FROM RALEIGHS POLICE FILES: TSm VHIME BEAT ' . BY CHARLES R. JONES CONTINUED FROM PAGE |) MAN ‘STUCK' WITH WORTHLESS CHECK Mark Stanly Johnson, of J-l V.'ashing ton Terrace, reported to a cop at 2:30 p. m. Wednesday. Oat a check was made payable to Cetr tingham’s Grocery, 422 S. Blood worth Street, in the amount of S3O, feted September It, 1964, and drawn on First Citizens Band and Trust Company. The check, signed Emmerson W. Sator, was returned from the bank toarked “account ckMed.* ’ Johnson allegedly signed a Wortthlem check warrant against la tor. CAR PARKED FOR REPAIRS of MM K^WU tott t at TharaSay, that a tm Mseeary wee patted to toa la* at hla aarvlee riefien far repairs kiiwira 5 p. aa. Wed naaday, and 9 a. aa Ttataday. ama toek the gear atdft karat drive shaft, rained at sls. Ahw atalen were two (rent tab • saps, raised at sl4. raises* keys tad b tea aaaa leaking at tha ear a tow days before, alsng with several Telephone: TE 3-9395 JAMES SANDERS TILE CO. Ltocaaa Na. ltst Ceramic, Asphalt, Rubber and Vinyl Tile M 9 ELLINGTON STREET RALEIGH, M. C. -- Come* lfi 1 i"K yellow ot while gold* made to sell . hrjh FOR $139.00 A Dll <*W rih *O3 GEM WATCH SHOP BSS FAYETTEVILLE ST. TE S-MSI CLUB* BOURBON ■EfT r | BBLLOWS I I I Kentucky I (JOURBONJ I Straight I CkUJly s, U *"lH|| I BBIiLtOWS» COKPAHT ■ # ||V ■ +JZZZZ. « ■ mm tm w PHOOP • BELLOWS A COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY SATE GIRL A STOLE BICYCLE . Aa a result of a call to Wake County Domestic Relations Court.! Officer E. L. Randolph last week . talked to Mrs. Katie Murphy Hen son. of 222 Ihwle Street, who told him her 9-year-old daughter j brought home e new bicycle and! would not say where rite got it The 1 woman also told the cop that the 1 bike came front Firestone Stores, Fayetteville Street • BwaMpb then hlfcel to MR 1 Eartbia Johnson, an employee of Firestone, who identified the M*. cycle as belonging to the store. 1 The hike wee returned to Die store and a petition was drawn a- i gainst the child tor larceny end de linquency. THINKS ABBAULT WAS •MISTAKEN EMBEBBT Chaises Lawrence Patterson. 11, of 544 K Hargett Street told OCft> cer P. G. donee at 13JD a. at Sat* urday, that George Me Neal, 25- year-old six-footer, who Is partial ly bald, approached him as ha waa waiting for a taxicab fat tha 105 block of S McltoweU McNaai draw a hawk bBI tatto Mmi’d hts < te*"pallad a gm age. eta thought BCeNesl aria toek him for toe ether bey. After befog treated atWate wound, Patterson signed a war rant e barging MeNeat with j MeNeat'whs allegedly j the MfMrieek of Mealy Street 'HIT IN HEAD WITH PICK AXE . Will Hinton, of 214 K. Cabarrus ' Street reported to Officer R. B. Callahan at 2:46 p. m. Friday, he, Joe N. Reid, of 11 Nadi Terrace and Hildred Keith, of Raleigh. Route g, , all of whom wok for the Cltyk i Street Department, were working on Albemarle Drive, when Reid and Keith -got into a ha* I Keith is alleged to have picked up a pick axa and bashed ReM in , the beck of his head. Raid waa admitted to too Itolbl wtto e fractured shall, and kelto waa hauled est to Jail, charged with aasaalt with weapon sad placed WINDOW PANE KNOCKED OUT Mm, Janie Thorpe, 28, of 8 Smith Plaaa. told Officer James S. ( Bob fey) Day* at 10(06 p. m. Friday, that while she was watching television, someone threw a rode and brake a window pone in a bedroom. Dem ag ■ was set at $5. WOMAN HURTS SELT, JAILED Miss Jeanette Ferguson, 40, of 352 W. South Street, was arrested by Officers Norman Artie end James K (Bobby) Days at 5:28 p. m. Saturday, her home, picked up a small ail stove sad eat both es her hands. Ska waa treated at Wake Me morial HeeyWel. then Jailed tor pablto drunkenness. TRIES TO TOUCH GIRL. BEATS Miss Shirley Bumpers, 19, of 118 N. Swain Street, told Officer E. W. Meeklns at 9:21 a. m. Sunday, she was vlsitng her sister’s home, 218 S. East street, when Willie Ruffin "tri ed to put bis hands on my body ." The young lady stated when rite tried to stop him, he slap ped her In the fees, then be an to kick her on toe lege and lower body. Ruffin, who bad an aont living at 21S 8. East St, » - •* . v a *«.