TOE CABOUHUM WEEK ENDING SATUEPAT. DECEMBER (, UM 8 The Raleigh SCENE | ; JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB MEET Mrs. Grace Harris entertained the jngpbera of the Junior Woman's Club at her home recently. The members brought items for a Thanksgiving basket and the basket wqs given to a needy family. Mrs. Beatrice Hall, president, prsslied aver the very brief _ bpdnaas session, mans were ’’ made, however, far the next hastens meeting which la to Be held on Tuesday, December 8, at the Mary Talbert Heme. ■■ Members who were net present at the last meeting are asked to call the president for details of - the meeting to be held on the Bth. Mrs. Harris entertained in her Usual lavish way. The table was laden with goodies of all types and members consumed them accord* ingly. Her guests were Mrs. Josephine Robinson and Christine Jeffries. One of them, and maybe both, are prospective members. Members present for the - meeting were Misses# Ida E. Jones and Vivian Burt; Mes ty«M Been Tucker, Beatrice Hall, Chrystlne Cooper, Hattie • Batter, Dorothy Feimster, Phyl lis Haywood. Mary Graham and inns Peebles. No games were played mem bers and guests were too busy eat ing and making a picture but numbers were drawn and four member* and the two guests were awarded prises. Thorn prises west to Naths Butler. Ida Jonas. Chrys tine Cooper and Phyllis Haywood, club members: Josephine Robinson and Christine Jeffries, euests. THE links in session The Raleigh Chapter of Linkv Ida, met et the home of Link Nan* PERSONALS NOTA PfIUSCPOBS* BOARD TO MEET Tho Board of Directors of the Narth Carolina Teachers AwocU tfau will meet Saturday, December 8, at IWO a. ra. in the Headquarters Building es NCTA, Raleigh. Busi nass of importance will be dis- AH members are urged to attend this session. MRS. GENEVA P. BROWN M ; HOSTESS Mrs. Geneva P. Brawn's two Waters, Misses M. L. Palin and Paha Pailln, and a Mend. Mrs. Lears Walker, spent the Thanks gtvtag holidays with her. All three are from Elizabeth City. MBS TROTTER VISITS PARENTS After epaadtag Thanksgiving Say In Richmond, Va., with rel attvas, Bftea Chtnita Trotter metered to Raleigh to spend the renmteder as tee holidays with hdr parents, Mr. sad Mrs. Jamas R. Hints*. A 1962 graduate of North Caro- KEFUIUGM = sis ■jrSBET Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh gf os HILLSBORO SI R£ET, RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA TEL TE *lO7l CLUBS nie Inborden an South East Street, Saturday November 28. Communications Were read and the business completed. The guests arrived and were served a most delicious dinner. The evening was highlighted by guests and members playing four changes of bridge. Guest invited: Miss Margaret Bagg, Medamcs H. H. Tewds. Clinton Llgen, Louise Flagg, Edna Lewis of New Yerk City, and Mamie Oxley es Washing ton. D. C. . Members present: Links Baade Baas,, Theban Clark. Elisabeth Constant, Mayme Flagg, Oertrads Harris, GUa Harris, WUUe Kay. Chlee Laws. Nersleekbart, Jlnunto Middle ten, Dorm otey. Vhrtaa Saasam. Mildred Taylor, Martlia Wheel er and Catharine Winters. First and second guest prizes were won by Mrs. H. H. Towns, and Mr*. Louise Flagg. Club prises went to Links Elizabeth’ Constant and Catherine Winters. FRIDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB MEETS Tbs regualr business meeting es the Friday Afternoon Rook Club was held last Friday at the home of Mrs. Pinky HalL Ten members were present Others in attendance were: Mes dames Esther Michael, May Bry aht, Garris Laws, Mary P. Lane. Omra Haywood, ItynS Harris, and Miss Belvs Lons. Guest Mrs. Mil dred Chavis. The president Mrs. Nancy Devane, presided over the meeting. The secretary is Mrs. Mar ie Moore, and treasurer. Mr*. Eleanor Burch. After the business session was over, the hostess served S delicious repast Una Collage, Durham, (he is pres ently employed in