4 tot cuoubii RALEIGH. N. CL. SATUEDAT. OCTOBEB M, IMA Editorial Viewpoint Many of the Bible characters could here be come st rone leaders U they had the conviction and convincing resolution to move ahead with a program. John the Baptist was such a man. He could denounce, but he could not construct. He drew crowds who were wflhnc to repent at Ms command, but hs had no program for them after their repentance. The people waited for him to The Nobel Prize Winner King The racial problems in this country and the world can be viewed from a new tight since Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., the acclaimed A merican leader of the doctrine on non-violence, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prise. Thus we see that it is not the color of a man's skin that counts, but rather what has he accom plished in the name of peace and goodwill. It may amuse most of us. and yet we ought to expect it, that southern race “rabble-rousers” will contend that the award is “a joke.” We ex pect them to deride the selection of King as a peacemaker, since his demonstrations some rimes exploded into violence because of med dling by white antagonizers. They will also deride the idea because of the dynamic leader ship of King against segregation. Martin Luther King, Jr., distinguished him self as i prophet and seer of non-violence. The "Fisher of Men" is the Negro s idea of a mil itant leader. When he sneaks, as he often does, the audience's attitude is one of heavenly rev erence. They feel that here is a man who is willing to stoop down and raise them above the handicap of color. They feel that here it a min who, if need be. will go to jail for them. King, as we have seen, is a man of action. Hail To FAMU’s Robert Hayes In the Held of national and world sports competition, the Negro has been "twice bless ed.” Just recently in the Olympic Games. Rob ert Hayes came through as a great champion and won the 100-meter race to earn the Gold A'.Viukl. I» it -ity wiHitln iiinl li* Hhs been high ly touted aa ‘’the world's fastest human" when billed to play in football games. The people of Jackaonville. Florida, should be proud of Hayes, a Florida AtoM University student from “Jag's". The U. S. Certainly can be proud of this Jackaonville youth, who came to FA MU on a football scholarship, and whose extraordinary gift of speed was discovered on the football field. The persona, who perhaps had more to do with the young man's training and success, was Coach Jake Gaither and his assistant. Pete College Administrators Needed Since more youths are entering our colleges and universities. there ia increased demand for 20 new college and university presidents. 300 vice presidents and hundreds of new deans and oTTSer administrators annually. _ : To meet this need, a national roster of pnimiring prospects will be maintained by the 'American Council on Education to serve as internes with heads of colleges before they are chosen for die top jobs. This is certainly an idea that needs further /Sniper” Shooting Must Be Stopped Recently a Negro was shot from a moving automobile as he walked along the highway between Lillington and Angier N. C. This oc curence alarms us very much, because unless this type of behavior is checked it won’t be safe for any of us to walk on our highways and •fleets. —Next, perhaps it won’t be safe to ride in our own automobiles either. You will recall the happening in Georgia not so long ago when a Negro reserve army officer eras fatally shot by a passing car with three white men as he and two other companions were traveling by ear enroute home to Washington. D. C. Some su spects have been arrested, but so ter nothing has been done to try them in the courts. Prrsendy, the number of cases of this kind of thing hi very small; but. if we continued to let individuals get away with this type of be aavior. hardly any of us will be abaoultely safe from death at the hand of a passing auto rifle man. Human beings are often "erring” humans, since they will try to get away with moat any- Children And Sunday School PRO: Should you require your child to go to Sunday School? Many fed that every par ent has a real responsibility in seeing to it that his children be a part es the chruch by requir ing them to attend the Church School. If each parent feds It his duty to have hte child vtelt the dcntlgt twice a year, gets the rica/ andeaatioatil aeeOkT ebouUMntewter •ee the mad