smM „ ows SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHANGE USE ThE CAROLINIAN CLASSIFIED SECTION ■ WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHILD CARE wL . PERSONAL CLEANING * HAUUNG —Low Cost Advertising — nmmrigSh —Low Cost Advertising— FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 / ThHl~s) FOR WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple4^ssß ANNOUNCEMENTS CARDS OF THANKS tN MBMORIAM LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE Rooms - APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR RENT n Classified Rates iEfid’DutlW 4C «e Jo 3c CAEP or THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Cathe rine Cooper wishes to thank their many friends for kind deeds and sym pathy expressed during the lost of its levs one. TH£ FAMILY Waqted 100 maids for New York and Massachusetts sleep in jobs $35 to $65 per week plus free room and meals. Transportation furnished. Write C. E. Townsend, Box 281, Bennettsville, South Carolina. HOUSEMAIDS — Live-in jobs. Mass.- Cbnn. S3O-S6O. Bus tickets. Refer ences. Barton Emp. Bur., Gt. Barring ton. Mass. Waitresses Wanted! For First-Class Restaurant. Daytime hours, good salary, plus tips. Send complete per sonal data and small snap shot to P. O. BOX 628, RA LEIGH, N. C. ‘‘EDUCATIONAL** MET* WOMEN 18 to Mi You can qua lify for many lob opportunities in CIVIL SERVICE. Prepare at home for ooming examinations. Send name, address, phone, directions if Huai to NATIONAL TRAINING . &3KVICE, P. O. Box 408. Raleigh. N LAUNDRY TEAGUE’S DRV CLEANING, 1624 Glen wood Asa. has mars ad ana Is now known as HAYES BARTON AND DRV L •Sri*: FOOD SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAR-B-Q and Chicken (Oar Spedaltr) Pit and Chicken 108 R DAVIE ST SERVICE STATIONS DUNN’S ESSO STATION—SOI k Blood worth 8t Phone Tt 2-S4SB FOB BENT Furnished"" apartment end furnished room on New Bern Avenue call VA MSB, LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE NORTE CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY __ _ . „ Having qualified as Executrix of the aetata of Matilda Alexander, deceased, late of Wake County. North Carolina, thia la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at 800 Bragg Street. Raleigh. K C, on or before the 10th day of March. 1065. or this notice will be pleaded In bar -of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate w ill please make Immediate payment. This 11th day of September, 1*64. HELEN STARKS, Executrix F. J. CARNAGE, Attorney Sept. IS, 36; Oct I, 10. 1964. • % ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY ... , , Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of William Jamison Burwell. Sr- deceased, late of Wake County North Carolina, thia Is to notify all parsons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhlbltthem to the undersigned at 301 Idle wild Avenue. Raleigh. N. C, on or before thelOth day of March. 1965, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the eetete will ptoaaa make Immediate day of September, 1954. BOLAND STANLEY BURWELL. Admr. F. J. CARNAGE. Attorney Rapt 19. 36; Oct 3. 10, 1964. •TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ROY L. TURNER. PLAINTIFF. DORIS G. TURNER, DEFENDANT TO DORIS G. TURNER. Defendant: Take Notice that a pleading or Com plaint seeking relief against you has mob filed in the above entitled action and was Sled hi the Superior Court of Wake County on the 21* day of Sep The nature at the relief being sought Is ai follows: Plaintiff seeks e divorce absolute Bern Doris G. Turner, defendant, up on ground* that plaintiff and defend ant have lived separate and apart for more than two contmuou* year* next ■receding the institution of thi* actum Sad that plaintiff and defendant me W"i bvtng In ttm said state of separa- You ere required 4o answer or de mur to the said Complaint of etointtff not later than the 19th day of Novem ber 1904. and upon your failure to * eo the plaintiff eeektng *ervio* •- rat you wIU apply the Court the relief sought. _ . This, the SI day of September. 1904 BETA S. CALLAHAN. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court Skptenuxr SS. October 3. 