12 RALEIGH. N. ©., SATURDAY, PtCMttU It. IM4 Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch monWAN MEN HEAR STONE; RE-ELECT WILSON LUMBERTON Edirty member* of the Cape Tear Presbytery United Presbyterian Men'* Council, father ed at the Bethany U. P. Church her* Sunday for their annual meet* inf, which included the group dis cussion of the theme; “Sent Into The World." and address by the Rev. Robert J. Stone, a director of Commission On Religion and Race, United Presbyterian Church; and the unanimous re-election of all officers, including Elder Edward (Big Ed) Wilson of Henderson as president Pour group discussion groups ex plored the sub-theme topic: “That they may be one"; “Not of the world”; end "That the world may knew.” Summations concluded that Christiana must exhibit more per sonal evangelism and Christian un derstanding if the Church is to grow and draw the attention and attraction of the world at large. Guest speaker, Rev. Stone, relat ed from his vast experience in In terracial work with the Presby terian Church and the Bronx, N. Y. NAACP (where he served as vies president) how the current modera tor. Dr. Elder G. Hawkins, a Negro, gained hia ascendancy to his pre sent status in the national church by (tarting working with a small '^te grated group In a community where the staid older member* wa* disinclined to accept the Integreted church in a changing neighborhood. Hawkins effort succeeded with steady effort METHOD NEWS BY MISS DORA D. STROUD CHURCHES Christian Tabernacle METHOD Rev. J. M. Harris held his regular service at uhe Christian Tabernacle Church Sun day at 11 o'clock. All who were present heard a grand message, delivered by the pastor, and love ly music from the choir. D«rht?t Cfcnp.'l AMT. Members ami visiting friends enjoyed a good service at Boylan Chapel AME Church, Sunday morning. The pastor. Rev. J. N. Sheares delivered a fine sermon and the choir sang very pretty yuletlde music, with Mrs. W. R. Oaynor at the piano. There was also a service at 3:30, conducted by a visiting minister and choir. SL Jamn AME* Oak City Baptist Church Both churches will hold service Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Prayer Sendee Monday and Wednesday nights an prayer sendee time. All are *.n- Vlted to orme to there meetings. a t. u. Bach Sunday evening. BTU serlvoe Is held at Oak city Bap tist Church. It offers good train ing for young and older folks. Missionary Circle The Missionary Circle of St. James AMR Church wIU meet Sun. afternoon at 4 o'clock. The place will be named later. Mck Our sick are doing fairly well at this writing. Deaths Mrs LUllan Wilder pamed on Thursday, Dec. 3. She was funer alllzed Sunday. Dec. 8, at the Christian Tabernacle Church here with Rev J M. Harris officiating. Mrs. Wilder has been ill for some time. She leaves three children: one daughter and two sons, two broth ers and many other relatives and friends. Our deepest sympathy go es out to her family. May her soul rest In peace. Returns To School Miss Virginia Smalls, Miss Ann Carter. Mr. James Wilder. Jr. Mr. Clarence Smalls, Jr.. Clement E. Harris and others I am unable to name returned to their oollege work in Durham. Fayetteville, a Carolina and AAT College after spending the Thanksgiving holi days here with their parents Mr*. Peggy Parrish, who Is a senior at Berry O Kelly Hl/h School here, spent Thanksgiving with her parents In Washington. D. C. Bark to N. Y. C. Mr Quinccy W Toole was a vis itor here for a few days In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Curtis. He returned to his home in New York Thursday night, after attending the funeral of his uncle In Smithfield. Miss Mildred Hogans is attend ing Business College in the city. S , hLrky Kearney and Miss Betty Joyce Lunev have resumed their studies at Shaw University, after vacationing for the Thaiuu glvtng holidays. Ladles Club Mrs. Laura Manuel and Mrs. U*y Scarborough will entertain the Ladies Club Thursday night, December 10. at the home of Mis Manuel The two ladies will cele brate their birthdays at that time Toe members are reminded to brtr* their marked gift* for the gtildren at O'Berry School »t Goldsboro. Names for the Circle s Cnriatmas celebration will be drawn at this meeting W* JUp*> N. McCoy, nxm ReldsvLle. N. C. were among Uwee who attended the last rites for Mr* Lillian Wilder here Sun! day. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER FORD SALES and SERVICE ALLAN MIMS, • KCOIPOI A T RD Tttephoae 1-3181 W TARBORO IT MCII MOUNT. H. C ■ . •tone related bow that when Dr. Hawkins and Dr. Eugene Carson Blake, the powerful Stated Clerk of the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, visited Pope Paul VI at the Vatican, some of the prese referred to Dr. Blake as being secretary to Dr. Hawkins. Dr. Stone urged that Christians would find the avenues in which they can beet work to advance the cause of Christendom and civil rights, and then have the courage to accept It and work to that end. During his morning message, the Rev. Arnold Walker, who has been at Bethany for two years and has effected a worthy remodeling Job, preached that church member* would resolve that they are going to be willing to . follow the Master who was willing, not only, to be ‘pinned down* (as one woman objected to being), but was willing to be ‘nailed down’ to the Cross for our sins." Rev. Walker concluded that many people “are only will ing to ‘tip our hat’ to Christ.” He asked: “Have We Christ, Or Some one Nearer Our Liking?" Elder G. H. Young end J. O. Scl* pio, along with Mrs. J. H. Hays wood, Mrs. A. B. Lewis and Mrs. Maggie McLeod, Mrs. E. R. Gavin and Roscoe McLaurin were leaders In providing superb dinners for the visitors Henderson, Oxford. Rocky Mount and Intermediate rhurches. Benson Bullard, Robert Hill, Robert Brewer end J. B. Harren represent ed Mt. Pisgah U. P. Church, Rocky Mount. The man who hag no friends has made a mistake some where along life’s Journey. His life may have been such as to render him un worthy of friends or he has been too proud or self-centered to wel come friendship, with his fellow men. In either case there Is bouiid to be a good reason for such a con dition to exist In his life. APEX BY MRS LOUISE COLVIN APEX Sunday. December Bth. the senior choir was in charge of the music for the 11 o’clock wor ship service at First Baptist. Mr. W. N. Beasley is director and Mrs. E. H. Williams Is pianist. The pastor. Rev. W. T. Bigelow, brought to US a very Interesting sermon. His text was taken from St. Luke. 17:5. Visitors worshipping with us were: Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilosn of Raleigh. SAINT MARY’S AMI CHURCH On Sunday at 7:10 p. m„ the> * Junior choir . J St Marys AME sponsored a pro- V gram. The follow- Bb* V mg singing groups 'M rendered music: the Elk Spirituals Gospel Chorus. C *%'■»?• firm Baptist, A pex, and them sponsoring choir. MRS. COLVIN 11 was an enjoyable service. Mis tress of ceremony was Mrs. Doris Howard. Th# pastor is the Rev. Frank Mclvcr. of Raleigh. FUNKRALIZED Funeral services were held Mon day. December 7th. at 3:00 p m. at the Christian Home Church, of Mrs Louise Greene Petty. Officiating was the Rev. Odell Davis, pastor of the Felton Grove Baptist Church, of which Mrs. Pet ty was a member. Survivors arc: her husband. Mr. James Petty, and a son. the Rev. Author Petty, one brother, one sis tter a number of other relatives and friends. Burial was In St. August F. W. B. Church Cemetery. Fuquay Springs PERSONALS Rev. E. Benjamin Lipaey. father of Mrs. Loomis Horton, Jr. is In Wake Memorial Hospital. Room 1- 08, Raleigh. Prior to his Illness, he was pastor of Mt. Calvary AME 7-lon Church. Monrow. We are very happy to welcome Rev and Mrs. W Y. Davis and family, as residents of Apex. They have lived in Raleigh for several years, but have moved here perm anently. Mr. Isaac A Hayes is visiting his children, Mr. Abraham Hayes and family. Mrs Margaret Doves and family and others, in New York, Cary Elementary School News CARY—The acuity and students are now enjoying a new paved walk that has recently been placed near the gymtorium. This is the be ginning of a county-planned pro gram to enhance the beauty of the school plant. We were happy to have the Cary Board of Education visit our school on November 30. American Education Week waa very well observed in each class loom and each department, by va rious projects. Mrs. E. H Holt and bar sixth grade claw presented an assembly program November 34, entitled The Pilgrims Were Brave." It woe a good program. The students participating were: Helen" Ramsey. Silvia Ouess. Jack eon Farrar, Stewart Hamby. Rick ard Barnette, Debra Faison. Debra Hartsfield. Randy Pennington. Mi chael Kelly. Margaret Matthews. Vickie Shaw, Linda Evans. Cynthia Reaves, Geraldine Holmes. Ethel Payne. Msry Clemons. Ethel Ed ward*. John Faison. James Peyton. NEW LIGON COACH, PLAYERS MAP STRATEGY The new basketball coach at the J. W. Li ion Jr.