tor masting and —*teyn»»g the questing mind and rrßghwM spirit This need can beat ha met tkmofl reßgtoua education in the church achooL "We are emura that finally, each peraoa must make tha choke of what Me rriattontirip to Ood will ha; hot freedom dose net justify ne glect or iadMtoißaee by the parent!, No parent would think of ghrhg Me child Mil that the ehßd had adequate driving lea conk, that the child was mature enough to cope with emergendee and had demonstrated re sponsibility and maturity in other ways. In this regard, Bbnce Culpepper, director of Youth Wqrk in Christ Methodist Church in important them that vreeee that the child gets the best in spiritual interaction and environ ment as we anticipate the time when another keijj-thc fa-cedom to choose—rjpy be piacyd WORDS OF WORSHIP organics them tor asms kind of cffreUrs —met and ha was no —• Hence. Ms Followers drifted away and tala powinf gradually sal lapsed. The asms thing might nave happened to Jesus. He started wttk much lass reputation than John and a much sandier group of only twelve. But Jesus had confldnaae In himself and Ma mis sion—indeed he soaaaadßdf and his words and action art one and the same thing. He can make a speech in a church and at once lead a congregation out in the streets to march and demonstrate non-violmtly in the interest of freedom and justice. Regardless of what southerners ?*y, the dis tinguished body of Swedish judges who made the choice have a totally different persneetive. They see what it happening m the U. 8. as simply part of the worldwide revol shoo where by the colored people who make up three fourths of the population of the globe are seek ing and achieving the diginity and status of free men. The award, we think, symbolizes the day when every man in this country. North and South, will accept dvil rights as a problem which must be solved. It is interesting for us to keep in mind that three of the last eleven Nobel Peace Prizes have gone to Negroes Dr. Ralph Bunchr in 1950. Albert Lutheli of South Africa in 1900. and now Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. in 1904. We hope that thia award to King will reveal to the hard-core "whitesupranactots" that their ideas are far out of step with the world opinion. Griffin, who doubled for many years aa track coach. Griffin trained Hayes along much of the way. Also. Hayes had that needed factor we call "discipline.” At the Olympics, the boy was un der much anxiety—for hr had an abundance of publicity as “the man you got to watch in the 100-meters." Hayes boosters knew he hod to come through in the finals. He did* We are confident that in some way Jackson ville and Tallahassee. Fla., will plan some k<nd of public tribute. Through his speed, he pub licized Florida all over the world Then the Negro population of these United Ststes should arrange some kind of public tribute for Hayes. We hail “the speed king" who has snread racial good will throughout the world* development, since most of our college admin istrators are not trained academically in ad ministration in their respective fields. Most of them who hold positions at present “learned the positions through experience." Exoerience may be a dear teacher, but there is often too much trial and error. College and university administrative po sitions are wide open; may we suggest that those prefering these positions should take 1 formal training and internships. thing. When we read the newspaper stories of suspected attempts by youths to assissinate President Johnson, it seems that all of the so called “Oswalds” are not dead. We also won der what factors tend to make “the notoriety of assassinations" popular and "faddish " Certainly one who attempts “to assassinate" our President is aware of the strong possibility of being caught in the act. It seems, therefore that this type of offender doesn’t mind sacri ficing his own Hfe to see his name spread a cross the newspaper headlines. And we are also aware that such individuals are often mentally sick; if not then they are out for "kicks." Our law enforcement officers reported that Oeorgc Elliott of Angier. was shot while walk ing the highway and injured by a bullet fired from a passing car. The bullet passed through flesh on the man's left thigh. Every cHlsen must do his part In helping to apprehend those persons who shoot at other people from their automobiles If you don't assume your responsibility in this matter, the