12 THE CAROLINIAN KALEIGH, N. C„ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1984 "J * JLg)£>4tLy- 1 Mpi- : \ §■ : ' "t 7 * M lEh \fl j |Sb v ~-^H I aj •■ >%*■,:^H * B_ '_* , ,£gK s i yU ~. -.#■ ■ 4 *■ -vmwK^ ; CLINTON'S MARDI GRAS QUEENS Each queen woe presented a trophy for hf par ticipation. Pictured from left to ritht are: Mr* Ruby Eaton, Miu Jean Tatum, Mil* Jean £*. Lee • better. Mi** Minnie Pearl Sampeon, Mite Effie Butler, Mr*. Martella Worley and Mile Delore* Henry. (See Clinton newa lor itory). ROBERSONVILLE, A FRIENDLY AND PROGRESSIVETOWN, -the carolinian' wishes the merchants and citizens a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year WiLU\\tSTO\ MEWS BY 1. E. LEATHERS SIfCCFBS “inui MISS MUF FET" CORONATION WILLIAMSTON —The S. P M. Club presented it* f(r«t "Little Mi si Muffei" enronation Sunday, Dec. A. In the F J Have* School Gym torlum “Little Mim Muffet" wins Mi«* i ”( Wirffpr. sponsored by Mm A L. Bazemore. mperviior of the public ichooli of Bertie County First runner-up was Mi** Kimberly H. leathers; Second runner-up was Miss Yolnn da Williams; th.lrd runner-up was Mias Bonltn Roberson, and fourth yunner-up was Mias Zeline Marie flunrh. The program was narrated by Mrs Vivian Morris. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS The official holiday viicuiion for Martin County students begins Ti esday. Die 22 and ends on the third day of January. JBS During this span of time, student* are go ing to he involved in much activity, McArthurs EXCHANGE DEALER AGENT FCX Freda - Seeds - Fertiliser A Farm Supplies PHONE 795-4081 ROBERSON VILLI'.. N. C\ II i% II CASCO. Bulk & Bottle Gas - Maytag Appliances Zenith Radio & Television Phones: Bus: 70S J.IBI Kts. 70S JV)' W B lII'RST. Owner-Manager Robersonville, N. C. WILLIAMS Grocery Company RED & WHITE SUPERMARKET • Superb Quality of Fresh Meats & Vegetables • Daily Delivery of Fresh Fruits • Xmas Supplies - • You Get Greenbax Stamps R. E. Williams. Gen'l. Mir. J. L. Williams. Mkt Mi-. Slogan; ‘The Prices Are Lower All Over The Store' Robereonville, N. C. r but thry are to be reminded to be raieful and slrrt at all times. Stu dent* are hereby reminded to guard • gainst becoming cold statistics. ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Watch for the big game, the big- IB SMB 4 nn me r\ f lV*p ee..— .. •5, when K J Hayes rigors will meet the East End Blue Devil* Don't mlsl this thriller. “HE DID IT” EVERETTS, N' C The task of building an eleven room brick home alone may seem an impossi ble o-denl for some, but indeed not for all. Mr. Arlln Wallace, resi dent of Everetts, has recently com pleted the construction of his new and beautiful brick home Working during his spate and leiaute time, Mr. Wullacc built his new home ! alone He says that "can't’’ died several years ago and thut diligent woik i> God's speed are sufficient in getting tough assignments accom plished. The community Is Invited to ride by this new home and see evidence of perseverance. I am sure KNOX Hardware Your ONE STOP SHOP' j Complete Line of Hardware Merchandise. ’ ROBERSONVILLE. N. C. that the town of Everertta and the county Join In saying, “Congratula tions, Mr. Wallace.” ECSC ALUMNI MEETS WILLIAMSTON The regular monthly meeting of the A. P. Let- City State College will be held Thursday. Dec. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Manson^Jl. Local president, W B. Spence, Is urging all members to be preaent and on time. Business of importance Is on the agenda. E. J. HAYES SCHOOL 1964-63 Basketball Schedule Southwestern, Dec. I, home Carver. Dec. 4. away Phillip, Dec. 8, home Greene County. Dec 13. away Phillip, Dec. 17, away Bethel, Jan. 5, away P. S. Jones, Jan. 8, away Bethel, Jan. 13, home Queen Street, Jan 19, home •Southwestern, Jan. 23. away P. S. Jones, Jan. 26, home Queen Street, Jan 29, away Carver. Feb 4, home East End, Feb 3, away Nash Central. Feb 9. away East End. Feb. 12, home Greene County, Feb 16, home j Nash Central, lYb. 19, home West Martin, Feb, 23, away West Martin. Feb. 26. home Coaches: H I. Boone. A. Mason, II PRESIDENTIAL FIRSTS Theodore