CIVIL RIGHTS ACT GETS FIRST N. CAROLINA TEST Victim Blasted Over Own Wife; Jail Two In Shooting Here Jurist Ponders Charges NEW BERN North Carolina ■weired its find test of the 1004 Civil Rights Act Tuesday. Novem ber 10th. In U. 8. District Court NAACP Legal Defense Fund at torney* asked for injunctions to end discrimination at Moore’s Barbecue in New Bern and at the Villa Vicki Hotel Court and Res taurant in Blisabeth City. The twe suite ask the Court to enforce Title II es the new law, whieh is currently under review to the U. S. Supreme Court. Legal Defense Fund f» H'VPPe ft* CCTH plaint* tbv“ v~ h CaroUn* supports the diserfaninatery policy «f them eetohMshmewie by state action and that ope rator. es the ndianidi at ibfli Interstate CiMiMHib *»' Negro plaintiffs represented hr the Legal Defense Fund sought .and wem denied services at Moore’s Barbecue on July 13. and at the Villa Vloki on Aiwiwt 12. October 2. and October 21. The owners if these establish snssAt^Ssß tcovriKuap • Church Feud Remanded By Court BT J. B. HARKEN TARBORO—An abrupt halt was ■ailed Tuesday at noon (at least temporarily) in the prosecution of the trial of the Rev. George W. Dudley, charged with illegally oc cupying the pulpit and serving as pastor of file Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Rocky Mount since an August 31, 1962 conference alleg edly dismissed him (pending a 90- days notice) by a 15 to three vote. Subsequently, (church records produced as evidence show, at an other meeting. Dudley is alleged to have summarily dismissed some sixty-five members including the 14 plaintiffs who signed the court order against him. the case having been put off several times before earning before Judge Rudolph L Mint* of Wilmington Nov. 9. Judge Mint* had suggested the return es aB litigant* to tbeir church conference to seek an amicable settlement during pre-trial conference and a* the trial Jury was or ganised Monday. Reportedly, the plaintiff* prominent a mong whom were Richard Gay. a fifty-year official of the church who bad boon dis missed: Janies E. Davis, a membebr far 28 yean; Alex ander H. Bryant, former trus tee: Mark Wilson. Asm A. Gil liam. Allen Wimberly. James Hilliard. Joseph Bonner. Sta ton Hyman and Reyster Per son—accepted the court's of (CONTINUED ON FACE I) From Raleigh's Police Files THE < ItIME BEAT BY CHARLES R JONES Clock ‘Swiper’ Now Has Time On Hands Claude M. Breeden, manager of McLe,lsn't Five and Ten Cent Store on Fayetteville Street, re ported to Officer O. C. Pratt at 1:50 p. m. Monday, that be saw Wily Sledge, of 313 Pugh Street, take two clocks and hide them under his coot. Bnofei signed s warrant Sledge was arrested by Pa- Seek Woman In Child Neglect Mrs. Mary Jones. M. of 101 a Mamas Sftsct. Mid Officer* Mar THE CAROLTNIAiV VOL. 34, NO. I Masons Set 94th Meet r ..r I*4 w* 5 ‘ pf*' v '* "* V-i ■ y-5B W *m Mr 4^H| 14 - n M r ' % SENATOR KENNEDY ALMOST MOJUc-O — Newly'elected Lfemocrauc senator tiooeet P. Kennedy of New York is shown last week as he was almost mobbed by some ot his joyful sup porters. While the child (.upper right) is justifiably overwhelmed with it all, Kennedy had just emerged from a hard-fought Senatorial seat battle with incumbent Republican Senator Kennath Keating, who had held the post for 18 years. Kennedy is best known for his work as U. S. Attorney General. (UPI PHOTO). Race Relations, Rights Seen As Key Drives In LBJ’s Administration CHICAGO (NPl)—The mandate given President Lyndon Baines Johnson by the voters throughout the nation during last Tuesday’s balloting, to put his "Great Socie ty”—building into operation during the next four years, bids arc to Barnes Comments On His Defeat; Blames Goldwater DURHAM Alexander Barnes, defeated candidate