2 THE CAIOLDfIAM RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. IPM Over 400 Shaw, St. Aug. Students Hear Researcher Science students at Sbaw Uni versity in Raleigh were to if* Mon day that “a long history of dis crimination and exclusion have left the Negro today with newly won freedom but with a lack of prepara tion to exploit and enjoy It." More than 400 students attended the lec ture, including a group from SL Augustine * College. Robert J. Hengstebeck, research associate for American Oil Compa ny Whiting. Indiana R*finery, said that as an example of the lack of educational background among Ne groes, we find that only one out of every 300 of the country's engineers are Negroes. Be said. "Since wa encoanter ae very few Negre scientists and technicians in supplement ear staff, wa asked ourselves whether we have properly sold capable young Negroes on ca reers In science end technology and whether we have adeqaate ly Impressed them with the pe troleum Industry aa a career." The speaker said the petroleum Industry Is a highly competitive one that survives on the basis of IMPORTED RARE SCOTCH i mvm \jfoust, \3%mj\ \lWaxvz) yia****** iy $/f25 *±4ls QT until ttt'ti nnn tu'i ma «wu it ant miu mutt in, nat a THE CAROLINIAN PnSluatai Compsay “Cover m* ths Carolina* PnbUahse hr tt* Carollalaa US g Mart la atrssl •alalia N c.. tr«u igkitaroo as Bocond CTaaa Mattar April a. I*4o St lha Post Offle* tn lUlalgh. North Carolina undar Ui* Act of * Urch bates a^,== s J TOTAL v MM Payabl* ha Advance Address all nmamanlrortnas and mak* *U chaeka astaam sitters pay a bit to TKI *T mSSciM^aiss*pK turaa or advsrtteiag copy unlssa n«c naan psatsas aoeompania* tha oooy Clpfnlnni ax pressed by eoiumaMs ta this naswassw da not naeoaasrtly ro To Our Reading Public: You Are Our Biggest When you buy from a Merchant because yon saw his ad in The CAROLINIAN please tell him YOU saw his ad. We ask this as • favor from our readers. The ads you see In The CAROLINIAN make pos sible the news and pictures of yourself and friends. Patronize merchants who oatronize your paper and do us the favor them. THANK YOU! - the high quality of Its products and the employees who develop them. For this reason, he said, "tha In dustry cannot get by very long with sesond best products or p<. jple and declared that at American Oil there are no berriers of race or color in employment policy.” The speaker was at Shaw Uni versity aa the third In an eight col lege tour to interpret the rola of the scientists-technologlats In tha oil industry and to encouraga and motivate student* to embark on technical careen. Other schools that Mr. Hengstebeck will visit are Virginia State, Petersburg, Vs.; Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.; ALT College, Greensboro; Central State Coliege, Wilberforce, Ohio; and Lincoln University, Lincoln, Pa. U. S., WORLD AWAITING THE FATE OF 21 (CONTlNtirn THOM VACS ONEI gar Hoover held a meeting with the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr, netted the following: Cecil Price, a former fireman, who is serving hi* first year as a deputy sheriff; Jimmy K. Alledge. 27, a salesman, formerly of Meri dian; Horace D. Barnette, 2S. a Meridian truck driver; Travis M. Barnette, 38, part owner-operator of a Meridian garage; James E. Jordan. 38. a Gulfport construc tion worker, formerly of Meridian; Billy Wayne Poaey, 28. a Phila delphia. Mias., service station ope rator; Alton Wayne Roberts, 26 a Meridian salesman; Jimmy Snow den, 31, a Meridian truck driver; Jerry M. Sharpe, 21, manager, Philadelphia pulpwood supply company, and Jimmy Lea Town send. 17. a Philadelphia service station attendant. All were arrested on conspiracy charges and accused of being members of the lynch mob which slew the three civil rights workers KILLS SELF AS BOYFRIEND LISTENS IN (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ll self. Mammy said he beard tbs pistol click several limes bsfore Ihe shot rant out. The lad start ed to run th* distance to Lin da's house, hut spotted a ps*»- Ing police ear and told the of ficer* « hal had happened. Mrs. Grace Conners, the girl’s mother shed no light on the shoot ing. She unit! Linda and Sammy met several weeks ago at a movie: the bov'| phono namber was found Written in Linda's Bible. The two youngster*, wer# not "going steady." according to Mrs Conners, because "I would never let her date.” The grief-stricken mother said: "I don't know what happened to bn She was doing all right In her school work at Belt Junior High. "She wa* In good spirits earlier In the day. She cleaned the house before the rest of us left In the