Roosevelt, the Catholic Digest states, was the first Presi dent to ride In an automobile and the first to leave the U S while In office, a trip to the Panama Canal. ROYAL CLEANERS and SHIRT LAUNDRY CYnning and Laundry • Shirts Done at Our Plant WE PICK UP AND DELIVER G. L. FARIBHER, Mg., ROBERSONVILLE, N.C. SCOTT’S JEWELRY Make Someone Happy Xmas With P Gift From Scott’s Jewelry Co. Select From Our Fine Line of CHINA. WATCHES and KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS! Phone 795-3201 Robesonville, N. C. KtVI 14.A STORE • Complete Line of Fresh and « Household Wares Tender Meat* « Air Conditioners • Quality Groceries g Toy* • Farm Sup!'-s • School Supplies Roberson ville’s ONE STOP SHOP! HURST LAUNDROMAT Robersonville, N. C. Open 6a. m. lO p. m. CLOSED ON HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS New line of Mathluery Tenant Service Phone 795-3201 Robersonville, N. C. METHOD NEWS BT MISS DORA D. STROUD Oak City RagjMurf K JiM A. M. E. Chnk METHOD Rev. Laottte Deb nam and Rev. J. N. Sheene held their regular mid-monthly eerv leee at their churches Sunday moraine at U o’clock. The Junior Choruses of both churches were In charge of the music. Christmas rrsrrsms Both St. James A.M.E and Oak City Baptist Churches will present Christmas programs Sunday nl*ht at 7:30. Presents from the Sunday School will be given to the chil dren at those services. Everyone Is urged to come out to hear and encourage the children. St. James A. M. E. Services will be held at St James A.M.E. Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock with the pastor, Rev. Bheares in charge. The Senior Choir will furnish the mufllc. Prayer Btrrlea Each Monday and Wednesday nights are prayer meeting nights. All are Invited to attend each serv ice. HMenary Orels The Missionary Circle at St. James A. ML E. Church mat at the boms of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Smith. After the regular procedure. Rev. Sister Prasler gave a report of the Missionary work dons at the annual conference. She reported having had a grand time at the conference. SICK Our sick are doing nicely at this time. They appgjfelate all kindness shown to them. DEATHS Mr. Alex Bronson, son of the late Mrs. Callle and Mr. Bronson, passed away last week. He was funerallsed from Ughtners Fun eral Home Chapel, and laid to rest In the Llncolnvllle Church Cemetery. IHls wife, sisters and brother have our sympathy. Christmas Play At B. OK. High School The Christmas play for the Ber ry O’Kelly School will be held Monday night in the auditorium. An enjoyable time Is always had by all who attend each of them A short PTA session will be In or der also. Ladles Club The Ladles Willing Workers Community Club met with Mrs. Laura Manuel and Mrs. Lucy Scar borough last Thursday night. A Invelv hu«tr*»“ »»w(rw —*s Via A 'I lien the ludiea were served grandly, which an enjoyed. A/ter that both ladles birthdays were observed. They received many prised gifts. The Annual Christ mas party will be held at the home of Mrs. Sarah Smith Wed nesday night, Dec 8. Names were drawn for the gift giving Thurs day night. There will be a good speaker for the Christmas celebra tion. All members are urged to K e present. Mrs. Lottie Kearney became a member of the Ladles Club at th's meeting. OLD FASHIONED ONES WERE BEST As Yuletlde season is drawing nigh. In memory I recall Those happy carefree childhooc days And Christmas best of all. My mother planned so carefully Each gift received much thought It wasn't purchased at the store By loving hands ’twas wrought. The hard coal burner shed Its glow And Christmas Carols were sung. We gathered round our mother's chair Pop corn and cranberries strung. Lyndon B Johnson, President: “Firmness In the right is indis pensable today for peace. Thats irm ness will always be measured It* We looped and looped them round the tree Placed an angel on the top Then on the brunches bung our gifts And hoped they wouldn't drop. And as into our eager hands. Old Santa placed each treasure Although the cost was very mail. It gave us untold pleasure. Although I Join the modern throng