SOMETHING TO BUY, RENT, SELL OR EXCHAN6E USE ThE CAROUNIA.I CLASSIFIED SEC DON „ a, SITUATIONS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES &NB CHILD CAHE W* HI HELP WANTED PERSQNAL CLEANING * HAULING Low Cost Advertising /T jm2m£\ —Low Cost Advertising "*wlr FOH WHAT H AVfc YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 / FOB WHAT HAVE YOU ... DIAL TEmple 4-5558 ANNOUNCmENTS CARDS OP THANKS IN MEMORIAM LEGAL NOTICES REAL ESTATE ROOMS APARTMENTS ROUSES PON RENT Classified Rates toguwir- u Coat pa* word 4) 4l a h OusiißS Duplay Per Mat-Pa* IssusT—-- toe 10# fHe tl* EacfCMPrd abbreviation, initial 01 emhor -eount aa on* word Punsuiadon mark* are NO! count*! a* worm Th# minimum oumMi of word* in any want ad a II word* Voti will save money by ordering your ad to run I or 12 issue*. Weekly Want Ada may o* tolopbon ed through Wcdnaaday ue to IS A M LIVE i MAIM. OUARANTECD GOOD NEW YORK JOBS, |3S *M Weekly, rare Advanced—Dapt 26 Harold Employment Agency, Lyn brook, m. Y. wanted 100 maid* for New York and MaaaaeKuaetU aleep In lob* 130 *o Hi pC'kMh plua fra* room and meal* YranaportJitlon furmthed Writ* C E Townaand. Boa Ml, BannatUvilla. South Carolina. HOUSEMAIDS- Live In Job*. Maa* Cotta. MO-MO Bua ticket*. Refer once* Barton Emp Bur. Ot. Barring ton. Maa*. FOR RENT! Ml* AUSTIN STREET. 4 room*, oil heated. tllad kitchen and bath Off Holly Spring* Road MOdO - Lawrence Broa Company. TE I 1871. EDUCATIONAL" PREPARE BY HOME STUDY FOR GOVERNMENT Civil Service en trance examination* Band phone number, direction* If rural to NA TIONAL TRAINING SERVICE. P. O. Boa MS. Raleigh, North Carolina. LAUNDRY TSAOUTS OSY CLEANING 1024 Gian wood Av* ha* maraed ana I* now known at RAYS* BARTON AND DRV Cl XA NEKS NO * Paul taatarltag Nd| t IMa> n . Ml. No I Ota' POOH SPECIALS Cooper’s Bar-B-Q BAB-B-O a ad m » « fOur Specialty) Pis and (,'hiramt SERVICE STATIONS BUNN * g*BO STATION-Ml S Blood worth at Phnn* Tt I-MM LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA wake county ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE - Maving qualified aa adminiatrator of th# aatate of Adam Yulian, daceaaad, lata of Waka County. Norm Carolina, thl* to to notify ell poraana having claim* against laid sstate to exhibit them to th* undaraignod at Route No 1. Box 4SI-A. Coon Road, Durham, North Carolina, on or bofore the 14th day of May. ISSB. or thla notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery aa provided by O. S. **-47 All paraona indebted to aald ratal* will plaaoa make. Immediate payment to Hit undsnlfimd Thto |oth day .4 November, IM4. BOBBIE LBS BROWN Adminiatrator. Eatete of Adam Fulton. BUMP ASS AND BELCHER. A tty*. ]M Dunatnn St.. Durham. N. C. Nov. 14-11-**. Dec. I ADMniftBTRA TROTS NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA vm COUNTY Hsvtn* qualified a* Adratatotratrtx of Bte Eatat* of Wllbart Owen law*, daaaaaad. late of Waka Countv North Carolina, thia la to notify all paraona havtnr etelma agalnat th* aatate *f aald deceased to exhibit them to th* undsrgtgnad at » E Da vl* Rtreat Bsltogh. M. C . on <* before th* Ith day of May. ISM. or thto notice wUI be pleaded In bar of their recovery All paraona Indebted to th* aatate will pl*#*e make Immediate payment Thla loth day* of November. IM4. MRS MARC KLINE SMITH. Admx Y. 1. CARNAGE A tty. Nov. 1*4141; Dm. I Criticism springs from two Row*** Intelligent disapproval and •motional reaction. I BURL ALLEN’S R '^TONGUE TRUTH ABOUT SANTA The children commence asking me, ‘'Who la Santa Clause?— la he a aooMbody living?" It pleasure* me to tell them. "He surely is, because He's a good spirit of giving." And than, the children want to Enow. How tong has he bean Coming oa Christmas to please us?" "Twas many, many year* ago. for it alartad when Santa was good to UT Jcssus.* TIPS UNLIMITED | it km. blanche a. uvnu , m EIGHT TOT AT TBS BIGHT tbrfti to watch a small at play M Christmas morn, inf. B« rtaa and taroo wrapping DffMr from amy gilt under the tree. until suddenly apraad bate* him Ja a wide array o< tho flnaat tflfa your money can buy. la aa* 1 laat* and play* with each lor a wbUa, then diacarda them all in tevor of Em simplest toy an the floor. pMbapa your child** lack of to teraat tn the more Uriah taya up. haro loitf believed: <jum not y& s ■ ■fM -i 4 M « i/m,- w . '*••• JH-* ■- '"'fs.'