afternoon to go visiting.'' Two days before the tragedy, a similar and related death look place when Eugene Mont gomery. SO. wa* found *h*t to dealh In hi* Maryland apart ment. A verdict of suicide was returned. He was the ancle sf Caniesl A. Montgomery, In whose ham* Linda and her mother Uved with Montgomery and his wile. Mrs. Conners has been separat ed since earlier this year. "That death upset Lind* when she heard about it," Mrs. Conners said. HOOVER IS DETERMINED TO STAY CONTIMTD FROM MO* tl tude is stiU that we'rt bothering them. "I'm not talking about protec tion. I'm talking about Investigating civil rights that defy U. S. law and Ihe Constitution." Austose Sou them Nagrw I setter, James Bevell. *f Mont gomery, said: "W* fast sari sf don't depend aa th* Bnrsna far aaythtog. Tha attitude at seme ■gents rve aaat has haan vary gaud. "But OteyTe aerta ttha ru» porter*. Tub know, they cams around and ask qaaaUona and taka natoa and ga away. And again."*** **** In —District Daa eeratle Chairman Jeeeph L. Ranh said tha TH has haan tn effectaal hi anfarcing atvfl "I think we've get to do one of two things, either change ha FBI into an agency that deeply believes in civil rights or get a new Investi gative agency.” Ranh mid that tha only othar al ternative would be the ouster of Hoover. "I think it’s up to Presi dent Johnson to ask Hoover to step down or glvt Burke Marshall the type of investigative agency he needa.” BOY, 14, LEFT TO DIE IN DITCH (CONTDfOBB raox PAG a 1) Funeral services for young Hollo way wan held Tuesday of this weak at the Juniper Level Bnntlst Church, with the Rev. H. Z. Ford officiating. Survivors Include his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hollo way, one sister, Miss Julia Hollo way; one brother. Robert Hollo way; and other relatives. TWO GROUPS DENY THEY’LL CUT OFF AID (continued raoM page iy sting Connell (SNCC) on the •cone. Now Orlosaa’ TIMES PICAYUNE Newspaper had re ported that COPO had been toeing out financially and al ternating parson* of "Marxist" Not only has SCLC not with drawn its aid, Dr. King said, but tha Southem-bastd, clergy-led civ il rlghta organization plans to give increased support to COFO. "COFO is doing a most necessary Job and we heartily endorse Its work.” Dr. King declared. NAACFs national public rela tions chief. Henry Lee Moon, also denied that his organization has de cH-d not to support COFO Mr. Moon indicated that local NAACP officials in Mississippi had recom mended withdrawal, but that no decision will be made on this sug gestion until tt can be considered by the full NAACP Board on Jan uary 4. DR. KING ACCEPTS THE NOBEL PRIZE (CONTINUED FROM I'AOE ONE) terview with noted TV commenta tor Alistair Cooke to be telecast December 12. Cooke asked the At lanta churchman If he was not f:.Ud that "perhaps some day you n- »y be killed aa Ohandt was." King acknowledged hla debt to the late Indian leader for his non violent program and said: "Th're Is nothing In non-violent activity that aaya you will not be the reci pient of violent*. It doesn't say that you won't be tha recipient of death." Dr. King declared that most Important to him la aot "how tong one lives, bat how well one lives, not th# quantity of one's life hat the quality of one's life." He told Cooke on the ABC-TV program, which will include Dr King’s acceptance speech in Nobel Prise ceremonies in Oslo, that "un tamed auflerlng con be redemptive for physlnol death Is a price that I must pay to free millions of chil dren and millions of my withe brothers from a permanent psy chological death and a perman ent death of the spirit. I don't think any thing can be more re demptlve." The head of th* Southern Christian Leadership Confer ence contended la the ABC TV prggraui produced by Wal ter Shwiaasor that his Nobel Fauee Ft to* award "tn a sense gives real vindication to th* whole non-violent program and th* non-violent method of grappling with tha problems at racial Injustice In our coun try. The Nobel Prise gives to th# method and philosophy of non-rtoirnce a kind of under standing and a kind as respect that will certainly deepen my •wn commitment and I am sure will aka sense other peo ple to deepen their commit "l phut to give every cant of this maney to the civil rights move men." said Dr. King of the 854.000 In prise money which he will r»t in the Nobel Prim ceremonies In Oslo. Dr. King wtn be one of three A mertoans to aeoept Nobel Prises ‘n Oslo and Stockholm oeremoni-s which will bo telecast for the first time tn the U. 8. December ia The other two am Dr. Konrad E Bloch of Harvard University who won the prim tn medicine