•; - . „ Charged In Diffe rent Crimea FATHER, SON BOTH IN JAIL HERE NC Legion, y , .j, t Auxiliary, In ‘Mixed’Talk* GOLDSBORO Approximate ly 60 men final tfie former Divis ion Six, of the North Carolina De partment of the American Legion, and equally as many women from Section “B" of the Ladies AtndL ary. participated In the discuss ions, panwle, committee meetings and aortal activities at the 1064 Poet Officers Conference, of the North Carolina Department of the American Legion, held at the Goldsboro Hotel recently. The ClsMrtcri Conference wee the diet statewide moot ing es the Deportment nine# the Legion in North CeeeUaa became integrated last lane. It was the tint Integrated meeting in the history of the Deportment. Charles O. Irving, former Dlvlrteu Commander, Mery experience and Mm. Vie let Pollen, fermer prortdent of At the outset. Commander Lake (coNTmuo on pans *) From Raleighs Police Files: THE CRIME BEAT BY CHARLES R. JONES T .oud Complainant Find* Self In Jail Wilbur Bodie. 30. of 30* S. Hay •rood Street, topped Officers C. O. Oilbert and L. T Williams at fcQS pm. Monday at the intersection of C. Martin and S. Haywood Streets, tnd told them someone had taken C 5 frer" hir sock while be was at the Restful Pines Motel. 712 East Martin Street was that he *>iai there wtth twe (Mh far leetnl W The emcete then went wMh kin to Ow esotel. where Bedic Mad to break into two or three SCBNES AFTER KILLING OF SAM COOKE Three o£kl l^riPridHy^wrirdhy Em Anfrblf, ST forme. Shown dnpctly above Is Miss Biiea Boyer, 22, whojpleimed in one of tm moot fentihar pasta TBs anger's body Is shorn* in Mr bottom photo, minutes after ha was shot. {VFI “Wat Just Beginning To Live,” Friends Say„ n GUDIN DOUGLASS - PM ANTI tOS ANGKJBS At the begin ning of his goopel-teraed-to rock and roll carver, he hod s tremend ously big am oatltled. “You Sand He tent them to—thousands of them, millions! Hlffr ond white, male and female. He was going to be big. His final hit record was, "Cousin of Mine." Toward the and of bis career a career which ended ingkxiously, malted with whispering and toe tip about a guy who had and still holds an image of being one of the most decent in the business he had just recorded a hit album call ed. "Good News.” WEATHEH ■imte i Taiapctstarss Ssr tea asm ftva dsga TlmrsSay Menflay, ovar'slartt* tttraUaa. Wefe and law tamparatmas far ttaMfh w* h, Ml. U Wtu Sac— caidar In the western and nartnam parts es the Stats ahaot Friday and evar tha anUra Stats flu latter part sf - -a- —a snzpHzz whs mm ■shew* wears ami wtn aecar auialy Sari IBS tea WtdSls sf Ihs perted- and public rtnmkennme. due to his loud disturbance. Shoots At Cops From His Doorway As ■ result es a call that some one was shooting a rifle behind toe house at 1207 E. Eden ton Street. Officer* P. A. Dean. R. F: Perry and T. T. Street. Jr. went to thte ad dross at 7:60 p. m. Friday. Cyan arrival, they farad teg in tea dearway wtte a lead ad rifle te Ms teal Ha was ardared by all terse dltetn to pet the rifle dawn. Hewrver. Williams fired k te tee cops' part imiMdsg! r " ,T " ** (IWHDIUH ON MdH te Cooke was deed. Be died Just at a turning point in his career. Be was going to be bigger! The police found bis thirty-two year-old body in the manager's office in a Los Angeles motel. The manager, lira Bertha Lee Franklin had shot him. She told police ahe did the shooting after Cooke broke into her quarter*, looking tor a companion, 22-year-old Elisa Boy ar. The story goes that Sam Cooke (COWTPtPED on PAGE ») Will Arrest More In Rex Food Thefts Detective U. Edgar C. Duke in formed a CAROLINIAN newsman early Wednesday, "We feel rea sonably sure that more arresu will be made in the future. It may be a week, or it may be taro or three weeks." pnt*to htaTaa'te'wheSaMbe PMHiif ov peraom niToivfu es aver INN* worth at feed ■applies from Bn Hospital