next time it may be you! CON: A Sf. Petersburg Timm (Fla.) report er, Joan A. Brook, takes the negative tide on this issue. She repoMa that she was routed out of bed early to go to Sunday School. Her par ents helped her get dressed, guided her across the street but never could she remember her parent! going along with her -they stayed at home. This has been the fault of too many parents —Maying at home themselves, but forcing their children to attend Sunday School. Os all things, the parental requirement of attending Sunday School becomes ineffectual because of the lack of example. Oftimea, the forcing of parents to attend church school when' they were young drove them away from the church school when they became adults. Yet these same parents force their own children to attend church school Does this make good sense? Is this not hypo ertey? Going to Sunday School because one is re quired to do so is not conducive to developing, the practice of regular church attendance. Too much required church attendance often turns one away from the church. Think of it church leaden want youth to come to Sunday School and the mnraing worship, evening worship and . youth meetings too. Thus one becomes saturat ed with reSgtous warnings THE DECISION; Wc have present the ar guments on both sides, but will oe left with Insf For Fan «> Msca to UOt!ltv ABB uon UM BUR “Bain. rain, ps away, far we waat ta play Wall, tor tbs past three days it has barn rsinio( fast km bans sashed to toy Utils toe, say sacks wars ring ing wet. and my islsisnst got vary wrinkly. At last the sun m. andaoTl gtaA* <oeto ** r ws thought tt srfsutd bs follow ed by “■ cold anapr. as ww Ssath Car oilmans would any. Old nan weather tooled us this time lor "fOOB. RICH MAM: The na>- But I road that in Southern Bag land, recently a man by the name of Stanley Bird la both too rich sad too poor. Can you imagine that? The local council turned down an application by Bird. K a bus driver, for a mortgage on a new house on the ground that his $32 per week salary would not car ry the payments, it refused to take into consideration that he ONLY IN AMERICA BY HARRY GOLDEN GOUDWATtB AND THE SOUTH Samuel Lube!) has issued, a survey after spending several months in Texas. Virginia, Flo rida, North and South Caroline. Lyndon Johnson is leading, ac cording to Lu bell's statistics, only in Texas. Tbs Southerners fssl Johnson has betraysd them. They Hid he pushed too hard for the Civil Rights Law. A steelworker told Lubell. “I'm a Democrat but right now I'd veto for Goldwatcr. I don't want my kids going to the same swim ming pools as coloreds." I have faith in Lu ball's work I have heard that same statement a few hundred times m recent weeks. I, 1.l «. • ««<- •* V.W.. over s hail million people in my state of North Carolina who did not havs electricity in their houses. It finally took the fed eral government's RKA to light those homes TO ye/rs after Edi son'S invention. Well over a mil: Uon Tar Heels live on Social Security today and the number who live by virtue of the Soil Bank Program and the farm subsidies is ever larger. I mention North Carolina be cause it is the mest progressive slate in the South. The rest of the South depends even more on the federal government. But Barry Ooldwater does not like any of this. He has suggested soiling TV A. turning Social Se curity over to private insurance firms, and farm subsidies is only for loafers. I admit that thare are many Southerners who would sacri fice TV A. Social Security, mini , mum wage, old-age pensions. Letters Te The Editor Bo* 782 E Hampton, N Y. To The Editor: I have been trying to find for some time, the appropriate words to express to you my moat whole-hearted disapproval of the way you published or print ed tha whole atoi concerning my father’s death, first, it was one hell o! away to boost your circulation. And I hope it marie your cash register ring sweet. I'm sure you must have had that in mind when you chose it to be your headline story. Facts may be facta, but have you any proof that my father's death was not by accident? After all. he certainly left no notes nor did he make out other preparations which la the action of people who are planning such action.' I don't understand why in the he*i you would call my step mother, and offer your false sym pathy. request a photo and a program of the funeral and then make sensational headlines a bout something of which you had no raal knowledge. If you hod come to us. either Mrs. Roy - ster or to my step-brother Jr myself like a gentleman I'm sure we wouM have given you the correct story. But you sneaked around to my fhther s associates to inquire If my father did hdve financial difficulties it was be cause he had spent a greater part of his life serving a com munity where there is much ill ness and death and little money. 