BUST PRIZE WINNER WDBaai Haatjr tan. the 4ta ««•(». uilbi, W. H. fMR, m, es Ntw Tj^Qtr. 'TC apd «i> «lr * week* oM at the time this HwM mi mate. Ha ir the madam es Mr. and Mrs Haw, Jr., of Ilf W. South Street. • Mu cation should Include train* ids la the art of living with ona’a fellow man. •‘lhi.r'.-uv. ‘-,-==—s=k WASHINGTON TERRACE APARTMENTS living room. kttehsn and bath. Bt6ve, refrigerator, heetar, water furnished 184.00. Agply in person Tel: S»UO> RALEIGH SEAFOOD Fresh Seafood Daily «10 ■» DAVIS ST. DIAL TE l-? 74? ' * ’i ” FILLED R. E. WIMBERLEY, Ph* C. CENTRAL DRUG STORE BABY SUPPLIES COSMETICS 501 E. Davie St ' Raleigh, N. C Phone TE 2-8084 JOHN W. WINTERS "& Co*' Homes and Business Sites for Sale! 3627 and 2629 DAVIS STREET (each) .$14,500 00 FHA or VA Financing (Full basement) 1020 CROSSLINK ROAD—BS4 seres 12.000 00 ONE LOT B. HAYWOOD STREET EXTENSION Lot «i*e 50 * 200 1,500.00 1009 PAGE STREET— S% rooms 13,000.00 1621 BATTERY DRIVE 24,50000 INDUSTRIAL SlTE—Maywood te Rhamkatte Rd. 5.6 acres (near railroad) 23,500.00 ★ HOMES NOW UNDER CONSTi' CTIONi IMS DILLON CIRCLE MADONNA ACRES Mr. and Mrs. James Whitley JOHNSON STREET -CARY, N. C—Mrs. EOn WilHams LET US BUILD FOR YOU! TOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: JOHN W. WINTERS * CO. HENRY BROWN. Sales Ageat VA 8-5786 : ZSt vs HA/tPLi roan investment Jkqpsktti ' : 507 E. Martin Street •■re-’ - ■ I « - l XL ■ • HIM til I {ill 111 i I-?-11 > ■ n r~ -~ loam ia the area t servsd - /A FEDERAL \y SAVINGS MANLY STREET CHURCH GROUP HOLDS BABY CONTEST Ths Junior Trustee Boodr at Hie Msnly Street Christian Church concluded it* Annual Baby Contest recently at the BkxHwceth Street YMCA. Babies shown, left to right, ore: Baby Lerenee, 2nd prise win ner; Baby Lfiys, 3rd prise winner; and Baby Johnson, winner oi the 4th prise. The babies are being held by their mothers. DEAR SALLY Mr SALLE SHAW DEAR SALLY: Am I an eddle hesdad freak Just becauat I don’t want a Mg. garkiiag diamond an gagament ring? My mdthar and my older married slater seams to think' •0. But honestly, Td much rather have the SBOO or ao plunked down on furniture or carpets ter our fu ture home. However, my mother and sister add meat of my Mends think my engagement is null add void, just because I don’t bays a ring to wave in Stair faces. T. O. D. DBA* T. a D.: There's ae- Qj«l ‘hMekteM* about a girl whe ah ewe the geod senm as values you are exhibiting. Stick ta yaur guns, and I hope your fhdaa agpreeUtes the •auaibla. censtaerate girl ha la marrying. DEAR SALLY: When a business firm has cards engraved lor Christ mas, is it proper to mail them tea business associate's home, addressed to husband and wife, or should they be sent to the associate's office, ad* dressed te him alone. THE CHIEF. DEAR CHIEPt them may be matted either to Ms homo or hli office, addreeeef to him a* tone—unlaas there has ako been atom hnstamm eonasctten with hie wife. If, tar exempts, Me wife hat hate extertained so occasion with her husband by yenr firm's exaeuUvsa, II would then be fitting and prop* or to inelnde bar In your Chrtrt* seat greetings—and of course the curd would then be mulled to the home DEAR SALLY: I haVs a REAL problem! My fiance is in love with another girt He’S very free to ad mit this, but he insists in the some breath that I’m the ona he wanta to marry, that I’ll make him a much *• <•* - w*au . \ktib i *•-' •> and a much better mother to any children we might have. Whenever I See this other girl, tt almost makes me sick. She's much prettier than I, and loaded with personality, too. I can really understand why my fi ance is so much attracted to her. If I didn't love him ao much. I'd throw in the towel right now. Have you any advice ait all for ma? HEART SICK. DEAR HEARTSICK: I think yon wffll be even MORE ’heart sick” if yen marry this man, and spend the reat of yenr