News Service Quotes D. C. Sources: REPORT HOOVER MAY QUIT FBI Zion ill n roll woman Killed In Auto Crash Was On Way To Funeral rAirruviUx-Mn. km b. Watson, yrwlt—t. Woman's Hama and Foreign Missionary Society. AMI Zion Church, announeed her* Sunday Oat lira. Marferey J. May, M—ithi aacratanr of the aocioiy, waa fatally injured in what was reported te be a truck-car acci dent, aa ilia reauM of the crippling weather that hit weatarn New York over the weekend. According ta information re. eatved ky Mn Watson, the vic tim waa riding with her hua baad ta the fnnaral es a ariate tar whan the tragedy aeenrred. ft waa haitorad that tha empti tian es the weather eaaaad Bar. • w fa-*—* c: ftz tka, la lata central of the ear mSrm waa iat determined (•OWntfUKD fN PAOB t) Dr. Player To First Bapt.Sun. The fsatared apeakar for the Annual Woman's Day ctooervmnoe Sunday, Uwenhw 39, at the Find Baptist Church here will be Dr. Wllla Beatrlee Player, president of Oraoptbcre’a Bennett College. The Bar. Charles W, Ward ia paator es Friat Baptist. Dr. Player will apeak at the 11 a. m. service*. Mn. Mara Bra— Lockhart. 2d‘ , Tha n CAIOLMAN *tSa weak that the apeaker’a sub- Jeet will be: “Christian Warn* aa la The Spaaa Age: Mo menta M Faith And Courage." The general pabMe la Invited ta attend. Women win be ia A native of Akron, Ohio, Dr. Player has beaded Bennett since October 23. 1996. She came to Bennett aa an inatruetor at (COMBTOM on* r/ G« I) dr. WILLA B. PLATES . . . Bennett Celatfe prrxy From Raleigh s Police Files: THE ( RIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES Says Sister Used V<*se On Her Head Min Mary Elizabeth Quiller. 24. of 312 E Martin Strxt, told Offi cer R S. Carroll at 10:34 *Jn. Sunoav. that at about 0 pro. Satur day Mi** Joan Ouiller. 21 kcr (la ter alao of 312 E. Martin, hit bar on the bead with a flower we. The eaaaplatea* ■ <■“'' 1 Mk of them had been drtnk tnf maor and “fat hrta a tmmT The aaly rWMe kof. N'e arreata wee* mad*. ■ Falls In Front Os Moving Car Hdaon Kearney. 31 of Route 1 noartad to Officer C R. THE CAROLINfAN North Carolina s Leading Weekly ■ .ii.— ■ - ——■■ ■ "."t 1 VOL. H NO. 4 RALEIGH, N. C.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1964 4 PRICE 15c Police Chief Orders Probe THANKSGIVING CHEER Members of the AbtT College Chapter of the Gamma Sitme Stitt* Sorority, a campus service organization, collected this pile of Hits, principally toiletries, for delivery on Thanksgiving Day to children enrolled at the O'Berry School for Retarded Children at Goldsboro. In the iroup from felt to right ere members who spearheaded the effort: Misses Mary Wright, Cher aw, S. C., president; Maggie Hines, Mantinsville, Va.; Lillian Lacewell, Rie getwood, and Mrs. A. E. Gore, faculty advisor to the group. Jury Frees Harnett Man In Two Bludgeon Deaths LMJNGTON An ell-whito male jury acquitted Richard Smith, 48. of first degree murder charges Thursday night in the brutal Aug ust 2nd bludgeon slayings of a cleaning plant owner and an elder ly retired minister. The jury deliberated for less than one hour and found Smith not guilty in the deaths of James McDougald. 70, the laundry pro prietor; and the Bev. Archie Me- Leon. 78, a retired Dunn pastor. The defendants and the victims are all Negroes. Although Nathaniel William*, 88. jatoftod that h tad killed wmetaedfast Wll- Hama, who tamed Mate's rvt droee on Wednesday, seas alee charged with first degree mar der whea the trial get aader- An’alibi furnished by Smith urban ha took the witness stand in his awn behalf Thursday, and several contradictions defense attorney Robert Morgan pointed out in Wil liams’ testimony, aided the defen Wilkins, et 0:30 pm Saturday, he was driving east on Poole Rood at U miles per hour when he sew Wilbert Lee Conyers running from Kearney’s left on the north curb to the south curb on Poole Rood. Wbsn he get In treat at my “he' feH to the pavrmtwt." Mm LMy Rtddht. eg D-El Washington Terra**, said toe taw Cewyers fsO and dirtorii he woe net strask by Mke awto- Conyers was treated at Woke Me morial Hospital tor abrasion* on his right cheek and lower lip. then hauled off to Wake County Jail, where be was charged with jay walking and public drunkenness (CONTINUED ON PACO S» dant'a cause. Presiding ledge W. H. 8. Bnrgwyn es the Harnett Bu pertar Court, had Instructed the Jury ta bring in ane as seer verdicts: guilty es first degree murder without a reeemmenda- Uen for mercy, which aete mattcaily carries the death pen alty; first degree murder with AT HOUSING MEET —/. S. Stewart, kit, prendent of the Durham, Mutual Savin#* and Loan Amociation, talk* with Mi chael