10 THE CAROLINIAN B4UCIGH. N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER IS. 1964 | The Raleigh SCENE ll PERSONALS DE. GIFSON WILL DIRECT INSTITUTE St Augustine'i College he* re ceived * $47,490 grant from the Na tional Scier.ee Foundation (or the support es a "Summer Institute in Science for -Secondary School Teacher*.” according to Dr. James A. Boyer, president of the college. Inq a tries for further Infor mation should be addremed to Dr. Jeffrey Gipson, head es the Department of Chemistry and Director es the Institute. MR. E. L RAIFORD AT CHICAGO MEET Mr. E. L Halford, executive aeefttary es the YWCA, is at tending a national conference es YMCA executive and toy assn tat Chicago. Dec. IE-1?. THE ROYALETTES IN SESSION The Roy alette* Civic sod Sbc.nl Club met Sunday at the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Ywblaa. Devotions were led by Mra. Helen Ooode. The Sleeting wag opened for bualneaa and the final plana were made for the Annual Dance to be given In January. Reports were made by the various committees. After closing the meeting. Christmas gifts were exchanged at which time members were also served refreshments by the hos tess. They were very happy to have with them at this meeting the needy child they have "adopt ed" for Christmas. Members present were: Mas dames Flora Andrews. Olivia Blount. Virgin!* blount. Dors Brown. Julia Brown. Jeen*tte Fields, Eleanor Flagg, Heten Goods. Carrie Morgan. Leona Mor gan. Josephine Morgan. Amelia Peebles. Elisabeth Peebles. Mai caret Peebles. Susan Person. Lou tee Rand, Mildred Ecarver, and Mlaa Kathryns Williams. THE BUSY BEE CLUB OF SMITH TEMPLE CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Julius Young of ‘IMPORTED RARE SCOTCH ffil Sa SJ2S aim mm nan an am mm « am am amiaua, act, W ■ SnPStXrQ Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co., Os Raleigh KM HILLSBORO STREET. RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA -»• TEL. T* 3-1071 BIRTHDAY PARTY A birthday party was given for Miss Cynthia Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols, Jr, 1102 Oak wood Avenue, who cele brated her 7th birthday, Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. The table was decorated with a beautiful birthday caka with seven candle* and tha inscription "Hap py Birthday Cynthia”. Delicious punch and cake was served the guests. Games rod prizes were giv en to sll guests present An enjoy able time was had by aIL Those attending were: Anne Smith, Pearletta Pullen, Adrennr Joyner, Barbara Jean Day, Janette Frieda Paige, Gregory Bunch, Jam es Thomas Bunch. Carolyn Bunch, Cynthia Nichols, and Margarita Bunch. CLUBS 817 E. Martin St. were hosts to the Busy Bee Club on December 8 There wae a devotion held after which bualneae of Importance wae discussed. The hostess served a delightful repast. Members pres ent wen: Mesdames Helen Allen. Mary L. Jackson. Carrie Johnson. Fiorina Smith, Cornelia Moore, and Mr. und Mrs. Samuel Os borne. JUNIOR WOMAN’S CLUB MEETING The regular business meeting of the Junior W man's Club was held recently at the Mary Talbert Home. Mra. Beatrice Hall, presi dent, presided. Eight members at tended. After th* martin v IN* *!>»*■< members presented Mis. Carr is Morgan of the Mary Talberi Home with Christmas presents. She was quite surprised and pleased. Members attending the meeting wen: Mimes Ida E. Jones and Vivian Bart; Me*- dams* Mary B. Ora ham, Bea trice Hall. Oram Harris, Cath erine Jones. Phyllis Haywood. Chrystlne Cooper and Inm Peebles. This was tha last regular meet ing of the year. Meetings will be resumed on Tuesday, January 12. 