President Johnson Telia Pixie Hechleiw, ‘YOU’LL FEEL SORRY ON NOV. 3* Despondent Wife Kills Her Child, Grandson, Then Takes Own Life Murder, Suicide In Dunn DUNN A despondent mothi whose estranged husband is no living in New York City, killed her daughter and grandson hers Tuss day morning hap* sel with a bullet in the head Harnett County Coroner W. A. Warren rated tbs killings doable murder sad suicide al ter Mrs. Cara Riley. 44. killed her daughter, Mr*. Janice Ja cob*. IT, and Mrs. Jacobs’ U aoonth-old sen, Tony. The woman first fired two shots from a M caliber pistol and fatally injured Mrs. Ja cobs. then she pumped six Ms young Tony, and finally killed herself with a shifts shot hi ths bead. Police Chief Alton Cobb stated saw Clark, found the bodies when she (COUTUTOM OK PAGE * Abernatliy Speaks In Rocky Mt, . It J.~k HAMKN B atari MOUNT—There is still , than Mt (Or you when you reed this message Thursday, October 29, to load up the family and drive into Rocky Mount, N. C., where the Bev. Ralph D. Abernathy ot Mont gomery, Alabama bus boycott fame will speak Thursday night at the Booker Washington High School auditorium at eight Dr. Abernathy is being brought to the city under the sponsorship of the Rocky Mount Voters and Im provement League of which the Rev. J. Hutten Costen is secretary, and Mrs. Selena H. Hall is record ing secretary. The VIL is observing its fifth anniversary. A few years ago tthe organ isation presented Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. to an audience of two thousand from over Eastern Tarheella. A similar capacity crowd is expected for this week's event Admission is free to aIL However, it is anticipot ed that an opportunity will bo riven the public to contribute to the program of the Voters and Improvement League which has taken the communi ty leadership here and, on oc (CONTLVUED ON PAGE Z> WEATHER The forecast for tfco Best ftvo Ityi. Thursday through Monday, will ivnin 3 to 7 degree* above normal, tontine cooler about Fri day and Saturday, becoming wanner again by Monday. Little If any rain la Indicated through Monday. Reveal Durham Lass Received 35 Grants WASHINGTON. D. C. <NPI> - Miss Sylvia Sloan. 17. student anti daughter of Macro A. Sloan, vice president in charge of home opera tions of the North Carolina Mutual Use Insurance Company, Durham, jflj taboo iW?I ■Unlmmllii Make Tues., Nov. 3 A Day To Remember! Be §urc To Cast YOITI Vole On Thai Derisive Day! The Carolinian North Carolina ”« Leading Weekly • ... _ . ... . ————————^ VOL. 33. HO. S 3 RALEIGH. N. C„ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1364 PRICE 15c Alabama Court Halts Trial Os 200 PRISONER HURT IN RIOT ltunste* mt Jessups. Mary land are shown helping a guard carry an injured prisoner back to his cell, following a riot at the Maryland House of Corrections last Friday night. Hundreds of screaming convicts rioted lour hours after they were outwitted by 12 guards they tried to hold hoetage. Over 100 State police and prison guards, using dogs anl chibs, finally restored order. (VPI PHOTO). Master Barbers Back Dan Moore W. Raymond Jones, of Raleigh, secretary of the Master Barbers' Association of North Carolina, In formed The CAROLINIAN Tues day afternoon that this body, boast ing 1,000 members, had endorsed Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dan K. Moore for governor of the State. This action took place, Mr. Jones said, when the Negro group met in the Extension Building at Salis bury on October 18, dismissed the N. C, had a difficult problem fac ing bar—which of 35 scholarships to accept After much deliberation, she chose Howard University, ac cepting it* $l,lOO yearly grant cov ering all tuition, room and board, for four years. the NorMMCaroUna Governor's School far Gifted Children, scored » an her Na ttonal School and College Abil ity fed. One of the rejected