Use with- the feeling that yon were “Adventures In Negro History” Recorded By Pepsi-Cola Co. HENDERSON Members of the faculties of many of the schools in this area were guests of Pepel-COla Bottling Company. Inc., Monday night aad bad an opportunity te listen to a resol'd, Adventures in Negro History. The record was made by Pepsi- Cola and gtvee a rather graphic description of the part that the Negro has played in the develop ment of America. It tells of the struggles of slavery, the pangs ot hunger and destitution, the aoourge of segregation and the devestatten of war. It also relates how the Negro loot courage and continued to fight aad pray until be la now realising some sem blance of equality. Papal Cola, through its Special Market Representative, James Cameron, hopes to make this re cord available to teachers, stu dents and other interested per sons as another public service of K i : iiti tr - Mml ' IRSW I IW l&A Y^bl H 1 RP& I ■■■■■; 1 i AT LANGUAGE ARTS INSTITUTE fir. fiarwfri 7*. Turner, left, chairman of the Department of Engtieh at ANT College, talk• with Dr. J. Sounder* Redding, proteaaor at Bnglhh at Hampton Imiituta. now on atudy leave, who laat week deliver ed the keynote addreee at the fourth annual ANT College Lan guage Arte Inetitute. Dr. W. H. Robineon, profeeeor of Eaglieh at ANT. tooke on from right- taeind choice. Fnoo the taste. Ho bad ndmktod that ho le in leva with the otter girl tt Jest d#Mßt |n| nm di> him to marry YOU. Montego without loro it NOmnOi DEAR SALLY: Whoa several dif ferent salad dressings are Served in individual little bdwis te ate tray, is it proper to lift each ladle, dip the tip of your UUlo finger into thg ladle, and pisyk tach dressing? Several women guests of mine did this recently, and I thought tt look ed kind of repulsive. What te you thin? MM. L. U. DEAR MRS. L. U.i I think IfO mart than -kind of regeMve.* If a poroeu meat sample the dressings, te on hi snob bet* tor toots place a Uttlo bit of each with its ladle te ** site of bb plate, then taste tt wtth his fork before making Ms te* eMoa. DEAR SALLY: There 1 * a esHfla good friend of mine who presents a real problem to me. I am never sure Just what her disposition will be. One time she will be all eweet i.r-a ju.a Luurm v.siu* we meet, sua the next time she’ll aot at though she were mad at me. and some .-times she doesn't even speak to me. This is nerve-wracking, and tt almost makes mo want to avoid running into her any place. How about this? BAFFLED. DEAR BAFFLED! This teat YOU* problem ... M's your friend's . . , seme sort of Inner emotional unbalance, if I wore yen, I ahenlnt worry a# mack about tkte. Bather, tael tarry ter year friend whe la creating aa math unpopularity for her self. the company. Billy Williams, local mankger welcomed the great and gave a brief synopsis of the reoord. When the reoord was out be than asked for oomments and it was the con census that it could he ot tre mendous assistance to those who ere interested in the advancement of the raoe. Mr. Oan>er» told of the educa tional scholarships offered by the company and urged the principals and teachers to have their Au den ts take advantage of the eg* ami nation when they an offered in this community. Urn guests were served a repeat by Mr. Williams and each one I present wee given on# of the, ns i cords ana s oartoh of PsjM-Co'a. > Mrs. Katie L. Late, a member at the taeulty ofßiveralde High School, Louieburg. was the wlnndt of s beautiful Pepsl-Cola cooler AT ALL BELK’S AND LEGGETTS I forgiving I I ° jr\)K\ I ■ LOVELY LINGERIE M/f~\ j/>\\ \ I w biui “c* nyion I I 3 -"~- _ isij I I 2.99 \ y I So lovely to lodth ot, »o eo»y to care for... and such Gl loco hem. White, block, red, ivory, I i I jjj| Sowhnot oodJ|em. WMte. G Vol'lole kimmed WMte, block, beige, blue. Sizes ste 8. WEEK ENDING gATPBDAT, PEQKMBEB g. lted 5