for the N. C State Senate in an exculusive in terview with The CAROLINIAN attributed his defeat to the fact that there were too many voters who wanted no part of any Re man Artis and James E. < Bobby) Daye at « p. m. Monday, that Miss Ariel Marie Porter. It. left her two children at'the Jones borne early Monday and did not rteurn for them or to see shout thru carets* Genera MHchiS. X7, and Mba Betty Porter, Mk at 7t» Briggs' Alley, wfnsed to take The officer* then called Mm. Josephine Kirk at the Wake Coun ty Welfare Department. She a*k ad the pottoemen to take the ehil «o a Rock Quarry Road addrea*. where they are now. tcerorom on pass a North Carolina s Leading Weekly RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY. NOVEMBER M, 1964 | be a hefty boost to the civil rights and race relations drives to nail 'doom the gains thus far made to | ward first class citizenship, and go even further toward making "real" the Negro's place in the "sun” of ! American life. publican, du* to Goldwater’s polic ies. Me was happy ww the (set that even lhangh he wae spnrn ed by the Dnrbaaa Csenty Re pnMiean Executive Committee, o t which he Is a member, far his stead against Gatdwatcr and that the Cemmitttoe an Me grs Affairs (ailed to miens him. after a motion was last that the committee irate the straight Democrat ticket, atany es the mem ben at the com mittee net only voted for him. bat worked In his interest at According to Mr. Barnes, the ac tion of the committee is being dis cussed in many quarters. The man ner in which the motion was over ruled after being passed and tthe reason given for not voting for him. "Due to the fact that Negroes are not intelligent enough to spilt their vote," have boomeranged in some instances. There are thoee who al leged that this baa come down though the ages. “Negroes do not have enough sense to vote.* the (act that a total groan. The Ceeprtdge Urologlc Group, working an the problem of nowed mothers and their cMMr—. ns the reeuM es erne et pUnhs m Ms pMferm. invited (COKTCIi : ED ON PAGS O With the Jubilation over the election results still at its peak, campaigns interrupted during the Presidential race to the final wire, have been renewed. Two such are the complete implementation of the Civil Rights Act. and the drive to get every Negro registered to vote, particularly in the areas where they have been repulsed. Scan after the passage at Am Civil Rights Act, Indications es widespread compliance through aut the peekete es erstwhile re sistance wpve immediately no ticed. However, there still re main many areas to be tooted, and la these whieh have beau touched, evidence Hi seme farm or ether es suly partial earn (CONTINUED on vage i ) iKfflk & !■£ FOR NEW BAND UNIFORM Mrs. Mamie Holt, presi dent of the Raleigh Woman's Chib No. 3, h shown presenting check to Joseph L. Edwards, director of the J. W. Ligon High School band. The money it to be used to purchase a new uniform tor the band. Edwards said 53.500 is still needed to complete this project. ‘Twin City’ Will Host Delegation ■wsmuayo ■mme am amusaaam mmnaam BT R. IRVING BOONE WINBTON-AAUB4—The Prinee Hall Grand Lodge, free and Aocept ed Masons, Juriadictioa at North Caroling, wiU convene In the nine ty-fourth annual communication hi Winston-Salem, Tuaada* December P, at neon. Headquarters far the Headed by the Meet Worshipful Grand Master, the Honorable Clark S. Brown, prominent busi ness and civic leader at the Twin City, hundreds of masons, repre senting the more that twenty thou* sand members of the Craft, will converge on this western North Carolina metropolis tor a busy and impressive two-day schedule of ae tivities. Indications are that this an nual meeting will top all previous records, both in