Gospel Queen Mahalia Jackson Blames Illness On Overwork, Trying To Please CHICAGO (NM>— Convalescing in Little Company of Mary Hospi tal here. Goepel Queen Mahalia Jackson confided that her current ailment la due to overwork brought on by her eagerness to help other Deonk. w m S?aStertS • rnriHL mittod to . ’ 3 Bb .. lit: Rf;S . :■*.-. ALL ABOUT BALLET Misses Susan F rater and Mar do Travers, both at center, ant members of the American Choreographer's Company, a ballet dance troupe of New York C/fj wto appeared in concert at A&T College last weak, talk with AST students about ballet. Tbs stu dtiit!, are: at'lt!l, ,’jVvmw. Allied* "A • -Hjnvu't-, liutivik, Virginia; and, at right, Ida Feemster, o Fayetteville. Lorraine Hansberry Tells ‘How’, ‘Why’, Os New Play NEW YORK Tlp 5:52am. ■MBMsiaa— s’SHmlus i-tfss" »’£?** “'Smls »-fists Tl-^TZ, H-|Mdl|sM IBS d-bepMu CATtSjCHAT By Dr. MMp M. Mhos, DMsr, MMas Hoods Ihissn* Center IN JAPAN gwKtiNcg ?m \omcwntorr, LM KiPT UFISIZt 9TATVaOf CATS TO SCARF OFF RATS _ l& WHICH RAT SfUOVOFOO. -ZJjm ■ -^Wnri^yMlA. DID YOU KNOW? jWaF \ i HAVA ASTABU SUED TW AT Dim Em* f*i s cats (jvSRVKB orrnuvvro n anmM of*Sw"rws«dsufc “I rtrsMbtrarT rsjnMkT.JuLU « ■ ■ ■npltobtog* .-CVW t t Galloway. ► ..—i— Bronze Medal Won By NCC Star, Roberts DURHAM Rdwta Boherta. Trin idad-born North Carolina Collage r -BBTI i EDWIN BOBBBTS c isst/m comisnoNsmtes. tSSuSSSSSSSm 1 m track star, earned a bronae medal in the Olympics Saturday when he finished third ta the finals of the SOS-metor dash in Tokyo laet week The NOC spssistsr. whose spsetaHtea ere the MS esM MS meter dsebee. was tneliglhto to rsprsmnt the V. A and was Uve Trinidad's Olyasple squad. His third plaee tons kept the (tailed Stales Aram asaktag a eleaa sweep of esedak In the event. In the race. Americans Henry Cerr end Rsul Drayton, ftatlehad first and second with clockings of MJ and Sfct. respectively. Roberts, the ttW ir.tn. rsr cTccfcci at IC.f. Roberts, whose best Ham la flu M las beta MJ. holds Cl AA. Pena Relays. NCAA Be- Clone, and NAM marks ta both tho 1M and SN easier contests. He Joined Las Calk ana. another NCC groat who waa eeeehed by NCC* Dr. Leroy T. Welker, la ropreaenttag At Darham la ■titettan In tho Otymptae. Cel hems wen the US-asetor high hardies ta the MM and MM Olympian Walker, who also coached the Ethiopian Abebe Bektle, who won the gold model in the marathon In the IMO Olympics, had predicted rer In a television Interview Roberts, “has a good ehanee to finish either second or third—that Is, if he's running well at tho torts." DAILY INTEREST ON SAVINGS PAYABLE 4 TIMES A YEAR OFFICERS CLTM SOMULL, M. D. CSalraas at Mm Mosid of Ptos teste g. H WMSSUM, i. e. a satwooo. Inatt a. a samson. an.. VUs PrsMisnt Maosiw nvußa pAtrutaoM. Mrs t UMnmm WAim Tpcna WATHAWfIO, UPaCOMB, ''•rmTomssr*** a. e. musomcoi it, iidtelst frost Offtetr niRECTORS a v. lAMtts C. A. MATWOOO t • HUM a a. SAirsosg an. a. a orawan W a. WAUGH, It TOOTH WAR FUN while It last ed but |he headaches were pretty terrible. LINCOLN THEATRE BAUUGH.N. C. STARTS SUNDAY, OCTORER MTM “WORLD OF , FLASH” “LOSTSOULS” Net RssMamrniil Ter STARTS THURSDAY OOTOBSR MTH “THE VAUANT” Starling JOHN MULSH “tauTman RIDING” " Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT FMMCttL SMTEXHT Mechanics & Farmers Bank At Hie Clom Os Badness October 1.19 M RESOURCES: Cash in vauk end due from United States Oovemmant Obligations ...44460.287 J 2 State and Municipal Bonds 379340.87 $ 6474442 4t Other Securities 1480,97594 Loans and Discounts 6.653,605.01 ; Bankinf Houses Furniture and Fixtures ....1..., 78.453.56 Other Assets ——— 99.109J3. TOTAL RESOURCES >15403469.53 LIABILITIES: & CAPITAL ACCOUNTS: Common Stock ..... ...4466.055.00 Surplus : 350,000.00 Undivided Profit* 83.439 40 899.494 40 Reserve for Bad Debts - - 59442.92 Reserve for Losses - 31.50000 Other Reserves .... 109.43843 DEPOSITS $1440340348 TOTAL CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES $1540340943 “LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU-SMALL i ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU” RALEIGH - DURHAM • CHARLOTTE „ , .... TV . - •Jui.-tt&r ash/,-Mm Levy rg\ tIPUtIICAN XL'S* THOMAS W. (Tom) YOUNGBLOOD ============ Insurance And Bonds INSURANCE:!^ BONDS: TUSZ S, ” it.£ ti§ 9t Bsmßbi CALL VS FOR INFORMATION AND SMRVtC | ACME REALTY CO. 1M B. HARGETT ST. RALUGI, N. C. RHONE TST-MSS ~ Laird’s a'l Apple ~JOL Brandy ESS r^i si: I I I *2x2" I ■ ■ tract wSh Me Asv huMUM sin- , ■ Jen Ml As ROBPtfWp Mttkß Bl flßliiß BlßKp''®®* 13