for h.s reeceroh on cholesterol, and Dr Char tea H. Townee of the Mum ehumtte Institute of Technology who got tha Nobel Prim tn physics tor his development of maser and laser rays to project radio and light beams, lha peace prim to presented In Oslo and the science and literature prime In Stockholm BURGLAR, WHO CUT THROAT, SENTENCED (CONTfWUSD PUn** PAfIV 1* Ha Bad beau ahargag with Mmmmt wi2£*!Utl?alJK as MV E. 3mma Street an De cember tt, 1888. Polks Officer Ralph Johnson stated in court last wash that he ran Boons down on toot and caught him after bring called to tha home by the women. lha ether warrant agataa* Beene charged him with cater ing too hams of John P. Voar hsoa, IBM Fatevtsw Rand an and Ha"** Boon# first got into trouble with "the tow" when ha arm IS year* old and sentenced to sarvv 10 year, at tha Morrison Training School. Hoffman, after two convictions for burglary according to records and files of the Raleigh Police Depart ment. Re was sentenced to 12 month* SHAW STUDENTS HEAR RESEARCH ASSOCIATE FOR AMERICAN OIL COM PANY—Robert J. Hengstebeck, center, is seen talking with Shaw Vniveraity science majors, on Monday, December 7, at Shaw University, concerning the opportunities available for Negroes in the petroleum industry , IXPHMHHIHHPRif ; v, 3* v* ■ '-jW|- .-44 Mm Rrtt j I W "IT' ■ % MPrW U h Ski GETS TROPHIES Miss Marie Smith, oresident ol the sixty-live piece marching band of Sampson High School, Clinton, is receiving tnphies lor winning lsf place at the Elks Parade in Gastonia. The band is under the direction ol William Spruill. Jr. Pictured (/. so r.) Perry Solice, O. A. Dupree, Rev. K. P. Battle. Marie Smith, Walter Murphy and William Spruill, Jr. Supreme Court Hears Argument On Jury Exclusion Os Negroes WASHINOTON The 0. S. Supreme Court was asked to atrnce down a practice utilized by num erous southern communities to systematically exclude Negro citi zens form Juries. Mrs. Constance Baker Mot ley, associate counsel of the NAAL'P Legal Defense Fund, argued that the 1963 convic tion of Robert'Swain should be reversed. Case Owner Killed Over Fifty Cents PASCAGOULA. Miss <NPI> - Willie Reeves, owner of a case lo cated outside Moss Point, was snot to death during a fight over SO cents he allegedly owed another man. Charged in the slaying is Curtis Tate, who was listed in fair con dition at Singing River Hospital with gunshot wounds of the stom ach and log. The Jackson County sheriff s office said a third. Selven Mc- Dower. was also slightly wounded in the -shooting spree. on the roads in 1907 for house breaking ami larceny, and m 195.;, he received 15 years in prison, af ter pleading guilty to 18 separate charges of house breaking and lar ceny. Boone had only been free on parole a short time when he was arrested on the before-mentioned charges. As Boone's lawyer. Clyde Doug las. war asking for an individual poll of the jury, one suddenly yell ed. "The prisoner s cut his throat.” Solicitor Ransddell. who said he had noticed B.vone "drag his hand aeioap his throat four times," term ed the incident a show of "theat rics ' The jury deliberated for 7 1-J hours be lore returning the guilty verdict at 11 am Friday. GOV. SANFORD FREES THIRTEEN (co.MixiiD mow r\uc n had appealed their convictions to the State Supreme Court, but these appeals have since been with drawn. Others beside Rev. Smith, who received cammataUens. were: Barry C. Boyette, Atlan ta. Ga.. ce-chairmaa at CORE'S Duke autl. whs received 6* days; Larry WUsaa. Elisabeth Laitaev. Joseph Tiegar, Cha liese P. Cattail. Arthur B. Si mane. Babby Ferguson. Willie Wynn, Arthur Crisp, J. V. Dru ry. Pot-erf T. Os barn ami Da vid Smith. In commuting the terms, the gov ernor said he wanted to Day bis re*peels to trial Judge Mallard, whose faithfulness and firmness and leral ability are outstanding and well appreciated. The conviction* will remain on the record, the governor concluded. While a few Talladega Countyelther civil or criminal cases. Negroea are included op ihe Jury This was Mrs. Motley's nin rolLs, they have been consistently th appearance before the U. S. struck by proeecutors, Mrs. Mot- Bupreme Court Assisting her ley * ire seed. were Legal Defense Fund Di- The U. 8. Civil Rights Commto- rector Counsel Jack Green ston's 1961 report Indicates that berg; James M. Nabrit 111. this practice to widely used across Michael Meltsner and Frank the deep south. Heffron of the Fund’s New Robert Swain, the defendant. York headquarters, was sentenced to death for the al- Cooperating Attorneys Orzell leged rape of a white woman. Billingsley, Jr. and Peter Hall of The civil rights