«..» 3 .. lit. „ - nas dMiscu »uu tua.g.u • •*«»* melt end battery. CONVERTIBLE'S TOT RUINED Delma Ray Matthews, 23, of 1444 Walnut Street, reported to Officer J. C. Putman at 6:93 e. m. Monday, he parked bia 1960 blue convertible automobile in front of hii home at 9 p. m. Sunday, and when he came out at 6:30 a. m. Monday, he dis covered the top of the car had been cut with e blunt object Damage waa estimated at S7O, and toe complainant declared he had no Idea wbo could have done it MAN ROBBED AT PARTY James Melee, 47, es 1915 Peele Beta, told a eep at 12:54 a. bl Sunday, that while he was attending a party at 117 N. Car ver Street, someone aisle his -MISS ST. AUGUSTINE’S”— Mbs Logenia Rochelle, a senior at Saint Augustine's College, will be erosrned "Miss Saint Augus tine's College on Friday evening. October 16, at 9 o’clock in the Emery Health and Fine Arte Centra. A native of Jacksonville, and a French major. Miss Ro chelle relies heavily an her hob bles of cooking and sewing aa sources of relaxation. She is also active in student eivic and aa rial affairs at the eoliege. billfold, containing $99 and per sonal papers. The eep then talked to Mack Holmes, 99. who Uvea at toe Carver Street address. Holme* admitted that Moton had been present at toe party, but said he . i. • i • «.t„. | hUVH iIU.MAUQ MWWU* being stolen. Melon told toe effiem he eeuld Identify toe man who stole hla money and would sign a warrant against him a* soon aa he la found. “CLIPPED- WHILE RIDING IN CAR Mias Carrie Utley, of 429 Watson Street, told Officer John Baker, Sr. at 8:56 a. m. Sunday, she was rid ing in a car with her sitter end brother-in-law, Mr. and Mr*. Thom as Johnson. WhUe riding, toe complainant declared, she went to deep and bad a pocketbook. containing 114, and someone teak Ik Miss Utley stated she recalled they were riding on the Old Stage Road, but she didn’t know Just where her pocketbook waa stolen, adding it happened at 11:30 p. m. Saturday. WOMAN KNOCKED DOWI4 ROBBED Miss Jeanette Hick*, of 814 Shnlth field Street, told Officer James E. (Bobby) Daye at 9:24 p. m. Friday, that two unidentified Negro boys grabbed her, threw her to toe ground end tot* her purse, contain ing $lO in cash, credit cards, papers and e check book. She could give no description of the duo as toe attack happened so quick, but stated after they took her purse, toe boys headed east on Smithfield Street. WASHINGTON AND "SMALL BUSINESS” By C WILSON HAROtI! Some flv. yean ago the Fed eral Trade Com minion made a cursory study of the trading stamp situation, but decided there were no valid grounda for taking any action. e e e New, the FTC has been ra-ap praising the attention, sad it to reported sometime this fall the agency wilMaH come out with B . a full report ■ JfP r' ? € of itidlni s r made of trad-H *, tog stamp, toll ml "“V' s relation toM WmE^f laws. fcWfFtoW'Vm, oo« a ■ The study >‘ l being practi-■■MMSSI cally confined c. w. y> the two big leading national trading stomp firms. The ques tion being studied concerns the issue of whether or not with these two stomp plans’ exclu sive contract* with retail out lets. damages their competitors who must either do without trading stamps, or offer a leaser known brand of trading stamp*, e • • This becomes aa interesting theory tnasmnch nn FTC to new considering the various trading stomps a* f brands, the been*, or nay ether commodity that geee hat# trade ehaaaeto. e • • If so. they would then come under the laws and regulations prohibiting