Greystone, N. J. MRS. RICHARDS ATTENDS SESSIONS Mrs. Edna C. Richards, ex*- • entire secretary. North Caro lina Association as Claasrsem Teachers, la attending the Na tional Future Teachers of A ‘ meric* Committee, end the Ne tt snsl Cnmiabsiea ea Teacher'. Education and. t Prafeastsoel Standards meetings being held December 2-5 at Airline Heaee la the vicinity es Warrentea. Virginian. Blrs. Richards Is a member es the National FTA Advisory Committee. RETURN! FROM FOUR-BAT ENGAGEMENT The Bill Walton Combo has just returned from a four-day engage ment in Cleveland, Tennessee. This is the third trip to Cleveland for the band, and the people, as always, turned out fat large numbers to pack the house each night. Playing the drums and singing is Milford Williams of Durham. On electric guitar is Frankie Lae, of Durham; on sax if Bobby Sentinel, presently of Raleigh, end on the organ is Bill Walton. ATTEND NEW JERSEY FUNERAL Mbs Lillie Birdsall and Mr*. Pinkie HaR attended the funer al as Mrs. Martha Jordan Hte- Memory Teat frets an the aame In th* sonars hshnr. Now, and say lb* seem over a tew items at rsnrssH. It weal ha bag bate** Wl WILL kasw » fee have earned the fat*. 6am Hearing Aids 1 *T | |Rldgr-us a s| I OPTICIANS, las J . ."«i- *P— —’ ft CmN—RI What's Doinng Around Toun DINE DANCE SHOWS SPECIAL EVENT GABBING About Town HB BY MRS. A. H. THORPE “The Time for Friendship” He can get along without you. When skies above are fair You do not need to think about him When he is free from doubts and cares. It is in battle by and for him To the aad and bitter end It is in helping when he needs :t That you prove to boa friend Spends Thanksgiving tat D. C Miss Shirley R. Donaldson, of 918 S. State Bt. and Mias Mara mie Perry spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Washington, D. C. with Miss Helen Lilly, formerly of tits city. Entertains Family At Dinner Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Durham of 2104 Gilliam Lane entertained members of their family god friends at dinner on Thanksgiv ing Day. The menu consisted of turkey with all the trimmings Visits Sister Mr. McKinley Taylor of Wash ington, D. C., was in the city over the holidays where he spent an enjoyable stay with his sister, Miss Ruth Taylor, of 8. McDowell St. Entertains GuOs** From Fayetteville Mr. and Mrs. Nlal Donaldson of 918 8. State St. had as their dlh iic, (sued oi| Thursday, Mrs. Bea trice F. Evans, Mrs. Thelma B*v yer, and daughter, Mrs. Thera Stuffer, Mias Theresa Payne, and Mr. T. C. Murchison, all of Fay etteville. All reported having en joyed a lovely day and a delicious dinner. Memo For Funeral Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Hold of Washington, D C., and son are ,n the city on account of the death of their father and grandfather, Mr. D. H. Reid. Sr. others hero for the funeral are a niece and nephew, Mrs. Annie Burgess Rive and Mr. William Burgess of De troit. Michigan. Visits Veterans Hospitlal Mrs. Gladys Jones, Miss Louise Baker and Mr. Charles W. H*y wood, 8r„ all of 8. Haywood at.., ten in Paterson, N. J„ on Nov. 24. Mrs. Hinton was formerly es Raleigh and waa amrriil to Mr. Oaatan Hinton, Jr. formerly es McKee Street here. Surviv ing are her has band, eight chil dren, and several grandchil dren, SPEND! THANKSGIVING HEBE Mrs. Everett Tillman es Balti more. Md„ spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. William Fields of 12T9 E. Ed an ton Street WAC PVT QUEENIE E. GRAHAM TRANSFERRED Wac Pvt Quorate E. Graham es Raleigh, has bean amigned to Pint Army Headquarters, Fort Jay, N. Y. She is a data processing clerk and a 1964 graduate of the J. W. Ligoo High School, here. LT. RANDOM VISITS FAMILY Second Lieateaant Carl Louis Sanders es the U. *. Air Force, is bora vtstttng his parent, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. fenders, ir., es 1191 S. Btaodwsrtb Street aad ether member* es hie family. Lt Sander*, a graduate as St Aagasttam’s Callage, has *w# other brother* in the Air Fares, There are: Captain E. L •end era, Jr., aad Ist Lt Robert Ed ward Handera, It both ART Cedar* gradestss •PENT THANKSGIVING HERE Mias Mary Anne Durham, of Mt Olive, was tthe Thanksgiving holi day guest of her sister. Mrs. C. IX Broadnax, es Washington Terrace Miss Durham is a student at NCC et Durham. MIBISIEBS WIVES TO EX CHANGE Gifts The pre-Christmas party and ex changing of gifts for the Minister’s Wives will be at the home of Mrs. A. B. Johnson, 114 W. South Street December 14. 