Two Departments Os AME Zion Church .Will Be Expanded: Barnes DOSkHAM— Bum. dUMoOSiHe Relation, and So avsssrsu*B£ opss*2£ns oof 0 of yatfWaitt wi b*n wpsndsd. In FSC Places 24 Student Teachers stu dent teaching at Fayetteville State Cehace henT has announced the tr3£Z&Lsr~rs2 gsggsss-s • AaSgneSr to Ashler School are Darts Murphy. Wallace; and Pa trtrta Ramsey. Payette vine. Locat ed at Edward Erins School are Otorta Wilson, Durham; and Alice -«& w sS£r hmm Waihara Oflmore, Fayetteville; isss hTm&ma. Cantus* umpixM Ui Elementary School No. 10. Ferguson School has Marlon A. DmW. Ooldshoro; Ivory Shlrd. WwtsvUle; and John D. Rooks. Kinston; as student teachers. Harris McCrimmons, Wilming na; Alvin Burney, Fayetteville; *tnftr“- Spencer, Currie; and Spa Squalls, Fayetteville; in In CM Newbold Laboratory |a|^| a Worth School has received Ju dith Marshall. Ftyctteville; Eve- Wn Brown. Roanoke Rapids; Pa triots Maryland, Rocky Mount: Jamas Newman, Fayetteville. Dr,’ waiter T. Pbce, director of CMObdary student teaching, states that Blnora Sharpless, Fayette ville, his been placed In health and physical education at Wash ington Drive Junior High School. Asaistlng Mrs. Williams Is Broafclyn A. McOeaghy, formerly of the Newbold Laboratory School faculty. Working with Dr. Pace is Dr. Nalaon Harris, former di rector OJ WfttUUOi «tUMV.....C.2. i. Shaw University. . ;765 OCTOBtR I9AS S M T W ! I \ I 1 2 ! 3 4 ', <> 7 H y 10 11 12 I I 14 I r > 10 \ 17 1 H 10 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 i j 2 4 2 ’> 2 0 .’7 2H 2 0 40 [4 1 | Do's AndDon|^L A Kind Word Can Start Hit Dmy Off Right JOHN W. WINTERS & CO. Homes and Business Site for Sale 1937 BOAZ DRIVE 11U50.00 2627-2629 DAVIS STREET (each) 14,500.00 FHA or VA Financing (Full basement) 1020 CROSSLINK ROAD— acrea 124*0.00 ONE LOT—Quarry Street 4O a 120 ..* IJOOSO 1621 Battery Drive 24400.00 INDUSTRIAL SlTE—Maywood It Rhamkatta Rd. —5.6 acres (near railroad) 2SJOO4JO ★ HOMES NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION j 7M BAST MABTDV RUT Tbs U 2 S. STATE ST. Mr. sad Mr*. MB. fcvwa let us build for rout FOB rUBTHBB INFORMATION CALL: JOHN W. SWUM * CO. HBNBT SHOWN. Sales Ha I VA 8-5786 LET US HANDLE your INVESTMENT FRQFERTTi 507 E. Martin Street The\aj>andsd program wffl in clude working with radio and M evision in the looale of eaeh Oon» *"***' tt m S —fl? WWI P> w wlB W OOCiai UVU flUI| HsSKSas director to give the denomination larger participation with nnMtnal religions! nrgsnlmrieiw. THE VETERANS CORNER EDITOR’S NOTEI Below are autherttattve answers kg the Veterans ASwtWtrtWirten question, (ran taWW gmftgs m«m their famHlae, Pggth benefit. uay°bt toMW* si any VA oCfiee. Q. What preecdwra MM I follow to obtain as hMWaao hi eompenMtion? A—ls you can presentevidence to your VA Regional Office that your service-connected disability is possibly worst than wbsn pre viously rated, a tattng examina tion will be arranged and year right to an increase will be based cm the evidence. Q —How can I make save I will be buried hi a Nitlswsl Cemetery? A—Make yon: desire to ham this done known to your nut « kin or best friend. Rave yew mil itary discharge hi a place known to the person or persons yon Will depend on to carry out year pnm in order that they esn tdsnttfy you as an eligible pemon wh#n contact Is made with the Superin tendent of the Cemetery. Q— My father ki permaaswt. ly and totally dtsaMed due ta mum*. Wew eaa 1 obtain educational or trafnfnr benefttort Jssk affawLfa service papers which identify jw veteran parent and your own Mrth certificate. If, aooordlng to the laws of your state, you era con sidered to boa minor, your parent should also sign your cpgricarion. SUCCESSFUL politician, have a tolerance for boredom that evao oxcosds that d th. constant TV viewer. idle! ‘nf&nts’ woar — irregulars S.M oa. if perfect 143 ea. Stretch coveralls ... terry coveralls ... nylon topper seta terry toppers ... boxer pants ... and many moral All one Say prieo— and now’s the rime to buy worm wear for your baby! Irregulars from a famous maker! Broken sires. • sip *' BASEMENT STORE S wP talk! ladies' flannel skirts & slim jitiis Mi*- flAad taUavad ir «*» » H M Bat shifts and matching S£g£“*-- ,t *“ saoel L v. trays l» LAS 88* Oiaak as 1* May er T. ff. lag jdadNajapa awl V• ■ i shop Monday and Friday nights 'til 9! irregulars! ladies'hosiery IAS yr. H psrfsst *f~77* tlramlm hosiery in yur favorite colors, cinna mon. beige spark, imagina tion! Hoy flaws won’t affect (heir wear! Sues B*4 - 11. Family COSTuniE WtHleT JttSJUOjtS JwJ&kHR* mm* m t. ■JV.t# l 4. , - *k» ' « <*• •.A**, - n4walsa Doys mode* ItlUiMI tiyic ittvit o vvut g<r«* s*y*w 12* 17“ 18“ 14“ . ~ * « *m You could pay dollars more, but you couldn't get more for your money! Classic all weather coats of luxury Dacron polyester and cotton... with an extra-warm Acry lic lining that zips out! Warm winter wear for the whole family—at prices to pleas# every budget! See ’em today! . BASEMENT STORE Aa —il V^gf /nwHI w special group! men’s sport shirts Special aeeortment of men’* *•** long sleeve sport shirts . . . most with regular collars. ■■■■ Wide selection of fabrics and v V patterns. 8. M, L. BASEMENT MEN sa/e/ cotton broadcloth Ret. 4*e yd 30 **• Special savings on all fall and winter prints in easy eare broaddothl 36 and 45 inches wide ... beautiful col on! basement rABBICS irregulars! terry towels ate If psrfsst 27* - Big IS * 30” towels ... per fect sire for use in besuty shops, restaurants, etc. Buy a stack and save! White only. BAfBMBMT BOMB rCBJOSHXNOS .MM * o. aUhmkx. nrHmit w. ism €' r-i 0 Sfl/e/ boys'. 1 lined jackets SJ» If psrfsst 3 12 Slight irregulars from a famous maker! Hi* favorite style jacket of all cotton poplin with a wind-breaking flannel lining. All colors in sues 6 to 20. BASEMENT BOYS irregulars! ladies' shoes I.M V psrfsst 4“ Famous maker pipkin shoes ... you’ll recognise them im mediately! Tiny flaws that trill net affect wear ... slip ons and oafords! ladies wool coordinates B*f. I.M to I.M 283 •mart wool wrap skirts *dtfa matching weskits—attractive In rad or blue plaldel Big savinp, gift ■fM— «is 5

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