P. Brooke, center, Raleigh, director of reteerch of the North Caroline Fund, and B. W. Harm, aaeietant director. Division of Extended Service*, during the fourth annual Homing and Urban Renewal Clinic held laat week in Greeneboro. Brook* *poke at a luncheon teeeion. a recommendation (or mercy, automatic life sentence; second degree murder, er not rutlty. Smith had testified he was work ing for Luby Naylor, from morning throughout that night, the day of the murders. His testimony was cerroebo rrnNTfNtiED OK PAO* *) Davis Gets Application From ivK Kian ' Thomas Davis. Raleigh's Police Chief, ordered an Inveetlgation .Monday of an application for mem bership in the Ku Klux Klin, bear bit hit name and the telephone •umber of the local police depart ment. The chief vehemently denied the name on the application was his aignature. The earn eame to lha eMafe ititntln Umi ipfllcittoß hras plaeed todhe Wtaf box at City at Eatotoß and gavt tha the *wunber as tha Raleigh Pe llee Department. Chief Devis Is actually 46 yeara of age. while the application Hated his age as 82. He has a son. Thom as, Jr., and they ere the only Tom Davises employed by the City, stat ed the personnel director. After looking et the application. Davis immediately ordered Dot. Lt. E. C. Duke to Investigate the mat ter to determine if any lew had been violated, stating he certainly hadn't applied far membership in the Klan. “I knew nothing sheet It." declared Chief Davie. He added (CONTINUED ON PAGE f) Shrine Youth Bowl Game Plans Made DURHAM Plane for the an nual Shrine Youth Bowl Football Game, are said to be shaping up nicely and many local and state agencies are joining the effort to make lt the moat successful ever Held. Governor Terry Sanford to asM te be drafting a procla mation. which to designed W -a. Dee. 8. "DROP OUT DAY." The edict win pro claim the day, dae to the feet that the Shrtaer* at the Des ert of North Carolina are ■««Mf an all-out effort to create an tnu&e that will lure many who have left school to return and cause these on the bwdarltne to remain Many Draw and corporations tcoimmvm wa page ») C. A. Haywood Attends Talks On Housing C. A. (Doll* Haywood. Sr. us Raleigh, the lone Negro member of the local Housing Authority, represented this city at the 4th Annual Housing and Urban Re newal Clinic, held in Carver Hall auditorium on tbs campus of ART College. Greensboro, last Thurs day and Friday. The keynote speaker was the Rev. William Holmes Borders. weD-known pastor of Atlanta's Wheat Street Baptist Church. "I believe In shea tins hi the church with all the entbusl laan cm can muster." staled the Bev. Borders. He ewntlns ed. "But the church alee should help m the velds In thO'Pfayeieal needs at He pee Other maskers Included Robetl A. Thompson, assistant to the ra (CONTINUED ON PAOS » CONFER WITH LB] ABOUT HOOVER—Shown are two ol the many Negro loaders leaving the White House last Thursday after telling President Johnson they sided with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., "in hie conviction that the FBI has not provided ttw protection Negroes should Motive from the Central Government.'’ They deplored J. Edgar Hoover's criticism of Pet Ming. L*f* to right are: the Rev. James Farmer, executive director ol CORE; end Miss Do-othy Irene Height, president of the National Council of Negro Women. (UPI PHOTO). i- 1 Declare TCI Cliief No w Stands Alone After Blasting Leaders WASHINGTON (NPI)-FB! Di rector J. Edgar Hoover, smarting under a mounting tide of critic Ism, may resign on January 1, according to informed Washington sources. Heaver has stood alumst alone stoee making a three hour epassh h which he hurl* ed add erttetoms at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Warren CemariMlea sad U. judges, statement against Dr. King, whom lie called "the most notorious liar In thig_ country* In a caTm rebuttal. Dr. King De nied that he had criticised FBI ac tion In civil right* cases because— as Hoover charged—the agents were southerners. The civil rights leader expressed sympathy for Hoover, and declin ed to engage “in a public debate with him.’* He even praised Hoov er’s record of service to the coun try Observers es the Washington scene were shocked by Hoov er's outburst, since the FBI eblrf, who reaches the manda tory retirement age on January i, Hat been extremely quiet on seeh issues. However, President Johnson has Issued an executive order whleh will permit Hoover te stay on. Reaction against, the nation's chief law enforcement officer came (CONTINUED ON PAOg t) Frat Will Dedicate A New Bldg. WASHINGTON, D. C—George X. Mearee. Or and Baal leu*. Obtcga PM Phi Fraternity, with lead toe oeremomea. in which the more than quarter of a million dollar national headquarters building, 2714 Georgia Avenue, northwest, will be dedicated. 