restraint of trad*. * • • TheFTC to aie. Hiirtyto eating theory. That to beeed ea whether or net trading sOnaaps. la effect, exerctoc price fixing *" ***** e• • FTC become quite interested la the fact that stomp* are gen erally not given with purchases leas than U> cents. FSCs -MISS HOMECOMING” —Mary Virginia Bay. Junior to elementary education from Ra leigh, who wfll reign aa "Mta Homecoming- far Fayetteville State Collage when they meet Elisabeth City state Ceßego ea their tame field an Saturday, November 1. Mis* Ray la #*- aminlng the mriga of one es the many pine tram which dot the FSC campus. Miss Hicks suffered an abrasion on the knee. THINKS SON DAMAGED SCREEN Mrs. Helen Morning, of S. East Street, Informed Officer B. C. Nip per Monday afternoon that she left 7 * * - . 3 *--* *5 at 3 pfm. to find toe front screen had been ripped out. The vie ton rioted aha believe her sen. Calvin Yeung, 88, tad to s-upm—Mmlai told her this. Young Uvea with hie mother at too Beat Street address. She refumd to toll toe eep who her Informer waa. The ran works ea toe nigbi shift at Sir Walter Hotel, tat waa net there wham toe otfle or arrived. PUSHES CAR ABOUND CORNER, _ Bra gs re r u Alston Streak teM a eep early pushed hie 1999 Bulek from In from at hie heme to wound toe earner to toe 199 bleak es S. Boudify ed to remove hie buttery, vol tage regulator and generator, valued at fit, 94. and sl9. re apeeUvely. The complainant told th* cop he no idee who the culprits could have BCD PLANET ROUTES Not one es Mars’ canals, seeming ly, comes to any sudden end, the Catholic Digest finds. All es them terminate either in one of the regions we call a "sea,” or by con necting with another canal. MOVE SAFELY! AT ALL TIMES It maat he herns to miad that ajjtore^eaafn rttog wMh^a stamp* equal to * fixed per oeatoge at to* star* vetame. For example, la a feed stare, tbs store mart asaslty ton over 1% at Ha grace voices# to the stamp company, receiving stamp* ■ retarn. tot states where mfik prices are eon trolled by law, the sales of mllb are art to rinded became (be authorities in fee** elates have #•* Although a retailer must buy stomps on the basis of his gross sales, they are not given out on sales of less than dim*. a • • ihm aecerdtoe to the area eat trend of the FTC rtndtee. or 9 reels, they are earned edT sltdbM. a • • However, In order to pay tor the stomps, the retailer must mark up the merchandise price* to cover this loss of t% of hi* gross volume to the stomp firms. Actual studies show that > the increase to price* to be > somewhere around IH%. i * * * r . . rrtrttoraprfetovtitotoasttea** toa*H*“ed~ the FTC atom rstoassdjhertd fecfmto Itoe to*j rttormaMan^wS'm^eemaiiS Near Record 3,230 Enroll AtA&T GREENSBORO - A near record UN students are enrolled for the tell quarter at AAT College. William H. Gamble, director of admission*, released the figure fol lowing the completion of registra tion of graduate students on last weekend. The enrollment, he said, waa boasted bye robust freshman dam of 1.107 students, th* largest sine* 1961. Th* new total repraaontt an increase ot 839 students over last year whan 3JNB students register ed for the fall quarter. Ta to* string fid*. oeUego efftotals opened one es toe deraritertm *u to* •rtgiaal rite es Lutheran Col lege, to* property purchased by AAT four years age. Th# dorm itory, tor make, ton beau earn pletriy remodeled and modem toed to esrsmmsdsto nearly 99 Tha new enrollment figure* by schools Included: School of En gineering. 1136; School ot Educa tion and General Studies, 1017; i School of Ariculture, 694; School of Nursing. 