FROM RALEIGH’S POLICE FILES: We CfUME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES (gMMIINUED FROM PAGE 1) IR3Kf STEAM AC WOMAN NAPS MW A«nie Bail Flasher, 0 1 Ml K.lttrttt Strati, reported to Offi. efcr Mbrman Artie at I*ls ajn. Fri 4lfcr, the ws Wn on the sola in tSh Jitin* room of her home and thftra were two ladies’ hsndbtgs in h*r dining room. Mrs. Finch* fur ther stated that someone entered the house and stole her pockcOwok from inside one of the larger hand the packet ak contained ahttt ILM to cash, her bank book mad other papers. Upon artber investigation, the officer Bferti the bsnihags had been left 111 -tilt kitchen, minas the gained by opening a r. removing a screen te lock in the window OLVKD IN FIGHT leadale. of 527 E. Mar ti Officer Otis Hinton ad fcU pmt Thursday, that Na thuWel Quilttr threw a glass vase aft him, striking him on the fore head and in the back of his head. The complainant admitted he and Qufller “had been fasting" at the Martin Street address, where Miae Bvelya King else Uvea. AH were charged with en gaging hi aa affray. Mas King add Trace dale ware healed off to Jail then and a warrant waa signed for QaiWarh arrest MATTIE ON NANCE FLOOR Jftmes C Putman, a cop, report ad at 1:15 am. Friday, that William Vfawen, Jr, 26, of Wilson Mills, and Jesse Locklear, 26, of Route 2, Wake Forest, were fighting on the dahee floor at the Raleigh Memo rial Auditorium. When King was milked,” a .22 calibre pistol was jMtmd on bis person. Prices Are Greatly Reduced i ; -AT OUR- After Thanksgiving Sale GOODMAN’S O -van** 'Wilmington at Hargett *4l - r ■ y 2 v : I \ a | .4-. ■• _ f| _ Clw ■ # # A|- A 'j^B I ■ . KtiffttCKv . TWflt V*** ■'*** ** *■*'•»» n"w*** *""•*« ■A— f Hirniminrrtnurmir irminir mmrrinrinnr rcriwii nn Both were jailed for engaging in an affray. King's bond was sat at *2OO, while Vinson eras r 1 un der a SIOO baiL The gun was con fiscated. BREAKS IN TO “LOOK FOR BOYFRIEND" Mrs. Elizabeth Watson, 54, of CIS Adams Alley, Informed Officer J. G. Barbour at 7:11 pm. Wednesday, that Miss Lois Hedgepeth, SB, of 712 S. Blood worth Street, tore the screen from a rear window in her house and knocked out three win dow panes. Damage was estimated at $lO. Mfrs Hedgepeth, whe waa Intoxicated. admitted the crime, adding, “i wanted to gat to there to aaa my beyfriend.” Mrs. Watson signed a warrant and Slim Hedgepeth was arrested for damaging property. BILLFOLD WITH $M IS “LIFTED" Mrs. Myitis Maassnburg. 65. of 310 W. South Street, told Officer H. K. Wall at 8:14 pm. Wednsaday, someone entered her house and took a blue billfold tram a closet, containing $25. The complainant stated toe only ether person with a key was Tallie Stroud, whe lives there, and whom she hadn't seen in two days. Sks added, “Stroud drives a black and white 1951 Chevrolet" CAR’S TOP CUT! TWO COATS STOLEN Douglas McClain, 25, of 845 Cam panella Drive, reported to Officer R. E. Keeter at 1:07 a. m. Friday, he parked his 1965 convertible Chevrolet in the parking lot at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, and when he returned to it, found the top had been cut and two ladies' coats stolen. Damage to his car was set at SSO. REPORTS BATTERY STOLEN FROM AUTO Ray Burt of 15 Dare Terrace, told Officer T. T. Street. Jr, at I*4s pm. Thursday, he perked his 1580 Pontiac in the let near his home at 10:00 pm. Wednesday. When he came back to H at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, be stated, “the tot tery wal missing." Burt didn't know the brand nam* of the tot tery, but said it cost him S4B. PENNIEB TAKEN FROM JAR Mrs. Elvinee Kittrell, 25. of 1522 Pender Street, told a cop at 1:21 p.m. Saturday, she and her husband had been saving pennies in a jar and had accumulated about $5. George Keith, of 1326 Pender Street was in the house with his sister-in-law. Miss Barbara Robert son, 17, of Route 1 WendelL Miss Robertson allegedly told Mrs. Kittrell she had seen George with the pennies. Mrs. Kittrell found tee pennies gone when she came home Saturday afternoon. No other action was listed on the report. mi CABINET WITH