-f. REV. WARD GUEST SPEAKER The Rev. Charles W. Ward, pastor or Raleigh’s Pint Baptist Church, is shown addressing the Wednesday assembly ot the Raleigh Bueirme College. Mrs. D. A. Bernes, president-director ot the school, It shown at Rev. Ward’s right. (See story) 3 | m 3M‘ w \ l ffJjy M |p|4 tit* Sm Wim MBMttMiF * *«>u'puv otFwH Fv PmKi * «* ;Jr + *> Mhl - • gg Mvl «T ■ BL* \ ■ 1K m 8 WILUB MAYS, KIDS AND BASEBALL Cnßlo r ruAs TKoti jug riojM-vj I *f«r Willie Meyt signs baseballs and passes them out to the kids in e ward ot Childrens' Hospital, Oakland, California last week. The baseball Christmas tree is deoorated with autographed balls, and has at its base Willis’s personal glove. Lett to right ore: Lottie Anne, 2, held by Mays; Lloyd. 12; and Paul. 14. (UP! PHOTO). Astounded children ask, "Row old la ha and what were Santa * Unit present to Jesus?” “He’s just as young as time, and gold, frankincense and myrrh Were his first presents to Jesus." Excited, gratsful children quia "It there anything »> can gtv* Santa to pay him?" “Why. bless your hearts, of course there Is: Don't ask him to bring Too much and meanwhile—obey him.” i Dr. Boyd McCandlsuk director of the lowa Child Welfare Research Station at the University of lowa *ay* that buying the right toy* for your child at the right tune can stimulate his Imagination, develop his creative abilities, provide im portant learning experience' and promote.his physical growth Each toy put aside is an opportunity lost, duppsss we take a leoh at what Dr. McCandieo* and his staff advice. If yewr child Is aa dw Ore years eld—Dr. MsCand lew believe* it best la paw ap •haeaa wmsthiag simpler and ■tardy which year child wtU have so pomposity aunlpelate. tag H go through He hares offer* no challenge to your child's tamgtnslloa. Be woeld get far greeter sEmntatioo from a cor which he haa te pash through an Imaginary trip at his own Let us suppose that you have two boy*, aged (our and nine A record player would be fine (or the nin* y**r-old, but frustrating for th* younger boy because he can't ope rate tt Your four-year-old can pump up a musical toy and listen to it play, but your older son would probably be bored. Besides neither boy would learn anything from It Since you should have some mus ical stimulus tn your homo, your problem is tour-fold: It must be something suitable for both chtl- j dren; you must buy something dur- j ■hie: it should be something tn line with your budget; finally. If you have no musical skill of your own. what you buy must require very Uttle control and supervision. On* solution: a good quality akin drum. With K both children can learn tempos, improvise rhythms and generally express their per sonalittee—even though the expres sion might be somewhat noisy. Younger children usually do not appreciate elaborately designed 1 toys Tor example, three year-old i Susie, will have much more fun 1 cuddling a simple rubber dr rag | doll than she will trying to obey your warnings not to break a fancy | replica of herself. Aa a child grows older he sc- j quires more interests. Your con- 1 tlnuiag responsibitty as parent, is te «accurate these interests and to craato sow ones with the proper selection of taya. B your child spends • great deal: of time at Indoor activities, a bi cycle ar tricycle will soon coax ; him outdoors This doe* not mean i you should discourage his indoor , \ play; you merely add another, herlton. |l ■ year yew* hey haadtm li complex problems and equip ment with excitement and «a ih Balaam, ha will enjoy bobby I tame each as tools medal planes advanced construction sets a radio kit, telegraph sat ar fingerprint outfit. A mteoil* toy ho can amembt* himself will *UmaUte his Interest and tmasmotion. Girls with a flora far complex toy* can bo given handicrafts game* of skill or miniature appliances which act ually work. Older children In this group wOI