118; Graduate School, 199, and to* Tratnieel Institute, 149. Yes, We All Talk BY MARCOS H. BOCLWAB* HARSH VOICE QUHBTION: Whet make* one's vcice harsh? —F.H. L. ANSWER The harsh voice is caused by many factors, namely: 1. LARNYQITIS (including th* oommon cold). A STENOSIS OT THE LARYNX (rale* box) dripping ventricle*, growths and tumors on vocal cord* or In rids to* larynx, and hypertonic vocal cord*. By hypertonic vocal cords, -wo mean that tha edge of tha vocal cords are dosed very tightly thus preventing the escape ot breath tram th* glottis. Deformed of anomalous vocal cords (arising from birth) and-or deformed structure es th# larynx may affect th* vole* quality., I. Cancer of the larynx—ls harsh ness persists between thro* to six — -V* rm» *miM vt*lt * l»rvn gologist (throat specialist) for a diagnosis. 4. MISUSE OF THE VOICE-rag ularly over long periods es time and too often may taura vocal harshnom. Children scream in their free playing giving rise to hoeree- WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS S bedrooms, living room, Utehen and bath. Stove, refrigerator, heater, water furnished 994.00. Apply in peraon Til: 5-1103 M 130 FAYETTEVILLE ST. mm" SAVINGS GALORE , Oi\ ALL BRAMP MEW MERCHANDISE J ALL $6.99 DRESSES and JUMPER SKIRT s4* 00 SETS. ALL SIZES WOW Q ALL 17.99 COATS IN • SUEDES • Corduroys Crushed Leathers «*g Voo Wool Laminates • All-Weather Coats 9 ■ fR Sizes: Junior - Missy - Petites NOW m.wW • NYLON HOSE , 1 Pair FREE when yon buy . . 2at 99'«l • LONG SLEEVE SHIRTS Reg. {1.99 ... .NOW 2 For •3" e SKIRTS Reg. 12.99 NOW 2 For •5- e Imported Mohair SWEATERS Reg. $8.99 NOW *7** • All $2.99 LINGERIE ft SLEEPWEAR .. .NOW *2 4T • NYLON PANTIES Reg. 50c ea. NOW 2 For 88* • BRAS Reg. SI.OO NOW 2 For •1" • 1.99 GIRDLES NOW *1 47 Tea Oar • 2.99 GIRDLES NOW *2 47 I'eaveaieal • 3.99 GIRDLES NOW *3 47 Lay-a-way Plaa OPE.V EVERY. MON. A FBI. KITES TILE 9! 4 RALEIGH. H. ft, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1964 Rev. J. D. Ray, Raleigh - Pastor 16 Tears, Buried SOUTHERN PINES Timnl servtoos for Use Rev. John David Ray. 8r„ ware hold Monday, Oek tober 12, «A Harrington Chape! Church. Southern Pines. Eta waa the son of the lata Mr. sgid Mm. Ihomua & Ray, Sr. Rev. Ray waa eased to tha aria* iatry In 1534. Ha served ra pastor of Lunama Church, at Wilson; Cumberland Union Pay, RFJL; Antioch, Llndaa; Lera Orore. In Plnehurat; Harrington Chapel, In Southern Plnee, and tor Mxtom yuan at Smith Tempts, RaMgh. He waa Moderator of the Cape Fear Conferenoe "A", ahufrmon of the tenoral RxeoqUra Board and president of th* lHntitW Institute ot ASST OoUege. Oroene boro. He la survived by hie wife, Mm. AUean Lee Ray; three sons, Thomas and Albert Ray, South arn Pinas, and John D, Ray, Jt. In this abort apaoa, we eennot go into detail concerning to* therapy tO UN. READWSs Far my dleeuerion pamphlet, send two riempa and a self-addreeeed long buaiaam ra vel ope to Dr. M. H. Boulwera, Flor ida AJtM University, Box 110-A, Tallahassee, Florida—l39ol. I asthma! ATTACKS?! Dr. fiuScra Qraon Mountain AtTiiATic cicrnnu «cairam WIOLIT HAIR STYIIS Some of tfirrirn Latest How ibnsi is Madils "est "tyro VMTTSI ■HHP IHraW tAJY 90 ATTACH. RISTYIQ com is in Wl tfGULA* AND IMSmKr THICK" STYUSI Tibl.iy^a. ffHHr to'/.;*.; IHIiHH f/ao;HJSTr-4i,50 wy«* "ADOMNt* AHHb K|"Ul Ft OUT ft. 95 Miu.nian tiour •OID mtOAl MAW PSOSfiCtfi. to. ' B*p*> Or Ibeepibeed Bey, Broeklyto n.t. urn JHL Immm ■to aragdgto tfluifrriad a*-*- Now Yorik X Yj »*o danghtera. Mm. Dorothy $. Montaday and Mta. Ftanoao lockbar, both of SfirLffiLTSYS Si tnrzsrdsnsi.. omtto Hw, Sgt. Kerarit Ray of VhfHria: Fred erick, Wafer, and Ifcyd Ray. as Baltimore. Md.; WUbert Ray. of Patronize Ovr Advertisers Why "Good-Time MIJL” fuff,.,, un2iit6 &uners lloatototora DieJUeri uneasy naocNf ktoriar Irritetloaa. f-A feN NtatoS ta^Mrim«^ara|taJqmmwx SeaJ kidltM. tondtaf |a (uMgm tta gtaNralef ■Hint iMtpjnr fellof wffHf nve eejffid Mm ira riTS* DwYltoMvl 3

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