A**sixth*arrest was made last Saturday, aa officers charged 47- year-old Victor Peebles, operator of the Charcoal name Restau rant. 200 & Wilmington Street, who Uvea at 110 Lincoln Court. Peebles was accused of being an aceaeswy after the feet at cm- Arrested Friday were two otner restaurant operators. Mrs. Pearl Lae. ». of 041 Newcombs Road; and Eddie Winston. M. of 011 N. State Street. Both face embex- Tbw cassette also resulted in chargee against the hospital's food and services director, James Har vey Young, of 407 Vester Drive, the only white man arrested out of the six so far Involved. This ease came to light on No vember 14 as Raleigh police offi cers followed a track, loaded with meets front a motel near Onracr to a point Inside the cite Emits on the Bock Quarry Road. The nwmM the tench at meat, properly at Bern Hos pital. Arrested ea the spot 202 Mtevfld Avene, and Wil liam Lee. Jr. of Ml Newrsmbe Peart Lea DEATH OF SAM COOKE BLOWTOMUSIC WORLD The Carolinian 1 North Carolina *$ Leading Weekly ■ _ ——* VOL- K NO. T KALEIQH.W. e, SATURDAY, DECEMBER It, 1964 PRICE 15c N. C Prelate At N. Y. Dinner Bishop Shaw Feted Tar Heel AM E Zion Honoree NEW YORK cmr Offictefc of Christendom. along with ministers sad Hymen of the AM. B. Eton Church, gathered wi*fc rstsserarm night. Deownbor 11. In era of *e of WUmlndton, N. C'. wire weloon ed to the New TortJCanferoMe of the AJIB. Zion #3T It h to be rsdßuberod test Bishop Shaw wit aodgaod to this artn. (the miter deafer ease), nt the.jMtM^Byerol eroded Bleheg W. J. WaSk whe had charge es H far a namber at yean. Be abated the hen ero with Mra. M. Ardelie Shaw, tetfe wire repmvtose the The affair was arranged by n coexnitte of the New York Confer once, headed by Dr. O W. McMur ray and R. L. Speaks, both of whom came to New York to pastor Mother Zion. 1660) Street, be tween 7th Avenue Ibd Lenox Ave nue, and First A.M.K. Zion Church, McDonough at Thotnpklns, Brooklyn, believed to have the lar gest memberships es any two churches in the dencuination, af ter Bishop Shaw was assigned here. Dr. Aaron Brown. Bdueattonrl Director, Phelps Stokes Fund and a member of the Board of Educa tion. for New York City, served as Master of eenmoniea The Rev. J. W. Findley delivered the invoca tion. after Mlm Ly Ilian Elmore sans the National Anthem. by Dr. Bpsebs, Mis. Both Whitehead Whs ley read a Bimage from Mayer Bofeort (CONTINUED ON FAOE I) V’y-s'’t %»% S’ ■- - lx wk . - ->• tLtfg BISHOP HERBERT BELL SHAW Humphrey Coordinates Civil Rights WASHINGTON, D. C. Urban League officials hsve aijiirani muefaction with tbs appointment last week by President Johnson of Vice President-elect Humphrey to coordinate the Administration's multiple civil rights acttvttles. »t mtsgrtty. eMWy end fair ness es tee Vice pridian! i ted." aaig Phttaey ML Teeny Jr. OEssmtie db safer at tee Mrtmrtteud nrt up (CONTtNUO~ON PASS 2) JAMES CHANEY'S MOTHER AT MISSISSIPPI HBARINO Mrs. Fannie Lae Chaney, left, mother of the efein civil righta worker, James Cheney, Is ehown taet Thursday being eecorted by an unidentified woman into the federal Building at Meridian, Mie s. They were Attending the preliminary hearing by V. S. Commieeianer Briber Carter to determine whether chargee in connec tion with the murder at three civil righte workers taet eummer ehould be continued against the 11 euepecte. The chargee have tinea been dropped against all of them. ( UP! PHOTO). From Washington: El oquent Plea; From Mississippi: Slap At Justice IT CECIL 1A MILTON National Affairs Editor, ANTI la Meridian, f* imm *r*‘rr l . last weekend, the 31 white men sneet od a week earlier by FBI ajuste in conactlan with the murder tael summer of thro* dell rights work* ore hi that state were by s against them drsppod and their bell bonds rescinded. AH 31, to* Girl, 17, Accuses Man, 26, Os Rape; He’s Bound Over Magistrate Broofca W. Pools