10 THE CAROLINIAN RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, IH4 * The Raleigh SCENE PERSONALS ST. AUG.'S CHOIR TO PRESENT MESSIAH’ The Saint Augustine's College Choir will preaent George Fred erick Handel'* 'Meaaiah' Sunday. December 11. at I p. m. In the Emery Health and Fine Art* Cen ter. The public la Invited. SHAW’S CHORALE SOCIETY. ENSEMBLE TO PERFORM The Shaw University Chorale So ciety. directed by Mr. Harry Gil- Fmythe and the Shaw University Polk Ensemble, directed by Mr. Clyde Appleton, will render Spec- 1 Bl DEATH SlB MRS. TERESA B. GRIGSBY Mrs. TWesa B. Grigsby, of K-8 Washington Terrace, died Tuesday at her home. Funeral services were conducted from St Vaugbnavillc Baptist Cfrurch In Chappells. S. C. on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Burial followed in the church cem atary. j She is survived by six sons, Messrs Alfred Ifsmuel Grigsby, of the borne; G.;T. of Holly Springs; J. E of Charlotte: S. F. of Detroit; J. H. of Atlanta; R. V. of Chicago; four daughters. Miss Lucille Grigsby. Mrs. Annie Johnson, Mrs. Mildred Coeby, all of Atlanta, and Mrs. Sim ula Tribble, of Jacksonville, Fls.; thirteen grandchildren and tan great-grandchildren. il£t V ANIifRMII 1 H. SOUTHERLAND Rev. Vanderbilt B. Southerland, ion Mark street died Wednesday at Wake Memorial Hospital. Fune ral services were conducted from Mt Zion Holy Churdi Sunday at 3 p. at with burial following In Mt Hope cemetery. He la survived by Us wife. Mrs. Juanita JL Southerland; two sons, Messrs. Vanderbilt Jr, Raleigh, and John Edward Southerland, of Phlla; syven daughters, Mm. Mag gie Spence. Mr*. Mary Jane Lock lear both of Ralalgh; Mrs. Helen Gladney. Phlla.; Miasea Burdette Joy, Jewelane, Juanita and Elisa beth Southerland, all of the home; twenty-three grandchildren and Sight great-grandchildren. MRS. ANNIB EEARNRT Funeral services for Mrs. Aanla Kearney, who died at hot home ott Khamkatte Rood Thursday, were conducted from Wvtti Chapel Church Sunday at 3:30 p. m. with a jim jJBEAM Jnmfttnßrmm DHWTuskcy H BNIISN WHISKY *2.65 IMWWtaaWfe ■ ji, !£- «"* ssj *4.20 t— — rz 4/5 Quart flmSgP&figUfnDV jAxi. s Muiwsmuweo. uumom. mam. unman 17epsZ@* Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh #OS HILLSBORO STREET. RALEftIH. NORTH CAROLINA -f TEL. TE Mlh lal Christmas music at the 11:00 o’- clock worship service on Sunday, December 13th. In the University Church. The public is invited to attend. OBSERVE BIRTHDAYS Master John Arthur Moore, Jr., of 708 Cumberland Avenue, ob served hla 15th birthday on Tues day. December 1. Mias Susie Blablock celebrated a birthday on Thursday. Decem ber 11. The CAROLINIAN lolna with the many friend! of the a bove-menttoned persona In wish ing them "many happy returns." the Rev. Isaac Lee officiating Burl s' followed In Thomas Cemetery. She Is survived by on# daughter, Mrs. Lila Hood; four aons, Messrs. Garland, Isaac, Nathan and Rev. Otha Kearney; one brother, Mr. Herbert Thomas, all of Raleigh; nine grandchildren and eight graat-grandchildrcn. MRS. MAGGIE E. BONAPARTE Mrs. Maggie Evangeline Bona parte of 1003 Parker Street, died last Tuesday. Funaral services were conducted from the Oberlln Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. Joeeph P. Dempsey officiating. Burial fol lowed In Hillcrest Cemetery. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edna Young, Ralalgh; two | «m«, Mr. Wilham Campbell, Sr, and Mr. Alonzo Campbell, both of Raleigh; three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren MORE TO COME NCC Choir Planning A Yule Concert % DURHAM- The North Carolina College choir will present Us an nual Christmas concert Sunday at 4 p.m. In B. N. Duka Auditorium. Works of Johanna Sebastian Bach and Camilla Satnt-Saen* will he featured. The neap wMI stag BnekW “Far Unle Us a Child la Bara* and Saint-ttaeas' "Christmas Oratorio." Abe Included la the d MRS. BOYER ADDRESSES RBC “ FAMILY ” Mn. Emma P. Boyer, left executive di rector of the Sojourner Truth Branch of the YWCA, who addreaaed students and officials of the Raleigh Business College last Friday, is shown with organization heads at the school. Left to right are: Mias Geraldine Moseley, Greenville; Miss Yvonne Taylor, Charleston, S. C.; Miss Cassie Al ston, Henderson, and Horace Murray, Washii.gton, N. C. ( See story), BY MKS MAY L. BROADIB ."Oar Father, help as to practice tbs Christian Ideal of self-effacing service. Make ui truly humble by helping as to reengaks oar needs and Im perfections. As salt seasons food, may we make life more pleasant and meaningful for others." UNION BAPTIST Church School opened at 9:20 w. m. with the supt., Mr. WUUe Hill, in charge. Morning worship began at 11.30 a. m. with the aenlor chc.r In charge of the music, under the direction of Mn. Nettle Harring ton. and organist. Mr. WUUe Hen derson. A very wonderful sermon was deUvered by the pastor, the Rev. E. Mason, followed by com munion. St. ANN AH FREEWILL BAP TIST Sunday School began at 10:00 with the supt.. Mr. W. H. Lyons. Sr.. In 6barge. Morning worship began at 11:30 with the Junior choir tn charge of the mus ic. under the direction of Mrs. E llaabeth Partin, and pianist, Mrs. Topay MoCuUers. The morning laaaon waa read by the Rev. Willie Walker. Prayer waa offered by the Rev. Odell Young, who also brought an inspiring sermon from the Book of St. John, the third program wIU bo carols and Wil liam Dawson's arrangement of the rhikkasi spiritual, "Be hold too Mar." Soloists for the concert wUI be Lloyd Sawyer, Jamas Wilson. Eu gene laves, Warren Froneberger. Clinton Wilson, Linda James, Bren da Froneberger, Lois Price, Alece Howard, and Ernastina Malloy. Ce lia Davidson wUI bo at the organ, David Pisano at the piano, and Samuel W. Hill will conduct The public Is Invited to attend without charge. Metisary Test tV«H M tto MM In aR- Hill IRV BWwt nwwj sat too aiwmapas osMe and soy too name over o tow Shoos et vooreeM. IS wee> ho bag Mm Wl WILL know N veo hove passed She less. B tern Hearing AWi I Omu PtMe-PteSaMSawi Mto •• *• MS* chapter. Subject, “Faithful Work-1 ers." LILY O THE VALLY FREE WILL BAPTIST—Church School began ai 10:00 with the superin tendent. Mr. Mack Arthur, in charge. Morning worship service began at 11:00 with the senior choir In charge of the music, un der the direction of Mrs. Mabol Blanshaw, and organist, Mr. Levi. The pastor, the Rev. Walter San ders, delivered a very spiritual sermon, which was enjoyed irf everyone. TUPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIST —Sunday School began at 9:30 a. m. with the superintendent m charge. Morning worship began nt the usual hour, with the senior choir in charge of the music, un der the direction of Miss Valjean Myers. A very Inspiring sermon waa brought to us by the pastor, the Rev. D. N. Howard, Br., follow ed by Communion. FIRST CONGREGATION \L CHRIBTIAN—Church School be gan at 9:45 with the superinten dent, Mr. Sherman Lewis, in charge. Morning worship began promptly at 11:00 with the senior choir in charge of the music, un der the direction of Mrs. Ruth Joyner. A very encouraging ser mon waa delivered by the pastor, the Rev. H. Cunningham. He used for his subject, "God s Advent and Ours”. This was followed by Com munion. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST— Sunday School opened at 9:30 a. m. with the supt., Mr. Phillip Alston. In charge. Morning wor ship began at 11 o’clock with the aenlor choir in charge of the mus ts, under the direction of Miss Jacqueline Mitchell. A wonderful sermon was delivered by the p&» v^IP; -* I* li. M fc ■ - •* \ mtki^JM p> x * " • * * r >--,, >yl s M f k:l|BKitiT T ~ : Ti !