enjoy family recreation. Oame* such as quoits shuffleboard and cro quet will promote family together ■ new and provide real fun for every ' one. By th* time your child la ten years old. he or she should be do i vising new games and building toys which challenge. Your Job at this point is to display real interest In your youn*strr's achievements and suggest other play activities which will uriher excite bis imagi nation. There, then are the questions you should keep in mind when select ing toys thij Christmas: I. Why are yen baying rear child a particular toy? Have yen rhoeea k because yaw Uke it, ar bora are you think year youngster will? I. Bew aid Is year child? Da yea keep this strictly to a*tod I ween yea select a My? Ate yea baying btm something ha I wilt understand and enjoy? 1 What are year ahOdVto iciest? Are yen farthering eamo current Interest trying M sttea ■tale a aew one, ar ha. Mg a toy which will da aellharT Dr. McCaadless in his summary say*.- "Toy* art a vital link in Em development of every young boy or girl. Parents who chooaa wisely a* th* department store counter wtE he making a sound investment to their child’s future. YOU All THI DETECTIVE Tbs Uttla four-room oottog* is s busy placs at 10:30 this dark sad windy night. A polio* photogrmhper Is snapping picture* from different angle* of the dead body of middle-aged Susan Newman, which Is sprawled face-down In tbs middle of tbs living room floor Other policemen are dusting tbs room for fingerprint* and searching through the houae for other due*. You turn to the victim's distraught husband. Prank Newman. "Mr. Newman, will you pleas* tell me exactly how your wife was murdered?” It'* painful to talk about." Newman begins tearfully. “But I sure want to do all I can to help you catch tbs man who killed my pour Busan. Bhe and I decided to go to a movie tonight, and because of the great number of burglaries that have been taking place around this neighborhood for the past several weeks, I tdok extra precaution* ... made sure *ll the windows were closed and locked, turned off all the lights, and was careful to lock both the roar and the front doors. "We were gone for aknost throe hours ... returned hero at about ten o'clock tonight. I had no Indication that anything was out ot order In or around the bouse ... until I opened the front door. I beard someone moving around In the darkness on the other side of the living room. I yelled out lomethlng ... I don’t know what... and be must have gotten nervous, because he fired about three ttaues toward us where we stood in the front doorway. He missed me, but I heard Susan cry out In pain ... then she fell to the floor . dead!" Newman gases sadly down at his wife’s body tor a moment, than continues: "After the intruder fired hi* gun at us. I heard him stumbling and running towards the roar of the house, heard th* door bang open, and he was gone. I checked the roar door after I phoned you. and I could see signs there of hie forcing the lock open with some kind of chisel or to<&” Newman pauses to draw a handkerchief from hi* pocket, wipes hi* dyes with it, then turns his gait quickly back toward you and says. "Oh yes ... this will probably help you ... the cuy had dark rod hair and real light blues eyes, and he was wearing dark blue slacks, a Mue-and-whlte striped shirt and no tie and a brown tsbsrdlns Jacket." “Have you checked yet to determine whether the Intruder sot away with any of your possessions?” you ask. "Yes. I looked around quickly, but so far as I oould see, nothing Is missing. I guess ws Interrupted him too soon. Oh. I hops you’ll catch up with him . . . soon I” *1 think we already have him, Mr. Newman." you then state. "You’re coming with us on suspicion of having murdered your wlfo!” Why do you susoect Newman «f h*vl*»e him ni- Rent! —Party & Banquet Needs • Folding Chain 17|e • Invalid Need* * TV Beta ! 