12 19. 19*4 STATE OF ZAMBIA Southern Rhodesia win cease to awte* on October H 1064 The new tooth-central African nation, the Catholic Digest reports, will be called Zambia. YOU WORK HARD bet nrtt hard enough, nor do you accumulate —fpfh to as tarty everybody's de-, mends wgob you expire. BURL ALLEN’S Betongue There to great wonder that we are not politically much weaker that we are’ I was in a certain resi dence when registrar* came, cru sading for more voters, and a man in his early TWENTIES refused to come downstairs to register! We fear that that young man is among many victims of such stupid in difference. Campaigning last spring in Raleigh's Washington Terrace area, some students were told: “No, I don’t care to vote. |s long as I don’t touch politics, politics can’t touch me.” We find harmful indifference a mong registered voters, too. NOW, when even the dubious voters are deciding their political choice, some North Carolina Negroes are con sidering not voting for governor, because we have no gubernatorial LEGAL HOTICES NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ALGIE ROOSEVELT JOHNSON. PteintUi v*. MARY ELIZABETH JOHNSON. Detaidant To Mary Elisabeth Johnson: Take notice that A pleading see king relief against you has been filed in the above en tmea ecuun. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: To secure an absolute divorce on the part of the plaintiff based, upon the grounds of two years continuous separation between the plaintiff and the defendant You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than Nov. 30, 1964, and upon your failure to do so. the party seeking relief against you will apply to the Court tor the re lief sought. This Ist day of Oct., 1904. ESTA S. CALLAHAN, Asst. Clerk at Superior Court F. J. CARNAGE. Attorney Oct. 18. IT. 84. 31. 1904. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION TO CLOSE A PORTION OF OLD LOtMSDORO ROAD g z^ 6 NsP®unK. * TO WHOM IT MAY COCEBN: You will hereby take nottae that there will be a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners of Wake County, North Carolina, in the Commissioners' Room, Wake Coun ty Courthouse, Raleigh, North. Caro lina, on the 2nd day of November. 1964 at 11:00 am. o’clock, or as soon thereafter as this matter may be heard, upon a petition by William R. Rand and others to close for street or road purposes and all other purpoaes the following described portion of an old abandoned road: Being all that portion at the old abandoned Loulsburg Road, run ning in an easterly direction from New Hope Church Road or County Road No. 2034, along the southern line of Lot 17. Oakview Subdivis ion, according to map recorded in Book of Maps 1960, Page 129. Wake County Registry, to the western right of way line of the Seaboard Airline railroad, a map showing the location of said old abandoned rotd may be seen at the office of the undersigned. This the Ist day of October. 1904. JOHNSON. GAMBLE. HOLLO WELL By: Richard Gamble, Atfy for Petitioners 400 First Federal Building Raleigh, North Carolina Oct. 10, 17. 24. 31, 1004 RESALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY .WHEREAS, the undersigned, acting as Administratrix of the Estate of Willie Snow. Mortgagee, in a certain Mortgage executed by Wlllima M Giles and wife. Marie E. Giles to Wil lie Snow, recorded in Book UTS. Page 104 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County. North Caro lina. the Administratrix. Kittle Snow, did on September 2t. 1994 under the terms of said Mortgage offer for sale the lands described in said Mortgage, and that James L. Giles became the last and highest bidder la the an of $1450, and whereas (aid bid was reported on September te. 1994 In the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County, Norte Carolina, and whereas within the time allowed by tow an advanced bid of George D. Myatt was received and filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County. North Carolina, and an order issued directing a resale dp said lands. NOW. THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the