IMPOR TANT PAPERS MISSING Walter C Parker. IS, of P-lt to*Ottte** at Ist? p m. Saturday, ha had looked for hie gray filing cabinet hat waa enable te locate It Ho seod ha tint missed it at 8 a. a. The cabinet contained his iusaraace papers, hills and the title to hit INI Rambler. Parker, whe said he moved te Raleigh only a week age. had aa idea who eeuM have “swip ed” the cabinet wbich was valaad at 54. TIRES, RIMS STOLEN FROM CARS James A. Perry, 28, who works at an auto repair shop, 125 E. Lenoir Btreet, told Officer Joseph Winters at 8 a. m. Friday, someone had stolen two whitewall tires and rims, 800 by 15 and 760 by 15 from a 1955 Buick and one tire and rim from a 1957 4-door Oldsmobile. These were son hv 14 Rnth enre were rwrlred in a lot at the above address. Value of the missing items Is sOll. MAN’S CAR STRIPPED AT OABAftE Walter Ernegt Clark, 28. of 171$ Method Road, told Officer B. G Lassiter at 7:50 p. m. Saturday, he left his 100$ Chevrolet at a garage in tbs 100 block of E. Davie St to be worked on. When he returned, Clark de clared, kc faaad kis car had been stripped of Its* tires, bat teries and ether items. "1 told the owner I was gatog te noti fy toe pollto. tort whan I re turned, ho k*d closed the place sad gone,” he stated. Clark said his tom whitewall ttras. two 8 volt batteries, on* gen crater. oAe distributor ftp and pha rater button. wtrs.iteWn. investi gation i* cohunuirtf. stolen merchandise was valued at slsl. UODtil TAG “SWIPED" Perry Haynes. 24. at 7 Asha T*- race, reported te Officer Joseph Winters at 15:06 a, m. Friday, some one stole his lioenso tag. number VI-9451, from his 1905 5-door Chsv- LCT MB HELP TOD! IF TOD HAVE FBOBLKMS OF ANT KIND 11 Psrtiaps it is financial, loot, or family troubles I feel aura that I can help you with your par ticular problem. If you trill have faith and trust in ua. Write me toddy, strictly con fidential. . ANNETTE'S FMSONAL F. O, Bexl-F Wittebenio. C. F, Sooth Afttaa 1 THE "ASTRONAUTS TEAM ” of the Monday Night Bowling League has won the team's highest averages for two straight weeks Than team score has boon more than 1100 pma for three games played. Left to right: C. Morgan, Mias Daisy Nahon, and A. Williams. Ths "Astronauts Team" is one of 8 teams in Monday Nigjht Bowling League. rolet, which was parked in the rear of 25 Hunter Street. BIKE TAKEN FROM BACK PORCH Mrs. Lucille Delores Robinson, 25, of 507 Heck Street informed a cop at 9:15 a. m. Sunday, someone took a red 20 inch Roadmaster bicycle from her back porch either Satur day night or Sunday morning. The complainant stated she had seen the vehicle at 10:15 p. m. Sat urday, but it had “vanished” a' 9 a. m. Sunday. Mrs. Robinson said she believed this was the work of an adult rather than a juvenile. CLOTHES MISSING FROM LINE Jk A Thrill A Second! Complete With Starting Gate $ 1 Save 2"! Road Race Sets t EkrtriJ'wnc’he? Reg. 21.99—3 Day* Only! Big 25-in. wrecker has ls-!b. *0 *—i—4^ power, light, wipers «afittF\\ ' '* f CHAROR IT On Sears Revolving Charge 4d*r I V Start and finish pylons arch the race track. 2 JmW \£=£M=±!= a* jfflt j»fc speed controls give better feel of the road and {{(h If allow greater speeds into banked curves. In- Wg|tfSL /&. # chides squeese track, lap counter, transform- p New Eaay Running VWt Sant, ta Toy Town . \ Sears Tricycles / . 744 %•■■ **"#VM? . . Mul „ri Boy*', Girl*’ Model 6-Foot 45-Branch Sears l\ Standard Style Bicycles Aluminum Christmas Trees V«2bcs an 3 Sears 7-Bulb 24 and 26-in. sues £ 99 Indoor Light Set w nQe Sears Price Pult for years of hard use. Combines a triple-bar name Boutiful nlu»i.u«, o« » on».,«Uort* Will k*p K. 7 tadepoutert burning lighu in ** b * 1 «™* “”' '““ U^* ct “* color through many years. Branches are shaped realistically. assorted colors. Spring clips ruat Chrome-plated handle bar and hubs. Kick stand. Safe Decorate with lighting from our Trim Shop! With stud. hold broach tightly. coaster brake. Shop at Sears and Save CT7 A "DC C *ET,3* * V ** Y moHT O httol.C. m Mj.l.ll«.ht fimnil phone TE 4-2341 UNTIL CHRISTMAS TIL %J Mrs. Elsie Mas Daniels, Si, of 