So filled with vim end sect I can’t help thinking to myaelf Old-fashioned ones were the best! —BT OLAPTB PAPE CLINTON NEWS hi a a JOHNSON CLINTON—The Delta Eta Sig ma chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity held its December meeting at the Sampson High School Sunday, December 13, at 3:00 o’clock pjn. The meeting was prefaced with a dinner, served by the Zetaa The brothers and their wives enjoyed a delicious repeat of turkey with all the trimmings, coffee, ice cream and apple pia After the dinner, offleere for the next year were elected: president, Brother Fred Brown; vice-presi dent, Bro. OUin Dupree; secretary, Bro. Frank Howard; treasurer, Bro. F. E Wright; reporter, Bro. Henry M. Johnson; and dean of pledges, Bro. Mason. Mrs. Estelle Stewart was elected chairman of the “Shadow*," Miss Oletha Smith, secretary: Mrs. Ha zel Howard, treasurer; others pres ent were: Mrs. Addie M. Johnson and Mrs. Carlene Brown. It was voted to hold regular meetings every first Sunday of the month at 3 o'clock p.m. Bro. Ollin Dupree was elected chairman of the oratorical contest committee. There will be a call meeting on December 29 at night. It was also voted to hold an ora torical contest Sunday, February 14. 1965. The Sigmas will sponsor a J. V. cage tournament Jan. 28, 29 and 30. 1965. Returns Home Gaynell and Shelly McDougal. children of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. • T -■■■' .. l.ai <. . tui,.w« io , Greensboro to Join their parents, Their mother is recuperating at home from a recent operation at L. Richardson Hospital. Yours truly and Mrs. H. M. John son observed their 24th wedding anniversary on Monday, Dec. 14th. Mrs. Roenl Williams of Autry vllle has returned home from the Sampson County Memorial Hospi tal- Friends and relatives are wish ing for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Irene Brewington is a pa tient In the Sampson County Me morial Hospital. Also Mr. Leon Royal of Newton Grove. On next Sunday at 7 pjn., the youth of First Baptist Church will present a Christmas program. This program is under the direction of Mrs. Janet Spaulding, Mrs. Josie Moore and Mrs. Beatrice Jones. The public is invited to attend. Music Recital Rev. J. L. White will present his piano students in a recital at First Baptist Church next Sunday after noon at 4 p.m. The public 1* invited. Obituary Mr*. Jjfollie Boyette Stevens died at her home in the Bowen's Com munity on Monday night, Decem ber 7. She was born in Duplin County and was the daughter of the late 800 lam and Julia Boyette. Funeral services were conducted from the First Baptist Church, of Clinton, Friday. Dec. 11, with the Rev. L. A. Melvin officiating. Surviving are: her husband, Mr. Alonza Stevens; one daughter, Mis. Pocahontas White. Clinton; two sisters. Mrs. Pearl Harris and Mrs. Josephine Bowden. New York; five brothers, Messrs. Leonard. Clinton; Taison Boyette and Leroy Boyette, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Boolam, of Bal- i tlmore, Md.; and Charlie Boyette, | Goldsboro; two grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Patient at Duke Mr*. Olivia Dupree is a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham. We un f’ -<d that she is slowly on the mend. A Sampeon Memorial Mrs. Grace Faison is a patient at Sampson Memorial Hospital. Mstors to Clinton Rev. B. B. Bobbitt and Mr. Bur nett of Baltimore. Md. motored to Clinton last Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mollie B. Stevens. Omegas Sponsor First Mardl Gras Kappa Rho Chapter, Omega Psi Phi FrstemHy. Inc., sponsored its first Mardi Gras recently. Beauti ful queens, costumes and music made this gala affair enjoyable for all who attended. Brother James Faison was chairman of the Mardi Gras Committee. Mrs Ruby W. Eason, a teacher a Butler Avenue School in Clinton, was crowned “Queen of the Mardi Gras” Bros. James Newkirk and William B. Swinson were her spon sors. First runner-up was Mias Jean Tatum who trachea at Doug las High School. Warsaw; second runner-up was Miss Delores Hen ry. who teaches at C. F. Pope School Burgaw. Rhamkatte News RHAMKATTE Church School opened at 10 a. m. at Watts Chap el with Mr. Chester Debnam. aupL. presiding. Rev. L C. Lee. the pastor was the 11:30 a m. speak er from the 18th chapter at Kings. 