said order at tee Clark of Wake County Superior Court and the power of- sate contained In said Mortgage, the undersigned Kittle Snow. Administratrix of Willie tnow. Mortgagee, will offer for resale and sell at public auction to tee high sat bidder for rash at the teont door at Wake County Court House In Raleigh. North Carolina at 12 M o'clock noon, on the 26th day of Oct-, bar. 1904. prop erty located in Wake County. North Carolina, and described In that Mort gage Deed in Book lI7S, at Page 104. In the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake County. North Carolina, which reads as follow*: BEGINNING at a stake In tee sen te- of the road and runs thence along Fay Allen Hodge's line North 07-0 West 1757 feet to the renter of e smell branch at Whitefietd and Brown's cor ner. thence,, along WhttefieM and Brown's line South 16-25 West 100 feet to an Iron pipe and pointers at Hollo Fowler’s corner, thence along It olio Fowler's line South 91-40 East 2696! ft to the center of tee road, thence along the road North W-*T Wow 105 feel North f»-es Sort 340 feet. North 64-40 East 140 ft North 42-** East 329 feet to tee BEGINNING, ac cording to survey made February 99. 1919. by K G Ball. Civil Engineer. By Court Dec-re heratetere tenud, the Mortgagee is selling only a 14 interest In trip above described land and tea purchaser of said land *9l be purchasing only a 1-0 Interest in the above described lands The purchaser will he requited to oar 14 percent at tee Md price to show good tetth «K» gib of O-tober. 1944 WILLIE SNOW ESTATE By. Kittle Reow. A-br—-strati-tx MORRIS AND GRANDT A iforneys-al-tnw t': -*U Lawyers Buildings Batetgh, If C. October tg. 10. 1096 choice! We acre# that flavin is surely no bettor than Moore and vice versa, tout these neutrals should know that the ballot U use ful other than to elect a favorite candidate. It provide* a good method of ac cepting a disliked candidate instead of a more unfavorable one. While Moore and Gavin seem equally anti-Negro. Moore was Lake’s la*t hope of itaying—lndirectly—in the gubernatorial race, and Moore while wooing the make's support was often Lake's political «chol Moore’s hesitancy in teaming with. President Johnson it a very reeent indication of how seriously Moore to affected by the venomous 'tern' of Dr. Lake. If Moore be elected governor, it to highly certain that Lake and coma of hi* disciples will be appointed to take their violent disrespect into re spec table, govern mental positions—and alio shall he able to etand?! Gavin is no better that Moore, but he is less parasitic, so there may be lese torment in » Gavin administration. But don't take our word; do your OWN thinking, choose your OWN candidate and vote! Democrats sot Gavin and republicans for Moore, vote!—vote!—vote! People are not created for political parties; the parties are created for the people, and how is it possible to ba dis sV»«f And* not WTVI its "member*?! Furthermore, even if you have no choice, make one for our race’s sake. Society must be brought to witness out public im portance. end withheld votes af ford us no influence. WheeiCtiair Medic Feted in Magazine A wheel chair doctor who was graduated from Ohio State Medic al School to the subject of a six page article in the upcoming Octo ber Issue of Ebony Magazine. Dr. James A. Bailey, now an in tern* at Mount Carmel Hospital In Columbus, lost the use of his legs in 1900. when the tailgate of a truck fell on his back and crushed two vertebrae. Bailey was in his third year of medical school at the time, end counselors, concerned for fais welfare, explained the draw backs that his lose of mobility would have. Ho would be unable to perform the many duties—surgery, house calls, emergency treatment— of an effective physician. Dr. Bailey told Ebeay that he Aeeided to ignore tt# peeelmle tte idvtoe M>d «* SSh| toe nee sf hto lags. Practitioners at physical medi cine work ateast exclusively totojgto wedetttlca. toeartng Though Bailey admitted to Ebo ny that ba looked on this as some what of a compromise at fltto, it was a challenging one for the de termined student, whose life over