attendance and in the quality of the various features on the agenda. The highlights of tho first day’s session will be the annual address by Grand Master Brown, which, in characteristic manner, is sura to set the stage for a great and me morable grand communication. Ha will review the "state of the or der," apeak pointedly to the issues of the hour and challenge the craft to the "unfinished tasks” In the a raaa of education, human relation* and civic endeavors. (CONTINUED ON FAOt I) • Dr. Lyons To Speak Here For NAACP The regular monthly moating of tho Raleigh NAACP Branch wtU be held on Sunday, November IS at the Maple Temple Christian Church, corner Camden and Baal Martin Streets. The moating will gat underway at S pn, Highlighting the program wQI be the main ad dross by Dr. Charles A. Lyons, Jr, director of admissions at Howard University, Wellington, (CONTINUED ON PAOg i) Man Shot In Both His Anns Mr CHARLES B. JONES Aa argument that began at 16- 10 Crom Street over a man's wife, and spread to the front door of Wake Memorial Hospital after a man was Hwt twice, ended when looal eons charged two of the mon with felonies. Officers K, F. Ferry and C. C Heath received a call from a anna an duty at the Wake Memorial Hospital last Thurs day lusmiug that a fight was taking plaes hi front of tho fnriiHT and aae of tho partiei- Upon arrival to the entrance of tho hospital, the officers hnuiodlatoly arrested Lonnie Atwater, M. of 719| Quarry ■greet, who bud a loaded .IS gaugu shotgun tonoosled sad was entering New Bern Ave nue wtth Me auto tights tinn ed off. Inside tho hospital, the mpe talked Ito Louis Powell, of 1756 Fools Road. Apt 9, who hod been shut in both his left and right arms with • .23 ealibre pistol. Brneat Uuuont Masaenburg. 34. gs ISIS Croas Street. where the *sxa jmmmuwe m Radi w ‘Citizenship' Not Earned:’ Rev. Daly •EMPORIA, Va-" Citizenship is pot earned.” stated Tbs Rev. Sam uel F. Daly, a former Raleigh, N. C. minister, in a major address in the hometown of Attorney Semuel W. Tucker, Virginia's only candi date for the U. S. Congress. PRICE lSe REV. SAMVEL E. DALE "Jama* 3. Kilpatrick, editor of a year ago told tha Virginia Teach ara Aaaoclation. “Tha Negro muit prova hi* equality," and John Bifaba, Birmingham'! leader for a icotmmvm on page » Man Jailed In Death Os 0 Youth, 18 RAEFORD Robert Arthur Bill inger, 27, ha* been charged with murder in a fatal Friday night juke Joint claying after a free-for all fight hare. Shat te death was William Mar McLean, U. aa ether* were bring knifed Sheriff DarU Barrington aald he bad tafermaUen that 25 te M pifcana teak pert la the fighting. Me alee Indicated Bullinger. of Route 1, aeford. will be held for grand jury action in Hoke County. Facing a charge of aaaault with Intent to kill u Henry L. Jonec. 20, (CONTINUED ON PAGW It ■ IH; I m COMMUNISTS LEAVE FOR MOSCOW CELEBRA TIONS Mr. and Mr*. William Taylor ol Laa Angeles, Cali fornia, are shown as they prepara to board a plana toe Moeoow, Russia laat weak to attend the 47Mi celebration of the Bokherik Revolution. They ware accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Burt Nel son ol Seattle, Washington. Nel son is ehairman of the Wathipg ton Stata Communitt Party. Thia photo was made at Kennedy International Airport, New York City. (UR/ PHOTO). Over 600 Teachers Cheer Shaw’s Head TARBORO Speaking to more than six hundred teachers of the three-year-old North Central Dis trict North Carolina Teachers As sociation annual aasembly In the r.iu.tiu ~,oi. owiiuu, itnv ri may (6th), Dr. Jamas E. Cheek, the youthful, but dynamic president of Shaw University, Raleigh, said: “the Negro's contribution to the business world must no longer be limited to Just fun, food and fu nerals,” but ho