-Sr. High School here, Harvey Heartley, is shown at right instructing three of Me Little Blues eager* in strategy to be used in a'coming game. Left to right are: Thomas Wade (Bir die) Brooks, Tyrone Bailey and George Holloway. (See story). • OMEGA ACHIEVEMENT WEEK PRINCIPALS Shown holding their awards, left to right, are the principal in a public program hell at Clintort* First Baptist Church last Sunday. They are Dr. D. J. Sammons, chosen, Citizen of the Year ,* Dr. J. W. Seabrook, president emeri tus ol Fayetteville State College, main speaker and Clarence C. Cooper Jr., Omega man, who was declared ‘‘Man of the Year." (See story). Clinton News BY H. M. JOHNSON KINDERGARTEN HOLDS OPEN HOUSE CLINTON—-Open house was held at the Hill’s Nursery and Kinder garten last Sunday. Several parents accompanied their children to the program. They were entertained first by thru children and then by a film entiiled, “Kindergarten and Your Child.” The film was based on the various things that should be done in order to effectively pre pare a child for public school. It was a unanimous decision that the preparation should be done by the home, the church, the school and the community. Thq following parents and friends participated in the program: Rev. K P. Battle. Mrs. Flora Grantham. Mrs. Gadsden. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hill. Mrs. Hurston. Mr. Harp « " Charlie Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Joyner. Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall. Mrs. Morrison. Mr. and Mr*. Parker. Mrs E. H. Sampson. Mrs Darioiu Sammons. Mr. Wm. Spruill. Jr.. Mr and Mrs Taylor. Mrs. Ca therine Walker. Mrs. Washington, iMr and Mrs. P. Wilder, Mr and j Mrs. Harold Worley, Mrs Wynn. : Mrs. Faison and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leder. Mrs. Irene HUI Is director and teacher Princeton News BY MRS. GOLDIE LEE HARDY I FRINCETON—Mrs Goldie Hardy and Mrs Nancy Howell attended the 11 a m worship service at Little River Primitive Baptist Church in Princeton. Elder Bennie Brown of Sharksboro was the speaker. Mrs. Lucy Brown, his wife, and Mesdamek Parker Taylor of Sharksboro and Elder Fletcher Coley of Fremont accompanied him to Little River Church Sunday morning The message was well enjoyed by all. At 3 p m.. Rev. Nathaniel Walk er. son of Bishop and Mrs. W. H Walker of Princeton, preached his trial sermon at his home church Princeton Chapel Disciple. Rev Raynor of Bunn Level is the pastor Rev. Walker's scripture esme from 1 Acts. 10:11 verses, subject Jesus Is Coming; Be Ready.' The j message was a soul-stirring one. Master Matthew Atkinson, son of Rev. and Mrs ’ Robert Atkinson, was tha dinner guest of Alvin Bernard Hardy Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lofton and children, a long with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stencil and son of Garner, were the dinner guests of Mrs Margaret Young and son. of Princeton. Sun day. Mr. and Mrs Levi Howell and daughter visited Mrs Goldie Har dy and Mrs Hawaii Sunday after noon. A THOUGHT: "And ha said unto them. It is not for you to know the times or tha seasons which the Father hath put in Hia own pow er." —1 Act Tth verse. John Clast McAllister. Thomas j Gibbs and Judy Moore. FRIENDLY GARDEN CLUB MEETS The Friendly Garden Club held its last meeting of 19*14 last Satur day night at the home of Mrs. Rosa Cooper, of Bunting Street. The devotion was held in the form of a Christmas program. Tne president was in charge of the business session. During the social hour, Christ mas gifts were exchanged and rc reshments served. Members present