1965 at the Mary Talbert Home. All members are asked to be pres ent for that meeting. WHAT WIVES don't tall their husbands and what husbands drat tell their wive* would not bo print able. DreßMKibty Consider ttibdimate-botti day and nigtot. A SSBVtCS 0* VOW MAST ASSOCIATION Memory ' Test lag I A aagMJa gaagga, vw • w ewwaow- Hot* m Itt mat* la the tgaata below, Now, •it Hto aowspomt estate sad say tbe Nan over e few time* et yeeteeH. It wea*t be leaf before Wl WILL kaew If yew beve sewed the tern." fßldgamayal ■ OPTICIANS, laa. ■ • • as* Orwasim What is Doing Around Town! ATTEND NCNW'S FOUNDER'S DAY DINNER HERB Pictured ere some ot the member* and guests who were in at tendance et the Sir Walter Hotel last Saturday evening me ts.-e 'Dear Father, w* thank The* far Jess*, ear Savior, who wants to be a Onset la ear home* and a Friend In ear live*. Help ns make Him wel teaw with wards sad actions, aver mtndfal that th* class fel- ’ lewahlp w* will be, and better |»eupU we will liteuUiC.” OBERLIN "BAPTIST - Church School opened at 9:10 a m. with th* superintendent. Mr. Walter Cur tis. In chare*. Morning worship be gan at 11:00 am. with th* senior choir In charge of music, under the direction of Mrs. Elsie Hayes, and organist, Mrs. Lucille Camp bell. A very powerful sermon was delivered by tit* pastor, the Rev. J. P. Dempsey. LILY OF THE VALLEY FREE WILL BAPTIST—Sunday School opened at 10:00 a.m. with the su perintendent, Mr. Mack Arthur, tn charge. Morning worship began at >1:80 a.m. with th* Junior choir in charge of th* music, under th* di rection of Mr. Levi. A very Inspir ing massage was delivered by th* amlstant pastor. Sister Evon E. Mills- It was enjoyed by everyone Tbe Rev. Walter Sanders Is pastor. ST. ANNAH FREEWILL BAP TIST—Church School bogan at 10 a.m. with the superintendent, Mr. W. H. Lyons, Sr., in charge. Wor ship service is held every first and third Sundays. Tha JUv. L. T. Ford la pastor. YOUNG’S MISSIONARY TEM P’ *C CMB—Church School began at 0:80 with Et* superintendent, Mra. Della R. Ford. In charge Morning worship began at 11:00 with th* senior choir in charge ot music, under th* direction of Mrs Rhode*. The morning sermon was delivered by the pastor, Rev. Sis ter Baldwin, who brought a very inspiring sermon. ST. MATTHEW AME Church School began at 9:30 with the su perintendent. Mr. Robert Lesane, in charge. Morning worship begin at 11:00 with the senior choir in charge of music, under the direc tion of Mra. Mari* Riddick, and organist, Mrs. R. M. B. Walton. The morning lesson was read by the Rev. Georg* Parry. Th* moraine prayer was given by Mr. W. A. Wilder. Elder Dr. C. C. Scott brought a wonderful massage from the Bible. Th* Rev. J. F. Eppa is pastor. WILSON TEMPLE METHODIST Sanders Mator Co. .Employees Enjoy Aenual Christmas Party RE BOSS LENA M. BUBS Tha annuel Christmas Party and dinner for tha employees of The Sandora Motor Company was held Tuesday night at th* Peebles Charcoal name Restaurant. The party began at fc<)o with J. T. O'Neal and MUton BallenUn*. _ BY MRS MAV L SROADIE -"OP* &■' , X ’ —Church- School began at 9:30 a.m.. with the superintendent. Miss Na nle Morgan, In charge. Morning worship began at 11:00 with the junior choir in charge of the mu sic. under the direction of Mrs. M. M. Kelly. Th* pastor. Rev. Samuel E. NeSmith, delivered a very In iUt. iitco;»4i*iu, vwtit li vahiS #»fl ed by all. TOPPER MEMORIAL BAPTIST —Church School began at 9:30 with the superintendent, Mrs. Dorothy Allen. In charge. Morning worship began at the usual hour with tbs Collegiate Fellowship Choir es Shaw University in chargo of the music. The morning prayer was given by Mr. Melvin Davis. A vary encouraging sermon was delivered by th* lrtVTßuincy Scott of Shaw University using as bis subject, “Joy and Good News.” Th* Bov, D. N. Howard. Sr. Is pastor. WILLIAMS GROVE BAPTIST— Church School bogan at 9:80 am, with th* superintendent, Mr. Phil lip Alston, In charge. Morning wor ship began at 11:00 am. with tha Junior choir in charge ot th* mu sic, under tha direction of Miss Jacqueline Mitchell. A wonderful sermon was delivered by th* Rev. William GUes. Sr. FIRST BAPTIST—Church School began at 9:30 with th* superintend ent