lawyer pointed Birmingham assisted on the case out that no Nwro has served on aas did volunteer attorney Henry trial Jury in Talladega County inM. dl Suvcro. CPt&L Sales Position Changes Announced The following changes in Care- 1 Una Power & Light Companv's < sales department have been an nounced by H. G. Isley, vice presl- j dent and general sales manager. W. B. McOowen, manager of the i Eastern Division, with headquar ters at Wilmington, has been nam ed manager ot the Central Sa<es Division, with headquarters < t Southern Pines. He replaces J. M HP , i DR. KING CONFERS WITH HOOVEfi—Tt* Rev Mar tin Luther, King, Jr., n shown in Washington’hat Wednesday, leaving tha Faderal Bureau ot Investigation building, attar con ferring with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. Dr. King requested the conference in tha wake of a verbal laud between the two. Ngh tighted when Hoover called (fie Nobel Prise winner, the most no torious her in the country ” {UPI PHOTO). Howarth, who will remain as sales consultant. L. Ray Stallings, residential sales coordinator ot the Southern (South Carolina) Division, is pro moted to division manager at Wil mington. replacing McOowen. James C. Casey, commercial sales representative of the Harts ville. 8. C. District, is promoted to rerl * ntlal sales coordinator of tbe “MISS FIRST BAPTIST' Mrs. Rosa Kenlaw was ctomn ad “Miss First Baptist”, the winner in the annual Homacdoung service, held at tha church last month. MrS. Kenlaw was sponsor ed by the Women's Guild Club ot the church. Tha lat rumar-up was Mrs. Melba Summerville, sponsored by the Deacon Board; 2nd runner-up was Miss Leeaie Sampson, sponsored by the Senior Board. $1,700.00 was raised in the drive. Rodgers Elementary School WILLIAMSTON The Roders Elementary School has entered in to Its third academic year and is continuing to grow with many Fuquay Consolidated EAGLES CLAW BISON! By Glenn ElUatt FUQUAY SPRINGS—The Bison* erf Fuquay Consolidated found the Eagles of Cooper High School of Clayton, flying too high as the Eagles took both games of a dou ble-header In Clayton last Friday night The Junior varsity game was ev enly matched for three quarters but the fast-breaking Eagles went out front early In the fourth quar ter and retained this lead to win the ball game 87-27. The varsity Bisons met with a similar fate In the second game of the double-header. The Eagles placed seven point* on th# score board before the Bisons could find the mark. At the end of the first half the Eagles were leading by a ■core of 23-13. The Bison* fought back furiously during the second stanza but were behind at the final whistle, 59-51. Southern Division, replacing Stall ings. BOTTLED IN BOND MELLOW CORN 8 KENTUCKY ■ STRAIGHT ill CORN WHISKEY m|| SOSO rtrn fcmf I *<oj» I us ■EDLEY DISTIUMS COIPAST, OWENSBORO, KENTUCKY nar dubohps Corn** In 14-K yeMow or white goto. r ° D ' t qq |rj M * na GEM WATCH SHOP MS FAIEIIRIHXR OT. TE MUt Fresh Pork Picnics lb. 29c Pork Sausage lb. 33c or 3 lU. 79c Good Weiners lb. 30c or 3 IU. 99c Pork Boston Butts lb. 39c Fresh Spare Ribs lb. 35c or 3 lbo. 99c Crescent Bacon lb. 35c or 3 lbo. 99c End Cut Pork Chops lb. 45c Rib Beef Steak lb. 65c Center Cut Pork Chops lb. 57c Fresh Neck Bones or Pig Feet lb. 13c Luzianne RT Coffee lb. 67c Sliced Pork Steak lb. 47c HORTWrSCASHSTORE achievements. Rodgers has a faculty of fourteen and an active PTA membership ot approximately forty-five. During this abort Span of admin istration the school has purchased lunchroom equipment, stage cur tains, a new piano, and office equip ment. Recently Shrubbery has been purchased and planted around the entire campus. All of the lunch room equipment has been paid tor, the piano, and some office equip ment The school has had a full sched ule thru far, featuring religious programs, a Halloween Carnival, ar -r a Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner which was attended well by parents ans students. The PTA programs for the year Include a PTA Talent Stow, De cember IS, at 8:00 p.m., a Bridal Wedding, a Box Rafle, a Spring Carnival, and a Fashion Show. (All date* tor programs not mentioned will be posted later.) Supervised socials are also sponsored tor riu dents from time to time. Rodgers School is proud of its progress under its principal, Mr, A. R .Ton** and Mr Dallas T.ynnv PTA president MEMORIAL DAY MILEAGE Race drivers at Indianapolis get about tour miles per gallon using special fuels at a $1 a gallon, tha Catholic Digest finds. There are two side* to every law suit the legal and the moral aide.

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