1 challenge you to find one person who ever sought hi* ser vice that he or she was served with ar without money. Yet, l noticed you never said one good thing about that or do you enjoy making other people unhappy* If Mr. H. C Will* gave you de tails as your story said. I'm sure he didn't expect you to make a kaosUlna. Does it not strike you odd that aU majojr or leading papers in the vicinity just print ed the usual story and had you taken the trouble to attend the service* you might have had a different idea about my father and family in general. After ail. hit pastor said a lot of good things about us I told him to say whatever he felt right to say when I gave him the detail' as accurately as 1 could. You know, once a white fmnd of mine told me the Negro press was mostly a distorter of facta. JuM plain propoganda that sew only on* side of everything and printed just what they wanted to shine At the time I became very angry and disturb'd, be cause my own pride as p Negro had been burl But now I don't through merits— Thus stymied, Bird applied to be given s low-root house la a the council took Ms overtime earnings into account rids time and ruled ho somsd too much to qualify. “It doesn't make sanse,’ Bird said. 1 agree with Up asset tru ly. BATTLE LINE: fat (Bans Falls. N. Y, two wesson created a problem. It was a discovery rale going an. and foe women latched on to the same $lO bi cycle and wouldn't tot go for more than 71 hours until per suaded to leave whan the dis count store closed at night ' The store manager sold the women vowed to 'nausea their grips the next morning and they . did. The manager offered to settle the dispute with a flip of the coin, but the women refused the idea. I wonder what will hap pen now? Women kndw their own minds. and farm subsidise, so that their kids won’t have to go to the municipal swimming pool with Negro kids. And tot us grant they do. The big question will still remain, ran Barry deliver? I suggest to my fellow Southerners that they ask Barry Goldwator hew hs intends to re-segregate the pub lic schools, how he intends to abolish the public aecommoda. tions title of the Civil Eights Act of ISO 4, how hs intends get ting tha Negro kids out of the municipal swimming pools. I strongly urge my follow Southerners to ask. “If you are President. Mr. Gold water, will you keep the Negroes out of the movies and put them back in thr hnrk of the bus’" What answer can Barry Gold water give to these questions? He esn talk about leaving the problem to the states, but there is federal law. based on Inter state commerce, and on tbs use of federal money, and hocked by Supremo Court decisions, none of which can bs declared null and void by a President. When the South realizes Bar ry Goldwater will not appre ciably change the facte of inte gration will bs still win votes; will he win the vote at Lubell's stellworkers in Greensboro, sad his fanner in Spartanburg? The Southerners may be will ing to pay Goldwater’s price but the big question—will the goods be delivered? Unless the South erners make sura they will get delivery (back of tha bus. no Negroes In parks, movies. Greek and Chinese restaurants, ate., etc.) they may be buying a pig in the poke. know. I had always mad your papar on my froquont visits to North Carolina, but from now on any such copy I receive shall therefor* certainly enter my waste basket. You might print this as an editorial or a story. Os course, you won't, that would be too much like giving out the real facto wouldn't it? Slgnad. LUTHER A ROYSTER smrmwft NOTE: Tha above letter was in reference to Mr. Royster's tatter’s death by con suming embalming fluid and was canted on this newspaper s front page August I, Mtet The CAROLINIAN did check with every available source. We never prfnt untrue facts. Our conver sations with Wake County Cor • oner Marshall W. Bennett and many others in the medical, civ ic and educational fields In the Wake forest area were our sources. We never ted Mrs. Roy ster to believe that we were at tempting