3lst verse. Sister McNM prayed for the sick. Rev Russell, of Henderson trill be the speaker for the 4th Sunday at Watts Chapel. The Jr. Choir of St. John AME Church attended the Jr. Choir Anniver sary of Malaby’s Cross Roads Church. Rev Class, a young min ister. deitmed the sermon and very spiritually spoke from Use Book of St. Matthew. Our sick Hat for the week: Bro. Hopping About TARHEELIA By Jay Bee Aytch NAACP REVIVED ROCKP MOUNT’— Its s disgrace folks, nevertheless its the truth. We just don’t have any news from this Tobacco CRy this week worth of not*. At least we have been unable to ‘get the wind’ of any. We hate to have to toll that this town of wear 13,000 Colored people among the total 36 grand popula tion was on the verge of losing our NAACP Charter after being organ ised since October 3, 1939! Ain’t it a big shame? Particularly so when this region is known as one of the biggest and grandest social centers for the browns and tans of Eastern Tarheelia? Ask thorn about when you meat them at the next Dixie tto and striped pants shindig. En courage them to Join-up at home and take the land fat the fight tor freedom. We’re not too sure wo have saved our charter yet; not until our pre- Christmas masting an December 18. Wo had to get Charles McLean, 1438 Hattie Avenue, Winston-Salem, N. C, to rush down hare and give us a ‘shot-ln-the-srm’ to get the need ed 38 numbershlpe. Wa won't tell the general public bow tew wa had. but you who are NAACP members know toe minimum requirement tor a charter. Well have them, now that the fellow* have vowed to forego a few toddies and cigarette* to do the Job. And some of those who have been waiting for ‘some body to ask them’ are volunteering to pay memberships. You see, the local ites got carried away with a newly-formed local organization which, admittedly did much good work along NAACP'i line) and forgot that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was Just what its name implied national in its scope of operations and effective ness—and we were fast loosing thru default, the grand-daddy of all civil rights groups. New officers elected for the 1965- 66 biennium are (in part) Rev. El bert E. Lee, Jr., president; Vernon Gaynor, vice president; James H. Rawlins, secretary and William T Grimes. Sr., treasurer:. The Ku Klux Klan did not both er our Christmas parade even tho there were two floats with Colored children and the BTW High band played and marched in It as usual. At nearby Louizburg and Frank linton there were Klan threat* necessitating Gov. Terry Sanford’s speaking out strongly to warn et APEX BT MRS. LOUISE COLVIN APEX Sunday morning, De cember 13th the Gospel Chorus of First Baptist was in charge of the music for the 11 o'clock worship service. F _ Rev. W. M. Phil s' ’lips read the scriputre from II Kings. 1-7 verses W The pastor. Rev. W. T. BlgetoVs f text was taken from the above scripture begin nlng the Srd verse Suo gS&SgfeJ ec t: "Why Sit ■■■MM Ye Here And MRS. COLVIN Die?” It was an interesting message and very good food for thought. Visitors worshipping with us were: Rev. John Hamilton, of Durham, pastor of Lovely Hill Baptist Church of Millbrook. near Raleigh, and Mr. Mack Jones, of Oxford. CHRISTIAN HOME CHURCH Sunday at 2:00 p.m.. Rev. Sister Bessie Haywood, of Raleigh, was the guest speaker, at the Christian Home Church. Her text was taken from the 10th chapter of Revela | tions. Subject: “Crying With A | Loud Voice.” Singing groups ap pearing on the program were: the Harmonizing Six. of Morrtsvlli-; the Joyetts. of Raleigh, and me Gospel Chorus and portions of the Male Chorus of First Baptist, A pex. Mr. Pender Beckwith intro duced the speaker. The sttonsor was Mrs. Pender Beckwith. It was an enjoyable program FUNERAUZED Funeral services were held Fri day. Deo. Uth. at 3 pm. for Mr. Lattle Burt, at the St. Mary’s P. * W. B. Church. Officiating was the Reverend Shelton Williams. Dir vtvors