■ i * s> ,W^'* I . Jflßr A } > s >"%r^'. <,*k^Bl§K| V «' Jpt liiSS K i - "FV 4WI % N * ER^^^WNRw' I s|s t A r | fi’r* 1 ' y'*' * * j' 1■ .<3 BETA QUEEN Misa Barbara Gam n crooned Urn 1954 ZsT* Queen ot the Fourteenth atumtal Debutante 8011, held hut omk at the Greensboro National Guard Armory mud eponeored by the Bata Nu Xeta Chapter ol the Beta Md Bata Sorority. The daudhter ot Dr. and Mrs. Alfoneo Goto, both proteeoore at AhT College, Mira Gar* rs a senior honor etudent at the Ben L. Smith Nigh School. She h being crooned by that rumor-up, Mho Le aonea Burnett, a senior at Dudley High School and tianjhlat ot Mr. and Mre. Jatnee Burnett. tor, the Rev. McKane. wtttorsw 'TT'TPT w . DIET Church School began at 9:30 with the supt, Miss Name Morgan. In charge. Morning wor ship began at 11:00 a. m. with the senior choir In charge mus ts, under the direction of Mrs. Nanle Morgan, and organist. Mrs. MM. K \lt was Laymen's Lea gue Day ..nd Committment Day. Emphasis waa brought by Mr. E. L. Ralford. The pastor, the Rev. Samuel E. NeSmlth and congrega tion. enjoyed it. Communion waa served at the close of the sermon. ST. MATTHEW AME Church School began at 9:30 a. m. with the supt., Mr. Robert Leeone. in charge. Morning worship service began at 11:00 with the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Epps, end the senior choir was in charge of music, un der the direction of Mrs. Marie Riddick, and organist Mrs. Rose mary B. Walton. A very Inspiring aermon was brought by the pas tor. OBERLIN BAPTIST Church School began at 9:30 with the supt.. Mr. Walter Curtis, in charge. Morning worship service started at 11:00 with the aenlor choir In charge of the music, un der the direction of Mrs. Elsie Hayes, and organist, Mrs. Lucille Campbell. A very powerful sermon waa delivered by the pastor, the Rev. J. P. Dempsey, with Com munion at the clone of service. YOUNG'S MISSIONARY TEM PLE CME Sunday School open ed at 9:30 with the supt., Mrs DeDa R. Ford. In charge. Morning worship began at 11:00 with the aenlor choir In charge of music under the direction of Mrs. Rhodes. The morning aermon was delivered by the pastor. Rev. Baldwin, who spoke on the sub ject: "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled.” Communion followed at the daee of the service. FIRST BAPTIST Church School began at 9:30 a. m. with the supt, Mr. W. H. Taylor, Sr, in charge. There was a very en couraging film shown Sunday in the Bullock Building for all de partments. The film was entitled, “The Greatest Gift To Man" Morning worship service began at 11:00 a. m. with the senior choir In charge of music, under the di rection of Mrs. M. T. James, and minister of music, Mrs. E. M. M. Kelly. The call to worship was given by the pastor, the Rev. C. W. Ward. The morning lesson was lead by the pastor, which was tak en from the Book of St. Luke, 10th chapter and from the Book of Rev., 12th chapter. The morning prayer was offered by Deacon P. G. Mitchell. A wonderful sermon was presetted by the pastor, who spoke from the Book of St. Luke, and used as his subject, “I Saw Satan Pall”, followed by Commun ion. B. T. U. began at 6:30 p. m. with Mr. Frank Hinton presiding. The Leaders are: Miss Madelyn Wat son and Mrs. Louise H. Shaw. Scripture was read by Mrs. Mar tha Mitchell. Prayer was given by Mr. C. Lofton. The pianist was Miss Lillie Miller. Evening worship service beran at 7:30 with Rev. C. W. Ward as speaker. MORNING STAR BAPTIST Sunday School opened at 11:00 o'- clock. The subject discussed was, ‘‘Righteous Living.” Morning service was opened by singing “Down at the Croes.” Next we had the re«non«tv» resdln- S/>n® “Guide Mi O Hum Giuit Jeho vah". followed by the scripture which was taken from St. John, 10:1-17. The Missionary offering was lifted and announcements were made. Our pastor, Rev. 8. R. Spencer, brought us an Inspiring message. Hla subject *aa. ‘‘Christ. The Door." We