to do a "certain type" story on ter late husband. Deal ing only .to facto The CARO LINIAN, as doaa every ether newspaper, prints tha news aa it sees it The white "tricoT re ferred to by Mr. Royster, either did net know the purpose of the Negro press (aa explained te cur credo te tote page) trhvu too dtetntereeted to try to find it , To The Editor : In suck a rapidly changing world aa ere are living today, tt is meat grettfrteg te see maa of toctetohtji ing te repaid te toe mm wha rpASOntd luCCtßm OP* tin Luther King. Jr. aa tola year's winner of the Nobel React prise. I can t think of another man aa dcrarvteg. etoar than our late sad beloved President John P Kennedy. Dr King campaigned hard and courageously in the cauae of peace and goodwill among people and aattena ssety there. terUngtoe rights of all freedom loving pcaplaa te wr country and throughout the world. So congratutetteM te Df- Kteg and tea warid tore^etth^rtea nation and individual apatete individual, may ere eaattama te have man Mte hte erlto • Mte dedicated te sarvteg your God and your feitow man. WnMMt'k. BAKDOB Raleigh. M, C. Conscience... Where Art Thou? - - ~ 1 '"T aSSb mdt/ gflKßr > ■ WT 'M m Vjv ••• pm jfcpEj/ rj * V vwflLf^k:Y ." J? Ha k n SI ' ' -w jr r / Js|f\ aMp . JILTARCAIi “chbmtanitt unity OB nmnoMT" Th» newly- sppnfnted editor of The Christian Century. national religious week*. tha Bav. Kyis Haselden. spoke to h public relations group re cently on tat future of the magashw. He mads the allegation that Christianity, at toast as it to presently pra atlas it in tha world, to a dividing rather than an uniting fans. He anggastad that his listeners might not agna with this assertion, but some of as thought men deeply, later, on what he said and found ourselves rather willing to iffffj with hip. Later la his speech, ha described tha atUtudas of the people of t ' v **T towards o** chsnoh aa be ing. “critiaal, analytical, lnspecttvc.” At this point many of us wondered Just how much an alysis and Inspection the Church could stand. a long with a lot of criticism, not always oonatroc tlre. that It gets. l4»ere to a lot tn oa—nan in these statements mads by Dr. HaaaMan, who to one of tha most in formed bmi in fosrin on the Ifs of the Church in the whole werid today. In foot- he admits that recently ha was called “The Christian Editor of the Century.” Mates d of tha Editor of tbs Chris tian Century. NEWS AND VIEWS H J. R. BARREN INTERRACIAL COOPERATION ROCKY MOUNT Tha post week presented several surprises, net the least of which whs the —fiiawt cooperation exhibited by the Cardinal bosebenera at 0L Louis. Mo., where a colored pitcher—-Bob Olbeon—distinguished himself and his race by pitching his under-dog brewery team to a world’s series championship over the top favorite New York Yankees in tha face of heavy odds. This feat, again, showed that where Ne groaa are given an unfettered chance to develop themaalvea they can and do succeed. Too often, we hear toe term "quattftod Ne groes" used when colored dtlaene aeek jobs or positions to which they bare not been previously hind. This over-emphasis on “qualified Itegrom" mama to imply that the whites do not need to. neeamaiUy. be "qualified” for such jobs bat can get them on "their free". (Too often, that te regrettably true). The whites get on-tbe-jeb training whan the Negro te expected to eome al ready fully equipped when there la hardly an ave nue open to him for previous training. Thanks to tha anna of umrts, Nigroca have bean patmWtod to w— pete side-by-side wffh their white brothers when tiny showed tha appriHflm skill to help the team wta. White toe Western World te 'tradderlag at On thought of Red China karitm the dasßv wsrjte daatroytng bento and perplexed thi^r^|ter the Ptebte < Psae!rPrißata torapttw hie gallantry In following the eaample of Jesus the Christ and Mahtma Ohandl hi working for Interracial Jus tice and aquaßty without violence. Than, two Me grawwere <ngang^hgjepna^ttpto^ This should further affiance tha eaom of Chris tian tenthnhnad and (nation in Amcrtoa. We tatoed. toat wash, with a white employe of baßevS| toatttmararagn white highlateral grad than the ever age Negro «-jrr. oatege graduate. We toM hka gar muroeef Info was Louie L Mtt tsrprering toe etvfl rights act es 1084 te the recent R. C NAACto convention to Oraanehofu. MNeheß aha stated that, eantrary to the ophdaa baM by ■may ssatownna. toe twelve odllten donate al located to the CNR Rights Commtetion tor tm phOMntation of the Aet would not be need—en What Other Editors Say... Nnwltiml STffw of this nation kas ttwre^b— > suck JjCte If toe Church, viewed aa a whole being or ce sarian, is, as Di. Kaselden alleges, doing more to divide than to unite, then R cannot stand up un der any sound analysis or impeotton. neither can tt long ignore criticism. Where are eome of the points of divtetonf One major point of division today te over RACE. The conservative church groups, the white church In the South, by and largo, stress such things as “personal conversion"—Tram* awed"—abstin ence fraat ttquar, playing cards, etc.