were 'lesdames Irene Hill. E H. Sampson. Myrtie Rich. K Faison. Jul,.i M. Holmes, Hattie Matthews. Sallye Boykins, Addle Kirby, Estelle Chostnutt, Thelma Parker. A. M Johnson and Miss Fannie Sampson. The first meeting of 1983 will be held at the home of Mrs Sallye Boykins. Mr. Frank Howard is back at his home in Clinton aftei spending the Thanksgiving holidays in Phila delphia, Pa. with his brother, Mr. Wiliam Owens, He reports a safe trip. Mr. James E. Sampson is recupe rating at home after being con fined at Sampson Memorial Hos pital for several days. Pleasant Grove BY JOHNNY SNIPES *ND JOSEPHINE WOODS BURLINGTON- The stud, nts and ! faculty enjoyed a pre-TKe ksgiv i ng chapel program sponsored by i Miss C S Wade's sixth grade see* ; tion B on November 23th ij The entire class partiv tv.'id in ■ t the sin ging of Thanks give g songs, i A playlet entitled "We're So Thank -1 fill” was also presented. ! ) The pupal* were dressed in Pil j grim and Indian costumes. I - auti i ful friezes and pasters decorated ! the stage All art work wa« done by the j class during ns art periods Grade 5A of Mrs. T R. Worth's | room organized its class c' .cers i i for the school year. They are: Pres ident. Clifton Kimber; vice-presi- I dent. Jerry Evans; secretary. Jo j ann Jones: assistant secretary. Clar ■ ie Daye and reporter. Judy Haith. | They chose for their class motto, j “The Best Can Be Better." Thompson School CHRISTMAS PROGRAM TO BE PRESENTED The P T A of Thompson School will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday. December 10, at 8:00 P. M. in the school auditorium. During the general business ses sion. the body will hear a report from Mrs J D Drayton, delegate to tha State P. T. A. Convention, held in Charlotte, recently. After the busmeea session, a sheet Christmas procralr. will be present ed by Mrs. G. L. Hickerson's Ist : and 2nd grade clam . Grade mothers will meet at 7:30 j p. m. in Room 3. i DRIVE SAFELY! Oberlin School News Mrs. O. W, Fax well, the teacher of 7th and Bth grades' science and r>a:h, accompanied by a parent, Mrs. Mildred Hiijh, took the 7th ar.d Bth grade students to Chapel Hill Saturday, where they visited he Planetarium and saw the Christmas Story." The OK-e Club of 70 voices gave :s annual Christmas Conceit in IN CRITICAL CONDITION New York: Min Madeline Ford, 42. aits on the tracks of the New York Control Railroad early Dec. 2nd, in a dared condition as a patrohnan comes to bat aid. Miss Ford was passenger in a ear that word through the guard rail at 144th Street, tell to the tracks below and was hit by a New Haven Railroad tram. The train dragged the ear along the tracks, causing it to burn. Both occupants of the car arete reported in critical condition at M'orrisenia Hospital. The railroad hoped to have the tracks cleared in tune for the morning rush hour. {UPI PHOTO). ‘ At Clinton: Cooper Gets Omega Nod For Award CLlNTON—Clarence C. Cooper. Jr, principal of West Pender School Burgaw, was honored last Sunday as "Omega Man at the Year” at a public program at the First Baptist Church. This presentation was a feature of the annual National Achieve ment Week activities of Kappa Rho Chapter, Omega PM Phi fraterni ty. Inc. Dr. J. W. Seabrook. president emeritus, Fayetteville State Col lege, spoke on the theme of the week, “Civil Rights, 1964-the Bee con of Ordered Liberty." Kappa Rhe Chapter wan the distinction as "Chapter el fee Year" in the Sixth District be cause of the greet seeeaas of its first Talent Rani This pro gram was ehaired by Broiler Cooper. Through hie efforts and ingenuity, along with the wholehearted co-operation of the chapter, the Talent Hunt was a success In every respect. Cooper is a native of East Orange, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Winston-Salem State Collage and New York University, where he re ceived the B. S. and M. A. Degrees, respectively. While a student at Winston-Salem State, he wee e varsity basketball and football player. Prior to becoming principal, he served successfully as coach of these sports at Carver High School, Kannapolis, and Central High School, Hillsboro. He Is married and has one ton. Dr. Seabrook challenged kb audience