7 o'clock p. m. The hosteoses for the evening will he Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Mrs. Mae DaLaney, Mrs. V. L Sounders, and Mrs. C C Burnetts. The president is asking all msmbars Is be pres ent Mrs. J. H. Bryant is the re porter. visited their eouatn at th# Vet eran* Hospital. Durham, on Sun day afternoon. NOTE: Thank you for cadlin] Keep up the good work! DEATHS” MR*. WILLA B. PATTERSON Mrs. Wills B. Patterson of Ra leigh. Route 2. died Tuesday in Cchapel Hill. Funeral aervioa wore conducted from St Auguste Church in Fuquay on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. Mr. Jackson officiating. Burial tallowed in th* church cemetery. Mora To Cease BY MRS. MAY L BR6ADIX “M tad M H dW with TkN la faith until m «S3t iSJiiiyj! 55 m*St to luJ and to find deliverance and help threugb Thee, for wo know Thon art God of faith, hope pdd love." FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN Cburoto School opened at f :48 am. with the eupt., Mr. Sherman Lewis, in charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'* dock with the pastor, the Rev. H. Cunningham, in charge. Hie sen* lor choir, under the direction of Mr. Kraeat Maeeenberg. wae In charge of music. The processional marched In on “The Church'S One Foundation.” Morning laesoa and prayer were by the pastor, followed by choral response. A very inspiring sermon was del.v ered by the pastor, Rev. Cunnta#- ham. LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST Sunday School began at 10 o'clock with the eupt. Mr. Mack Arthur, in charge- Morning worship began ft 11:40 a. m. with the senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Mabel Brad shaw and organist. Mr. Levi, n charge of music. A very spiritual aormon was delivtred by the guest minister, the Rev. Sister Wil liams. from the Book of Foam, 37:14. The subject was, “Walt on the Lord.” The Rev. Walter San ders is paster. WILLIAMS OItOVE BAPTIST —Church School opened at 9 .30 with the supt., Mr. Phillip Alston, In charge. Morning worship began at 11 o'clock with the senior choir in charge of music, under the di rection of Mias Jacqueline Mit chell. Morning lesson and prayer were by the guest minister, the Rev. S. E. Henry, who rJso brought a very toughing sermon. GREEN’S CHAPEL FREEWILL BAPTIST Sunday School began at 10 o’clock a. m. with the supt.. Deacon Zeb McClain, in charm. The pastor la the Rev. J. L. Elliott, who was host to the Raleigh Dis trict Union in its 3 day session last Saturday and Sunday with the president. Mr. J. C. Murphy, pre siding. Moderator, the Rev. C. Smith, secretary, the Rev. E. F. Lee. The closing sermon wag de livered on Sunday by the Rev. P. WUBya pastor of to«McC ? CnApel rPWWiII Biptlit Cnurcn. He brought a very Interesting ser mor from the Book of Genesis, * - 4. He used for a subject, “A Pow erful Wreck.” He told the congre gation that Adam wrecked the Oarden of Eden and that men a*e still wreaking many places they was a very successful ST. ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST Church School began at 1# o’clock with the supt.. Mr. W. H. Lyons. Sr.. In charge. Worship service is held every first and third Sundays. The pastor Is the Rev. L. T. Ford. TUPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIST —Sunday School began at 9:39 a m. with the acting supt.. Mr. Hu bert Barnes. In charge. Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the senior choir in charge of mas to. under the direction of Miss ▼atjaaa Myers. A wonderful ser mon wee delivered by the pastor, the Rev. D. N. Howard. Sr. UNION BAPTIST Church Softool opened at 19 o’etoek wlih the eupt., Mr. W. HUL fat charge. Morning worship began at 11.30 a. m. with the senior choir In charge of marie, under the direc tion of Mrs Nettie Harrington, and organist. Mr. Willie Render son. A very beautiful sermon wu delivered by the Rev. Mr. Tate, pastor of tbs Lenoir Street Bsp tisManath. The Rev. E. Mason m OBERLXN BAPTIST Sunday School opened at 9:39 am. with tits supt. Mr. Waller Curtis. In Charge. Morning worship began at 11 o’clock with the Tots' Choir n charge of music, under the direc tion of >fra Maty Curtis, a my KABALA TEMPLE LITTLE LEAGUE DINNER—Kn Mi Temple No. 177 ol Releish, recently spansorsrf a Safa oHoir tor If* Utth League bass ball team. Tim affair was hold as the City Rejection Canter. It was waV offended with quits a tew of the Nobility attending. Noth /saw C. Johneon, Temple Pro motion Director, mood as toattmmtor: Nobh M. C. Bill, eoooh ol tfts Temple team, showed a sixty minute Him ol some Utth Laogua lamas, 1904 Pith Bowl A/Mr and tho loot several North Cmoßno Gala Doy events. Others who took port In tho program ekdMtfasihg asimoh was delivered Mr tim Jw*Leonard Ferrer Hi WILSON TEMPLE METHO DIST Church School opened at 9:90 a. m. with the supt. Mils Nanis Morgan. In charge. Morn ing worship began at ll o’clock With the Men’s Cchcrus ta charts of music, under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Kelly. A very wonder, fill sermon was delivered by the pastor, the Rsv. Samuel E. Ne smith. YOUNG’S MISSIONARY TEH PLE CME Sunday School open ed at 9:30 a. m. with the eupt.. Mrs. Della R. Ford. In charge. Morning wortitip began at 11:00 o'clock with the senior choir n SSS Vt.'U' t Rhoden The morning sermon was delivered by the pastor, Stoner Baldwin. SAINT MATTHEW A. M. *. - Church School opened at 9.30 with the eupt, Mr. Robert Leeenr. In charge. Morning worship began at 11 O'clock with the Men's Chor us In ehorge of music, under the direction of Mr. V. R. Leach A very Interesting and spiritual ser mon was delivered by the pastor, the Rev. J. P. Epps. FIRST BAPTIST SundJT School opened at 9:30 a. m. with the observance of the annuli Woman's Day. Mlm Geraldine HeOoway wae general supt: Mlm Bottle Harp, general secretary. Morning worship began prompt ,y at 11 o’clock with Mrs. Nora E. Lockhart presiding. The Woman’s chorus was In ehargo of music, under the direction of Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly: soloist, Mlm Marjorie Williams. Invocation was given by Mrs. Fannie Taytor, followed by choral rfepenee and the Three fold Amen. A tribute was given by Miss Ruth Pope. Morning lessta and prayer were led by Mrs. Laura Wlmbertoy. Recognition of vlrit ors was mede by Mrs. Suits V. Ferry, and offering by Mm. Sana Haywood. The Woman's Day dree* was delivered by Dr. Wilis m ms AMM a s a. wu -—; it 0* slByW • plEwlOWlv W DPIUiBvi College, Greensboro. She mads a very attractive and colorful pto turn as she used "Christian Wom en In the Space Age” as her theme. The pastor and congrega tion wars well-pleased. Closing re marks were given by the pastor, the Rev. C. W. Ward. BTU began at g o’etock p. m. with Mrs. Susan H. Shaw pros'd tag. ReeognltlOn Os visitors was by Mrs. Rosabel! Hinton. A film was shown by Mrs. Pattis Smith and refreshments were served. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS Church School wee held at 10 o’ clock with Mr Hampton Bunch In charge Morning worship followed immediately. Rsv. Mrs. Aittto Bry ant delivered s wonderful sermon from the subject. "A Comforter— The Holy Ohost.” Music wss ren dered by the senior choir. Union Service was held with three speakers delivering messages a the afternoon: BSV. Mrs. Orlne Chaitoe, Rev, Mm. O',lie Sanders and Rev. Mrs. Untie Outhrey. A very impressive junior program took place also in the afternoon. The pastor, the Rev. EU Ratcliff, is Presiding Eider ever the three churches represented. Dinner wu served to ell present. The entire day was most enjoyable. Rev. M i Ophelia Is Union pmrident. 140RNDCO STAR BAPTIST - Sunday School wu opened at 1 1 o’clock. Subject of the lesson wu. “What Is the GcapeL” Morning service wae opened by A Friend We Have In Jesus”. Next we bad responsive reading. The next song was. "I Am Thins. O Lord.” Scripture wu taken from the 105th Psalm. 1-34 verses. Missionary offering was taka and announe'xnenU were made. Our pastor brought us a was, The jSuSng'of Thanksg*v tag and Its Slglnftoance” We closed by singing. “Bless Be the TV.” B.T.U. was opened at 4:99 s’- clock. Tbs Mason was read ant Ptl«t4i te church iSSIJSSFeSrSSi at 10:00 with Dm Mpi.. Mr. Wut Bonders, in chons. At llsOoTit? CTC Alford, of PayvtesvlU*. made the coll to worship with the sen ior choir In charge of tho music, under the direction of Mm T. WU lloms and Mrs. L Holder. Bcrto ture lemon arms taken from Jere miah. 29rd chapter. Th* morn ing prayer was given by Bro. Banks. A soul-stirring message was brought by Rev. Alford from the subject, “Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve.” Specie) guests wore Mrs Meblc Chestnvt, Newark, N J.; Mrs. C. C. Alford, and Mr. Lloyd Jones. Payottorihe. KUSH METROPOLITAN AMY ZION Church School began at 9:49 am. Tho supt. Mr. L. C. Campbell, waa In charge. He waa ably assisted by the seat. sup .. Mr. Jessie Degraffenreidt. The Jr Church services were conducted by Rev. Selby Taylor. The regular morning worship aervloe* were conducted fay the pastor, Rev. T. H. Harris. Music was furnished by the jun ior choir. Nov. Hurls presented the Rev. 8. L. Brown, Braiding Eldar of tho Asheville District, Blue Ridge Conference, who brought an Inspiring measaar Braiding Eldar Brown chooo his discourse from Paul’s Letter to Q Corinthians, the 2nd chapter and the 2nd clause of the let ve/se Them*: “Kays for Locked Door* ” At g p. m„ the VCE held it* regular meeting. The speaker for the occasion was Mrs. T. X. Kar ris. At 7:10 p. m., the Missionary leaders held their service. The Rev. John D. Lbekin was the speaker for the occasion. Rev. Ladder chose his discourse front St. John, the 4th chapter and tlie 19th and 14th verses. Them*: “Th# Refreshing Water.” Rev. Ladder was at bis bast and gave us indeed a timely message. Mrs Annie H. Thorpe Is church re porter Everythin* For .. . BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING I* LI MBER • MUXWORK • ATHIT’n PAINTS • AMLDIING MATERIALS • BUSK WIN HARDWARE Dial TE 2-7*6! CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 217-219 N. Dawson tt RALEIGH. N C. PRINTING • Commercial . • Social Consult Us for Reasonable Estimates Prompt it Service Phone TE 4-SSSS The CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. Sft E Martin Stmt Raleigh. N C My Lady** Doing* * * ♦ v|- . in And Oat Os Town wore Potentate J. B. Chrietmes; Port Potentate If. L Parry, No ble* J. E. /ones, /. W. Cooper, C. J. Smelt*, A. Trim, Leroy Brewer end Walter North. Recognition Awards presented by Noble Jamee C. Johrmon to Jama s Hinton, Kenneth D. Boom, Joeeph Moore, Albert Banka, Robert Jaokoan, Jimmay Seberty, Ronnie Burrell, Larry Holt, Chariea WilHame, Donald Bandore, Uieeea Millikan, Burma Bryant, Mono Kelly, Bap Caldwell. Stehen Baldwin, Dannie Cheek and the -Mote Valuable Pivot award to Radge (Fattens. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY!! FASHION* Inwimnwa Biitilfog COAT SAVINGS LUXURIONS MINK-TRIMMED COATS *39 R*». *89.98 R*f. slls *^[o ILf. $l4O ‘99 Wonderful For Gift-Giving ■■and Practical, Ton! You’ll find all fashions, favorite styles , . . every papular color. 3 to IS, 4 to 20.