THE CABOLOIUIII RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER U. 1964 FROM RALEIGHS POLICE FILES THE CRIME BEAT S BY CHARLES R. JONES LICENSE TAG STOLEN FROM CAB Earl Martin, 50, of 000 S. Blood* worth Street (YMCA) told Officer Otis Hinton, Jr., at 6:45 s.m. oh Thursday, he parked his 1956 Chev rolet in front of the YMCA at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, and when he came out Thursday morning, discovered someone had stolen his 1664 license tag, number VF-550. Martin stated he had no idea who would do such a thing. SAYS BOY STOLE MONEY FROM LAUNDROMAT J. C. Knowles, 36, white man ager of the laundromat, located at 328 E. Martin Street, informed Of ficer C. R. Kirby at 11:15 pm. on Thursday, he took the money out of the place at 6 pm. Wednesday, and his Janitor closed at 11 pm. However, said Knowles, he found seven of his washing machines and one soap machine had been dam aged Thursday night Damage to the machines was set at SIOO and to the soap-maker at $25. He also estimated $35 had been stolen from the eight machines. At 11:43 pm. Thursday, Mrs. Why "Good-Time Charlie” Suffers Uneasy Bladder CinriM cadne or drfaddas.nuv h* source of mild, but annoying Bladder lrrl with nagging backache, headache or muo eular aooea and pains due to over-exertion, (train or emotional apart, are addins to roar mieery -don’t wait-try Doan'c Pill*. Doan's Pills met S wars for ipaadr re lief. I—They hare s soothing effect ea bladder irritations. 1-A fast paln-reUey ing action on nagging backache, head aches, muscular ache* and pains. S—A wonderfully mild diuretic action thru the kidneys, tending to in creese the output of s? oftubci. s-. k.i e.. —happy relief t—'have enjoyed Se/ZyGay 130 Fayetteville Si Is The Store For Feminine Fashions For Your Christmas Shopping Convience We Are Open fl All Every Night Till W1 ' ♦ ife- ■-''' 4 HIM W' ' ■£* /4 &>J£*L jkwjk y IB K LUXE Wiiuonr COMPANY, lOUISYtIf, KENTUCKY. MS PMOOF*COSOMMHI 49% OMRNOWMI SWMfTE F«rt Williams. 39, sf 13 Hyde Termer, taM the eap she saw * boy. about 6 yours old, who Uvea in Love’S Lane, tasida 0M Place Wodneaday, and bo taM ber to “Watoh mo got tbo Ma ty.* The woman nM tbo tyke then opened aB the Hat doors and took tbo change from the bfTMXW. YOUTH. 11. FACES FORGERY RAP Jack M. Parker, an official of the First Citizens Bank. 14 E. Martin Street, reported to Officer E. W. Rhodes at 13 noon Friday, that the bank had cashed u check tor $122.44, drawn on Wachovia Bank and Trust Company. Tim business check came from Hudson-Belk Co. and was already made out for this amount It was stolen, according to personnel at Belks, from the res taurant there made payable to Howard F. Bryant an employee of the store, who stated ho never re ceived the check, adding “the en dorsement on the back was a for gery.” George Seett Rand, 11, of 3464 Bedford Avenue, a farmer em ployee at Belks, admitted steal ing the cheek, forging the en dorsement, and cashing it He was kaaled ass to the Wake County Jail, when ha wsa charged with forgery. POINTS GUN AT WOMAN, JAILED Miss Norvis Louise Gore, 31, of LET ME HELP YOU! IP YOU HAVE PROBLEMS OF ANY KIND!! Perhaps It Is financial, love, or family troubles I feel sure that I can help you with your par ticular problem, if you will have faith and trust In me. Write me today, strictly con fidential. ANNETTE’S PERSONAL HER VICE P. O. Box i-F Wlttebome, C. P„ South Africa 3 909 E. Lenoir Street told Officer G. W. Williams at 10:01 pm. Friday that Walter Wallace Dayton, of 310 N. State Street came to 136 E. Cabarrus Street and “got into a fight.” She continued, “After the fight was over, he went out to his car and got a gun and came back inside.” The young wsmsu said Day tan pointed the gun at her be fore he left She came to the police station and signed a war rant charging Dayton with as sault with a deadly weapon. A witness was Otlu Rowland, who lives in Roam U of the Deluxe Hotel, 