schools was Duke University, Durham, which integrated la* yew. Mias Sloes picked Howard for what she con sidered a better social environment “You mu* deckle what you want to be successful socially, or aca demically." She said. «■««*>"'« on her decision. NBm Sloan feels that a* SMBtuMtowml r H ilsilamly Negro body, and jhoaatWie Issues and decided to back Judge Moore. “We feel that Moore la go ing to be elected,” Jones said. Proceeding this andmssmewt. however, was a meeting wHh the Associated Master Barber* Association of North ■ Carolina (white), attended by Jenes and S. M. Hett es Durham. This session took place on Sun day, October 11, at the Holiday Inn in Burlington. The Associated body makes all of the law* relating to barbering in North Carolina. Jenes said be and Mr. HoH treap If a Negro might bo ap pointed to Om Beard es Ber ber trsmlaars. He said a Negro barbering teapeator la ate* From Raleigh s Police Files THE CRIME HEAT BY CHARLES R- JONES Man, Bro.-ln-Law Jailed After Bout Graham Harris, 40. at UZII-1 Baltiry Drive, tefirmad Officer John Baker, Sr, at SOS p. a. Snndarjo wm and volte, es 0M Payetterille H “Jumped ea aw* abate km wife, Betty, wbeja Prtvtttela tetter. tew fd UMawiTstet rT Harris and his wtfa had allaged Ip cogaged in an arHiminf during the ewty pari es She ivuisg Decision Reversed In 'Basis MONGOMKRY, Ala - The Ala bama Court of Appeals has upeet the contempt convictions at over MO Gadsden demonstrators Who had been summarily arretted end Jailed In 'June, IMS. NAACP Legal Defease Fuad ill sissy Narnia* Amaker as Mitw lark Ms# Oscar W. Ad ' amt Jr. eC halted Op wQllpMNMye dried |g QidMan. whan ♦ Circuit Court tesnad m Injunction oa Judo 17, MiG uafcinlng any MMns dr Junction. *o Circuit Judge verbal ly hwtroeted the aMrtff to «rreel BJESyi and Jailed a4*out being charged and without bail NAACP Legal Defense Fund law yers then filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus to secure the re lease of the Jailed demonstrators. They asserted that the Civil Rights workers hod received no notice of the injunction, had not been given a hearing, hod not been charged formally, and had been dented bad. After a hearing, the Judge dented the petition but finally agreed to set bail Fund lawyers appealed <COWTIHPEP <M< PAM El needed In flw State. “They didn't assure us of any thing," Mr. Jones said, “but at least wa are now on the ground floor.” He ate* acid the Master Bar bers sent a totter to Osvsraw Terry Sanford teat Jtey, een tetning a raeahiHen that Ne gress he pissed an the baaed as era minors, and a aapanrtew as eatae be appelated “For four yean wa bava been struggling for this mova,” the Ra leigh barber concluded. Moor* has also been endorsed by the State NAACP conference. white tbe Southern Christlaa Leadarahip Conference as North Carolina haa Bobort L. Gavin. fosnawcisp on paob at charged with Q"g»g*"f in an affray. Girlfriend Sees Her Man Beaten Hobart Moon, dS.af4MS.Ca banrua Street, told Officer H. S fenningtoo at 10:13 p. m. Saturday, ne was walking down the atratt with ate girlfriend when an un known man attacked him and bate him with his bands and fiats w tbs *Mowa doriand*he did net knew hto samite wt and could not describe kirn. Ha suffered abrasions of Ote right ays and left —safc. MOB PBAW LYNCH CUUD James A Bapar, left- PrsaMaw* ot Mat AuEusttne't Ooilete, *- VtNI WSSB^BWdrtSSIS^BBgIIIBIS wS'lliwlSwSiw Honorary Mai gcienoe Pntiniltr> Dwa Lynch taught French, On* and Spanish at «h# college tar Mil ril r«n Ha la alao an ther at two cooks an French. Tha award waa made last weak NACWSeto 28th Meet In Dee Cee WASHINGTON. D. C—The Ns tional Council of Negro Women will hold it* 28th National Conven tion, November 11-18 at the Shore ten-Fark Hotel In Washington, D. C. It wU Ibe the Council's 28th mooting in the nation's capltoL Mm Dorothy I. Haight, National