closed by singing “Bloaa Be the Tie.” B. T. U. began at 6 o'clock. The subject discussed waa. “Our Part in the Invitation.” Sick and shut-ins: Miss Laura Boykins, James Weldon. Rev Ray and Mr. John A. Marks. SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST Sunday School be gan at 10:00, with the supt., Mr. Elbert Sanders. In charge. At 11:- 00 o'clock the call to worship was given by Rev. F. R. Williams cf Greensville. Scripture lesson was taken from the 27th Psalm. Pray er was given by Deacon Young. The senior choir was In change of the music. Rev. Williams brought a won derful message from St Matthew, 21:34-38. Subject, “The Last Rem edy For A Sin Sick World." Special guest were: Students from the Raleigh Business Col lege. LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS Sunday School opened at 10 o'- clock, with supt., Mr. Arthur Wil liams, In charge. Morning worship followed Immediately with the as sistant pastor conducting service. The pastor, the Rev. Eli Ratcliff, brought a wonderful sermon from the subject, “Do Good.” He chose his text from the 87th Psalm. Music was rendered by the senior choir, under the direction of Mrs. Ann Wilson, accompanied by Mrs. Margaret Ratcliff. Holy Commun ion and Installation services were held In the evening with Bishop B. F. Alston. Rev. W. 8. Tolbert, Rev. B. J. Johnson and Rev. J. Robertson, in charge. RUSH METROPOLITAN AME ETON Church School began at 9:43 a. m.. with the supt., Mr. Les lie Campbell in charge. The Jun ior church services were conduct ed by Rev. Shelley Taylor. The regular 11 o'clock worship serv ices were conducted by the pastor. Rev. T. H. Harris. The senior choir furnished music. Rev Harris then delivered a very forceful massage, choosing as his text Ex odus. 12th chapter and 18th verse. Theme: “Saved by the Blood of a Spotless Lamb.” At 6 p. m.. the VC* service eras held. The speaker for the occasion was Mrs. T. H. Harris. At 7:30 p. m.. the regular evening services war held with the pastor in ahaufa. Mrs. Annie H. Thorpe la church reporter. MONEY may not bring happiness but tt brings such a good imitation that it Is often hard to Ml it from the real thing. PRINTING • Commercial • Social Prompt * Sorrier Phono TB 4-5558 CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. Sit a Martha Street Rakish. N. C My Lady's Doings ♦ ♦ ♦ In And Oat Os Town GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H- THORPE "BIS CASE” “1 know not where HU islands lift Their hounded palms in air; I only know I cannot drift Beyond HU love and care. And Thou, O Lord, by whom aie seen Thy creatures as they be, Forgive me if too dote I lean, My human heart on Thee.” CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are In order or Mrs. Alda McCullers, who on last Monday night, received the Dis tinguUhed Leadership citation tor service to the Boy Scouts of America and as the “Outstand ing Den Mother of the Year.” Mn. t' "ullers is Den Mother of Pack No. 193 of Rush Metropolitan AME Church. HOME BECAUSE OF SICKNESS Mrs. Edna Peterson Robinson of New York City was in the city last week on account of the sickness of her mother, Mrs. Carrie Peterson, of S. State St. PATIENT AT WAKE MEMORIAL Mrs. Hattie Peterson, of 412 Wat son St, is a patient at Wake Mem orial Hospital. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. AT DUKE HOSPITAL O’Berry Center To Present “Coming Os Christ” Friday Center will present its Annual Christmas play entitled, "The Com ing of Christ," on December 11, at 7:45 P. M. tn the school gymtorium. A special feature accompanying the Christmas play will be O'Berry Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Ernestine Holmes. Scenes from the Christmas play FRIDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB MEETS The regular business meeting of the Friday Afternoon Book Club was held at the home of Mrs. Oh ma Haywood. Twelve members were present. Those In attendance were: Mes daznes Shirley Liggett, A. A. Cooks, Mildred Chavis, Pinky Hall. Car rie Laws, Mary Bryant, A. B. Johnson. Mary P. Lane, Ohma Haywood, Esther Michaels, Dr. Ellen Alston, and Miss B=lva Lane. The president, Mrs. Nancy De vane, presided over the meeting. The secretary Is Mrs. Marie Moore, and treasurer, Mrs. Elea nor Burch. After the business session was over, the hostess served a delici ous repast. A pre-Christmas party followed. Each person received a Christmas gift. THE VICTORIANS MEET The Victorians met for their regular meeting at the home of the hostess, Mrs. Dorothy Baker Housen. on Lincoln Court recent ly. The business eaaalnn waa brief and to the point, and 00*1 stated cf discussing and disposing of the annual civic project. This year members an helping a deserving college student get an education. After the bustneos session and the guests had arrived, member* were served a delectable Thanks giving dinner. Several rounds of Pinochle were played at the end of which prises were awarded to the following club members and guests, respect ively: high, Mrs. Ludell Deiany; low. Mrs. Bessie Blue: high. Mrs. Lula Myers; low. Mr*. Xnes Pee bles. Pilgrims decorated each table so the lucky word was “pilgrim”, and Meedames Blanche Riven, 1 WIGiETHAfK STYtjES C'WttS Hr (to mtmm Urn m* Mr * S» «». ■Mr^enw | «« MU. iMkt m EASY TO SIT. *v* ‘ ‘ ATTACH MSTYIB COMES IN V - akfafe. KCUIA* AND THICK It STYIBt Ms Slack EtHr, tm msrrstjsi S 3 aatra ***HhbUO Upm-aUM. sty*, ana "adobn*" m jwyniMf»M» iim it n>.i ISL^s. Friends of Mrs. Carrie Peterson of S. State St wish for her, too, a speedy recovery. She U now a pa tient at Duke Hospital, Durham. HOME AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS Friends of Mrs. Bessie J. Hunter, of 542 E. Cabarrus St, are vary happy to know that aha U home from the hospital and recuperating nicely. hosts' TO USHERS Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Morgan of S. Blount St., were hosts to the senior ushers of Rush Metropolitan AME Zion Church last Sunday, at 5 p. m. After a brief business session, they enjoyed a delightful repast PASSED THROUGH CITY Presiding Elder and Mrs. T. J. Young of Franklin ton, passed through the city last Sunday and stopped by for a brief chat WELL AGAIN We are happy to report that Charles Wesley Haywood, in, and Theodore Adams Haywood are wall and in school again after having had their tonsils removed. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wesley Haywood, Jr, of 1808 Charles Street (Rochester Heights) Smile boys, von sre out tn time ♦ > gieel Old SANTA. will bo toloviaed on WNCT Tele vlaon Station, Greenville, on De cember 11, between 8:00 and 8:39 a. m. on the "Carolina Today Show.” Parents, friends and the general public are invited to attend the per forms ce and to view the television presentation. CLUBS Choice Chupp, and Martha David son ware the lucky ones to re ceive a prise for having drawn the lucky word. The hostess opened her gifts and was utterly amazed at the va riety of colors and the unique pair from Mrs. Rivers. Members enjoying the evening were Mesdames Bessie Blue, Mary Carter, Ludell Delany, Dorothy Housen, Phyllis Haywood, Bertha Pulley, and Blanche Rivers. Mrs. Housen had as her guests the following: Mesdames Choloe Chupp, Martha Davidson. Lula Myers and Ines Peebles. WHAT WIVES don’t tell their husbands and what husbands don’t tell their wives would not bo print able. DRIVE timn Everything For... BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING a LTMBER • MU.WORE • ATHBY’B PAINTS • RVILDIINO MATERIALS • RUSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TB 2-7563 CAROUNA BUILDERS CORP. 317-219 N. Dawson St RALEIGH. N. C.

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