Tuesday ordered Ms Edward Ames, 33. es 7M E. Hargett fitPsot, held tor trial in Wake Sugeriar Court after 17-year-eld Mias PhyV Hs Mario Hamm. <f 301 SpwMO Street, related at o bearing how she was ferood to get Into Ids oar and finally was raped. Afew Principal dottae st toe start of to* IMK-dO school The Carnage School, oe Sooth Haywood Street, h expected to ho sempleHd by the MSI school •hiding to* Sheriff and deputy sheriff of Nsohobo County, walk* od out fceo, and smiling. hi Washington, P. O. the Johnson, ■psaktng b stars the Wsti Anombiyof too vg iemnmvlm n pass q Jones, who was charged with both kidnap and rape h being bold without bond for raps only, at this fima. Ho residao Just one Mock Bern Mbs Hamm Mrs. Betts Hamm, the girl's mother, Mdormad Dotoettee figt A. A. Bums st %'M pm. hut Friday, that Pbylhs earns •saw shoot 3 pm. and told bar rim had bam pished ap in front of Ligon School. E. Lenoir Street by o men who said ho would kiH bar if riw ref need to fri tato toe mm. She related hew he drove east on Lenoir, north on Rock Quarry Hood and Bow Bara Avenue, turn ed right on Hew Bern Avenue and going one hail mile down a dirt going out Foote Rood near Horn* or Briarhopper's Chib, and finally driving one-half mile down a dirt hs mnS smjbnt "janes CMflfhi lM| Ac iMlmlt Aw CAROLINIAN —- ADVERTISERS Bin FROM THEM * MOt t Horton's Cask Stars Mclsea’s WsysMa MOI t B. P. Goodrich MOI » Hudson-Balk-Eflrdf ... Jobs W Wtoters aad Co. PAOB 0 Csteals! iters tOBOoa on Co. WasWaf(or Tsrrscs Apts., bw. H. B. Oaten rarattors Company MGI t UP S torso lifitu Bvtt4tfl C#> MOI • Cifflliui fliflitra Ctrp Pspot-Cols OotUtas Co. of Balol.b SMrswsy’i OpOetsa tat. PAGO • Csrsltna Power sad Ucbt Co. CsanstMslsS CrsOM Co Carry Uoaso Improvement Co. PAGE II v ■awls Motor Co. Al Smith Belck ■WB , CnlteO Boat* Ails PAOB IS Bast O aeoral Tiro Co Woods S aa« ISc Stars Bios Cots Motel PAOB U PstMss Charcoal Plans Capital Para, and AppHaaca Co., bto. Carolina Clsaasrs Caralolch Paraltora Stars Arnold Jacobs’ Vacua Ants Oiscoaat W. T. Groats Shoe Mart Wroun-PharrHoy*’ Stars Kbnbrsiri Psaays Dad Gutty Os Morals Violation BT CHAUM B. JONS» An ironic twist luM l tatfcsr and his son In the same oUßilock of Wake County Jail, toeethan M hour* Mart here Sunday night, «■ Angus Dunn. Sr. «. was "hauled In" on a morals ran. shortly alter bis aon. Angus, Jr. hfedalnady boon charged with § felony. This hrtnga tojntod, the s’***" off the old block*” ■ Mr. Bunn. Sr. ms Mod In City 'ourt Tuesday tdin^uSTahoS tag In proetlta ion and reeelv -4 a six-months oad tons. Triad rtth him and 'barged with ngagtng in pros* ituttan was iSss jfan «m»mUi DUNN gy (ooutimn on sms n Says Son “ShotTo - I KjflMin” 1 W- •’TT ■W T*" W W V* ‘ i--*, ■-M ■. \ ' •- ] *» ms mnn pmUv ANOCS BUNN, A. . .. gMs sow itoggiag -aa-T;-,",./ Traf-T-r Holiday Headline -ra-ATeas: MNIAM WMgO to fOSMSa aJMhe regalar Wodnasdup yah rt»ouL fgMBM, meat BB at AH loesi i err toying owls sad A Meets wa wiMiia Or* orged te observe tkfs deed Una. Mows sad yhetsgrayte wfll act bo sassy ted far (WtdMsa after U oooa MOMDAfcr This as* Bssord Shop :r Boas’s _ , Security Market 'WIM, DanlsPs ciothlug Stars Capital Bar*am Store t Bn Praaklta Ini to -■ * HaUlf-Lsvtna Stows Jaaa Brass Shop , Larsens ; ) PAOB 1* Larses* Betty Osy ; i Jsasas IsaSsrs TUs Co PspU-Cola BettHas Co. , t Maratsa-Bailey, me. * ' Atobura Poatlaa. to* - ) Modita-Dsvis Z.T2. Crass Poultry Co. Ivey’s of Balalsn > Breach Baahtag sari Trust Co. Budsoa-Balk-Bnrds of Botolgh PAOB 1* l<outoad*s Orsssry and Transfer Tbs Salas sng Sanies Co, WbUo’iiQßCn, too. » Csmtrsl Bros Store. Terraco toauraaeo aad Baa Up 1 Aeasa Bonny On PAOB IS „ ~ r Dunns Ssas Series j Mechanics aad Psrmari Bant Brooks AppManca Co. PAOB U Pi toe* wb Mtoals■ Co., Ins. BMeo .. --T-“ . Coca-Cola HRfiMB <

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