must of necessity enter into all areas of business and econmolc competition to prove him self worthy of consideration as a world citizen. In u power-packed massage which left his audience gasping for more, the 82 -year-old Korean Ar my veteran from Roanoke Rapids, said that after more than two hun dred yaarrof slavery and a century Os poet-slavery servitude the Negro should be-flniahed'with eating with deceit and "aerating where it does n't Itch” before hit white overlord; stand up and ba counted for edu cation and freedom. Not having* gotten his freedom through the old methods, Dr. Cheek said, "the Ne gro should retreat and restudy his plight with an eye to adopting bat ter techniques “ in obtaining his complete freedom. How Leaders Viewed ’64 Prexy Results CHICAGO (NPl)—When the elec tion returns began rolling In last Tuesday night, and it became evi dent that President Johnson and the Democratic party would again be in the saddle tor the ensuing 4 yean. Negroes throughout the na tion who played their part in get tfhg out the vote and backing the Democratic party, ware Jubilant because their contribution to the effort meant a mandate for the im plementation of the “Great Socie ty” which President Johnson had pictured. Among the many comments on •he outcome of the election were these: Dr. Martin Luthar King: presi (CONTINUgD ON PAGE *> W EATH E K Temper stares far the seat five devt, Thursday threufh Header, will average S le II degrees shave normal, with ceuttaueS mild weather throufheut Che wash end. aeeemlas a tittle easier hy Mender. The expected hlfh «, aad lew M. i CAROLINIAN [advertisers I —— Blft FROM THEM PAOR I Mortea's Casa Siers tenunealty Ores Mere PAOg * Amber a Pontiac. Inc, HaSasa - Belli -KflrSt PAOg 5 John W. winter* sn« Co PAOg S fames Sanders Ttle Ce. pepsM els BottHnt Ce. Jesse Jones Seam so Blllmere Mills Ivey's es Ealelfb Ambers Penliac, Inc Medlla-Davls Crese Poultry Co. Ivory's es Bnfetfb Brsncli Banking and Trust Co. Hudsen-Belk-Kftrds es Bslelsb Raleigh Csvlnis and Loan Association PACE J Bawls Meter Co Wade's Ante Safes Brooks Appliance Ce. PAGE S Colonial Meres L I. quins Purnlters Cam east By this time. Cheek indicated. Ike dominant race group should have learned that “the meat daftgarww man In tha world la the ptwhe ha* nothing to ioee; that a nun »rw ienorant danreaaad paanle need consideration when they ary for freedom, educatioa and Jika." (WONTtMUED OW PAOS I) Mrs. Keck GetsNCTA Position ' Dr. t. 1. Duncan, preetdeert of pointment of Mr*. ThnMut It to the «f sipttufe. and°publloatlon* for t*sF" effective Monday, November It. She will replace Mr*. Barbara |T - ~1,1,-,- * I MRS. THELMA M. hA.i. Mr*. Keek was formerly as*, ployed at Shew University as director of pnblMty, whose ebe served fer II year*. Trier te her eereer at Shaw, aha was rm ployed by the Acme Realty Company. Raleigh. aa eeehtar book keeper far a member of years. Mm la a graduate of North Car* ollna College. Durham, and Shaw University, where *lm majored In business. Mrs. Keck has bean very active In the community aa a leader In numerous civic organisations. In Nehruary. IW4 aha was named “Woman of the Tear IfST hevtnaD bean nominated for this honor fowrleen civic, fraternal and ee dal clubs. Hunt 0.n.r.l Tir* te Lea See Oil C* PAGE S tar atere* Unrela ThuU* Raleifß Bininni Celle*. Mala* Buiie.ra Ca. PACE I* Careuaa BaUdar* Carpi Pepß-CaU BotUtn* Ca. at RaM.b EMgaway’* Ojlidia IBS. PACE It Mechanics aad Farmers Bank Acme Baalty Ca. rarettaa Fewer aad UfM ca. EaJrise S«a*aaS PAGE M BaSwalaar Baar PAGE IS Done** Esse Parvtca PAGE IS Lot was Orm Watch Shea l_ff»AL •- *■ a .A g| M . dwiiiwg B NMSI BlwFf Km* Cat* Masai Stapbca*’ ApptUaca CA

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