10:00 A. M . Saturday, November 28. The eerementea will further rededleate the members to the fear cardinal principals at tha 28.800 member organisation— manhood, scholarship, preter reranee and uplift. Three es the founders. Dr. Frank Cole man. Dr. Oscar J. Coeaserjsnd Bishop Edgar A. Love, wmtake part In the dedication. Omega men from throughout the nation win he on hand and will tour the building. H. Carl Moultrie. Ist, national executive secretary, announced that every phase of and use of the butldirig will be explained to those who at tend. The building to located just north of Howard University, where the organization was founded in (CONTINUED ON PAOg 2) YMCA Fire A fire of undetermined origin damaged two rooms, a hallway and roof of the rear, unutued part of the Bioodwortb Street YMCA building here Sunday night. The program of the “Y" has not been curtailed since the' damaged pert of the building was net in use. Plans tor repairs are under way. E. L. Halford is General Secretary of the YMCA. from ell over the worjd, including I suggested that he be allowed to to- Communist sources. The New York 1 -t* -m ■ , Times was especially disturbed end 1 (CPU IlfflOß OH PAOR «> ‘Psychic Phenomenon’ toes PrsdictiM* , If OMBLN K. JONES We egune face-to-fare with a "psychic phenomenotn” teat Thursday morning. Dr. Robert C. Anderson of Rohs vilie. On., a suburb of Chattanoo ga. Tenn. invited u# out to his suite at the Velvet Cloak Inn. Upon our arrival, the man who “saw" the dead bodies of the three 69 Debs To Take Bows Here Friday The Raleigh Graduate Chapter of (he Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority will present 89 young women to North Carolina Society on Friday, November 27, 1964 at Raleigh Me morial Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. The Dcb» will make the Ivy Leaf fig ure to the music of Bill Doggett and his band. The official welcome to the Deb* will, be given by Dr. James E. Cheek, president of Shew Univer sity The parent* of the in-town presented to the guests snd friends, and out-of-town Courts will be followed by presentation of Sorore (COWTIM’M) ON PAOg I) Temperatures far tbe neat five Siyi, Thursday throufh Monday, will ever ere * to I decreet above normal, Nish end low tempera turn far Jtaletfh. **-M. Generally fair and mild Thnradsy throafh Saturday. Shower* about Monday, followed by cooler weather. —--CAROLINIAN . ■ advertisers! — Bin FROM THEM : PAGE t Horton's cash Store (arollaa Power sad Light C*. Eatmoa't interiors PAGE 1 Tenney's Tire Sales ssi hervUe Lem Watch Shop PAGE » Hudson-Bela-fcflrds deha W. Winters and Co PAGE S ■reeks AppManr* Ce. denies Banders Tils l'o. Pepsi-tel* DeUllqs Co. desee donee Sansafo Hiltmore Hills Ivey's of Haielfh Anthem Pontiac, Inc. Mrdlla-Davts Cress Poultry Co. leery's ad Xaleifh Branch Banking and Trust Ce. i Hudieo-Belh.Ellrds el Balelgb 1 Harmen-Dstley, liu PAGE I Rawls Hour CO. Wade's Ante Sales i Al smith Belch j PAGE I ■ Ktmkrell's i X. r. Qatan Pam Hare Company I Dunn's Esse Service I t ommunitv Dree Mere slain olvil righto workers to Mto»- i laslppl two Months before they t were actually found, woo totting to Eddie Albert, the movtopeior. . who soon departed. Than Dr. An derson told hi* story. . " He first detected hto MHfMO ’ powers at the ago Os Or when his family woe living In Matt • j era Illinois. Dr. Anderson‘toMi on older brother to World war I. "One day. a close fell Jr am a shelf and broke to IhowtoM of a heart." he sold. "i Tmu my mother that my MW' Nels Andersen bed keemWQt In the face at that hCHp ute. Later she resolved mid eg ram proving what I BMP know." Dr. Anderson had aeveral off*, davits concerning Ida urussuol powers. On Christmas Dap, 1044. Anderson predicted the (Math of lormer XTHnomt hoopctph >iphih down to the month of ABST the (CONTINuIto ON PAOfyfJ " II 9k J .•• '>’■ • 9 ■ DR. ROBERT 0- ANDMOON '" r r * Lm4« Oil C*. tAUK » Air atom Eetatee Builder* C* . Taylor Radio aad Electrical ca - (lolly Deere C-iedy Company Arm* Rrelty to. PAD* I* Carolina Builder* Carp. t *» - Pe pet-tola Kottllai Co. df Mdlt Ridgeway e optirlaa. M. PAGE it Raleigh Sr a Food Pepel.Cou Bottling CO- lac. df tilth hlepfeeae' Appliance Ca. - " - PAGE II .. g*, „ Betty Gey* leey’t of Rajeigh Goodman'* "TBS’* Mac Jooeph'a luai of Raleigh '"SIjP/ i. C. Peaoey'e ' . .. BHMhara. lac. Baldwtae* ' PAGE Id do* Winter** Prime Rea "Zx£r -■ Meehantrt aad firmer* Etah...aS PAGE Id r Huai General Tne Co.