are: his wife. Mrs. Isa Bell Burt: five sons, of Newark. N. J.. . William Nathaniel. Charlie Ed- I ward. James Ellis, and Wade Lst : tie Burt of the home: his mother Mrs. Vallie Burt of Raleigh. Rt 4: three brothers. Mr. Walter Burt, of Rt. 4. Raleigh: Mr. Ex cell Burt. :of Rt. 1, Apex; and Mr. Redd] , Burt, of Cary. One sister. Mrs. j Mary Alice Prichette. at Hamp ton. Vs: one uncle, two aunts, and ! a host of other relatives and friends- Burial was in the church cemetery. Funeral services for Mr. OLnn Goldston wore held at 3:00 p. ea st the Liberty Chapel Christian Church, in Moncure, on December 16th. Officiating was the Rev. C. Samuels Survivors are: two brothers Messers Randotoh Goldston. of Raleigh, and William Goldston. of Apex: one sister. Miss -Magalene Goldston. of Apex, and a host of other relatives and friends PERSONALS Mr. and Mis Charlie Hopkins of Washington. D. C . are visiting Mrs Hopkins mother. Mrs Ethel Oibaon. WUUaoa BaHenttne. Ratr. Patrick Burt, Robert Burt. Mr. Leonard of Charts Dr. Let* all pray tor than to have a weedy recovery. The 4-H OMs and Boss wtn have their Chrlatmaa party on ' Monday. Jan. 8. 1868. at tho Com munity Clubhouse In Rhamkatte. the wedding of his atoter. Mw , Hester A Jonas of 13M Jams ltd , to Mr. Ulysses McManus on Dos 36. 1864. at Martin 8C Boptfct * Church. Raleigh prosecution if there wss intefer ence. This even though Colored had participated in the parades for years. Yet, we can't get our folks to join the NAACP. MRS. VERA FORD VISITS: GRIMES PREACHES A pleasant weekend was enjoyed by the J. B. Hardens, 340 Penns Avenue, last week when they had as their house guest Mr*. Vera Bur ton Ford of 136 So. Caldwell Street, Newton, North Carolina. Mrs. Ford is a first cousin of scribe Jay Bee Aytch. Barren picked up Mrs. Ford in Goldsboro where she was visiting her brother, Johnny Burton, at Chany Hospital. They are the chil dren of Bruce Burton of Newton. The St. Jama Baptist Church. Rev. William L Mason, minister, was the scheduled scene tor the preaching of the trial sermon Sun day night of Deacon William Thom as Grimes Sr., the versatile barber, clothing sales, musician and choir director at several churches. Ad vance comments indicated much community approval for the Mar tin County native who worked his way through college while at the same time helping his family. REV. DUNN TO BEAUFORT We were glad to run up with the Rev. N. K. Dunn, former Halifax County pastor, who is now minister of the Mount Zion Baptist Church, Beaufort, N. C., down on the coast. His address is 613 Pine Street. He subscribed for this column. We are looking to hear much from Mr. Dunn in his new post. Chaflie Miller, husband of Mrs. Seagrams Seven YCro urn K:; - ■■■• 1 I 1H H Ella B. Miller, has retired from the Navy after twenty years and seven months service, tivering many a reas of the world. Mr. MUler is ex pected to make his home with his wife and son. HAWKINS IMPROVES The ML Pisgafa United Presby t--ian Church family and the com munity in general are glad to po-e the return home of Marvin A. Ha*- kins, from six months of hopitalisi tion at Chapel Hill. Hawkins is the husband of Mrs. Sadie Rich Hawk ins. He is an elder in the Mt. Pis gah U. P. Church. His address is 601 Penna. Avenue. . fi Alexander H. (Tuffy) Bryant, lo cal real estate operator, attende. the meeing of the National Urban- League last week in Dee Cee. The meeting was addressed by Presi dent Lyndon B. Johnson. - i Eliza Deth Jean Meeks, the year-old Carver High School tPine- . tops, Edgecombe County) grader, who had the signal honor of being the ONLY student from her county to attend the GovernbfT _ School at Salem College, Winston- Salem, last July, has been invited to attend the class reunion in Char-’ lotte, December 18-20. Ccwched by Mrs. Juanita Bar nette, Elizabeth Meeks won her placr on the roll of the select school group with her superb work in mathematics. FORD SALES and ' SERVICE ALLAN MIMS, NLOBFOB AT ED Telephone 3-3181 333 TARBORO ST. ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. ~

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