the past several years has been one crisis after another. Last year, Just three years after hto accident, Bai ley’s wife Corrine died at tenkemte. Ebony points eat that tt is one of the ironies of Briley's life that the very person most responsible for putting him through school could not witness his graduation, which took place last Juno. At the graduation. Dr. Richard L. Moiling, the dean of modfotaw, plan ned to leave the podium at the sod of the ceremony to personally de liver Bailey's cwttflcate. but Briley insisted on getting it ‘on hto own two feet” Assisted by braces and crutches, the tenacious Bailey hob bled to the platform whils Z7OO fallow graduates choarod. YOUTH WAS TUN white tt test, ad. but the headaches were pretty terrible. „ RADICALISM to often Just an empty stomach shouting for a place at the food trough. Tale... eml the ekeke it ymnl Baa’t rete ... ami ifcg sksiee it {Un! DEBUTANTES, PARENTS FETED BY AKA SORORITY Shown in top photo are th* 1964 Raleigh Debutante*, who will make their bows so society on Friday, November 27, at the Ra leigh Manorial Auditorium. Their parent s and/or guardian* ora pictured in the bottom scene. The annual event it sponsored by the heal chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Raleigh AKA’s Honor 1964 Debs, Parents At Big Reception Here Spaulding Gymnasium on Shaw University’s oempus, was the scene of a beautiful reception Sunday afternoon of last weak honoring the 1064 Debutantes, their parents and guardians. The plans for the Ball, the activi ties preceding and following the presentation, wore given to the pa rents and Debs. Announcement was made that BILL DOGGETT and his band would furnish music for dancing and listening on Novem ber 37, 1964. at Memorial Auditor ium for the Ball. Each young lady was given s book oo etiquette to help her im prove bar social grace. To further implement this program, a charm Clinic, to bo directed by Mrs. Muse at the Home Echer* Hotel, win be bald on October 17. OTOTOTOTDOTDOTOTDOTOTHHHKUiSPSHHi Aj »* - ■'* .HrShot iSPili iiiili,, |y|gj|p iff m IN W i ADDRESSES BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS Shown ttanding it S. B. Parham, Dietrict Manager of the North Caroline Mutual Life Insurance Company ot Raleigh a* he ad dtaaead a portion of the etudent body end atari of the Raleigh Business College lett Friday. ~ RALEIGH BUSINESS COLLEGE Dtotetot Ms Igor Is gpsahsr Honesty, ctoarcoter and prepar edness for tbs Job were the three tnstte strmnell by B B. Parham as ba spoke to the faculty and stu dents et Raleigh Bustnete College g* Ms weekly assembly. Friday, October 6th. “A good etfles worker must be wining to Rttfes an bonast effort to gNWter whatever Job Mba to do a The devetopment of character 1 g wsrker to aerry oat an ss signmsnt as If it wore bar own. Whnlivw vse do. do tt yttUrou hossmsMtoaftatoat In He rimtnin hto sadtooes that. “Ton an hare to pnpam your stevss for ths Job that awaite you, after for have eomptetad the work bat*. Prepare yooreslns to mas ter the fundamentals so as to de velop to poor utmost capacity " Mr. Parham gave several elec trifying and amusing nhntrsttom. •n Me*part et HugiteMin he bad wuilspH hi hto week as an On Sunday, October 13, 1664 a TTavslogue program will bo pra sented to tho Debs by Mn. Ophelia Irving of her trip to Western Eu rope this past summer. Raleigh Debs to be presented areiMtoete Carel Adame, Francto Akins, Oattos Anthony, Con stance Bailey, Jernsha Bridges, Mildred Campbell, Herbert Ins Copeland, Edna Daniel*. Na thala Beaver, Barbara Dnnn, Marjte Damn, Joys* Dun* ton. Margaret Egertan, Carolyn Fain, Jeannette Farrell , Jacqae- Hne VSslar, DeLinda Harris. Shirley Bisks, Fatricte Hines, Vtvtea Hinton. Fatty Holden, flterte Horten, Shirley Ann Hecien, Joyce Leo, Daley Me- Cmry, Shktay MarrewFhyllie Mkrtrl' and Carol MleL insurance executive. Parham tans promoted to the •moaner's post of the Raleigh Dis trito of the North Carolina Mu tant Ufa Tnsumnee Company, on NATIONAL NEWSPAPER wEgggggg DRIVE SAFELY! Aba. Mimes Ella MHrhner, Phyllis Moore, Linde Mays, Bums Frige, Jean Preble*. Caro.lyn Reger*. LaTenya San ders, FrlseilU Shire, Barbara Smith, Barnette Smith, Patricia Stalllnga, Kay Stanley. Mary Tnekar, Calestine Walker, Caro lyn Watkins, Elia Watson. Con stance Winter*. Barbara Worth Linda Wright Dianna Peebles and Vtturte Badge. Members present were: Soror* Phyllis Mann. Susie Perry. Fannie Latham, Susan Malone. Hattie Ed mondson. Irene Lane. Thelma Wat kins, Jeannette Hicks, Harriett Webster. Guest were served e delightful repast and enjoyed a pleasant social hour. January 6. 