Mr. W. H. Taylor. Sr, tn charge. Morning worship opened at 11:00 a.m. with the call to wor ship given by the pastor. Th* jun ior choir was tn charge of the mu sic. under the direction of Mr. W. W. Hurdle, and organist Mias Joyce Cooke. The responsive read ing was lead by the pastor. Rev. C. W. Ward. Th# morning lesson «nd morning prayer were offered by the pastor; and taken from the Rook of Isaiah and th* Book of St Matthew. He used for hla subject “The Bible Says.” It was enjoyed by everyone. BTU began at 6:30 with Mr. Eiank Hinton and Mrs. Leula* Shaw in charge. Evening worship started at 7.30 LINCOLN PARK HOLINESS - Sunday School, with Mr. Arthur Williams, superintendent in charge, began at 10 o'clock. Morning wor ship followed with the pastor, th# Rev Eli Ratcliff, conducting ser vice. The message for the day was brought by the assistant pastor, Rev. Mrs. Mary Cotton. She spoke from the subject "Thy Will Be Done ” The sermon was most en joyable. Music was rendered by program chairmen. In charge. Mr. O'Neal greeted and wel rMsed the gaeatt. arierwhleh th* croup tang. “Silent Night" Slewing waa spakea by Mr. Milton Kearney. A very delte teas dinner was served, h con sisted *f reaat tarkey and dr sea lag with gravy, bar bee ea, green P«*». creamed petal***, hat raU* and hatter, with eeflee, for desert apple pie and certs*, runtime and garnet took place after dinner, with Mra Olivette Beasley as mistress of ceremony. Among th* aaony gomes aM quisles played were: Fill In th* word which ended In a crazy story, aong gam**, alphabet and gnitaing gamea Prizas war* awarded to contestant* who answered th* ques tions correctly aad who acconqpliah ad what they were asked to da Finally, tha drawing took plot* with Mra. J. T. OTtaol winning the drat prtaac o country ham; Mra BsUantioa end Mra Webster won 3rd and 4th prise*, respective ly Each lady guast received a leva ly double string et simulated Quarts present were: Mr. Calli* Singletary. Mr. Ralph Smith. Mr. wd Mra. tana Kearney. Mr. and National Council ot Negro Women celebrated Founder’s Day. (See story). tha Junior choir, under th* direc tion of Mrs. Fannie Washington, accompanied by Mr. William Rat cliff. Rev. V. K. Miller of Greens boro and Rev. Mra. Dunlap of Bal timore, Md. and congregation were SUMta in the sft*m«w' MORNING STAR BAPTIST Sunday School opened at 11 o'- clock. The subject discussed was “Brothers In Christ." Morning service was opened by tinging, “O Com* All Y* Faithful.” Scripture was taken from Ephes ians, Bth chapter. The next aong was, “Silent Night” Th* mission ary offering was taken and an nouncements mad*. Th* pastor. Rev. & R Spencer, brought a w on derful sermon from Ephesians, 29: 34. His subject was “Home and Family Relationship.'' Church was closed by alnglng. “Bless Be the Tide.” BTU opened at g o'clock. Sub ject discussed: “Welcoming the Visitors.” SMITH TEMPLE FREEWILL BAPTIST—Sunday School began at 10 a. m. with the aupt, Mr. Elbert Sanders, in charge. At 11 a. m, Rev. N. McKeKban, of Dunn, made th* call to worship with the chorus In charge of tm music, under th* di rection of Mrs. F. Smith and Mra L. Holder. The scripture lessen was taken from St Luka, 8-16-34. Rev. McKeithan brought a won derful message from St Luke, 4-29, Subject “Christ a Master of all ♦hinge” RUSH METHROPOLTTAN AME ZlON—Church School began at 9:45 ajn. Th* Supte, Mr. Leslie Camp bell and Mr. Jasso Degraffenrtldt, war* in charge. The Junior Church services war* conducted by Rev. 8. C Taylor. The 11 a. m. worship service* were opened by Rev. John D. Lockley, who In turn preeenled the pastor. Rev. T. K. Harris, who delivered the morning massage Rev. Harris choaa hla discourse from Genesis. 