at txtrstelst groups as ths Mu Mr.' Sanity. Along with OMto Ctup Htefcy. Who was See. of Hsa-th Ifit tton. and WaMtos to BbuiboW’s (cwnwws on mbs * £ i'■■■■■"- w. Top Award Goes To A i Tar Heel MT BAUM E mtUM OffTONIA Jtdwsrd nw, Oastonto, a teacher at Un eotn High Sebooi. Beeeimer City, won a not!mill award last week. He wm an es the few SFggsg& hTthe* YehtottEw* Hatt" *t 'tiM roihoiws on r/ oa n j; : v-. m. i%m jySMBE m i v ■MMRP W '

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