366 Meek of E. Cabarrus Street HR OVER HEAD WITH DRINK BOTTLE Woolly Arrington, 33, of T 63 E. Hargett Street Infarmed Of ficer Joseph Winters at 11:36 M*. Friday, ha waa at the cor ner sf W. South Street and Car roll’s Alloy, whan an unknown man hit him near the hood with a soft drink battle. Arrington was treated at Wake Memorial Hospital for a small head laceration and released. “MYSTERIOUS" DRUNK JAILED Officer W. M. Parker, Jr, report ed at 6:58 p.m. Friday, ha received a call to go to the corner of Van Dyke Avenue and Oberlin Road and talk to Mrs. Maggie McDaid. Upon arrival, ho found Louis Guthrie. 25. of 614 Oberlin Rd, standing m the middle as Van Dyke “in a drunken condition and bleeding from the middle finger of-his right hand.” The cop then talked to Mrs. 31c- DaM, S 3, who stated he had boon “causing u disturbance.” She refused to sign a warrant against him, however. After treatment at the hospital for his finger wound, Guthrie was hsulci off to Jo!!, cfcsrgcJ w!’.’. prMic drunkenness. The mystery came in as the cop was unable to find out who cut Guthrie’s finger or how it was cut. BOY GETS MAD. CUTS UP CLOTHES Mrs. Lillian Davis, 42, of 102 1-2 N. Tar boro Road, Informed Officer R. M. Meekins at 9 p.m. Friday, that Benjamin Jones, 20, address un known, came to her house and “We had a fuss.” The complainant declared he then went late her baekyard, task a packet knife sad eat up the clothes she hod hanging on her clothes line. She estimated damage at IN and signed a warrant, charging Janes with damage la proparty. SAYS KIDS BROKE BTORM DOOR GLASS Miss Louise Baker. 48. of >ls S. Haywood Street, told Oficer Nor man Artis at 9:20 p.m. Friday, she was in the back of her house when she heard a loud noise up front As aha raa to the front door, about throe boys raa south on flay wood 8 bo add they broke out the glam pane of tbo storm door with a small rack. Dam age was oat at sl4. SAYS WOMAN STOLE $36 FROM HER Miss Lizzie Bridges, 39, of 312 E. Martin Street informed Officer & V. Pearce at 2 pm. Sunday, that Mim Joan Quiller, same address, took S3O out of her pocket book, which was in a closet She signed a warrant against Mim Quiller, charging larceny. DRINKING MAN GOBS TO SLEEP, ROBBED Whyao Ran, at TIS K Darla Strati, told Officer B. D. Whit ley at 4d9 pn. Friday, Mat at about 13 noon, ho want to sleep to toe kitchen cf a hanaa, lo cated at 316 Jaamfce Drton and when ho woke up taro bourn later, found 9X5 had boon stolen from kb panto packet Hall declared the only other per sons in the house were: Mim Batty Jean Porter, erf 316 Jamaica Drive; Mrs. Barbara Bennett Thorpe, Can non Street; Miss Annie Jean Por ter, of Raefard; and tore# small children. The report concluded, “Hall had been drinking prior to going to sleep.” ROBS WOMAN’S CAR IN YARD Mrs. M H. Little, of 1069 Parker Street (Oberlin), informed Officer W. R. Creighton at 13:15 pm. Sat urday, she parked her car "beside her house when she came home from work. While taking same Hama Into toe house, toe complstnsnt said, someone stole several arttdea from her automobile. She de scribed toe missing marches disc as: one pair as Scotch grain loafers, one camel hair coat, and one pink wool sweat er. Mrs. Little said she (totat bear anything, not aee anyone around her house or car. She valued the articles at 5100. REPORTS 3164 MISSING TWO WEEKS LATER Mrs. Elizabeth ones, 65, of 406 E. Martin Street, told a cop last Fri day, that while she was living at 423 Montague Lane, with Mrs. Mil dred Turner on about November 26, and while she was uptown, someone entered her room and stole $lO4 in U. S. currency, which was concealed under a rug. Mrs. Jones mid she had question ed her landlady about the money and said Mrs. Turner denied taking it or knowing anything about it BLANKET. BEDSPREAD MISSING Mrs. Dorothy Lee Jones, sf 517 S. Person Street told 04- flcer Oils Hinton, Jr, at 1141 am Saturday, that between 6 and 11:36 