49th chapter end the 10th vert*. Theme: “Waiting and looking for Christ, the Lord.” At 8 p. m. the VCE held Its meet ing. The speaker for th* occasion was Genell Harrell, who did a mag nlficient Job with the subject The speaker for next Sunday will ha Frederick Lockley. At f R m, the evening'services were held. Th* Rev. S. C. Taylor delivered an inspiring massage, on Problem Solving.” kin. Annie H. Thorpe la church reporter. Mm Lonnie Webstar. Mr. aad Mra Major High. Miss Barbara Hodges. Mr. aad Mrs. Melvta Jones, Jr, Mr. Oerter Singletary. Mr. and Mm Joshua McCommornick, Mr. and Mrs. MUton BallenUn*. Mr. and Mra J. T. O’Neal. Mra Dunrtoa and daughter Otaris. Mr. and Mra Id- Ala* Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Laa, Mr. aad Mra I swan Morrison. Mr. aad Mra Archie Walden, Jr, Mr. aad Mra Johaato Page. Mr. aad Mra Thamae Burnett. Mr. and Mra AJ tan Pag*. Mb and Mra Rank Getd ston. Mr. Richard Moor*. Mr. aad Mra Warran Thamm aad Mr. aad A itlltftital time was had hy *O. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY GB OS BY-GARFIELD SCHOOL F. T. A. MEETING HELD Extravaganza is tbs taro to um tor the production witnessed by an overflow audience et the Crosby- Oarfield School P. T. A. meeting on Tuesday. No. 8. Under the super vision of Mrs. Ruby Greene, Ele mentary School Music Consultant pupils from grades one through six presented “A Time For Music." Grads one, under the direction ot Miss L. L. Hartsfield and Mr*. O. W. Hicks, presented a song "Must Be Santa,” and two delightfully entertaining rhythmic selections— " Santa and his Reindeer” and “Dancing Dolls.” Grade two, with Mrs. Lucille Bryant and Mrs. M. R. C---~ U 4s>w4llaJ «* ‘ Dance-a-story—The Magic Moun tain.” From grade three, under the supervision of Mrs. P. W. Smith, e rhythm band performed brilliantly two selections—Percussion Scope, and Nutcracker Sutter-Then came the tonettes from grade four, un der the guidance of Miss L. L. Perry. They played “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,” “Jingle Bella” and “Joy To The World." With Miss S. N. Diggs, Mra. G. G. Banks, and Mrs. M T. James, th eftfth grade provided an added note of Joy and happiness with their rendition* of “Long Ago,” featuring the auto harps and bells; a Latin American Folk Dance and cn old country style square dance. The sixth grade, under the guid ance of Mrs. Turner, would have stolen the show had it not been for tbe first, second, third, fourth and fifth grades. They really show ed the audience a true picture of excellence in their performance of “Carol of the Drum” and “Silent Night" As th* program progressed from grade to grade, one could readily note the advancement in musical knowledge, skill and coordination, as well as the basic musical em phasis tor each grade level. With the Christmas season being evi denced as a them*, th* costuming and musical ability exhibited by th* children was exbillrating and placed everyone present in th* “mood far Christmas”. Among the many guests in th* audience was Mr. Arnold Pen land, Elementary School Music Supervisor in th* Ra leigh Public Schools. The January meeting will fea ture some of the boys and girls In action, and th* highlight of the program will be a talk by Dr. C. B. Middleton of Raleigh. AH parents, and friends of education, are In vited to attend. MS*O^ >l H a MX li bkbL ft* Vbrgtn biNttwal HEbi My Lady** Doings ♦ ♦ ♦ Ih And Out Os Town GABBING About Town BY MRS. A. H. THORPE "Help as. O Lard, to lave, forgive, and serve ether*. If trivial things keep as apart, give as grace and strength to be reconciled Mar no bound aries mar ear friendship.” HOME FROM HOSPITAL Ws art happy to report that both Mia. Hattie Peterson, of 418 Watson St., and Mrs. Carrie Fat arson. of & State St. are home now. Their many friends are pray ing that God may continue to bless and strengthen them. PATIENT AT WAKE MEMORIAL Mrs. Jennie Johnson, of 540 E. Cabarrus St. la again a patient at Wake Memorial Hospital. Har Local NCNW Members, Guests In Founder’s Day The National Council of Negro Women celebrated Fourier's Day at a dinner at th* Sir Walter Ho tel last Saturday