President. NCNW, has met with the New York and Washington staffs to finalise plans for key note speakers and guests. “The Challenge of Poverty", the convention theme, sets forth the nature and scope of the 28th An nual Convention. A mease ge has gone out to na tional affiliates, local council. Jun ior and young adult council. Ufa aaembers are being urged to eoroe and share in the deliberations and dccfripna and also fraternal dale ccasmwCTP on mw w Children's Book Wk. Opens Sun. Sunday. November 1, will mark the beginning of National Cbil dretn’s Book Week at the Richard B. Harrison Public Übrary and its branches. Children and young peo *pie will be invited to Swing Into which is the theme this year. Began ferty-ete years age. Basil Week km became a tea « g||| in to highlight far ekSdron Os reading and enjoy ment sf books. Libraries, mBmB. kaehularii rivts SriMmrnpapera ail ever *a eenntry are taking flda oppor tunity to ergo jSMraa sad Durinf the week the Children'* Librarian will visit the city school amemhllrt to award over 200 eer tiefleates to those, who read M ot mare books In the World's Pali (cosnmnia on nut s t» Georgians Lectured By Lyndon AUGUSTA Go—Departing tram his prepared spsoch hero Tuesday, President Lyndon Baines Johnson Ist loom a barrage o< advice to rude hecklers In this racist South ern city regarding good manners. Ha was smreute through the Beep leu*, when bo atteebod Sun. Barry M. Gold water, Be pubWrou asplranl for the Pras ttmOSJßaßSn lihnM. 1 Whan ha reached Augusta, ho wa* interrupted several thorn by chants of "Wo Want Barry.” The President said In his "lee turn” on good manners: "I was al ways taught as a little boy that whan people didn't know any bet tor, end when they mode mis takas, and when they ware rude, and whan they didn’t chow good man uere. to turn the other cheek and my ‘Deer Lord, please forgtet them ter they know not what they do." "Wo Just M terry," Mm can declared. "And 1 that m Nor. I May are going to fool Ho had daced eimilar, but lam noisy pro-Goldweter chants at Ma con, Go* which included the wav ing of outspoken anti-Johnson ban ners and pjacards. However, In contrast to Ms reespllem at Aaguste and Ma con, pellet aatiamtod mere than 7MM Jehuseu auppater* as sembled outside the capital bulMing as Columbia, IC, i politically ancorMn city. Said State Senator Edgar A CCOWTPHWm ON PACK «) Predicts Victory For Gavin . e Bailor's Note: The following is part of a statament made to s pro sinct rally In the North Hills area on Tuesday night, Octobsr 27 by Don Kimrey, Republican candidate for the State Senate: A feeling of victory is In the air among Republicans in North Caro lina this year. This feeling cannot be attributed to wishful thinking of various elements which are ap pearing among the voters this year, but is arrived at from careful study At this time it appears that Senator Goldwater will carry North Caro lina by from tan to fifteen thousand votes. Surprisingly enough ear sur very* indicate that Mr. Rebcri L. Gavin will run aemewhat stranger Mum Mr. Oeldwster and may carry the stale by from thirty la thirty-five thou sand vale*. Coming closer to (CONTOfPEP OK PAPS S) Playwright Near Death In Hospital NEW YORK (NFI) - Author playwright Lorraine Hansberry. who entered University Hospital earlier this month suffering from a strange malady which affected ber appetite, was reported by hos pital officials here last Thursday to bo near death. Tbs “strange ail ment" waa alao disclosed to be a "malignant disease In its terminal stags." The 28 year aid author sf the Broadway hit show. “A Raisin k Mm Son," had been on Mm critical list since Oct 20. When crigtaaßy admitted to the hos pital. ah* waa thought to hove been suffering a mixture es a F•• ' ' I ...» .