—which are all very good—but they an silent on nutters es vmbgtn^ttgto.^vkto they are silent on the subject of Race Relations The Church la divided In Its ecumenical wl‘- nen, with the 1 fundfwntele organised Into a different national group that the orthodox, and tha RMrale oft hue another camp; and then more divisions by raw. religious origin and theo logical practice. And then, the division hi creeds, dogmas, doctrines, social status. Intellectual stra tas. and on and on and on. If this te "the body of Christ” aa some wuuM like to define the Church, then Christ te the most fragmented befog in toe universe er in Heaven. tfrely tor enforcement purposes light Brillfi will go to help In the op-griMfing of pupils In da pressed or retarded study anus to hsto them meat the norm. We like very much this quote tram BTW Prin cipal R, D. Armstrong’s Telegram column Sunday In which he said; “Those with little Inside often put much on the outside.” Sadly, but truly, tide te at least ninety per sent true, much to our re gret. That’s why so many of us make a display with clothes, big autos and splurging of many kinds In a futile effort to Impress people. Wa could save ourselves a lot of money ts we did not at tempt to put on this fade front. The Rev. Ralph Abernathy of Alabama via At lanta, Os., win be the Bth amdvneaiy speaker tor the Rocky Mount Voters and Improvement Lea gue October 29 at tha BTW High School. A near record crowd is anticipated tar the appearance of the Imminent civil rights lsader who te number two man to Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. In hte espous al of non-violent civil rights action, for which King just received the Nobel Peace Prise A NAACP speaker mid last week that white white school principals are telling their school boards they have ran two or three tbeusanl dot ten to the red with their lunch room programs and asking for more money to operate en: Negro principals are gleefully telling the boards that "We cleared a thousand doßars” or more from their cafeterias in an effort to ptaaae the *pow ers-that-be. In that connection, we are reliably informed that in am Easton Tarheelis town the white school cafeteria does NOT carry over from one day to the other ANY POOD at all. because the tnmmctor reportedly frowns upon tt However ’he colored principal, allegedly DOES CARRY OVER LEFT OVERS. This Is fan the same school system (f). Doss tha Negro proxy care lew for the health of his pupUs or Is he forced to do this? It was good to hear score Nashville colored citi mm say they have registered to vote for the nr-’ time hr their lives, thus becoming a full-Teg' American ettiaen with the power of the ballot their bends. On the other hand. It was saddening- to hear fount Raleigh housewife and mother say she h nob registered and didn’t Intend to because sh wasn’t interested in voting for either candtds r Wc tear her number is legion. Saturdav Is th lari day to register in most counties. Won’t vou please register? Then vote Nov. 3rd. manner and vfcrit at medieval aObeae United State* toffulfiU • nMoa which they conceived to be sacred enough to sacrifice and cort premia their future a the proceea. Education (or corrective poiit etrtod that objective ertSi tetetU «mee. courage and with an un pamDaled sense a( dedication. eaee of an uncritical America h attested by the activitiee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation •■d fag the number of white men aad women of influence who have identified themselves wit the Negro couse. Mississippi provided the back *"P hr a tragic drama this anmmcr, but it was a drams . orhMa unfolding has revealed aU the ugly, mean and repreber riWe anatomy of the Aiperfcan race prejudice —THE CHICAGO DAILY

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