at 5:00 p.m. With fifty in attendance, including out of-town guests It was a gala af fair in a beautiful setting of Christ mas colors. Dr. Elian S. Alston is tha local president of the organisation. Mra Caesarea Dawson Debnam, supervisor of the Wake County High Schools, wgg the mala speak er for the event Her speech cen tered around Um life of tbe late Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, found er of th* NCNW. Mra Debnam’■ subject, "The Search for Meaning,” eras enthu siastically and inspiring ly given and received as aha told the assem bled group, "We must join hands in mobilizing and utilizing all a vailabl* resources concerned with human betterment." Her subject embodied the invincible determi SCANNING THE DISCS BT CHARLES J. LIVINGSTON ADVANCE CHRISTMAS MIJCAgICf CHICAGO (NPI) Th* review this week centers on a few advance releases of delightful Christmas music. They include choral music, featuring tha famed Mormon Tab ernacle organ on Columbia label, organ music by Eddie Layton tor Epic Records, and an individual waxing of tbe Yule theme by ging er Jo Stafford on Capitol Records. Next week, the column will fea ture the Negro Press Internation’s first annual Christmas Message to record fans, together with addition al Yuletide reviews. The details of this column follow: “CHRISTMAS WITH THE MOR MON TABERNACLE ORGAN AND CHIMES": Columbia LP (ML 60* 37). Far* includes “Adeste Fidelia,” “We Three Kings.’’ and *1 Heard tha Bells," among others. Th* Mena— Taberaaele or* I. ■■ „.T p , I Everything For • • • BUILDING REMODELING REPAIRING • UMBER • MILL WORE • tTHET'B PAINTS • AIILDUNO MATERIALS • RUSS WIN HARDWARE Dial TB 1-7563 CAROLINA BUILDERS CORP. 117-219 N. Duma St RALBIOR N. C. WIGLET HAIR STYLES s.w,r.Wu:: ■AST TOOT. attack isma COMB M THKXM STYUSI EH: *»“WSTY*—StH S 3 M. VtSSAMBr WB inw, "ADOIMf 0 jj^S many friends pray for her speedy recovery. SPENDS WEEKEND IN WAKE Mrs. Geneva Yarborough of 418 Watson St., spent last weekend 'n Youngvtllc and Franklin ton. visit ing relatives and friends. PATIENT AT HOSPITAL Mrs. Odessa Yarborough Byrd is a patient at a hospital in Chap el HflL Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. NOTE:We are still listening for your call. Did you forget It last week? Tie a string around youx finger, last you forget. adtion of our model, never to give up. She further stated, “We must find comfort in our beliefs and pradio* our Christianity as biti we can. Nothing comes without ttith and prayer aad sweat” She closed her speech with ex cerpt* from Dr. Mary McLeod 84- th une's last wjU and testimony: I lodve you love. I leave you hope, I leave you a thirst for education, 1 leave you faith, I leave you racial dignity, I leave you desire to lh/o har moniously with your fellowman, and I leave you finally a responsibil ity to our young people. Th* meeting was pretided over by the chairman of the Founder's Day Committee, Miss J. Rom Me bane. The other members of the committee were: Mrs. George Fox well and Mrs. Frank Turner. tea erne et tbe meet pew erf ill and toneful lnttrnmente es Its kind to aae today, is played with a mlxtare of fenltog aad gsyety by Alexander Schreiner. In all. he samples 26 Tale tones with cbaaglag eaters aad toads. . . . Th* maste la ea ch* need by tanefal chimes that blend wenderfolly with to* heavy tanas es th* pew erfol or gan. . . . This la a timely LP that should help to warm th* cackles es disc fans as they sit aad listen at their firesides dor teg tha Christmu icasod. “ORGAN MUSIC FOR CHRIST MAS":—Eddie Layton’s Epic LP tNL Mll)8. Tunes Include “O Util* Town of Bethlehem,” “Away In A Manger,” and, for tha kiddies, “Ru dolph th* Rod Nosed Reindeer.” PRINTING • Commercial • Social Catena Ua for Renaoonbta Estimates Prompt ★ Servlet Phone TE 4-SS3S —The— CAROLINIAN PUBLISHING CO. SIS B. Martin Street Rxdeifh. N. C.

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