5*J? ,M J, T * b i*V! 11# tar • Baby Beds and Equip. • Coffee Urn* A Dinner Ware _ ~ 1, . • Punch Bowls and Cup* • **•“• Malnleuanc# Tools B Beverage Fountain • Plumbing A Fainting Toot* B Candleabru* A Hot Plate* a Floor Sandora A Polisher* B Dishes and Glasses a Power Toole—All Types • Baby Shower Stork a Power Sows A Sanders • Card Tables and Tray* a Tow Bore and Moving Carte B Silver Tea SeTvteo a Reducing Machines “We Boat Moot Anything* UNITED RENT-ALLS CALL: FA I-4535 COME IN: 41» W. PEACE STREET GILT SHILLIN’ 4100% BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY ••J PROOF S4BO FtfTH IMPORTED A BOTTLED BY I'CW**’ AUSTIN, NICHOLS t CO., INC. NIST YORK—NKW YORK TT PLACE OP FINE FOODS A SERVICE' N. Downtown Blvd. HAM- % Chicken’ll HOT BURGERS French Frie* DOGS 15* 50* 15* BIGK . , STEAK BURGERS £ Ch «*eii n Sandwiches _ _ French Fries . _ 35* 45* FRENCH BAR-B-QUE FRIES Family Pack q ere | CHICKEN **** Ats 8-Pcs. SHRIMP & ONION French Frie* Rings 1.40 s«|* 20* Soft Drinks COFFEE 1 | THICK 10* JO* SHAKES 1 6 HOT DOGS 75# !«•* 6 HAMBURGERS ... .75# WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. g. IM4 Call For Modern Uay ‘'Pilgrims” Issued By Bennett’s Keynoter GREENSBORO A call tor modern day "Pilgrims" to qmulete th* courage and dedication of those of M 4 year* ago was issued by Dr. A. R. Keppel of Winston-Salem in Me vesper address at Bennett Col lege Sunday. Dr. Keppel. executive direc tor sf tkc Ftedmsnt Univer sity Center, citing the spread •t nationalism and totalitarian ism in the world, stressed the need far 1964 “Pilgrims" to ar rest the downward trend et so ciety and said that the campus •f the Christian college shwuld SOLUTION I mow XHVa » “1 ..joptui -U'„ oifl so uondvitoop porrow « qon* poaroqo 9A«u Pinoo Tpro-U isnf idpuoM no* 'WBjd puoow aqi uj uiooj sqi jo aipptui aqi Lusojdds oi auxn pmt *A«q tou pjnoo wojweqi utsene pub Xe.vuoop »qi ui Nuipumr sitM pin goop 7UOJj ain pauado *aqi sv main 7* pwij ..japanui,, aqi ‘*jojs e.umuMan xubjj 07 Suipjoaov Joo[j atn jo aippna ain ui Wptl ro* *poq s.uvuumn uesng ’aoeid 7«u aqi uj TRADE NOW FOR A NEW 1963 MERCURY GET EXTRA-TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE - NOW RAWLS MOTOR TO. MS FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONt TE t-Ut* Dealer No. 2291 | *SB COLN CONTINENTAL sstl^ »CQ LINCOLN dOHC oy full power, 4-dr. hardtop. LINCOLN OOQF full power. 4-dr ... OLDSMOBIUE 98. TWO ’CO OLDBMOBILE arnc 00 One 4-dr. hardtop ’CO CHEVROLET ((Mir * w Blue * White Big engine vO 7J CHEVROLET Axme * w 4-dr., hardtop. Blue. «P4rM 'M FORD GOOF JO a-dr., hardtop. Baby Blue V®® o NO DOWN P'YMF NT ON APHTMIVUn CREDIT NO PAYMENT OVER 530.51 PER MONTH OVER 75 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM! Wade's Auto Sales 228 E. CABARRUS ST. 834 6417 STOP and BROWSE AROUND No High Pressure No Tricks Just Good Honest Deal* Plus Good Cars. TODAY’S SPECIAL ’SB BUICK Century 4-d., automatic transmission, po' ii steering, power brakes, radio eonir and heater v0“»’ ’6O BUICK L ®S* bre wovurtl- SSln ... $1295 ’54 sir 11 ® »H 4 BOSDK Special l-dr. NA g3..?a ’(QBUICX flktoetai atatton SRKSS SSL tjJS, *63 v********** Sedan. SSL-*S.“jigS; owner. Nice. ... V*wr»i *64 , B y cK WH *-* hardtop, gQtonuikc mission, powe- steering. pawer brakes air nondi- TuS I ™.. S3RS ALL APPROVED CREDIT CARDS HONORED. REPAIRS OR DOWN PAYMENT. SEE ONE or THESE COURTEOUS SALESMEN .T.L Sanaa Jr. Manhafißoeoe E. T. BwahoUa Jr. W. F. Btoekwufl Q. A. Vadteok Bukk • Opel - Jaguar Saha Oeioke AL SMITH BUICK 431 Fayetteville St. Raleigh yff-ffff he th* ptae* to find Ana "If w* are serious about meeting today’s challenge,” he said, “wa must work to develop a Christian philosophy for every-day living. In addition, we must develop • will ingness to be called impractical or unpopular.” H* further urged a concern tor gratitude for the many blessings enjoyed today. Prior to Dr. Kep pel’s address. President Wills B. Player called for a period of ali enee in memory of the late Presi dent John F. Kennedy. »Xd BUICK Electro 220 4-dr. sttrssri 3B9s ’59 WW Mr» 4-dr. an ,«A tiA . gtr-HI ’6ojua®*pJTlAJ pe^TtoSTaSSK &r:..nuß 'O ford oahude Mo e*o- M gatL^ 11 lng. power brakes, radio A 2r2tsSSeS’s239s VJI FORD convertible, aato wx matte tramnUmlon radto 21* $134? 12

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