~«*»«KRBY READY TO WORK FOR LB] Attorney Arthur Jackson fa shown in hia Washington, D. C. office. He is tha Democrmtk captain ot election precinct No. 55 in Northwest Waeh/ngton Jackson's goal fa to deliver a (our-to-one majority tot the John eon-Humphrey ticket next Tueeday. The precinct ia 90 pgr cant Negro and has a registration ot 2,264, Jackson says he fa stilt "working on Republicans to vega tor Johnson. (UPI PHOTO fr. Misters Will To “Get Out The Vote" The Raleigh Ministerial Alienee voted last week to um the cars ot its members In carrying voter* to the polls on November a, election day . Acocidteg to the Rev. D. N. How ard. Sr., chairman of Raleigh chapter of the NAACKs church committee, the local partors will recognise ell registered voters on Sunday morning, November 1. Ministers will then encourage the voters to carry someone else with them to the polls. Ministers whose cars will be available art: The Rev* T. H. Harris, president of the All!- cnee, poster as Rush Metropoli tan AME Zion Church; D. N. Howard, Tapper Memorial Bap- State Needs 2-Party Syste^t (AN EDITORIAL ) “F The great need for each and every American accepting.afhhle heartedly and with enthuaiaam hia unique privilege and respon sibility to vote HIB or HER convictions, is more demanding how than ever. At work today are more multiple-minde4 tcqHlsea seeking to control the minds, means and lives of die world than ever before in its history. We are little different in North Carolina in thir science or technique than persona anywhere elee. ; - Among us are astute politicians who know all the apgpj|f{hes and salesmanship. In fact, theira is a business. One can victim to an almost hypnotic trance brought on by profevripnais of the science of politicking. These are the tools and ilMflP m • the world of politic*. It ia a right. It is the American way. __ However, die American voter has the sole right to Wf.yote. The vote is somewhat like the dollar —you own it untit you spend it or loan It Moat of us know how hard it is to hold on to the doi lar no matter how many we may be fortunate enough to tan. While the vote doesn’t buy merchandise, it belongs tt Mai (CONTINUED ON FAOB 2> ~ CAROLINIAN - ’ -'»» .ADVERTISER! BU\ FROM THEM ~ 1 I*AOS S Horton's Cask Stars VACS S Bracks Appliance Ce. terns BesJtp Ce. Gem Witch shop SAGS } HuSsea-ttelk-Cflrd* John W. Winters so« (>. eAoa a CeteaUl Stores Leaden Oil Ce. KaJelgh Beateed Taytor Radto aad Bectncal ce B. K. Quinn garniture Company PAO* 1 A*P Stores Bstotos BaiMers ce. See Manners Promotion* Unrein Theatre PAGE t Car el las BuUdsri Corp. Pspat-Ceta Soon nr Co. M Balrl.h I atof sway's Optician. toe. PAG! t ISerhsales and Panner* Bank PAGE IS Hast General Tire Ce Electrical Wholesaler. I Jeffrey. Eeafeed St ere Duma's Bass Service fMi C W. Ward. PM BapMak W. B. Lewis, FayaMsvfHl ft Baptists p. IL Jehnoen, MNNi «. BapUak «. B> •pastsm. Morning Star taphl; ON l R*NegaiHfa/WUa*n WMM IFethodteli I F. Epps. ML-dM thaw AM; N, Mitchell, ML lb bo Baptist and A J. Calloway, 8L Ambrose Episcopal. The Rev. Howard also sMttd that other minis ten, who are oat asam ber* of the Alltanco may tie con tacted by voter* who know thorn. All persons who or# rsgMrad to vote are urged to make Jamm ber 3 the day ot the must jIHHM turnout in history for hunM&JVRs PAGE II Kawlo Motor Co Wade'* Auto Calei PAGE 12 Viiina Builder* Sapply Mother 'and Daughter Steed*. ted. Ivey* of RaJetgh Pcpal-Cola BotUleg Compear • Hetty Oay beau Morton PAGE H Ready-Mix Concrete Cimpmg O'Neal Motor a. tat. iMgvnm' Capital fuel OH Co. Capital Pool Oh. kt and corn”*. , stephrn«oa Made Co. P-pal-Cola nottllni Co. Jesse ioatt Saoeafo Blltmorr NUla Ivey'e of BaMfh Ambura Psalter, tea. Medlln-Davte Cross Pealtry Co. Ivory'* of Saloifh Broach Baakiaa sad Traot OK Hadsea-Beih-EAid* es Bdtelgh£«L Raleigh gavfeig* aad Lean Aamttttkm PACK Id _ -. Carolina Power aad light CST.—. PAGE IS . ■*«&«■ King cats Medal

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