1664. The speaker for October 16. win be Mr* N. E Lockhart, vice-chair man of the advisory board and principal of the Croeby-OarflekJ Elementary School. Aw fMfftimHH BAUDOT, N. (L SATURDAY, OCTOBSB 11, 1664 - i | TIPS UNLIMITED | BY BLANCHE A. RIVER* THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS Many books have boon written on the secret of happiness, but I like this simple old story that has been told so often. In the old days, there was a king who waa so miserable and unhap py that he called together all of hto soothsayers, magicians, other court advisers, to find a rem edy. They tried all aorta of methods to rouse the king out of his deep despair— but indeed to no avail. Finally, one of them suggested that a search be made for the hap piest man in the kingdom, far it was thought that if the king could put on the man’s undershirt, he 1 DEATHSIII film.,, Mrs. Josephine M. Baakervtlle Mrs. Josephine Mann Basker ville, 63, of 300 tt. Ta boro Road, died Monday of lost weak at Duke Hospital, Durham. Funeral serv ices were conducted last Friday at 13 noon from the Fayetteville Street Bapitet Church, by the Rev. W. B. Lewie, pastor. Burial was in the National Ceme tery. She to survived by one son. Mr. William Baikervllle. New Rochelle, N. Y.; four daughters, lire. Elisa beth Johnson. Mrs. Odessa Early. Winston Salem; Mrs. Mamie Austin and Mrs. Shirley Willis; ten grand children. and eleven great-grand children. MB. NORMAN O. EASON TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1963 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN I ALLOWANCE-NOW RAWLS MOTOR CO. 666 FAYETTE VOLE ST. PHONE T* MP ' Dealer No. 33M ■ * s;; ' ’' f •CO LINCOLN CONTINENTAL <M< full power, air condition »“Q LINCOLN MR •*y fun power, 4-dr., hardtop " tro LINCOLN SOTS 1)0 full power. 4-dr Zml two »M OLDSMOBHJE foQS One 4-dr. hardtop. *rO CHEVROLET OOQg ,M) Blue a white. Bis engine J*™ CHEVROLET RMC 00 4-dr., hardtop. Blue »PO FORD RRILC ,>0 3-dr., hardtop. Baby Blue. yvwv NO DOWN PAYMENT ON AFPPBOVED CREDIT NO PAYMENT OVER 636.61 PBB MONTH OVER 76 CASE TO CHOOSE FROM! , * Wade'h Auto Sales 228 B. CABARRUS ST. 834-84|f Imported, MacNAUGHTON CANADIAN WHISKY *O9O Ml *485 /[, pint "fvtai M IMPORTED 1 I tja imdian I I MacNMJGHTON I CIMADUUIWMIiWr a nunno S. aocd »x fuu. yeare ■ r 9 ■ . ... H * Moeucr or c*»t*o* ♦ t—fiiiT «■— ’4m«!ttett’o«to*Btotot»a.i7.t. . would be happy too. After a «te rough starch, the hippiest man- in the kingdom waa found. But, es course, ha had never even owned an undershirt KU hspptnaae spring from within. This little story well illustrates Jesus’ tnstmettons that we'Mß., first the kingdom at God, and sll * other things will bo added. 'Tbo , . often wo do tho opposite, wOTHE all these other things and then-try to find tißgpln But happinea to not something to be put oo like an overcoat. It Will be found when we seek to put God tint in our lives. For thia we be lieve brings the Joy that peaceth all understanding— end the ether things will he added. Mr. Norman Orenthan ■mod.' of ill Rooengerden Street, dtod Saturday morning at North Care- Una Memorial Hospital In CttoPSi Hill. He to survived by hto Wlie. Mrs. KUaabetta Hicks Bason, et the home; three brothers. Mwsirs Corbett Eason, Richmond, VS.: Joe Bason, Sanford, and Wyatt Eaaon, Bronx, N. Y Funeral aenrtoes were oanduotod from Union Baptist Church Tues day afternoon at t o'clock. TBs Rev. Eugene Mason off! elated and burial followed In Mount Sops todWIMT. WHAT WIVES dent tell Opto husbands and what husbands dint . tell their wives would not ho prate able. 7

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