105 ÜBewild Avenue, told • cop at 7:56 s. m. Sunday, stit hung her elothes on the lino Saturday and failed to take them in at night On Sunday morning whan She want out back for them, some wort missing. The officer later received n call to 566 MlewtM Avene where ho discovered boom of tho mining items. Bscavorsd ware: one black and white sweatier, ana brown and white sweater, three white bras, one black bra, two pair of panties, two pair of locks, two white ■lips, and one pair of bob's work pants, bluo with ths name, “Hockaday” on them. BBAWS PISTOL ON MAN llv!i Evans, 47, of 627 Bragg St. intormad Officer Joooph Winters gt 1:50 p. m. Sunday, that Herbert Homer Whitley, of 711 & Blood worth Street "drew s pistol on mo" at 405 Lee Street Evans came to the police station and signed a warrant charging Whitley with assault with a deadly weapon, but ths officers had not found Whitley at CAROLINIAN pram time. HUBBY RUNS WIFE. THEN BEATS HER WITH CHAIR Mrs. Ann Gctnee, 86, es ISM Manly Street, reported to Offi- mi CAROLINIAN WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1664 cer B. CL Parker, Jr., at 8:15 p. m. Saturday, her hßehead Ro bert Getees. Si, ran asr freaa bean te $M Canaan Street, then beat her with a wooden chair about the left arm, neck, and head. She wouldn't go to a hospital, bat did sign a war rant and Gelnes was hauled off te Waka County Jail, charged with small with a deadly EATS FOOD. THEN ATTACKS WOMAN Mtea Abbds Collette. 55, of K Hargett Street, told Officer B. C. Nipper aft 1:32 a. m. Friday, aha returned home to find someone had eaten all the food. She added Robert Griffin, 32 same address, threw a bottle at her, striking her or " - m. The complainant signed a war rant and Griffin was arrested. LEAVES HOME. STILL GETS CUT Miss Joe Ann Hinton, 15, ot 814 Cannon Street, informed Officer James I. (Bobby) Daye at 8:16 a. m. Sunday, that whan aha arrived home stout 4:50 a. m, she and Harold McKnight, 27. of 640 Had ley Road, "got into a turn." SHm Wtstaa p- * aba de cided to tease bar hense, end as she was entering toe front dear of bar matter's heme. 60S Cam non Street, "Hireld ran op be hind me end cut toe on the left tide es my face with a pac ket knife." The complainant was treated at Waka Memorial Hospital for her harts sad told toe es fleer aha weald came te the station and sign a warrant against Mo '-*'l far amault with a dead ly wcapesu LYE THROWN IN FACE AS MAN TURNS CORNER Taft Davit. 56, of 512 S. Blount Street, told Officer J. C. Putman at 10 p. m. Saturday, that as he walk ed around the corner of the Dollar Bill Club. 500 block of E. Davie Street, someone threw lye in his face. Davis uid he doesn't know whether his assailant was male or female. He was treated at Wake Memorial Hospital and released. STRUCK WITH BUMFEB JACK Betert Earl Andrews, es 06 E. Davit Street, reported te Of ficer J. E. Fierce at 4:55 p. m. Hunday. that Mllten Bart es es Rente 1, Apex, assaulted Mm by striking him ua the head with a hamper Jack. It could not to ascertained wheth er Andrews received hospital treat ment, but he did sign a warrant a gainst Burt for amault with a dead ly weapon. Erosion has damaged at least 50 percent of the usuable land in the U.S, the Catholic Digest reports. WAKE UP RAPIN’ TO GO Without Nagging Backache maeeulereehee and setae that oneaeoaoe laatian night* aad miserable Ured-out (••lias*. When thee* dlaooiaforta aoSM aa Wits orar-aaartloa or str«ee and strata -ran want relief-waat ft futl Another disturbance mar ba mild btaddarlrrltaUsa follow lot wrong food and drink—of tan id. Was ap a restless aneomfortehla teabag. Bona • PlU> work fast la t separate warn 1. by ,p*e<lrpeln-rellevlas action to •ft torment of nesting booknobo. head •chge. muscular echee and peine, t. br •°ething effect on Madder Irritation. S. bp mild diuretic action tending to iaaraogo output of tho II miles of kidney tube*. Bator a good sight's sleep nad the same happy relief million* bore for orer «# Poore. For convenience, aek tee the lersa elec Get Doan's rule today! 3

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