pm. Friday, semeona took a double blanket green and yellaw; and a double bad spread, from toe clothesline In !,ii Tin) uric val ued at sl3. HUBCAPS TAKEN OFF CAR James Chavis, 20, of 606 Bragg Street, informed an officer at 6:17 a.m. Saturday, he parked his 1961 Chevrolet on the side of his house at 4 am. and when he came out at 7 a.m., his left front and rear hub caps had been taken from the au tomobile. Chavis valued the hubcaps at sl6. PENDER SKIRTS AMONG MISSING ITEMS Mrs. Annie M. McCoy. M. of 1965 Charles Street a nurse at Wake Memorial Hospital, re ported to Officer J. L. Denton at 7:36 am. Saturday, that she had discovered two fender skirts and two hubcaps miss ing from her 1963 Chevrolet Impels. The complainant stated the mer chandise was stolen between 11 p.m.'Friday and 7 am. Saturday. T*- « ! *ver blue skirts and the hub caps cost about SSO, laid Mrs. Mc- Coy. SAYS SON HIT HER WITH PRY PAN, CUTS HIM Mrs. Mary Spencer, of 207 Cam den Street told Officer Norman Artis at 7:47 pm. Monday, that her son, Allen Spencer, 44, who was just released from the County Roads the same day, came home, got drunk and started a disturb ance. The complainant farther stat ed that Spencer hit her on to# bend with a frying pan, where upon she cut him an toe bead with a kitchen knife. Allen Spencer was treated at Wake Memorial HoapKal for head wounds, then Artis locked both his mother and him up and charged them with engaging In an affray where deadly weapons were used. Honor Students At Ligon Are Announced Here The oounaeior at the J. W. Lig on Junior-Senior High School re leases the names of the students making the Honor Roll for the second, six weeks term. These stu dents are: Os tine Anthony. Mil dred Sneilings, Battle Barbour, Cynthia Farrell, Cheryl Hamlin. Constance Bailey, Billy Hunter, George Holloway, Lillian McClain, nestle Beckwith, Gory Perry, Ray mond Barnes. Lillie Miller. Others are. Paul Jervay, Brenda Farrell, John Leake, Phillip Hol loway, Sundar Fleming, James Martin, Phillip McCullough, Celia Smith. Antoinette Poxwell. Levi Beckwith, Linda Parker, Joanne Cannady. Also, Sarah Davis. Janet How ard, Evelyn Lewis. Clarence Mer ritt, James Moore. Jr. Vivian Lo an, Frank Weaver. Joseph Penn, Yvette Faulk. Mildred McKinley. Brenda Mason. Carole Taylor, Wilton Wallace. Also James Bury ess, Lawrence Carson, Chester Clack. Gwendolyn Mills. Reginald Sills. Phytlls Cas ey, Charles Flowers. Kay Fiances Glenn. Carolyn Yabron. Wilde Oartrail, Kenneth Hinton. Nancy Morgan. Dennis Dae, Mi Me Dunn. Hubert Fitts, Ernestine Robing un. and Mona L. Adcock. YOU WORK HARD but not hard enough, nor do you accumulate enough to satisfy everybody's de mands when you expire Dallas. Texas waa named la hon or George Mifflin Dallas, the Utfc vice president (under James K. Polk i. the Catholic Digest states. I Criticism springs from two sources intelHrem disapproval and notional reacton. 6 - ’. '-ft I sums fm m w m m ■ iifllJl I BlP# 11 I jl|j| Horry In For The Buys Os A Lifetime! Hpl Hj||s Everything In The Store Must Be Sold To l||l ' mgjm The Bare Walls Begardiess Os Cost Or Loss! jpg I With Dacron lining for Xtra Warmth. 1 Rag. S»t Mas. IIS Reg. M RK3I HU I . Wto^BuSmtogl pioMMMHMMHMPV Ru* BEACON II RSDUCSD TO **‘^ W A I II Non Skid Baek B a throbeß II " 111 ” isl I I Reg. 1.90 Beg. 5.99 H a. ( . gi st CLOSEOUT( IS .- '. ""** • II LADIES’ BOXED gl.Si WOMEN’S ll£u_l COATS W "*l photo J I ' mjl I ENTIRE STOCK OF *1.46 I I iffl ■ LADIES u * >,M j to || *«* sl.9# sag * HOl/S£VVXH£^||^^^N ua. a ' ■I £ For £J 1 II I I d I f WATER PITCHERS j ■ U «ag. en »e 1 xWIN ■ MSUHBBSSSSSSR^3HMtow^mM^iE^^^| II COATS 1 cheniHe a J %t n BATH [I H SU- 1 II CAgBY . g CAB WASH H I 1 IT 0 * 1 *Z 21 II “ 0 nM WOOT,BB m : JfrEl * I M ° MJ7 °° AND MANY OTHERS! I ( . K p”’ s,r 11 km. mm it -,i“vjy.— ra LHBHHHmsumßuummßumHmmuuuumHhlJ 309 FAYBIEVILLE ST. ‘ TB 2-3374

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