about the responsi bility which lies with seek in dividual In implementing civil rights. Along with the fratern ity’s cardinal principles: Man hood, Scholarship, Persever cnee, and Uplift, he included reducing crime rates, school drop outs, and improvements in business, finance and eco nomics as essential areas far feetlve Implementation of civ il righto and changing stereo typed opinions that have long existed. Dr. D. J. Sammons was presented the “Citizen of the Year” award. Ha was particularly commended for hia volunteer work the United Negro College Fund. Brother W. E Mer rlt made this presentation. Kappa Rho Members, the Q-ettes. Dr. and Mrs. Seabrook enjoyed a pleasant social hour after the pro gram at the residence of Brother and Mrs. R. H. Lewis. DRIVE SAFELY! - the school auditorium last Thurt -1 day night It was a presentation | of the Christmas Story in song. [ Gloria Crenshaw and Kanon Wil > liams were the soloists tor the eve • ning. The concert was well attend ed. Mrs. L. Campbell and Mrs. G. t P. Brown are directresses of the i group. Benson-Four Oaks News BY MRS. FLORENCE J. WYNN Worship Service BENSON Regular service was held at White Oak Church, in New ton Grove. The pastor, Rev. S. A. Da se, delivered the message, taken from St John. Music was rendered by the choir, with prayer by Dea con John Bennett and Mr. Wash - ington Williams. Five minutes of quiet prayer was observed in mem ory of the late President John F. Kennedy. Mr. Italy Williams, who is 01 at home, was visited by the pastor, deacons and mmebers. The Lord’s Supper was taken to him Special prayer was held for the sick. The service was very highly enjoyed by everyone. Women's Day was recently held at Dunn's Chapel Church. Theme: *To Serve The Present Age.” Miss ionary Delassie Elliott presiding Music was rendered by a mixed fetmp. Devotional, Rev. Flora Blackmon, and Rev. Mary John son. Greetings, by Lula Carroll; history of minions, Laura J. Surles; introduction of speaker. Missionary A. B. Evans. The keynoter was Minionary Delay Da f ford (distinguished church worker United Holy Church of America). The response was giv en by Missionary F. S. Dafford. Missionaries Naomi Spence and Lil lie Council participated In raising the offering. Missionary Fannie Smith was fas charge of the refresh RALEIGH SEAFOOD Fresh Seafood Daily •10 a DAVIS ST. DIAL TB 1-7748 White Label I DEWAR'S 11 SCOTCH WHISKY 1 I so&e *“* K 1 Dewar's s I Blended Scotch Whisky I 9 100% SCOTCH WHISKIES M B PRODUCT or SCOTLAND B ■ •ICMOID AMO tOTTLCD •▼ B I John Dewar & Sons l!- | DISTILLERS. E ■ *«« mr PE <fcOTLAND. K M •WTiutP Pttnefo huho m B H »i» <— w«« ■ » k*e jgg ■ Se*. Dmtntoeeeew» USA B **»‘*ee S.MOOU pen tewmiw *„w€»ve*» uamumiamwt • nawoof • oscHoirnw^Tsco.ET.,».T. WANTED Boys To Sell THE CAROLINIAN In The Fayetteville Area If You Are Interested In Making Money On The Weekends ... STOP IN AND INQUIRE! The Neighborhood Store 1405 Murchison Rd. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ★ ★★★★★★★ * Contact Any of the Following Boys tor YOUR CAROLINIAN in Fayetteville each week! QUINCY DOCKLEY JOHNNIE HOLMES to? Dh Street Fierce Street ALFRED EVANS, A * tadweb Read LONNIE HOLMES RODEEJC HODGES m OrngeSlixUCMe ROLY MOORE WALTER HAIRB ERett Street Widtortee Defoe * CHARLIE McCRIMMON EMMANUEL STRATTLKE ment hour. Everyone enjoyed the program Many interesting remarks were made, which will be well re membered by all. Berry O’Kelly METHOD Tne members of Mrs. R. P. Green’s music class and the senior glee club members o' the Berry O’Kelly High School will present a Christmas program entitled, “Joseph and the Nativ ity” for the PTA Monday, nign December 14 at 800 p m. The students have worked * gently to perfect this program hopes that all parents and friend will show their appreciation by a tending. The narrators an: Miss Patricia Lucas and Ronnie Harris; so’o.st are; Mias Saunder Maasepburg Cleveland Jones, and Paul Pope. A brief business session will be held after the program. INSURE YOUR HOME AGAINST FIRE —Consult— YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS Fire & Casually Insurance Company Durham, N. C.

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